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This report is the task of advanced structural design courses. The main structure is planned using
reinforced concrete components. In the process of planning this structure considers several things including
building function, stability, reliability. All things must be considered considering the site building plan of this
task lies in areas with high levels of vulnerability to earthquakes. Thus, the structure must be planned in such
a way that the structure component remains secure when an earthquake occurs. In this task only limited to the
design of beam, column, and joint elements. Detailed structural planning is shown in the planning drawings.

1.2 Building Information

In general, the date pertaining to the planning of this building are as follows:
Building function: Lojistic Office building in National University of East Timor (UNTL)


Figure 1. Location of the Structure Building

System structure : Medium beam moment concrete frame structure system
Material structure
Beams : Reinforced Concrete fc' 25
Column : Reinforced Concrete fc' 25
Slab/plat : Reinforced Concrete fc' 25

 Columns : (30x40 cm) and (30x30 cm)

 Beams : (30x50 cm) and (25x40 cm)
 Slabs/plat : 13 cm


The planning and design of the building on this assignment refers to the following rules:
1. Regulation of Structural Concrete Requirements for Building Buildings SNI 03- 2847-2013.
2. Earthquake Resistant Procedures for Building Building SNI 03-1726- 2012.
3. Minimum Expenses for Building Design SNI 1727-2013

Software used for Analysis and Design

1. SAP 2000 VERSION 14 for analysis and design of superstructures

The structure has been modelled, analysed and designed in a computer software Stuctural Analysis Program
“SAP2000”. The software has very good analysis and design capability which are verified in theverification
problems included in the package. It is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based software and requires
modelling of the structure by finite‐elements. Beams and columns are modelled with
line (or frame) elements, while the slabs and roofs are modelled with area‐elements.

Its follow this Sap 2000 area to used in windows works and Menu in toolbar

2. Custom Softwares excel sheets.


2.2 Detailed Parameters Of The Building
Different parameters are listed below.
General Parameters
1. Building type : Lojistic building in National University of East Timor (UNTL)
2. Location : Caicoli, Dili Campus center of UNTL
3. Structural type : Concrete Reinforcement
4. Total area Building : 45 x 10 = 450 m2
5. Number Storeys : 3
6. Total Height : 10,4 m
7. Heinght of storey 1 : 3,8 m
8. Heinght of storey 2 : 3,8 m
9. Heinght of storey 3 : 3,8 m
10. Soil type : medium (Tanah Sedang)
11. Tipu Edifisiu : SRPMM (Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Menggah).
12. Coefficient SRPMM : 5,5

Material properties
Steel reinforcement structure : BJTD 19 (fy = 340 Mpa) & BJTD 10 (fy = 440 Mpa)
Dimensional structural elements :

Material propertiesits used to structure Building in concrete reinforcement and steel. The material
properties are listed below its used in design analysis structure.
 Specified concrete compressive strength, f c =25 MPa

 Weight per unit volume γ b=24 kN /m3

 Modulus elastisitas Ec =4700 √ f 'c = 23500 Mpa
 Minimum Yield stress f y =340 MPa
f yv=440 MPa
 Shear Modulos G =Ec/2x(1+ʋ) = 9791.667
 number Poisson ratio U ʋ = 0.2
 Coefficient of thermal expansion, A α = 1.0E - 0.5 /C⁰.

2.3 Combination of Loading

Based on SNI 1727-2013, the loads that work and are taken into account in the design of this building
structure consist of:
Dead load (DL)
Weight loss (DL) derived from the weight of its own heavy its structure of beams, columns and
floor plates by assuming the weight of reinforced concrete volume is 2400 kg/m³

Additional dead weight (SDL)

Additional dead weight (SDL) which consists of a permanent additional load on the structure
consisting of:
 Specific loads = 2500 kg/m2
 Ceramic load = 24 kg/m2
 Ceiling Load = 18 kg/m2
 Wall Load = 300 kg/m2
 ME = 50 kg/m2 +
= 2891 kg/m2 ≈ 28,91 KN/m2
Live load (LL)
The live load (LL) is assumed to be 250 kg/m³ and the rain load with the assumption of a 5 cm thick
inundation on the floor not as big as 100 kg/m³. The loads are calculated in the form of a combination
of the loads as required in SNI Earthquake 03-1726-2012 and SNI Concrete 03- 2847-2013 namely:

1. 1,2 DL + SDL + 1,6LL

2. DL + SDL + LL + 0,3EQDX + EQDY

3. DL + SDL + LL + EQDX + 0,3EQDY

Where :
DL = Dead load
LL = Live load
QEX = Earthquake load X direction
QEY = Earthquake load Y direction

Seismic Load
 Image of Earthquake Map

Figure 2. Image of Earthquake Map

Response Spectra of the Design Earthquake and Modal Analysis

In this standard the maximum response acceleration of the SDOF system due to the Design
Earthquake is expressed in the gravity acceleration (g) and is called the Seismic Response
Factor C (non-dimensional).
 Seismic response factor
T  0,2 : C  T  = A0 + ( Am – A0 ) T/0,2
0,2  T  Tc : C  T  = Am
Tc  T : C  T  = Am . Tc/ T
 Method of modal analysis
 SRSS (Square Root of the Sum of Squares)
 CQC (Complete Quadratic Combination)
 Vertical effect of earthquakes
Av  . A0

Figure 3. Earthquake area

Table Data of Earthquake in soil type Medium in Seismic Zone 5

0 0.32 1.9 0.263
0.2 0.83 2.0 0.25
0.6 0.083 2.1 0.238
0.7 0,714 2.2 0.227
0.8 0.625 2.3 0.217
0.9 0.556 2.4 0.208
1.0 0.5 2.5 0.2

1.1 0.455 2.6 0.192

1.2 0.417 2.7 0.185

1.3 0.385 2.8 0.178

1.4 0.357 2.9 0.172

1.5 0.333 3.0 0.167

1.6 0.313 3.1 0.161

1.7 0.294 3.2 0.156

1.8 0.278

 Earthquake area

Figure 4. Design Response Spectrum

Figure 5. The grafic RS – 5 in Sap 2000

The response spectrum is the nominal seismic loading due to the impact of the earthquake
plan in the direction of each major axis of the structure plan. for a principal axis direction of the structure of
the plan and also the loading direction of the Earthquake Plan has an earthquake reduction factor R and the
natural natural vibrational time of T1, the nominal equivalent static value of nominal shear shift V occurring
at the base level can be calculated according to the equation:

C . I . Wt

Where C1 is the value of Earthquake Response Factor obtained from Spectrum Response.
Where :

V1 : Nominal static equivalent base shear due to the Design Earthquake.

C1 : Seismic Response Factor obtained from the response spectra of the Design Earthquake.

I : Importance factor of the building

R : Representative seismic reduction factor of the building structure.
Wt : Total weight of the building, including an appropriate portion of the live load.

a. Seismic response factor ( C )

b. The importance factor of the structure ( I )

For various categories of buildings, the importance factor I according to this standard is formulated
as follows :

I = I1 + I2

I : importance factor.
I1 : importance factor to adjust the return period of the Design Earthquake related to ,,,,,,,,,the
adjustment of its occurrence probability.
I2:importance factor to adjust the return period of the Design Earthquake
related to the adjustment of the life time of the building.

c. Table Representative seismic reduction factor of the building structure ( R )

The calculation of the dynamic response of irregular building structures to the nominal seismic load
due to the Earthquake Plan impact can be done by the method of analyzing the response spectrum spectrum
using the Earthquake Response Spectrum. The plan according to Figure 2 whose ordinate values are
multiplied by the I / R correction factor, where I is the Prime Factor according to Table 1, whereas R is the
representative earthquake reduction factor of the structure of the building concerned. In this case, the amount
of vibration varied in the summation of the response varies according to this method should be such that the
participation of the mass in generating the total response must reach at least 90%



3.1 The structure is modelled in SAP 2000 v. 14

Three Dimensional Views

 Modelling Structure in SAP 2000
Plan view base ( Elevation 0

Plant view storey I –III (Elevation 3,8- 11,4 m)


Plan and 3D view in Storey I &III (Elevation 3,8 – 11,4 m )

Front Prespective (3d – Plane

Perspective Corner (3d - Plane)

Front Prespective (3d – Plane)

3.3 Drawing Distribuited Load wall in Structure

Columns And Beams Sections

Distribuited Load wall in Structure

a). Additional Super Dead Load (SDL) in Beam

b). Additional Life Load (LL) in Slab/Shell



Data Output Attachment.

4.1 Reinforcement For Column & Beam

Reinforcement For Button Column.

Portal “J” Field Of yz

1. Column Section 300 x 300 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed : 2624 mm2

Steel : D19 mm
2624 2624

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4
Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) : 8D19

2. Column Section 300 x 400 mm
Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) : 3590 mm2
Steel : D19 mm
3590 3590

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4

Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) : 12D19.

Simbol Table Reinforcement for1.button column
Column 2. Column
BXH 300 X 300 mm 300 X 400 mm
Lacation Floor Base Floor Base

Longitudinal Reinforce (Need) 2624 Mm2 3590 Mm2
Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) 8d19 12d19
Strib Ѳ10-125mm Ѳ10-125mm

Reinforcement For Middle Column.

Portal “J” Field OF Yz

1. Column Section 300 x 300 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed : 2152 mm2

Steel : D19 mm
2152 2152

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4
Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) : 8D19

2. Column Section 300 x 400 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) : 2648 mm2
Steel : D19 mm
2648 2648

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4

Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) : 10D19.

Simbol Table Reinforcement forColumn

Middle column Column
BXH 300 X 300 300 X 400
Lacation Floor 1 Floor 1


Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) 2152 Mm2 2648 Mm2

Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) 8d19 10d19
Strib Ѳ10-125mm Ѳ10-125mm

Reinforcement For Top Column.

Portal “J” Field Of yz

1. Column Section 300 x 300 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) : 994 mm2

Steel : D19 mm
994 994

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4
Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) : 4D19

2. Column Section 300 x 400 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) : 1330mm2
Steel : D19 mm
1330 1330

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4

Longitudinal Reinforce (Used) : 6D19.

Simbol Column Column

BXH 300 X 300 300 X 400
Lacation Floor 3 Floor 3


Longitudinal Reinforce (Need) 499 Mm2 1330 Mm2

Longitudinal Reinforce (Use) 4d19 6d22
Strib Ѳ10-125mm Ѳ10-125mm
Table Reinforcement for Top column

Reinforcement for Beam Floor 1.

Portal “J” Field Of xz

1. Column Strip/ “Tumpuan” Section 300 x 500 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) : 1273 mm2

Steel : D19 mm

1273 1273

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4
Top Reinforce (Used) : 5D19

2. Midle Strip “Lapangan” Section 300 x 400 mm

Longitudinal Reinforce (Needed) : 625mm2
Steel : D19 mm
625 625

1 1
. π . D2 . π .¿ ¿
4 4

Bottom Reinforce (Used) : 3D19.

Table Reinforcement for beam floor 1 Beam

BXH 300 X 500
Column Midle Column
Location Strip/Tumpuan Strip/Lapangan Strip/Tumpuan


Top Reinforce (Need) 1273 mm2 625 mm2 1273 mm2
Top Reinforce (Use) 5d19 3d19 5d19
Botton Reinforce (Need) 888 mm2 690 mm2 888 mm2
Botton Reinforce (Used) 3d19 3d19 3d19
Strib Ѳ10-150mm Ѳ10-150mm Ѳ10-150mm

Reinforcement for Beam Floor 2.

Portal “J” Field Of xz

Table Reinforcement for beam floor 2Beam

BXH 300 X 500
Column Midle Column
Location Strip/Tumpuan Strip/Lapangan Strip/Tumpuan


2 2 2
Top Reinforce (Need) 962 mm 548 mm 962 mm
Top Reinforce (Use) 4d19 2d19 4d19
Botton Reinforce (Need) 750 mm2 548 mm2 750 mm2
Botton Reinforce (Used) 3d19 2d19 3d19
Strib Ѳ10-150mm Ѳ10-150mm Ѳ10-150mm

Reinforcement for Beam Top Floor.

Portal “J” Field Of xz

Simbol Table Reinforcement for beam TopBeam

BXH 250 X 400
Column Midle Column
Location Strip/Tumpuan Strip/Lapangan Strip/Tumpuan


Top Reinforce (Need) 575 mm2 350 mm2 575 mm2

Top Reinforce (Use) 3d19 2d19 3d19
Botton Reinforce (Need) 355 mm2 350 mm2 355 mm2
Botton Reinforce (Used) 2d19 2d19 2d19
Strib Ѳ10-150mm Ѳ10-150mm Ѳ10-150mm

4.1 Calculation Shell / Slab 3m X 3m

Calculation Moment ultimate with PBI-1971.

Ly = 3m qDL = 0.13 * 24 = 3.12 KN / m2 3.12 KN / m2

Lx = 3m qLL = 2.5 KN /m2 2.5 KN /m2 2.5 KN /m2
Ly/Lx 1 Qu = 1.2 x DL + 1.6 x LL= 7.744 KN /m2 7.744 KN /m2
Clx = 25 Mulx = 0.01 x Qu x l2 x lx= 1.742 KNm 1742000 Nmm
Cly = 25 Muly = 0.01 x Qu x l2 x ly= 1.742 KNm 1742000 Nmm
Ctx = 51 Mutx = -0.01 x Qu x l2 x lx= -3.554 KNm -3554000 Nmm
Cty = 51 Muty = -0.01 x Qu x l2 x ly= -3.554 KNm -3554000 Nmm

Dimension Shell/Slab.

b = 1000 mm Wide slap

t = 130 mm Thickness slap
fc = 25 Mpa Concrete Quality
fy = 340 Mpa Steel Quality
d’x = 20 + 0.5 * 12 = 26 mm
Thickness cower concrete
d’y = 20 + 12 + 0.5 * 12 = 38 mm
dx = 130 – 26 = 104 mm
Thickness Effective concrete
dy = 130 – 38 = 92 mm
Ѳ =0.9 Factor Reduce

Moment Nominal.

Mnlx = (0.01 x Qu x l2 x lx)/0.9 1742000/0.9 = 1935555.56 Nmm

Mnly = (0.01 x Qu x l2 x ly)/0.9 1742000/0.9 = 1935555.56 Nmm
Mntx = (-0.01 x Qu x l2 x lx)/0.9 -3554000/0.9 = -3948888.89 Nmm
Mnty = (-0.01 x Qu x l2 x ly)/0.9 -3554000/0.9 = -3948888.89 Nmm

Calculation Ratio Steel.

Formula :

P min =
√ 25 =0.005> 1.4 = 1.4 =0.006
4 x 240 fy 240
Rule for Ratio steel: Pmin <P < Pmax, “ If P < Pmin use Pmin.”

Calculation Area Reinforcement in middle strip For X direction.

Use big Moment nominal Mnlx = 1935555.56 Nmm
Formula :

0.85 x 25 x 1000 x 104 2 x 1935555.56

Aslx =
240 ( √
x 1− 1−
0.85 x 25 x 1000 x 104 2)=70.07 mm 2

P= =0.0007< Pmin , Use Pmin = 0.006
1000 x 104
Area steel need For X direction in middle strip use Pmin to calculate Aslxmin.
Aslxmin = Pmin x b x d = 0.006 x 1000 x 104 = 624mm2
Aslxmin 624
Total steel need : n = = =5 Steck .
AS Wont 0.25 x 3.14 x 122

Spacing = =200 mm=20 cm
Calculation Area Reinforcement in column strip For X direction.
Use big Moment nominal : Mntx = 3948888.89 Nmm
Formula :

0.85 x 25 x 1000 x 104 2 x 3948888.89

Astx =
240 ( √
x 1− 1−
0.85 x 25 x 1000 x 104 2)=159.59 mm2

P= =0.001< Pmin , Use Pmin = 0.006
1000 x 104
Area steel need For X direction in Column Strip, use Pmin to calculate Astxmin.
Astxmin = Pmin x b x d = 0.006 x 1000 x 104 = 624mm2
Astxmin 624
Total steel need : n = = =5 Steck
AS Wont 0.25 x 3.14 x 122

Spacing = =200 mm=20 cm .
 Mnlx = Mnly so Aslx = Asly
 Mntx = Mnty so Astx = Asly

Section slap for X direction and Y direction.

X direction

Y direction


A Logistic building in National University of East Timor (UNTL) has been fully designed using a
computer program, SAP2000 nonlinear version 14. All the required design details has been
Best‐approach has been adopted for most‐economical design, yet fulfilling all the requirements
for important building. Due considerations has been given to all room requirements and probable
Reinforcements are quite satisfactory and they are so balanced for easier material handling and
concreting. Due attention has been made in reinforcement congestion and size and number of
bars are balanced for easiest and safest construction. In some places, more than required
During construction, it is mandatory to follow AC1 318-05/IBC 2003, regarding provision of stirrups and
ties,,development lengths, splices and other detailing.


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