M4 - Problem Exercises - Statement of Financial Position PDF
M4 - Problem Exercises - Statement of Financial Position PDF
M4 - Problem Exercises - Statement of Financial Position PDF
I. Problem Solving
A. The December 31, 2022 statement of financial position accounts of G Company are shown below in
alphabetical order:
Prepare a properly classified statement of financial position for G Company as of December
31, 2022 with appropriate notes to support line items presented on the face of the statement.
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B. Listed below, in random order, are the statement of financial position accounts and related ending
balances of R Corporation as of December 31, 2022:
Additional Information:
a. The company uses control accounts for inventories and property, plant and equipment and
lists the latter at its carrying value, based on the cost model.
b. The straight-line method is used to depreciate buildings, machinery, and equipment based
upon their cost and estimated residual values and lives. A breakdown of property, plant and
equipment shows the following:
i. Land at a cost of P1,320,000;
ii. Buildings at a cost of P1,824,000 and a carrying value of P1,202,000;
iii. Machinery at a cost of P639,000 and related accumulated depreciation of P186,000;
iv. Equipment (40% depreciated) at a cost of P530,000.
c. Patents are amortized on a straight-line basis directly to the patents account. The cost of the
patent is P200,000 while its accumulated amortization is P18,000.
d. Inventories are listed at the lower of cost and net realizable value using the average cost. The
inventories include raw materials of P222,000, goods in process of P347,000, and finished
goods of P416,000.
e. The ordinary share capital has a P10 par value per share, 200,000 are authorized, 162,800
have been issued.
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f. Preference share capital has a P100 par value per share, 10,000 shares are authorized, 4,000
shares have been issued.
g. Financial assets held for trading are listed at their market values; their aggregate cost is
Prepare the December 31, 2022 statement of financial position for R Corporation
(including appropriate notes and parenthetical notations).
C. The E Company presents the following December 31, 2022 statement of financial position in
condensed format.
E Company
Statement of Financial Position
For the period ended December 31, 2022
a. Current assets include cash, P380,000; accounts receivable, P1,850,000; notes receivable
(maturity date is July 1, 2023), P1,000,000; and land, P1,200,000. This land is available for
immediate sale and its carrying amount will be recovered through a sale transaction. The sale
of this land is highly probable as the plan for its sale has already been completed at December
31, 2022. Its fair value is P1,500,000. The entity anticipates selling cost of P100,000 on this
c. Property, plant and equipment include buildings costing P6,340,000, of which P2,000,000 is
held for rental to commercial enterprises, inventory costing P450,000, equipment costing
P2,960,000 and land of P2,600,000 on which the buildings were located. The land on which the
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building for lease is located costs P1,200,000. As of December 31, 2022, this land had a fair
value of P1,600,000 while the building for lease had a fair value of P2,200,000. The company
measures its investment property using the cost model.
d. Intangible assets include patents that cost P820,000 and on which P230,000 amortization has
accumulated and treasury shares that cost P180,000.
e. Other assets include prepaid insurance (which expires on November 30, 2023), P290,000;
sinking fund for bond retirement, P700,000; and trademarks that cost P520,000 on which
P150,000 amortization has accumulated.
f. Current liabilities include accounts payable, P940,000; bonds payable (maturity date is
December 31, 2028), P4,000,000; income taxes payable, P720,000; and P1,000,000 notes
payable issued on June 30, 2021 and maturing on June 30, 2023. The company, as of
December 31, 2022 negotiated with the lender to extend the maturity date of this note to June
30, 2024.
g. Long-term liabilities include accrued wages of P410,000; and mortage payable (which is due in
five equal annual payments starting December 31, 2023), P2,000,000.
h. Contributed capital includes ordinary share capital (P50 par), P1,100,000 and preference
share capital, P600,000.
i. Unrealized capital includes premium on bonds payable of P430,000 and share premium of
Based on the preceding information, prepare a correct December 31, 2022 statement of
financial position for E Company with accounts properly classified.
D. The accounts below were taken from the unadjusted trial balance of S Company as at December
31, 2022:
Cash and cash equivalents – P1,240,000; Investment in securities held for trading, at cost –
P870,000; Investment in equity securities (through other comprehensive income), P2,500,000;
Notes receivable – P920,000; Trade accounts receivable – P1,220,000; Allowance for bad debts –
P60,000; Merchandise inventory – P1,360,000; Notes payable – P1,500,000; Trade accounts
payable – P750,000; Employees income tax withheld – P40,000; Bonds payable – P2,500,000;
Share dividends distributable – P150,000; Income tax payable – P280,000; Deferred tax liability –
e. A bank loan of P300,000 due December 31, 2024 was included in the notes payable balance.
f. Bonds payable, which bear interest at 10% were issued in June 30, 2022, will mature in five
annual installments beginning June 30, 2023. The company has not recorded the accrued
interest on these bonds at December 31, 2022.
g. The securities held for trading have a market value of P900,000 while investment in equity
securities measured through other comprehensive income have market value of P2,420,000.
Determine the total current assets and total current liabilities of S Company at
December 31, 2022.
E. Following selected account balances and supplemental information were taken from the
accounting records of T Company as of December 31, 2022:
Sales P 9,675,000
Mortgage Note Payable 1,300,000
Bank Notes Payable 300,000
Accounts Payable 270,000
Share Dividends Distributable 200,000
Withholding Tax Payable 120,000
Supplemental Information:
a. Mortgage note was refinanced on its due date, February 15, 2023 with a new 5-year mortgage
note after paying P300,000 cash on the principal balance. The refinancing scheme was
planned long before its due date. There was no unpaid interest as of December 31, 2022.
b. The bank notes are payable in semi-annual installments of P50,000 on February 1 and August
1 of each year. Unpaid interest for 2022 of P7,500 has not been taken up. This was paid on
January 5, 2023.
c. On August 1, 2022, a suit was filed by a dismissed employee against the company asking for
P1,000,000 damages. The company’s lawyer believes it is probable that the suit will result in a
loss to the company, and the best estimate of the obligation as of December 31, 2022 was
d. The sales account included the 12% VAT corresponding to the sales for the month of December
of P2,688,000 (inclusive of VAT). This was remitted to the BIR on January 20, 2023.
e. Total income tax due for 2022 amounted to P186,500. Quarterly remittances to BIR during the
year for income tax totaled to P105,000, including payment of P35,000 on income tax relating
to the year 2021. The balance due as of December 31, 2022 has not been taken up in the books.
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Determine the total current liabilities at December 31, 2022.
F. Presented below are account balances and related information on December 31, 2022 for O
The merchandise inventory includes goods held on consignment amounting to P40,000 and goods of
P80,000 received on December 31, 2022. Neither of these items has been recorded as a purchase. The
prepaid insurance includes cash surrender value of life insurance in the amount of P50,000.
Determine the total current assets at December 31, 2022.
G. The following totals are taken from the December 31, 2022 statement of financial position of A
Current assets – P3,500,000; Non – current assets – P8,000,000; Current liabilities – P2,400,000;
Non – current liabilities – P2,700,000.
Additional information:
a. Cash of P380,000 has been placed in a fund for the retirement of long-term debt. The cash and
long-term debt have been offset and are not reflected in the financial statements.
b. Non-current assets include P500,000 cost of treasury shares and land costing P3,000,000. This
land had been retired from active use and reclassified as “Held for Sale”. The sale is highly
probable and is expected to be consummated in July 2023. Based on negotiation with the
potential buyer, estimated sales price is P3,500,000; transfer costs of P250,000 is expected to
be incurred.
c. Cash of P140,000 has been set aside to pay taxes due. The cash and taxes payable have been
offset and do not appear in the financial statements.
d. Advances on salespersons’ commissions in the amount of P210,000 have been made. Also,
sales commissions payable total P240,000. The net liability of P30,000 is included in current
e. The company, as of December 31, 2022, was a defendant in a lawsuit for violation of a contract
with a supplier. As of December 31, the company believed it was probable that estimated
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damages of P180,000 would result, although in March 2023, the court decided the case and
made an order to the company to pay the plaintiff the amount of P168,000.
Make the necessary adjustments and determine the following (the financial statements were
authorized for issue on April 10, 2023):
1. Total current assets
2. Total non-current assets
3. Total current liabilities
4. Total non-current liabilities
“Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things” Proverbs 8:16
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