Sinag Set 1 PDF
Sinag Set 1 PDF
Sinag Set 1 PDF
13. Hemodynamic criteria used to diagnose the presence 21. A 35-year-old female had total thyroidectomy. Two
of cardiogenic shock includes the following EXCEPT: days later she developed circum-oral paresthesia, stridor
a. Less than 90 mmHg SBO for at least 30 and tetany. Which of the following should be instituted?
minutes A. Immediate calcium level determination
b. Cardiac index < 2.2 L/min/ sq meter B. Correction of sodium and potassium
c. Central venous pressure of 8 mmHg C. Give thyroid hormone replacement
d. Pulmonary artery pressure of > 15 mmHg D. Calcium gluconate intravenously
14. Which of the following is found to best improve
peripheral vasoconstriction in septic shock? 22. An 18-year-old male came in the emergency room with
a. Epinephrine a gunshot wound in the abdomen. Patient was tachycardic
b. Dopemine and his BP was palpatory. On physical examination, he
c. Arginine vasopressin had a slightly distended abdomen which was tender in all
d. Dobutamine quadrants. Your initial circulatory management is:
15. The following causes the release of renin from the A. Infuse 1 unit PRBC
juxtaglomerular apparatus EXCEPT: B. Bolus infusion of 1L Plain LRS
a. Alpha-adrenergic stimulation C. Bolus infusion of plain NSS at 20 ml/kg
b. Decrease renal perfusion D. Infusion of IV dextran
23. A 6-year-old child was brought into the emergency 11. What condition happens when nitabuch layer is absent
room because of 3 days history of diarrhoea. The child or abnormal?
came in weak and restless. On physical examination, she Placenta accreta
was tachycardic, had weak pulse, dry oral mucosa and 12. What do you call the condition wherein there is a
slight loss of skin turgor. Her basal body temperature was combination of hypogonadotropic, hypogonadism and
38.0 C. Your initial management of this patient is: anosmia?
A. Fluid replacement with D5 Normosol solution Kallman Syndrome
B. Fluid replacement with Plain Lactatetd Ringers 13-14. By the 8th day of postfertilization, the trophoblast
Solution divides into which 2 distinct layers?
C. Fluid replacement with 0.9 NaCl solution Syncytiotrophoblast and Cytotrophoblast
D. Fluid replacement with D5 0.45 NaCl solution 15. Term used to describe placental circulation:
Hemochorial or hemochondroendothelial
24. A 35-year-old intoxicated male patient was brought in 16. By what day is the blastocyst completely buried and
because of a vehicular accident. His vital signs showed a covered by the maternal endometrium?
BP of 110.80, PR of 100/min and RR of 30/min. on Day 10
examination, he had abrasions over his upper extremities 17-19. Stages of blastocyst implantation
and anterior trunk. Abdominal examination was Apposition, Adhesion, Invasion
unremarkable except for a 5cm transverse incisional scar 20. By what week does fetal weight = placental weight?
on the right lower quadrant of his abdomen which was due Week 17
to a previous appendectomy. An ABG done showed a pH 21. Condition that proves that there are breaks in the
of 7.47, PCO2 of 30 mmHG and plasma bicarbonate of 24 placental barrier
mEq/L. This patient is suffering from: Erythroblastosis fetalis
A. Metabolic Acidosis 22-23. Conditions that cause lower plasma hCG:
B. Respiratory Acidosis Pregnancy wastage (e.g. miscarriage), Ectopic
C. Metabolic Alkalosis pregnancy, Nonpregnant female
D. Respiratory Alkalosis 24-25. Conditions that cause higher plasma hCG;
Multifetal pregnancy, Erythroblastosis fetalis,
25. The recovery phase following surgical or traumatic Down’s Syndrome, Gestational rophoblastic Disease
injury is characterized by:
A. Reduced total body energy expenditure PEDIATRICS
B. Increased urinary Nitrogen wasting 1. Perinatal period according to Nelson’s
C. Augmented metabolic rate and oxygen 28 weeks AOG – 7 days after birth
consumption 2. What percentage of newborn infants require initial
D. Decreased metabolic rates assessment:
OBSTETRICS 3-6. Give the 4 core components of EINC
1. What is the most potent naturally occurring estrogen? Immediate and thorough drying, early skin-to-
17 β estradiol skin contact, properly timed cord clamping, and non-
2. What day is the window implantation of the blastocyst? separation of mother and child
Days 20-24 7. 1st step in resuscitation
3. What is a more inconsistent and superficial zone of Immediate and thorough drying
fibrinal degeneration? 8- . Preferred alternatives to breastfeeding if it isn’t
Rohr Stria possible
4. Which hormone renders a contraceptive effect by Direct expression of milk and cup feeding
thickening the cervical mucus? 10-11. Components of maturational assessment
Progesterone Physical Maturity
5. When is the day of menstrual cycle where in the Neuromuscular Maturity
epithelial surface of endometrium has been fully restored? 12-14. Parameters that determine the appropriateness of
Day 5 AOG
6. What is the precursor of estradiol in the ovaries? Weight, Length, Head Circumference
Androstenedione 15. Type of care which provides the benefits of an
7. What is the hallmark of luteal phase? incubator
Progesterone secretion Kangaroo Mother Care
8-9. Give 2 effects of prostaglandins during the 16. Type of intrauterine growth restriction in which the
menstruation of a woman. insult is recent and the brain is spared
Vasoconstriction and myometrial contraction Asymmetric
10. What is the precursor of progesterone? 17. Give an example of a normal reflex in infants
LDL cholesterol Babinski, Moro, etc.
18. Death to hypothermia is due to what immediate cause:
Metabolic Acidosis 1. Which of the following can produce the most
19. What is EO 51? potent hazardous effect in the body?
The Milk Code A. UV light
20. What is RA 10028? B. Ionizing radiation
Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act C. Ultrasonic and sonic vibrations
21. Infancy growth period is rapid and is critical for D. All of the above
complete development during the first ____ days
starting from _____. a. 1000 days; birth 2. Cells placed in a hypotonic environment will result
b. 1000 days; conception in _____.
c. 750 days; birth A. Normal cell growth
d. 750 days; conception B. Plasmolysis
22. Average daily nutrient intake level estimated to C. Cell shrinkage
meet the requirements for 50% of the population D. Cellular edema
assuming normal distribution. a. LRNI
b. AMDR 3. RNA Synthesis is performed by:
c. DRI A. RNA dependent RNA polymerase
d. EAR B. DNA dependent DNA polymerase
23. How many types of growth charts are currently C. RNA dependent DNA polymerase
used by the WHO in measuring growth parameters? D. DNA dependent RNA polymerase
a. Two
b. Three 4. this form of mutation occurs when a purine is
c. Four replaced by another purine.
d. None of the above A. Silent Mutation
24. In general, a plotted point that is far from the B. Nonsense Mutation
median in either direction may represent a growth C. Transversion
problem. D. Transition
a. True
b. False 5. This term refers to the average time required for a
25. Food type given in limited amounts bacterial population to double.
a. Sugar A. Biomass density
b. Lean Meat B. Generation time
c. Fried food C. Logarithmic growth rate constant
d. Fruits D. Viable cell count
26. Acanthosis nigricans is an indicator for
a. Type II DM 6. These are organisms that are responsible for
b. Insulin resistance causing food spoilage inside the refrigerator.
c. Both A. Psychotrophs
d. None B. Mesophiles
27. Important role of fibers includes all of these, C. Halophiles
except D. Thermophiles
a. Diluting toxins, carcinogens, & tumor
promoters 7. The following is true of cell-mediated immunity
b. Decreasing transit time (CMI) EXCEPT
c. Increasing colonic mucosal exposure A. Most antigens that stimulate SMI are
d. Promoting their expulsion in fecal stream extracellular in nature
28. RENI of Fats and Fatty Acids in Infants B. Generally requires the continued presence of
a. 55%-70% antigen to maintain the effectivity
b. 30%-40% C. It is not transferred via placenta
c. 20%-30% D. Based on the activity primarily of the T cells
d. 10%-15%
29. Correction of iron deficiency occurs in? 8. The following is true on cytotoxic T cells
a. Initial Treatment (Day 1-2) A. Specifically attack virus-infected cells only
b. Initial Treatment (Day 3-7) B. Continue activity as long as antibody persists
c. Rehabilitation (Weeks 2-6) C. Produce perforin which forms pores in
d. Follow-up (Week 7-26) the membrane causing infected cells to
30. What is the hallmark of refeeding syndrome? lyse
Severe Hypophosphatemia D. All of the above