"Excellence in Truth in The Service of God and Country": Shepherdville College
"Excellence in Truth in The Service of God and Country": Shepherdville College
"Excellence in Truth in The Service of God and Country": Shepherdville College
Course Description:
A beginner course in English intended to provide students with the fundamentals of the language and a foundation for advancing through the four required
levels of English proficiency. The course also aims to teach English structures primarily through pattern practice and drills.
Review and codify the main facts about parts of speech based on the form rather than the meaning.
Locate information and understand main ideas in a short, simple written text.
Construct sentences and apply techniques for effective sentence building – the art of arranging word classes into various expansions of the basic sentence
Use simple forms of polite expressions to establish basic social contact essential in their chosen profession
and to perform everyday functions including making requests and offers, conducting simple phone conversations, asking and telling time, giving simple
directions, asking about price, ordering a meal, etc.
Exchange information by forming and responding to simple questions.
Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences using the correct word order and punctuation marks. 3.2. Use capital and lower case letters accurately
Construct a short guided paragraph on a familiar topic concerning their field of profession
Use the tenses of verb correctly.
Use the basic auxiliary verbs (am/is/are/was/were/can) and a range of regular and irregular verbs.
Demonstrate awareness of the essential grammatical features and functions including questions and negatives, plural nouns, frequency adverbs,
possessives, pronouns and determiners
Week 3 Unit II: Basic Sentence Patterns Written and Spoken Workshop Practical Exercises
a. Question Patterns Interactive Discussion (5-minute role
b. Statements and Tag Questions play)
c. Request and Commands
d. Connected statements
e. Special Sentence Patterns
f. Expanding Sentence Patterns
Week 4 Unit III: Form Classes and Function Words Interactive Discussion Practical written Exercises
a. Form Classes and Content Words
b. The Adjective Cloze Test
c. The Verb
d. The Adverb
Unit IV: Function or Structure Words Accomplishment of Worksheet Sentence Construction
a. The Pronoun
b. The Noun Determiner
c. The Auxillary Verb
d. The Preposition
e. The Conjunction Written Workshop Sentence Diagramming
f. The Interjection
Week 7 Unit VI: Sentence Craft/ Basic Sentence Parts and Written Workshop Sentence Diagramming
a. Immediate Constituents of the Sentence:
Subject and Predicate Sentence Construction (Practical
b. Complements Exercises)
c. Diagramming Basic Sentence Parts
Week 8 Unit VII: Phrases and Clauses Written Workshop Sentence Diagramming
a. Prepositional Phrase and Appositives
b. Verbal Phrase
c. Clauses Sentence Construction (Practical
Week 9 Unit VIII
Week 10 Unit IX: Mechanics Written Workshop
a. Capitalization and Abbreviation Sentence Construction (Practical
b. Punctuation Exercises)
Week 11 Unit X: Introduction to Paragraph Critical Reading Analysis Outlining
a. Paragraph
b. Topic Sentence
Week 12 Unit XI: Writing and Speaking Written Workshop Written and Oral Assessment
Written and Spoken Script