! Learned Optimism
! Learned Optimism
! Learned Optimism
Learned Optimism
By Martin Seligman
Learned Helplessness
When people or dogs are exposed to shocks they cannot control, they learn helplessness. They decide that nothing
that they do matters, and even when they are transferred to an environment where they can escape their shocks, they
simply give up.
On the other hand, when people or dogs are exposed to shocks that they can control, they learn efficacy, and escape
more quickly when transferred to a different environment. They have been "inoculated" against helplessness.
However, 1/3 of the subjects who are exposed to uncontrollable shocks never become helpless. They never give up.
And 1/10 of the control subjects who received no training shocks are helpless from the start.
Explanatory Style
Whether or not you're are vulnerable to helplessness depends on the way you explain things to yourself.
Do you believe that bad events are permanent or temporary? What about good events?
Permanent: Traits, abilities, "always"
Transient: Moods, effort, "sometimes"
Failure makes everyone at least momentarily helpless. But how quickly do you recover? For some people, it is
near instantaneous. Others may never recover.
People who believe that good events have permanent causes try even harder after they succeed. People who
believe that good events have transient causes give up even when they succeed, believing success to be a
Pervasiveness: Specific vs. Universal
People who make universal explanations for their failures give up on everything when a failure strikes in one
area. People who make specific explanations may become helpless in that one area, but not in any others.
Optimists believe that bad events have specific causes and are compartmentalized, and that good events
enhance everything they do. Pessimists believe that bad events have universal causes, and good events have
specific factors.
Finding temporary and specific causes for misfortune is the art of hope; finding permanent and universal
causes is the practice of despair.
Personalization: Internalize vs. Externalize
People who blame themselves have low self-esteem as a result. People who blame external events preserve
their self-esteem and like themselves better.
Optimists internalize good events and externalize bad events. Pessimists do the opposite.
My Explanatory Style
My explanatory style is extremely optimistic; of the 48 questions, I was only 3-4 answers away from perfect
The Depression Epidemic
Several studies have shown that the prevalence of depression has risen an order of magnitude during the 20th
Century. People born before WWI had a 1% chance of being depressed at some point in their life. People born
around 1925 had a 4% chance. And people born around 1955 had a 6% chance. This is even worse, because
the older people had lived more years in which they could have become depressed.
Not only is severe depression more common, it also strikes at an earlier age
It appears that the cause of depression is the same as the cause of learned helplessness: the belief that your
actions will be futile.
Depression and Explanatory Style
Women are twice as likely to suffer depression as men because they think differently. Men tend to act rather
than reflect. Women tend to contemplate their depression, trying to analyze it and determine its source. This
rumination, coupled with pessimism, leads to depression.
This may also help explain the depression epidemic, as we live in a society obsessed with self-
Susan Nolen-Hoeksma of Stanford did an experiment. Sad people were given a choice between
selecting words that decribed their mood or ranking a list of nations based on their wealth. 70% of
women chose to focus on their mood. 70% of men chose the distracting geographic test.
Curing Depression
Cognitive therapy works
You learn to recognize the automatic thoughts that pop into your head at the times you feel worst
You learn to dispute your automatic thoughts by marshaling contrary evidence
You learn to make different explanations, called reattributions, and use them to dispute your automatic
You learn how to distract yourself from depresing thoughts.
You learn to recognize and question the depression-sowing assumptions governing so much of what
you do
Optimism in the workplace
For a challenging job, there are three prerequisites of success
The case against pessimism
Promotes depression
Produces inertia rather than activity in the face of setbacks
Feels bad subjectively--blue, down worried, anxious
Self-fulling; pessimists don't persist in the face of challenges and thus fail more frequently (even when success
is attainable)
Is associated with poor physical health
Even when pessimists turn out to be right, they still feel worse than the deluded optimists.
The Met Life Study on Salesforce Hiring
The more optimistic half of agents studied sold 37% more than the pessimistic half
The most optimistic 10% sold 88% more than the most pessimistic 10%
The pessimistic half was 2x as likely to quit in the 1st year
The most pessimistic quarter was 3x as likely to quit in the 1st year
As an experiment, Met Life hired 129 optimists who had narrowly failed the qualifying test. These optimists did
just as well as optimists who had passed the test.
Why does pessimism exist?
Pessimists are sadder but more realistic. Optimists distort reality in a self-serving direction and pessimists tend
to see reality accurately.
Depressed people more accurately judge how much control they have. Optimists overestimate their
control, particularly when they are helpless and have no control at all
Optimists wildly overestimate their abilities; 80% of American men think that they are above average in
social skills
In laboratory tests which are rigged that that they get 20 questions right and 20 questions wrong,
pessimists report getting 21 right. Optimists report getting 28 right.
Pessimism and body cycles
In the late morning and early evening, we are more optimistic. In the late afternoon and the middle of the
night, we are more pessimistic.
Children and Optimism
Pre-pubescent children are extremely optimistic, with a capacity for hope and an immunity to hopelessness
they will never again possess after puberty.
Up until puberty, girls are more optimistic than boys
Children's explanatory style is enormously lopsided; even depressed children are about as optimistic as the
average non-depressed adult
Children do get depressed about as much as adults, but they do not get hopeless, and they do not commit
suicide. Children younger than 7 never commit suicide, even though children as young as 5 commit homicide.
Explanatory style
The three factors that shape explanatory style are:
The form of the everyday causal analyses he hears from parents, especially mothers
The form of criticism he hears when he fails (if permanent and pervasive, he'll turn to pessimism)
Early losses and traumas. If they remit, he will learn that bad things can be changed and conquered. If
they are permanent and pervasive, the seeds of hopelessness will be planted.
Explanatory style tends to be set early; by the third grade, you'll determine whether you're an optimist or a
Children adopt their mother's explanatory style. Their father's explanatory style has no effect (this is probably a
product of mothers typically being the primary caregiver).
Carol Dweck's studies showed that girls and boy hear very different explanations in their teacher's criticisms.
Because the girls tend to be well-behaved and the boys don't, when failure occurs, girls tend to get more
permanent and pervasive explanations, whereas boys are blamed for poor behavior (which is temporary and
When given impossible problems to solve, the two sexes gave very different explanations
Girls: "I'm not very good at word games." "I guess I'm not that bright."
Boys: "I wasn't paying attention." "Who cares about your lousy puzzles anyways?"
Childhood crisis
Our childhood crises may set our explanatory style
Girls whose families experienced but recovered from the Great Depression tended to be optimists. Girls
whose families didn't recover learned helplessness and became pessimists. This difference could still be
detected in the pessimism levels of their daughters, 40 years later.
The London study
George Brown studied the housewives of the poorest areas of London
20% were depressed, 10% psychotically
He found three protective factors that fought off depression
Intimate relationship with a spouse or lover
A job outside the home
NOT having three or more children under the age of 14 to take care of
He found two major risk factors
Recent loss (e.g. death of a husband, son emigrating to another country)
Death of their own mother before the subject reached her teens
"If your mother dies when you are young, you think about later losses in the most
hopeless ways."
Sidebar: CAVE
Content Analysis of Verbatim Explanations
Take the verbatim written statements of the subject (e.g. quotes from local sports coverage of an athlete) and
rate them on permanence, pervasiveness, and personalization.
Optimism at school
The Princeton-Penn Longitudinal Study (400 children)
3rd grade pessimists either got depressed or stayed depressed (if already depressed)
3rd grade optimists either never got depressed, or recovered quickly
A brother or sister leaves home for college or work
A pet dies
A grandparent the child knows well dies
The child moves to a new school
The parents fight/divorce (the #1 problem for kids)
Children of divorce tend to be much more depressed
More bad things happen to them than children of intact families--even things that can't be explained by the
3.5x chance that a sibling will be hospitalized
3.5x chance that the child will be hospitalized
2x chance that a friend of the child will die
2x chance that a grandparent will die
Alas, parents who fight a lot but don't get divorced cause nearly as many problems.
Girls vs. Boys
At every point in the study (3rd-7th grade), boys are more depressed than girls, and girls are more optimistic
The UPenn Frosh Study
Optmists rose to the occasion and performed as well as or better than predicted. Pessimists were more likely to
The West Point Study
Pessimists were far more likely to quit, and get worse grades than their SATs predict
Optimism in Sports
Team Sports
The 85/86 Mets and Cardinals
The Mets were the most optimistic team in the NL (or the the one least likely to admit fault). The
Cardinals were the 4th most pessimistic.
The next season, the Mets won the World Series and the Cardinals fell apart
Optimistic teams show better pressure batting stats the following season
Optimistic teams win more games the following season than their previous W-L record would predict
The NBA: Atlantic Division, 84/85
"The Celtics sound like manic patients. Bad events were always explained away as tempory, specific, and
not their fault."
The Celtics beat the spread in games following a loss 68% of the time in 84 and 81% of the time
in 85 (they beat the spread 52% and 47% respectively in games following a win).
The Nets were pessimists, despite a winning record
The Nets beat the spread only 38% of the time following a loss, though they beat the spread 49%
of the time after a win. After changing personnel and becoming a more optimistic team, they
beat the spread 62% of the time.
Conclusions on team sports
Teams have an explanatory style
Explanatory style predicts results above and beyond ability
Optimism leads to success and pessimism to failure
Explanatory style has its effect on teams under pressure--after a loss, or in the late innings of close games.
Individual Sports
The Berkeley swim team, including Matt Biondi, was tested under lab conditions. The coaches would tell the
athletes that they had swum the event worse than they actually had (very disappointing, but difficult to detect)
Matt Biondi swam the 100 fly in 50.2 seconds, and was told he swam it in 51.7. Surprised and
disappointed, he awm it again a few minutes later, and swam it in 50.0 seconds. He got faster after
Overall, optimists either maintained or improved performance after disappointment. Pessimists
deteriorated by 2 seconds in a 100-yard event--the difference between first place and dead last.
Optimism and Health
Nursing home residents who have more choice and control are more active, happier, and less likely to die.
Madelon Visintainer's rat sarcoma study
Injected rats with tumor cells so that there was a 50% chance of life or death
50% of control rats (no shocks) lived
70% of rats with controllable shocks lived
27% of rats with uncontrollable shocks lived
These results held even if the tumor was implanted long after the shocks--childhood mastery could
immunize the rats against cancer.
Learned helplessness weakens the immune system--T-cells no longer multiply rapidly and NK cells lose their
ability to kill foreign invaders.
Optimists are better at seeking and sticking to medical advice. Pessimists have more trouble quitting smoking,
and get sick more often
Optimists suffer fewer life traumas, which make us vulnerable to illness
Optimists have better social support
Middle-aged people with at least one good friend have much better health than the friendless
Unmarried people are at a higher risk of depression
People who isolate themselves when sick tend to get sicker
Pessimistic college students have twice as many infectious illnesses and make twice as many doctor visits as
Optimists tended to avoid recurrences of breast cancer. Even if the cancer recurred, optimists survived longer.
The Grant Study (200 men from the Harvard classes of 1939-1944, selected for fitness and
"These men experienced just about the same rate of heartbreak and mortal shock as men who were born at
the same time in the inner city."
Men who used "mature defenses" (humor, altruism, sublimation) went on to have much more successful and
healthy lives. At age 60, none were chronically ill, versus 1/3 for men with "immature defenses" (denial,
Before 45, optimism has no effect on health. But as the body declines, optimism becomes the primary
determinant of health.
Curing cancer
Cognitive therapy dramatically raised killer cell activity in cancer patients.
Politics, Religion, and Culture
From 1948 to 1984, the more optimistic candidate won 9 out of 10 presidential elections. The one exception
was Nixon in 1968, where Humphrey's campaign was marred by riots at the Democratic National Convention
A pessimist is likely to make fewer campaign stops (confirmed by the research), be less well-liked, and
engender less hope.
From 1900 to 1944, the more optimistic candidate won 9 of 12 elections--the main exception was three-time
candidate FDR, whose pessimistic speeches reflected the grim times.
In the 1988 election, CAVE analysis correctly predicted 86% of Senate races, including all but one upset.
A comparison of the secular and non-secular writings of Russian Jews and Russian Orthodox showed that the
Jews were much more optimistic in their religious writings. Perhaps this optimism had some effect on their
likelihood to emigrate.
Changing from Pessimism to Optimism
When to use Optimism
If you are in an achievement situation (e.g. selling, writing a book)
If you are concerned about how you will feel
If the situation is likely to be protracted, and your physical health is an issue
If you want to lead, inspire, or win votes
When to use Pessimism
If your goal is to plan for a risky and uncertain future
If your goal is to counsel others whose future is dim, do not use optimism initially
If you want to appear sympathetic, don't start with optimism, though using it later once confidence and
empathy are established will help
If the cost of failure is high, optimism is the wrong strategy.
The ABCDE Model
A = Adversity
B = Belief
C = Consequences
D = Disputation
E = Energization
The objective description of what happened (not your interpretation of it)
Your beliefs are how you interpret the adversity.
Be sure to separate thoughts from feelings (feelings are Consequences)
You can check the accuracy of thoughts; you can't check the accuracy of feelings--if you feel sad, you
are sad
Your feelings, and what you did.
Often you will feel more than one thing
Write down as many as you are aware of
What did you do then?
There are two ways to deal with pessimistic beliefs--distraction and disputation
There are several simple but effective thought-stopping techniques
Ringing a loud bell
Carry a 3x5 card with the word STOP on it
Wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it hard
To keep your thoughts from returning to a negative belief, direct your attention elsewhere
Concentrate on a small object with all your focus
When adversity strikes, schedule some time--later--for thinking things over
Write the troublesome thoughts down the moment they occur
A deeper, more lasting remedy for disturbing beliefs is to dispute them. Go on the attack.
It's easy to distance oneself from the accusations of others, but when we launch the attack
ourselves, we assume it must be true. Wrong!
The 4 Disputation Techniques
Show that the negative belief is factually incorrect. Ask, "What is the evidence for this belief?"
Unlike positive thinking, which consists of trying to believe upbeat statements in the absence of
evidence, learned optimism is about accuracy
Repeating positive statements doesn't raise mood or achievement; it's how you cope with
negative statements that has effect ("the power of non-negative thinking")
Most people catastrophize--they select the potential cause with the direst implications--you can
easily dispute this by pointing to the distortions in this
Most events have many causes. Pessimists latch on to the worst possible cause.
To generate alternative explanations, focus on changeable, specific, non-personal causes
**Sometimes, the negative belief is correct. If that's the case, you can still de-catastrophize.
"Even if my belief is correct, what are it's real implications?"
You can then repeat the search for evidence
Sometimes, the consequences of holding a belief matter more than the truth of that belief
E.g. Your belief that life isn't fair is true, but doesn't do much for you
If a belief isn't useful, try distraction, or look to the future. "Is the situation changeable? How can I go
about changing it?"
Practice the ABCDE technique with a friend or spouse providing the negative criticism to
challenge you.
Helping your child escape pessimism
Let your child fill out the ABC portion, then help him dispute the consequences
Identify the cause behind the consequence. Then use Evidence, Alternatives, Implications, and
When using externalization of voices, you may want to use a puppet rather than attaching your child directly
The Optimistic Organization
The Three Edges of Optimism
1) Select optimistic employees
2) Place employees in the right roles
Optimistic Jobs: Require persistence, initiative, bring frequent frustration, rejection, and defeat.
Presenting and Acting
Creative jobs
Highly competitive jobs
High-burnout jobs
Pessimistic Jobs: Require a pronounced sense of reality. Low-defeat jobs, low turnover, low-pressure. Jobs that need
people who know when not to charge ahead and to err on the side of caution.
Design and safety engineering
Technical and cost estimating
Contract negotiation
Financial control and accounting
Law (but not litigation)
Business administration
Technical Writing
Quality control
Industrial-relations management
3) Learning Optimism
You can apply the same ABCDE technique
The focus is on getting past your personal "wall", the part of your work that most makes you want to give up
(e.g. cold-calling).
E.g. Write up an ABC report for each of 10 cold calls. Analyze the pessimism in your statements
Now do it again, but this time, dispute the consequences, and write down the energization and
feelings that ensue
Flexible Optimism
Why Has Depression Increased?
The Waxing of the Self
We are now a culture of maximal selves, with endless choices, obsessed with our own feelings (versus the old-
fashioned minimal self, which was less concerned with feelings and more concerned with duty).
This might not have been harmful, except that it coincided with a diminished sense of community and a loss of
higher purpose
The Waning of the Commons
The erosion of belief in nation coincided with a breakdown of the family and a decline in the belief in God.
Individuals no longer have a safety net to prevent helplessness from becoming hopelessness (the tight-knit
Kaluli tribesmen of New Guinea do not have depression)
Extreme individualism tends to maximize the pessimistic explanatory style, since there is little else to attribute
failures to than the self. And without the consolation of religion, individual failure seems permanent and
"In order to shed depression and attain meaning, we will rashly surrender the newly won freedoms that
individualism brings, giving up personal control and concern for the individual. The 20th century is riddled with
disastrous examples of societies that have done just this to cure their ills. The current yearning for
fundamentalist religion throughout the world appears to be such a response."
The Strengths of the Maximal Self
Perhaps we can retain our belief in the importance of the individual, but diminish our preoccupation with our
own comfort and discomfort
The answer may be the moral equivalent of jogging
Set aside and personally give away 5% of your income. Advertise that you're giving the money
away, interview prospective grantees, give the money, and follow its use to a successful
Give up some activity you do for your own pleasure (roughly one evening per week) and spend
this time in an activity devoted to the well-being of others or the community.
When asked by a homeless person for money, talk to him. If he will use the money
nondestructively, give him at least $10.
When you read of particularly heroic or despicable acts, write letters to them. Follow up with
letter to politicians and others who can act directly.
Teach your children how to give things away
Experienced volunteers report that a major surprise for them is the lift they derive from their work. They
discover that the poor and sick are not monster but very human beings; that modest heroism among
the afflicted is the rule rather than the exception; that while what they see as volunteers may sadden
them, it does not depress them; and that quite often they are deeply moved. It is liberating to see
firsthand that among the theoretically helpless there is frequently an amazing degree of master, spiritual
and psychological.
One of the great bulwarks of the maximal self is that it believes the self can change the way it thinks. We can
learn optimism.
Learned optimism alone will not stem the tide of depression; optimism is just a useful adjunct to
wisdom. By itself, it cannot provide meaning. Optimism is a tool to help the individual achieve the goals
he has set for himself. It is in the choice of the goals themselves that meaning--or emptines--resides.
When learned optimism is coupled with a renewed commitment to the commons, our epidemic of
depression and meaninglessness may end.