Ga4910 00 - Got-Ast
Ga4910 00 - Got-Ast
Ga4910 00 - Got-Ast
Measurement of the activity of serum aminotransferases Serum, (heparin or EDTA) plasma.
(formerly called transaminases) is indicated in the diagnosis Do not use haemolysed samples because haemolysis can
of acute hepatic disorders and in monitoring their evolution. cause falsely positive results. Do not use anticoagulants
Increased aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels, containing ammonium salts (ex. ammonium heparin).
however, can occur in connection with damages of hearts or Loss of activity within 3 days: at 2-8 °C < 8%
skeletral muscle as well as of liver perenchyma. In patients at 15-25 °C < 10%
with myocardial infarction, there is an increased AST Stability at - 20 °C at least 3 months.
concentration in blood due to its rapid release into the by
the damaged cells; therefore it is an important clinical Specimen collection / Preanalytical factors
parameter for the evaluation of this pathology.
It is recommended that specimen collection should be
carried out in accordance with NCCLS Document H11-A3.
Optimized UV test according to SCE (Scandinavian INTERNAL QUALITY CONTROL
Committee on Enzymes) recommendations.
It is recommended to use commercial Quality Control sera
The principle of the method is based on the following
with known GOT/AST activity. Check that the values
enzymatic reactions:
obtained are within the reference range provided.
L-Aspartate + 2-Oxoglutarate L-Glutammate + Oxalacetate
MDH Working temperature 37 °C
Oxalacetate + NADH + H+ L-Malate + NAD+ Wavelength 340 nm (334 nm, 365 nm)
Optical path 1 cm
Decrease in absorbance value at 340 nm, due to the Reaction Kinetic (decrease)
oxidation of NADH to NAD+, is directly proportional to the
AST activity in the sample. Allow the reagents to reach working temperature before
REAGENT A: Bireagent procedure
TRIS 28 mmol/l
EDTA-Na2 5.68 mmol/l Pipette into disposable or well clean cuvettes:
L-Aspartate 284 mmol/l
MDH ≥ 800 U/l
Sodium Azide 2 g/l Reagent A 1000 l
Sample 100 l
REAGENT B: Mix and incubate at 37 °C for 5 minutes, then add:
2-Oxoglutarato 68 mmol/l Reagent B 100 l
NADH 1.12 mmol/l Mix and incubate at 37 °C. After 1 minute read the
Sodium Hydroxide ≤ 1% absorbance (A) at 340 nm.
Read absorbance again 1, 2, 3 minutes thereafter.
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GA4910 00 – GA4911 00 – KL4910 00 – BK4910 00 GOT/AST
Bilirubin > 40 mg/dl NOTE: Changes Highlighted
Triglycerides > 2000 mg/dl
Ascorbic acid > 30 mg/dl
Hemoglobin The presence of hemoglobin in serum
indicates destruction of erythrocytes with
release of AST, producing high interference.
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AMS Srl. – Registered Office and Plant
Via E. Barsanti 17/A
00012 Guidonia (Rome) – Italy
Ph. + 39 0774 354441 Met. GA491000.4 eng
Fax + 39 0774 578035 Edition: 2018/11 -