Power Electronics: Subject Name Code Type of Course T-P-P (Credit) Prerequisite
Power Electronics: Subject Name Code Type of Course T-P-P (Credit) Prerequisite
Power Electronics: Subject Name Code Type of Course T-P-P (Credit) Prerequisite
To make the students meet industry requirement for power electronic engineers, adequate ractical
knowledge on power semiconductor devices, converters and their control techniques for typical
applications in motor drives
Learning outcome
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply their knowledge of the electrical characteristics of power semiconductor devices, to select
power semiconductor devices for a range of applications.
2. Understand the basictopology of converters, inverters and power supplies and design calculations
for drive and power converter applications, and understand the approximations used.
Evaluation Systems
Internal Component % of Marks Method of Assessment
Examination Internal Theory 20 Written examination
Internal Practice 30 (20+30) Lab work+ Learning Record
External External Theory 30 Written examination
External Practice 20 Lab work
Total 100
Course outline
Power semiconductor devices: Introduction (difference between general semiconductor devices and
Power semiconductor devices), characteristics and specifications of Power semiconductor switches,
control characteristics of power semiconductor devices, Comparisons between different types of Power
devices, Use of Power semiconductor devices in power electronic circuit, Different types of power
electronics circuits.
1. Study of switching characteristics of Power semiconductor device.
2. Study and design of a simple power electronics circuit.
Silicon controlled Rectifier: Introduction, Principle of operation, triggering and firing techniques,
Different type of commutation circuits and techniques.
5. Study of V-I characteristics of silicon controlled rectifier.
6. Study of different methods of triggering of SCR (a) RC-Triggering method (b) UJT-
Triggering method.
7. Study of class-A, class-B, class-C, class-D, class-D, class-E commutation circuits.
Phase controlled Converters: Introduction, control techniques, single phase half wave controlled
converter, single phase full wave controlled converter, single phase semi converter, three phase controlled
converters: three pulse converter(M3 Connection), six pulse converters(M6 Connection), three phase fully
controlled bridge converter(with R and RL load), three phase semi converter (with R load only)
8. Study of single phase fully controlled converter using R & L load.
9. Study of single phase semi converter using R - L load.
10. Study of 3-phase bridge converter with R, R-L and D.C motor load with/ without
freewheeling diodes.
11. Study of 3-phase semi converter with R, R-L and D.C motor load with/ without freewheeling
Module V: Chopper And Thyristor chopper circuit (16 Hours)
Chopper: Introduction, basic chopper classification, basic chopper operation, control strategies,
classA,B,C,D,E( principle of operation only) Thyristor chopper circuit: Voltage commutated chopper,
current commutated chopper, load commutated chopper
12. Study of different types of chopper.
Module VI: Inverter (10 Hours)
Inverter: classification of inverter, single phase half bridge voltage source inverters, single phase full
bridge inverter, three phase inverter (180 degree and 120 degree conduction mode) with R Load.
13. Study of three phase bridge inverter(180 degree & 120 degree)
14. Study of IGBT based 3-ph voltage source inverter.
Basic series inverter: circuit analysis, design aspect, modified series inverter, parallel inverter, single
phase SCR bridge inverter.
15. Study of parallel inverter.
16. Study of series inverter.
17. Study of single phase bridge inverter.
Text Book:
1. M H Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications” 3rd Edition,
2. MD Singh & K B Khanchandani, “Power electronics”,Tata McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
1. J. Vithayathil ,“Power Electronics: Principles and Applications” ,TMH Edition
2. Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters , Applications and Design” Wiley
Student Edition.
Session Plan
Topic No. of Activity Assignment Suggested
Sessions Reading