Warpath - II Rulebook Proof

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The history of humanity has ever been written in words of blood.

The only difference in this

new age is the size of our ledger. Where once petty kings and their generals vied for control of
mere nations, now corporations wipe out whole species for profit. As enlightened as we like to
think we are, violence remains our most utilised tool, either driving or underpinning each of our
achievements – often both.
Dr. Gayle Simmonds – a seminar on human evolution, prior to the Nexus Psi incident

Credits Painting
Leigh Buckett, Rob Jenkins, Leicester Phat
Game Design Cats, Ben Macintyre, Tyler Mengel, Dave
Stewart Gibbs Neild, Will Simmons, Chris Webb

Additional Graphic Design

Development & Editing
Duncan Aldis, Kev Brett, Jay Shepherd,
Alessio Cavatore, Gaetano Ferrara, Matt Francesco Volpe
Gilbert, Matt Hobday, Mark Latham, Sami
Mahmoud, Doug Newton-Walters, Ben Photography
Sandum, Duncan Waugh
Ben Sandum
Michael Grey, Guy Haley, Greg D Smith,
Christopher Verspeak Mark Berry, Tim Bratina, Martyn Chate,
Gaetano Ferrara, Matt Gilbert, Jon Hickey,
Art Andy Hicks, Michael Kaup, Tim King, Alex
Lloyd, Sami Mahmoud, Doug Newton-
Dave Allsop, Shen Fei Chan, Roberto Cirillo, Walters, Chris Palmer, Austin Peasley, Ronnie
Daniel Comerci, Juan Diego Dianderas, Heath Renton, Andy Robertson, Tyler Schulz, David
Foley, Michele Giorgi, Hai Hoang, Inkognit, Symonds, Mike Tittensor, Duncan Waugh,
Rob Jenkins, Pierre Loyvet, Jonas Springborg,
Luigi Terzi, Eric Wilkerson Dave Wilson, Matt Wingate

Sculpting Special thanks go to Mantic’s incredible

community for their countless hours of
Juan Miguel López Barea, Daniele Cattarin, gaming and feedback, and to each and every
Dave Kidd, MKUltra Studio, Tim Prow, Ben Kickstarter backer for making this game a
Skinner, Luigi Terzi reality.


What is Warpath?

With the invention of the McKinley Drive, humanity pushed out into the stars on a bold voyage of
discovery. What we found was not the untamed, deserted frontier that we had expected but rather
an intricate and densely populated galaxy composed of multitudinous civilisations, both young and
ancient, which had been co-existing in an uneasy détente for centuries.

Thrust into this arena, humanity had to adapt quickly. Diplomacy became the second most populous
profession in the nascent human galactic empire, and we slowly insinuated ourselves into the complex
web of politics, intrigue and espionage that made up the wider galaxy, all the while exploring and
testing the boundaries of both our endurance and the patience of others.

When that patience broke, we called upon the first most populous profession in our new realm – the
military. For as vital to Galactic Relations as negotiation, trade and politics are, one thing remains
more important still – war.

War is the force that shapes borders when diplomacy fails, settles disputes when bargaining is of no
use, and establishes credentials when credence is lost. The other races of the galaxy tolerated us when
we came to them in friendship, but they took notice of us when we went on the warpath.

Warpath is a mass-battle wargame set in nature of the battles is purposefully kept fairly
Mantic’s science-fiction universe. The players abstract to allow you to play out extensive
assume the role of a battlefield commander, campaigns, but still in a refreshingly short
overseeing the firefights and long-ranged amount of time.
engagements fought out by their futuristic
armies. These armies – human, alien, robot This rulebook contains everything you need
or something in between – are represented to know to play out Warpath’s dramatic
by Mantic’s range of 30mm scale miniatures, battles. The core rules of the game are very
and all of the action takes place on a table- simple to learn, but it will take some time and
top battlefield. It is up to the players to use experimentation to master the art of winning
all of their wits to make the tactical decisions a futuristic war.
required to win the game, with the help of the
dice to represent the random element of war.
Warpath is designed to represent the large-
scale conflicts of the future – defending a city
against a rampaging horde of alien creatures,
battling to take a well-fortified strategic
objective, or simply killing as many of the
enemy as possible before they can overwhelm
the planet!
Warpath plays best with big armies, sometimes
over 100 figures per side, and focuses on
the actions of teams, units and combined-
arms tactics. This game is about the major
casualties, the psychological effects of warfare,
and the strategies required to win the war. The

A 1600pt Forge Father Clan for Warpath Firefight A 2000pt Veer-Myn Brood for Warpath Mass Battle

Other Ways to Play THE UNIVERSE

For those who want to get Warpath recreates battles fought out across
deeper into the action, the breadth of corporate space, from the
Warpath: Firefight zooms in towering cities of Corporation Central to the
and allows you to play out pic unexplored planets of the outer spheres. You
the fates of each individual can learn more about the Warpath universe
soldier in smaller conflicts and all of its inhabitant races in the Warpath
of 30-100 figures per side. sourcebook.
You can find out more in the
Firefight Rulebook. THE HOBBY

Both Warpath and Firefight use the same Warpath is not just a game, it’s a hobby.
miniatures range, applying common The miniatures that make up your army
mechanics to two different gaming styles are supplied unassembled and unpainted,
to give you the perfect sci-fi gaming fix, no giving you the chance to make something
matter your preference. truly unique. Some of the most exciting
parts of Warpath are customising your force,
Even smaller skirmishes in collecting and painting the models, and
the Warpath universe are bringing everything together on the table-top.
played out in Deadzone,
Warpath’s sister game Check out the Mantic website for more
in Mantic’s sci-fi range. information on the painting and modelling
The miniatures are again aspect of the game.
interchangeable, but
Deadzone zooms in to
capture the intricate detail of the more
Just Starting Out
with Warpath?
delicate reconnaissance missions, with just
5-30 figures per side, and a campaign system To ease you in we’ve created some
pre-prepared missions in the separate
where your troopers will gain experience and Operation Heracles set that will allow
improve their skills between missions. you to get straight into the game, fight-
ing over the fringe planet of Triton. The
starter set will give you two small, bal-
anced forces, perfect for learning the
rules. Once you’ve played a few games
you can come back to read this book
and try something a little different!

What You Need to Play
An Opponent
Warpath is a two-player game – you’ll need
someone to command the other army! If
you’re just starting out why not share the Two-
Player Battle Set with a friend – you’ll have a
Armies small force each and you can learn the rules
together. If you’re already a veteran wargamer
Each player will need a collection of miniatures then try introducing Warpath to your local
to represent their troops on the battlefield. For club – it’s quick and easy to get involved. The
your first few games we recommend using the Mantic website is also a great place to find like
- minded people.
miniatures in the Operation Heracles Set.
Once you know what you’re doing, check Check it out at www.manticgames.com
out the force lists starting on page 73. Each
one lists the characteristics and abilities of a
different race or faction – pick your favourite
and start collecting an army.

It is rare for a battle to take place on an open
Battlefield field. With the level of firepower available in
the distant future it would be foolish to make
You will need something to represent the yourself such an easy target. Therefore you
surface of the planet that your battle is taking will need some pieces of terrain to place on
place on. This can be as simple as using your the battlefield. In the game these can be used
dining table at home, or you can unleash for cover and be occupied by your troops,
your hobby potential and have a go at adding another tactical angle to the game.
making a board yourself if you want a more Mantic makes a range of modular buildings
realistic looking game. The standard size for that you can use to populate your table.
a Warpath table is 6 feet by 4 feet.
Find out more at www.manticgames.com

Tape Measure
With bizarre technology and myriad alien
races, Warpath has a lot of variety in the types
of troops that you can field. All of these can
move and shoot different distances, so you
will need a ruler or tape measure to check
these distances during the game.

Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of what
your units have and haven’t done in the rush
Dice of a battle. Counters are used as reminders so
that the players can keep their heads clear to
War is not an exact science. The bullet fired plan the next move.
at the right moment, the perfect timing of
an infantry assault, the random nature of
an explosion; all of these things have to be
represented in the game to keep you on your
toes. Warpath uses six-sided dice to do this
and you will find some in the Two-Player
Battle Set, but as you play bigger battles you
may want to pick up some more.
After you’ve played your first few games,
you’ll want to develop your skills with an
extra level of strategy. Warpath’s Command
system will give you extra tactical options,
and you’ll need some special dice to keep
track of your army’s abilities.

As the sun rose over the Brinker Mountains, the The Drakenhof line first threatened to collapse
soldiers of Drakenhof Marine wondered whether on its left flank as clouds of Murderbirds swirled
this would be the last dawn they would ever see. and dived, shrieking and squawking and pecking
at exposed flesh. Men stopped firing, desperately
One of the largest and most successful private trying to protect their eyes and fight off the
security consultancies in the western arm of flying attackers and Drakenhof commandant
corporate space, Drakenhof had arrived on Sprakstrom was forced to deploy his reserves early.
Arden 5 a few weeks earlier. The contract was for Rangers reinforced the positions under threat and
extermination of two nests of Veer-myn, rivals cut down several charging Stage 2’s with their
whose subterranean squabbles had spilled onto heavy lasers.
the streets of several cities. The rat-men they
could handle - Fort Kravitz and New Gardez For the rest of the morning, as Hornets flew
were quickly declared safe sites. But, when a sweeping sorties and the Lancers continued to
Plague fleet slid into orbit above them, it was the fire almost constantly into the Plague ranks, the
Drakenhof men that found themselves hunted marines on foot fought bravely. But Sprakstrom
and on the run. Now, after weeks of retreating could see the writing was on the wall. His lines
across the planet and with their backs to a wall were breaking, swamped by the seemingly endless
flow of enemies. He watched, helpless, as dozens
of frozen peaks, what was left of the marine forces of his soldiers were torn apart or, even worse,
prepared to take their last stand. wrapped up in the toxic embrace of Bursters, their
The cannons and heavy lasers of the dozen Lancers limbs spasming as the Plague mutagen seeped
laagered behind the infantry positions fired first, into their skin.
searing the frigid morning air and puncturing the Sprakstrom drew his pistol and prepared to leave
line of Plague vehicles on the horizon. Blooms of his command sangar to fight, and die, alongside
flame burst skyward as the tanks hit their targets, his men. But, before he could do either, a massive
but there were still more coming up behind them. blast of energy lit up the skies and shook the
Drakenhof ’s forces had been cut in half during ground beneath his feet. The shaking was closely
their retreat while their enemy’s had grown. followed by the sound of roaring engines as a dozen
Persecutor Bombers and Accuser Interceptors flew
Hundreds of marines had been infected by overhead, their weapons annihilating hundreds of
Bursters and swarms of even more zombies had Plague and giving the few struggling marines still
streamed out of the towns, swelling the Plague alive, and still human, a chance to regroup.
army. They charged through the morning mist
towards the exhausted marines, a frothing mix of The Enforcers had arrived, and the fight to retake
angry faces, bared teeth and clawed hands. the planet had begun.


UNITS The shape and size of each team’s base is
largely up to the players to decide, as long as it
meets the following criteria:
Warpath is played with groups of miniatures
and vehicles that come together to form an • All team bases must be at least big enough
army or force. This can range from a single to hold the individual bases provided
vehicle or alien monster, to large numbers of with the models their team contains
infantry models, to a weapons platform and (usually 25mm bases for Regular
its crew. No matter what they are, all of the Infantry teams or 40mm bases for Large
groups of miniatures used to play Warpath are Infantry teams), without overlapping.
referred to in the rules as units. • A team base may be no more than
150mm and no less than 30mm across
Teams in any direction.
Units can vary in size – small units can be • The combined length and width of the
team base cannot be more than 180mm.
more manoeuvrable, but large units can bring
a lot more firepower to bear. The miniatures used in the game are static, but
in real life would be very dynamic, constantly
Units are broken down into smaller groups of moving, shooting and fighting. Therefore, the
miniatures called teams, each one made up of exact position of the figures within the base
a number of miniatures mounted together on is not important – the whole piece, including
a single base. Some units may consist of just a any space between the models, is regarded as
single team; some are much larger. the team for the purposes of the rules.
The number of miniatures in a team depends Teams in a unit move and fight as a single
on its Class (see page 18): entity. However, as units take casualties during
a game, teams may have to be removed to
• Regular Infantry units have 5 models
represent the damage that the unit has taken.
per team.
• Large Infantry units have 2 models The final class, Vehicles, work differently to
per team. Infantry, and usually act as a unit on their
• Massive Infantry models fight on their own. Vehicles do not always have a base –
own, so any reference to a team in the their large size and more static shape make it
rules refers to a single Massive Infantry more obvious where they are positioned, and
model. the edges of the model are the edges of the
unit. For more on Vehicles, see page 54.
The rules will refer to all of these unit types
collectively as “Infantry”, and these units all Some armies will have different options and
follow exactly the same rules in the game, exceptions which will be explained in the
unless specifically stated otherwise. relevant force list.

Vehicle Massive Infantry

Regular Infantry

Large Infantry

There are certain rules that define where If you intend to use your Warpath
the teams in your unit can be positioned as miniatures to play other games in
they move across the battlefield. They are as Mantic’s range, such as Warpath:
follows: Firefight or Deadzone, it is best to keep
the individual miniatures separate from
• All teams in a unit must always be within the team bases.
2” of at least one other team in the same
unit, forming an uninterrupted chain. Bases with recesses to hold the
• No team may enter within 1” of any other individual models are best for this
unit, friend or foe, unless it is engaging purpose, and some gamers may choose
an enemy in Assault (see page 39). to magnetise them for stability during

Insert image of
example 60 x 90mm

Alternatively, if you only intend to play

Warpath with your miniatures, you can
permanently fix your models into a
mini-diorama with areas of scenery and
dynamic poses, and let your creativity
run free!

DICE Finally, you will also come across the term
D66. This requires you to roll two dice,
Warpath uses dice to decide many aspects one after the other, to generate a two-digit
of the game, from who gets to deploy their number. For example, if your first die rolled
units first to whether a unit is able to hit its a 4 and your second die rolled a 2, the D66
target. Warpath uses six-sided dice to do this, result would be 42.
referred to in the rules as D6 for short. Modifiers
Some rules will allow you to modify a dice roll,
which means that you can add or subtract from
the result rolled. For example, a -1 modifier
incurred by your unit being suppressed would
mean that all 4s rolled would become 3s
instead, and would therefore be unsuccessful
if trying to make a 4+ roll.
If you need to roll multiple dice for any reason,
this will be indicated with a number before Some rules require or allow you to re-roll one
the term D6; for example, 3D6 means rolling or more dice. This means that you ignore the
three dice and adding the results together. original result, take the dice and roll them
Sometimes you will need to add or subtract a again. The second result always stands, even
number to or from the result of a dice roll. In if it’s worse than the first. Dice cannot be re-
these cases it will be written in the form D6+2, rolled more than once.
or 2D6-1.
Command Dice
You may also see the term D3. D3 simply
means that when you roll the dice you divide Warpath also uses a set of 8-sided dice for
the result in half, rounding up, so: giving special Orders to your troops. See page
67 for more details on the Command system.
• 1-2 = 1
• 3-4 = 2
• 5-6 = 3
Some of the game values used to determine
whether a unit is successful in its endeavours
will be written as a number followed by a plus
sign; for example, Acc 4+. This means that
when rolling against this attribute, results
that are equal or higher than this value are
successful, and lower results are not. In this
example, a dice result of 4 or more will succeed
- the unit shoots at and hits its target!
SP Only a fool asks for the blessings of the
D fates or curses the misfortune of chance.
5 AC
C A good commander will assess every
4+ De
possible scenario and devise a strategy
4+ re
which accounts for all of them. A great
commander will make it succeed. A
4 legendary commander will make it look
Wea 2like luck.

po RFrom Combat: Basic Precepts

Lase n e g u
Infa lar
r Rifl ntr
Assa e R y
ult W D
eapo 18” Pts:
n A 50
IN PLAY Measuring
The term in play refers to any unit that is Warpath requires you to measure distances
considered to be involved in the battle at a during the game to determine how far your
given time. Generally this will apply to all units troops can move and shoot. All distances
that are still alive and on the board, with units are given in inches, so you will need a ruler
that have left the board, that are in reserve, or or tape measure graded in inches to do this
that have been destroyed not being in play. during the game.
There can be exceptions to this rule, such as
units within a transport vehicle that are not Measurement is always done from the edge of
physically on the table. These exceptions will your units’ bases to the edge of your opponent’s
be explored in the relevant sections. units’ bases. Note that if a unit contains
multiple teams some rules will require you to
The range-finding sensors in a measure from each team.
Pathfinder’s rifle are so advanced You can measure any distance at any time.
that they can provide the trooper
with distances down to the nearest Due to the imprecise nature of wargaming in
general, in cases where you cannot be sure if
It is said that in the right hands, such a something is within a certain distance or not,
rifle can be used to split a human hair. and might well be in or out by a tiny fraction
Forge Fathers find this particular boast of an inch, roll a die. On a 4+ it is in; on a
very amusing, given that they were lower result it is out.
responsible for the tech, which is fitted
by them to basic mining rigs to supply
survey information.

Unit Statistics
Each unit in Warpath has a series of game values that determine its effectiveness on the
battlefield. These are called statistics (or stats for short) and together form the unit’s statline or
profile. These are listed below. Teams within a unit move, shoot and fight together, using the
same Speed, Accuracy, Defence, Resilience and Nerve stats, but may have different weaponry.

Unit 9. Teams
The stat values at the top apply to the entire Each unit entry will list a number of teams
unit, no matter which teams it includes, or for each unit, in the red boxes. These can be
how many of them there are. selected in various combinations, depending
on the battlefield role that the player wants the
unit to fulfil.
10. Points: This determines each team’s value
within the army, and is used when calculating
the size of your force. See Building a Force on
page 73.
11. Restrictions: The number of each type
of team or upgrade that can be taken within
1. Unit name: The name given to the unit. a unit. This may list minimums and/or
When you write out your own army list you maximums. If there is no number listed, any
can always come up with your own unit
names. number of teams in the unit may be of this
2. Unit size: The minimum and maximum
number of teams that can be taken in this 12. Special Rules: This section will list any
unit, selected from those below. equipment or ability possessed by the team
3. Speed (Spd): This determines how far the that bestow special rules upon the unit. These
unit can move in inches with a Move action. rules will be in effect for the entire unit while
the team remains in play. Definitions for these
4. Accuracy (Acc): This is the dice roll special rules can be found on pages 58.
required for the unit to hit the enemy with a
Shoot action. 13. Command (Cmd): Some teams will have
an additional value listed under their special
5. Defence (Def): This value represents both rules or upgrades sections called Command,
the toughness and armour of the unit, and allowing them to issue Orders to other troops
is the dice roll that the enemy requires to on the battlefield. This is covered in full on
damage it in both Shooting and Assault. page 67.
6. Resilience (Res): This value represents how 14. Unit Upgrades
much damage a unit can withstand before a
team is destroyed. Some units will allow certain teams to be
upgraded with specialist equipment or
7. Nerve (Ner): This represents the unit’s personnel that grant the unit additional rules
morale, and is used to determine the point or improved stats, shown in the grey boxes.
at which a unit can no longer fight at full As with the team special rules, these rules will
effectiveness, or even flee the battle completely. be in effect for the entire unit while the team
8. Class: This states whether the unit is containing the upgrade remains in play.
Regular, Large or Massive Infantry or a
Vehicle, determining how many models are in
a team, and which game rules affect the unit.

1 Drop Squad (1-2 Teams) 2

3 4 5 6 7
Def res ner
4 3+ 6+ 5 3 Regular

9 Hammerfist Team Pts: 165 10

Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
15 Inferno Drill 16” 6 5 -
Forge Hammer A 4 4 Blast (D3)

11 0-1 Hammerfist Unit Leader Person. Upgd. Pts: 15

Upgrade any 1 team to a Unit Leader: 14
Special Rules: Command , L eadership

15. Weaponry Dice (D)

Most teams will have multiple types of The number of dice rolled when the team
weapon and will have more than one value attacks with this weapon.
in this section. Armour Penetration (AP)
How effectively the weapon can puncture
The distance in inches that each weapon can enemy armour. This number will modify an
fire. In real life the weapons would of course opponent's Defence roll during an attack.
be able to fire further than this, but this Special
range represents the limit at which they are
still powerful and accurate enough to cause Some weapons will also have special rules.
damage. These rules apply only to the weapon they are
listed for, not to any other weapons carried by
• Sometimes this will be a single number, the unit unless explicitly stated.
indicating the maximum range of the
• Sometimes this will be a pair of numbers Alternative Weapons
separated by a hyphen – the lower
number indicates a minimum range Some weapons will have this symbol:
at which the weapon can shoot, while v, and are classed as alternative. This
the higher number indicates the means that the unit carries multiple
maximum range. weapons or ammunition types but can
• Sometimes this will be written as the only fire one at a time. Each time the
letter A, indicating that this weapon is unit shoots it must choose only one
used in Assault, or R, indicating that this weapon with the v symbol to attack
weapon is used by a Vehicle when it rams with.
another unit.

Hammerfist Orbital Drop Armour is dense enough to withstand impacts that would
trouble the hull of the average starship, yet somehow light enough to be deployed from
the upper atmosphere and sufficiently slowed by its internal engines to ensure that the
pilot is not liquefied on impact. Of all the achievements of the Forge Father race, it is not
clear which is the greater feat – that Hammerfist Armour exists, or that they are able to
find enough dwarfs insane enough to use it.

Line of Sight Some units may have a different height
specified in their unit entry, but otherwise you
There are times in Warpath where you will should use the heights listed on this page.
need to check if your unit can see another unit Players should always agree before
or objective. This is called line of sight. deployment on the height of each terrain area
Line of sight is very important in Warpath – on the table, noting this down if necessary. If
it determines the targets that your units can the players agree that a terrain area (or a part
shoot at. Other units, intervening terrain and of the battlefield) is higher than the ground,
your units’ chosen positions will all have a big then a unit that is occupying that part of the
impact, and securing the right vantage point battlefield adds its height to their own.
will be a key part of your army’s tactics.

All units and terrain areas in the game have a
height, as shown in the chart below:
Height 0 The gaming surface
Height 1 Small creatures, low scrub,
low walls and barricades
Height 2 Most Regular and Large
infantry units, perimeter walls
Height 3 Most Massive Infantry and
Vehicle units, one-storey For example, if a height 2 unit is standing on a
buildings, trees height 3 hill, it will count as a height 5 unit. A
good rule of thumb is that every 1” of physical
Height 4+ Multi-storey buildings, some height of a building or other terrain piece is
hills, some large vehicles or equivalent to one level of height
huge alien beasts

Kalyshi on a Building / Height 5

Building / Height 3 Tunnel
Comms Height 3
Height 3

Height 2

Industrial Machinery Veer-myn Barricades and

Height 2 Infantry / Height 2 Obstacles / Height 1

Examples of different heights of units and terrain


The Enforcers (Height 2) are standing on a building (Height 3) making them Height 5 in
total. In front of them is a container (Height 3) and various enemy units (all Height 2). As
the Enforcers are higher than the container, they can see over it, and have a clear view of
the Marionettes and the Kalyshi (although the latter will be in cover from the forest). The
Marionettes and Kalyshi can vice-versa see the Enforcers over the container. However, the
container casts a ‘shadow’ equal to its Height (3”), which the Cyphers are completely within.
Therefore they cannot see or be seen by the Enforcers

DETERMINING height, regardless of the position of the

Line of Sight models within it.
• Terrain areas and units cast a ‘shadow’
Line of sight is determined separately for each behind them as deep as their height in
team within a unit, and is a two-step process. inches, which will affect what can be
1. Blocking Units and Terrain seen.
• Terrain or intervening units of a lower
Firstly you will need to establish if any other height than both the opposing units
unit or terrain piece on the board blocks line never block line of sight. It is assumed
of sight. Draw an imaginary straight line from that you can simply see over them. An
any part of your team to any one of the target example would be a height 1 barricade
unit’s teams. If you can draw this line without between opposing height 2 Infantry
passing over any other units or terrain pieces, units. Note that terrain bonuses such as
line of sight is not blocked – proceed to step cover still apply.
2. Note that the gaps between teams in a unit • Terrain or intervening units of a lower
block line of sight in the same way as the height than one opponent but the same
teams themselves. height or higher than the other opponent
only block line of sight if one opponent
If you cannot draw a line without passing over is completely within the shadow of the
another unit or piece of terrain, determine if intervening unit or terrain piece.
line of sight can still be established with the • Terrain or intervening units the same
following guidelines: height or higher than both the opposing
• All units and terrain areas block line of units always block line of sight.
sight to some degree. The entire area of a • Defensible terrain (see page 51) can
unit blocks that line up to the unit’s always be seen into, out of, and over, but
not through.

If your view is blocked to every part of the If at least half of the target unit’s teams are in
target unit, then you cannot draw line of sight cover, the unit is in cover and anyone targeting
and that team cannot shoot. Other teams in the unit will suffer penalties when shooting.
the unit that can draw line of sight may still
take part in the Shoot action, or the entire unit If an unobstructed line of sight can be drawn
may select a new target. If you determine that to every part of the base of more than half of
your target is visible, proceed to step 2. the teams in the unit, then it is not in cover.

2. Cover Any obstructions that are in base contact with

the shooting unit are not counted as cover for
Often a line of sight drawn in step 1 will pass the target unit.
over another unit or terrain piece, but line
of sight will not be blocked because the unit Units inside defensible terrain (see page 51)
or terrain piece is lower than the target, or are always in cover.
only obstructs part of it. Units only partially
Due to the imprecise nature of wargaming in
obscured in this way may benefit from being
general, in cases where you cannot be sure if
in cover.
something is within line of sight or cover, and
If you can see a team in the target unit, but might well be in or out by a tiny fraction of an
cannot draw an unobstructed line of sight to inch, roll a die. On a 4+ it can be seen; on a 3
every part of its base, the team is in cover. or less it cannot.


The Marionettes have multiple targets to choose from. The wall they are in contact with will not
block their view, but other things will.
The Zombies (1) on the left are unobstructed and can be fired at without penalty. Half of the
3rd Gen unit (2) is partially hidden by the tank traps and will therefore be in cover. The Strider
(3) is taller than the Zombies, and can therefore be seen over the top of them, but is also in
cover because the Marionettes cannot see every part of it. The Bursters (4) behind the 3rd Gens
are the same height as them (Height 2) and therefore cannot be seen at all.


Setting up However, once you know what you’re doing,
Warpath has a set of missions that represent
Before you play a game there are certain steps the varying objectives that a force may be given
by their commander. Each one has a different
you must follow. The Warpath universe is
way to win, forcing you to use all manner of
huge and diverse and the set-up process will different tactics. For more information on
carry this through into your games – no two Missions, see page 26.
will play out the same!
2: Build your Force
You will need to select which soldiers are
going to be fighting for you, who you’re going As the commander-in-chief, you decide
to be fighting against, why you’re going to which troops will fight for you in each battle.
be fighting them, and where you’re going You can take the same force every time, or you
to be fighting. Many players like to build a can try out different combinations to see what
narrative around their army – where each unit works best. For full details on how to select a
commander has a name and a history, and Warpath force, see page 73.
each battle is part of a bigger campaign with a
goal greater than occupying a single objective. 3: Place Terrain
Of course, many players prefer to play one- Terrain is integral to Warpath. With such
off games, at home or at a local gaming club advanced weaponry and equipment, battles
with friends, or competitively in tournaments. across open ground would be over in seconds
Whichever type of game you prefer, the – the victor would be the one quickest to the
process is as follows. draw. Instead, the terrain on the table is as
important as your opponent – you’ll often
1: Select Mission find you need to go through the terrain to get
to your enemy, or go through your enemy to
With such a wide range of unusual species, hold a key piece of terrain!
there’s an equally wide range of motives
for warfare. Some battles are fought over The battlefields of the future will tend to be
seemingly trivial political matters, some to fairly dense – it would be foolish for a general
claim a valuable asset, and some just because to bring the fight to the enemy on open ground.
the troops are hungry! Sometimes you will want to build specific
pieces of terrain; to represent a base that your
For your first few games, you should use the army fights from, or a particular objective,
Operation Heracles set to learn the rules, and such as a comms tower. In most games more
then use the Violent Encounter mission on generic pieces will be useful – medium-sized
page 30 to familiarise yourself with the full buildings, small forests, watchtowers etc. See
game. page 50 for more on terrain.

This purpose-built urban gaming table

has lots of large structures connected by
rubble-strewn highways.

This simple battlefield has a mix of
different terrain types: buildings,
defensible woodlands,
and elevated rocky

Some missions will have

specific terrain requirements,
and this will be listed in their briefing.
Otherwise there is a standard method that
can be used to set up your table in as fair a In the case
way as possible. If possible you should ask a of a draw, both
third, impartial person to set the terrain up players must roll for
for you before the game, but if there is nobody Initiative again until there is a
available, use the following guidelines. winner.
• Split the terrain pieces equally between After Initiative has been determined,
the two players. Flip a coin or roll a die to Strategic Assets should be placed (see page
see who goes first, and then take it in 27), and then Secondary Objectives should
turns to each place a piece of terrain onto be rolled for, if applicable (see page 28).
the board.
• Remember that you haven’t yet 5. Deploy
determined where you will deploy your
forces, so try not to favour any one area During this phase the players will take it in
of the table. turns to place their units onto the battlefield
• It is best to keep the pieces evenly one at a time, starting with the player who has
spaced. Initiative, and continuing until all units are
• Try to keep the arrangement of the deployed. If one player has more units than
terrain as realistic as possible to get a the other, once one player has no units left
more cinematic looking table – don’t put to deploy his opponent may then deploy all
a grassy hill between a pair of skyscrapers remaining units.
for example.
All units must be placed fully within the
As a general rule, you should have one piece deployment zones shown on the map for the
of terrain for every two square feet of table mission (see page 26), unless a special rule
area. For a 6’ x 4’ table that means you should states otherwise.
have around 12 pieces of terrain, although a
couple more or less will work just fine. Important: Units following the normal
deployment rules may not be placed in
4. Roll for Initiative terrain pieces that are even partially outside
the deployment zone.
With the battlefield in place, it’s time to
see who has arrived first and chosen their Some players may choose to place units off
position. of the table, either because they are Flyers, or
because they are placed in Reserve using the
Each player should roll a D6. The player with Orders rules on page 67, should the mission
the highest result wins the Initiative, and may allow it. This counts as deploying a unit, but it
choose which of the deployment zones he is placed off of the table and the player must
deploys in. Some missions may instead have declare to his opponent that the unit has been
an Attacker and Defender, in which case the deployed as such.
player with Initiative may choose which he is.
6. Play!

Missions Game Length
Each mission will specify a number of Turns
Warpath is a game that tells a story; a game that
recreates the outcome of a fierce battle. When that the game will last. This is the amount of
you read these tales of war, how many of them time that the players have to determine the
are about two groups of soldiers simply lining victor.
up to fight? Warpath is about more than that, Special Rules
and missions are a chance to give your army a
purpose – a reason to fight and a strategy for Some missions will specify additional special
how they will do it. There are six core missions rules that apply to the troops on the battlefield
detailed over the next few pages that represent during the game.
some of the most common battle scenarios,
and if you visit www.manticgames.com you
will find more missions to test out your force.
Sometimes you may want to play a specific
mission, maybe because it’s part of a storyline
that you are working through. Sometimes
however, you may just want to obliterate
your enemies without worrying about any Victory
other objectives! If you aren’t planning to play
This section will outline what the players have
any particular mission, roll a D6 before the
game. The result will tell you which of the six to do to win. Victory is based on accumulating
missions you will be playing. Each mission a number of victory points or VPs – rewards
has a briefing with the following headings: for achieving certain objectives. The different
ways of obtaining these points will be listed in
Forces this section.
Some missions may impose certain There is more than one way to win a war,
restrictions on the forces chosen for the game, and taking control of strategic locations,
such as not allowing certain troop types, or assassinating a key commander or simply
selecting a larger force for one player than the delaying your enemy’s advance can be just as
other. important in the long run as obliterating the
Terrain foe. Therefore, each mission will list primary
and secondary objectives, along with how
Some missions will have specific requirements many VPs each is worth.
for placing terrain onto the board, and these
should be taken into account before you use If one player’s force is entirely wiped out, the
the terrain placement rules on page 24. game ends instantly and the opponent scores
a major victory.
Otherwise, once the Turn limit has been
Each mission briefing will incorporate a reached, both players add up the VPs that
map of the battlefield. As well as showing the they have scored and compare their score to
placement of any terrain pieces, this will also their opponent’s.
highlight the areas in which the forces should
be deployed at the start of the game. • If the difference between the scores is 5
or more, the player with the highest total
First Activation
has scored a major victory.
Some missions will specify which player takes • If the difference between the scores is
the first Activation (see page 36). Otherwise, 2-4, the player with the highest total has
the player with the Initiative may choose who scored a minor victory.
goes first. • Any other result is a draw.

Primary Objectives To claim a Strategic Asset, a unit must be in
base contact with the counter (or occupying
Primary objectives are listed in the mission the terrain if the counter is in a defensible
briefing along with how many VPs each is terrain piece) and have no enemy units within
worth. 6” of the counter or terrain piece at the end of
the game.
Many missions will use the Strategic Assets
and/or the Kill Total primary objectives. Strategic Asset counters do not affect
These are described in more detail below. movement or line of sight. Units can
move through them and be
Strategic Assets placed on top of them
with no penalty.
Battles in the Warpath universe are usually
Kill Total
fought over key locations, with the troops
striving to defend or destroy communications Holding key locations is all very well, but if
arrays, resource stockpiles, or positions with a your enemy no longer exists you won’t need
tactical advantage. to hold them in the first place!
To represent this, at the start of the game, after To represent this you will add up the total
rolling for Initiative each player rolls D3+2 value of all enemy units and individual teams
and takes that many Strategic Asset counters. destroyed at the end of the game, and gain
Starting with the player with Initiative, players a number of VPs based on this total. The
mission will state how many VPs are available.
take it in turns to place the counters onto
the table anywhere outside the deployment For example, a mission might state that you
zones. No counter can be placed within 6” of gain 1VP for every 10% of the enemy force that
another. If a counter is placed inside a piece is destroyed. This is based on the starting size
of defensible terrain, the entire terrain piece of the force. Therefore, in a 2000 point game
counts as a Strategic Asset. Claiming Strategic players will obtain 1VP for every 200 points’
Assets is worth VPs, as detailed in the mission worth of the enemy’s force that is destroyed at
the end of the game.

Secondary Objectives Some secondary objectives will have a
maximum score listed in brackets – once this
The mission briefing will define how many many extra VPs have been scored, no more
secondary objectives each player has to roll are counted for that objective.
for. These objectives are generated by rolling
a D66 on the Secondary Objective Table, Some secondary objectives may require you
after Strategic Assets have been placed. Any to select a particular unit or terrain piece on
duplicate results are ignored, simply roll again the table in order to claim the objective. You
on the table instead. should make a note of which one you have
chosen on your force roster.
In addition, if you roll a secondary objective
that cannot be achieved, ignore that result and
roll again on the table. For example: You roll
a 46 in a mission that does not use Strategic Objective Cards
Asset F.
Secondary objectives are likely to be different Rather than rolling a D66, Mantic make
for each player, and are kept secret. a set of objective cards that you can
purchase from your local gaming store,
Once the objectives have been rolled, you which match all of the options on this
can note them down, keep the dice to one table. These will make it easier to keep
side, or tell them to a third player who is not your secondary objectives hidden.
taking part; however you do it, don’t let your
opponent know what they are! Instead of using the table, shuffle the
deck and draw cards from the top of
Secondary objectives are scored just like the deck – these are your secondary
primary objectives – they will each grant a objectives. You can keep them face down
number of VPs for achieving certain goals, on the table, and reveal them at the end
which are added to the player’s total at the end of the game.
of the game.

War is the lifeblood of the universe. The endless conflict fuels the development of the various
races which inhabit the galaxy, making them strive to perfect technologies that will take
the lives of their enemies while protecting the lives and homes of their citizens. It hones the
naivety of the innocent into the healthy cynicism of the survivor, toughens the delicacy of
the pacifist into the neodurium-hardness of the realist and shapes a society of strength and
character. It is no coincidence that the most successful and most cultured races in the galaxy
are also the most warlike – after all, how can one develop a culture, let alone preserve and
perfect it, unless one is able to defend it from everyone else?

Secondary Objective Table

Roll Objective Roll Objective

11-12 If you have claimed more Strategic 42 Strategic Asset B is worth triple the
Assets than your opponent at the end of number of VPs for this mission.
the game, gain 3VPs
13-14 If your opponent has lost a higher 43 Strategic Asset C is worth triple the
proportion of their force than you at the number of VPs for this mission.
end of the game, gain 3VPs.
15 Pick one of your Commanders (may 44 Strategic Asset D is worth triple the
not be an Orbital Commander). If that number of VPs for this mission.
model survives the battle, gain 3VPs.
16 If your General (see the Force Lists 45 Strategic Asset E is worth triple the
section) survives the battle, gain 3VPs. number of VPs for this mission.
21 The enemy General is worth an 46 Strategic Asset F is worth triple the
additional 3VPs when destroyed. number of VPs for this mission
22 Each enemy Commander is worth 51 trategic Asset G is worth triple the
an additional 1VP when destroyed number of VPs for this mission
(max 3).
23 Each enemy Vehicle or Massive Infantry 52 Strategic Asset H is worth triple
unit is worth an extra 1VP when the number of VPs for this mission
destroyed (max 3).
24 Each enemy Regular or Large Infantry 53 Strategic Asset I is worth triple the
unit is worth an additional 1VP when number of VPs for this mission
destroyed (max 3).
25 The enemy unit with the highest points 54 Strategic Asset J is worth triple the
value is worth an additional 3VPs when number of VPs for this mission
destroyed. If there are multiple units of
equal value, you may choose one.
26 Pick a piece of defensible terrain that 55-56 You may pick any objective of your
is closer to the opponent’s deployment choice from this table.
zone than your own. Occupying that
terrain piece at the end of the game
scores 3VPs.
31-32 Each piece of defensible terrain that you 61-62 Faction Specific Objective A – see
occupy at the end of the game scores Force Lists
33-34 Each friendly unit at least partially 63-64 Faction Specific Objective B – see
inside the opponent’s deployment zone Force Lists.
at the end of the game scores 1VP.
35-36 If there are no enemy units inside your 65-66 Faction Specific Objective C – see
deployment zone at the end of the game, Force Lists
gain 3VPs.
41 Strategic Asset A is worth triple the
number of VPs for this mission.

1. Violent Encounter First Activation

Sometimes there is no real objective to a battle. The player with the Initiative may choose who
Perhaps two forces happen upon each other goes first.
while pursuing their own goals, or maybe one
Game Length
side just really wants to kill the other. Whatever
the case, these pitched battles all share one The game will last for 4 Turns.
characteristic in the Warpath universe – they’re
bloody. Victory

Forces Primary Objectives

There are no restrictions for this mission. • Kill Total – 1VP for every full 5% of
the enemy’s force that is destroyed.
Terrain • Strategic Assets – 1VP for each Strategic
Asset claimed.
There is no specific terrain requirement for
this mission. SECONDARY Objectives

Deployment • Each player rolls 3 secondary objectives.

12" Deployment Zone

“What are your proposed tactics and


“Go over to where the Rebels are and kill
them all.”
“Would you care to elaborate further?”
“Make sure they are all dead.”
12" Deployment Zone

Exchange between Corporation

Exec. General Kuriz of the Shal-Ti
Corporation and Master Sergeant
Drunn of the Enforcer Corps

2: Occupation First Activation

Certain points on the battlefield will confer The player with the Initiative may choose who
an advantage to the force that holds them - goes first.
sometimes a fortification for defence, other
Game Length
times a supply dump to re-arm, and sometimes
just the advantage of being king of a particular The game will last for 4 Turns.
hill. Whatever the tactical benefit, these
objectives will get messy, fast. Victory

Forces Primary Objectives

There are no restrictions for this mission. • Kill Total – 1VP for every full 10% of the
enemy’s force that is destroyed.
Terrain • Strategic Assets – 2VPs for each Strategic
Asset claimed.
There is no specific terrain requirement for
this mission. SECONDARY Objectives

Deployment • Each player rolls 3 secondary objectives.

12" Deployment Zone

Girnt played the front laser of the
Hornet over the hill as the dropship
arrested its forward motion and the
engines powered to hover mode, keeping
the Orcs’ heads down. Behind him in
the troop bay, the first five rangers leapt
from the open door and plunged on grav
harnesses towards the ground. The hill
12" Deployment Zone
was theirs - for now.

3: Take Back the City First Activation

Territorial disputes are not uncommon in the The player with the Initiative may choose who
Warpath universe. With so many races living so goes first.
close together, even the whole galaxy isn’t quite
Game Length
big enough. But a base, settlement or facility
that has been lost can be won again - even if it The game will last for 5 Turns.
isn't by the original owners.
Special Rules
All Strategic Assets in this mission must be
There are no restrictions for this mission. placed inside terrain pieces.
Terrain Victory
This mission is fought in a city, and the board Primary Objectives
should be built with an urban theme. There
must be a minimum of 18 pieces of defensible • 1VP for each terrain piece in no-man’s
terrain spread out roughly as shown on the land that you occupy at the end of
map. At least one piece of terrain in each the game.
deployment zone and at least four pieces of • 3VPs for each terrain piece within
terrain in no-man’s land must be fortified the enemy deployment zone that you
terrain. occupy at the end of the game.
• Kill Total – 1VP for every full 10% of
Deployment the enemy’s force that is destroyed.
• Strategic Assets – 1VP for each Strategic
12" Deployment Zone
Asset claimed.
SECONDARY Objectives

• Each player rolls 3 secondary objectives.

24" No Man’s Land

12" Deployment Zone

Even at this distance, the patterns of

filth and viscera sprayed across the clinic
building were clear enough. Twisted
parodies of men and dogs stalked the
ruins, and the occasional shot would go
wild over their heads.
Master Sergeant Janks made a chopping
motion with his right hand, fingers
splayed. His Enforcers surged forwards,
guns unslung. Time to drive this filth
from the streets.

4: Breakthrough Special Rules

Sometimes the amount of damage that you can In this mission, units may leave the table via
do or the ground you can take isn't important. the opponent’s board edge by making any type
Sometimes it’s just about charging forward and of Move action that brings them into contact
getting through the enemy line. Whether it’s with it. These units do not count as destroyed.
treasure, land or a means of escape on the other
Both players may only bring Reserves onto
side is irrelevant – all you care about it is going
the table via their starting board edge in
through them any way you can to get there.
this mission (including those with Aerial or
Subterranean Deployment.)

Primary Objectives

• 1VP to the Attacker for each Infantry

unit that leaves the table via the
Defender’s board edge. Units inside
a Transport do not count.
• 2VPs to the Attacker for each
Commander in an Infantry unit that
Forces leaves the table via the Defender’s board
edge. Units inside a Transport do not
There are no restrictions for this mission. This count.
mission has an Attacker and a Defender. • 1VP to the Defender for each Attacking
Infantry unit destroyed.
• 2VPs to the Defender for each Attacking
There is no specific terrain requirement for Commander destroyed.
this mission. • Kill Total – 1VP for every full 10% of
the enemy’s force that is destroyed.
Deployment • Strategic Assets – 1VP for each Strategic
Asset claimed.
12" Deployment Zone SECONDARY Objectives

• Each player rolls 3 secondary objectives.


12" Deployment Zone

“Listen up lads! There’s a whole strip

First Activation mine’s worth of ore just over that ridge,
and those armour-clad nanas mean to
The player with the Initiative may choose who
keep it from us! US! Heads down and
goes first.
let’s show them who made that bloody
Game Length armour for them in the first place! And
The game will last for 5 Turns. where all the weak spots are!

5: Last Stand Special Rules

Glory, heroism and thrilling adventure are just In this mission, the Defender is trying to buy
some of the things that last stands are not made time while their main force is securing a more
of. Sitting in place and waiting to die while important objective elsewhere. From Turn 4
somewhere else someone more important than onwards, the Attacking units will realise this
you achieves something that doesn’t involve and the Attacking units may leave the table
helping you is not the stuff that dreams are to meet the new threat. They may do this via
made of. But it is exactly the sort of thing that either the left or right board edge (chosen by
can win wars. the Defender at the start of Turn 4) by making
any type of Move action that brings them into
contact with it. These units do not count as

Primary Objectives

• 2VPs to the Attacker for each friendly

unit that leaves the table in Turn 4.
• 1VP to the Attacker for each friendly
unit that leaves the table in Turn 5
Forces • Kill Total – 1VP to the Attacker for
every full 10% of the enemy’s force that
There are no restrictions for this mission. This
is destroyed.
mission has an Attacker and a Defender.
• Kill Total – 1VP to the Defender for
Terrain every full 5% of the enemy’s force that is
There is no specific terrain requirement for • Strategic Assets – 1VP for each Strategic
this mission. Asset claimed.
Deployment SECONDARY Objectives

• This mission does not use secondary

12" Deployment Zone objectives.


The rodents moved in a seething, heaving

12" Deployment Zone
tide. Every vehicle was broken down or
swamped, and the patch of ground they
First Activation held was shrinking with every moment.
The player with the Initiative may choose who Urlog gave a bark of laughter as he
goes first. saw Nurda throw his empty rifle at the
nearest enemy with frustration. He
Game Length
hoped whatever the boss was after had
The game will last for 5 Turns. been worth it.

6: Ambush First Activation

An ambush is a desperate fight for both sides The Attacker may take the first Activation.
– the attacker must move to consolidate their
Game Length
advantage quickly, and the defender must fight
with naked ferocity to try and break free or The game will last for 5 Turns.
risk being overwhelmed and cut down. Not for
nothing are ambushes the most drilled scenarios Special Rules
in any competent military.
The Defender may not choose to place any
Forces troops in reserve.
There are no restrictions for this mission. This Victory
mission has an Attacker and a Defender.
Primary Objectives
• Kill Total – 1VP for every full 10% of
There is no specific terrain requirement for the enemy’s force that is destroyed.
this mission. • Strategic Assets – 1VP for each Strategic
Asset claimed.
SECONDARY Objectives
6" Attacker’s Deployment Zone

• Each player rolls 3 secondary objectives.

18" 18"
Dre’hoath could feel burning up his
6" Defender’s Deployment Zone arm as the cannon of the Cypher unit
overheated. It would blow soon, but he
had to risk it. The rate of fire was the
6" Attacker’s Deployment Zone
only thing keeping the damned Enforcers
from overwhelming them. The killbox
was tightening inexorably around them.
Discipline be damned - only raw ferocity
would break them out of this trap now.

Sequence of
Warpath is played in a series of Turns, each
of which is broken down into a number of
Activations, one for each unit.
Your mission briefing will tell you which
player takes the first Activation in the first
Turn. In the second and subsequent Turns, the
player who finished his Activations first in the
previous Turn will take the first Activation. In addition, a unit can choose to do nothing.
This still marks the unit as activated.
During each Turn the players will alternate
activating their units. During each Activation All stages of an Activation
a player must activate a single unit that is not must be completed before
marked as activated. play passes to the opponent.
When the player has finished
After a player has finished the Activation of with each unit he must place
their chosen unit and marked it as activated, an activation token next to it to show that it
play then passes to the opponent who may has already been activated this Turn.
take his Activation in the same way. This
continues back and forth until all units are A unit that starts its Activation engaged with
marked as activated. an enemy unit (see page 39) may only Assault
or Disengage.
If a player has no units left to activate, his
opponent may then activate all remaining A unit that starts its Activation grounded (see
units, one at a time in an order of his choosing. page 49) must first make a Recovery roll, and
must then Rally.
Activations If teams within a unit ever get separated by
more than 2” (by taking casualties from the
A unit’s Activation is its opportunity to move,
middle of a unit for example), they must make
shoot and fight, and each unit may only be
a Move or Double Move action that will bring
activated once in a Turn unless a special rule
them back within the 2” range before they can
says otherwise. Each Activation allows a unit
make any actions other than Regroup or Rally.
to make up to two different short actions, or a
single long action.
End of the Turn
Before you choose which actions to take with
a unit, you should always check the number of When all units have been marked as activated
suppression tokens assigned to it, as they may then the Turn is over. Remove all of the
affect what it can do. For more on Suppression, activation tokens from the table, and start the
see page 49. next Turn with the player who finished first in
the previous one.
You should declare each action to your
opponent before you move the miniatures, so
that they can react if necessary.

Actions To move a team, measure from any point on
the edge of its base in a straight line in your
The following section describes the common chosen direction, and place it in the new
actions available to most units. Some units position.
may have other actions available to them, and
these will be listed in their unit entry in the
Forces section.
Short Long
Actions Actions
• Move • Assault
• Shoot • Double Move
• Regroup • Disengage
• Overwatch
• Rally In this example, the unit of Peacekeepers is
making a Move action. Their Speed value is
Important: Each unit may only perform each 6". To move the first team, the player chooses
type of action once during its Activation, a direction, measures 6" from the edge of the
unless a special rule states otherwise. team’s base, and places the team into the new
position. The team’s base is free to rotate as it
moves, as long as it is not placed further than
Move – Short Action 6" away from the original position.
This action allows the unit to move up to its This process is repeated for the second team in
Speed value in inches. Each team in the unit the unit, ensuring that it remains within 2" of
the first team after it has moved.
is moved independently, providing it ends its
move within coherency of the rest of the unit Repeat this step for any other teams within the
(see page 15). unit, ensuring that each team ends up within
2” of at least one other as normal.

Moving through Units and any model entering within 1” of an enemy.
You can also start and/or end a unit’s Move
Friendly Infantry models can be freely moved occupying an area of defensible terrain. All
through during a move action, but the moving teams must be able to reach the terrain – if
unit must end its move at least 1” away from any cannot, the unit must remain outside the
other units. terrain piece.
A unit may not end its move within 1” of an When a unit enters a terrain piece, any other
enemy or occupied terrain piece unless it is units in base contact with that terrain piece,
engaging the enemy in assault. If there is not friend or foe, must be immediately moved 1”
enough space to place the unit in the desired directly away from it.
position then it cannot move to that location.
See page 50 for more information on terrain.
Vehicles, terrain, or enemy Infantry units
within a team’s movement distance do not Moving when Suppressed
affect the distance it can move, but there must Units that are suppressed halve their Speed
be a clear path between the team’s start and value. See page 49 for more information on
end positions at least as wide as the narrowest suppression.
part of its base, without the team ever moving
further than its Speed from its start point or


x x x

As you can see, there is space on the other side of the Forge Father units for the Marine unit to fit,
within its Speed value.
However, the gap between is not wide enough for a team to pass through without entering within
1” of the enemy, and the Marines cannot move around the outside of the enemy units as this path
would take the models further than their Speed from their start point.

Engaging the Enemy to react, provided that they are not already
engaged, grounded, or marked as activated.
If a unit wants to engage an enemy unit in Before your unit is moved, any enemy unit due
melee, it may enter within 1” of one or more to be engaged may make any of the following
enemy units provided that it has sufficient actions:
Speed for one or more of its teams to be placed
in base ctontact with that enemy. • Move
• Blaze Away
Any action that takes a unit into base contact • Regroup
is called a charge, and all units in contact are • Remove activation token *
• Shoot **
now engaged. The charging unit will instantly * only when in defensible terrain
make an Assault action against the enemy and ** only when on Overwatch or in fortified
gain the charging bonus when doing so (see terrain
page 46) unless the enemy unit is occupying
terrain. Moving or Blazing Away will mark the
reacting unit as activated, and therefore
This Assault action can be made even if the unable to fight at full strength in the coming
assaulting unit has used its allowance of assault, should one still occur, or act later in
actions for that Activation (if it has already the Turn. A Regroup action (see page 48) can
made a Double Move for example). be done for free and will not mark the unit as
If the charging unit does not have sufficient
movement for at least one of its teams to be If the reaction is a Move, the reaction cannot
placed in base contact with the enemy, it may end with the unit engaged with any enemy.
not charge and must stop 1” away from the
enemy as usual. Shoot and Blaze Away actions must be
targeted at the charging unit, and do not need
In units with multiple teams, some teams may to be within line of sight or range at the point
be able to reach base contact and some may of reaction – they will fire as the charging unit
not. However, in the ensuing assault phase, all gets closer.
teams in the unit may attack.
If the enemy has multiple units being charged,
Note that it is possible to engage multiple units he may choose the order in which they react,
at once. See the Assault section for details. and each reaction must be dealt with in full
Charge Reactions
before proceeding to the next.

If you declare a Move action that will result A unit does not have to react if it doesn’t want
in charging an enemy unit they have a chance to.

Charging into Defensible

Units inside defensible terrain of any kind Let’s say a unit of Plague Leapers wants tto
(see page 51) have readied themselves for charge a unit of Enforcers 7 1/2" away and in
attack and may make a charge reaction the open. The Enforcer unit has not yet been
even if they have already been activated activated this Turn, and can therefore react
in this Turn. They still may not react to the charge.
if they are engaged or grounded. This
reaction will not mark them as activated The Enforcers have three options: they can
unless they already were. Move, Regroup, or Blaze Away.

If they choose none of the other options, Moving is a great way of getting out of danger,
their reaction may be to remove their and will be the most common reaction to a
activation token if they have one. charge. However, the reacting player needs
to consider whether moving will force his
Fortified Terrain unit into an awkward position. A cunning
charging player may have been expecting
Units inside fortified terrain have taken
his target to move away, and intentionally
advantage of the safety provided by their
surroundings to set up fire lanes and chased the target unit into a position where
aim. Units inside fortified terrain also they could no longer be effective. In this case,
have the option of a Shoot action as their with the Plague Leapers just 7½” away, the
charge reaction, with the charging unit Enforcers would not be able to move far
as the target. enough to escape them and so moving may
not be the best option.
Otherwise they react just like any other
unit in defensible terrain. If the reacting unit had previously been
suppressed by enemy fire, a Regroup action
can potentially clear this effect and prevent
Failed Charges any penalties to the reacting unit in the
ensuing assault. Our Enforcer unit has
If any reaction results in the charging unit a Nerve of 3, and has only 2 suppression
being unable to reach its original target(s), tokens, so it is not currently suppressed.
or the charging player no longer wishes to Therefore Regrouping will not have a direct
charge its intended target, the charging unit benefit at this stage. However, if Moving or
may make only a single Move action instead Blazing Away are not useful options for a
of its original charge, and may not charge any unit, it might as well Regroup – the reduced
suppression will be useful later, and the
other units. Its Activation is then over.
action costs nothing.
Any enemy units due to react that had not yet Our Enforcer unit has decided to Blaze
done so can no longer react to the charge. Away. They can’t escape the Plague Leapers,
Moving On and Off the Board but they may be able to stop the charge
altogether if they can suppress the charging
Unless a special rule or mission briefing says enemy – 4 suppression tokens will be enough
otherwise, units may not move onto or off of to reduce the Plague Leapers to half Speed,
the board – consider the edge of the board to and therefore they won’t have enough
be an impassable wall. movement to reach the Enforcers. Even if the
Leapers had been closer, Blaze Away may
still be a viable option – you may not stop
them reaching you, but at the very least you
can lessen the impact when they do.

Other Movement
Double Move – Long Action

This action works exactly like a Move action,

but the unit can move a distance of up to
double its Speed value.
In addition, you may not use a Double Move
action to enter or leave an area of defensible
Disengage – Long Action

This action is only available to units that are

currently engaged. It works just like a Double
Move action, except that the unit cannot end
its movement engaged with any enemy.

Shoot – Short Action
Provided that your unit is not engaged with an
enemy unit, it may use any ranged weapons
that it has to attack from a distance. To do so,
take the following steps:
1: Pick Your Target

A unit can target a single enemy unit with Insert diagram measuring range
each Shoot action. This is a tactical decision from one unit to another, showing
that you measure from the edge of
to be made by the player – do you try to cut each base to any part of the target.
down the combat unit that’s getting a little too
close, or do you try to take out the opponent’s
long range support before he takes out yours?
You cannot pick a target that is engaged with
one of your own units. All teams within a unit
must shoot at the same target.
2: Line of Sight

As described on page 20, you will need to

determine if your unit can see their target
before you are able to shoot at them. If you can’t
see them, you must pick a different target, or a
different action (which can include changing
a previous Move action into a Double Move).
3: Range

Unless specified otherwise, a unit may fire all The Genling 45 Laser Assault Rifle is
of its weapons that are in range. A weapon the standard armament of the Enforcer
is in range as long as the target is within Corps, and its use outside their elite
its maximum range and further than its ranks is strictly forbidden. Of course,
minimum range (if it has one). this makes the G-45 highly desirable,
and there is a thriving black market for
Different teams will have different ranges the weapon, or passable imitations of
depending on their weaponry, and this will it. Genling’s exclusive supply contract
be detailed in the unit’s weapon statlines. This and drum-tight security mean that
may mean that some teams in a unit may be in mean that true replicas are impossible
to come by, but it hasn’t stopped many
range while others are not. smaller corporations trying. The results
Note: Weapons with a range of A or R are for of these efforts are varied – some merely
have poor firing rate and limited range,
use in Assault and cannot be used to shoot. whereas others have been known to
Remember that distances can be measured fall apart when the trigger is pulled or
explode in the operator’s hand. As the
at any time during the game. Measure the
saying goes, when it’s a Genling, you
distance from any point on the edge of each just know. With perfect balance, high
team’s base to any point on the target unit and stopping power and pinpoint accuracy,
compare this distance to the range value of the nothing available outside the Star Realm
teams' weapons. itself comes close to matching it.

4: Fire!

Once you’ve established that you can hit your Example

target, it’s time to find out if you actually do! A unit of Corporation Marines is shooting
Take a number of dice equal to your weapons’ at a unit of Steel Warriors. The Corporation
Dice value. For units consisting of multiple player checks line of sight for each team to
ensure that the Marines can see the Forge
teams, roll dice for the combined weaponry of Fathers advancing toward them, and they
all teams in the unit that are within range and all can.
line of sight of the enemy.
The Corporation unit has three teams of
If a unit has weapons with differing AP values Marines with line of sight, and one Ranged
or special rules, roll these separately or with Support Team. The closest point of their
target is 13-17” away from the various
different coloured dice. Marine teams, and so all of their weaponry
is in range. This gives a total of 24 dice.
Once you have determined the number of However, as the Autocannon has a different
dice, roll them and compare them to the AP value, the dice for this weapon should be
Accuracy stat found on the unit’s statline. rolled separately.
Some things make it easier or harder to hit and Corporation Marines usually require 4s
will affect the dice that you’ve rolled. These are or more to hit their target. They are not
called modifiers and are listed below. They are suppressed, but there is a barricade partially
cumulative. blocking their view so the Cover modifier
will apply. 1 will be subtracted from each
+1 Short Range The target is within 6” roll, and so the Marines will now need 5s or
more to hit.
-1 Cover The target is in cover
The dice are rolled – the Marines have
(see page 22) scored 7 hits with their rifles and 2 hits with
-1 Fortified Terrain The target is in fortified the Autocannon. These 9 dice can then be
rolled again to see if they damage the Forge
terrain (see page 52) Fathers.
-1 Suppression The Shooting unit is As a hit has been scored, a suppression token
Suppressed is added to the Forge Father unit. A second
(see page 49) is added due to the Suppressive Fire rule on
the Marines’ Autocannon.
Remember that units in defensible terrain are
always in cover. Units shooting into fortified
terrain will suffer both the fortified terrain
and cover modifiers unless either are negated
by their weapons.
These numbers are added or subtracted to the
number rolled on the dice, so you will find
that more or less of them will succeed when
you compare to your Accuracy stat.
Important: When rolling to hit, any dice
that roll a 1 always fail, and any dice that roll
a 6 always succeed, even if modifiers would
otherwise make a shot impossible.
If any hits are scored on the target, place one
suppression token next to it (see page 49).

5: Roll to Damage When a team is removed, as well as suffering
a reduction in firepower the unit will lose any
Once you have rolled your dice to hit and benefits that were provided by that team, such
applied all appropriate modifiers, take all of as special rules or stat increases. A unit can
the dice that were successful and roll them only be affected by teams that remain in play.
again. This time you will be rolling against
the Defence value of the target unit, with all
successes dealing a point of damage.
Important: When rolling to damage, any dice
that roll a 1 always fail, regardless of modifiers. 7: Suppression Check
There is only one common modifier on rolls
to damage: After resolving casualties, if any, compare any
leftover damage to the unit’s Nerve value. If
+X Armour Piercing Listed in the the amount of damage equals or exceeds the
weapon statline Nerve value, add an additional suppression
Some units will have a Defence value of higher token to the unit.
than 6+. In these cases it will be impossible to Note: This means that units with a Nerve
damage them without modifiers. equal to or higher than their Resilience will
6: Remove Casualties never take additional suppression from this
Compare the damage dealt to the unit’s
Resilience. For every amount of damage equal After all suppression checks have been
to the Resilience: completed you no longer need to keep a record
• Remove one team of the owning player’s of the damage on the unit – only suppression
choice. tokens added from the attack will remain in
• Add one suppression token to the unit. place.

Blaze Away
Example Blaze Away is an alternate type of Shoot action
Our Corporation Marines from before
that represents spraying an area with bullets in
scored 9 hits on their target. The Steel order to keep the enemies’ heads down. This
Warriors have a Defence value of 5+, which is done by making a shooting attack using an
means that these dice will need a 5 or more Accuracy value of 6+ to represent most of the
to cause damage. However, the 2 hits from
the Autocannon have an AP value of 2, shots going astray. No modifiers of any kind
which will reduce this down to a 3 or more. are applied to the roll.
Again, the dice should be rolled separately to
keep the results clear.
The dice are rolled. The Autocannon succeeds
with both of its dice, and the hits from the
rifles deal a further 4 points of damage.
This is a total of 6 points of damage, which
is compared to the Resilience value on the
Forge Fathers’ statline. The Resilience value
has been reached once, and so one team is
removed from the Steel Warrior unit, and a However, no dice are rolled to damage.
third suppression token added. Instead of applying a single suppression token
Note: Had the damage been 8 or more, the
for hitting the target, all hits rolled are applied
Resilience value would have been reached to the target unit as suppression tokens. This is
twice and a second team would have been cumulative with any added by the Suppressive
destroyed, with a third destroyed at 12 Fire special rule.
damage, and so on. After the casualties are
removed, the 2 leftover damage is compared
to the Steel Warriors’ Nerve value of 3. The
damage has not reached the Nerve value, so
no further suppression tokens are added.

Assault – player chooses freely how to split the attacks
Long Action between the defenders, and all defenders will
retaliate if they can.
Assaulting is an action that can only be taken
by a unit in base contact with an enemy. If any unit has weapons with differing AP
values or special rules, roll these separately or
Units at such close range are assumed to with different coloured dice.
hit each other very easily, and therefore the
process for assaulting an enemy works like Once both players have determined the
shooting, but starts at the damage phase. As number of dice, each must roll them and
such, combat can be brutal, and entering into compare to the Defence stat found on the
it can be a costly decision. opposing unit’s statline. Some things make
it easier or harder to cause damage and will
To make an Assault action, follow these steps: affect the dice that you’ve rolled. These are
called modifiers and are listed below:
1: Roll to Damage
+1 Charging The unit charged a
Take a number of dice equal to the Dice value unit in the open
of the unit’s Assault weapons (those with a in this Activation
Range of A). For units consisting of multiple
teams, roll dice for the combined Assault +X Armour Piercing Listed in the
weaponry of all teams in the unit. weapon statline
Unlike shooting attacks, at close quarters -1 Suppression The unit is
the enemy can hit you back! Your opponent suppressed
must simultaneously take his Assault Dice (see page 49)
and prepare to make an Assault roll for all of
his units engaged with your unit as well. This Note: The charging bonus does not apply when
will mark the opponent’s unit(s) as activated if assaulting into terrain or over an obstacle.
they weren’t already. The numbers listed above are added or
Units that have already been activated will subtracted to the number rolled on the dice,
also retaliate, but with half the total number so you will find that more or less of them will
of dice (rounding up). succeed when you compare to the opposing
unit’s Defence stat. Any dice that roll a 1
Grounded units will not retaliate. always fail. Some units will have a Defence
value of higher than 6+. In these cases it
If the defending side has multiple units in base will be impossible to damage them without
contact with the attacking unit, the attacking modifiers.

2: Remove Casualties Provided they were not grounded during the
Assault, the winning units may choose to also
Compare the damage taken on each side to
each units’ Resilience. For every amount of make a Move action. This cannot be used to
damage equal to the Resilience: engage any units other than the ones they had
just been engaged with. If they do Move into
• Remove 1 team. Owning player’s choice. contact with a unit they had just been fighting,
• Add 1 suppression token to the unit. it is not a charge – any further Assault actions
Note that this can result in mutual destruction! will take place in the following Turn.

3: Determine Winner If the loser of an Assault had been completely

removed, and was occupying a terrain piece,
Once casualties have been removed you will the winner of the Assault may instead make a
need to determine the winner of the assault –
this is the side that has taken the least damage, Move action into the terrain piece and occupy
provided that it is still alive! If all units on the it in the loser’s place.
side that took the least damage have been
If there was no loser, no unit may move. The
destroyed, the other side is the winner by
default. surviving units remain in place and the action
is over. All surviving teams not already in base
In a draw, both sides count as the winner. contact must be moved as close to the enemy
4: Suppression Check
as possible by the shortest possible distance.

After resolving any casualties, compare any

leftover damage to each losing unit’s Nerve Example
value. If the amount of damage equals or A unit of 2 teams of Plague Leapers has
exceeds the Nerve value, add an additional charged a unit of Corporation Marines,
suppression token to the unit. If at this point 3 teams strong. The Marines have 1
any losing unit has accumulated enough suppression token, but are not yet marked as
suppression to be grounded, they will be activated, and can therefore fully retaliate in
overrun – the unit is destroyed and removed the Assault.
from the table.
The Leapers have a total of 16 dice, and the
The winner of an Assault never makes this Marines 12 dice. Both players roll their dice.
check. The Leapers are rolling against the Marines’
Defence value of 4+, with an AP of 1. They
Note: This means that units with a Nerve have also charged in this Activation, and so
equal to or higher than their Resilience will have a total modifier of +2. This means that
never take additional suppression from this all results of a 2 or more will cause damage!
The Marines are rolling against the Leapers’
After all suppression checks have been Defence value of 5+, with no modifiers.
completed you no longer need to keep a record
The Leapers score a total of 12 points
of the damage on the unit – only suppression of damage, and the Marines score 5.
tokens added from the attack will remain in Comparing to the respective Resilience
place. values, the Leapers have entirely wiped out
the Marines, but have lost a team in return,
5: Gaining Ground and will accrue a suppression token because
of it. A ferocious attack!
If the loser of an Assault is not completely
destroyed, the winner will push them back. As the winners of the Assault, the leftover
The owner of any winning units may make a damage on the Leapers won’t have any
Move action with the opponent’s losing units effect, and they can make a follow up Move
in any direction. This move cannot be used to action if they wish.
engage another unit.

Other Actions Once only units on Overwatch remain
available to activate on both sides, both
Overwatch – Long Action players must resume alternately activating
their Overwatching units until everything has
It is not always the right time to act, and you been activated.
may want to hold your units back to react to
your opponent’s movements. Regroup – Short Action

You may use this action to delay your This removes 1 suppression token from the
Activation to later in the Turn by putting unit. See Suppression on page 49.
the unit on Overwatch. You may place an
Overwatch counter next to the unit, and play Rally – Long Action
passes to your opponent without you making This removes D6+1 suppression tokens from
any other actions or marking the unit as the unit. The unit may then make a Move
activated. action, although it may not engage the enemy
You can then activate this with this Move.
unit later in the Turn as if
it were not yet activated.
However, you will only Consider the Eynsha Blossom. Too
be able to make a single much heat, and it will wither. Too much
cold and it will freeze. Too much light
action, either long or short, when you do. and it will fade, too little and it will
Once the unit has completed its Activation, fold within itself. The perfect Eynsha
turn the Overwatch counter over to mark the Blossom requires the perfect amount of
unit as activated as normal. everything, in order that for one shining
In addition, units on Overwatch may Shoot as day, it will bloom with unparalleled
a charge reaction (see page 39). beauty, and trap the Drayfly that will
pollinate it and spread the seed. Balance
If the only units left to activate in your force are in all things. It is not simply our custom,
on Overwatch and your opponent has regular but the nature of the universe itself.
Activations left to make, you may choose to From the lessons of the Elders –
pass your Activation without doing anything a collection of Asterian Philosophies
if you don’t want to activate a unit yet.

Suppression Removing
Suppression is a state that can be as debilitating Suppression tokens can be removed with the
as being damaged by the enemy, a combination Regroup and Rally actions, and with various
of fear and self-preservation. In the game, this Orders (see page 67).
is represented by imposing penalties on any
unit under suppressing conditions, such as Going to Ground
heavy fire, shots out of nowhere, and injuries Sometimes a unit can take so much fire that
to squad-mates. Heavily suppressed units they will dive to the floor, unable to play any
will go to ground, which puts them out of further part in the battle until they can gather
the action and leaves them sitting ducks to be their wits. This is called being grounded, and
slaughtered in close quarters. Some may even can happen by accumulating a large number
turn tail and flee the battlefield. of suppression tokens.

The following things will add A unit is grounded while it has a number of
suppression tokens to a unit – suppression tokens equal to or more than
place the tokens on the board double its Nerve value.
next to the unit as a reminder. Grounded units are affected by the following
• 1 token for taking any number of hits rules:
from a Shoot action. • They may not make any action during
• 1 token for each successful hit scored by their Activation except Rally.
a Blaze Away action. • They may not make charge reactions.
• X tokens for being hit by a weapon with • They may not retaliate in Assault.
the Suppressive Fire (X) rule. Each • They may not issue Orders.
weapon applies these tokens separately.
If a unit currently on Overwatch takes enough
• 1 token for each team removed following suppression to become grounded, it is marked
a Shooting or Assault action against the as activated.
• 1 token for leftover damage reaching
or exceeding the unit’s Nerve value in a
Suppression Check.
Units can only suffer suppression tokens from
weapons capable of damaging them in the
first place. For example, a unit with Defence Grounded units are at risk – the troops may
8+ could only be suppressed by weapons with turn and flee the battlefield or succumb to their
AP 2 or higher. wounds. When a grounded unit is activated it
must try to recover before Rallying.
Suppression tokens will affect a unit’s ability
to perform, as they will be distracted from the To do this it must roll one die for each team
in the unit and compare the result to the unit’s
task at hand by their efforts to duck for cover
Nerve value.
and hide. A unit is suppressed if it ever has
a number of suppression tokens equal to or For every roll greater than the unit’s Nerve, a
higher than its Nerve value. A suppressed unit team has died of its injuries or fled the battle
suffers the following penalties: – one team of the owner’s choice is removed.
No further suppression is added for the teams
• The unit’s Speed is halved removed in this way. Any remaining teams
• The unit suffers a penalty in both have recovered, and the unit must carry on
Shooting and Assault (see pages 43 with its Activation and make a Rally action as
and 46). normal.

Terrain Obstacles
Obstacles are long and narrow pieces of
We refer to the (relatively) flat and featureless terrain, like walls, barricades, hedges, etc.
gaming surface which constitutes the majority They must be assigned a height like all other
of the battlefield as open ground. No extra terrain – the most common will be height 1
rules or exceptions apply to open ground. for barriers that a human-sized creature could
Any terrain feature on the gaming surface see over and clamber across. Units can see and
should have a clearly defined area that shows move over any obstacles of a lower height than
the space it takes up on the table. This can themselves, but note that they will still provide
either be the edges of the piece itself in the cover – it is in fact their primary purpose!
case of a building, or the edge of a larger base In addition, if a unit is in base contact with
around the terrain pieces in the case of a forest an obstacle, it can be assaulted by a unit in
– the entire base area is considered to be the contact with the opposite side of the obstacle.
terrain. These terrain areas can block line of No charging bonus is granted when attacking
sight and can affect movement. over an obstacle.
Because players’ scenery collections will vary Decorative Terrain
vastly, there are no hard and fast rules about
how to define each piece. The following rules Any small terrain piece that does not have
will offer a set of guidelines and it will be up a defined area is decorative terrain and has
to the players to agree on the details of each little effect on the game, other than making
terrain piece before a game. your table look more thematic. Examples
of this can be: raised platforms, crop fields,
lampposts, isolated pylons, individual trees,
power generators, etc. Units can see, move
and attack over and around these without

All terrain that is higher than ground level
must be assigned a height at the beginning of In order to fight across a galaxy of
the game. See page 20. thousands of planets, military forces
must be prepared for any type of
If the piece of terrain is a building with environment. Aside from the mundane
multiple floors, you will need to define the variations such as deserts, snowfields,
height of the highest floor that figures can be mountains and swamps, there are many
placed on (the same height as the building if other more esoteric climates for troops to
figures can be placed on the roof, or a level or try and adapt to.
two lower if not). This will determine what a
unit occupying the building can see. Forests of sentient trees. Younger planets
with tectonic systems still in flux, their
Impassable Terrain landmasses shifting sometimes on a
weekly basis. The variety of colours,
Examples of impassable terrain could be temperatures, atmospheric compositions
cliff faces, lakes or large rocks. These are the and even gravities can be bewildering.
simplest to handle – no unit can enter or move
through these areas, and units must move Not for nothing are the scientists of
around them in the same way as they move every civilised race in this age of strife
around enemy units. The primary purpose of kept constantly busy in developing
these pieces in the game is to limit movement and adapting vehicles, weaponry and
and block line of sight. equipment for the brave men, women
and creatures who must sally forth to
Note that unless specified otherwise, the edge these strange new worlds.
of the table is impassable terrain.

Defensible Terrain and line of sight can be drawn from any point
at the edge of the terrain in the same way.
Defensible terrain is anything considered
large and sturdy enough for troops to enter Units in defensible terrain are always in cover.
and take cover in – buildings, woods, low
rocky outcrops, etc. These terrain pieces are A terrain area that is already occupied cannot
impassable to vehicles classified as Tanks be entered. If it is occupied by a friendly unit
(see page 56), but can be occupied by other you will need to move the occupiers out before
units. When occupying a piece of terrain, the any other unit can move in. If it is occupied by
entire unit will enter the terrain piece; it is not an enemy unit then moving into contact with
possible to have a unit half in terrain and half the terrain will result in an Assault action
not. against that unit.
It is not necessary to physically place the Suppressing Units in Terrain
unit on or into the terrain piece if it will be
awkward to fit – units within an area of terrain The protection offered by defensible terrain
are still considered to be in play, even though confers the Unflinching special rule to any
the models may be off of the table. unit whilst it is occupying it. This means that
while the unit is in terrain, at the beginning
of its Activation, before any Recovery rolls, it
may remove 1 suppression token.
Furthermore, this rule means that the unit
does not suffer the single suppression tokens
added by regular shooting, but will still suffer
It is assumed that the troops will adapt a suppression from all other sources, such as
defensive formation around the perimeter, Blaze Away, the Suppressive Fire (X) rule and
and effectively the edges of the terrain piece taking casualties.
become the edges of the unit. A unit can leave
terrain by measuring its movement from any Units that already have the Unflinching special
point on the edge of the terrain area. All ranges rule gain no additional benefit from this.

On vs. In?
Sometimes it will not be obvious as to
Some terrain pieces will have large flat roofs,
how terrain should be designated. In
and it is perfectly conceivable that a unit,
these situations you will need to agree
especially one with the Anti-Grav rule, could
with your opponent before the game
be positioned on top of the building rather
using the most sensible option. Note
than in it. Units are free to end their movement
that sometimes, a combination of terrain
on top of buildings such as this, and gain the
types may be the answer.
benefits of the increased height, but will not
count as occupying the terrain piece. Take a Landing Pad for example.
As with all terrain, players should agree
with their opponent which buildings can be
climbed or landed on before the game.
If a terrain piece is deemed climbable, units on
the top of it may be assaulted as if they were
behind an obstacle (see page 50). If it is not,
then the unit on top must either be destroyed
with shooting, or assaulted from inside the
building, as if it were in an adjacent terrain
area (see right).
Fortified Terrain

Some terrain pieces such as bunkers are so The landing pad is fairly open, so it seems
thick and impregnable that they are classed as odd to class it as defensible terrain. This
fortified terrain. Fortified terrain is a type of is exacerbated when using particularly
defensible terrain and will benefit from all the large pads – it would look and feel wrong
same rules and bonuses. It also grants extra to break them down into multiple terrain
protection to its occupants from shooting areas. The suggested solution here would
in the form of an additional modifier, and be to treat the landing pad like a hill (i.e.
through a greater range of reactions to being raised yet open ground) surrounded by a
charged (see page 39). barricade (an obstacle, providing cover).
This simplifies the rules and prevents
Sometimes these pieces will be defined by the you having to define which part of the
mission you are playing, but otherwise they
pad a unit is occupying during the game.
should be agreed with your opponent before
the game.

Terrain Capacity other (with the cover modifier as normal),
and can also make Assault actions against
At the beginning of the game you will need each other.
to agree with your opponent how many units
can occupy each piece of terrain, and divide it No charge reactions can be made against units
into that number of similarly sized segments. assaulting from an adjacent terrain piece.
A general rule is that a terrain area can hold
one unit for every 6-12” square space it You may also wish to define terrain sizes in
occupies, but there may sometimes be a more more detail, by agreeing a number of teams
obvious way to split a terrain piece, such as that can fit into a specified terrain piece, so
different wings or floors of a building. This will that only units of a certain size can enter it.
ultimately depend on the designs available in Mantic’s Battlezones Scenery range is made
your terrain collection.
up of modular 3” cubes – if using it, a good
These segments are regarded as separate pieces guideline would be to say that each 3” cube
of terrain for the purposes of gameplay. A unit can hold a single team.
occupying one such area can make a Move
action to cross from one terrain area to any In addition, you may choose to say that certain
adjacent unoccupied terrain area (or a Double terrain pieces have a maximum height, so
Move to cross into two adjacent terrain areas). that a height 3 Strider cannot enter a height 2
building for example.
Units in adjacent terrain areas may also make
Shoot and Blaze Away actions against each

This tiny prefab

dwelling can only
contain a single team.

Up to four teams can take cover

in this dense copse of trees.

This ruin is so large, the players have agreed to

divide it into two. Each half of the building can
contain up to four teams.
I All Shoot or Blaze Away at the same
Vehicles target. Roll to hit and damage for all
In Warpath, Vehicles work in the same way units at the same time, before
as Infantry units in most cases, but you’ll find determining casualties. The target
that they tend to have more firepower and unit will take a suppression token for
heavier armour. There are some other minor being hit by each unit.
changes to their rules as detailed below.
II All charge the same target. Engage all
Although Vehicles do not suffer pain or duck units in formation with the enemy
for cover, they can still be suppressed like unit, one at a time, before rolling any
every other unit. In the case of a Vehicle, dice, and roll to damage with all units
the suppression tokens represent the crew before determining casualties. If the
being shaken up, the vehicle being knocked target unit reacts to the charge and
off course, temporary damage to computer prevents any of the units from
systems and so on. reaching Assault, they may each
Vehicle Formations make a Move action as normal.

Although each Vehicle is a unit in its own They may also be activated separately, but
right, vehicles do not always fight alone. Some must still stay within 6” of each other. If
can be grouped into formations consisting Vehicles within a formation ever get separated
of multiple units, and this will be detailed in by more than 6” for any reason, they must
their unit entry in the form (Formation: X), make a Move or Double Move action that
where X is the number of Vehicles that can be will bring them back within the 6” range
grouped together. before they can make any actions other than
Regroup or Rally. In addition, if one unit in
If you choose to do this, any units in a a formation is destroyed, each other Vehicle
formation may be activated together as a single in that formation accrues a suppression token.
Activation, and must remain within 6” of each In all other respects, such as choosing targets,
other at all times, forming an uninterrupted being targeted, receiving Orders, and taking
chain (just like Infantry units on page 15). damage, they are separate units.
They do not have to make the same actions as
each other, but they can do so if they wish, in Note: Massive Infantry can also be grouped
which case they may: into formations in the same way.

Damaging and of damage inflicted on a Vehicle exceeds its
Destroying Vehicles Resilience, the Vehicle will explode.

Sometimes, a well-placed shot can spell the When this happens, all other units within
end for a vehicle, detonating its ammunition X” (where X is the amount the Resilience
or fuel reserves, frying its electrics, or killing was exceeded by, to a maximum of 6), friend
its crew. To represent this, all attacks against or foe, suffer a number of hits equal to the
Vehicles have the Shredder rule - for any dice Resilience of the Vehicle plus the roll of a
that roll a 6 to damage against a Vehicle you D6. These will roll to damage with AP 1. Roll
may take an additional die and roll to damage separately for each unit. These units will take
again, with any subsequent damage added to suppression tokens from these hits as if it were
the original total before determining if the a shooting attack.
Vehicle is destroyed. Any 6s rolled on this
second roll (or indeed any further rolls) also In addition, if the total damage inflicted was
grant additional dice – this continues until no double the Vehicle’s Resilience, the destroyed
6s are rolled. Vehicle is removed from the table. Otherwise,
it is left on the table as impassable terrain, but
If the amount of damage inflicted on a Vehicle can play no further part in the battle.
equals but does not exceed its Resilience,
the Vehicle is left on the table as impassable If a vehicle is destroyed while inside a piece of
terrain, but is otherwise destroyed and can terrain, the explosion will be confined to the
play no further part in the battle. terrain and will not affect any other units.

When a Vehicle is under heavy fire it can throw Note that Vehicles destroyed following a failed
shrapnel into the surrounding area or even Recovery roll are removed from the table and
suffer a catastrophic explosion. If the amount do not explode.

Tanks Tanks in an Assault

Some vehicles such as Striders are effectively Some Tanks have a ramming value to
large mechanical infantry, and the only represent the damage they do when running
difference between them and other Infantry over enemy Infantry or ramming an enemy
units is how they take damage. However, vehicle – this is shown in their statline as a
some vehicles are classified as Tanks, and they weapon with a range of R. If a Tank with such
have a few additional rules. a value charges an enemy unit (not the other
way around) it will make an Assault action as
Tank Movement normal.
Tanks cannot enter defensible terrain, nor can Tanks cannot retaliate in Assault unless the
they engage enemy units in defensible terrain. attacking unit is also using a ramming value, to
They can however move into and through represent the damage caused to the engaging
enemy Infantry units. This is a charge and the vehicle by the collision. This retaliation roll
Vehicle will make an Assault action against may be made with the full number of dice
the unit moved through (see below), even if regardless of whether or not the Tank has
it ends its move out of contact. This represents been activated this Turn, and the Tank will
the tank ramming and running over the not be marked as activated after the Assault if
enemy. it wasn’t already.
Tanks can charge other Vehicles as well, but Tanks without a ramming weapon roll no dice
may not move through them. in an Assault.
Tanks are never considered engaged – they When being charged by the enemy, Tanks can
may move freely out of base contact with an Shoot as a reaction as if they were in fortified
enemy, and the enemy may do the same to terrain. They still cannot react if they are
them. They may also shoot and be shot at already activated or grounded.
while in base contact.

The first blow rang the cockpit of the
Some Vehicles fly high above the battlefield, strider like a bell, as the huge drill
and are defined as Flyers. They suffer damage bounced off the curve of the plexglass
and suppression just like any other vehicle but canopy, leaving it grazed but whole.
also use the following special rules. Jungen knew he wouldn’t get that lucky a
• All terrain is ignored by Flyers – if you second time, and he wrestled the controls,
want to position them above terrain just trying to get some space from the rabid
creature before him. Red eyes shone with
put the base on top of the terrain piece
malice from within the patchy fur of the
– the unit is not occupying it.
oversized face, and drool slobbered from
• Flyers must always perform either the gaping maw, uneven rows of razor
a Move, Double Move or Strafing Run as sharp teeth exposed. The scream in his
part of their activation, and must end earpiece cut off into static as Drivvek
their move at least their Speed value in died under the claws of the other Veer-
inches away from their starting point myn monstrosity. The darkness was alive
– they cannot stay still. with bodies, and his Strider’s searchlamp
provided only flashing glimpses of the
• Suppression has no effect on the Speed scene outside. Triggering his flamer,
value of a Flyer. he smiled as the creatures around him
screeched with agony.
• Shooting at Flyers will always suffer a -1
penalty due to their height and speed.
• Flyers do not have a height. They can
always be seen and can always see all
enemy units. They only suffer the cover
modifier when shooting into defensible
• Flyers cannot engage or be engaged
in Assault.
• Destroyed Flyers are never left on the
table, and do not damage nearby units.
Flyers have access to a new action in addition
to the standard options:
Strafing Run – Long Action

Make a Double Move action as normal, but

draw an imaginary straight line across the
battlefield from the Flyer’s starting position
to its end position (which can be off of the
board). Choose one unit that falls beneath
this line, and make a Shooting attack against
it and any unit engaged with it. All other units
beneath the line, friend or foe, and any units
engaged with them, must accrue a suppression
token. Once the unit’s Activation is finished,
the Flyer is removed from the table and all of
its suppresion tokens discarded. It may return
in a later Turn using a Reserves Order.

Special Rules Unlike most Orders, if the roll is failed
this Reserves Order is still successful – the
Aerial Deployment troops will have already started their descent!
However, on a failed Order roll, the opposing
This unit is able to enter the battlefield from player may instead choose the entry position
above. If brought onto the table using the by selecting any other valid point within 12”
Reserves Order (see page 70) this unit may of the original one.
choose any point on the board to arrive,
rather than just the board edge. The first team Anti-Grav
in the unit will be placed at that point, with This unit has jump packs, thrusters, wings or
the rest placed around it following the normal mystical powers that allow it to move off of
coherency rules. the ground. It may move over terrain, vehicles
The unit must be able to fit in the chosen and enemy units without needing a clear path
position without entering within 1” of terrain around or between them. It must still have
or other units. This point must be declared enough space to end its move in the chosen
before the dice are rolled for the Order. position.

As with the Reserves Order, if the unit Anti-Tank (X)

contains the Commander giving the Order, This weapon is designed for destroying
this entry point can be anywhere on the vehicles and penetrating bunkers. When
board. Otherwise, the entry point must be rolling to damage against a Vehicle with this
within range of a Commander that is already weapon, each successful roll is multiplied by
on the table. X before determining casualties.
Once the unit has been placed on the board, In addition, it ignores the fortified terrain
it may only make one short action in its first modifier (but not the cover modifier) when
Activation, and may engage the enemy. shooting.

Area Effect Escort
This weapon spreads its ammunition over One of the slots in a formation of these units
a wide area. After it has made a Shoot or (see page 54), may be taken by a different unit
Blaze Away action against an enemy unit, it of the player’s choice, declared at the start
may immediately make a second action of of the game. The escortee may be activated
the same type against any other enemy unit exactly as if it were part of the formation.
within 6” of the first.
For example, Spectra Gunships may be taken
Both of these attacks are part of the same in a formation of 3. Using this rule, they
action, and will only count as a single use on a may be fielded as a formation of 2 Spectra
Limited (X) weapon. Gunships and a Chroma Force Platform that
can all activate together.
Blast (X)
If this unit hits with a shooting attack, each
successful hit is multiplied by X when This unit cannot achieve objectives and does
determining how many dice to roll to damage. not count towards VPs for either player under
This multiplier applies after Blaze Away any objective other than the Kill Total and
attacks, Shields or any other special rules are claiming Strategic Assets.
resolved – only the initial hits count towards
In Assault, the Dice value of the weapon is
simply multiplied by X.
Blast weapons also ignore cover penalties (but
not fortified terrain penalties) when shooting.
This unit cannot enter a Transport Vehicle.
This unit has a distortion field or patterned
markings that make it hard to see. The unit
counts as being in cover even when in the Experimental
open. This rule has no further benefit when
the unit is in cover. When this weapon rolls to hit with a Shoot
or Blaze Away action, any dice that roll a 1
In addition, enemies targeting this unit have count as hitting the shooting unit itself (these
trouble drawing a bead on it. Any Shoot hits do not add suppression tokens), and will
action against this unit is a long action rather damage the shooting unit as normal even
than a short action. Blaze Away actions and when Blazing Away. However, any dice that
weapons with the Heavy Firepower rule are roll a 6 to hit have their AP increased by one
fired as normal. against the target unit, and will benefit from
Communications the Shredder special rule.

This unit has a communications device, Fire Control

allowing it to benefit from orders given by When a unit with this ability makes a Shoot
units with the Orbital Command rule, or by action, it may re-roll any dice results of 1
Commanders in other units in play that also when attempting to hit the target.
have the Communications rule, regardless of

Fire in the Hole! Medic
When this unit charges, no charge reactions Once per turn, after an enemy has rolled
of any kind may be made, even by units in to damage against the Medic’s unit with a
terrain, as the target unit’s vision is obscured shooting attack, remove D3 damage points
or it is pinned in place. from the unit before determining casualties.
At the beginning of its Activation, before
any Recovery rolls, this unit may remove 1
suppression token.
Heavy Firepower
This weapon may not be used to Blaze Away.
Shooting is a long action for this weapon.
Independent Target
Matrix Mobile Defences
This weapon may select a different target to This unit counts as being in cover even when
the rest of the unit’s weapons when the unit in the open. The ability has no further benefit
shoots. when the unit is in cover.
Indirect Orbital Command
This weapon may be used to fire at any target This unit is not placed on the board and does
within range, regardless of line of sight, but not need to be deployed – it represents a
will suffer a further -1 penalty to hit when general or other high-ranking officer directing
targeting a unit that it does not have line of the battle from orbit and will be used to give
sight to. Orders to the rest of the force. It is considered
to be in play and must be activated once each
Inspiring Turn like any other unit (although in most
This unit drives those around it to perform at cases will not make any actions). All units on
a higher level. The Nerve of all friendly units the board count as being within 12” of this
within 8” of one or more units with this rule unit, provided they have the Communications
is 1 higher than it would normally be. If a unit special rule. This unit can always draw range
moves outside of this radius its Nerve will and line of sight to everything on the board,
revert to normal. and is not affected by any modifiers when
shooting other than fortified terrain.
Units can only benefit from this rule once. It
does not stack. The unit cannot be targeted, and for victory
purposes is not considered to be part of
Leadership the force. For example, in a 2000pt game
with a 200pt Orbital Commander, the force
A unit with this rule adds 1 to the number of will count as 1800pts for victory purposes.
suppression tokens removed with a Regroup Therefore killing 10% of the force would only
or Rally action, and may re-roll one failed require the opponent to destroy 180pts’ worth
Recovery roll per turn. of units rather than 200. Although not strictly
Limited (X) necessary, it is a good idea to have a model to
represent Orbital Commanders in the game.
This weapon may only be used X times in a These models can be placed in a corner of the
game. board as a reminder of their presence and be
marked as activated when appropriate.

Protection (X) Reckless Advance
This unit inspires fierce protection from the This unit has no use for clearing protocols
units around it, who will leap to its defence and no need for caution as it charges into
with no regard for their own safety. the unknown. This unit may make a Double
Move into and out of defensible terrain.
Friendly units cannot be grounded while they
are within 8” of this unit. Saboteur
In addition, all units of type X will leap to This unit is skilled with electronics and
the defence of any unit with this rule. If a explosives, and is able to disrupt or destroy
unit with this rule is charged by an enemy the enemy’s tech.
unit, any other unit of type X of the owning
player’s choice that is not activated, engaged When a unit with this rule attacks an enemy
or grounded within 12” may make a charge Vehicle in melee, it can attempt to sabotage it.
reaction on the protected unit’s behalf. Any rolls of a 6 to damage will be rolled again
as normal, but will also add a suppression
In addition, if the protected unit takes token to the Vehicle, even if the unit could not
enough damage from a shooting attack to be otherwise damage it.
destroyed, the owning player may select any
other team of type X within 6” to be destroyed
instead, as if it were a team in the same unit.
The Precision Fire Order will still allow the
protected unit to be selected for destruction,
and the unit will also be destroyed as usual in
This unit may start the game inside any terrain
piece outside the opponent’s deployment

Saturation If a single attack inflicts twice as many hits as
X (before discarding any dice), the shield has
This weapon fires gouts of flame or toxic been overloaded and will not work for the rest
gas that fill an area, so accuracy is far less of the battle. It will affect the Shoot action that
important! This weapon always hits on a 3+, overloaded it as normal.
regardless of modifiers, even when using a
Blaze Away action. Weapons with an AP of X or more ignore
the effects of the shield, and will still count
towards overloading it.
Shield tokens can be
used to show that a
unit’s shield is still in
Shield (X)
Shield Projection (X)
Every time you Shoot at this unit, you must
discard the first X hits to overcome the shield’s Units with this rule have the Shield rule, but
defences. Only hits remaining afterwards can the effect is extended to all other units with at
be rolled to damage. Shields do not affect Blaze least half of their teams partially or completely
Away actions or the amount of Suppression within 12”.
applied by an attack. When shooting at a unit protected by multiple
If firing with multiple weapon types, those shields, the one with the highest value must
with the lowest AP are discarded first. If be overcome before hits are assigned to any
there are multiple weapons with the same AP, weaker shields. The defending player may
discarded hits should be split evenly between choose which is depleted first in the case of
the weapons, with the defending player multiple, equal strength Shields.
choosing in the case of an odd number.

Shredder Suppressive Fire (X)
When rolling to damage with this weapon, for This unit deals X suppression tokens on top of
any dice that roll a 6 to damage you may take any regular suppression caused when making
an additional die and roll to damage again, a Shoot or Blaze Away action. This applies even
with any subsequent damage added to the if no damage is caused, but the weapon must
original total. Any 6s rolled on this second hit at least once. If firing multiple weapons
roll (or indeed any further rolls) also grant with this rule, the totals are cumulative.
additional dice – this continues until no 6s are
rolled. Tag

There is no additional effect against Vehicles as This weapon’s ammunition is fitted with geo-
all attacks against Vehicles have the Shredder trackers that will alert friendly troops to the
rule already. location of their enemies.
Whenever this unit inflicts a
point of damage on an enemy
unit, place a tag marker next to
the targeted unit.
Any further shooting in that Turn against
the tagged unit is at +1 to hit. The tag token
is removed at the end of the Turn with the
activation tokens. A target unit may only have
a single tag marker on it at any time - any
further attacks with the Tag rule do not place
additional tag markers.
This unit is able to hold enemies in position,
whether by surrounding their prey, gripping
them with tentacles, or using some kind of
alien weaponry.
Enemy units may not make a Disengage
Smokescreen action while in contact with a unit with this
This airborne vehicle drops grenades to form
a curtain of smoke, obscuring the ground
below. Any unit that disembarks from this
vehicle benefits from the Camouflage rule
until the end of the turn.
Any damage caused by this weapon marks its
target as activated.
This rule is the same as the Aerial Deployment
rule, except that the unit comes from
underneath instead of above!

Transport (X) If they choose to exit the Transport while it is
engaged, they are placed in contact with the
Some units are able to carry infantry into engaged enemy unit, as close to the Transport
battle, allowing soldiers to redeploy quickly as possible. They become instantly engaged
and securely. The model is able to carry up to with the same enemy unit, and do not count
X teams of Infantry. A Transport may carry as charging.
teams that belong to different units, but a unit
cannot be split between multiple Transports. Flyers that also have the Transport rule cannot
Units can enter and exit a Transport exactly safely land on the battlefield to deliver their
as if it were a defensible terrain piece (albeit troops – units inside a flying Transport can
one that moves), with the exception that they only exit the Transport if they have the Anti-
cannot exit if the Transport has performed a Grav rule.
Double Move action that Turn. Units inside a
Transport are still considered in play. If a Transport is destroyed while there is a unit
inside it, the unit immediately disembarks. If
Units can also choose to start a game inside the Transport is a Vehicle and it also exploded,
a Transport, and placing the Transport the occupying unit suffers a number of hits
containing the unit only counts as placing equal to the Vehicle’s Resilience value plus the
one unit during deployment. While a unit roll of a D6. These will roll to damage with
is inside a Transport, it cannot be targeted AP 2 and the unit is marked as activated if it
by enemy fire (unless the Transport is Open- wasn’t already. Survivors are placed as close to
Topped – see below), and it may only make the Transport as possible if it remains on the
Move (to exit the vehicle) or Regroup and table, or will take its place on the table if it has
Rally actions. It may not make any kind of been removed.
attack, and if the Transport becomes engaged
with an enemy unit the occupants of the Passengers in a flying Transport are destroyed
vehicle do not participate in the Assault. They along with it.
may however choose to exit the Transport as Transports with the Communications rule will
a charge reaction if the Transport is charged. confer it to their passengers, and vice versa.

Open-Topped Unflinching
Units being carried by an Open-Topped At the beginning of its Activation, before
Transport can attack as normal – they can any Recovery rolls, this unit may remove 1
choose to make a shooting attack from the suppression token. Note that this rule does
back of the Transport, and will be engaged not stack with Headstrong.
in Assault with any enemy unit that the
Transport is in contact with, benefiting from Furthermore, this unit does not suffer the
any charging bonus the Transport has gained. single, initial suppression token added when
They do not need to exit the Transport to a Shooting attack hits, but will still suffer
attack. suppression from all other sources, such as
Blaze Away hits, the Suppressive Fire (X) rule
The enemy can split their attacks between the and taking casualties.
Transport and the occupying unit, and the
occupying unit can make charge reactions as
if from defensible terrain.
The occupying unit can be targeted by enemy
shooting as if they were in cover.

Command Commanders to direct their troops in ways
over and above those granted by the standard
Commanders of a force are able to influence rules. These abilities can turn the tide of a
their troops to go above and beyond, and to battle, so use them wisely!
do this you will find that some units in the At the beginning of a game, add together all
game have an additional value in their unit of the Command values in your force, and
entry: Command. take that number of Command dice and place
them at the side of the board.
Command and
Commanders Note: The number of Command dice in the
pool is set at the start of the game, and is never
The Command value indicates a unit’s reduced by anything other than rolling the
ability to control the troops around it, dice to issue an Order. Losing a Commander
and contributes to the army Command in battle does not reduce the pool.
Pool, granting special abilities during the
battle. Teams with a Command value are
referred to as Commanders in the rules. During the game, you may use these dice
to give Orders. Orders are special abilities
Command will be listed under the that will allow units to do things that they
special rules section of a unit/team’s otherwise couldn’t have done, such as
entry, and can also be granted by certain activating multiple times in a turn, activating
unit upgrades. simultaneously with another unit, or making
special actions. The list of standard Orders
can be found on page 69. Most armies and
Command Pool some individual units will also have their
own unique Orders, and these will be listed in
All Commanders contribute their force list. There is no limit to how many
to the force’s Command Pool. Orders you can give in a Turn, as long as you
This is a pool of special dice that have enough dice, but each unit can be issued
represent strategic planning a maximum of 1 Order per Turn, including
and tactical communication failed Orders.
within the force, and allow

Giving Orders to take advantage of an opportunity you’ve left
open for them. They may immediately add an
Unless stated otherwise, Orders must be used additional Command die to their pool. Your
as follows: Order will still be successful if you roll enough
• Orders with a symbol involve successes.
activating one or more units and will A Level 1 Order will require 1 success to
use up your Activation. They must be be carried out, a Level 2 Order will take 2
used when it is your turn to activate successes, and a Level 3 Order will take 3.
a unit, before the Activation, and must
be used on an unactivated friendly unit. If you roll enough successes, follow the
• Orders with a symbol may only be instructions detailed for the Order. If you do
used in response to an action taken by not roll enough successes, the Order is not
the enemy. carried out.
• Orders without a symbol may be given
in addition to a normal Activation, but Either way, return any dice that rolled a + to
only before or after the Activation, not your pool, and discard the rest.
during. These Orders do not mark any
As you will see, it is possible to give any Order
target units as activated, and can be used
on a single die with the right roll, but it is often
on units that have already activated.
wise to roll multiple dice when attempting a
• Orders are issued by your Commanders,
higher level order.
each of which can issue Orders up to the
level of its Command value. For example, The Command rules change the usual
a unit with Command  can give Level sequence of play by allowing a player to
1 and 2 Orders, but cannot give Level 3 continue their turn even after they have no
Orders. units left to activate. Players will continue to
• All targets of the Order must be within take alternating Activations until the end of
the same Ordering Commander’s range the Turn, and may use their Activation to give
of influence – 12” unless listed otherwise. Orders instead.
• Grounded Commanders cannot issue
Orders. If a player does not wish to give an Order,
they may simply do nothing and pass to their
To give an Order, declare which Order you are opponent. If they use an Order that makes a
giving, which Commander is giving it, and to unit available to activate, they may act with
which unit, and decide how many Command this unit as part of their Activation as normal.
dice from your pool you want to roll for the
Order. Roll the dice, and check your result. The Turn will only end when both players
have no units left to activate, and both choose
• represents 1 success. to pass.
• represents 2 successes.
The discipline of the Enforcers is perhaps
• represents 3 successes. their greatest strength. Their weapons
and armour are certainly without
• Every blank face rolled is a failure – the peer, and their physical impressiveness
Order has been misunderstood or didn’t is undeniable, the product of the very
get through to your troops. finest gene therapies and research that
• Every + icon means that the die can be the Council can buy. But it is their iron
returned to your pool after determining will and unflinching adherence to the
the result of the roll, even if the Order mission and their orders which elevates
was unsuccessful. these super soldiers above their rivals.
When an Enforcer is given an order, it is
Note: If you ever roll more than one blank face with the confidence that only death will
in a single roll this gives the opponent a chance stop it being carried out.

Level 1 Orders Courage Under Fire

Bounding Overwatch Choose an Infantry unit. It may make a Rally

action without rolling for recovery.
Choose two units. One unit may make a
single Move action and then be placed on Firestorm
Overwatch. The other may then make its
Activation as normal. Choose a unit. It may immediately make a
Shoot action, re-rolling any misses. The unit
Change of Plans is then marked as activated.
This Order may only be given at the beginning Hit and Run
of the game, after rolling for Secondary
Objectives. It is not targeted at a particular Choose a unit. It may make a Move action,
unit. followed by a Shoot action, followed by a
second Move action. It is then marked as
The player may re-roll one or both of the dice activated. The Shoot action is considered to be
used to determine one of their Secondary a short action for the purposes of rules such as
Objectives for the game. Camouflage or Heavy Firepower.
Counter Attack Move, Move, Move!
This Order may only be given when you would Choose a unit. It may either:
normally declare a charge reaction, before the
enemy unit is moved. • Perform a Double Move action that
starts or ends in a piece of terrain, or
The reacting unit may instead charge the unit
that was charging it (provided that it can reach • Perform a Triple Move action (a Move
the target with a Double Move action), and at triple the unit’s Speed).
will gain the charging bonus in the ensuing
Assault. The unit now being charged does not The move is unaffected by suppression. The
gain the charging bonus and may not react. unit is then marked as activated.

Level 2 Orders Any other part of the units’ Activations such
as a Move or Regroup can be performed
Call to Arms separately. Both units are then marked as
This Order affects all friendly units within
range of the issuing Commander. Units in Refresh
range instantly remove suppression tokens
equal to the Commander's Command value. Choose a unit. Remove its activation token.
This Order is not affected by the 1 Order per This Order may also be given when one of
unit per Turn restriction, and can therefore be your units is charged, before the enemy unit is
issued in addition to one other Order to each moved, allowing your unit to react or to fight
affected unit. back at full strength.
This Order may not be used by an Orbital
Flanking Manoeuvre

This Order may only be given when you would

normally declare a charge reaction, before the
enemy unit is moved.
Choose a different friendly unit within range
of the same Commander that has not yet
been activated. This unit may make a charge
reaction on behalf of the unit being charged.
This reaction may be used to charge the Reserves
original charging unit (provided that it can
reach the target with a Move or Double Move You may choose to deploy some of your units
action), and will gain the charging bonus off of the board at the start of a game, which
in the ensuing Assault. The unit now being is called holding them in Reserve. This Order
charged does not gain the charging bonus and is used to bring them onto the table later in
may not react. the game.
Combined Attack Choose a unit in Reserve. It must arrive on
the board with either a Move or Double Move
Choose two friendly units that have not from a chosen entry point on the board edge.
yet been activated. They may be activated
simultaneously. The units must, as part of If the Commander giving the Order is in the
their Activation, either: Reserve unit, this entry point can be anywhere
on any board edge. Otherwise, the entry point
I Both Shoot or Blaze Away at the must be within range of the Commander
same target. Roll to hit and damage already on the table giving the Order.
for both units at the same time, before
determining casualties. The newly arrived unit may not engage the
The target unit will take a suppression enemy as part of this Activation but may carry
token for being hit by each unit. out any other actions. The unit is then marked
OR as activated.

II Both charge the same target. Engage Like an Orbital Commander, a unit still
both units with the enemy unit, one in Reserve at the end of the game is not
at a time, before rolling any dice, considered to be a part of the force for victory
and roll to damage with both units purposes. For example, in a 2000pt game
before determining casualties. If the with a 100pt unit in Reserve at the end, the
target unit reacts to the charge and force will count as 1900pts for determining
prevents either unit from reaching the victor. Therefore killing 10% of the force
Assault, they may each make a Move would only require the opponent to destroy
action as normal. 190pts’ worth of units rather than 200.

Level 3 Orders
Comms Interference

This Order affects all opposing Commanders.

Until the end of the Turn your opponent’s units
may only be given Orders by Commanders
within the units themselves. In addition, the
Communications rule has no effect for your
opponent while Comms Interference is in
Last Stand

This Order may only be given in the last Turn

of the game (listed in the mission briefing). It
is not targeted at a particular unit.
It will extend the length of the game for an
additional Turn. It cannot be used in the
newly created Turn to extend the game even
Reprioritise the Mission

This Order may only be given at the beginning

of the game, after rolling for Secondary
Objectives. It is not targeted at a particular
The player may change one of the Secondary
Objectives they have rolled for any other of
their choice.
Request Orbital
Asterian Overseer
Choose an Orbital Commander unit. It may
use a Limited (X) attack that has already been
used up. The unit is then marked as activated.

Specialised Orders Level 1 – Repair

Some specialists within a force provide unique Choose a friendly Vehicle. It may immediately
abilities when purchased as unit upgrades, and remove D3+1 Suppression Tokens.
can be directed to use them with an Order.
Level 1 – Sabotage Objective
Only the unit containing the upgrade may be
Ordered to use these abilities – they are not This Order may only be given by a Commander
available to other units within the force. in contact with a Strategic Asset.
This Commander may roll the Command
dice as normal in an attempt to sabotage the
Asset. The exact result of this Order depends
on the number of successes rolled on the dice.
A Commander in a unit with the Saboteur
Level 1 – Fortify Position rule may re-roll one die when attempting this
This Order may only be given by a Commander
inside a terrain piece. • 0-1 successes – the Order has failed.
This Commander is an expert in urban • 2-3 successes – the Asset has been
warfare and can deploy traps, barricades and damaged and will be worth half the
automated weaponry for defence. The terrain number of VPs at the end of the game,
piece is upgraded to fortified terrain until the rounding down.
end of the Turn. In addition, the unit gains an • 4 successes – the Asset has been
additional +1 to hit modifier when shooting destroyed and is worth no VPs at the end
against all targets within 12”.
of the game. Remove the counter.
Level 1 – Precision Fire • 5+ successes – the Asset has exploded!
Treat it like an exploding Vehicle with a
This Order may only be given during the Resilience of 2 and a D6” radius. It has
unit’s Shoot action, before any casualties are been destroyed and is worth no VPs at
the end of the game. Remove the counter.
If any enemy teams are due to be removed
from the target unit, the Shooting player may Damaged objectives may be sabotaged further
choose one of teams to be removed instead of to try to destroy them, but additional damage
the owning player. results will have no effect.


Picking a your fancy – it may be a particular backstory
that you can best identify with, or you may
Force want to pick your favourite miniature range.
So, now you know how to play, you’ll surely Building a Force
want to build up your own army. People like
to play the game in many different ways so the You can play Warpath with just a few units
forces are fully customisable. You can choose per side, without worrying about the two
whether to overwhelm your opponent with sides being equally matched. This is great for
hordes of basic troops, or destroy them piece learning the game, but after you’ve become
by piece with a smaller elite force. familiar with the rules and have amassed a
large collection of models, you will want to try
a game where the forces facing one another
Note: Building a force of your own will
across the battlefield are balanced, so that
require a little knowledge of how the
game works in practice, and which units both players have an equal chance of winning
are best in which situations. For your the game.
first few games, we recommend you use
To achieve this, you and your opponent must
the pre-designed starter forces in the
Operation Heracles Battle Set. Once you pick a force from your chosen army list before
know what you’re doing, read on! the game. First agree a total of points, say for
example 1,000 points. Then start picking units
from the force lists provided in this book.
Which Force?
Certain armies are suited to certain playstyles. One does not use a hammer to open
There is flexibility in every army, but a Veer- a Penlo Fruit. Nor does one peel a
myn force will be at its best in large numbers, Panshi Nut. The appropriate tool for
whereas an Enforcer force will be smaller but the appropriate task. Overwhelming
force is wasteful, and insufficient force
more adaptable, focusing its power in just the
meaningless. Learn when to use the
right places. hammer and when the scalpel, and you
Of course, the way an army plays isn’t the will know all that you require in life.
only reason to take it into battle. Have a read The Subtle Art of Combat – Preface
through this section and see which force takes

Selecting Units Unit Upgrades

Each force will be made up of a number of Some unit entries will list upgrades that are
units, each with its own entry in the force list. available to teams in the unit. The majority of
There are no specific units that you must or these will add unit leaders or special weapons,
must not take – it’s up to you to decide which but some units have access to other specialists
units will work best for you in the game, or too.
simply which units you like the look of!
These upgrades will have limits in the same
Once you’ve decided on a unit to include in
your army, you will then need to look at the way as the number of teams within the units,
different teams available to select as part of such as a maximum number within a unit.
that unit. As detailed on page 18, each unit There are three types of team upgrade:
profile may have restrictions on the number
of each type of team that can be taken within a Personnel, Equipment, and Support.
unit, as well as minimums and maximums for • Personnel upgrades replace one model
the number of teams taken overall.
in the team with a leader or specialist
Once a unit composition is decided, it cannot who will grant the team (and therefore
change during the game – teams cannot leave the unit) special rules or Command
or join for any reason other than death. abilities.
• Equipment upgrades replace one model
Note that there is no requirement to take any in the team with an improved weapon or
Commanders, but remember that without other tactical device, and will usually
them you won't be able to issue any Orders.
add a new weapon statline to the team.
Pick your units one at a time, making a note of • Support upgrades do not replace any
the amount of points that you’ve spent as you models. Instead they add a model or
go along. Keep adding these costs together large weapon to the team, such as a
until you reach your chosen limit for the D.O.G. Drone in an Enforcer Pathfinder
game. You cannot spend more, but you can of Unit.
course spend less than the agreed total, which
is a very brave thing to do! Important: Each Infantry team may have
a maximum of one Personnel and one
Example Equipment upgrade, whereas Support
upgrades are one per unit.
A unit of Plague 3rd Gen Troopers must have a
minimum of two teams and a maximum of five. Vehicles may take any number of different
No more than two teams in the unit can carry
HMGs, and no more than one can carry grenade upgrades, but may only take each upgrade
launchers or mortars. Any number can have once.
Beasts to support them in Assault.
Any additional rules or weapons conferred by
Note that these restrictions will have implications an upgrade are over and above any possessed
on your chosen playstyle. If you want to maximise by the basic team.
the suppressive fire that you can lay down, you’ll
want to take multiple HMG and Mortar teams. Universal Upgrades
However, with the limits on each unit, you’ll
have to take multiple smaller units rather than In addition, each force list will have a selection
fewer larger ones. Smaller units are more flexible
during the game and will inflict more suppression, of upgrades that are not tied to a particular
but will struggle to put out enough firepower to unit for force selection purposes. These can
effectively destroy their enemies. You’ll need to be distributed across your force as you wish
take this into account, and allocate some of the at the start of the game, although they will
points in your force to units that can compensate be a limited resource, and may only upgrade
for this weakness. If your strategy is to heavily
suppress your enemy with HMGs, consider taking certain types of unit. They must still comply
some fast melee units like Leapers to quickly to with the type limits of all other unit upgrades.
quickly dispatch the enemies in Assault as they
recover. These upgrades may not be given to Vehicle
units unless stated otherwise.

Force Limits High Value Assets

To ensure a level of realism within your Some units are in short supply, either because
force and restrict potentially over-powered they are rare, or simply too expensive to bring
combinations, there are a couple of additional to battle in large numbers. These units are
rules that you must follow when constructing called High Value Assets.
your army.
Restricting these assets not only ensures a
Unique Units more realistic and varied force, but also keeps
the game fair so that both players have an
If a unit has the t symbol before its name in equal chance of winning.
the list, it is a unique unit. Only one such unit
exists and can therefore only be taken once in High Value Assets, or HVAs, are given a HVA
the force. rating within the force list, represented by a
number of  symbols following the points
value for the team or upgrade.
There is a limit on the combined HVA rating
of units in your force based on the size of game
being played. The maximum HVA rating is as

The General Game Size Max HVA Rating

All armies in Warpath must be assigned a 1-1000 points 2
General. This is the unit or model that has
overall tactical control of the battle, and may 1001-2000 points 5
influence the outcome of certain mission 2001-3000 points 8
objectives (see page 29). +1000 points +3
At the start of each game, you must assign one
team in your force as the General. This must
be the team in your force with the highest These limits are not totally fixed however. You
Command value, provided that it is in play at may exceed these limits, but your opponent
the start of the game – the General may not will receive a bonus of 2VPs for every  that
be assigned to a unit kept in Reserve, or a unit you exceed the limit by.
with the Orbital Command special rule.
For example, say you are playing a 2000 point
If there are multiple teams with the equal game and your force includes 3 Veer-myn
highest Command value, you may choose Tunnellers ( each) and a Tangle (). This
which is assigned as the General. If you do not is a total of 7 – 2 more than the limit – so
have any units in play with a Command value, your opponent will start the game with a 4VP
you may assign any unit as the General. bonus.


Sometimes, to fulfil a particular narrative or Work out how many troops you think
theme, you may wish to create a force that would be able to do the job and then
uses units from multiple force lists, such as a double it. The pinkskins will be so busy
GCPS force that has called in a contingent of shekking themselves at how many of you
Enforcers, or a Forge Father/Asterian alliance. there are that you can get the job done
Alliances may be made between any before they’ve even worked out why
combination of Asterian, Enforcer, Forge you’re there.
Father and GCPS forces. Plague and Veer-
myn forces may not form alliances. Captain Brando to his second, Joe

Once you have chosen your main force list,

you are free to mix and match units from
the other forces. However, every 500 points
(rounding up) spent on units not from your
main list will cost 1✴ towards your HVA
rating in addition to any ratings on the units
For example, if you had a 2000 point Asterian
force including 750pts worth of GCPS troops,
they would count as 2✴ towards your HVA

Asterians Orders
Asterians have access to the following Orders
The Asterian Star Empire is one of the largest
in addition to the standard ones.
territories in the galaxy, something that has
been achieved through Asterian dedication to Level 1 – Hologram
scientific advancement, philosophy, and the
protection of life. All these aspects are seen in The Asterians can use holographic projection
its armies. to trick their opponent into thinking a unit is
somewhere other than its actual location.
Very few Asterians will ever actually set foot
on a battlefield. Instead, the consciousnesses This Order is given before the game has started,
of Asterian pilots will be transmitted into the but after the forces are deployed. If successful,
bodies of a host of drone warriors, armoured the Asterian player may take a friendly unit
vehicles, and aircraft, and used to direct the and deploy it in a different position within
firepower of some of the deadliest weapons in range of the same Commander. A unit may
existence. only be repositioned once using this Order.
The elite brotherhoods of the Clades often Specialised Order
lead the charge, supported by the professional – Level 2 – Dirge of Death
Sho’senn military and a combined assault of
these two forces is a force to be reckoned with. The unit may re-roll all failed rolls to wound
When it is backed up by the warbands of the until the end of the Turn.
Kalyshi, painted for battle and dedicated to
the dance of death, it becomes practically
The ghosts of the past haunt the Empire to this
day and had kept her armies largely within
its borders. But events transpiring in the
universe at large threaten now to permanently
unbalance the natural order of things and it is
clear those armies must now act. The balance
of the universe must be restored and Unity
preserved. The legions of Asteria march to war.

Asterians have access to the following
Secondary Objectives on a roll of 61-66 on
the chart.
A – Preservation of Life

Gain 1VP for each Infantry unit on either side

that is either still alive or has been teleported
to safety (see Order – Live to Fight Another
Day on page 89) at the end of the game (max
B – Embrace the Yahkan

Gain 1VP for each enemy unit destroyed in

C – Maintain the Balance

If a game results in a draw, the Asterian player

gains 2VPs before recalculating the final

For all their professed love of peace, the

Asterian people have developed some of
the finest warriors and tools of war in
the galaxy. Unlike the Forge Fathers,
the Asterians refuse to share even the
most basic of their secrets with other
races, citing the upset it could do to the
delicate balance they strive to achieve.
The Council of Seven suspect that rather
more selfish needs drive this policy,
whereas the Forge Fathers don’t care –
as long as the Asterians aren’t selling the
humans tech, they aren’t eating into a
lucrative source of revenue for the Star

Marionettes (1-4 Teams)
SPD ACC Def res ner Simple robotic constructs in comparison to the elite
5 4+ 4+ 4 2 Regular Cyphers, Marionettes are nonetheless highly effective,
Infantry commanded as they are by Asterian pilots no less
Marionette Team Pts: 85 disciplined than those in the clades. Junior ranks
Special Rules: Shield (3), Unflinching might each take control of a team of Marionettes,
Weapon R D AP Special while more experienced officers can simultaneously
Noh Rifles 24” 8 - - operate one or more whole units. This multiplication
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
of battlefield presence means huge numbers of
Marionette warriors can be commanded by a much
Grenadier Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20 smaller cadre of pilots from the safety of a command
Upgrade any team with a Grenadier: vessel. Massed waves of Asterian firepower, unified
Weapon R D AP Special and unstoppable, can then be turned on an enemy,
washing them away while preserving the Balance
Grenade Launcher 8” 4 - Stun
and, most importantly, Asterian lives.
Phlogistor Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20
Upgrade any team with a Phlogis Rifle:
Support Drones
Weapon R D AP Special
Phlogis Rifle 16” 4 2 Saturation,
Sniper Equipment Upgrade Pts: 10
Upgrade any team with a Sniper:
Weapon R D AP Special
Sniper Rifle 6-48” 2 1 Suppressive Fire (1)

0-1 Comms Drone Support Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Comms Drone:
Special Rule: Communications
The deadly efficiency of a Marionette string
0-1 Camo Drone Support Upgrade Pts: 25 is often increased by the addition of Support
Upgrade any 1 team with a Camo Drone: Drones. Similar to those seen attached
Special Rule: Camouflage
to Cypher units, but with less-developed
autonomy subroutines, some Drones bear
0-1 Weapons Drone Support Upgrade Pts: 15 comms relays, speeding the transmission of
Upgrade any 1 team with a Weapons Drone: orders from senior Sho’senn officers. Others
simply supplement the firepower of the
Weapon R D AP Special
Marionettes by carrying extra Noh rifles.
Noh Rifles 24” 6 - Suppressive Fire (1) However, Support Drones may also be fitted
with cloaking modules, allowing a string of
Marionettes to cross open ground almost
completely unseen.

A Marionette team with Sniper Equipment Upgrade and Camouflage Support Drone

Weapons Drone (Form: 1-3)
Mounted on highly mobile, semi-autonomous anti-
grav platforms, batteries of weapon drones are
frequently seen in support of other Asterian units,
in particular Cyphers. Several munition modules
are available to them. The Heavy Fission Beamer
can send a lance of focused energy straight through
the side of a Sturnhammer tank while the spinning
maelstrom of a Plasma Vortex can tear infantry
limb from partially-melted limb. Potentially even
more devastating to large infantry units though is
Shield Drone the Pulse Bombard, which can send energy blasts
through subspace to rupture the ground out from
For all the sophistication of their construction and beneath their feet.
the high tech nature of their control mechanisms,
Asterian battle constructs are nonetheless lightly SPD ACC Def res ner
armoured and somewhat fragile in comparison 5 4+ 6+ 1 4 Vehicle
to other races’ frontline troops. Both Cyphers and - Height 2 -
Marionettes are protected by built-in energy shields Heavy Fission Beamer Weapon Drone Pts: 90
though, capable of withstanding several high- Special Rules: Anti-Grav
powered hits, and these can be further augmented Weapon R D AP Special
by a mobile Shield Drone. Although such drones will Hvy Fission Beamer 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
typically be assigned to a particular triad or string,
the ‘bubble’ shield they generate can, with careful Plasma Vortex Weapon Drone Pts: 100
positioning, be used to also protect other units and Special Rules: Anti-Grav
tactical battlefield assets.
Weapon R D AP Special
SPD ACC Def res ner Plasma Vortex 28” 6 2 Blast (2D3),
5 - 6+ 1 4 Vehicle Shredder
- Height 2 -
Shield Drone Pts: 80  Pulse Bombard Weapon Drone Pts: 150
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Shield Projection (5) Special Rules: Anti-Grav
Weapon R D AP Special
Pulse Bombard 12-48” 4 3 Blast (D6+2),

Shield Drone Plasma Vortex

Heavy Fission Beamer Pulse Bombard

NOTE: Cypher, Overseer Guard, and Black Talon units are arranged a little differently
to most Infantry. Each team contains just 3 models rather than 5.

Cyphers (1-3 Teams) Overseer Guard (1-3 Teams)

The brothers of Asteria’s warrior clades do not Given that the Overseer is often the only live Asterian
merely drive their Cyphers as a human soldier might presence sent to a battlefield, the role of his guard
a tank - rather they become their Cyphers, their is one of great importance - only veteran brothers
very consciousnesses being beamed directly into the of a clade may even be considered to pilot a Guard
constructs’ semi-organic brains. Indeed, each Cypher Cypher. As well as Noh weaponry and a lightblade,
is partially grown using an individual pilot’s genetic each Guard is stealth-capable, often remaining
material, allowing him to inhabit its metallic frame hidden from sight until and unless a threat to their
like a second skin, firing its powerful Noh weapon as charge becomes apparent. Then they will fight using
if he were holding it in his own fingers. It takes many all the skill at their disposal to either eliminate
years to achieve the level of self-control necessary to that threat or give the Overseer the time and space
pilot a Cypher, but once mastered, a Cypher has few required for his safe evacuation from the field.
equals in war.
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 2+ 5+ 4 3 Regular
SPD ACC Def res ner
6 2+ 5+ 3 3 Regular Overseer Guard Pts: 140
Infantry Special Rules: Camouflage, Communications, Shield (4),
Cypher Rifle Team Pts: 130 Unflinching
Special Rules: Command , Communications, Shield (4) Weapon R D AP Special
Weapon R D AP Special Noh Rifles 24” 6 - -
Noh Rifles 24” 6 - - Stun Grenades 8 6 - Stun
Assault Weaponry A 4 - - Lightblades A 8 2 Anti-Tank (D3)

Cypher Warden Team Pts: 140

Special Rules: Command , Communications, Shield (4)
Weapon R D AP Special
Charge Gloves 8” 4 1 Blast (D3)
Charge Gloves A 6 1 Blast (D3)

Force Rifle Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any team with a Force Rifle:
Weapon R D AP Special
Force Rifle 18” 4 2 -
Fission Beamer Equipment Upgrade Pts: 25
Upgrade any Rifle team with a Fission Beamer:
Weapon R D AP Special
Fission Beamer 36” 1 5 Anti-Tank (D3+1),
Force Rifle Fission Beamer
Heavy Firepower
Missile Launcher Equipment Upgrade Pts: 40
Upgrade any Rifle team with a Missile Launcher:
Weapon R D AP Special
Missile Launcher 28” 2 2 Blast (D3+1),
Heavy Firepower,
0-1 Cypher Prime Support Upgrade Pts: 35
Upgrade any 1 team with a Cypher Prime:
Special Rule: Leadership
Weapon R D AP Special
Stun Grenades 8” 4 - Stun
Lightblade A 4 2 Anti-Tank (D3)
Missile Launcher Cypher Prime

Black Talons (1-3 Teams) Sky Razors (1-3 Teams)
Black Talon pilots are regarded as something of The exact flight capabilities and operating range
an elite cadre amongst the highly skilled warrior of an Asterian Sky Razor has yet to be determined
brotherhoods of the clades. The Black Talon triads by Corporation Central. Intact examples have
of the Mishan’ wo clade are considered by many to proved extremely difficult to obtain. What is known
be exemplars of their kind. Through an extended is that flanking attacks by these Cypher-driven
campaign of hit and run raids and numerous heavy-fire platforms can quickly blunt a unit’s
audacious assaults against fortified mining advance and degrade its fighting ability. The fact
compounds, the Mishan’ wo have halted the efforts they are equipped with the same energy shields as
of the Forge Fathers of the Kingmar clan to exploit the Cyphers themselves makes them an even more
nearly a dozen worlds along the Asterian Empire’s challenging threat to deal with effectively.
eastern border.
SPD ACC Def res ner
10 2+ 5+ 3 3 Regular SPD ACC Def res ner
14 2+ 5+ 4 3 Large
Black Talon Team Pts: 165 Infantry
Special Rules: Command , Aerial Deployment, Anti- Sky Razor Team Pts: 180
Grav, Communications, Shield (4) Special Rules: Command , Anti-Grav,
Weapon R D AP Special Communications, Shield (4)
Noh Rifles 24” 6 - - Weapon R D AP Special
Tracker Grenades 8” 4 1 Tag Twin Noh Rifles 24” 8 - -
Talons A 6 - - Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

0-1 Cypher Prime Support Upgrade Pts: 35 0-1 Cypher Prime Support Upgrade Pts: 35
Upgrade any 1 team with a Cypher Prime: Upgrade any 1 team with a Cypher Prime:
Special Rule: Leadership Special Rule: Leadership
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Stun Grenades 8” 4 - Stun Stun Grenades 8” 4 - Stun
Lightblade A 4 2 Anti-Tank (D3) Lightblade A 4 2 Anti-Tank (D3)

Kalyshi Team
Kalyshi (1-4 Teams) Kalyshi Rai’Mega
(Formation: 1-3)
The Kalyshi go to war in traditional warpaint and
A charging Asterian Rai’mega may seem an
armed with bows and glaives, but only a fool would
unusually blunt instrument in the Kalyshi arsenal.
mistake them for simple savages - the Kalyshi are
Each beast stands almost as tall as a corporate
no less technologically advanced than any other
Mule and its raw strength, coupled with a panoply
Asterian. The bows and blades are powered by noh
of meter-long tusks, are easily capable of throwing
energy and quite capable of penetrating the toughest
aside or tearing such a vehicle apart. But the riders
forged armour. Known for shocking charges, their
borne aboard its howdah are psychically linked
lightness and speed means their chosen target is
to the beast through its harness, allowing them to
often cut to pieces before it has a chance to react.
direct the animal’s strength and fury with great
SPD ACC Def res ner precision and speed. The Rai’mega are not tamed,
6 3+ 2+ 3 2 Regular by any measure, but they are controlled enough to
make them the scourge of many an armoured line
Kalyshi Team Pts: 70
Special Rules: Camouflage, Reckless Advance and defensive formation.
SPD ACC Def res ner
Weapon R D AP Special
8 - 5+ 6 3 Massive
Bow 16” 6 1 - Infantry
Glaives A 8 1 - Kalyshi Rai’mega Pts: 140
Special Rules: Bulky, Camouflage, Open-Topped, Reckless
0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40 Advance, Transport (2 – Kalyshi only), Unflinching
Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Weapon R D AP Special
Special Rules: Command , Leadership Teeth & Claws A 12 2 Shredder

Kalyshi Rai'mega

Kalyshi Mogals (1-5 Teams)
Drawn from the nomadic tribes of the Kalyshi,
Asterian Mogals are, even by Asterian standards,
a proud and aloof people. They ride to war on
ungainly-looking Shebas and prefer to make their
camps some distance from the rest of a warband, a
practise that reflects a deeply-rooted distrust of other
tribes. Their value in combat is undisputed though.
The Mogals carry long-barreled ‘Yelen’ rifles,
sniper-like weapons that fire high-grade firestone
shells. The shells explode on impact, scattering the
Mogals’ targets or forcing them to ground, before the
charging bands of Mogals cut them down with their
barbed ‘Temur’ glaives.
SPD ACC Def res ner
9 3+ 4+ 4 2 Large
Mogal Team Pts: 135
Special Rules: Bulky, Camouflage, Reckless Advance
Weapon R D AP Special
Yelen Rifles 32” 4 1 Blast (D3),
Suppressive Fire (1)
Explosive Charges 6 2 4 Anti-Tank (D3+1)
Temur Glaives A 4 1 -
Shebas A 6 - Shredder
0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40 Kalyshi Mogal Rider
Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership

Chira Transporter Chroma Force Platform
While their Sho’senn operators are secured safely The intricacy and sophistication of Asterian
elsewhere, Chira class dispersal craft are used to technology is exemplified in the Chroma force
ferry combat Marionettes into battle. Twin pods platform. Its twin energy banks are capable of
can carry teams of inactive robots in a recharge powering a variety of heavy weapons in support
mode and deploy them in seconds, recovering them of Asterian troops, reducing Lancers to slag in a
just as quickly when their tasking is complete. The single shot or blanketing enemy units in waves
vehicle itself is also controlled by a remote operator of exenterating fire. A Corporation vehicle this
and is believed to operate as a kind of command devastating would likely be so large it would be
node, boosting the signals of the Sho’senn and their practically immobile, but the hovering Chroma is as
Marionettes’ combat effectiveness. agile as much smaller vehicles and able to hover over
almost any obstacle. No place on the battlefield is
SPD ACC Def res ner
12 4+ 7+ 4 4 Vehicle
beyond its reach.
- Tank -
SPD ACC Def res ner
Chira Transporter Pts: 115 10 4+ 8+ 4 4Vehicle
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Shield (4), Transport (2) - Tank -
Weapon R D AP Special Chroma with Fission Beamer Pts: 275
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Shield (4)
Noh Rifles 24” 4 - -
Weapon R D AP Special
Comms Array Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15 Super Heavy
Upgrade any Chira with a Communications Array: Fission Beamer 48” 4 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Special Rule: Communications
Chroma with Plasma Vortex Pts: 245
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Shield (4)
Distortion Field Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30
Upgrade any Chira with a Distortion Field: Weapon R D AP Special
Special Rule: Camouflage Super Heavy 36” 6 3 Blast (2D3),
Plasma Vortex Shredder

Comms Array Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15

Upgrade any Chroma with a Communications Array:
Special Rule: Communications

Distortion Field Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any Chroma with a Distortion Field:
Special Rule: Camouflage

Chroma Force Platform

Narsa Support Drone
Special Rule: Signal Relay
It is only by attuned sensitivity to certain universal
constants, patterns of energy that pervade even The Narsa is used to extend the reach of
the most chaotic battlefield, that the Sho’senn and the various technological advancements
Cypher pilots are able to guide their constructs. To enjoyed by the Asterians, providing
prevent any disruption, Narsa support drones are a stable long-range teleportation and
deployed on the ground to capture, harmonise, and communications relay throughout the
repeat the signals sent from the pilots. Some instead force.
provide shield support and without a Narsa the
teleportation of Cyphers from site to site becomes a Any Commander in the Asterian
far riskier operation. Force with the Orbital Command
SPD ACC Def res ner
or Communications rule can relay
8 - 7+ 3 4 Vehicle their Orders through a Narsa Drone,
- Tank - measuring the 12” radius from the Narsa
Narsa Support Drone Pts: 150 rather than their own location.
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications, Shield
Projection (5), Signal Relay In addition, they will have access to
additional Orders.
New Order: Level 2 – Live to
Fight Another Day

Asterians will not take unnecessary risks,

and value their technology in the same
way as they value their lives, especially
their Cypher constructs. They will not
stay on to fight an unwinnable battle
when they can be of more use elsewhere.
This Order may only be given when
relayed through a Narsa Support Drone.
When an Asterian unit within range is
charged, the Asterian player can give
this Order instead of making a charge
Narsa Support Drone If successful, the unit will be teleported
away from the battlefield.
The opponent may only claim half of
its value as a destroyed unit, and the
unit does not count as destroyed for the
purposes of any other victory conditions.
New Order: Level 2 –

This Order may only be given when

relayed through a Narsa Support Drone.
Pick a friendly Infantry unit within
range of the Drone and remove it from
the table.
Place it back onto the table in a new
location within 12” of the same or any
other Narsa Drone.

Spectra Escort Gunship Hidden Strike
(Formation: 1-3) Assassin Drone
Armoured fire support and force protection for The Hidden Strike assassin drone is designed for
Asterian troop carriers and Cypher teams is long range and highly targeted support. Cruising
often provided by Spectra escort gunships. The high above a battlefield, Strike drones respond
Spectras carry a high capacity Fission Beamer on to requests from ground units by rapidly diving
their turrets and two forward-facing noh rifles to towards their nominated target before de-cloaking
either hunt enemy vehicles or secure an area while and firing. Their payloads of Phantom missiles use
Marionette robots mount and dismount their Chira. quantum technology to pass through heavy armour
Spectras also carry the Ghost Eye sniper system and and detonate within a structure or vehicle, but the
can silently mark an enemy target with nominator best operators claim they can even place a warhead
rounds that are invisible to the naked eye but easily within an individual enemy soldier.
tracked by heavy Asterian weapons systems for
subsequent execution. SPD ACC Def res ner
18 3+ 7+ 3 4 Vehicle
SPD ACC Def res ner - Flyer -
12 4+ 7+ 3 4 Vehicle Hidden Strike Assassin Drone Pts: 200
- Tank - Special Rules: Camouflage, Communications
Spectra Escort Gunship Pts: 130
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Escort Weapon R D AP Special
Phantom Missiles 32” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3+1),
Weapon R D AP Special Blast (D3),
Heavy Suppressive Fire (1)
Fission Beamer 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Ghost Eye t Sho’senn Commander
Sniper System 48” 2 6 Independent
Target Matrix, The long lives of Asterians allow them to achieve high
Tag levels of mastery in whatever profession or professions
Noh Rifles 24” 4 - - they choose, including military service. High-ranking
Sho’senn commanders, safely ensconced aboard a
command vessel, have an immense amount of power
at their fingertips, including the awesome Dawn Fire
Cannon. The Dawn Fire magnifies the energy levels
of any molecules in its target area, causing them to
ignite from the inside out before exploding in a fiery
eruption of candescent ash.
SPD ACC Def res ner
- 3+ - - - -

Sho’senn Commander Pts: 250

Special Rules: Command , Orbital Command
Weapon R D AP Special
Dawn Fire Cannon N/A 2 6 Area Effect,
Blast (3D3),
Limited (1),
Suppressive Fire (2)

Spectra Escort Gunship

Universal Upgrades Though Asterians go to war reluctantly, they do so
no less ably. High-tech warfare characterises most
Overseer Personnel Upgrade Pts: 170 Asterian armies, the lead in each usually being
Upgrade any non-Kalyshi Infantry unit with an Overseer: taken by a particular Clade. The Clade will elect one
Special Rules: Command , Communications, Inspiring of their number as Overseer of each battle and, such
is their expertise in warfare, the Clade’s authority
Shuuvatar Personnel Upgrade Pts: 60 supplants even that of the senior Sho’senn.
Upgrade any non-Kalyshi Infantry unit with a Shuuvatar:
A Shuuvatar may accompany the army to maintain
Special Rules: Command , Observer balance and GCPS scouts are also increasingly
reporting large numbers of Kalyshi warbands
Kalyshi Dervish Personnel Upgrade Pts: 90 fighting alongside their more mechanically inclined
Upgrade any Kalyshi unit with a Dervish: cousins. Apparently, they also follow the Clade’s lead.
Special Rules: Command  (may only give Orders to Kalyshi
units), Dirge of Death Order, Leadership
Weapon R D AP Special
Razor Flails A 4 2 Shredder
t Ten’ur Go,
the Thousand Deaths
Ten’ur Go is one of the few survivors of the
Asterian colony planet once known as Tan’shek.
Although he was eventually forced to flee his
home as a relentless Scourge army overran it,
he still carries the scars of the battle to save it.
In order to retrieve the Singing Sword from
the ruins of his Clade’s monastery, Ten’ur was
forced to kill the infected remnants of his own
Special Rule: observer brothers, and he fights now in utter silence,
reliving with every battle the thousand deaths
The Shuuvatar exist to watch over the of that day.
Overseers of the Asterian Military, and
ensure that the decisions they make
are in balance.
An Overseer within 12” of a Shuuvatar
may re-roll up to one Command
die per turn. However, should the
Overseer fail to give an Order at any
point, whether within 12” of the
Shuuvatar or not, the Asterian force
will suffer a penalty of -1VP at the end
of the game.

Ten’ur Go Personnel Upgrade Pts: 120

Upgrade any Black Talon unit with Ten’ur Go:
+1 Resilience
Special Rules: Command , Headstrong (Unflinching when
facing the Plague), Inspiring

Weapon R D AP Special
Overseer Shuuvatar Singing Sword A 4 2 Anti-Tank (D3)

Enforcers Level 3 – Fusillade

Choose an enemy unit anywhere on the board.

The Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere runs on Any units within range of the Commander
a knife edge, where its member corporations that have line of sight to that target may
compete against each other for the galaxy’s immediately perform a Blaze Away action at
spoils and are permanently on the cusp of it if they are in range. In addition, any hits
hostility. The only thing stopping open warfare are rolled to damage as if a Shoot action were
between corporations is the risk of sanctions being performed. Roll to hit and damage with
from the ruling Council of Seven, and the threat all units before determining casualties.
of the Enforcers that apply them.
None of the participating units are marked as
The Enforcer Corps is the private army of the
Council; ranks of artificially enhanced super
soldiers equipped with powered armour and Objectives
the most advanced weaponry humanity has
to offer. Developed to counter a threat which Enforcers have access to the following
almost destroyed the Co-Prosperity Sphere, Secondary Objectives on a roll of 61-66 on
Enforcers are the perfect warriors; aggressive, the chart.
amoral, and as physically strong as an Orc.
They are conditioned to think of little outside of A – They Shall Know Fear
tactical threats to the Council and how best to
neutralise them. The Enforcers aim to leave their enemies with
a feeling of awe and pure terror. Gain 1VP for
Beyond the Co-Prosperity Sphere, the Enforcers every enemy unit destroyed while grounded
are even more feared. While GCPS Marines or that flees following a recovery roll.
are known and respected among the galaxy’s
civilisations, the Enforcers inspire such awe and B – Bag and Tag
terror that the mere threat of their deployment
Randomly choose an enemy Infantry unit
has prompted surrender without a shot being
fired, on more than one occasion. – this unit contains an asset with a piece of
key information needed by the Council. If
The Enforcers’ reputation alone inspires fear, you destroy this unit in Assault (representing
but it pales in comparison to the experience of capturing the asset), you gain 3VPs.
seeing humanity’s most efficient killers at war.
C – No Loose Ends
Gain 1VP for each Infantry unit completely
Enforcers have access to the following Orders destroyed (taken from its starting number of
in addition to the standard ones. teams down to nothing) by a single Shooting
Level 2
– Coordinated Offensive

Choose two friendly units that have not The story of how the Enforcer programme
yet been activated. They may be activated began is one that is well-known and oft
simultaneously, and may perform any repeated on propaganda vids throughout
action(s) as part of their activation. the galaxy. The truth is a little more
complicated, involving secret deals with alien
If both units Shoot or Assault the same races and some very questionable medical
enemy, this must be declared before any dice experimentation. While the Enforcer Corps
are rolled, and you must roll to damage with themselves represent the Council’s biggest
both units before determining casualties. If success, it is not known to any save that
both units shoot the same target, it will take a august body of men, women and aliens
suppression token for being hit by each unit. themselves how many failures it took to get
This Order counts as your single Activation, there, nor what became of them.
but marks both units as activated.

Enforcer This reconnaissance-data-log, or RDL, is
Special Rules uploaded periodically to High Command,
but the drone is also equipped to perform an
Some Enforcer units may be subject to the emergency upload during intense conflict,
following Special Rules. giving the Enforcers off-world an up-to-the-
minute log of a battle’s progression and troop
Countermeasures movements.
This airborne vehicle has anti-missile flares Enforcer Forward Observers also carry a
that can confuse targeting systems. Whenever compact version of this equipment built into
a weapon with the Anti-Tank rule hits this their suits.
vehicle, you may try to avoid being hit.
For each hit that you want to avoid, add a While any unit with this rule is in play,
suppression token to the vehicle and then roll the controlling player may re-roll a single
a die. On a 5+ the hit is discarded. Command die in each Turn of the game.
RDL Transmission In addition, if a unit with this rule is
destroyed during a battle, an Enforcer Orbital
The D.O.G. Drone is primarily a support Commander may use an Order to access
tool for isolated Pathfinder units – it carries its final upload and give High Command a
their equipment and provides automated fire strategic advantage. This is a Level 2 Order,
support when necessary. However, it also logs and any dice for it must be rolled as soon
every piece of information encountered by the as the drone is removed from the table.
Pathfinders and their survey drones, building If successful, at the end of a mission when
a highly-detailed map of the region, its calculating VPs, reduce the opponent’s score
inhabitants and any areas of military strength. by 1, to a minimum of zero.

Enforcers (1-2 Teams) Strike Team
SPD ACC Def res ner
The basic building block of most Enforcement
6 3+ 5+ 4 3 Regular groups across space is the Strike Team - Enforcers
carrying Genling 45’s and 58 Burst Lasers, working
Strike Team Pts: 90 in unison. But their ubiquity does not make them
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications
any less elite. Each man or woman in the team
Weapon R D AP Special is a highly engineered and trained professional
Laser Assault Rifle 18” 6 1 - killer, built to function with equally cold-blooded
Assault Weaponry A 4 - - efficiency as an individual as in a team, and wears
the best armour credits can buy. Their support
Burst Laser Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30 network is also without rival - no team really works
Upgrade any Strike team with a Burst Laser: alone, all of them being co-ordinated by the best
Weapon R D AP Special
communications technology and strategic minds in
the GCPS.
Burst Laser 28” 4 1 -
Assault Team
Assault Team Pts: 100
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications
Enemy forces pinned down by Strike teams can
Weapon R D AP Special quickly find themselves outflanked and under attack
Pistol 12” 6 1 - by Enforcer Assault teams, making full use of their
Wristblade A 8 1 - armour's integrated jetpacks to rapidly close with
the enemy. Assault operators use wristblades and
Defender Team Pts: 110 pistols to cut apart foes, and portable incinerators
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications, Mobile to efficiently clear dug-in positions.
Defender Team
Weapon R D AP Special
Shotgun 12” 4 - Blast (D3) Assault shields and shotguns have long been used
Assault Weaponry A 4 - - by Enforcer groups in ship to ship boarding actions.
Their role on the ground has also greatly expanded
Incinerator Equipment Upgrade Pts: 25 recently, being used not only as guards at choke
Upgrade any Assault or Defender team with an Incinerator: points and checkpoints, but in tunnel and urban
Weapon R D AP Special warfare against Plague and Veer-myn foes.
Incinerator 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),
Saturation Heavy Support Team

Heavy Support Team Pts: 140 Each operator in a Heavy Support team carries
Special: Anti-Grav, Communications a HMX-32 ‘Harpy’ missile launcher, a modified
version of larger systems seen on some corporate
Weapon R D AP Special
marine vehicles, adapted for Enforcer armour
v Missile profiles and capable of firing multi-programmable
Launchers 6-36” 4 1 Blast (D3+1), fire-and-forget projectile warheads. These may be
Heavy Firepower
susceptible to some forms of electronic counter-
v Missile measures, but the Support team’s rate of fire is
Launchers (AT) 6-36” 4 4 Anti-Tank (D3+1),
Heavy Firepower
generally high enough to overcome any losses.
v Pistol 12” 6 1 - Breach & Eradicate Team
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
Enforcer Breach and Eradicate teams specialise
Breach and Eradicate Team Pts: 110 in the deployment of weaponry designed to crack
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications armoured vehicles and structures and terminate
Weapon R D AP Special their occupants. The corps’ current preferred anti-
Pistol 12” 6 1 -
tank mine, in use in war zones across the galaxy,
is the GX-226 ‘Anemone’, a weapon designed
Thermal Rifle 12" 1 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2) to explosively pierce the underside of tanks and
Wristblade & Mines A 8 5 personnel carriers and fill their crew compartments
with a flesh-shredding cloud of charged metal
0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30 shards. B and E units also carry thermal rifles for
Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
penetrating bunkers and other static targets and
Special Rules: Command , Leadership are trained in multiple booby-trap and sabotage

Genling 45 Laser Rifle Genling 58 Burst Laser Assault Wristblade Incinerator

Defender Shield HMX-32 Missile Anemone Breaching Thermal Rifle

Launcher Mine

Pathfinders (1-2 Teams) Pathfinders bikes (1-2 Teams)
Pathfinders are well known for their role in scouting The Pathfinder arm of the Enforcer Corps is often
and confirming the presence of threats warranting a tasked with highly dangerous missions, including
Containment Protocol. They also play a vital role in targeted terminations, fire support, and long-range
all-out warfare, operating as snipers, saboteurs, and reconnaissance, and all behind enemy lines. Success
fire controllers for heavy weapons units. Pathfinder can depend on the rapid insertion and withdrawal
D.O.G. drones can increase a team’s operating of these units and, of course, on not being detected
range and versatility while also enabling rapid prematurely. To achieve this, many Pathfinder units
transmission of battlefield intel, making the larger make use of the EP-54 electric monobike, or the
EPG even more deadly. ‘E-Mike’ as it is known by its riders. The E-Mike’s
SPD ACC Def res ner
excellent range and low noise profile have facilitated
5 3+ 4+ 4 3 Regular numerous covert operations and, when things get
Infantry loud, its speed has proved similarly valuable.
Pathfinder Team Pts: 95
SPD ACC Def res ner
Special Rules: Recon, Saboteur
10 3+ 4+ 3 3 Large
Weapon R D AP Special Infantry
v Sniper Rifle 6-40” 4 2 Suppressive Fire (1), Pathfinder Bike Team Pts: 115
Tag Special Rules: Recon, Saboteur
v Pistol 12” 6 1 - Weapon R D AP Special
Assault Weaponry A 6 - - v Sniper Rifle 6-40” 4 2 Suppressive Fire (1),
0-1 D.O.G. Drone Support Upgrade Pts: 30 v Pistol 12” 4 1 -
Upgrade any 1 team with a D.O.G. Drone:
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
Special Rules: Communications, RDL Transmission
Weapon R D AP Special
Burst Laser 28” 4 1 -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rules: Command , Precision Fire Order,
Sabotage Objective Order, Leadership

Pathfinder Infantry

D.O.G. Drone

Jetbikes (1-5 Teams)
SPD ACC Def res ner
Designed for deployment in battle spaces where 12 3+ 5+ 3 3 Large
conventional air-support might be unavailable but
high-speed manoeuvres are needed, current usage Jetbike Team Pts: 100
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications
of the XSG-65 mobile weapons platform and its
derivatives range from simple patrol routines to Weapon R D AP Special
flexible battlefield support and intervention roles. Twin Laser
It is a popular vehicle amongst operators and Assault Rifles 18” 6 1 -
commanders alike, fitting the Enforcers' core values Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
of rapid and definitive projection of power perfectly.
Jetbike Ranged Support Team Pts: 150
In addition, it can be fitted with a multitude of Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications
weapons from the Enforcer arsenal, making it
suitable for any operation from anti-infantry to Weapon R D AP Special
anti-armour. Twin Laser
Assault Rifle 18” 3 1 -
Heavy Burst Laser 28” 6 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

Jetbike Heavy Support Team Pts: 150

Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Laser
Assault Rifle 18” 3 1 -
v Missile
Launcher 6-36” 2 1 Blast (D3+1),
v Missile
Launcher (AT) 6-36” 2 4 Anti-Tank (D3+1),
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership

Peacekeepers (1-5 Teams)
Peacekeeper-armoured Enforcers are employed
in high-risk direct-action operations where
circumstances might render even standard Enforcer
troops ineffective. The heavier armour means
advancing directly through enemy fire is frequently
survivable, even in the presence of heavy weapons,
while next-to-no mobility is lost thanks to an
enhanced triple-chambered power plant. For this
reason, Enforcer Battlefield Commanders frequently
carry out their duties in Peacekeeper armour, but
the suits are also commonly used for close-assaults,
building clearances, and fire support missions.
Peacekeeper with
SPD ACC Def res ner Energy Gauntlet
6 3+ 6+ 3 3 Large
Peacekeeper Team Pts: 100
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Laser
Assault Rifles 18” 4 1 -
Energy Gauntlet A 4 2 -

Peacekeeper Defender Team Pts: 120

Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Communications, Mobile
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Laser
Assault Rifles 18” 4 1 - Peacekeeper with
Assault Weaponry A 4 - - Defender Shield
Burst Laser Equipment Upgrade Pts: 40
Upgrade any team with a Burst Laser:
Weapon R D AP Special
Burst Laser 28” 4 1 -

Incinerator Equipment Upgrade Pts: 25

Upgrade any team with an Incinerator:
Weapon R D AP Special
Incinerator 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership Enforcer Captain in
Peacekeeper armour

Strider (Formation: 1-3) SPD ACC Def res ner

A variety of Strider frames have been employed in 6 3+ 7+ 4 3 Vehicle

corporate forces but the one most commonly used Strider Pts: 140
by Enforcer groups is the GR77, equipped with a Special Rules: Communications
Genling 88 Heavy Burst Laser. They are typically
Weapon R D AP Special
used as infantry support platforms, laying down
Heavy Burst Laser 28” 6 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
curtains of suppressive fire as cover for advances
by Strike and Assault teams, but may also serve as Assault Weaponry A 4 2 -
mobile sentries and escorts for slower ground units. Urban Assault Strider Pts: 135
Special Rules: Communications, Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
‘Ajax’ Siege Strider
Heavy Flamethrower 12” 4 1 Blast (2D3),
Developed during the Trotanic war, the GR95 Saturation
model Strider, commonly known as the ‘Ajax’ Chainsaw A 6 3 Anti-Tank (D3)
variant, was developed to help corporate Polaris Strider Pts: 160
forces break through armoured chokepoints. Special Rules: Communications
The Ajax has been up-armoured and uses
Weapon R D AP Special
smoke rounds and a heavy ‘Aggressor’ shield,
essentially a reinforced and upscaled version Polaris Cannon 48” 2 6 Anti-Tank (D6)
of the Defender, to help it survive extended Assault Weaponry A 4 2 -
time under fire. Its grav-ram spear can
‘Ajax’ Siege Strider Pts: 175
deliver a colossal amount of force to a defined Special Rules: Communications, Fire in the Hole!, Mobile
area or launch individual spearheads a short Defences
distance against moving targets. Given Weapon R D AP Special
time, the Ajax can reduce even the strongest
Grav-ram Spear 16” 4 4 Blast (D3)
structure or armour to rubble and wreckage.
Grav-ram Spear A 6 4 Blast (D3)

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgd. Pts: 30

Upgrade any 1 Strider in a Formation to a Unit Leader:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership

Accuser Interceptor SPD ACC Def res ner

The XSM-784 Accuser Interceptor is the 16 3+ 8+ 4 3 Vehicle

- Flyer -
embodiment of speed and power, making it the Accuser Interceptor Pts: 150
favourite air-intervention and assault support craft Special Rules: Communications, Transport (1)
of the Enforcer corps. Capable of supersonic flight as
well as hovering and VTOL, its multiple hardpoints Weapon R D AP Special
mean weapons loadouts can be quickly tailored to Twin Heavy
match whatever threat the Accuser is being sent Burst Lasers 28” 10 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
against. Heavy burst lasers are a favourite option Arbiter Interceptor Pts: 190
although recent interventions against Plague and Special Rules: Communications, Transport (1)
Veer-myn incursions have seen an increase in the
deployment of air-to-ground missile systems. Weapon R D AP Special
Polaris Cannons 48” 3 6 Anti-Tank (D6)

Missile Pods Equipment Upgrade Pts: 35

Upgrade any Interceptor with Missile Pods:
Weapon R D AP Special
Missile Pods 48” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2)

Anti-Missile Flare Dispenser Equip. Upg. Pts: 25

Upgrade any Interceptor with a Flare Dispenser:
Special Rules: Countermeasures

Smokescreen Grenades Equipment Upg. Pts: 15

Upgrade any Interceptor with Smokescreen Grenades:
Special Rules: Smokescreen

Persecutor Bomber SPD ACC Def res ner

Developed as a fast response ground support vehicle, 14 3+ 8+ 4 3 Vehicle

- Flyer -
the XSM-786 Persecutor excels in tasks requiring the Persecutor Bomber Pts: 185
rapid deployment of high yield explosive ordnance Special Rules: Communications
and termination of pre-tagged and live laser-marked
targets. Range and speed are lower than similar Weapon R D AP Special
airframed craft, but the Persecutor still packs a v Anti-Infantry
mean punch. Two dual-core high-density projectile Bombs 12” 2 3 Area Effect,
Blast (3D3),
weapons can be carried beneath the aircraft’s wings Limited (2),
for bunker-busting and anti-armour missions while Suppressive Fire (2)
a payload of high-spread guided munitions has v Bunker Buster
proved to be highly effective against massed infantry. Bombs 12” 2 6 Area Effect,
Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Blast (D3),
Limited (2)
v Missile Pods 48” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2)

Anti-Missile Flare Dispenser Equip. Upg. Pts: 25

Upgrade any Bomber with a Flare Dispenser:
Special Rules: Countermeasures

t Orbital Commander Universal Upgrades
Enforcer Patrol Groups on the ground will During combat operations, the individual units in
frequently conduct operations with the support a Strike Force may be led by a Sergeant who, while
of orbital craft and this may include a dedicated having a high degree of autonomy in achieving his
Orbital Commander. Usually located aboard a mission objectives, will report to a single Battlefield
Wyvern or larger class of ship, the OC will monitor Commander, typically an Enforcer Captain. An
the flow of battle and assign incoming intel packets exception to this rule is the presence of a Forward
to the relevant units. They also have the option of Observer. Forward Observers exist somewhat
unleashing a full complement of missile or laser outside the traditional rank hierarchy, reporting
weaponry to a designated target on the planet below. directly to the Council itself, and their expertise and
Firing on the request of the battlefield commander, guidance is recognised and respected by all other
or occasionally at the recommendation of Pathfinder Enforcers.
observers, a well-placed orbital strike can turn the
tide of an entire battle. Captain Personnel Upgrade Pts: 65
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Captain:
SPD ACC Def res ner
- 3+ - - - - Special Rules: Command , Leadership

Orbital Commander Pts: 250 Engineer Personnel Upgrade Pts: 35

Special Rules: Command , Orbital Command Upgrade any Infantry unit with an Engineer:

Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Command , Fortify Position Order

Sniper Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10
Bombardment N/A 2 5 Area Effect,
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Sniper:
Blast (4D3),
Limited (1), Special Rule: Precision Fire Order
Suppressive Fire (3)
Medic Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Medic:
Special Rule: Medic

 Forward Observer Personnel Upgd. Pts: 120

Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Forward Observer:
Special Rules: Command , Inspiring, RDL Transmission

t Lt. Commander Roca, Special Rule: Alien Intel
Forward Observer
The Forward Observers are the eyes and ears of Roca has fought with distinction against
the Council but they are by no means passive every threat presented to the GCPS, from
observers - they are first and foremost Enforcers. Marauders to Elastopods, and he has a
Roca himself is an expert in the termination of keen understanding of their tactics, and
dozens of alien races. Despite carrying a sniper’s how to use their abilities against them.
rifle, he is equally at home fighting alongside an
Roca may give Orders that would
assault team as he is leading a Pathfinder unit.
otherwise be specific to his opponent’s
faction, such as using Masters of
Engineering when facing Forge Fathers.
Commander Roca Personnel Upgrade Pts: 165 He can only give Orders when he has an
Upgrade any unit with Commander Roca: eligible target - he cannot give the Veer-
Special Rules: Command , Precision Fire Order, Alien
myn’s Swarm Order for example, as he
Intel, Inspiring, Leadership, R
DL Transmission has no friendly Nightcrawler units!

Forge Orders

Fathers Forge Fathers have access to the following

Orders in addition to the standard ones.
Few non-human civilisations have survived Level 1
contact with the GCPS – most are ‘incorporated’, - Masters of Engineering
losing their identity along with their planets;
the rest simply destroyed. But the Forge Fathers, Forge Fathers are masters of both geology and
the dwarven warriors of the Star Realm, are construction, and can precisely target weak
not like any other race in the galaxy. They points in the terrain to bring it crumbling
are born of fire and metal. So when human down around its occupants. Choose a friendly
corporations began moving into worlds that unit. That unit takes an Activation as normal,
rightfully belonged to the Realm, the Forge and may ignore all modifiers for cover and
Lords fought back with superior firepower and fortified terrain when shooting.
almost impenetrable armour.
Only natural modifiers for cover may be
To this day the clans of the Forge Fathers stand ignored; modifiers granted by a special rule
proud and independent and carry on their such as Camouflage or Mobile Defences still
mission to claim the galaxy, one world at a apply.
time. They do this by the power of the Forge
Stars, trapping the energy of suns and using it Level 2 – ‘Tis but a Scratch!
to construct colossal machines and starships
capable of stripping entire planets of their All friendly units within range of the Ordering
wealth and resources and engineering devices Commander are granted the Unflinching
that are the envy of other races. ability until the end of the Turn. Note that
Unflinching already includes the bonus for
But the Forge Lords have also built great armies Headstrong – they do not stack.
to protect their holds and their interests on the
planets they have claimed as their caravans of
ships move between the stars. Because, in an
infinite universe, the rarest resource of them all
is peace, and all they are certain to find is war.

It is often unfairly assumed that Forge
Forge Fathers have access to the following Fathers are obsessed with material wealth
Secondary Objectives on a roll of 61-66 on for the sake of it. In fact, deeply held spiritual
the chart.
and philosophical beliefs drive the dwarf
A – Prospecting quest for riches, rooted in the very creation
myths of their people.
When the Forge Fathers fight, it’s usually over
some sort of natural resource. If there are 8 It is not that Dwarfs want to acquire material
or fewer Strategic Asset counters in play when wealth, but rather that they are culturally
Secondary Objectives are rolled, each player and physically driven to do so.
must place one additional counter using the
normal rules, starting with the Forge Father
player. These additional Strategic Assets
represent seams of minerals to be sampled,
and can only be claimed by the Forge Father
player. They are worth 2VPs each.
B – Hold your Ground

Gain 1VP for each turn that ends with no

suppressed or grounded units on your side.
C – Relentless Firepower

Gain 1VP for each turn in which you ground

or destroy at least 3 enemy units with Shooting

Steel Warriors (1-4 Teams) Militia (2-4 Teams)
Although not an aggressively expansionist race, Forge Father Ward ships are colossal beasts, some
spending time as a Steel Warrior is still something of like mobile planetoids, and capable of an entirely
a rite of passage for most Forge Fathers on reaching nomadic existence. And while most of their
a certain age. As much as any Forge Father worth populations are officially engaged in civilian roles
his metal should be a competent smith or artisan, - miners, craftsmen, and the like - in times of great
the ability to fight is also expected. Steel Warriors need auxiliary militias can be quickly formed. Some
wear individually fitted suits of Aesir armour and members will carry the weaponry they formerly
most carry a Hailstorm rifle, parts of which at least used as Steel Warriors, others drawing new
will have been crafted by their user. equipment from the Ward armouries. Either way,
the Forge Father militia are no less professional in
SPD ACC Def res ner
attitude and capacity than any other warrior on a
4 4+ 5+ 4 2 Regular
Infantry battlefield.
Steel Warrior Team Pts: 70
SPD ACC Def res ner
Special Rules: Headstrong
4 5+ 4+ 4 2 Regular
Weapon R D AP Special Infantry
Hailstorm Rifle 20” 4 1 - Militia Team Pts: 45
Special Rules: Headstrong
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
Weapon R D AP Special
Autocannon Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30
Hailstorm Rifle 20” 4 - -
Upgrade any Steel Warrior team with a Hailstorm
Autocannon: Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
Weapon R D AP Special 0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10
Hailstorm Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Autocannon 30” 3 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
Special Rule: Leadership
Rekkhyrr Team Pts: 120
Special Rules: Headstrong, Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Flamer 12” 4 1 Blast (2D3),
Assault Weaponry A 6 - -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 20

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
+1 Nerve
Special Rule: Leadership

Steel Warrior

Rekkhyrr Battle-ready Forge Father Militia

Stormrage Veteran Issilgarim Team

Stormrage Veterans SPD ACC Def res ner

(1-2 Teams) 4 4+ 5+ 4 3 Regular

Many older Forge Fathers find a life under arms to Brakkarim Team Pts: 115
be an agreeable one and they turn away from lives Special Rules: Headstrong
as smiths and artisans for a position in a veterans' Weapon R D AP Special
platoon - war, they say, is a craft like any other. Hailstorm
Others are simply too cantankerous to be tolerated Autocannons 30” 10 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
by the Steel Warriors. Either way, admittance to a Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
Veterans unit usually requires at least forty years
of military service and, as well as the right to join Issilgarim Team Pts: 150
Special Rules: Headstrong
the Stormrage drinking lodges, membership gives
access to the most powerful and therefore enjoyable Weapon R D AP Special
weapons. v Magma
Cannons 36” 4 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Heavy Firepower
v Mjolnir Missile
Launchers 6-30” 4 2 Blast (D3+2)
Heavy Firepower
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

Thorgarim Team Pts: 80

Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Hailstorm Pistols 12” 4 1 -
Forge Hammer A 4 4 -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership

Brokkrs (1-4 Teams) Valkyrs (1-5 Teams)
Many Ward ships carry a contingent of the dwarves When solid but slow-moving Forge Father forces feel
known as ‘Brokkrs’. Those that don’t and go to war the need for speed, they can turn to ‘gangs’ of Valkyr
will often find groups of their somewhat wilder bikers. Named for legendary winged warriors of
cousins turning up to join the fight anyway. Most old, Valkyr gangs epitomise many of the differences
Forge Fathers would describe Brokkr squads as between Forge Fathers and the Brokkr sub-clan.
reckless - they prefer to think of themselves as Often loud and always fast, Valkyrs may serve
adventurous. Whichever is true, Brokkrs are as scout and recon forces, or just motor headlong
without doubt a highly effective assault force. at their enemy for an assault with their forward
mounted Hailstorm rifles.
SPD ACC Def res ner
4 4+ 4+ 4 2 Regular SPD ACC Def res ner
8 4+ 4+ 3 2 Large
Brokkr Team Pts: 60 Infantry
Special Rules: Headstrong Valkyr Team Pts: 85
Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Headstrong
Burst Pistol 12” 4 - - Weapon R D AP Special
Assault Weaponry A 8 1 - Twin
Hailstorm Rifle 20” 8 1 -
Bunker Assault Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15 Assault Weaponry A 6 - -
Upgrade any team with Bunker Assault Equipment:
Special Rule: Fire in the Hole! 0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 20
Upgrade any 1 team to a Unit Leader:
Weapon R D AP Special
Magma Rifle 12” 1 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2) +1 Nerve
Special Rule: Leadership
0-1 Inferno Drill Support Upgrade Pts: 30
Upgrade any 1 team with an Inferno Drill:
Weapon R D AP Special
Inferno Drill 32” 6 5 Heavy Firepower

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 20

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
+1 Nerve
Special Rule: Leadership

0-1 Engineer Personnel Upgrade Pts: 45

Upgrade any 1 team with an Engineer:
Special Rules: Command , R
epair Order

Valkyr Biker

Inferno Drill Brokkr Chief Brokkr with Magma Rifle

Forge Guard (1-2 Teams) Hammerfist
The dwarvish word for Forge Guard, ‘Sikkram’, Drop Squad (1-2 Teams)
roughly translates to ‘the face of the hammer’ - the Hammerfist Orbital Drop Armour is a modified
Forge Father language’s equivalent to the ‘tip of version of suits used in orbital mining operations.
the spear’. They are, in effect, the blunt force with Sufficiently reinforced to withstand atmospheric
which a Forge Lord will pulverise his enemies, often entry and high-speed landfall, a Lord’s most trusted
being sent first into war and carrying some of the and proven Forge Guard can be delivered with
most powerful weapons in the dwarf arsenal. They almost pinpoint accuracy anywhere on a battlefield.
are made up of a lord’s most trusted and venerable Any enemy that survives their ground-breaking
warriors, true professionals who in peacetime will impact will be pulverised with Forge Hammers or
be sent to guard his greatest treasures and most cut down by Inferno Drills before the Hammerfists
important properties and, in war, be given the most redeploy to their next target.
vital missions.
SPD ACC Def res ner

SPD ACC Def res ner 4 3+ 6+ 5 3 Regular

4 3+ 6+ 5 3 Infantry
Infantry Hammerfist Team Pts: 190
Forge Guard Team Pts: 150 Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Headstrong
Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Weapon R D AP Special Inferno Drill 16” 6 5 -
Hailstorm Rifle 20” 4 1 - Forge Hammer A 4 4 Blast (D3)
Forge Hammer A 4 4 Blast (D3)
0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40
Autocannon Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30 Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Upgrade any team with a Hailstorm Autocannon: Special Rules: Command , L eadership
Weapon R D AP Special
Autocannon 30” 3 2 Suppressive Fire (1)

Magma Cannon Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15

Upgrade any team with a Magma Cannon:
Weapon R D AP Special
Magma Cannon 36” 1 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2)

Missile Launcher Equipment Upgrade Pts: 40

Upgrade any team with a Missile Launcher:
Weapon R D AP Special
Missile Launcher 6-30” 2 2 Blast (D3+2)

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Hammerfist Orbital Drop Armour
Special Rules: Command , L eadership

Forge Guard with Forge Guard with Forge Guard with

Mjolnir Missile Launcher Hailstorm Autocannon Hailstorm Rifle

Iron Ancestor
(Formation: 1-3) Hellermal Pattern
Iron Ancestor
Age is venerated amongst all Forge Fathers, bringing,
as it does, a wealth of accumulated experience and Forge Fathers see no irony in a race so skilled
wisdom. The oldest and wisest warriors bring those in craft and construction being similarly
riches to bear in suits of Antikk armour, giants like excellent at destruction and demolition. The
Striders, but infinitely more sophisticated and often Hellermal, or ‘Overkill’ suit is, like all Iron
much more powerful. Many of these living legends Ancestors, a fantastically engineered suit of
will equip their armour similarly to the preference armour, more like an extension of the pilot
than a prosthetic vehicle. But its twin Magma
of their younger days, with a heat hammer on one cannons, similar to plasma cannons employed
shoulder and a heavy Hailstorm cannon on the elsewhere but capable of more focused beams,
other. The Doomstorm pattern will forego the close can burn through a meter of reinforced
combat weapon though and double up on ranged rockcrete in less than a minute while its
weaponry while the Thor pattern carries two Dragon’s Breath flamer is the bane of infantry
hammers to maul infantry and vehicles alike. and light vehicles.
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 3+ 8+ 4 4 Vehicle

Iron Ancestor Pts: 190

Special Rules: Command , Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Hailstorm
Autocannons 30” 5 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
Forge Hammer A 6 5 -

Doomstorm Pattern Iron Ancestor Pts: 200

Special Rules: Command , Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Hailstorm
Autocannons 30” 10 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 2 2 -

Thor Pattern Iron Ancestor Pts: 165

Special Rules: Command , Headstrong

Weapon R D AP Special Doomstorm Iron Ancestor

Forge Hammers A 10 5 -

Hellermal Pattern Iron Ancestor Pts: 210

Special Rules: Command , Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Magma
Cannon 36” 2 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Flamer 12” 3 1 Blast (2D3),
Assault Weaponry A 6 5 -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgdrade Pts: 60

Upgrade any 1 Iron Ancestor to a Unit Leader:
Special Rule: Command , Leadership, Shield (4)

Hellermal Iron Ancestor

Drakkar APC SPD ACC Def res ner

The Drakkar is the Forge Father’s primary armoured 8 4+ 9+ 5 3 Vehicle

- Tank -
personnel carrier. It is by no means the fastest or Drakkar APC Pts: 120
prettiest of all troop transporters but this is no Special Rules: Headstrong, Transport (2)
failure of design. The Drakkar’s sloped, toughened
Weapon R D AP Special
armour make it one of the toughest troop delivery Hailstorm Rifle 20” 2 1 -
vehicles on any battlefield anywhere and, with a Assault R 6 3 -
Hailstorm anti-personnel weapon to discourage any
assailants along the way, the vehicle is an extremely
safe and reliable delivery vehicle for platoons of
Steel Warriors and Forge Guard.

Sturnhammer Battle Tank SPD ACC Def res ner

The Sturnhammer is assessed by Corporation 7 4+ 9+ 5 4 Vehicle

- Tank -
Central Military analysts to be probably the best Sturnhammer Hagall Pattern
main battle tank currently employed amongst Battle Tank Pts: 220
alien races. Carrying a Heavy Hailstorm Cannon Special Rules: Headstrong
turret as standard, the Sturnhammer’s intricately Weapon R D AP Special
engineered target control system makes it capable of
Hailstorm Rifle 20 4 1 -
a rate of accurate fire at a range that is the envy of
even Enforcer commanders. This also often makes a Heavy
Hailstorm Cannon 12-40” 10 2 Suppressive Fire (2)
Sturnhammer a target of high priority in battle, but
its armour is at least as technically advanced as its Assault R 6 3 -
weaponry, shrugging off all but the most powerful Sturnhammer Hata Pattern
and well placed incoming shots. Battle Tank Pts: 200
Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Hailstorm Rifle 20 4 1 -
Magma Cannon 12-48” 3 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Assault R 6 3 -

t The Lord’s Seat Equipment Upgrade Pts: 40

Upgrade any 1 Sturnhammer with the Lord’s Seat:
Special Rule: Inspiring, S hield Projection (4)

Hata-Pattern Sturnhammer Tank

Brandr Urban Assault Vehicle

Brandr SPD ACC Def res ner

Urban Assault Vehicle 7 4+ 10+ 5 4 Vehicle

- Tank -
Usually found in the vanguard of Forge Father Brandr Urban Assault Vehicle Pts: 240
advances into urban areas, the Brandr is equipped Special Rules: Headstrong, Mobile Defences, Transport (1)
to destroy tank traps and barricades with its assault Weapon R D AP Special
ram and burn out bunkers and emplacements with Heavy Dragonbreath
its turret-mounted Dragonbreath flamethrower. It Flamer 12” 4 2 Area Effect,
is a close-range weapon, and, as such, may require Blast (2D3),
support covering open ground, but its powerful Saturation
engine and reinforced forward armour make it Assault R 8 4 -
nigh-on unstoppable in more confined areas.

Hultr Half-track Weapons Platform
(Formation: 1-3) (Formation: 1-3)
Lightly armoured but no less deadly, Hultr half- Most races would find the complexity of operating
tracks fitted with autocannon turrets can be a dedicated anti-tank or anti-air weapons platform
deployed on almost any terrain. Modified versions requires at least three crew. Advanced Forge Father
of vehicles used in numerous Forge Father mining engineering, and more than a little pride, mean the
operations, in war Forge Lords will use them to Jotunn and Surtr mobile guns require only one; the
quickly fortify a strategic location or support an roles of driver, gunner, and operator are all rolled
infantry advance. Their powerful engines and a into one seat. The limited speed the vehicle’s tracks
towing hook on the rear mean Hultrs can also be provide does however mean you can often find them
utilised to move other, heavier equipment across a
being towed into position by a larger tank before a
battle begins.
SPD ACC Def res ner
10 4+ 7+ 4 3 Vehicle
SPD ACC Def res ner

- Tank - 3 4+ 6+ 3 2 Vehicle
- Tank -
Hultr with Hailstorm Autocannon Pts: 110
Special Rules: Headstrong, Escort Jotunn Weapons Platform Pts: 100
Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Weapon R D AP Special
Twin Hailstorm
Hailstorm Cannon 12-40” 10 2 Heavy Firepower,
Autocannon 30” 3 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
Suppressive Fire (2),
Assault R 4 2 -
Assault R 4 - -
Hultr with Magma Cannon Pts: 110 Surtr Weapons Platform Pts: 100
Special Rules: Headstrong, Escort Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Magma Cannon 36” 1 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2) Heavy
Assault R 4 2 - Magma Cannon 12-48” 3 6 Anti-Tank (D3+2),
Heavy Firepower
Transport Trailer Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15 Assault R 4 - -
Upgrade any Hultr with a trailer:
Special Rule: Transport (1) Urban Demolisher Weapon Platform Pts: 120
Special Rules: Headstrong, Mobile Defences
Weapon R D AP Special
Punisher Cannon 12-40” 4 4 Blast (D3+1)
Assault R 4 - -

Hultr Half-Track Jotunn Heavy Hailstorm

Cannon Platform

Universal Upgrades
t Forge Lord
When the Forge Fathers fight, it is usually as a clan, Ingulf Krestürsson
led by one of the Forge Lords of this extended family
of warriors, builders, and traders. Each Lord is Forge Lord Ingulf Krestürsson, known to
served by numerous lieutenants, or ‘Huscarls’, each many as ‘the Dragon’, is a feared and respected
of whom has contributed and is responsible for the Forge Lord. His clan have been engaged in
fighters of his own household. The Forge Fathers warfare against the GCPS for centuries and
hold age and artifice in great reverence and it is also Ingulf ’s hatred of mankind is as legendary as
often the case that a senior Artificer, particularly his temper. While he would never turn away
in the event the clan is fighting on its own claimed from a fight with the GCPS, in truth Ingulf
territory, will be tasked with directing its defence. will go to war against anyone he views as
threatening a Forge Father’s claim.
Forge lord Personnel Upgrade Pts: 150
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Forge Lord:
Special Rules: Command , Inspiring, Shield (4) Ingulf Krestürsson Personnel Upgd. Pts: 190
Upgrade any Forge Guard unit with Ingulf Krestürsson:
Huscarl Personnel Upgrade Pts: 100
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Huscarl: Special Rules: Command , Fire in the Hole!, Hatred of
Mankind, Inspiring, Shield (4)
Special Rules: Command , Leadership, Shield (3)
Weapon R D AP Special
Artificer Personnel Upgrade Pts: 55 Flamer 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),
Upgrade any Infantry unit with an Artificer: Saturation
Padd A 4 1 Shredder
Special Rules: Command , Fortify Position Order, Repair

Special Rule: Hatred of


Ingulf may re-roll one Command die per

turn when facing an Enforcer or GCPS

Huscarl in Forge Guard Armour

The GCPS Orders
The GCPS has access to the following Orders
The Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere is the largest in addition to the standard ones.
empire the galaxy has ever seen, and is home to
the human race. In its expansion across the stars Level 1 - Bribery
the GCPS has reached farther than any other
civilisation, gathering more planets under its The Corporations of the GCPS are notorious
rule and boasting a population outnumbering for not playing fair and throwing money at a
its closest competitor many times over. problem, resorting to bribery, blackmail, and
worse. From buying out the owner of a local
But its principal strength is also its largest relay satellite and redirecting communications,
limiting factor, for the GCPS is not the unified to turning one of the enemy’s lieutenants
hyper-power it appears to be from the outside. with false promises – whatever it is, the
The Co-Prosperity Sphere is comprised of Corporations will find a way.
thousands of corporations, each with their own
goals and motivations. Intrigue and rivalry This Order may be given after the opposing
is endemic between the conglomerates that player has made a dice roll of any kind on a
comprise the military might of the GCPS. Only unit within range of the friendly Ordering
the will and authority of the Council of Seven Commander. The Corporation player may
has stopped all-out civil war from erupting pick one of the dice and force the opponent
within its borders, and allowed the corporations to re-roll it.
to continue their spread from system to system,
enveloping planets and species wholesale into Level 1 – ‘Focus Fire
corporate hegemony.
Use this Order after a unit has made a
While humans may not be the largest, strongest Shooting attack that damaged an enemy unit.
or quickest sentients in the galaxy, they are Choose a second unactivated unit within
inventive and ambitious as only a young species range of the Commander giving the Order.
can be, and have enough soldiers under arms This second unit may immediately make a
to threaten any other civilisation; for when Shooting attack against the same target as part
a corporation navy takes to the skies it does of the same Activation. If hit, the target will
so in an armada of warships so vast the stars take an additional suppression token over and
themselves are blacked out. above any it would be otherwise due to take.
The second unit is then marked as activated.
Level 2 – Tactical Genius

This Order may only be issued by a Marauder

Commando Captain. The Captain is able to
take advantage of every mistake made by the
opposing force. This Order may be given any
time the opponent rolls one or more blanks
on their Command dice. If successful, the
Commando Captain may take the blank
dice rolled by the opponent and use them
to immediately issue another Order of his
choice. Any units activated by this Order must
do so before the opponent carries out their
own Order and continues with their Turn.
If the Commando Captain’s Order prevents
the opponent from carrying out their own
Order (by killing the original target for
example), the opponent’s Order is wasted.

The Marauders – Command
The GCPS has access to the following and Control
Secondary Objectives on a roll of 61-66 on
the chart. Marauders are commonly hired as
A – Every Penny Counts
mercenaries by Corporation forces for those
occasions when a little targeted brutality is
Corporate accountants encourage GCPS required. However, the human troops aren’t
commanders to recover damaged equipment always too happy about fighting alongside
from battle, to be repaired to fight again. Any the brawny green-skins, and definitely
GCPS Vehicle that is destroyed but remains won’t be ordered around by them!
on the table becomes a Strategic Asset. Each
of these Vehicles claimed by the GCPS player GCPS and Marauder units may be taken
at the end of the game is worth 1 bonus VP on in the same force freely, without either of
top of any granted by the mission. them counting as Allies.
B – No Questions Asked In addition, Marauder units may benefit
GCPS commanders would prefer for their from Orders given by GCPS Commanders
troops not to know the whys and wherefores as normal. However, GCPS units may not
of war – blind obedience is far better! Gain benefit from Orders given by Marauder
1VP for every Order given that rolls more Commanders.
successes than required.
C – Easily Replaced

At the start of the game, the GCPS player

may secretly mark any Corporation Marine,
Corporation Recruit or Goran Auxiliary units
in the force of the player’s choice as ‘Meat
Shields’. These units are not considered to be
part of the force for the purposes of the Kill
Total for either player.
For example, say in a 2000 point game the
GCPS player has marked 400 points worth
of units as Meat Shields. The Meat Shield
units are worth nothing to the opponent if
destroyed, but the opponent’s kill percentage
will be based on a total force size of 1600
points, making the other kills more valuable.
However, the opponent won’t know this until
the end of the game!
In addition, Meat Shield units may not claim
Strategic Assets.


Corp. Marines (2-5 Teams) Marines are the backbone of corporate expansion.
Most large houses maintain a private army of them
SPD ACC Def res ner and there are numerous ‘independent security
5 4+ 4+ 4 2 Regular consultancies’, mercenary groups employed by
companies with a desire or need to outsource their
Marine Team Pts: 50 violence. Equipped with mass-produced but robust
armour and laser weaponry, there is no shortage of
Weapon R D AP Special either demand or supply for troops willing to work a
Laser Rifle 18” 6 - - contract in war zones throughout the universe.
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

Flamethrower Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any Marine team with a Flamethrower:
Special Rule: Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Flamethrower 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),

Grenade Launcher Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20

Upgrade any Marine team with a Grenade Launcher:
Weapon R D AP Special
Grenade Launcher 12” 2 - Blast (D3+1)

Marine Autocannon Team Pts: 65

Marines with Laser Rifles
Weapon R D AP Special
Autocannon 36” 4 1 Heavy Firepower,
Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

Marine Laser Cannon Team Pts: 75

Weapon R D AP Special
Laser Cannon 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3),
Heavy Firepower
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

Marine Missile Launcher Team Pts: 85

Weapon R D AP Special
Missile Launcher 6-32” 2 3 Blast (2D3+1),
Heavy Firepower
Assault Weaponry A 2 - Marine Autocannon Team

Marine Mortar Team Pts: 85

Weapon R D AP Special
Mortar 12-40” 4 - Blast (D6),
Heavy Firepower,
Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

0-1 Comms Trooper Equipment Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Communications Trooper:
Special Rule: Communications

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rule: Leadership
Marine Communications Marine with
Trooper Grenade Launcher

Corp. Veterans (2-5 Teams) Whether out of necessity or choice, many corporate
marines find ‘one short contract’ turning into a
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 4+ 4+ 4 2 Regular
much longer period as a professional or career
Infantry soldier. Veteran units may have seen years of service
Veteran Team Pts: 60 and it is from such squads many marine officers
Special Rules: Headstrong are drawn. After all, the reasoning goes, if you’ve
Weapon R D AP Special survived long enough as a marine to become a
Laser Rifle 18” 6 - -
veteran, you probably know a thing or two worth
listening to.
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

Flamethrower Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any Veteran team with a Flamethrower:
Special Rule: Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Flamethrower 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),

Grenade Launcher Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20

Upgrade any Veteran team with a Grenade Launcher:
Weapon R D AP Special
Grenade Launcher 12” 2 - Blast (D3+1)

Veteran Autocannon Team Pts: 75

Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Autocannon 36” 4 1 Heavy Firepower,
Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

Veteran Laser Cannon Team Pts: 85

Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Laser Cannon 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3),
Heavy Firepower
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

Veteran Missile Launcher Team Pts: 95

Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Missile Launcher 6-32” 2 3 Blast (2D3+1),
Heavy Firepower
Assault Weaponry A 2 -

Veteran Mortar Team Pts: 95

Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Mortar 12-40” 4 - Blast (D6),
Heavy Firepower, Life in the Corporation forces is hard –
Indirect, around 5% of a corporation’s military will
Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 2 - disappear in any given solar year. This is in
addition to combat losses and known events
0-1 Comms Trooper Equipment Upgrade Pts: 10 such as Containment Protocols, industrial
Upgrade any 1 team with a Communications Trooper:
disasters, corporate espionage and deserters.
Special Rule: Communications
Nobody has ever come up with a satisfactory
0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30 explanation as to what happens to these men
Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader: and women, though the odds are that it isn’t
Special Rule: Command , Leadership good.

Corp. Rangers (1-5 Teams) Corp. recruits (2-5 Teams)
Offering even greater rewards than a standard Some recruits to GCPS militaries find themselves the
marine contract, a position amongst a Ranger subjects of intensive drilling and training regimes,
squadron also carries a much higher degree of risk. designed and administered by veteran warriors
Equipped with grav-chutes and heavy laser rifles, intent on turning out the best soldiers in the galaxy.
Rangers will be dropped into the hottest combat These are the lucky ones. For others though, the
zones, often within enemy territory, and tasked with majority, ‘basic training’ might mean a few days
the most dangerous jobs. Many Ranger companies on a transport ship being shown which end of their
have adopted the motto ‘Rangers Go First’ and, weapon is the dangerous one and how to buckle up
whether this refers to their deployment into enemy their armour before being thrown out and into the
territory or making the journey home in a bodybag, meat-grinder of a hostile alien world. The GCPS
it is nearly always true. must expand to survive, no matter the cost.
SPD ACC Def res ner SPD ACC Def res ner
5 4+ 4+ 4 3 Regular 5 5+ 4+ 4 1 Regular
Infantry Infantry
Ranger Team Pts: 70 Recruit Team Pts: 25
Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Recon Special Rules: Expendable
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Laser Rifle 18” 6 1 - Laser Rifle 18” 6 - -
Assault Weaponry A 4 - - Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

Ranger Tank Hunter Team Pts: 100 0-1 Comms Trooper Equipment Upgrade Pts: 5
Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Fire in the Hole!, Upgrade any 1 team with a Communications Trooper:
Special Rule: Communications

Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Laser Rifle 18” 6 1 - 0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 5
Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Thermal Rifle 16” 1 5 Anti-Tank (D3+2)
Grenades & Mines A 6 5 Special Rule: Leadership

0-2 Ranger Sniper Team Pts: 80

Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Recon
Weapon R D AP Special
Sniper Rifle 36” 4 1 Heavy Firepower,
Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 4 - -

0-1 Comms Trooper Equipment Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Communications Trooper:
Special Rule: Communications

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rule: Leadership

Corporation Rangers Urban Assault Strider with enclosed cockpit

Corp. Strider Corp. Mule Transport
(Formation: 1-3) (Formation: 1-3)
Many corporation marine forces maintain large fleets The original design for the Mule transporter,
of armoured walkers for combating alien menaces developed by Trontek for its marine bases on the
simply too large for a standard human to handle. Phlegian moons, has been cut up, reworked, and
They may lack some of the ‘after-market’ features an put back together more times than Kraato Gon’s
Enforcer model might have under its hood, but there mechanites. Dozens of variants exist now, each
is also much more room in the cockpit for the pilot. adapted to their particular working environment,
Many pilots will name and paint their vehicle with and most are clones or shameless rip-offs of Trontek’s
pictures of sweethearts or customised unit insignia. frame. Marine Quartermasters will tell you the
Senior officers will turn a blind eye to all but the popularity of the Mule is its classic and rugged
most depraved slogans and pictures. After all, who is design. In truth though, corporate militaries use
going to argue with a marine in a twelve-foot killing them so much because, like the men and women
machine? they carry, they are cheap and easy to replace.

SPD ACC Def res ner SPD ACC Def res ner
6 4+ 7+ 4 3 10 4+ 7+ 3 2 Vehicle
Vehicle - Tank -
Strider Pts: 130 Mule with Autocannon Pts: 95
Special Rules: Escort, Open-Topped, Transport (2)
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Burst Laser 28” 6 2 Suppressive Fire (1) Autocannon 36” 4 1 Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 4 2 - Assault R 4 1 -

Urban Assault Strider Pts: 125 Mule with Laser Cannon Pts: 110
Special Rules: Fire in the Hole! Special Rules: Escort, Open-Topped, Transport (2)
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Flamethrower 12” 4 1 Blast (2D3), Laser Cannon 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3)
Assault R 4 1 -
Chainsaw A 6 3 Anti-Tank (D3)

Polaris Strider Pts: 150

Weapon R D AP Special
Polaris Cannon 48” 2 6 Anti-Tank (D6)
Assault Weaponry A 4 2 -

Polaris Strider Mule with Autocannon

Corp. TAD-65 Hornet SPD ACC Def res ner
Dropship 14 4+ 8+ 4 2 Vehicle
- Tank -
The TAD-65 Hornet is the workhorse of corporate TAD-65 with Rotary Cannon Pts: 145
deployments across the universe. A tri-copter Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Transport (3)
design, the Hornet carries two crew and has a
carrying capacity of fifteen marine personnel Weapon R D AP Special
or their equivalent. Standard armament of the Rotary Cannon 24” 6 1 Suppressive Fire (1)
Hornet is a forward-mounted rotary beam laser
TAD-65 with Laser Cannon Pts: 165
and is mainly intended to clear drop-zones for its Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Transport (3)
passengers. While an attack by one Hornet might
seem inconsequential, a whole squadron can deliver Weapon R D AP Special
enough firepower to dislodge even the most resistant Laser Cannon 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3)
TAD-65 with Missile Launcher Pts: 175
Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Transport (3)
Weapon R D AP Special
Missile Launcher 6-32” 2 3 Blast (2D3+1)

Smokescreen Grenades Equipment Upg. Pts: 20

Upgrade any Hornet with Smokescreen Grenades:
Special Rules: Smokescreen

Corp. Lancer Battle Tank SPD ACC Def res ner

The Lancer battle tank has, since its first deployment 9 4+ 9+ 5 3 Vehicle
- Tank -
against Asterian troops in the third war on Burstyn’s Lancer with Autocannon Pts: 220
World, become a mainstay of many large corporate
forces. Running on gravitic lifters, a licensed
Weapon R D AP Special
variation of Xian-Seng’s proprietary tech used in
Enforcer jetbikes, its excellent ground speed made Laser Rifle 18” 4 - -
it an effective counter to the rapid hit and run Heavy
Autocannon 12-36” 10 2 Suppressive Fire (2)
tactics Asterian Cyphers used while its high powered
Assault R 6 3 -
laser cannon proved quite capable of penetrating
force shields and destroying drones and armoured Lancer with Heavy Laser Cannon Pts: 200
transports. Since then the main weapon assembly
has been developed to replace the laser with an Weapon R D AP Special
autocannon, allowing the Lancer to also be used in
Laser Rifle 18” 4 - -
support of, and against, lightly armoured infantry
units. Laser Cannon 12-40” 2 6 Anti-Tank (2D3)
Assault R 6 3 -

t Corp. Orbital Commander
Corp. General Personnel Upgrade Pts: 75
The command and control systems available to Upgrade any Infantry unit with a General:
a marine Orbital Commander are nowhere near Special Rules: Command , Inspiring
as sophisticated or as fast as those of his or her
Enforcer counterpart. Thus they have less of a role Corp. Lieutenant Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30
in directing battlefield activity, but the ability to Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Lieutenant:
deliver a heavy weapons strike with comparable
Special Rules: Command , Leadership
if not equal accuracy is still a powerful one. The
position of Corporate OC should therefore be filled
Corp. Sharpshooter Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10
by an officer with considerable actual battlefield Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Sharpshooter:
experience. Corporate hierarchies being what they
are though, it is just as likely the OC is instead a Special Rules: Precision Fire Order
younger relative of someone really important.
Corp. Medic Personnel Upgrade Pts: 30
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Medic:
Orbital Commander Pts: 200
Special Rules: Medic

Special Rules: Command , Orbital Command Corp. Engineer Personnel Upgrade Pts: 20
Weapon R D AP Special Upgrade any Infantry unit with an Engineer:
Orbital Special Rules: Communications, Fire Control
Bombardment N/A 2 5 Area Effect,
Blast (4D3),
Limited (1),
Suppressive Fire (3)

t Major Loren Chard

Universal Upgrades
Major Loren Chard’s formative years were
The composition and scale of a GCPS army varies spent in various corporate marine outfits.
enormously, depending on the size and budget Indeed her first memory is of fighting against
of the controlling corporation. There are certain the alien pirates that had slaughtered her
commonalities maintained across much of the GCPS family and burned her home to the ground.
though in order to facilitate transfers of personnel Her wealth of experience has been earned in
and skills. Most marine units are organised into countless warzones and, as well as being a
platoons, led by either a sergeant or lieutenant. In fearsome fighter, Chard is more than happy
the field, their actions are coordinated by another to share her knowledge with other marine
senior officer, usually a major or captain. These warriors.
ranks in turn are directed by at least one general
who, as well as commanding their troops, must also
take responsibility for reporting back to the parent
Major Loren Chard Personnel Upgd. Pts: 90
company’s owners and shareholders. Upgrade any Marine, Recruit
or Veteran unit with Major Chard:
Special Rules: Command , Fortify Position Order, Trainer

Special Rule: Trainer

Major Chard has a wealth of experience

and uses it to her advantage when
training new recruits.
Any unit that contains Major Chard
improves its Accuracy value by 1. In
addition, all of the unit’s weapons have
the Tag special rule, as other units in
Major Loren Chard the force try to follow Chard’s lead.

The Marauders The near destruction of the GCPS sent shockwaves
across the stars, and whenever Marauders gather in
Even among a galaxy of aggressive races, the number every sentient race holds its breath. Today
conglomerate of species known as the Marauders the Marauders are nomadic, plying the galaxy
stand out in their ferocity and natural violence. as pirates and soldiers for hire. They are the best
mercenaries money can buy, and they know it.
Raised from single-planet barbarism by the Galactic Their services do not come cheap, but they do not
Co-Prosperity Sphere to be their perfect soldiers, the care who they work for; all that matters is the fight
Marauders turned on their masters in a rebellion so and the payoff.
stunning in its intensity that the GCPS was almost
destroyed. That is not to say they will not also fight for
themselves, and when every other species in
Only their usefulness as shock troops stopped their the galaxy will do everything it can to stop the
complete eradication, although it is a naïve or Marauders establishing their own civilisation, that
desperate civilisation that hires too many of them fighting can be brutal. And nobody does brutal as
at once. thoroughly as the Marauders.

Goran Auxiliaries Goran Stalkers
(2-6 Teams) (1-2 Teams)
The world of Gora is a fierce and dangerous place In the monsoon-wracked swamps and jungles of
to live and possesses numerous Orc tribes willing to Gora, Goran Stalkers serve their tribes as hunters,
send their warriors in support of Marauder units bringing down beasts like the powerful Gurrak and
throughout the galaxy. Some leave their home planet the cunning Meopard armed with only their bows
to win glory and honour for their tribes, others do and their wits. On the battlefields of the wider
it for the wealth and power a victorious campaign galaxy they serve as skirmishers and light assault
can bring. Although they are not as well trained or troops, distracting an enemy or keeping them
as well-equipped as the elite commandos they fight occupied while more powerful troops move into a
alongside, they are no less formidable. After all, killing position.
being hacked apart by a meter-long warblade leaves
you just as dead as being shot by a burst laser. SPD ACC Def res ner
5 3+ 3+ 4 2 Regular
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 4+ 3+ 4 2 Regular Goran Stalker Team Pts: 55
Infantry Special Rules: Recon
Goran Auxiliary Team Pts: 40 Weapon R D AP Special
Weapon R D AP Special Bows 16” 4 1 -
Assorted Firearms 16” 4 - - Assault Weaponry A 6 1 -
Assault Weaponry A 6 - -
Saboteur Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20
HMG Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15 Upgrade any team with sabotage equipment and
Upgrade any team with an HMG: explosives:

Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Saboteur, Fire in the Hole!

HMG 28” 3 1 - Weapon R D AP Special
Toxic Gas Grenades 6” 4 - Experimental,
Assault Equipment Upgrade Pts: 10 Stun
Upgrade any team with Ripper Talons:
0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 15
Weapon R D AP Special Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Ripper Talons A 4 2 -
Special Rule: Precision Fire Order, Leadership
Mawbeast Support Upgrade Pts: 15
Upgrade any team with a pair of Mawbeasts:
Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 6 1 Shredder

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rule: Leadership

Orc Commandos (1-4 Teams) Goblin Scouts (1-2 Teams)
Commandos are the frontline troops of most Orc Given the sheer number of predatory species on
armies and are as versatile as they are fearless. Gora, it is perhaps a surprise the ‘Goblin’ race has
Some may be old enough to remember the events survived at all, let alone thrived and established its
of the Mandrake wars but most will have been own niche alongside and throughout Orc society.
trained by veterans of the rebellion against the What the Goblins lack in size and brawn though
GCPS. Their weapons and armour might not meet they more than make up for with sharp senses and
the same specifications as a modern GCPS Marine’s keen minds. Goblin spies are hard to spot and excel
gear, but their readiness to fight and will to win are at reporting enemy troop movements while sniper
unmatched. units can be the equal of even Enforcers in accuracy
and kill-efficiency.
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 3+ 4+ 5 2 Regular SPD ACC Def res ner
6 4+ 3+ 2 2 Regular
Commando Team Pts: 70 Infantry
Special Rules: Headstrong Goblin Scout Team Pts: 45
Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Camouflage, Expendable, Recon
Rifles 18” 6 - - Weapon R D AP Special
Hrunkas A 6 1 - Sniper Rifles 30” 4 1 Heavy Firepower,
Suppressive Fire (1)
Pyro Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30 Assault Weaponry A 4 - -
Upgrade any team with a Flamethrower:
Special Rule: Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Flamethrower 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),
HMG Equipment Upgrade Pts: 15
Upgrade any team with an HMG:
Weapon R D AP Special
HMG 28” 3 1 -

Assault Equipment Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any team with Ripper Talons:
Goblin Scouts
Weapon R D AP Special
Ripper Talons A 4 2 -

Mawbeast Support Upgrade Pts: 15

Upgrade any team with a pair of Mawbeasts:
Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 6 1 Shredder

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 45

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
+1 Nerve Commando with HMG Commando Pyro
Special Rule: Command , Leadership

Commando Sergeant Commando with
Ripper Talons

Orc Commando
Skyscrapers (1-2 Teams)
Equipped with powerful jetpacks, Orc Skyscrapers
excel at high-altitude deployments. Dropping
directly onto enemy positions, the Skyscrapers use
speed to avoid being shot down, sowing terror and
destruction, before redeploying to wherever they
are needed the most. Despite the high risk factor -
not to mention the casualty rate - there is never a
shortage of volunteers looking to join these fearsome
SPD ACC Def res ner
6 3+ 4+ 5 2 Regular
Skyscraper Team Pts: 85
Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Anti-Grav, Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Rifles 18” 6 - -
Hrunkas A 6 1 -

Pyro Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any Skyscraper team with a Flamethrower:
Special Rule: Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Flamethrower 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),

Assault Equipment Upgd. Pts: 10

Upgrade any Skyscraper team with Ripper Talons:
Weapon R D AP Special
Ripper Talons A 4 2 -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 45

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
+1 Nerve
Special Rule: Command , Leadership

Hulk (Formation: 1-3)

‘Hulks’, or species GO-84 as they are labelled in
ETCU records, are genetically distinct from (though
closely related to) the more common Orcs of Gora.
Indeed it is supposed that their slower metabolism
and reduced reproductive rate are the only reasons
Hulks are not the dominant species of the two. The
largest Hulks approach three meters in height and
are deployed carrying the largest portable weapons
in a warband’s armoury.
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 4+ 6+ 4 3 Massive
Hulk Pts: 120

Weapon R D AP Special
Polaris Cannon 48” 2 6 Anti-Tank (D6)
Fists A 4 2 -

Orc Ripper Suits (1-5 Teams)
Once intended to allow GCPS armies to field units
of ‘super-soldiers’, R1-PR suits now allow a single
Orc to wield firepower that is often the equivalent of
other armies’ main battle tanks. A drawback of the
slightly mismatched spinal fuse technology - a result
of the premature termination of the Augmented
Orc Warfare program - is an innate instability that
may result in the wearer losing some cognitive and
control capacity with extended use. In essence, the
Orc wearing the suit may go ‘Gun Crazy’. Most
Commanders, and indeed pilots, however see this
as just another reason to place the Rippers at the
heart of any fight.
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 3+ 5+ 4 3 Large
Rainmaker Team Pts: 120
Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
v Rotary Cannon 24” 8 1 Suppressive Fire (1)
v H.E.W. Beam 48” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3)
v Rocket Launcher 32” 4 3 Blast (D3)
v Smog Grenades 16” 4 - Blast (D6+2),
Assault Weaponry A 4 1 -

Mauler Team Pts: 80

Special Rules: Headstrong
Weapon R D AP Special
Assorted Weaponry A 8 4 -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 35

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rule: Command , Leadership

Rainmaker Suit

Mauler Suit

Goblin Guntrack Marauder Raptor
(Formation: 1-3) The shock attack role of the first Orc troops employed
Orc Commandos have a natural tendency to charge by the GCPS necessitated the use and mastery of
headlong at an enemy, regardless of how much fire fast and lightly armoured vehicles. Though many
comes their way. Mobile artillery platforms have years have passed since Mandrake, many Orcs
therefore played an important role in supporting still find great utility in three- and four-wheeled
these units almost since the beginning of Gora’s ‘Raptor’ buggies, armed with explosive ordnance or
history with the GCPS. The ability to suppress an projectile weapons.
enemy gunline, keeping heads down even if not
SPD ACC Def res ner
doing much actual physical damage themselves, has 10 4+ 6+ 3 2 Vehicle
proved invaluable, giving assault units a chance to - Tank -
close and destroy enemies that by rights should have Raptor Pts: 90
gunned them down with ease.
SPD ACC Def res ner Weapon R D AP Special
6 4+ 5+ 3 2 Vehicle Missile Launcher 6-32” 2 3 Blast (2D3+1)
- Tank -
Assault R 4 1 -
H.E.W. Guntrack Pts: 70
Bull Raptor Pts: 75
Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Open Topped, Transport (2)
H.E.W Beam 12-48” 2 5 Anti-Tank (2D3)
Assault R 2 - -
Weapon R D AP Special
Mortar Guntrack Pts: 100 Assault R 4 1 -

Weapon R D AP Special
Stunt-Bot (Formation: 1-3)
Mortar 12-40” 4 - Blast (D6+2),
Indirect, The tech in Marauder walkers is relatively primitive
Suppressive Fire (2) compared to GR-series Striders but most come
Assault R 2 - - equipped with high-powered thermal weapons
or lethal close assault gear. This capacity for
destruction, and their high armour values, makes
piloting a Stuntbot a coveted job amongst Goblin
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 4+ 7+ 4 3
Stunt-Bot Pts: 150

Weapon R D AP Special
Thermal Cannon 32” 3 3 Blast (2D3)
Buzz-saw A 6 4 -

Mortar Guntrack

H.E.W. Guntrack Stunt-Bot

Universal Upgrades
Perhaps unsurprisingly and despite the passing Orcs are thought of by the average human as
of time, many Marauder armies still bear the big, bestial and scary, but ultimately dumb.
hallmarks of corporate training and strategies. Which goes to show that even when you’re
Many commando squads and Ripper units are led 75% correct about something, you can still
by a sergeant and there is a clearly defined command be fatally wrong. In fact, Orcs are on average
just as intelligent as humans, and share
structure all the way up to its leader. Here though
many of the same personality types and
the similarities can end. While some Orc armies are mental characteristics. Unfortunately, these
led by veteran ‘Captains’, some of whom may be are wrapped up in a body that is on average
more than two hundred years old and possessed of a larger, stronger and tougher than a human,
fierce and well-disciplined intellect, others are led by driven by a brain which calculates profit and
‘Warlords’. But, while these mercenary leaders may loss and the violence needed to balance them
have less experience than their older counterparts, in its favour. Fortunately, Orcs have little
they are no less impressive on the battlefield. interest in conquest – fighting is one thing,
but controlling what they have conquered
Commando Captain Personnel Upgrade Pts: 160
afterwards tends to bore them.
Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Captain:
Special Rules: Command , Tactical Genius Order

Mercenary Warlord Personnel Upgrade Pts: 85

Upgrade any Infantry unit with a Warlord:
Special Rules: Command , Inspiring, Leadership
Weapon R D AP Special
Ripper Talons A 4 4 Anti-Tank (D3)

Mercenary Warlord

Commando Captain

Marauder Raptor

The Plague Objectives
Plague have access to the following Secondary
The Plague is a lifeform unlike anything else in
Objectives on a roll of 61-66 on the chart.
existence, and older than anyone suspects. It
infects and consumes and mutates almost every A – Infection
living thing it touches, and turns what emerges
into its own soldiers. The widespread colonies of Every Infantry team destroyed in Assault by a
the GCPS have provided it with ample recruits unit with the Infection special rule adds 1VP
and its armies have grown with every new to the player’s score.
world that discovers one of the mysterious alien
B – Mindless Destruction
Artefacts that release the first dose of the Plague
mutagen. All Commanders in the force may use the
The policy of ‘containment’, of sealing the infected Sabotage Objective Specialised Order. For
away from the rest of the galaxy, was thought to every Strategic Asset they destroy, the Plague
have been successful and for a time, perhaps, it player gains 2VPs.
was. But there are too many Artefacts for all of c – Carnage
them to be isolated and too many outbreaks for
every one to be caught and sterilised. Some have For every turn in which at least 3 enemy units
gone entirely unnoticed. are destroyed in Assault, gain 1VP.
Today, fleets of Plague ships carry the infection
to new worlds, unleashing hordes of shambling
zombies and horrifying monsters all intent on
It is not only unclear exactly where the Plague
spreading their deadly legacy. They will not be
originated, but whether it is even a single
stopped and they cannot be deterred. What the
Plague cannot infect, it will destroy. The complete condition at all. Though various victims
subversion or destruction of every other living from different parts of the galaxy have been
thing in the galaxy is its only goal and it will not observed to share many characteristics, the
end until the entire galaxy is consumed by war. ferociousness with which the virus takes
hold regardless of local climate or conditions,
Orders and its apparent resistance to synthesised
antibodies and medicines suggest either a
The Plague have access to the following Orders
in addition to the standard ones. combination of conditions which work in
tandem or else something akin to intelligence
Level 1 - Transfixed by Fear in the way it adapts. The difficulty in studying
it is compounded by the GCPS’ insistence on
Use this Order when you Assault an enemy immediate quarantine of any planet where it
unit, before they make any charge reactions. is suspected, as much as by its own virulent
Add D3 suppression tokens to that unit before
nature. Those scientists who have tried have
any dice are rolled for the Assault. Unflinching
all wound up dead, either by the hand of the
units are not affected by this Order.
authorities or the Plague itself.
Level 2 – Thirst for Blood

Once the victims of the Plague have tasted

flesh, their hunger only grows. If a Plague unit
completely destroys an enemy unit in Assault,
you may use this Order to allow the follow-
up Move action to end by Assaulting a second
enemy unit. The enemy may react as normal.

Plague Special Rules troops.

Some Plague units may be subject to the Infection

following Special Rules.
This unit carries an active strain of the Plague
Explosive Payload virus, and will infect units that it comes into
contact with, potentially turning them into
The Plague virus instils strong destructive ready-made reinforcements. This rule allows
tendencies into its victims, and they revel the player to score extra VPs when using the
in total devastation. As such, a common Infection Secondary Objective.
tactic is to fill their vehicles with explosive
or flammable materials and then send them The rule has no effect against any Robotic or
straight into enemy lines to detonate. Instead Marauder units.
of transporting troops, you may use some
or all of a Vehicle’s Transport capacity for
explosives. A Vehicle carrying an Explosive This unit is so biologically unstable that it may
Payload will always explode when destroyed. explode in a shower of viscera. Whenever a
Each batch of explosives on board increases team with this rule is destroyed, it explodes
the blast radius by D3” (this may take it in the same way as a Vehicle, with a blast
beyond the 6” maximum), and adds 1 to the radius of 3”. The blast will only damage non-
number of hits inflicted. Plague units, but anything destroyed by it will
A Vehicle with this rule may spend a short be subject to the Infection rule as if they had
Action to detonate itself – assume that the been destroyed in Assault.
damage exceeded its Resilience by D3 for
the purposes of the initial blast radius. This
Vehicle may also be fired upon by friendly

3rd Gen 'Ghouls' (2-5 Teams)
When the Plague attacks a corporate outpost
or installation, the most fortunate victims are
the ones killed outright in the assault. Those that
are not, that are instead infected by the Plague,
find themselves transformed and remade. Their
souls and personalities are lost, subsumed to the
aims and ambitions of the Plague itself. These are
its foot soldiers, numerous and cheap, doomed
and expendable. Whether or not this is truly a
deterioration from their previous existence as Plague 3rd Gen 3rd Gen with
corporate drones is debatable. Unit Leader Grenade Launcher
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 5+ 4+ 4 2 Regular
3rd Gen Team Pts: 50
Weapon R D AP Special
Assorted Firearms 18” 4 - -
Assault Weaponry A 8 - -

Flamethrower Equipment Upgrade Pts: 30

Upgrade any team with a Flamethrower:
Plague 3rd Gen Plague-infected
Weapon R D AP Special With HMG Hound
Flamethrower 12” 2 1 Blast (2D3),

Grenade Launcher Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20

Upgrade any team with a Grenade Launcher:
Weapon R D AP Special
Grenade Launcher 12” 2 - Blast (D3+1)

0-2 HMG Equipment Upgrade Pts: 20

Upgrade up to 2 teams with an HMG:
Weapon R D AP Special
HMG 28” 3 - Suppressive Fire (1)

0-1 Mortar Equipment Upgrade Pts: 25

Upgrade any 1 team with a Mortar:
Plague 3rd Gen Mortar and Support
Weapon R D AP Special Crew
Mortar 12-40” 4 - Suppressive Fire (2),
Blast (D6),
Heavy Firepower,

Beast Support Upgrade Pts: 15

Upgrade any team with two Beasts:
Weapon R D AP Special
Dogs/Swarms A 6 1 -

0-1 Unit Leader Personnel Upgrade Pts: 10

Upgrade any 1 team with a Unit Leader:
Special Rule: Leadership

Plague Murderbirds

3rd Gen 'Zombies' (4-8 Teams) 1st Gen 'Aberration'
A Plague infection can rapidly spread throughout Exo-Threat Containment Unit studies place an
a population centre, converting or killing without Aberration high on the list of targets to be captured
any apparent prejudice or preference. Some victims alive for further study. In war, however, a soldier’s
will become Stage 3 forms, retaining a modicum of imperative is more likely to be to destroy them
intelligence alongside the savage destructiveness the as soon as possible. Simply put, Aberrations are
Plague imparts. Most, however, appear to lose even wrecking machines, able to put holes in tanks and
that last piece of their humanity and devolve into defensive lines with awesome speed and violence.
shambling wretches, a kind of cannibalistic ‘herd’, Allowing one to cross a battlefield alive could very
seemingly incapable of anything but the most basic well be the last mistake their enemy’s commander
motor functions - move, kill, and consume. makes.

SPD ACC Def res ner SPD ACC Def res ner
5 - 3+ 3 3 Regular 6 - 6+ 6 4 Massive
Infantry Infantry
Zombie Team Pts: 30 Aberration Pts: 175
Special Rules: Expendable, Unflinching Special Rules: Bulky, Expendable. Infection, Reckless
Advance, Unflinching
Weapon R D AP Special
Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 6 - -
Teeth & Claws A 12 4 -

Plague Zombies

‘Murderbirds’ (1-4 Teams)

Known by a variety of names, depending on the
nature of local fauna, flocks of infected flying
creatures are frequently reported as attacking the
uninfected. Larger Murderbirds, believed to be
2nd generation creatures, grow larger and become
aggressive pack hunters, while 3rd generation
flocks may number hundreds of smaller creatures
and act as ‘screens’ for other Plague forms. The
co-ordination in these attacks suggests a directing
intelligence, the existence of a controller or ‘master’.
Whether this master is a 1st Generation Plague
Lord or some other, as yet unidentified variant is as
yet unconfirmed.

SPD ACC Def res ner

10 - 3+ 5 1 Infantry
- Height 3 -
‘Murderbird’ Team Pts: 60
Special Rules: Aerial Deployment, Anti-Grav, Tenacious

Weapon R D AP Special
Beaks & Claws A 8 - -

2nd Gen ‘Leapers’ (1-3 Teams) Teratons (Formation: 1-3)
Second generation infected are a stunningly brutal Humans are not the only race susceptible
mix of power, speed, and aggression. Post-mortem to infection, but Teratons are a particularly
exams of specimens brought down in Containment threatening vector. How exactly the infection affects
Protocol enforcements have revealed a massive their brain chemistry is unclear - ETCU scientists
increase in muscle fibre density alongside the basic barely understand the changes wrought on human
increase in bulk making them disproportionately victims. But some native intelligence appears to
strong and explaining the ability of such a large have been retained as anecdotal records suggest
creature to ‘leap’ across a battlefield. Efforts are Plague Teratons exerting a leadership influence
currently underway to assay exactly how much over other infected. Regardless of their place in
native intelligence these creatures retain on Plague hierarchy, with their bulk and natural
mutation - they are savage and predatory fighters, armour further enhanced by the infection, Teratons
but appear to work well in a ‘pack’. are capable of inflicting massive damage as they
rampage across a battlefield.
SPD ACC Def res ner
7 - 5+ 4 3 Large SPD ACC Def res ner
5 - 7+ 3 4 Massive
Leaper Team Pts: 80 Infantry
Special Rules: Reckless Advance, Unflinching Plague Teraton Pts: 160
Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Command , Unflinching
Teeth & Claws A 8 1 - Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 4 3 -

2nd Gen Leaper

2nd Gen ‘Bursters’ (1-3 Teams)
Stage 2B Plague, colloquially known as ‘Bursters’,
are the main source of transmission of the Plague.
If allowed to close with an uninfected enemy they
will inject infectious material through spines in 2nd Gen Teraton
their limbs and torsos. Well-placed weapons fire can
cause the Bursters to literally explode before they
can do this, but the risk of infection for those caught
in the spray of ejected material, through wounds
or damaged armour, is still very real. Mechanical
targets are of course immune to infection, but a 2B
is still strong enough to tear them apart.

SPD ACC Def res ner

5 - 5+ 4 3 Large
Burster Team Pts: 90
Special Rules: Infection, Tenacious, Unflinching, Volatile
Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 6 1 -

2nd Gen Burster

Mule (Formation: 1-3) TAD-65 Hornet Dropship
Many variants and models of Mule transporters As the Plague spreads, it grows. Infected marines
have been subsumed into the armies of the Plague add their weaponry and machinery to the new army
during their incursions into human space. As well as as it marches across the universe and this includes
using them to transport mobs of howling infected to Hornets. Their pilots may not be quite as skilful as
battle, the Plague have a tendency to use the truck they were in their previous lives, not quite as sharp
itself as a weapon, literally ramming it into defensive or co-ordinated, and some of their craft bear the
formations, troops, and other vehicles. Their drivers scars and damage of previous engagements. But
may have been made more reckless and aggressive they keep on flying and they keep on fighting.
by infection, but they will often reinforce their
truck’s forward armour and sometimes add combat SPD ACC Def res ner

ploughs or rams to them before combat. 14 5+ 8+ 4 2 Vehicle

- Tank -
TAD-65 Hornet Dropship Pts: 140
SPD ACC Def res ner Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Transport (3)
10 5+ 7+ 3 2 Vehicle Weapon R D AP Special
- Tank -
Rotary Cannon 24” 6 1 Suppressive Fire (1)
Mule with Autocannon Pts: 110
Special Rules: Escort, Open Topped, Transport (2)
TAD-65 with Laser Cannon Pts: 160
Weapon R D AP Special Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Transport (3)
Autocannon 36” 4 1 Suppressive Fire (1) Weapon R D AP Special
Assault R 6 1 - Laser Cannon 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3)
Mule with Laser Cannon Pts: 100 TAD-65 with Missile Launcher Pts: 170
Special Rules: Escort, Open Topped, Transport (2) Special Rules: Anti-Grav, Transport (3)
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Laser Cannon 40” 2 5 Anti-Tank (D3) Missile Launcher 6-32” 2 3 Blast (2D3+1)
Assault R 6 1 -
0-3 Explosive Payloads Pts: 10
0-2 Explosive Payloads Pts: 5 Upgrade any Hornet with up to 3 Explosive Payloads:
Upgrade any Mule with up to 2 Explosive Payloads:
Special Rule: Explosive Payload
Special Rule: Explosive Payload

Plague Mule and Hornet artwork

Lancer Battle Tank
Plague Lancers often bear the scars of the assault
that left their crew infected - torn-open crew hatches
showing where something huge and horrible broke
into the vehicle, armour panels ripped off or rent
apart. Some are less obviously damaged, the slightly
erratic paths and tendency to try to ram enemy
vehicles rather than shoot them being the only
giveaways the crew are no longer completely in
control of themselves.
SPD ACC Def res ner
9 5+ 9+ 5 3 Vehicle
- Tank -
Lancer with Autocannon Pts: 220
Weapon R D AP Special
Laser Rifle 18” 4 - -
Urban Assault Strider
Autocannon 12-36” 10 2 Suppressive Fire (2)
Striders (Formation: 1-3) Assault R 6 3 -
Typical of observed Plague activity, the preferred
variant of Strider in use by Plague armies appears Lancer with Heavy Laser Cannon Pts: 185
to be the ‘Survivalist’ model with its emphasis on
close-quarters weaponry. A large bore flamer on Weapon R D AP Special
one arm is capable of short range fire and perfect for Laser Rifle 18” 4 - -
burning out troops taking cover within buildings. Heavy
More resilient constructions can be literally cut Laser Cannon 12-40” 2 6 Anti-Tank (2D3)
apart with the Strider’s gigantic chainsaw. Loss Assault R 6 3 -
of fuel for either weapon is no impediment - the
Strider’s bulk is often sufficient to simply smash
through any obstacle.
SPD ACC Def res ner
6 5+ 7+ 4 4
Plague Strider Pts: 125

Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Burst Laser 28” 6 2 Suppressive Fire (1)
Assault Weaponry A 4 2 -

Plague Urban Assault Strider Pts: 140

Special Rules: Fire in the Hole!
Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Flamethrower 12” 4 1 Blast (2D3),
Chainsaw A 6 3 Anti-Tank (D3)

Plague Polaris Strider Pts: 140

Weapon R D AP Special
Polaris Cannon 48” 2 6 Anti-Tank (D6)
Assault Weaponry A 4 2 -

1st Gen 'Plague Lord'
Analysis of data from early encounters with infected
armies seemed to indicate Stage 1 hosts were mere
brutes - undeniably powerful, with their mass at
least doubled and their entire bodies covered in
thick spiked armour, but lacking any intelligent
drive. The flood of data that has accompanied the
recent rise in Plague incursions casts doubt on
that theory. Many Enforcer commanders now refer
to these creatures as Plague Lords, a change in
terminology reflective of the belief these gargantuan
monsters have more control of themselves and the
armies rampaging ahead of them than previously
thought possible.

SPD ACC Def res ner

5 - 7+ 5 5 Massive
1st Gen 'Plague Lord' Pts: 260
Special Rules: Command , Infection, Inspiring,
Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 8 3 -

1st Gen Plague Lord

Universal Upgrades
The chaotic nature of a Plague army makes
determining their exact command and control
mechanisms difficult to establish. In hordes
dominated by groups of early-stage mutations
though, it seems the case that one Stage 1 will exert
its authority over all others, giving ‘orders’ through
vocal, pheromonal, and, possibly psychic cues.
There are also recorded instances of Plague armies
being made up almost entirely of latter-stage ‘3s’
and ‘3Zs’. In these cases witnesses claim to have
seen formerly respected corporate officers, some as
high as lieutenants, actively directing their infected
comrades into battle.

Plague Lieutenant Personnel Upgd. Pts: 40

Upgrade any unit with a Lieutenant:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership

t Subject 901

Stelson Wire might have been just one more

of the countless GCPS citizens infected and
mutated by the Plague during its rampage
across the galaxy, were he not plucked
from the surface of Feltzer’s Rest by a
secretive corporate research group. Wire
was implanted with a cybernetic harness,
designed to bring him under the group’s
control, yet was somehow able to break free.
All records of the experiments on Subject
901 are heavily guarded, but stories still
circulate of the crazed Leaper with the bio-
implants joining Plague armies across the
outer Spheres.

Subject 901 Personnel Upgrade Pts: 100

Upgrade any Infantry unit with Subject 901:
Special Rules: Command , Unflinching
Weapon R D AP Special
Teeth & Claws A 6 2 -

The Veer-myn Level 2 – Take Cover!

The Veer-myn have a preternaturally strong

Within the darkest and most hidden places there survival instinct. All Infantry units within
are secrets. Alongside the growth of the GCPS range of a single Commander that have not
and the expansion of the human race, a whole yet been activated may simultaneously make a
other alien civilisation has flourished. These are Move action into defensible terrain if possible.
the Veer-myn. This may not be used to engage the enemy.
This marks any participating unit as activated.
For the longest time they were content to stay
hidden. Their nests grew, only taking enough Objectives
from their hosts, the aliens that lived above their
The Veer-myn have access to the following
lairs and beside their tunnels, to survive, but Secondary Objectives on a roll of 61-66 on
rarely enough to cause inconvenience. That has the chart.
now changed.
A – Surprise Attack
The universe is changing and they, somehow,
know it. War is everywhere, danger is constant, Gain 1VP for every enemy unit destroyed by
but the Brood Mothers and Maligni of an a Reserve Veer-myn unit on the turn it arrives
uncountable number of nests and colonies on the board.
have not been idle. Their armies of brethren B – Loot the Wreckage
outnumber their enemies. Many powerful war
machines have been built too, repurposing and The scientists of the Maligni caste will make
enhancing the technology stolen from other good use of any enemy technology that
races, making it even more deadly if slightly less can be reclaimed after a battle. Any enemy
stable. Sometimes the efforts of the two have Vehicle that is destroyed but remains on the
been combined, creating monstrous creatures table becomes a Strategic Asset. Each of these
capable of tearing apart any foe with tooth and Vehicles claimed by the Veer-myn player at
claw and terrorising those that witness them. the end of the game is worth 1 bonus VP on
top of any granted by the mission.
The time for hiding is over. The time of scratching
c – Sabotage
an existence from the waste of other races too.
Now the time of the Veer-myn has come. The All Commanders in the force may use the
time for war. Sabotage Objective Specialised Order. For
every Strategic Asset they destroy, the Veer-
Orders myn player gains 2VPs.
The Veer-myn have access to the following
Orders in addition to the standard ones.
Level 1 - Swarm

All Nightcrawler units, regardless of armament,

within range of a single Commander may
be activated simultaneously if they haven’t
already. This marks all participating units
as activated. The units may only perform a
single action each (either long or short). If any
units Shoot or Assault the same enemy, this
must be declared before any dice are rolled,
and you must roll to damage with all units
before determining casualties. Targets shot by
multiple units will take a suppression token
for being hit by each unit.

veer-myn They may only do this if there is enough room
Special Rules to physically place them in contact with the
marker, without them entering within 1” of an
Some Veer-myn units may be subject to the enemy unit or defensible terrain piece.
following Special Rules.
Tunnel Runners Many rumours and theories abound about
the origin of the Veer-Myn, though the truth
Once a Veer-myn Tunneller has arrived on
the board using its Subterranean Deployment of any of them is impossible to verify.
rule, place a tunnel marker in the position
where it arrived. If you don’t have a tunnel Veer-Myn are not given to philosophising
marker, use a spare counter or model to mark on the nature of their existence. To them the
this point. question is not so much why they are here as
For the rest of the game, units with this rule where they can go next and whether there is
previously placed in Reserve may arrive enough food.
on the board from any tunnel marker as if
they had the Subterranean Deployment rule One thing is certain – they are unlikely
themselves, without rolling any Command to ever vanish from the galaxy. Physically
dice to do so. robust and tenacious, the similarities to rats
of old earth are more than aesthetic.

Nightcrawlers (1 Team)
Nightcrawlers, believed to represent one of the lower creepers
castes in a nest, are the rank and file troops of Veer- Creepers are the sneakiest members of a
myn armies. There are certainly lots of them - many Veer-myn nest, the best of their race at
battlefield commanders have reported being overrun finding secret, hidden ways and routes
by hordes of Nightcrawlers firing ray gun rifles through whatever terrain they inhabit,
and pistols, led by Maligni with bizarre chemical and then vandalising whatever they find.
weapons, when engaging a sizeable nest. They Carrying cutting gear and packages of
may appear to be incredibly brave, often charging infectious materials and unstable explosives,
headlong at superior firepower, but perhaps they Creepers can immobilise vehicles, disrupt
are simply more afraid of what is behind them. The communications gear, and spread disease
motivating power of a Brood Mother’s wrath should amongst personnel. Occasionally a Creeper
not be underestimated. squad will reveal itself, taking advantage
SPD ACC Def res ner
of the confusion their efforts have created
6 5+ 4+ 3 1 Regular to strike against an enemy with knives and
Infantry pistols. More often than not though, they will
Nightcrawler Team Pts: 30 simply skulk back to their own lines, or creep
Special Rules: Expendable off to find new targets to sabotage.
Weapon R D AP Special
Ray Gun 18” 8 - -
Teeth & Claws A 6 - -

Nightcrawler Stalker Team Pts: 30

Special Rules: Expendable
Weapon R D AP Special
Ray Pistol 10” 8 - -
Teeth & Claws A 10 - -

Malignus Heavy Ray Gun Personnel Upg. Pts: 15

Upgrade any Nightcrawler team with a Malignus Nightcrawlers with Ray Guns
with Heavy Ray Gun:
Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Ray Gun 32” 3 4 Experimental

Malignus Chem-Thrower Personnel Upg. Pts: 20

Upgrade any Nightcrawler team with a Malignus
with Chem-Thrower:
Weapon R D AP Special
Chem-Thrower 18” 2 2 Blast (2D3),

Nightcrawler Creeper Team Pts: 50 Nightcrawler Stalkers

Special Rules: Fire in the Hole!, Reckless Advance,
Weapon R D AP Special
Ray Pistol 8” 10 - -
Teeth & Claws A 4 - -
Explosives A 4 4 Anti-Tank (2)

Nightcrawler Creepers

Maligni (1 Team) Nightmares (1-3 Teams)
Veer-myn communication, although apparently For many races, the rat-like appearance of the Veer-
backwards and limited to human ears, is often myn provokes some very primal responses. Disgust
nuanced and subtle relying as much on scent and and hatred are, of course, common. But fear is a
ultrasonic screeches as on spoken words. This strong emotion too, something the Maligni do
emphasis on scent is carried over into the Chem- indeed appreciate. Hence the creation of Nightmares
Spitter devices Maligni carry into battle. The - bigger, stronger, even more ferocious Veer-myn
throwers fire packets of a caustic chemical soup with soldiers, carrying the heaviest Chem-throwers their
somewhat limited range but great effect against Malignus can give them. These are Veer-myn set to
enemy targets. The chemical mix also includes tasks and missions requiring more brawn and more
scent pheromones, indicating the Malignus and brain than simply charging forwards. Nightmares
nest responsible for its creation, thus marking both are sent to terrorise the enemy while they are being
territory and targets as being ‘owned’ by the firer. torn apart.
SPD ACC Def res ner SPD ACC Def res ner
6 4+ 4+ 4 2 Regular 5 5+ 5+ 4 2 Large
Infantry Infantry
Maligni Team Pts: 65 Nightmare Team Pts: 65

Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special

Chem-Spitter 12” 4 1 Blast (D3) Chem-Thrower 16” 4 2 -
Combat Drill A 6 1 Shredder Combat Drill A 6 3 Shredder

Heavy Ray Guns Equipment Upgrade Pts: 25 Nightmare Shredder Team Pts: 65
Upgrade any team with two Heavy Ray Guns:
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Heavy Ray Gun 32” 6 4 Experimental Twin Combat Drills A 10 3 Shredder
Chem-Throwers Equipment Upgrade Pts: 40 Nightmare Chem-Thrower Team Pts: 100
Upgrade any team with two Chem-Throwers:
Weapon R D AP Special Weapon R D AP Special
Chem-Thrower 18” 4 2 Blast (2D3), Chem-Thrower 16” 2 2 -
Combat Drill A 3 3 Shredder
Chem-Thrower 18” 3 3 Blast (3D3),

Nightmare Ravager Team Pts: 70

Weapon R D AP Special
Chem-Thrower 16” 2 2 -
Combat Drill A 3 3 Shredder
Combat Drill A 2 4 Anti-Tank (D3+1),
Veer-Myn Maligni

Veer-Myn Nightmare Nightmare Ravager Heavy Chem-Thrower

Night Terrors (1 Team) SPD ACC Def res ner

The Maligni of many nests do not restrict 7 5+ 5+ 4 4 Massive

their tinkering and experimentation to purely
Terror with Reaper Harness Pts: 90
mechanical or chemical pursuits. Night Terror Special Rules: Expendable, Unflinching, Unseen Terror
corpses have revealed DNA strands almost identical
to those of ‘normal’ Veer-myn subjects, but their Weapon R D AP Special
physiology is much changed, being larger and even Scythes A 10 2 -
more bestial. They can still be just as stealthy as
Terror with Acid-Sprayer Pts: 120
their smaller brethren - many corporate units have Special Rules: Expendable, Unflinching, Unseen Terror
been annihilated by a Terror that suddenly sprang
unheralded from a mob of Nightcrawlers or burnt Weapon R D AP Special
alive in their positions by the gouts of acid from a Chem-Sprayer 12” 4 2 Area Effect,
back-mounted Sprayer. Blast (2D3),
Teeth & Claws A 8 1 -

Special Rule: Unseen


Night Terrors are barely controllable,

especially when they see something
representing a threat, or a meal! The
Veer-myn do their best to keep the
Terror out of sight of the enemy until
the last minute, when it is unleashed.
Night Terrors cannot be targeted by
Shooting attacks while there are at least
3 Nightcrawler units within 6” of it,
representing the Nightcrawlers keeping
it hidden within their ranks. It does not
block line of sight – it is considered to
simply not be on the table for targeting
In addition, the Veer-myn player
needs these troops to keep control of
the Terror. At the beginning of each
of the Terror’s Activations where there
are less than 3 Nightcrawler units
within 6”, roll a die. On a 1-2 the Terror
will be uncontrollable. It must use
its Activation to move as directly as
possible towards the nearest other unit,
friend or foe, and engage it in Assault.

Tunnel Runners
(Formation: 1-3)
Lured into Maligni workshops by the exciting
sounds of large and barely controlled engines
revving up to high speeds, and their brains
subsequently rotted by the fuel-tank fumes leaking
from those same machines, the riders of Veer-myn
Tunnel Runners have even less regard for personal
safety than is typical for their race. After speeding
along the passages and tunnels of the nest, Tunnel
Runners will burst into the open, spraying chemical
fire at the enemy and running down anyone not fast
enough to get out of their way.
SPD ACC Def res ner
10 4+ 6+ 3 2 Massive
Tunnel Runner Pts: 100
Special Rules: Bulky, Tunnel Runners
Tunnel Runner Weapon R D AP Special
Chem-Spitters 12” 4 1 Blast (D3)
Wheel A 6 1 -

Rumbler Weapon
Platforms (Formation: 1-3)
Although they are disdaining and distrustful of
many of the alien races they encounter, the Maligni
are not above ‘borrowing’ tech they find particularly
useful or intriguing. Lasers in particular seem to
catch the attention of many Veer-myn. It could be
something to do with their wider perception of the
visual spectrum, or perhaps they just like to watch
things burn. Whatever the case, the heaviest and
most dangerous radioactive laser weapons and the
most potent Throwers in a nest will be mounted on
Rumbler with Super Heavy Chem-Thrower simply if more or less reliably constructed motorised
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 4+ 6+ 3 2 Vehicle
- Tank -
Thrower Weapon Platform Pts: 120
Weapon R D AP Special
Chem-Thrower 24” 4 3 Area Effect,
Blast (3D3),
Assault R 4 - -

Laser Weapon Platform Pts: 80

Weapon R D AP Special
Ray Gun 40” 6 6 Experimental
Rumbler with Super Heavy Ray Gun Assault R 4 - -

Built by Maligni from pilfered and repurposed Special Rule: Pheromone
mining machinery, the basic Tunneller is made to Trail
enlarge a nest’s living space but is equally good at
undermining enemy positions. Often the first an The chemical tank mounted onto the
enemy will know of the presence of a Tunneller back of the Tunneller emits a scent
is when a unit disappears, swallowed up by a that can be detected by all Veer-myn in
sinkhole that suddenly opens beneath them.
Perhaps more worrying are larger Tunnellers,
the brood, allowing them to follow the
complete with transport compartments filled to vehicle through the tunnel network.
bursting with a mass of Veer-myn bodies or heavy This bestows the Tunnel Runners rule
chemical weapons, surfacing behind battle lines and
fortifications without warning. upon any Infantry units kept in Reserve.
SPD ACC Def res ner
Special Rule: Rock
7 5+ 8+ 4 3 Vehicle Corroder
- Tank -
Tunneller Transport Pts: 170 This Tunneller coats its drill bits in
Special Rules: Transport (2), Subterranean Deployment corrosive chemicals, which eat away
Weapon R D AP Special at the earth as the Tunneller moves
Drill Head R 8 4 Shredder forward.
When you use the Tunneller’s
Subterranean Deployment rule to
Tunneller Weapons Platform
with Chem-Sprayer Pts: 210 enter the table with a Reserves Order,
Special Rules: Subterranean Deployment this Tunneller may re-roll one of the
Command dice. In addition, the AP of
Weapon R D AP Special the unit’s Drill Head is increased to 5.
Chem-Sprayer 12” 4 3 Area Effect,
Blast (2D3),
Drill Head R 8 4 Shredder

Tunneller Weapons Platform

Super-Heavy Ray Gun Pts: 210
Special Rules: Subterranean Deployment

Weapon R D AP Special
Ray Gun 40” 6 6 Experimental
Drill Head R 8 4 Shredder

0-2 Additional Transport Sections Pts: 30

Upgrade any Tunneller with up to two additional sections:
Special Rule: Transport (2) – cumulative

Pheromone Trail Pts: 40

Upgrade any Tunneller with a Pheromone Trail:
Special Rule: Pheromone Trail

Rock Corroder Pts: 15

Upgrade any Tunneller with a Rock Corroder:
Special Rule: Rock Corroder

Tunneller with additional transport section

t Tangle
The birth of a Tangle to a Veer-myn nest can be a Special Rule:
blessing or a curse. Revered by the Maligni almost Prophet
as much as the Brood Mother, Tangles possess a
The Tangle is revered in Veer-myn society
rudimentary psychic power and their presence
for its shamanic powers. It bestows its
on a battlefield can whip up their brethren into
visions upon the others in its brood, and
an unstoppable fury. Bordering on madness,
leads them through the galaxy toward
Nightcrawlers and the like will either sweep their
some unknown goal. GCPS reports
enemies aside in a rabid frenzy or simply charge
of Veer-myn escaping a ship shortly
headlong to their dooms. The effect can be even
worse if it is the minds of the nest’s enemies the
before it suffers an unfortunate disaster
Tangle breaks into.
are attributed to the premonitions of a
Tangle within the brood.
SPD ACC Def res ner
5 - 4+ 4 3 Regular
While the Tangle is not a Commander
Infantry as such, it can use its premonitions to
Tangle Pts: 200 direct its brood towards the events
Special Rules: Bulky, Inspiring, Prophet, Protection they were fated to witness. At the
beginning of each turn the Tangle will
Weapon R D AP Special generate 2 Command dice. These dice
Malignus may only be used by the Tangle itself,
Bodyguard A 4 1 - and the Tangle may not use the regular
Command pool. The dice may be used
to issue Orders of any level. The Tangle
is considered to have a Command value
of  for any rules that require it, such
as the Call to Arms Order. If the dice
are not used by the end of the turn, they
are discarded.
New Order - Level 2 -

The Tangle imparts one of its visions

into the minds of an opponent’s unit,
distracting it from the task at hand.
This Order may only be given by a
The Tangle imparts one of its visions
into the minds of an opponent’s unit,
Veer-Myn Tangle
distracting it from the task at hand.
If the Order is successful, choose an
unengaged, unactivated enemy Infantry
unit within range. Roll a single D6 and
compare it to the unit’s Nerve stat. If
the result on the die is greater than the
unit’s Nerve, the Veer-myn player may
make a single Move action with the unit
(which may not end in contact with an
enemy), add a suppression token to it,
and then mark it as activated.
This counts as the Veer-myn player’s

Universal Upgrades
The absolute authority of a Brood Mother extends t Hacker Halftail
to the battlefield. The fanatic loyalty displayed to Exiled from his own nest after the destruction
her by the gangs of Veer-myn around her borders on of its home ship in an unexplained reactor
the religious - indeed it is believed many Veer-myn meltdown, the Veer-myn Creeper Hacker
do worship the Tangles that sometimes accompany Halftail has found numerous homes amongst
other Veer-myn colonies. His shame is there
them to war. Exposure of the Brood Mother herself
for all to see, signified as it is by the loss of half
comes with no small amount of risk though and
of his tail. But his expertise in sowing chaos
much power will be delegated to her band of Maligni. and committing sabotage are unrivalled and
Some will lead individual gangs, some control the there is always a need for his skills somewhere
nest’s war machines and beasts. Occasionally a sole in the galaxy.
Malignus, often a Progenitor, will have command of
the entire brood.
Hacker Halftail Personnel Upgrade Pts: 100
Brood Mother Personnel Upgrade Pts: 150 Upgrade any Creeper team with Hacker Halftail:
Upgrade any Infantry team with a Brood Mother: +1 Nerve
+1 Nerve Special Rules: Command , Sabotage Objective Order,
Special Rules: Command , Inspiring, Protection Disruption, Recon

Progenitor Personnel Upgrade Pts: 40

Upgrade any Infantry team with a Progenitor:
Special Rules: Command , Leadership Special Rule: Disruption

Master Creeper Personnel Upgrade Pts: 50 This unit gains access to a new type of
Upgrade any Creeper team with a Master Creeper: long action: Disrupt. This action may
Special Rules: Command , Sabotage Objective Order, Recon be used against any enemy unit within
12”. Roll a die.
1. No effect.
2. Remove one of the following
special rules of the Disrupting player’s
choice from the unit and its weapons
until the end of the Turn – Anti-Grav,
Communications, Independent Target
Matrix, Shield (X), Tag.
3. As above, plus add a Suppression
Token to the unit.
4. As above, plus add a second
Progenitor Suppression Token to the unit.
5. As above, plus pick one of the unit’s
ranged weapons – it cannot fire this
6. As above, plus mark the unit as

Hacker Halftail

Within his suit of Anttikk armour Krakun was growling. The fighting had been going for hours now - his
Hailstorm cannon’s ammunition had been recycled and replaced three times already and warning lights
were beginning to illuminate from the couplings on his hammer. Nevertheless, there was no shortage of
vermin to crush so he kept on fighting.
He was near the centre of the line, blocking the gaps between a line of piled rubble and earthworks with
his bulk and annihilating anything stupid enough to charge him. On each side Steel Warriors and Forge
Guard added their fire to his.
Veer-myn streamed out of the buildings before him, a living carpet of screeching, squalling bodies racing
across the blood-soaked ground, and across the bodies of their brethren Krakun and his clan had already
dispatched that day. They were a rabble, nipping and scratching at each other as they swarmed from
broken windows and shattered doorways, from cracks between buildings and craters in the ground.
Their nest was beneath the streets, a festering labyrinth of sewers and tunnels. Krakun knew they would
burn them clean as soon as the right gear was in place, but until then they would hold the line here,
keeping the Veer-myn trapped.
His cannon spat out solid fist-sized rounds at supersonic speed, chewing through the charging line of
fur and flesh. Each impact dropped a Veer-myn warrior, ripped off a limb or pulped a skull, and many
of his shots retained enough velocity to take out the one behind as well. Dozens of them were killed and
maimed in seconds, but still they charged on, sheer weight of numbers carrying them across the broken
and littered ground to the dwarven lines.
Krakun disengaged his cannon and shunted power across to his hammer. He stepped forward into the
throng of Veer-myn bodies and swept the weapon to and fro, its mass and the thermal emitters in its
head making it a deadly wrecking ball, pulverising Veer-myn into sprays of steaming yellow blood with
each pass.
It was dirty work. He could feel blood and shattered bones splash across his armour and he chose to
ignore the smell. But, he was moving forwards, and as he stomped his foot down on the spine of a
crippled Veer-myn trying to crawl away, he heard a satisfyingly pitiful squeak.
Then, too late, he realised his mistake.
A rumbling vibration he could feel in his spine intensified and suddenly he was falling, the ground
giving way beneath his feet and opening up like a black mouth, swallowing him whole.
A Tunneller vehicle had worked its way beneath him, excavating a fifteen-foot deep chamber while
the ones on the surface drew him out of the line, his Antikk’s weight further weakening the ground he
walked on.
At the bottom of the pit he pushed himself to his feet, more warning signs flashing red across his vision
as he did. This time, he was the one who had been trapped.




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