Or How To Know What Style of Conflict Resolution I Take Naturally
Or How To Know What Style of Conflict Resolution I Take Naturally
Or How To Know What Style of Conflict Resolution I Take Naturally
Accommodating (Yielding) 13
Compromising 14
Competing (Forcing) 11
Collaborating (Problem-solving) 16
Avoiding 16
After taking the conflict-handling styles test, I was intrigued to find out that
most of my results are within the average interval displayed there, which
makes me realize that the tests have been quite accurate regarding how the
conflict styles apply to me in real-life situations.
My “yielding” conflict style score was almost above the usual average, score
with which I agree, to some extent. I am a person who listens to other side’s
wishes, to their opinions and tries to weigh in balance their interests with mine,
but from my point of view, I would score my “yielding” trait around 10-11, since
I don’t see myself agreeing and giving in with everything one’s has to say, no
matter my interests. I believe that everyone needs to stand up to his opinions,
most of the times.
As I previously stated before, I agree with most of the scores I have received
in the given test, except for one conflict style: “forcing”. From the provided
results, it may seem that I am over the top assertive person with a forceful
personality, which is false. I agree that everyone needs to argue and fully
believe in his opinions, but I am not a person that feels the need to force my
views upon the other party I am in conflict with, that’s why I never used any
influence tactics, except some scenarios which I can recall when I was a little
kid, misbehaving and trying to influence more naive fellow classmates to do
what I wished them to do (not as manipulative as it sounds).
Last but not least, avoiding conflict situations is a good choice, if possible,
from my perspective. This journey through life so far has taught me, that
sometimes is better to avoid getting in conflict with certain individuals who only
care about their interests, beliefs and who cannot see the bigger picture and
accept others’ ideas. My above-average score regarding “avoiding” conflict
style reflects indeed what I have been stating and emphasizes that my
persona avoids conflicts at all costs, thus no harm can be done to no one.