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Volume 18, Number 2, 2012

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2011.0080

The Antimicrobial Activity of Thyme Essential Oil Against

Multidrug Resistant Clinical Bacterial Strains

Monika Sienkiewicz,1 Monika Łysakowska,1 Paweł Denys,2 and Edward Kowalczyk 3

Aim: The aim of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of thyme essential oil against clinical
multidrug resistant strains of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia, and Pseudomonas genus. Materials:
The antibacterial activity of oil was tested against standard strains of bacteria and 120 clinical strains iso-
lated from patients with infections of the oral cavity, abdominal cavity, respiratory and genitourinary tracts,
skin, and from the hospital environment. Methods: Agar diffusion was used to determine the microbial
growth inhibition of bacterial growth at various concentrations of oil from Thymus vulgaris. Susceptibility
testing to antibiotics was carried out using disk diffusion. Results: Thyme essential oil strongly inhibited the
growth of the clinical strains of bacteria tested. Conclusions: The use of phytopharmaceuticals based on an
investigated essential oil from thyme in the prevention and treatment of various human infections may
be reasonable.

Introduction The aim of the study

O pportunistic infections caused by Gram-negative

bacteria, mainly of the Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp.,
Serratia sp., Proteus sp., Escherichia sp., and Pseudomonas sp.
The aim of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial
properties of thyme essential oil obtained from thyme (Thy-
mus vulgaris L.) against standard and clinical strains of bac-
present rising problems.55 There has also been a significant teria isolated from patients, clinical staff, and the hospital
increase in the number of infections caused by Gram-positive environment.
cocci belonging to Staphylococcus sp. and Enterococcus
sp.11,20,30 Thus, the search for effective and safe medicines Materials and Methods
that could be used to treat particularly persistent bacterial
Bacterial strains
infections is on. Oils, a diverse group of plant metabolites,
seem to be an interesting solution; in past years, a large The standard strains, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 433000,
number of essential oils and their constituents have been Enterococcus faecalis Van B ATCC 51299, En. faecalis, vanco-
investigated for their antimicrobial properties against certain mycin VA-sensitive ATCC 29212, Enterococcus faecium, VA-
bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. sensitive ATCC 35667, Enterococcus durans, VA-sensitive
The essential oils of thyme, oregano, mint, cinnamon, cu- ATCC 6656, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Pseudomonas
min, salvia, clove, and eucalyptus have been found to pos- aeruginosa ATCC 27853 came from the collection of the
sess the strongest antimicrobial properties.33 Many of them Medical and Sanitary Microbiology Department, Medical
appear to have a wide spectrum of antibiotic activity against University of Lodz.
microflora that provokes hospital-acquired infections. The The clinical strains of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Escher-
broad and complex activity of essential oils, as well as their ichia, and Pseudomonas genera were collected from different
synergy of action, can make them a valued weapon against materials originating from patients and medical staff, as well
multidrug resistant bacterial strains. What is more, there is as the environment of various wards from two hospitals in
no evidence of emergence of resistant bacteria after their Lodz: internal diseases, surgery, urology, laryngology, and
usage, and this is highly promising in the treatment of hu- intensive care unit. Bacterial strains were isolated from ab-
man diseases.25,34,43,49 dominal cavity exudates (n = 4), bronchial secretions (n = 5),

Medical and Sanitary Microbiology Department, Medical University of Lodz, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.
Orthopedic Clinic, Medical University of Lodz, Orthopedic Clinic, Lodz, Poland.
Pharmacology and Toxicology Department, Medical University of Lodz, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.


nose (n = 9), ear (n = 3), pharynx (n = 6), hands (n = 2), ulcers Identification of components was based on the compari-
(n = 14), wounds (n = 22), bedsores (n = 12), abscesses (n = 1), son of their MS spectra with those of the laboratory-made
groin (n = 5), bile (n = 1), toe (n = 1), anus (n = 6), sputum MS library, commercial libraries (NIST 98.1, Wiley Registry
(n = 1), blood (n = 2), urine (n = 14), drains (n = 2), hospital of Mass Spectral Data, 8th Ed. and MassFinder 3.1) and with
staff (n = 2), disinfecting dispensers (n = 2), hospital beds literature data1,31 along with the retention indices on apolar
(n = 2), and cupboard swabs (n = 4). column (Rtx-1, MassFinder 3.1) associated with a series of
alkanes with linear interpolation (C8-C26). A quantitative
Bacterial strain identification analysis (expressed as percentages of each component) was
carried out by peak area normalization measurements
S. aureus strains were identified to the genus according to
without correction factors.
standard microbiological methods: culturing on Columbia
The standard and clinical strains were cultivated in Co-
Agar (bioMerieux) with 5% blood, culturing on Mannitol Salt
lumbia agar medium and incubated at 37C for 48 hours in
Agar (bioMerieux), using Slidex-Staph Kit (bioMerieux), and
aerobic conditions. Bacterial suspensions with an optical
determining the ability of bacteria to produce catalase and
density of 0.5 on the Mc Farland scale were prepared and
coagulase (bioMerieux). Microorganisms were identified to
analyzed with a Bio Merieux densitometer.
the species by using API 20 Staph tests (bioMerieux). Bacteria
The antibacterial properties of the tested oil were investi-
were incubated at 37C for 24 hours. S. aureus ATCC 29213
gated by agar dilution. The essential oil was diluted in eth-
strain was used as a control.
anol. This solution was mixed with a nutrient broth to obtain
Enterococci were identified to the genus according to
concentrations from 0.03125 to 2.5 ml/ml and poured into
standard microbiological methods: culturing on Columbia
petri dishes. Inoculum containing 1.5$108 CFU (0.1 ml) per
Agar (bioMerieux) with 5% sheep blood, culturing on En-
spot was seeded on the surface of the agar with various oil
terococcosel Agar (Emapol), determining the presence of D
concentrations, as well as on agar with no oil added (strains
antigen according to Lancefield (Slidex-Strep Kit, bioMer-
growth control). Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)
ieux), and determining the ability of bacteria to produce
was determined after 24 hours of incubation at 37C in aer-
catalase, pyrrolidonyloarylamidase (Lachema). The micro-
obic conditions. The analysis of the antibacterial activity of
organisms were identified to the species by using API 20
the oil was performed thrice independently.
Strep tests (bioMerieux). The bacteria were incubated at 37C
for 24 hours. As a control, En. faecalis Van B ATCC 51299, En.
faecalis ATCC 29212, En. faecium ATCC 35667, and En. durans Susceptibility testing
ATCC 6656 strains were used.
The following antibiotics (Becton Dickinson) were used for
Es. coli strains were identified according to standard mi-
susceptibility testing of S. aureus strains: cefoxitin (FOX;
crobiological methods such as culturing on Columbia Agar
30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), erythromycin (E; 15 mg)
(bioMerieux) with 5% blood and culturing on Mac Conkey
(R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 22, S ‡ 23), clindamycin (CC; 2 mg) (R £ 14,
Agar (bioMerieux) and were identified to the species by us-
15 £ I £ 20, S £ 21), nitrofurantoin (F/M; 300 mg) (R £ 14,
ing API 20 E tests (bioMerieux). Bacteria were incubated in
15 £ I £ 16, S ‡ 17) (for isolates from urine), VA (30 mg) (S ‡ 15),
37C for 24 hours. As a control, Es. coli ATCC 25922 strain
teicoplanin (TEC; 30 mg) (R £ 10, 11 £ I £ 13, S ‡ 14), tetracy-
was used.
cline (TE; 30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 18, S ‡ 19), chloramphenicol
P. aeruginosa strains were identified according to standard
(C; 30 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), ciprofloxacin (CIP; 5 mg)
microbiological methods including culturing on Agar and
(R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
Columbia Agar (bioMerieux) with 5% blood, culturing on
(SXT; 1.25 mg/23.75 mg) (R £ 10, 11 £ I £ 15, S £ 16), fusidic acid
Mac Conkey Agar (bioMerieux), and determining the ability
(FA; 10 mg) (S ‡ 22), linezolid (LZD; 30 mg) (S ‡ 21); of En-
of the bacteria to produce oxidase (bioMerieux). The micro-
terococcus genus:
organisms were identified in the species by using API 20 NE
Ampicillin (AM; 10 mg) (R £ 16 S ‡ 17), C (30 mg) (R £ 12,
tests (bioMerieux). The bacteria were incubated in 37C for 24
13 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), CIP (5 mg) (R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), E
hours. As a control, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 strain was used.
(15 mg) (R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 22, S £ I £ 23), fosfomycin (FOS; 200 mg)
(R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 15, S ‡ 16) (only for En. faecalis, the isolates
Essential oil analysis
from urine), F/M (300 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 16, S ‡ 17) (for iso-
Commercial essential oil from thyme—T. vulgaris L. (La- lates from urine), gentamicin (GM; 120 mg) (R £ 6, 7 £ I £ 9,
miaceae) was purchased from the manufacturer (POLLENA- S ‡ 10), LZD (30 mg) (R £ 20, 21 £ I £ 22, S ‡ 23), imipenem
AROMA) and analyzed by GC-FID-MS in the Institute of (IPM; 10 mg) (R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 15, S ‡ 16), penicillin (P; 10 mg)
General Food Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz, us- (R £ 14, S ‡ 15), streptomycin (S; 300 mg) (R £ 6, 7 £ I £ 9, S ‡ 10),
ing a Trace GC Ultra apparatus (Thermo Electron Corpora- synercid (SYN; 4.5 mg/10.5 mg) (R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 18, S ‡ 19) (only
tion) MS DSQ II detectors and FID-MS splitter (SGE). for En. faecium), TE (30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 18, S ‡ 19), TEC
Operating conditions: apolar capillary column Rtx-1 ms (30 mg) (R £ 10, 11 £ I £ 13, S ‡ 14), VA (30 mg) (R £ 14,
(Restek), 60 m · 0.25 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25 mm; tem- 15 £ I £ 16, S ‡ 17), of Es. coli strains: amoxicillin/clavulanic
perature program, 50C–300C at 4C/minute; SSL injector acid (AMC; 20 mg/10 mg) (R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), cefalotin
temperature 280C; FID temperature 300C; split ratio 1:20; (CF; 30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), cefazolin (CZ; 30 mg)
carrier gas helium at a regular pressure 200 kPa.; FID tem- (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), cefuroxime (CXM; 30 mg) (R £ 14,
perature 260C; carrier gas, helium; 0.5 ml/min; split ratio 15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), GM (10 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 14, S ‡ 15), AM
1:20. Mass spectra were acquired over the mass range of 30– (10 mg) (R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 16, S ‡ 17) (only for the isolates from
400 Da, ionization voltage of 70 eV, and ion source temper- urine), norfloxacin (NOR; 10 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 16, S ‡ 17) (as
ature of 200C. above), F/M (300 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 16, S ‡ 17) (as above),

FOX (30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), cefotaxim (CTX; 30 mg) Table 1. Components of the Essential Oil Obtained
(R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 22, S ‡ 23), ceftazidime (CAZ; 30 mg) (R £ 14, from Thyme—Thymus vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae)
15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), aztreonam (ATM; 30 mg) (R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 21,
Total Retention
S ‡ 22), IPM (10 mg) (R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 15, S ‡ 16), CIP (5 mg)
No. Compound oil % indices
(R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), netilmicin (NET; 30 mg) (R £ 12,
13 £ I £ 14, S ‡ 15), tobramycin (NN; 10 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 14, 1 a-Thujene 0.6 932
S ‡ 15), C (30 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), TE (30 mg) (R £ 14, 2 a-Pinene 1.9 936
15 £ I £ 18, S ‡ 19), SXT (1.25 mg/23.75 mg) (R £ 10, 11 £ I £ 15, 3 Camphene 1.2 950
S ‡ 16) and of P. aeruginosa strains: mezlocillin (MZ; 75 mg) 4 Oct-1-en-3-ol 1.0 962
(R £ 17, 18 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), piperacillin (PIP; 100 mg) (R £ 17, 5 b-Pinene 0.3 978
18 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), CAZ (30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), GM 6 Myrecene 1.1 987
(10 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 14, S ‡ 15), NN (10 mg) (R £ 12, 7 p-Cymene 29.1 1,015
8 1.8-Cineole 2.1 1,024
13 £ I £ 14, S ‡ 15), AMC (20 mg/10 mg) (R £ 13, 14 £ I £ 17,
9 Limonene 0.2 1,025
S ‡ 18), piperacillin/tazobactam (TZP; 100 mg/10 mg) (R £ 17, 10 g-Terpinene 5.2 1,051
18 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), CTX (30 mg) (R £ 14, 15 £ I £ 22, S ‡ 23), ATM 11 p-Cymenene 0.1 1,075
(30 mg) (R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 21, S ‡ 22), IPM (10 mg) (R £ 13, 12 Terpinolene 0.1 1,082
14 £ I £ 15, S ‡ 16), meropenem (MEM; 10 mg) (R £ 13, 13 Linalool 3.7 1,086
14 £ I £ 15, S ‡ 16), NET (30 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 14, S ‡ 15), CIP 14 Camphor 0.5 1,123
(5 mg) (R £ 15, 16 £ I £ 20, S ‡ 21), SXT (1.25 mg/23.75 mg) 15 Borneol 1.9 1,150
(R £ 10, 11 £ I £ 15, S ‡ 16), C (30 mg) (R £ 12, 13 £ I £ 17, S ‡ 18), 16 Terpinen-4-ol 1.3 1,164
and colistin (CL; 50 mg) (R < 15, S > 15). Susceptibility testing 17 a-Terpineol 0.3 1,176
was carried out using the disk-diffusion method, on Mueller- 18 Thymol methyl ether 1.3 1,215
19 Carvacrol methyl ether 1.0 1,226
Hinton II Agar. Cultures were incubated at 37C for 16–18
20 Borneol acetate 0.3 1,270
hours, VA for 24 hours. The results were interpreted ac- 21 Thymol 38.1 1,267
cording to Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute 22 Carvacrol 2.3 1,278
guidelines.9 23 Thymol acetate 0.2 1,329
24 African-1-en 0.1 1,356
Results 25 a-Copaene 0.2 1,379
26 b-Burbonene 0.1 1,386
Chemical composition of the tested oil 27 b-Caryophyllene 3.1 1,421
The composition of the essential oil derived from T. vul- 28 Thymohydroquinone 0.1 1,509
garis was found to meet the requirements of the Polish 29 a-Humulene 0.1 1,455
30 g-Muurolene 0.3 1,474
Pharmacopoeia VIII and the European Pharmacopoeia.18,40
31 cis-b Guaiene 0.1 1,488
The content of thymol amounts to 38.1% and carvacrol 32 Cuparene 0.1 1,498
to 2.3%, as well as other prevailing compounds such as 33 g-Cadinene 0.6 1,507
p-cymene (29.1%), g-terpinene (5.2%), and linalool (3.7%). The 34 Calamenene B 0.2 1,517
chemical composition of the tested oil is shown in Table 1. 35 d Cadinene 0.3 1,520
36 a-Cadinene 0.1 1,534
Susceptibility testing 37 Caryophyllene oxide 0.5 1,578
38 g-Eudesmol 0.1 1,618
The tested strains of S. aureus were resistant to 50% of 39 Eudesm-3-en-7-ol 0.1 1,650
b-lactams and macrolides recommended for susceptibility 40 Cadalene 0.1 1,659
testing. Clinical strains of the Enterococcus genus showed
resistance to macrolides in almost 70%, to b-lactams and Bold texts and values indicate the major constituents of thyme oil.
aminoglycosides in 60%, and to carbapenems in 40%. The
examined Es. coli strains were resistant to b-lactams in 40%
The tested clinical strains of S. aureus, resistant to many
and to aminoglycosides in 20%. The tested P. aeruginosa
antibiotics, were sensitive to the thyme oil at low concen-
strains were resistant to b-lactams in more than 50%, to
trations. S. aureus strain isolated from abscesses was resistant
carbapenems in 30%, and to aminoglycosides and mono-
to 7 out of 11 tested antibiotics (sensitive to VA, TEC, C, and
bactams in 20%. The results are shown in Tables 2–5.
LZD); the MIC value for the thyme oil was 0.25 ml/ml. The
MIC for highly multidrug resistant bacterial strains from the
The activity of thyme oil against tested bacterial strains
hand, wound, ear, foot ulceration, exudates from episiotomy
The MIC for S. aureus were between 0.25 and 1.0 ml/ml. wounds, stump ulcers, and urine ranged from 0.5 ml/ml to
MIC was 0.25 ml/ml for the standard strain of S. aureus 0.75 ml/ml. Thyme oil at 0.5 ml/ml concentration inhibited the
ATCC 433000 and 6 strains from the clinical material. The growth of more than 45% of the resistant strains. Table 2
results are shown in Figure 1. shows the general characteristics of S. aureus isolates.
Most Staphylococcus strains were sensitive to oil at a con- The VA resistant standard strain—En. faecalis Van B ATCC
centration of 0.5 ml/ml. Growth inhibition was obtained in 17 51299 was the most sensitive strain to thyme essential oil
out of the 30 clinical bacterial strains. Isolates were taken (MIC–0.0625 ml/ml). The MIC was 0.75 ml/ml for VA sensi-
from the nose (n = 5), ear (n = 1), hand (n = 2), wound (n = 3), tive strains of En. faecalis ATCC 29212 and En. faecium ATCC
abdominal cavity (n = 1), groin (n = 1), ulcer swabs (n = 3), and 35667 and MIC for the standard strain of En. durans ATCC
urine (n = 1). The results are presented in Figure 2. 6656 was 0.85 ml/ml. The results are shown in Figure 1.

Table 2. Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates

Susceptibility to antibacterials Total

Staphylococcus aureus MIC of thyme
No. strain/clinical material essential oil ll/ml FOX E CC F/M VA TEC TE C CIP SXT FA LZD R I S

1. Swab/nose 0.25 R S R — S S R S I S S S 3 1 7
2. Swab/nose 0.5 S S S — S S R S S S S S 1 — 10
3. Swab/nose 0.75 R S R — S S R S I R R S 5 1 5
4. Swab/nose 0.5 R S R — S S R S I I R S 4 2 5
5. Swab/nose 0.5 R S R — S S R S I S R S 4 1 6
6. Swab/nose 0.25 S S S — S S S S S R R S 2 — 9
7. Swab/nose 0.5 S S S — S S R S S R S S 2 — 9
8. Swab/nose 0.5 S S S — S S S S S I S S — 1 10
9. Swab/ear 0.5 R R R — S S R S R R R S 7 — 4
10. Swab/hend 0.5 S S S — S S R S S S S S 1 — 10
11. Swab/hend 0.5 R R R — S S R S R R R S 7 — 4
12. Swab/wound 0.75 R S R — S S R S I R R R 6 1 4
13. Swab/wound 0.75 R S R — S S R S I R S S 4 1 6
14. Swab/wound 0.5 S S S — S S R S R S S S 2 — 9
15. Swab/wound 0.5 I R R — S S R R S S S S 4 1 6
16. Swab/wound 0.5 S S S — S S R S S S S S 1 — 10
17. Swab/wound 1.0 R R R — S S R S R S R S 6 — 5
18. Exudation/abdominal cavity 0.25 R R R — S S R S R S S S 5 — 6
19. Exudation/abdominal cavity 0.5 I R R — S S R S R S S S 4 1 6
20. Exudation/abdominal cavity 0.25 S R R — S S R S R S S S 4 — 7
21. Swab/ulceration 0.5 R R R — S S R S R I R S 6 1 4
22. Swab/ulceration 0.5 S R R — S S R S R S S S 4 — 7
23. Swab/ulceration 0.75 R R R — S S S R R R R S 7 — 4
24. Swab/ulceration 0.5 S S S — S S S S S S S S — — 11
25. Swab/groin 0.5 S S S — S S S S S S S S — — 11
26. Swab/groin 1.0 I R R — S S R R I S S S 4 2 5
27. Swab/abscess 0.25 R R R — S S R S R R R S 7 — 4
28. Urine 0.5 I R R S S S R S R S S R 5 1 6
29. Urine 0.25 R S R S S S R S I R S S 4 1 7
30. Swab/drain 0.75 S S S — S S R S S S S S 1 — 10

FOX, cefoxitin; E, erythromycin; CC, clindamycin; F/M, nitrofurantoin; VA, vancomycin; TEC, teicoplanin; TE, tetracycline; C,
chloramphenicol; CIP, ciprofloxacin; SXT, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole; FA, fusidic acid; LZD, linezolid; R, resistant; I, intermediate
susceptible strain; S, susceptible strain; MIC, minimal inhibitory concentration.

Thyme oil was also very active against clinical strains, the that the same MIC value was determined for 13 strains from
most active against En. faecium strain being isolated from the the clinical material. Thyme oil of this concentration was
ulcer (MIC–0.25 ml/ml); it significantly inhibited 16 clinical effective against clinical strains isolated from the throat
strains at a concentration of 0.75 ml/ml and 11 clinical strains and the majority of strains from the wound swabs. An MIC
at 0.5 ml/ml. The results are shown in Figure 2. of - 0.5 ml/ml was obtained for 17 tested clinical strains of
An MIC value of - 0.5 ml/ml was characteristic for all colon bacilli, isolated from the anus, bedsore swabs, and
strains of En. faecalis and En. faecium isolated from urine, and urine. The clinical strains of Es. coli tested that were highly
En. faecalis strains derived from the hospital environment. resistant to commonly used antibiotics showed sensitivity
The concentration of 0.75 ml/ml inhibited the growth of to thyme oil.
En. faecalis clinical strains from wounds and the throat, as The multidrug resistant strain isolated from ulcers, re-
well as of En. faecium strains from blood and from the hos- sistant to 14 out of 16 antibiotics (sensitive to the ATM,
pital environment. IPM), was sensitive to thyme oil (MIC = (0.25 ml/ml)). The
It was found that most clinical resistant strains of entero- same MIC was obtained for two strains from wound and
cocci were sensitive to the tested oil. The En. faecium strain bedsore swabs, which were sensitive to only 5 out of the 16
isolated from ulcers, resistant to 9 out of 14 antibiotics tested antibiotics. The growth of nearly 60% of the resistant
(sensitive to LNZ, SYN, TEC, and VA), was sensitive to strains was inhibited by thyme oil at a concentration of
thyme essential oil at the lowest concentration of 0.25 ml/ml. 0.5 ml/ml. Table 4 shows the general features of Es. coli
All En. faecium clinical strains isolated from urine, resistant to isolates.
8 antibiotics, were also sensitive to the oil of thyme; MIC was Strains of P. aeruginosa were the most resistant to the
0.5 ml/ml. In all, more than 45% of resistant strains were thyme oil. The standard strain—P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853—
sensitive to thyme oil: MIC = (0.75 ml/ml). Table 3 shows the was inhibited with 0.5 ml/ml. The results are shown in Figure
general characteristics of Enterococcus sp. isolates. 1. The number of the clinical strains that were sensitive to the
The oil showed bactericidal activity against Es. coli ATCC thyme oil at 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 ml/ml was similar, and it is
25922 standard strain at 0.25 ml/ml (Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows presented in Figure 2. Concentrations of 1.5 and 2.0 ml/ml

Table 3. Characteristics of Enterococcus sp. Isolates

MIC of thyme Susceptibility to antibacterials Total
Enterococcus spp. essential
No. Strain/clinical material oil ll/ml AM C CIP E FOS F/M GM IPM LNZ P S SYN TE TEC VA R I S

1. En. faecalis/urine 0.5 S S R S S S S S S S S — I S S 1 1 12

2. En. faecalis/urine 0.5 R S R R S S R R S R R — R S S 8 — 6
3. En. faecalis/urine 0.5 S S I I S S S S S S S — R S S 1 2 11
4. En. faecalis/urine 0.5 S R R R S S R S S R R — R S S 7 — 7
5. En. faecalis/urine 0.5 S R R R S S R S S S R — R S S 6 — 8
6. En. faecalis/swab/wound 0.75 S S I S — — S S S S S — S S S — 1 11
7. En. faecalis/swab/wound 0.75 S R R R — S R S S S R — R S S 6 — 7
8. En. faecalis/swab/wound 0.75 S R R R — — R S S S R — R S S 6 — 6
9. En. faecalis/swab/ulceration 0.75 S R S R — — S S S S I — R S S 3 1 8
10. En. faecalis/bile 0.75 S S S S S S S S S S S — R S S 1 — 13
11. En. faecalis/swab/bedsore 1.25 S S I S — — S S S S S — R S S 1 1 10
12. En. faecalis/swab/pharynx 0.75 S S S I — — S S S S S — R S S 1 1 10
13. E. faecalis/swab/pharynx 0.75 S R I R — — R S S S R — R S S 5 1 6
14. En. faecalis/hospital staff 0.75 S S S R — — S S S S R — R S S 3 — 9
15. En. faecalis/drain 0.75 S S R S — — R S S S S — R S S 3 — 9
16. En. faecalis/cupboard 0.5 S S R S — — R S S S S — R S S 3 — 9
17. En. faecalis/disinfecting dispencer 0.5 S S I S — — S S S S S — R S S 1 1 10
18. En. faecalis/disinfecting dispencer 0.5 S S R S — — R S S S S — R S S 3 — 9
19. En. faecium/urine 0.5 R S R R — S R R S R R S R S S 8 — 6
20. En. faecium/urine 0.5 R S R R — R R R S R R S S S S 8 — 6
21. En. faecium/urine 0.5 R S R R — I R R S R R S R S S 8 1 5
22. En. faecium/blood 0.75 R S R R — — S R S S R S R S S 6 — 7
23. En. faecium/blood 0.75 R S R R — — S R S R R S R S S 7 — 6
24. En. faecium/swab/ulceration 0.25 R I R R — R R R S R R S R S S 9 1 4
25. En. faecium/hospital staff 0.75 R S R R — — S R S R R S R S S 7 — 6
26. En. faecium/hospital bed 0.75 R S R R — — R R S R R S S S S 7 — 6
27. E. faecium/hospital bed 0.75 S S S S — — S S S S S S S S S — — 13
28. En. faecium/cupboard 0.75 R S R R — — R S S S S — R S S 5 — 7
29. En. faecium/cupboard 0.75 R S R R — S R R S R R S R S S 8 — 6
30. En. durans/cupboard 1.0 R S R R — S R R S R R S R S S 8 — 6

AM, ampicillin; FOS, fosfomycin; GM, gentamicin; IPM, imipenem; LZD, linezolid; P, penicillin; S, streptomycin; SYN, synercid.

inhibited the growth of strains mainly isolated from wounds 1%–5% thymol).42 According to the requirements of the Polish
and bedsores. MIC values of - 2.0 and 2.5 ml/ml were ob- Pharmacopeia VIII and European Pharmacopeia, the oil
tained for blue pus bacilli isolated from ulcers. The highest should contain thymol (36%–55%) and carvacrol (1%–4%).18,40
concentration of thyme oil, 2.5 ml/ml, was effective against In our study, the oil showed antimicrobial activity against
the bacteria from bronchial secretions and from the anus standard and clinical strains of S. aureus, En. faecalis,
swabs. It was found that the most resistant micro-organisms En. faecium, En. durans, Es. coli, and P. aeruginosa. The ob-
were isolated from bronchial secretions. Two of them were tained results are in accordance with the literature, and show
found to be resistant to all 16 antibiotics, and the third was that thyme oil has strong antimicrobial properties against all
sensitive to only 6 of them. The MIC obtained for thyme oil tested strains. The activity is due to the high content of
against these strains ranged from 2.0 to 2.5 ml/ml. phenolic compounds with antibacterial properties, such as
Higher oil activity (MIC-1.5 ml/ml) was obtained against thymol and carvacrol, which constitute more than 40% of the
the P. aeruginosa strain isolated from the flank, which showed ingredients of the oil.33
resistance to 12 antibiotics (sensitive to AMC, TZP, IPM, and In our tests, most of the clinical strains of S. aureus were
NET). At the same time, these strains were sensitive in 40% sensitive to thyme oil at a concentration of 0.5 ml/ml (17
of thyme oil used at a concentration of 1.5 ml/ml. strains), therefore relatively low compared with the high
Table 5 shows the general characteristics of P. aeruginosa concentrations of antibiotics usually required. These strains
isolates. came from diverse materials and hospital wards (e.g., swabs
Control media containing alcohol (at concentrations used from wounds, swabs from nose, and urine). As far as sus-
in the dilutions) did not inhibit the growth of bacterial ceptibility to antibiotics was concerned, many isolates were
strains. resistant to TE (n = 25, 83.3%), CC (n = 20, 66.6%), FOX (n = 14,
46.6%), E (n = 13, 43.3%), and CIP (n = 12, 40%). However, all
the strains were susceptible to VA, and TEC and only two
(from wound and urine) were resistant to LZD. Strains with
A number of chemotypes were identified in red thyme, MIC at 1 ml/ml were isolated from swabs (groin and wound),
T. vulgaris; the most important are the thymol (65% thymol, wards (nephrology and ICU), and remained sensitive to
5%–10% carvacrol) and carvacrol chemotypes (85% carvacrol, several antibiotics (VA, TEC, C, SXT, and LNZ). There were
Table 4. Characteristics of Escherichia coli Isolates

Susceptibility to antibacterials Total

Escherichia coli MIC of thyme
No. strain/clinical material essential oil ll/ml AMC CF CZ CXM GM AM NOR F/M FOX CTX CAZ ATM IPM CIP NET NN C TE SXT R I S

1. Swab/pharynx 0.25 R R R R S — — — S S S S S S S S S I R 5 1 10
2. Swab/pharynx 0.25 R R R R S — — — S S S I S S S S S I R 5 2 9
3. Swab/nose 0.5 S S S S S — — — S S S R S S S R S R S 3 — 13
4. Secretion/bronchical 0.25 R I I S S — — — S R S S S S S S I S S 2 3 11
5. Secretion/bronchical 0.5 R R I S S — — — S R S S S S S S I S S 3 2 11
6. Swab/groin 0.5 R R R R S — — — S S S S S S S S R R R 6 — 9
7. Swab/groin 0.25 R I S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S I S 1 2 13
8. Exudation/abdominal 0.5 R R S S S — — — R R R S S S S R R R R 9 — 7
9. Swab/anus 0.25 S S S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S S S — — 16
10. Swab/anus 0.5 R I I I S — — — S S S S S S S S S I S 1 4 11
11. Swab/anus 0.5 I R S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S R R 3 1 12
12. Swab/anus 0.5 S S S I S — — — S S S S S S S S I R S 1 2 13
13. Swab/bedsore 0.5 I R R R R — — — S I R S S R R R R R R 11 2 3

14. Swab/bedsore 0.5 S I S I S — — — S S I S S S S S S S S — 3 13
15. Swab/bedsore 0.5 R R S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S R S 3 — 13
16. Swab/bedsore 0.5 R R R R S — — — R R R S S R R S S R R 11 — 5
17. Swab/bedsore 0.25 R S S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S R S 2 — 14
18. Swab/ulceration 0.5 R R R R R — — — R R R S S R R R R R R 14 — 2
19. Swab/ulceration 0.25 R R R S S — — — R S S S S S S S S R R 6 — 10
20. Swab/wound 0.25 S S S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S R S 1 — 15
21. Swab/wound 0.5 R R S R S — — — S S R S S S S S S R R 6 — 10
22. Swab/wound 0.5 R R S R S — — — S S S S S S S S R R R 6 — 10
23. Swab/wound 0.25 I I S S S — — — S S S R S S S R S R R 4 2 10
24. Swab/wound 0.25 R S S S S — — — S S S S S S S S S I S 1 1 14
25. Swab/wound 0.25 R R R R R — — — S R S S S R R R S R R 11 — 5
26. Swab/wound 0.25 R R R R R — — — S S S R S R R R S R R 11 — 5
27. Urine 0.5 I R S S S R S S R S S S S S S S S R S 4 1 14
28. Urine 0.5 R R R S S R S S R S S S S S S S R R S 7 — 12
29. Urine 0.25 R R R S S R R S S S S S S R S S S R R 8 — 11
30. Urine 0.5 R R R I S R I S R S S S S I S S I R I 6 5 8

AMC, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid; CF, cefalotin; CZ, cefazolin; CXM, cefuroxime; NOR, norfloxacin; CTX, cefotaxim; CAZ, ceftazidime; ATM, aztreonam; NET, netilmicin; NN, tobramycin.
Table 5. Characteristics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates

Susceptibility to antibacterials Total

Pseudomonasaeruginosa MIC of thyme
No. strain/clinical material essential oil ll/ml MZ PIP CAZ GM NN AMC TZP CTX ATM IPM MEM NET CIP SXT C CL R I S

1. Swab/ear 1.0 S S S R S R S S S S S S S S S S 2 — 14
2. Swab/ear 1.0 S S S I S I S S S S S S S S S S — 2 14
3. Swab/pharynx 2.5 R S S S S R S R S S S S I R R S 5 1 10
4. Swab/pharynx 2.0 R S S S S R S R S R S S S R R R 7 — 9
5. Swab/groin 1.5 R R R R R I S R R S R S R R R R 12 1 3
6. Swab/toe 1.5 S S S S S S S R R S R S R R R R 7 — 9
7. Swab/anus 2.5 S S S S S S S R S S S S S R R R 4 — 12
8. Swab/anus 2.5 S S S R R S S R S S S S S R R R 6 — 10
9. Sputum 1.0 S S S S S R S S S S S S S S R I 2 1 13
10. Secretion/bronchical 2.0 R R S I S R S R R R R S R R R S 10 1 5
11. Secretion/bronchical 2.5 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 16 — —
12. Secretion/bronchical 2.5 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 16 — —
13. Swab/bedsore 1.5 R R R S R R S I R S R I I R R R 10 3 3

14. Swab/bedsore 1.5 R R S S S R S R S S S R R R R S 8 — 8
15. Swab/bedsore 1.5 R S S S S R S R S S S S S R R S 5 — 11
16. Swab/bedsore 2.0 R S S S S R R R S S S S S R R R 7 — 9
17. swab/bedsore 2.0 R R S S S R R R S S S R R R R S 9 — 7
18. Swab/bedsore 2.0 R S S S S R S R S S S S S R R R 6 — 10
19. Swab/wound 1.5 S R S S R R S S S S R S S R R R 7 — 9
20. Swab/wound 1.5 R R S S I R S S S S R S S R R S 6 1 9
21. Swab/wound 2.0 S R S S I R S S S S R S S R R S 5 1 10
22. Swab/wound 2.0 R S S S S R S R S S S S S R R R 6 — 10
23. Swab/wound 1.5 R S S S S R S I S S S S S R R S 4 1 11
24. Swab/wound 1.5 R S S S S R R R S S R S S R R R 8 — 8
25. Swab/ulceration 2.5 S S S S R R S R S S R S S R R S 6 — 10
26. Swab/ulceration 2.5 R S S S S R R R S S R S S R R R 8 — 8
27. swab/ulceration 2.5 R S S S S R S R S S S S S R R R 6 — 10
28. Swab/ulceration 2.0 R S S S S R S I S S S S S R R S 4 1 11
29. Swab/ulceration 2.0 R R S S I R S S S S R S S R R S 6 1 9
30. Swab/ulceration 2.0 R R S S S R R R S S S R R R R S 9 — 7

MZ, mezlocillin; PIP, piperacillin; TZP, piperacillin/tazobactam; MEM, meropenem.


FIG. 1. Standard strains susceptibility to thyme essential oil. MIC, minimal inhibitory concentration.

five isolates for which the MIC was 0.75 ml/ml, isolated from Only 10% of the strains that were susceptible/had interme-
diverse materials, and with different susceptibility to tested diate susceptibility to all drugs.
drugs. Most of the resistant isolates occurred in the ICU, and the
The increasing prevalence of methicillin resistance among major sites of isolation were swabs (wounds, nose, or ul-
S. aureus strains is an increasing problem, one that has re- ceration), which is in accord with the literature.41,57 For-
newed interest in treating S. aureus infections with CC. tunately, despite the fact that there were many multidrug
However, widespread use of MLSB antibiotics has led to an resistant strains, all of them showed susceptibility to ‘‘last
increase of resistance to them.15 Although Prabhu et al. re- line’’ antibiotics.
ports that 28.42% of S. aureus strains are resistant to TE, our In accordance with the literature, T. vulgaris L. oil was
results showed much greater resistance to TE as well as shown to inhibit the growth of S. aureus strains isolated from
CC.41 Resistant strains were a significant problem in our respiratory infections. The tested strains of S. aureus, sensi-
study - 66.6% of the strains were resistant at the same time to tive to 0.0125 ml/ml of oil, were resistant to oxacylin, GM,
at least three antibiotics. However, they were sensitive to and NN, and many of them, to NOR.19 Oil obtained from
glycopeptides and generally to LZD and chloramfenicol. Thymus fontanesii Boiss. Et Reut. containing carvacrol at a

FIG. 2. Clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus sp., Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa susceptibility to
thyme essential oil.

concentration of 0.3 ml/ml inhibited the growth of the stan- lates were resistant to AMP and TE (n = 21, 70%), CF (n = 19,
dard and clinical strains of S. aureus isolated from clinical 63.3%), SXT (n = 15, 50%), and CZ (n = 12, 40%). However, all
materials.4 The oil was derived from the carvacrol chemo- the isolates were sensitive to IPM, and most of them were
type of Thymus ciliatus (Desf.) Benth. ssp. eu-ciliatus Maire. susceptible to ATM, CAZ, and NET. Strains inhibited by
Thyme oil was also found to inhibit the growth of pristina- 0.5 ml/ml of essential oil were isolated from diverse materi-
micin-sensitive S. aureus strains isolated from respiratory als, in different hospital wards, and, generally, were more
diseases with MIC 0.8 ml/ml; our results were similar.7 Re- resistant to antibiotics than strains inhibited by 0.25 ml/ml.
search on the antimicrobial properties of thyme oils obtained There was an increase observed in antimicrobial resistance
from different chemotypes of Thymus spinulosus Ten. con- in Es. coli between 2002 and 2009. It was suggested that the
firms the relationship between inhibitory activity and the observed trends regarding resistance to third-generation
thymol and carvacrol content. These oils contained myrecene, cephalosporins, a more than fivefold overall growth in re-
limonene, and g-terpinene as the dominant components and sistance (from 0.6% to 3.4%), may be the result of the addi-
low concentration of phenolic compounds. Their antimicrobial tion of resistance traits to strains that were already
activity was less effective, with MIC values ranging from 2.25 resistant.22 It may be explained by the spread of multidrug-
to 9.0 ml/ml against the standard strain of S. aureus ATCC resistant plasmids that also contain genes for the production
25923 and also against En. faecalis ATCC 29212.14 of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL).2,35 Resistant
Many clinical strains of Enterococcus spp. were sensitive to strains were a significant problem in our study. The most
thyme oil at concentrations of 0.5 (n = 11) and 0.75 ml/ml resistant strains came from wounds (n = 13) and were resis-
(n = 16), but En. faecalis isolate was inhibited at 1.25 ml/ml. tant at the same time to even 11 or 14 of the tested drugs.
These strains came from diverse materials and hospital Contrary, there were two isolates (n = 6.6%) entirely suscep-
wards. The En. faecium strains were, in general, more resis- tible to antibiotics and seven that were resistant to one or two
tant to antibiotics than En. faecalis strains. Fortunately, no of them (n = 23.3%).
isolates were resistant to last-line drugs: glycopeptides, SYN, Studies on the antimicrobial properties of the essential oil
and LZD. However, resistance to TE (n = 25, 83.3%), E (n = 19, obtained from T. fontanesii Boiss. Et Reut. containing carva-
63.3%), CIP (n = 20, 66.6%), GM, and S (n = 17, 56.6%) was crol explain its very strong activity against clinical strains of
common. Strains inhibited by 1.25 or 0.75 ml/ml of the es- Es. coli, with an MIC value of - 0.35 ml/ml.4 Similar MIC
sential oil were isolated from different hospital wards and values were obtained for the carvacrol chemotype of T. ci-
presented diverse susceptibility to antibiotics. liatus (Desf.) Benth. ssp. eu-ciliatus Maire eu. against clinical
In the last two decades, the importance of En. faecium as a strains of colon bacilli isolated from the respiratory system.7
nosocomial pathogen has increased throughout the world In our tests, clinical strains of Es. coli were sensitive to thyme
due to the greater ability of this species to acquire resistance oil at concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5 ml/ml.
to drugs than En. faecalis. Very often, resistance among en- P. aeruginosa strains were sensitive to thyme oil at con-
terococci results from the presence of a putative pathoge- centrations of 1.0–2.5 ml/ml. Many strains required 2.0–
nicity island. What is interesting is that an increase in 2.5 ml/ml of the essential oil to be inhibited; therefore, they
AM-resistant En. faecium usually precedes increasing rates of were the most resistant when compared with other tested
VA-resistant strains.10,54 In our study, there were no isolates bacterial species. At the same time, some isolates obtained
showing resistance to VA, but 10 of 11 En. faecium strains from bronchial secretions were resistant to all tested antibi-
were resistant to AM. Regarding TE, although the entero- otics (n = 2). Besides, the great majority of strains were re-
cocci resistance rate decreased over time, it remains high in sistant to C (n = 28, 93.3%), STX (n = 27, 90%), AMC (n = 25,
some centers (57%).10 In our study, the resistance to TE was 83.3%), PIP and MZ (n = 21, 70%), and CTX (n = 20, 66.6%).
even higher (83.3%), especially among En. faecalis strains. In Fortunately, most isolates were susceptible to CAZ (n = 4),
addition, erythromycin may be ineffective in therapy. Re- GM (n = 5), IPM, and NET (n = 5). Eight strains with an MIC
sistance worldwide is very high, which is in accord with our of 2.5 ml/ml were isolated from diverse materials, and their
results.6,46 Overall, rates of high-level resistance to ami- resistance to antibiotics was similar to isolates more sus-
noglycosides were higher than those observed recently in ceptible to the essential oil.
Brazil and in the United States.23,45 A lot of published studies on antibiotic use and resistance
Due to the high content of active phenols and p-cymene, have reported increasing resistance among P. aeruginosa
the oil of T. vulgaris L. showed a very strong activity against strains,21 some show a decrease in CIP and CAZ resistance
standard strains of Enterococcus genus, with MIC values among P. aeruginosa isolates as a result of decreased use of
ranging from 0.0625 to 0.85 ml/ml in our studies. MIC values those antibiotics.37 There is also a global problem with
obtained for the clinical strains cultured in the presence of MBLs P. aeruginosa strains, which are very often resistant to
the oil were also significantly lower (0.25–1.25 ml/ml). Men- other important groups of antibiotics tested, including third-
tion is made within the literature of the inhibiting proper- generation cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and quino-
ties of thymol from Thymus sp. species on the adhesion of lones.8,13 In our study, there were some isolates resistant not
S. aureus and Es. coli clinical strains to epithelial cells of only to IPM but also to all the other antibiotics tested, which
genitourinary system, which may be an alternative to syn- could cause problems with therapy. In this situation, the only
thetic drugs in the prevention of urinary tract infections.12 therapeutic option may be polymyxins, which should not be
We have shown that clinical strains of Es. coli were sensi- used as monotherapy.53
tive to thyme oil at concentrations of 0.25 ml/ml (13 strains) The most resistant to the tested oil were clinical strains of
and 0.5 ml/ml (17 strains). They were more sensitive to oils P. aeruginosa, where inhibition of growth fell in the range of
than P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and Enterococcus spp. strains. As 1.5–2.5 ml/ml. Similar MIC values were obtained using the
far as susceptibility to antibiotics was concerned, many iso- disk-diffusion method for oil obtained from Thymus persicus

L. (thymol - 10%, carvacrol - 25%) and Thymus eriocalyx secondary carcinogens after metabolic activation.26 For ex-
(Ronniger) Jalas (thymol - 66%).24 The action of T. spinulosus ample, psoralen, a photosensitizing molecule found in some
Ten. essential oil, which has a much lower content of active essential oils, for instance from Citrus bergamia, can induce
phenolic compounds (thymol) than that of the oil derived skin cancer after formation of covalent DNA adducts under
from T. vulgaris L., was much weaker against blue pus bacilli. ultraviolet A or solar light.3 In addition, pulegone, a com-
The obtained MIC values were within the limits of 4.5– ponent of essential oils from many mint species, can induce
9.0 ml/ml, which was in accord with the literature.44 Other carcinogenesis through metabolism generating the glutathi-
species of thyme such as Thymus zygis L., T. serpyllum L., one depletory p-cresol.58
T. kotschyanus Boiss. & HoH., T. persisus L., and T. longicaulis The application of essential oils in the treatment of many
C. Presl also demonstrate antibacterial activity due to the human diseases, particularly infectious diseases caused by
active phenol content.7,14 multidrug resistant bacterial strains, may be an interesting
The literature reports not only the antimicrobial properties alternative for synthetic drugs that also show side effects.
of thyme and oregano essential oils, but also their antioxi- Essential oils used in combination with antibiotics might
dant properties as demonstrated by chemotypes from Thy- prevent antibiotic-resistant strain formation. Due to the
mus munybyanus De Noe, T. pallescens De Noe, T. numidicus therapeutic problems associated with particularly resistant
Poiret, T. guyonii De Noe and oregano: Origanum glandulo- strains, essentials oils can be useful in fighting diseases
sum Desf., and O. floribundum Munby.29 Studies on the bio- caused by nosocomial pathogens.
logical properties of savory oil (Satureja hortensis L.),
containing phenols as predominant compounds, showed Conclusions
antioxidant and antimicrobial properties against standard
Thyme oil obtained from T. vulgaris L.:
strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.27
Due to the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of es- 1. Shows very strong activity against standard and clinical
sential oils, their use in pharmaceuticals and food are more strains belonging to: Staphylococcus sp., Enterococcus sp.,
and more widespread as alternatives to synthetic chemical Escherichia sp., and Pseudomonas sp. genus.
products. Essential oils or some of their components are used 2. It shows lower efficacy against clinical strains of P.
in perfume products, in sanitary products, in dentistry, in aeruginosa.
agriculture, as food preservers and additives, and as natural 3. It is active against clinical strains resistant to most tes-
remedies.28,39 Essential oils are effective in anticancer ther- ted antibiotics.
apy, cardiovascular, and nervous system disorders; they
lower cholesterol levels, decrease and regulate glucose level,
and have antioxidative properties.17 Now, investigations on
the mechanism of action of essential oils and their compo- The authors wish to thank Danuta Kalemba for thyme oil
nents are carried out both in vitro and in vivo on ani- analysis. The research reported in this article was supported
mals.5,38,47,48 Analytical monographs have been published by grant no 503/5015-02/503-01 and has not been submitted
(National Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, ISO, elsewhere.
WHO, Council of Europe) to ensure the necessary informa-
tion about essential oils: their source, concentration of active Disclosure Statement
components, and therapeutic doses. The cytotoxic capacity of
No competing financial interests exist.
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