Tumalad v. Vicencio PDF
Tumalad v. Vicencio PDF
Tumalad v. Vicencio PDF
The view that parties to a In the contract now before Us, the house on
deed of chattel mortgage rented land is not only expressly designated
may agree to consider a as Chattel Mortgage; it specifically provides
house as personal property that "the mortgagor ... voluntarily CEDES,
for the purposes of said SELLS and TRANSFERS by way of Chattel
contract, "is good only insofar Mortgage
as the contracting parties are
concerned. It is based, partly,
upon the principle of
estoppel" (Evangelista vs.
Alto Surety, No. L-11139, 23
April 1958). In a case, a
mortgaged house built on
a rented land was held to be
a personal property, not only
because the deed of
mortgage considered it as
such, but also because it did
not form part of the land
(Evangelists vs. Abad, [CA];
36 O.G. 2913), for it is now
settled that an object placed
on land by one who had only
a temporary right to the