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Philippine Birds of Prey: Interrelations among Habitat, Morphology, and Behavior

Author(s): Anita Gamauf, Monika Preleuthner and Hans Winkler

Source: The Auk, Vol. 115, No. 3 (Jul., 1998), pp. 713-726
Published by: American Ornithologists' Union
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The Auk 115(3):713-726, 1998

Konrad Lorenz-Institutefor ComparativeEthology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, A-1160 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT.-We sought to clarify relationships among morphometrics,behavior,and eco-

logical variables for 21 species of raptors in the Philippines. Morphologicalspace was de-
fined by 42 external charactersanalyzed as shape variables with respect to body length
(without tail). Seventeen variableswere used to characterizehabitatand five to characterize
foraging behavior. Three PCA components accounted for 68%of the total variance in the
habitatdata and separatedspecies living in dense forests from those using degradedhabitats
or coastal areas. Two PCAcomponents explained 81%of the variancein hunting mode, with
transitions from sit-and-wait to flap-gliding, and with contrastsbetween soaring and flap-
gliding. ThreePCAcomponents accountedfor 70.5%of the variancein morphologicalshape.
The first componentseparatedspecies with narrowwings and less-pronouncednotchesfrom
species with broad, deeply notched wings. The second and third components were associ-
ated with the contrast between pointed and rounded wings and prey-capture apparatus
(feet, bill). Five morphological characterswere highly correlated (R = 0.934) with the first
principal component of the habitat data, indicating that species inhabiting forested habitats
have square tails, rounded wings, and strong claws. Hunting mode and habitat also were
closely related (R = 0.900). Soaring correlatedwell with the number of notched primaries,
tail shape, and measures of the trophic apparatus,but poorly with wing loading and aspect
ratio. Behavior,ecology, and morphology of this subset of raptors were closely interrelated.
Among the Philippine raptors,species that inhabit rain forests are the most endangered,and
we suggest that morphological constraints limit their use of secondary habitats.Received21
January 1997, accepted 2 February 1998.

DIFFERENCES IN EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY the design of birds and their environment(Led-

among species can reliably predict differences erer 1984, Winkler 1989, Wainwright 1991).
in habitat use and foraging behavior. That this Common difficulties in ecomorphologicalanal-
is true is the premise of ecomorphological anal- yses of this kind are charactersets that contain
yses of bird communities (Karr and James 1975, only few or irrelevantcharacters,or both (Leis-
Leisler 1980, Miles and Ricklefs 1984, Niemi ler and Winkler 1997). Analyses of closely re-
1985, Miles et al. 1987, Wiens 1989). Yet, this as-lated species are usually most successful in
sumption is rarely tested with data on behavior showing ecomorphologicalrelationships (Led-
and habitat acquired simultaneously in the erer 1984, Leisler and Winkler 1985), whereas
field, and comparatively few studies have at- hypotheses of wider phylogenetic scope face
tempted to clarify relationships among mor- increasing difficulties because of oversimplifi-
phometry and the behavior or environment of cation (Lederer 1984) and because phylogeny
the species in question (but see Leisler et al. may confound analyses at the community level
1989, Price 1991, Landmann and Winding 1993, (Miles et al. 1987).
Stiles 1995). Such work is needed to corroborate To strike a balance between the difficulties
premises of ecomorphology and to provide the noted above, we studied the diurnal birds of
necessary link between resource use, perfor- prey of the Philippines. This group is ecologi-
mance, and morphology demanded for a deep- cally and phylogenetically well defined but is
er understanding of the relationship between heterogeneous enough to mediate between
studies confined to closely related species and
1Present address:Museum of NaturalHistory,De- those of guilds and communities. So far, no in-
partment of Vertebrate Zoology, Bird Collection, tegrative investigations are available for birds
Burgring7, A-1014 Vienna, Austria. of prey, although some studies on size differ-
2 Address correspondence to this author. E-mail: ences (Schoener 1984) and morphology (Ro- chon-Duvigneaud 1952, Voous 1969, Nieboer

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1973, Brown 1976, Bierregaard 1978, Jaksic Historie (Leiden, The Netherlands), Universitets
1985, Kemp and Crowe 1994, Hertel 1995, Jen- Zoologiske Museum (Kobenhavn,Denmark), Zool-
kins 1995) exist in which morphological pat- ogisches Museum der Humboldt Universitat (Ber-
terns were related to some aspects of ecology. lin), Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braun-
schweig (Brunswick, Germany), Naturhistorisches
However, studies on raptors that combine data
Museum Wien (Vienna), American Museum of Nat-
on hunting modes and habitat use have not ural History (New York), Smithsonian Institution
been attempted. The Philippines is an excellent (Washington,D.C.), Field Museum of Natural His-
area for this kind of investigation because a tory (Chicago), Museum of Natural History (Cincin-
large variety of raptor species can be observed nati, USA), Delaware Museum of Natural History
in an area of less than 300,000 km2. Moreover, (Wilmington, USA), National Museum of the Phil-
habitats in the Philippines span distinctive eco- ippines (Manila),Wildlife Biology Laboratoryat the
logical gradients from tropical primary rain University of the Philippines (Los Banios),and the
forest to deforested regions and coastlines. Zoological Garden (Manila).
Originally, the Philippines were almost com- Up to 39 study skins of adult specimens were an-
alyzed for common species, whereas for rarespecies
pletely covered by tropical rain forest. Because
and subspecies, the numberof individuals was much
the proportion of forested area was reduced
smaller. Sex ratios within samples of species varied
from 58 to 17% between 1932 and 1991, several between 0.45 and 0.55. Externalmorphological fea-
species of raptors currently are threatened by tures were measured mostly as defined in Leislerand
extinction (Collins et al. 1991, Dickinson et al. Winkler (1985, 1991). The flight apparatus was rep-
1991, ICBP 1992, Collar et al. 1994). resented with 23 variables.These included length of
Our objectives were to: (1) examine the all primaries;length of alula;lengths of the first,cen-
strength, consistency, and functional basis of tral, and innermost secondaries;lengths of outer and
the relationships among foraging mode, habitat central rectrices; and wing length. Also used were
use, and morphology in this assemblage of rap- the primaryprojection,or Kipp'sdistance,measured
as the distance from the wing tip to the first second-
tors; and (2) integrate these findings with re-
ary; and tail gradation, the difference in length be-
spect to the question of morphological con-
tween the innermost and outermostrectrices(Leisler
straints on behavior and habitat use. We also and Winkler 1985, 1991). The mean correlation(ab-
discuss the consequences of our findings for the solute values) within this data set was 0.525 (range
future of these species in the face of continued 0.007 to 0.991).Thirteencharactersrepresentedmor-
habitat loss. phology of the hind limb. They comprised all toe
lengths, talon chords, and diameters of talons at the
METHODS base, and length of the tarsus. The mean correlation
among these variables was 0.395 (range 0.005 to
Speciesand study areas.-Members of three of the 0.977). The length, width, and depth of the bill were
five falconiformfamilies (del Hoyo et al. 1994) occur measured: (1) including the cere at the base of the
in the Philippines (Dickinson et al. 1991). We were bill, and (2) on the bill proper at the distal edge of
able to observe 21 species of 14 genera (Appendix), the cere. The mean correlationamong these six char-
including three endemic species and nine endemic acters was 0.532 (range 0.006 to 0.935).
subspecies. Two additional characters,aspect ratio (wing span
Habitatanalyses and behavioralobservationswere squared divided by wing area) and wing loading
made during a field study over a period of 9.5 (body mass divided by wing area), were calculated
months (Januaryto April 1993, November to Febru- from photographsof soaring birds. Data for the Phil-
ary 1994, and March to July 1994). Investigations ippine Falconet (Microhieraxerythrogenys) were taken
were carriedout in 19 study areas at elevationsrang- from a freshly killed specimen. No suitable photo-
ing from sea level to 2,500 m on the islands of Luzon graphs were available for the Philippine subspecies
(Sierra Madre, Quirino and Isabela; Mt. Makiling, of Jerdon's Baza (Aviceda jerdoni magnirostris), so we
Laguna), Mindanao (Mt. Kitanglad, Bukidnon;Car- used photographs of its closest equivalent, the Pacif-
men-Cantilan,Surigao del Sur;Mt. Apo, Davao City ic Baza (A. subcristata)from the Australian region
and North Cotabato;Initao, Misamis Oriental), and (Marchantand Higgins 1993). We also had no pho-
Palawan (El Nido and Bacuit Archipel, northernPa- tographs of the EasternMarshHarrier(Circusspilon-
lawan). Observations in each particular area lasted otus).Photographswere scanned using the computer
from a few days to three weeks. program Imagein 3.0, and contrastof the silhouettes
Morphometry.-Studyskins were measured using was enhanced with program Coral Photopaint3.0 to
384 specimens from various museum collections: optimize image analysis with program Lucia 2.11.
British Museum (Tring), National Museum of Scot- All measurementsof soaring birds refer to fully out-
land (Edinburgh), Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke stretched wings. Because the tail can be fanned to

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July 1998] Ecomorphology
of PhilippineRaptors 715

TABLE 1. Characteristics of the flight apparatus of 16 Philippine raptors and one ecological equivalent from
Australia (in brackets).

Wing Wing ized
loading loading wing
Body mass Body length w/o tail w/ tail load-
(g) (cm) Aspect ratio (N m-2) (N M-2) ing
Species M F M F M F M F M F F
[Avicedasubcristata] 307 347 40.0 5.64 5.95 20.6 25.0 17.6 20.1 0.209
Pernisptilorhyncus 1,000 58.0 65.0 5.68 5.61 34.4 30.8 30.0 23.4 0.179
Perniscelebensis 679 738 53.5 55.4 5.32 5.41 26.0 26.0 22.4 22.4 0.175
Haliasturindus 450 581 47.1 48.9 6.26 6.45 17.2 21.3 15.6 19.6 0.171
Haliaeetusleucogaster 2,570 3,150 70.0 77.0 7.67 7.25 44.4 46.3 43.0 42.6 0.209
Spilornischeela 688 853 52.4 54.5 5.26 5.29 25.5 28.9 22.5 25.6 0.185
Accipitervirgatus 95 154 25.7 28.1 4.72 4.34 21.1 28.4 16.5 22.2 0.247
Accipitertrivirgatus 199 353 33.2 37.5 5.75 5.77 25.4 35.9 19.7 27.7 0.241
Accipitersoloensis 156 204 27.8 29.0 5.68 6.14 27.3 33.1 22.1 26.9 0.256
Butasturindicus 375 433 42.6 42.9 6.34 6.44 27.2 30.7 22.0 25.8 0.216
Pithecophaga jefferyi 4,464 6,000 95.2 105.2 3.89 3.83 48.7 51.0 42.2 44.3 0.178
Hieraaetuskienerii 733 800 46.8 52.6 5.61 5.68 33.2 31.6 27.1 26.1 0.200
Spizaetuscirrhatus 1,360 1,600 58.4 64.9 5.48 5.35 44.9 41.9 37.2 33.5 0.214
Spizaetusphilippensis - 1,225 56.6 58.2 4.98 4.55 - 46.5 - 38.5 0.203
Microhieraxerythrogenys 46 52 15.9 17.2 5.74 5.66 25.4 26.4 21.9 22.9 0.217
Falcotinnunculus 186 217 33.8 36.2 7.07 6.92 24.1 24.5 18.0 18.4 0.268
Falcoperegrinus 650 1,000 48.9 52.8 5.61 6.13 47.5 57.2 39.1 46.8 0.266

various degrees, we used 600 as the standardtail-fan- were carried out primarily for the study of birds
ning angle for measurements of all species, and the within the forest interior.To maximize the number
silhouettes were modified accordingly.This value is of different individuals, large areas (30 to 50 kM2)
the approximate average angle shown by soaring were investigated using both methods. These two
birds. Relevant values were calculated as described methods have been used successfully in other stud-
in Pennycuick(1975), Kerlinger(1989), and Norberg ies of tropicalforest raptors(Thiollay1989,Whitacre
(1990).Wing loading (N m-2)was calculatedaccord- et al. 1992). Sample sizes ranged from 2 to 219 ob-
ing to Norberg (1990), either with the tail excluded servations per species. Only species with more than
or included. The two measuresof wing loading differ five observationswere included in subsequent anal-
widely in long-tailed species (Table1). We also cal- yses.
culated linearized wing loading (Jaksicand Caroth- Behavioral and habitat variables were noted si-
ers 1985), except that we used the sum of wing and multaneously for each undisturbedhunting raptorat
body area instead of wing area alone. Body-mass the first sighting. To assure as much statistical in-
data were taken from Bennet (1986), Goodman and dependence as possible (see Hejl et al. 1990), the be-
Gonzales (1989), Dunning (1993), Marchant and havior of raptors on the wing was recorded again
Higgins (1993), and del Hoyo et al. (1994), and from only after five minutes had elapsed and, for perched
labels attachedto museum specimens. individuals, additional data were taken only after
All measurementswere taken as indices relativeto the birds had changed their perches. These second-
body length (total body length minus tail length) be- ary observations comprise only 1.1%of the total of
cause we intended to analyze aspects of shape rather 896 observations.
than size (Mosimann 1970), and all measurements Five behavioral traits associated with hunting
were log-transformed. Even in raptors with pro- were chosen: perching, powered flight (continuous
nounced sexual size dimorphism, morphological flapping), flap-gliding, gliding, and soaring (Kerlin-
variation between the sexes is low compared with ger 1989). Perching denotes a search mode during
that among species (see Leisler and Winkler 1991). which the bird scans its surroundings from a perch.
Therefore,we used species' means for all analyses. When gliding, the wings are held stretchedout from
Fielddata.-Point observations (>2 h per observa- the body in a fixed position without flapping, and
tion) were carried out at exposed sites, e.g. cliffs, the flight path is more or less straight. Soaring is a
clearings, and prominent trees. Through recurrent circular gliding mode used to gain altitude in ther-
visits to each point at different times of the day, the mals or slope updrafts. Powered flight comprises
observations covered the full daylight period (0600 two forms, continuous flapping and flap-gliding
to 1800). Observations made along line transects (powerglide), a flight mode during which flapping is

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Pe ptilorbyncus
interspersed with gliding. The data were analyzed as
arcsine square-root transformed percentages ex- Pe celebensis
pressing the proportion of these behavioral modes in Avjerdoni
the observations.
Sp cheela
To characterize habitat use by raptors, we estimat-
ed forest canopy cover and the proportion (in 5% in- Ac virgatus
crements) of 16 habitat types (primary rain forest, - Ac soloensis
secondary rain forest, degraded secondary forest,
Ac trivirgatus
tree plantations, clearings, fallow land, grassland,
pasture, banana, rice, other cultivation, road, settle- Pijefferyi
ment, water, coconuts, cliffs) within a 250-m radius
Sp cirrhatus
of the location of every bird that we observed. Data
were averaged for each species and then arcsine Sp philippensis

square-root transformed for analyses. Hi kieneni

Data analysis.-The data were evaluated using
Ha indus
principal components analysis (PCA) and stepwise
multivariate regression analysis. Principal compo- Ha leucogaster

nents were based on correlation matrices. Particular- C Ci spilonotus

ly when many characters are used, there may be
Ci melanoleucos
many relevant components judged by eigenvalues
>1. In order to avoid over-interpretation of the data, Bu indicus

however, we adopted the following criterion: a com- El caeeleus

ponent was deemed to be relevant if its correspond-
Fa tinnunculus
ing eigenvalue was greater than 1 in 95% of 10,000
bootstrap samples and explained more than 10% of Fa sevenus

the total variance. By applying this rule, we avoided Fa peregninus

discussing "significant" but biologically irrelevant
Mi erythrogenys
components. PCA was used solely to describe rela-
tionships within our data set, which was not intend- FIG. 1. Classificationof Philippine raptors used
ed to represent a sample of a large, unknown statis- to compute independent contrasts.
tical population. The results of the bootstrap analysis
were also helpful in the interpretation of component
loadings. Stepwise methods have been widely criti- analysis results. The variables were analyzed with
cized (see James and McCulloch 1990), mainly be- multiple linear regression through the origin (Fel-
cause they do not guarantee a selection of the most senstein 1985).The independent contrastswere rath-
influential variables or even the best correlations. er sensitive to the branchlengths. Therefore,in some
Consequently, we used stepwise multiple regression cases we also present results with correctionsthat as-
analysis mainly to show that a particular set of data sume constant branch lengths between nodes. We
can be used to predict the criterion variable; we have used independent contrasts only as a means of re-
also tried to point out the biological relevance of the ducing bias, and not as estimates for correlatedevo-
variables selected in each individual case. Although lutionary changes; that is, we did not necessarily as-
we cannot rule out the possibility that other variable sume that characters evolved homogeneously
combinations may produce better predictions, we throughout the phylogeny of the group. All results
are confident that our results provide good estimates of the regression analyses are presented as plots of
for the strength of the association among ecological the observed values of the criterionvariablebased on
attributes, behavior, and morphology. predictions from the multiple regression equations.
Similarities due to phylogenetic inertia may cause To conserve the functional relationship, and to dis-
statistical bias in correlational analyses (Felsenstein play the positions of individual species in the scatter,
1985, Harvey and Pagel 1991). Available phylogenet- we present the relationsof the original variablesand
ic analyses of raptors are widely divergent and do not those of the contrasts. All calculationswere car-
not include all of the taxa treated by us. Therefore, ried out with programs written by us.
we constructed our own phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1)
based on studies by De Boer and Sinoo (1984), Boyce
and White (1987), Olsen et al. (1989), Marchant and RESULTS
Higgins (1993), Seibold et al. (1993), Helbig et al.
(1994), Holdaway (1994), Griffiths (1994), Wink and Habitat.-Among the 21 raptors studied, 13
Seibold (1995), and Wink et al. (in press). species occurred in habitats with more than
Independent contrasts were computed for the sta- 50%forest cover and thereforewere defined as
tistical evaluation of stepwise multiple regression forest dwellers; the other 8 species occupied

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July 1998] Ecomorphologyof Philippine Raptors 717

mainly above the canopy in the second com-

100 SC
0 ponent (t = 1.68, P = 0.121).
Hii Fpe6 Behavior.-Two principal components ex-
75 Ppp HM plained 81%of the overall variationin hunting
Se O mode (n = 18 species). PC1 explained 48% of
o 0 the variation (eigenvalue = 2.57) and was as-
50 -Cm sociated with the transition from sit-and-wait
2 tA Asm
HI to flap-gliding hunting modes. PC2 explained
5 *~~~~~~~~~~~Av 33% of the variation (eigenvalue = 1.26) and
'25 -Ech A
Cs Fss 0 Ate
represented the contrast between soaring and
the other flight modes. This suggests that in
o these birds, the difference between the use of
0 20 40 60 80 100
%forestcover different flight modes was nearly as important
FIG. 2. The relationship between height above
as the transition from active-searchto sit-and-
ground at which a species forages and forest cover in wait hunting.
Philippine raptors. Open circles denote species that Morphology.-Three principal components
hunt above the canopy, filled circles denote species accounted for 70.5%of the variationassociated
that inhabitforest interior,and open trianglesdenote with flight and feeding apparatus. PC1 ex-
species that use open habitats. See Appendix for the plained 36% of the variation (eigenvalue =
abbreviationsused to designate species. 15.25) and arrangedthe 21 species along a con-
tinuum from species with narrow wings and
less-pronounced notches to those with broad,
open habitats (Fig. 2). All forest dwellers except deeply notched wings. The width of the wings
the Chinese Goshawk (Accipitersoloensis)are was reflected in a positive correlation with
residents. Four species of the open and semi- length of the inner primaries(P1 to P6), the sec-
open habitats are winter visitors only. The for- ondaries, and the scapulars. PC2 combined
est dwellers fall into two distinct groups (Fig. characters of the flight apparatus with claw
2): (1) four species that hunt inside the forest measurements and explained 20% of the total
below the canopy (below 40 to 50 m), and (2) variance (eigenvalue = 8.51). With respect to
nine species that hunt within and above the the wing, this axis denotes a decrease in wing
canopy zone. length that was mainly due to a reduced distal
Three principal components accounted for section of the wing and thus reduced point-
68%of the total variationin habitat(n = 18 spe- edness of the wing (Kipp'sdistance), and to an
cies). The first component (PC1)explained 34% increase in the number of wing slots. The claw
of the variation (eigenvalue = 5.83) and de- measurements referred to increasingly large
scribed the contrast between densely forested (length, diameter) inner and hind claws. Spe-
habitats and open and extremely "disturbed" cies scoring high on this axis are well equipped
habitats consisting of grasslands and rice for killing comparativelylarge prey with their
fields. PC2 explained 21%of the variation (ei- feet. PC3 explained 14% of the total variance
genvalue = 3.60) and was related to an increas- (eigenvalue = 6.01) and was related to the feet
ing proportion of water (effectively, the sea), and the bill; this component represented the
coconut palms, and rocky areas in the habitat major variation in the feeding apparatus to-
versus degraded and secondary forest stands gether with the "killing-grip variables." PC3
and banana cultivations. PC3 explained 13%of denoted an overall increase in the length of the
the variation(eigenvalue = 2.18) and described toes together with lengthened outer and mid-
variation within cultivated areas, from settle- dle claws. Bill size increased along this axis
ments and neighboring farming areas to aban- with a relatively smaller increase of the distal
doned fields. Much of the variation in habitat section and an almost parallel increase of bill
use concerned the open country birds, as de- width and height. This axis thus represents an
fined above. Forestspecies formed a tight clus- increase in the relative size of the capture ap-
ter, and those of the interiorscored lower on the paratus (feet) and bill that together are well
first principal component (t = 3.06, P = 0.011) suited for killing avian or insect prey.
but were not separated from those hunting The sixth primary (P6) can be considered as

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sess square-cut tails and round, broad wings.

6 They also possess hind limbs that are typical of
raptors that prey on vertebrates.
Hi Stepwise multiple regression analysis of
3 Fpe habitat using PC2 (forest interior vs. coastal)
SpPj yielded a high multiple correlation(R = 0.900,
P < 0.0001) with three morphological predic-
tors. Wing length and tail gradationwere pos-
O^~ ~~A Ajn SthP itively correlated,and length of outer rectrices
I ~~~~~~~~~~~Hii was negatively correlated,with the tail becom-
ing more wedge-shaped with increasing use of
-) 6
a. .3
-3 As 3 6
coastal habitats. When the clearly outlying
White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
was excluded from analysis, the multiple cor-
relation between the same variables and PC2
-6 -3 0 3 6 was still substantial (R = 0.785, P < 0.005), and
Prediction from morphology
the regression coefficients were similar. The
FIG.3. Morphologicalcorrelatesof habitatuse in difference between the observed PC2 score of
Philippine raptors. Results are from a multiple re- the sea-eagle and that calculated from the re-
gression of morphological variables as predictors of gression equation is well within acceptableer-
habitat data based on PC1 scores. Values predicted ror limits (deviation <90% of overall standard
from the regression equation are plotted on the X- deviation of observations around the regres-
axis, and observed scores are plotted on the Y-axis.
Of the five morphologicalvariablesextracted,Kipp's
sion). The R-value was 0.596 (P > 0.05) when
distance and length of central rectrices negatively computed from standardized independentcon-
correlatedwith predicted habitat use, and diameter trasts and 0.845 (P < 0.001) when computed
of hind claw, length of inner toe, and length of in- with branchlengths set to equal.
nermost secondary positively correlated with pre- The most important structural habitat vari-
dicted habitat use (see text). able was canopy cover (cf. Thiollay 1996).Step-
wise multiple regression analysis with canopy
a key structure for the form of the wing. If P6 cover as the criterionvariableproduced a mul-
is long, the outer primaries (P7 to P10) are tiple correlationof R = 0.906 (P < 0.0001),with
short, giving the wing a rounded appearance. Kipp's distance and length of central rectrices
If P6 is short, the outer primaries become lon- correlatingnegatively,and inner toe length and
ger, and the wing is more slender and pointed. bill height correlatingpositively, with the pre-
The length of P6 correlateswell with PC1 (r = diction (Fig. 4). The correspondingR-valuewas
0.89), and the lengths of P7 to P10 correlate 0.644 (P > 0.05; P < 0.05 using Kipp's distance
negatively with PC2 (r = -0.47 to -0.79). and tail length alone) for the standardized in-
Integration.-To identify morphological cor- dependent contrasts and 0.901 (P < 0.0005) for
relates of habitat use, we conducted a stepwise the independent contrasts calculated with
multiple regression analysis using PC1 of the branches set to equal length. As in the preced-
habitat data against 42 morphological vari- ing analysis, these results indicate that raptors
ables. The five morphologicalvariablesextract- living in forested areas tend to possess round-
ed explained 87% of the total variance (R = ed wings.
0.934; Fig. 3). Two characters(Kipp's distance, Species of the forest interior differed from
length of central rectrices)were negatively cor- those hunting within or above the canopy by
related with predicted habitat use, whereas being smaller (t = 3.30, P = 0.007; log-values of
length of the inner toe, diameter of the hind female body mass). No significant size differ-
claw, and length of the innermost secondary ences were found between the forest species
were positively correlatedwith predicted hab- and the open country species.
itat use. The multiple R for the corresponding We expected that the most important struc-
independent contrasts was 0.811 (P < 0.05). tural habitat variable, canopy cover, would
Thus, species that occurred in habitats with a show the strongest association with flight
higher percentage of forest cover tend to pos- mode. Stepwise multiple regression analysis

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July 1998] Ecomorphologyof Philippine Raptors 719

3 S 3H
HI P 0
3dOppp 0
Ao $Sch o Ate m
0 1 2 3 4 >, 2 ~0

0 ~As

o Fti*eo

0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
Prediction from morphology
FIG. 4.
Morphologicalcorrelatesof use of canopy
cover by Philippine raptors. Results are from a mul-
tiple regression of morphological variables as pre-
3 H
dictors of habitat canopy cover. Values predicted
from the regression equation are plotted on the X- HI,6pt 5,,
axis, and observed scores are plotted on the Y-axis.
Of the four morphologicalvariablesextracted,Kipp's o Ate
distance, and length of inner remiges were negative- 0~~~~
ly correlatedwith predicted canopy cover, and inner
toe length and bill depth (without cere) were posi-
tively correlated with predicted canopy cover (see

coe Ff1
byPiipnerposCs oRslsaev rmaml
0 A
(backward variable selection) showed that the
search mode used in foraging predicted habitat o 1 2 3 4
use with respect to canopy cover very well.
Perching, gliding, and soaring accounted for FIG. 5. Behavioral correlates of use of canopy
81%of the variancein canopy cover (R = 0.900, cover by Philippine raptors.Results are from a mul-
P < 0.0001; R = 0.765, P < 0.01 for the stan- tiple regression of behavioralvariablesas predictors
of habitat canopy cover. Values predicted from the
dardized independent contrasts). All coeffi-
regression equation are plotted on the X-axis, and
cients were positive; perching, however, was observed scores are plotted on the Y-axis.Three be-
negatively correlatedwith the regression score. havioral variableswere extracted:perching, gliding,
Basically, the results mean that soaring and and soaring (see text). (A) Analysis based on all spe-
gliding occurred mainly in connection with cies. (B) Analysis based on all species except Eur-
closed habitats. The plot of predicted versus asian Kestreland EasternMarsh Harrier.
observed values (Fig. 5A) shows that the spe-
cies observed in totally open habitats,Eurasian
Kestrel (Falcotinnunculus)and Eastern Marsh we obtained R = 0.783 (P < 0.01; R = 0.760, P
Harrier, may have determined the results. < 0.025 for the independent contrasts), and the
Thus, we repeated the analysis excluding these predicted scores for the two omitted species
species in order to corroboratethe results. The were very close to the observations (Fig. 5B).
same variables were selected in the stepwise Stepwise multiple regression analysis was
multiple regression analysis; the signs and applied to test the correlation between modes
magnitudes of the coefficients, as well as the of locomotion and morphological characters,
correlations with the regression scores, were including aspect ratio and wing loading (Table
similar to the foregoing analysis. In particular, 1). First, we analyzed the relationship between

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56 2 7. O FMe

SC/ As
0 0
2 14.5 1 0 Ate
40 Hii
A Pj Cd

202) F
, 24
01 AvH i Phil22.0ne raptors.ResltsareromatBi
CD 0 ~As

1 9. 5
, me As Cs Ate
1 7.0 ~ppp
17.0 19.5 22.0 24.5 27.0
8 24 40 56 Prediction
Prediction from morphology
FIG. 7. Behavioral correlates of wing loading in
FIG. 6.Morphological correlates of soaring be- Philippine raptors. Results are from a multiple re-
havior in Philippine raptors.Results are from a mul- gression of behavioral variables as predictors of lin-
tiple regression of morphological variables as pre- earized wing loading. Valuespredicted from the re-
dictors of proportion of time soaring. Values pre- gression equation are plotted on the X-axis, and ob-
dicted from the regression equation are plotted on served scores are plotted on the Y-axis.The two vari-
the X-axis, and observed scores are plotted on the Y- ables extracted were scores of PC1 and PC2 of the
axis. All three of the morphologicalvariablesextract- behavioral data. The PacificBaza (Asu) was used as
ed (bill width without cere, tail graduation,and tar- a surrogate for Jerdon'sBaza in this analysis (see
sus length) were negatively correlatedwith propor- text).
tion of time soaring (see text).

morphology and soaring. A strong correlation foraging behavior is dominated by soaring in

(R = 0.878, P < 0.0001; R = 0.849, P < 0.001 for combinationwith a moderateproportionof sit-
the independent contrasts) was found with and-wait hunting.
three characters (all of them entered with a
negative sign): (1) width of bill (without cere), DISCUSSION
(2) tail gradation, and (3) length of tarsus (Fig.
6). Raptors that soar frequently have a short Our analyses revealed consistent compo-
tarsus, narrow bill, and a square-cut tail. With nents of morphological covariation with for-
respect to the flight apparatus alone, the num- aging habitat and behavior. We also showed
ber of primary notches was positively correlat- that the relationships among foraging behav-
ed with soaring (r = 0.599, P < 0.01; r = 0.570, ior, habitat, and morphology to a large extent
P < 0.05 for the corresponding independent are independent of phylogenetic relationships.
contrasts). Wing loading and aspect ratio to- The shape variables that were the most impor-
gether explained only 21% (P > 0.05) of the tant components of morphological variation
variance in soaring frequency. pertain to charactersthat usually are not mea-
We also examined the claim by Jaksic and Ca- sured at all-wing shape and the feet. Features
rothers (1985) that linearized wing loading is of the bill figured only marginally in this vari-
related to the sit-and-wait versus active-flight ation. One of the most popular charactersin
continuum of hunting mode. We used ordinary ecomorphological studies, tarsus length, did
multiple regression, with the first two principal not contribute substantially to the three major
components derived from the behavioral data components of morphological variation, and
as predictors (Fig. 7). The correlation (R = even wing length was not very important as a
0.801, P < 0.001; R = 0.536, P > 0.05 for stan- shape variable.The correlationanalyses yield-
dardized contrasts; R = 0.744, P < 0.01 for con- ed similar results, although tarsus length was
trasts with equal branch lengths) indicated that relevantfor predicting the frequencyof soaring
wing loading is low in large species in which (see below). Our findings stress how important

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July 1998] Ecomorphologyof Philippine Raptors 721

it is to work with sufficiently large morpholog- foraging mode may be considered independent
ical character sets (Leisler and Winkler 1985, niche dimensions (Price 1991), or they may be
1997), and they should be considered when dis- seen as completely congruent with each other.
cussing results obtained in studies based on Although Rosenzweig (1985)adheres to the lat-
character sets restricted in number or on the ter view, Price (1991) showed that within Phyl-
functional complexes to which they belong (e.g. loscopuswarblers, foraging behavior and habi-
Schoener1984, Hertel 1995). tat use largely are independent. Janes (1985)
Several studies have discussed the flight found no strong or consistent relationshipsbe-
style of raptors with respect to wing loading tween habitat structure and the foraging be-
and aspect ratio (Pennycuick 1975, Rayner havior of hawks. In our study, hunting behav-
1988, Jaksic and Carothers 1985, Janes 1985, ior correlated well with habitat use, and the
Kerlinger 1989, Norberg 1981, 1990). These morphological predictors for habitat use and
characterswere not the best predictors of the locomotion obtained with stepwise multiple
frequency of certain flight modes in our study. regression revealed the complex interactions
Soaring, for instance, was best predicted by the among these functions. We conclude that hab-
number of notched primaries, and its close re- itat use and foraging are neither completely
lationship with features of the feeding appa- equivalent nor uncorrelated with one another.
ratus hints at the complex web of factors that This is due, at least in part, to morphological
may influence the evolution of behavioral and constraints posed by conflicting demands of
morphological traits. Wing loading and aspect hunting, migration, and habitat use (Winkler
ratio were not correlated significantly with and Leisler 1985, 1992).
soaring frequency. Although Rayner (1988) Forest-dwelling raptors are small, and they
found it surprising that soaring hawks have have short, rounded wings as a general adap-
low aspect ratios, subsequent discussions of the tation to flight in dense vegetation. This results
subject stressed that long wings may be dis- in a low aspect ratio and moderatelyhigh wing
advantageous for taking off from perches and loading, and thereforea ratherenergeticallyex-
that thermal soaring requires a small turning pensive flight mode (Jaksicand Carothers1985,
radius (see Norberg 1990). Our findings con- Kerlinger 1989, Norberg 1990). High-speed
firm the notion that for raptors that are limited powered flight can be attainedonly by flying at
in wing span (and hence have low aspect ratio a speed that is a large multiple of minimum-
and rounded wings), notched primariesare the power speed (Pennycuicket al. 1994). Thus, a
appropriatealternativeto reduce induced drag sit-and-wait strategy combined with short pur-
(Pennycuick 1972, Withers 1981, Kerlinger suits is the most economical hunting mode for
1989, Norberg 1990).This, and the fact that low raptors in the forest interiorbut is not possible
wing loading also is related to other aspects of in open areas that lack suitable perches, even if
flight performance (i.e. slow flight; Norberg prey are abundant (Preston 1990, Widen 1994).
1990), may be responsible for the poor predic- The accipiters are typical representatives of
tions derived from aspect ratio and wing load- this group; only the migratory Chinese Gos-
ing alone. The hypothesis that raptors with hawk, with the longest wing tip of the genus
high wing loading typically use sit-and-wait (Wattel1973), hunts most frequently above the
hunting modes, whereas species with low wing forest.
loading are active-search foragers (Jaksicand Larger species are not able to hunt within
Carothers 1985), was supported by our data. densely vegetated areas.Therefore,they rely on
However, light wing loading also was charac- the soaring mode of hunting, and they often
teristic of most species for which sit-and-wait perch in tree tops from which they launchtheir
hunting was an important component of for- attacks. Their flight apparatus can be consid-
aging. ered a compromise among various constraints.
Our correlativeresults concur with ideas de- The wings are not too long, because these rap-
veloped by Rochon-Duvigneaud (1952) and tors need to dive into the canopy (see also
Voous (1969) on the functional and ecological Brown 1976).Among the species that inhabitat
importanceof talon length, and they also stress open and semiopen habitats, the four winter
that associated features, such as talon diameter visitors are completely independent of forest
and toe length, are relevant. Habitat, diet, and habitats. Species of open habitats, particularly

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migrants, are characterizedby high aspect ra- ippine Eagle ConservationProgramFoundation,the

tios and long, pointed wings. These morpho- HaribonFoundation,Green Mindanao,N. Ingle (Da-
logical specializations support, among other vao), and the TechnicalAid Agency of the Federal
things, efficient long-distance flight (Winkler Republic of Germany for their cooperation on the
Philippines. We also express thanks to the industrial
and Leisler 1992, Yongand Moore 1994, Monk-
concerns in Carmen (Puyat Logging) and Bislig
konen 1995) and prevent these species from (PRI),as well as to the local staff and our Philippine
overlapping with species of the forest interior guides. The morphologicalportion of the study was
in morphology, behavior, and habitat require- made possible through the excellent cooperation of
ments (Thiollay 1985). the museums and curators of the collections listed
In the Philippines, 13 species occur primarily above.Weare greatly indebted to A. Schuster,S. Teb-
in tropical rain forest, including the most en- bich, and M. Zeiler for their support in the field, to J.
dangered species observed during our field Kickertfor her advice on the computer-basedimage
work, the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jeffer- analysis, and to W. Pinsker for his support during
yi; Kennedy 1977).Eight of these species are ob- many stages of the study. We also thank W.Bock, R.
Dudley, and an anonymousreviewerfor criticalcom-
ligate inhabitants of mature rain forest. Their
ments on the manuscript.
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APPENDIX. Species treated in this paper and their diets. Our observationsaugmented by data from Brown
and Amadon (1969), Wattel (1973), Kennedy (1977), Cade and Digby (1982), H. Miranda (pers. comm.),
Marchantand Higgins (1993), and del Hoyo et al. (1994). Diet: (?) = possibly, (o) = occasionally, (+) =
regularly, (+ +) = frequently, (+ + +) = very frequently.

Code Species Diet

Hunting above the forest
ppP Pernis ptilorhyncus philippensis Oriental Honey-Buzzard Wasplarvae (+ + +), frogs (+),
lizards (+), small nestlings
PCs Pernis celebensis steerei BarredHoney-Buzzard Wasplarvae (+ + +), frogs (?),
Pernis celebensis winkleri lizards (+), small nestlings
Sch Spilornischeelaholospilus Crested SerpentEagle Reptiles (+ + +), small birds (+),
small mammals (+ +)
As Accipitersoloensis Chinese Goshawk Insects (+), frogs (+ +), lizards
(+), small birds (+), small
mammals (+)
Pj Pithecophaga
jefferyi Philippine Eagle Reptiles (+), medium and large
birds (+ +), medium and large
mammals (+ + +)
Hkf Hieraaetuskieneriiformosus Rufous-belliedEagle Small and medium birds (+ +)
Scl Spizaetuscirrhatuslimnaetus ChangeableHawk-Eagle Reptiles (+), medium and large
birds (+ +), small to large
mammals (+)
Sp Spizaetusp. philippensis Philippine Hawk-Eagle Reptiles (o), small birds (+), me-
Spizaetus p. pinskeri dium birds (+ + +), small
mammals (+)
Fpe Falcoperegrinusernesti PeregrineFalcon Small birds (+ +), medium birds

Hunting in the forest interior

Ajn Avicedajerdonimagnirostris Jerdon'sBaza Insects (++++), frogs (+), liz-
ards (+)
Av Accipiter virgatus confusus Besra Small birds (+ + +), small mam-
Accipiter virgatus quagga mals (+)
Ate Accipitertrivirgatusextimus Crested Goshawk Lizards (+), small birds (+ +),
medium birds (+ +), small
mammals (+)
Me Microhieraxe. erythrogenys Philippine Falconet Insects (+ + +), especially drag-
Microhierax e. meridionalis onflies, butterflies and cicadas;
small birds (o)
Hunting outside the forest
Ech Elanuscaeruleushypoleucus Black-shoulderedKite Insects (++ +), lizards (+), small
mammals (+ + +)
Hii Haliasturindusintermedius BrahminyKite Carrion (+ +), grasshoppers (+),
fish (+), frogs (+), reptiles (+),
small birds and mammals (+)
HI Haliaeetusleucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle Carion (o), fish (+ + +), reptiles
(+), medium and large mama-
mals (o)
Cs Circusspilonotus EasternMarsh Harrier Carrion (o), insects (+), fish (o),
frogs (+ +), lizards (+), small
birds (+), small mammals (+ +)
Cm Circusmelanoleucos Pied Harrier Insects (+ +), frogs (+), lizards
(+), small birds (+), small mam-
mals (+ + +)
Bi Butasturindicus Grey-facedBuzzard Fish (o), frogs (+ +), reptiles
(+ +), small mammals (+ +)
Fti Falcotinnunculusinterstinctus EurasianKestrel Insects (+ +), reptiles (+), small
birds (o), small mammals (+ + +)
Fss Falcoseverusseverus Oriental Hobby Insects (+ + +), small birds
(+++), bats (++)

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