Bw10brochure PDF
Bw10brochure PDF
Bw10brochure PDF
BibleWorks 10 TM
New version!
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The Premier Software To
Exegesis of the
Preparing a sermon? Writing a
seminary paper? Analyzing the
biblical text morphologically?
BibleWorks exists to provide pastors, teachers,
students, and missionaries with the tools they
need to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2
Timothy 2:15). We strive to serve the church and
provide a complete package containing the tools
most essential for the task of interpreting the
Scriptures in the original Greek and Hebrew.
Other software may try to provide collections
that include thousands of titles. But what sets
BibleWorks apart is our focus on the biblical
text – it has everything you need for close
exegesis. BibleWorks’ tight integration of both
texts and tools gives users unmatched search and
analysis capabilities. Best of all, BibleWorks is
economically priced.
Instant Information
Quickly view and compare multiple
Bible versions in parallel. Get instant
word details simply by moving the
mouse cursor over a word – complete
lemmatization, parsing, and definition
for Greek NT, LXX, and Hebrew
OT words. See related lexical and
grammatical references for a word or
verse, cross references, personal notes,
critical apparatus sections, context
related words, and more!
Easy To Learn
If this kind of program is new to you, there are hours of
task-oriented “how-to” videos, covering both basic and
advanced features of the program. BibleWorks comes
with an extensive electronic manual as well.
Hardly a day goes by where I do not open BibleWorks,
whether it’s to help me work on a lecture, write a book, prepare
a sermon, or simply grow in my relationship with God. … The
value of what you get in the base package is simply without
parallel in the world of Bible software.
Matthew S. Harmon
Professor of New Testament Studies
Grace College & Theological Seminar
If you are serious about your interaction with the text of
Scripture, I’d urge you to get BibleWorks. And if your pastor
doesn’t already have it, give him a gift which will be a blessing
to your congregation as well. He’ll thank you, and you’ll reap
the benefits as well.
Dan Phillips
Pastor, author, blogger, conference speaker
BibleWorks 10
now available