Materials: A Study On Drilling High-Strength CFRP Laminates: Frictional Heat and Cutting Temperature
Materials: A Study On Drilling High-Strength CFRP Laminates: Frictional Heat and Cutting Temperature
Materials: A Study On Drilling High-Strength CFRP Laminates: Frictional Heat and Cutting Temperature
A Study on Drilling High-Strength CFRP Laminates:
Frictional Heat and Cutting Temperature
Jinyang Xu 1, * , Chao Li 1 , Jiaqiang Dang 1 , Mohamed El Mansori 2,3 and Fei Ren 4
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; (C.L.); (J.D.)
2 MSMP—EA 7350, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Châlons-en-Champagne 51006, France;
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840, USA
4 Shanghai Aerospace Equipments Manufacturer Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200245, China;
* Correspondence:
Received: 29 September 2018; Accepted: 23 November 2018; Published: 25 November 2018
Abstract: High-strength carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites have become popular
materials to be utilized in the aerospace and automotive industries, due to their unique and
superior mechanical properties. An understanding of cutting temperatures is rather important
when dealing with high-strength CFRPs, since machining defects are likely to occur because of
high temperatures (especially in the semi-closed drilling process). The friction behavior at the flank
tool-workpiece interface when drilling CFRPs plays a vital role in the heat generation, which still
remains poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to address the friction-induced heat based
on two specially-designed tribometers to simulate different sliding velocities, similar to those
occurring along the flank tool-work interface in drilling. The elastic recovery effect during the
drilling process was considered during the tribo-drilling experiments. The drilling temperatures were
calculated by the analytical model and verified by the in-situ experimental results gained using the
embedded thermocouples into the drills. The results indicate that the magnitudes of the interfacial
friction coefficients between the cemented carbide tool and the CFRP specimen are within the range
between 0.135–0.168 under the examined conditions. Additionally, the friction caused by the plastic
deformation and elastic recovery effects plays a dominant role when the sliding velocity increases.
The findings in this paper point out the impact of the friction-induced heat and cutting parameters
on the overall drilling temperature.
1. Introduction
High-strength carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites have become one of the most
popular materials in many industries, including aerospace, automobile, etc., due to their excellent
mechanical properties of high specific tensile strength, fracture toughness, modulus and fatigue
strength. Meanwhile, the CFRP materials meet the lightweight requirements for aircraft structures in
order to reduce fuel consumption in regard to economic and environmental reasons while maintaining
durability and safety standards [1,2]. Generally, CFRP components are manufactured by prepregs
utilizing carbon fibers impregnated with thermoset resin. Prepreg sheets are formed by laying up and
heat curing. Even so, a variety of the cured CFRP parts still require a secondary machining to satisfy
the final dimensional accuracy, since the layered prepreg sheets possess a redundant edge. Mechanical
joining is also inevitable for the assembly process of CFRP parts. Compared with the joining of metals
by welding, CFRP composites are often assembled via the use of bolt or rivet connections, requiring
a large number of holes to be drilled in the structural components. Additionally, some composite parts
need drilling operations to accommodate hardware and other fasteners [3].
Regarding the development of materials, as well as the requirement of high efficiency/quality
in drilling process, a large number of novel methods are being employed for the drilling of
high-strength CFRP, such as laser beam drilling [4,5], abrasive water jet drilling [6,7], rotary ultrasonic
drilling [8] and electrical discharge drilling [9,10]. A number of investigations have been conducted
with respect to the involved non-conventional methods. Laser beam drilling is one of the most
important unconventional machining processes that is employed in machining the high-strength
steels, metal alloys, ceramics, composites and superalloys with satisfaction. Abrasive water jet
processing generally induces no thermal damage in the machined surface; however, the machining
cost is relatively high. Additionally, it is of great difficulty of processing where the jet does not
penetrate. Rotary ultrasonic drilling has been widely used in hole-drilling of brittle materials and
composites owing to its advantage of reducing cutting forces and improving machining quality.
The electrical discharge drilling has been proved to be a feasible technology in producing defect-free
holes. Although the non-conventional hole-making technologies have been widely studied in detail,
conventional drilling using the standard drill bits still remains one of the most economical operations
for practical purposes [11].
It is more challenging to drill high-strength CFRP composites reinforced with long fibers compared
with some metal materials. For instance, the presence of uncut polyester fibers often leads to an increase
of machined surface roughness [12]. The chip removal mechanism of the CFRP composite is quite
different from that of metals in view of the fact that CFRP composites are characterized by multi-scale
characteristics in nature and anisotropy in properties [13]. Besides, resins are easier to fracture than
fibers and the adhesive strength between resins and fibers are relatively lower compared with the
fracture strength of the reinforcing fibers [14]. Hence, mechanical defects, such as tearing, spalling,
delamination and fiber pullout are more likely to occur during the drilling process [15]. To address
the aforementioned machining defects, a large number of analytical and numerical models have been
developed by achieving some favorable results. However, to obtain drilled holes with high quality the
machinists should not only deal with the mechanical damage induced in drilling, but also pay more
attention to the issue of the cutting temperature caused by the interaction between the drill bit and the
workpiece, since it greatly affects the machined surface quality and the tool life. For a typical CFRP
material, the glass transition temperature is approximately 180 ◦ C, over which resin degradation occurs
within the subsurface layers. The resin degradation is more likely to induce interlaminar delamination,
fiber/matrix interface debonding and reduce the strength of the material, exacerbating the extents of
the machining defects [16].
A variety of temperature measuring methods utilized to monitor different machining processes,
combining analytical, numerical and experimental techniques, were performed in the open literature.
The method of embedding thermocouples into the drill bit remains the most-used and the earliest
technique to capture the cutting temperatures and thermal gradients of the cutting edges during the
drilling process. Samy et al. [17] analyzed the effects of cutting parameters on the temperature,
thrust force and surface roughness in drilling composites where the methods of embedded
thermocouples and infrared camera were used. The results indicate that a larger point angle at higher
spindle speeds increases the temperature developed in the surface of holes, which is attributed to the
high frictional contact between the tool and the workpiece. Brinksmeier et al. [18] made a comparative
study between the conventional drilling and orbital drilling of aluminum/CFRP/titanium composites
in terms of the cutting temperature measured by the embedded thermocouples into the tool tip.
The authors reported that the orbital drilling induced lower cutting temperatures compared with
the conventional drilling under the conditions of identical cutting speeds and the surface integrity
of boreholes produced by the orbital drilling is much better than the conventional drilling. Another
method is the use of wireless systems to transmit the acquired data from the spindle during
the machining of composites [19,20]. Additionally, a number of non-contact techniques, such as
Materials 2018, 11, 2366 3 of 13
infrared radiation were utilized to measure the temperatures developed in different machining
operations [21,22]. Apart from the above studies, the thermal behavior and heat transfer mechanisms
of fibrous composites were studied by several researchers. Tian and Cole [23] studied the thermal
properties of CFRP composites and concluded that the fibrous composite presented an anisotropic
thermal conductivity varying in the in-plane and through-thickness directions. Merino-Pérez et al. [24]
studied the influence of material properties and cutting speeds on the heat dissipation during drilling
CFRP by adopting both the methods of the embedded thermocouples and the infrared camera.
The results implied that the cross-linking density of the matrix, the crystallinity, as well as the structure
of the reinforcing fibers affect the heat dissipation and the overall temperatures.
However, issues relating to the heat generation in the material removal when drilling the fibrous
composites are still not widely addressed in the literature. Regarding the conventional drilling process,
the input energy is generally dissipated by two parts, namely the chip separation and the friction
at the tool-chip and tool-work interfaces. Since the CFRP chips are separated by brittle fracture
without undergoing elastoplastic deformations, the heat produced by the chip breakage is relatively
low, which can be reasonably neglected. In contrast, a large amount of the cutting heat is dissipated
by the chips. The powder-like composite chips would reduce the contact length of the tool-chip
interaction zone and further suppress the frictional heat generation at the tool-chip interface. However,
the interaction at the tool-work interface plays a vital role in the frictional heat generation because
of the elastic recovery effects. Additionally, the friction-induced heat can easily accumulate at the
tool flank face, which may dissipate into the machined CFRP surface particularly in the semi-closed
drilling operation. The present study is an extension of our previous work [25] aiming to eliminate
the errors induced by the method of designing experiments, which will be discussed in detail in
the following subsections and to address fundamentally the friction-induced heat in drilling CFRP
composites. The drilling temperature and friction-induced temperature were recorded in-situ through
the use of the thermocouples embedded into the drills and pins, respectively. The obtained results
were correlated to the used cutting parameters.
Figure 1.
Figure 1. The
1. The specially-designed
Thespecially-designed carbon
specially-designed carbon fiber
carbon fiber reinforced
fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)
reinforced polymer (CFRP) plate
plate for
for replicating
replicating the local
replicating the local
friction conditions of drilling and the scheme of the pin-on-disc tests.
friction conditions of drilling and the scheme of the pin-on-disc tests.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. The
2. experimental setup
The experimental
experimental setup for
setup for the
for the pin-on-disc
the pin-on-disc tests
pin-on-disc tests and
tests and the
and the used
the used pin/twist
used pin/twist drill.
pin/twist drill.
drawback of our previous work [25] is the reduction of the thrust force caused by the wear consumption
of the specimen surface during the reciprocating circular motion of pins in the tribological tests.
To eliminate the experimental errors of interfacial friction coefficients, the rotary movement of the pins
was replaced by the rectilinear motion in the present study as depicted in Figure 1. Meanwhile,
considering the limitation of the rapid feed rate of the machine tool in the X and Y directions,
the maximum sliding velocity was set as 30 m/min.
In general, the pin-on-disc experiments were carried out following several steps to determine the
interfacial friction coefficients while drilling the CFRP composites by referring to the work done by
Mondelin et al. [28]. Firstly, the pin was mounted on the spindle of the CNC machine tool. Then, the pin
moved vertically to touch the designed point of the CFRP specimen. In this step, the dynamometer
signal was carefully observed to match the thrust force value obtained in the previous drilling tests.
After reaching the set-point of the contact load, the pin stops to move. Then, a rectilinear movement
in the Y direction under Please replacerapid
the configured thefeed
rate is4applied
by thetonewcreateone
a relative motion between
the pin and the CFRP specimen that aims to replicate the contact conditions of the tool-work interface
in the PDFofversion!
of drilling. The images showing the morphologies two used pins are given in Figure 4. The CFRP
specimen is fixed onto a dynamometer to measure the macroscopic normal load (Fn ) and tangential
load (Ft ). The thermocouples replace
were the Figure
embedded 4 bytothe
into the pins newthe
record onetemperature during a test.
A schematic diagram showing the working conditions of the tribometer is given in Figure 5.
in the PDF version!
Figure 5. A schematic illustration of the working conditions for the tribometer [25].
Materials 2018, 11, 2366 7 of 13
Therefore, according to our previous work [25], the interfacial friction coefficient (µ) between the
tool flank surface and the workpiece can be calculated by
∆Q dT
q = = −λ · , (4)
A∆t dδ
where q is the heat flux density, ∆Q/∆t is the heat flow rate, A is the contact surface area, λ is the
thermal conductivity coefficient, and dT/dδ is the temperature gradient.
During the machining of CFRPs, the tribological interaction between the tool flank surface and
the machined composite surface plays a vital role in heat generation, due to the elastic recovery effects
arising from the highly abrasive carbon fibers. To evaluate the temperature rise induced from the
drilling operation, a prediction model was established based on the following assumptions with
a reference to formulas describing the average temperature increment of the tool-chip interface:
• The frictional heat model was considered as a plane thermal source case.
• The average velocity of the main cutting edges was used in the model and the chisel edge length
was neglected.
• The fracture-induced heat arising from two main fracture zones and the heat induced by the
friction at the tool-chip contact surface were ignored.
A prediction model of the temperature rise for the composites drilling was derived from [30]
as shown below: s
0.754Rh qh aw Lw
∆T = , (5)
kw Vc
Materials 2018, 11, 2366 8 of 13
where Rh is the percentage of heat transferred to workpiece in this case, qh is the heat flux density of
the flank-workpiece interaction zone, kw is the heat conductivity of work materials, aw is the thermal
diffusivity of work materials, Lw is the length of flank-workpiece interaction zone, and Vc is the average
cutting velocity of the drill lips.
aw = , (6)
where ρ and cw are the density and specific heat capacity of the composite, respectively. Assuming that
all the work done by friction is transformed into heat, then
µFN Vc
qh = , (7)
S f lank
where t = D/(2sin(ϕ/2)) is the length of the drill cutting edge; D is the drill diameter; ϕ is the drill
point angle; Fn is the component of the thrust force that is perpendicular to the cutting plane. Taking
the area that is cut across by the drill edges per revolution as the heat source plane, the following
equation can be obtained:
Z l
Lw t = 2π · l · sin dl, (8)
0 2
Finally, the temperature localized at the CFRP drilling surface can be estimated by
0.754Rh µFN Vc sin ϕ
2 k w Lw
T = + Tr , (9)
k w Lw t ρcw Vc
Friction coefficient
and adhesive friction coefficient (µadh ) are found to show a decreasing trend with the elevated sliding
velocity. This is attributed to the thermal softening effects as the sliding velocity increases during the
drilling of CFRPs. Moreover, 0.20the magnitudes of the frictional temperatures can be calculated according
to 2018,
Materials Equation (9),PEER
11, x FOR which are 0.16
REVIEWdiscussed in the following subsection. 9 of 13
0.44 0.12
Apparent friction coefficient μapp of pin 1
0.40 0.08
Apparent friction coefficient μapp of pin 2
0.36 0.04
Elastic friction coefficient μela
0.32 0.00 15 20 25 30
Friction coefficient
Sliding velocity, V (m/min)
Figure 6. The apparent
0.24 friction coefficients of the two pins and the elastic friction coefficients vs. the
sliding velocity.
Evolutions of the0.16adhesive friction coefficient, the interfacial friction coefficient of two pins and
the μadh/μapp vs. the sliding velocity are plotted in Figure 7. The downtrend of μadh/μapp shows that the
friction caused by the plastic deformation and elastic recovery effects plays a dominant role as the
0.08 This phenomenon is quite different from that encountered in machining
sliding velocity increases.
metals. The adhesive0.04 friction coefficient basically does not change as the cutting velocity varies and
usually plays a key role in the metal cutting. Furthermore, both the apparent friction coefficient (μapp)
and adhesive friction coefficient15(μadh) are found 20 to show a decreasing
25 trend 30with the elevated sliding
velocity. This is attributed to the thermal Sliding velocity,
softening V (m/min)
effects as the sliding velocity increases during the
Figure of 6.CFRPs.
6. The apparentMoreover,
The apparent
friction the
friction magnitudes
coefficients of theof
two of
thepins pinsfrictional
and and
the temperatures
the elastic
elastic friction
coefficients calculated
thevs. the
slidingto Equation
sliding velocity. (9), which are discussed in the following subsection.
0.24 50
(a) of the adhesive friction
Adhesive friction μadh of pin
coefficient the1 interfacial friction coefficient of two pins and
(b) Adhesive part μadh/apparent part μapp
the μadh/μapp vs. the sliding friction
velocity plottedμadh
arecoefficient pin 2 7. 45
in ofFigure The downtrend of μadh/μapp shows that the
Interfacial friction coefficient μ 40
friction caused by the plastic deformation and elastic recovery effects plays a dominant role as the
sliding velocity increases. This phenomenon is quite different 35 from that encountered in machining
Friction coefficient
metals. The adhesive friction coefficient basically does not30change as the cutting velocity varies and
usually 0.12
plays a key role in the metal cutting. Furthermore, 25 both the apparent friction coefficient (μapp)
and adhesive friction coefficient (μadh) are found to show a decreasing 20
trend with the elevated sliding
This is attributed to the thermal softening effects as the sliding velocity increases during the
drilling of CFRPs. Moreover, the magnitudes of the frictional temperatures can be calculated
according0.04to Equation (9), which are discussed in the following subsection.
0.24 50
0.00 Adhesive friction coefficient μadh of pin 1 0
(a) 15 20 25 30 45
(b) 15 Adhesive20 25 part μ 30
part μadh/apparent
Adhesive friction
Sliding coefficient
velocity, μadh of pin 2
V (m/min) Sliding velocity, V (m/min) app
Interfacial friction coefficient μ 40
Figure 7. (a) The adhesive friction coefficients, the interfacial friction coefficients of the two pins and
Friction coefficient
transition. Also, the high temperature promoted at the tool-work interface as the velocity increases
would cause thermalto softening
is detrimental the drilling of
of the
composites, due leading
to theto matrixrisk
increased degradation. It could also
of glass transition.
consequently decrease the friction coefficients of μapp and μadh, as discussed earlier incause
Also, the high temperature promoted at the tool-work interface as the velocity increases would Section 3.1.
thermal softening of the composites, leading to matrix degradation. It could also consequently decrease
Moreover, the results given in Figure 8 imply that a low cutting velocity is favorable for the drilling
the friction coefficients of µapp and µadh , as discussed earlier in Section 3.1. Moreover, the results given
of high-strength composites
in Figure 8 imply that a lowincutting
to minimize
is favorablethe
for detrimental effects caused
the drilling of high-strength by the
composites in cutting
order to minimize the detrimental effects caused by the cutting temperature.
Temperatures obtained by experimental tests
Temperatures predicted by analytical models
Temperature (℃ )
15 20 25 30
Sliding velocity, V (m/min)
Figure 8. Comparison of the drilling temperatures of the tool-work interface gained by the experimental
Figure 8. Comparison of the drilling temperatures of the tool-work interface gained by the
tests and analytical models at a constant feed rate (f ) of 0.02 mm/rev.
experimental tests and analytical models at a constant feed rate (f) of 0.02 mm/rev.
3.3. Drilling Temperature
3.3. Drilling Temperature
Figure 9 shows the temperatures measured in both the drilling experiments and the frictional
tests under different cutting conditions. The results indicate that the cutting speed has a positive
Figure 9 shows the temperatures measured in both the drilling experiments and the frictional
impact on the heat generated during the drilling of CFRP composites. This is similar to the cases
tests under different
of cutting cuttingmetals
conventional conditions.
in whichThe resultstemperature
the cutting indicate that becomesthe higher
cuttingwhenspeed has ais positive
the speed
impact on the heat
elevated. generated
Additionally, the during thechanges
temperature drilling of CFRP
marginally composites.
subjected This is
to the varying similar
feed to the
rates, which is cases of
attributed to themetals
cutting conventional fact thatinin which
drilling the
CFRPs, the dominant
cutting source of
temperature heat generation
becomes higheriswhenthe friction
the speed is
arising from the tool-work interaction zone that is more sensitive to the
elevated. Additionally, the temperature changes marginally subjected to the varying feed rates, cutting velocity. Meanwhile,
results of temperatures gained in the drilling and pin-on-disk tests show that the frictional temperature
which is attributed to the fact that in drilling CFRPs, the dominant source of heat generation is the
tends to account for a larger proportion of the overall drilling temperature when the cutting velocity
friction arising
increases.from the tool-work
The highest proportioninteraction
of 71.6% takes zoneplacethat
under is the
more sensitive
conditions of Vto them/min
= 30 cuttingandvelocity.
Meanwhile, results
f = 0.03 mm/rev. of This
temperatures gained
can be explained infact
by the thethat
drilling and pin-on-disk
the tool-work interface, which tests show
features the that the
tribological interaction between the tool flank face and the machined composite
frictional temperature tends to account for a larger proportion of the overall drilling temperature surface, plays a vital
when therole in the velocity
cutting frictional heat generation,
increases. The due to theproportion
highest elastic recovery effectstakes
of 71.6% resulting
placefrom the abrasive
under the conditions
machined carbon fibers.
of V = 30 m/min andf = 0.03 mm/rev. This can be explained by the fact that the tool-work interface,
which features the tribological interaction between the tool flank face and the machined composite
surface, plays a vital role in the frictional heat generation, due to the elastic recovery effects resulting
from the abrasive machined carbon fibers.
Materials 2018, 11, 2366 11 of 13
Materials 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 13
360 80 360 80
Frictional temperature 78 Frictional temperature 78
(a) 320
Drilling temperature 76 Drilling temperature 76
Frictional temperature/drilling temperature 74 Frictional temperature/drilling temperature 74
280 280
70.5% 72 71.4% 72
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
240 70 240 70
68 68
200 66 200 66
160 64 160 64
62 58.7% 62
120 60 120 60
58 58
80 56 80 56
40 54 40 54
52 52
0 50 0 50
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Cutting speed, V (m/min) Cutting speed, V (m/min)
360 80 360 80
Frictional temperature (c) 78 Frictional temperature (d) 78
320 Drilling temperature 76 320 Drilling temperature 76
Frictional temperature/drilling temperature 74 Frictional temperature 71.4% 74
280 71.6% 280
72 /drilling temperature 72
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
240 70 240 70
68 68
200 66 200 66
160 60.3% 64
60.8% 64
62 62
120 60 120 60
58 58
80 56 80 56
40 54
40 54
52 52
0 50 0 50
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Cutting speed, V (m/min) Cutting speed, V (m/min)
Temperature variations
Figure 9. Temperature variations during
during the the drilling
drilling andand frictional
frictional tests
tests under
under different cutting
parameters: (a) f ==0.01
0.01mm/rev, (b)f f= =0.02
mm/rev,(b) 0.02mm/rev,
mm/rev, f =f 0.03
(c)(c) = 0.03 mm/rev
mm/rev andand f = f0.04
(d)(d) = 0.04 mm/rev.
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
The present
The present paper
paper made
made anan investigation
investigation on
on the
the tribo-drilling
tribo-drilling ofof high-strength
high-strength CFRP
CFRP composites
by addressing the aspects of frictional heat and drilling temperatures. A particular
by addressing the aspects of frictional heat and drilling temperatures. A particular focus was focus was placed on
the the
on predictions of theoffrictional
predictions heat occurring
the frictional at the flank
heat occurring tool-work
at the interface and
flank tool-work on the and
interface quantifying
on the
the contribution of the frictional temperature to the overall drilling temperature
quantifying the contribution of the frictional temperature to the overall drilling temperaturesubjected to varying
cutting conditions.
subjected to varyingAccording
cutting to the results According
conditions. obtained, theto following
the resultskeyobtained,
conclusionsthecan be drawn.
following key
conclusions can be drawn.
• The interfacial friction coefficient shows a high sensitivity to the input drilling variables. Increasing
the sliding
The velocity
interfacial tendscoefficient
friction to reduce the magnitudes
shows a high of both the µtoappthe
sensitivity andinput
µadh due to thevariables.
drilling effects of
thermal softening.
Increasing the sliding velocity tends to reduce the magnitudes of both the μapp and μadh due to the
• effects of thermal
The established softening.
analytical model can be used to predict the drilling temperatures of the tool-work
The established
interface under theanalytical model
condition can feed
of low be used to predict
rates. the drillinginvestigation
The experimental temperaturesconfirms
of the tool-
work interface
presence of theunder the condition
contribution of theofelastic
low feed rates. The
recovery experimental
phenomenon investigation
to the interfacialconfirms
the presenceand
coefficient, of the
the contribution of the of
dominant source elastic
heat recovery
generation phenomenon
when drilling to the interfacial
CFRP friction
composites is
the friction and
at thesource of heat
tool-work generation
interaction when
zone, drilling
which CFRP composites
contributes a percentageis the
around taking
71.6% place
to theat the tool-work
overall drilling interaction
temperatures zone, which contributes
particularly under the a percentage of around
cutting conditions of
V c = 30tom/min
the overall
and f drilling temperatures
= 0.03 mm/rev. particularly
To reduce under theofcutting
the temperature conditions
the flank tool-work of surface,
Vc = 30
m/min and speeds
low cutting f = 0.03andmm/rev. To reduce
high feed rates, asthe
welltemperature of the
as the efficient flank tool-work
geometry design of surface, low
tools should
cutting speeds
be adopted. and high feed rates, as well as the efficient geometry design of tools should be
Author Contributions: J.X. and C.L. conceived and designed the work; J.X. developed the prediction models;
Author Contributions:
C.L. conducted J.X. and
the experiments andC.L. conceived
analyzed and
the data; designed
J.X. the work; J.X.
and J.D. contributed developed
to the writing ofthe
the prediction
models; C.L. the
M.E.M. offered conducted the experiments
idea of designing andtests;
the pin-on-disc analyzed the data;
F.R. provided J.X. and
the technical J.D. contributed
assistance to tests.
to the drilling the
writing of the manuscript; M.E.M. offered the idea of designing the pin-on-disc tests; F.R. provided
the technical assistance to the drilling tests.
Materials 2018, 11, 2366 12 of 13
Funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No. 51705319), Shanghai Pujiang Program (Grant No. 17PJ1403800) and Shanghai Academy of
Spaceflight Technology (Grant No. SAST2017-060). The work is also partly sponsored by the Research Project of
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration (Grant No. MSVZD201704).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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