Chapter 15 - Labor and Birth: Ob Lecture
Chapter 15 - Labor and Birth: Ob Lecture
Chapter 15 - Labor and Birth: Ob Lecture
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Normal FHR ranges from 120-160 bpm
➢ Above 160 bpm is tachycardia
➢ Below 120 bpm is termed radychardia - a woman’s pelvis
- adequate size and contour.
Fetal Tachycardia - Bony pelvis
- Sustained rate of 161 bpm or above - Soft tissues
- If rate is 180 bpm of above, is marked - Maternal hormones Relaxin in later pregnancy
tachycardia soften the cartilage
- Causes of fetal tachycardia - True pelvis / False pelvis
➢ Early fetal hypoxia
➢ Maternal fever
➢ Maternal dehydration
➢ Amnionitis
➢ Maternal hyperthyroidism
➢ Beta-sympathomimetic drugs
➢ Fetal anemia
- Ominous sign if tachycardia is
accompanied by:
➢ Late decelerations
➢ Severe variable decelerations
➢ Decreased variability
Fetal Bradycardia
- Beat less than 110 bpm during a 10-
minute period or longer
- Causes include:
➢ Profound hypoxia in fetus
➢ Maternal hypotension
➢ Prolonged umbilical cord • inlet – transverse (larger)
compression • outlet – AP (larger)
➢ Fetal arrhythmias • diagonal conjugate (usually 12.5cm)–
➢ Uterine hyperstimulation can be measured by IE, while the other
➢ Abruptio placentae conjugate cannot
➢ Uterine rupture ¬ if less than 12.5 cm, can be CS
➢ Vaginal stimulation in second stage of 3. PASSANGER
¬ the fetus
¬ appropriate size and in an
Hypotonic Uterine Hypertonic
advantageous position and
Contractions Uterine Contractions
- Decrease in - Usually occur before
• Molding - overlapping of skull bones along
frequency and 4cm
the suture lines, which causes a change in
intensity - Increased muscle
the shape of the fetal skull to one long and
- Uterine muscle tonus
narrow, a shape that facilitates passage
weakness - Pain out of proportion
through the rigid pelvis. Molding is caused
- Tension not with cervical dilation
by the force of uterine contractions as the
synchronous - Increasing frequency
vertex of the head is pressed against the
- Over - Uterus remains
distension contracted between
uterine contraction
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• Fetal position - the relationship of the fetal
presenting part to a specific quadrant of the
woman’s pelvis
• Fetal lie - relationship between the long
(cephalocaudal) axis of the fetal body and
the long (cephalocaudal) axis of a woman’s
body—in other words, whether the fetus is
lying in a horizontal (transverse) or a vertical
(longitudinal) position.
Þ Vertex – well-flexion
Þ Sinciput or Military – chin not
touching the chest; causes the
next-widest AP diameter, the
occipital frontal diameter, to • Fetal presentation - the fetal body part that
present to the birth canal will initially contact the cervix; denotes the
Þ Brow – Frontum – some body part that will first contact the cervix or
extension of the forehead be born first and is determined by the
Þ Face – Mentum – combination of fetal lie and the degree of
hyperextension of the chin fetal flexion(attitude).
➢ 95 % are cephalic (head) also vertex
➢ Breech – 3%
- Attitude is moderate
because the hips are
flexed, but the knees are
extended to rest on the
- The buttocks alone
present to the cervix.
Brow or Face
- The fetus has the thighs
- may occur if there is less than the normal
tightly flexed on the
amount amniotic fluid present
- both the buttocks and the
- may reflect a neurologic abnormality in the
tightly flexed feet present
fetus causing spasticity
to the cervix.
Know the measurements (even the pelvis) Footling
Suboccipitobregmatic - 9.5 cm - one or both legs
Occipito frontal - 12 cm extended
Occipito mental - 13 cm - Neither the thighs nor
lower legs are flexed
- If one foot presents, it is a
single-footling breech;
- if both present, it is a
doublefootling breech.
o Fetal head enters the pelvis with
the biparietal diameter parallel to
the pelvic AP diameter
are different position changes in order to keep the
o Internal rotation
smallest diameter of the fetal head (in cephalic
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o Fetal head passes through the o anterior shoulder rotates to the
pelvic outlet with the biparietal midline (external rotation)
diameter perpendicular to the o anterior shoulder delivered from
pelvic AP diameter under the public arch
o Begins at the level of the ischial o Posterior shoulder is guided over
spine the perineum
o Brought about by the bony o the head rotates a final time (from the
pelvis and levator ani anteroposterior position it assumed to
o As the head flexes at the end of enter the outlet) back to the diagonal
descent, the occiput rotates so the or transverse position of the early part
head is brought into the best of labor. This brings the after coming
relationship to the outlet of the pelvis, shoulders into an anteroposterior
or the anteroposterior diameter is now position, which is best for entering the
in the anteroposterior plane of the outlet. The anterior shoulder is born
pelvis. This movement brings the first, assisted perhaps by downward
shoulders, coming next, into the flexion of the infant’s head.
optimal position to enter the inlet
5. EXTENSION o head and shoulders are lifted up
o The perineum deflects the fetal towards the mother’s pubic bone
head anteriorly ➢ trunk is born by flexing it
➢ occiput passes under the laterally in the direction of the
lower border of the symphysis pubis
symphysis pubis ➢ delivery is completed!
➢ head emerges by extension o Once the shoulders are born, the rest of
(occiput – face – chin) the baby is born easily and smoothly
o As the occiput of the fetal head is because of its smaller size. This
born, the back of the neck stops movement, called expulsion, is the end of
beneath the pubic arch and acts as a the pelvic division of labor.
pivot for the rest of the head. The head
extends, and the foremost parts of the
head, the face and chin, are born.
Labor is traditionally divided into 3 stages:
1 stage– begins with the initiation of true labor
o Head rotates to its position during
contractions and ends when the cervix is fully
engagement at the inlet (restitution)
o Fetal heal realigns with the back and
shoulders 2nd stage – extending from the time of full
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dilatation until the infant is born - Effacement: 50-75%
- Dilation: 4-7 cm
3 stage– lasting from the infant is born until after
the delivery of the placenta. - Contraction:
➢ F: every 3-5 mins
4th stage - The first 1-4 hrs after birth of placenta, to
emphasize the importance of the close maternal ➢ I: Moderate
observation ➢ D: 40-60 sec
- Station: - 1 – 0
- Primiparas: 3 hr
FIRST STAGE - Multiparas: 2 hr
CERVICAL DILATION - Division: Acceleration (4-5 cm), Max
- from onset of regular contractions to full Slope (5-9 cm)
- averages 13-18 hrs for nulliparas
- 8-9 hrs for multiparas
PHASE DURATION CERVICAL INTENSITY - contractions reach their peak of intensity a
DILATION woman may experience intense discomfort
LATENT 20-40 0-3 cm Mild that is so strong, it might be accompanied by
Seconds nausea and vomiting.
ACTIVE 40-60 4-7 cm Moderate - She may also experience a feeling of loss of
Seconds control, anxiety, panic, and/or irritability
TRANSITION 60-90 8-10 cm Strong - 8- 10 cm – contractions may be every 1.5 to
Seconds 2 min and last 60-90s
- Effacement: 70-100%
LATENT PHASE - Dilation: 8-10 cm
- The latent or early phase begins at the onset - Contraction:
of regularly perceived uterine contractions ➢ F: every 2 mins
and ends when rapid cervical dilatation ➢ I: Strong
begins. ➢ D: 60-90 sec
- the cervix begins effacing and dilating and - Station: 0- +1
contractions become increasingly stronger - Nulliparas: should not be more than 3
and more frequent - Multiparas: 0.5 – 1 hr
- Effacement: 0-50%
- Dilation: 0-3 cm May be accompanied by:
- Contraction: - irritability and restlessness
➢ F: 5-10 mins - hyperventilation
➢ I: Mild - dark heavy show
➢ D: 20-40 sec - leg cramps
- Station: - 2 – 0 - nausea/vomiting, hiccups, belching
- Nulliparas: 6 hr - possible rectal pressure creating a
- Multiparas: 4.5 hr desire to push
- may cause maternal exhaustion and
ACTIVE PHASE cervical and fetal trauma
- More rapid dilation of cervix and descent of - extreme back pain
presenting part
- During the active phase of labor, cervical Nursing Care for First Stage of Labor
dilatation occurs more rapidly. PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION
- Show (increased vaginal secretions) and - orientation to the process of labor and
perhaps spontaneous rupture of the general environment
membranes may occur during this time - establishment of nurse-patient
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- providing assurance her perineum begins to bulge and
appear tense.
PHYSICAL PREPARATION - The anus may become everted, and
- nutrient and fluid intake stool may be expelled.
- management of discomfort • CROWNING - As the fetal head
(pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic) pushes against the vaginal
- vulvar and perineal preparation introitus, this opens and the
- Enema (contraindications) fetal scalp appears at the
» unengaged vertex opening to the vagina and
» nonvertex life enlarges from the size of a
» abnormal amount of vaginal bleeding dime, to a quarter, then a half-
» placenta previa and abruptio placenta dollar.
» advanced labor - Contractions are now severe, lasting 60-
90s at 1.5-3 min intervals
- Nulliparas: averages 2hr for
- Multiparas: 20 mins
- Bearing down/ pushing increases intra-
abdominal pressure (pushes the
presenting part against the pelvic floor)
- Causing a stretching, burning sensation,
and bulging of the perineum
- “crowning” – occurs when the presenting
part appears at the vaginal orifice,
distending the vulva
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2. Duncan Mechanism of Placental Separation she has competent people with her to offer
- Dirty Duncan; Maternal side support, reassurance, and comfort.
- Separation at periphery of placenta
- Placenta descends to vagina sideways 2. Fear
- Maternal surface of placenta appears first • They appreciate a review of the labor process
- separates first at its edges, it slides along early in labor as a reminder that childbirth is
the uterine surface and presents at the not a strange, bewildering event but a
vagina with the maternal surface evident predictable and well-documented one.
- looks raw, red, and irregular, with the • Being taken by surprise—labor moving faster or
ridges or cotyledons that separate blood slower than the woman thought it would or
collection spaces evident; contractions harder and longer than she
remembers from last time—can lead a woman
Nursing Care for Third Stage of Labor to feel out of control and increase the level of
- Do controlled cord traction pain she experiences.
- Deliver the placenta slowly • Explain and repeat as necessary that labor is
- Massage fundus until it is hard / predictable but also variable.
contracted • Contractions last a certain length and reach a
- Administer methergine / oxytocin as certain intensity but always have a rest period
ordered in between so she can have a break from pain.
- Check if placenta is complete • Fear of labor this way releases adrenaline, and
- Inspect perineum for laceration adrenaline interferes with oxytocin release and
so can limit the effectiveness of uterine
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adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients for - If there is an Rh blood incompatibility
the fetus. between the baby and the mother
- contractions lasting longer than 70 seconds - If the mother or baby has a medical
are becoming long enough to compromise problem that requires delivery of the
fetal well-being because this interferes with baby (premature rupture of the
adequate uterine artery filling. membranes)
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