18 429
3 authors:
Leo Veldhuis
Delft University of Technology
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
AGILE - Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Imco van Gent on 26 June 2017.
This paper proposes a novel methodology and its software implementation, called KAD-
MOS (Knowledge- and graph-based Agile Design for Multidisciplinary Optimization Sys-
tem), which aims at increasing the agility of aircraft design teams that perform collaborative
multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization (MDAO) by means of graph manipula-
tion techniques. By agility, the ease and flexibility to assemble, adapt and adjust MDAO
computational systems is intended here, as necessary to better fit the iterative nature of
the aircraft design process. KADMOS has been developed on the notion that a formal
specification of an MDAO system is required before its actual implementation, especially
to be able to compose large and complex systems in multidisciplinary design teams. This
specification system is under development as part of the EU project AGILE where a new
generation of aircraft MDAO systems is investigated to support collaboration of heteroge-
neous teams of experts. KADMOS improves the agility of the design team in three ways:
1) reducing the set-up time required to compose large and complex MDAO models, 2)
enabling the systematic inspection and debugging of this model, and 3) manipulating the
model for automated creation and reconfiguration of optimization strategies, including the
accompanying executable workflow. This is achieved by means of a graph-based analysis
system that combines different existing advantageous techniques for performing MDAO,
such as the use of a single shared data schema containing a parametric representation of the
aircraft, knowledge-based technologies, and simulation workflow (SWF) software packages.
Two MDAO case studies will be presented in the paper. The first case study is based on
a simple analytical problem, generally used in literature for MDAO benchmarking studies.
The second case study concerns a detailed wing aerostructure design using a collection of
wing design tools. While the simple and compact analytical problem is used in this pa-
per to demonstrate the functionalities of the tool, the wing design case demonstrates the
capability of KADMOS to support quick formulation, (re)configuration, and execution of
MDAO workflows using distributed and heterogeneous sets of analysis tools.
I. Introduction
Past research indicates that MDAO can offer huge benefits in creative design. Boeing Phantom Works
scientists1, 2 estimate that MDAO can offer 8-10% performance gains for innovative aircraft design and
even 40-50% gains for designing radically new and undeveloped concepts in the traditional measures of
performance, such as range, speed, payload capacity.3 Despite the high potential gains, MDAO is not
as widely used as one would expect. Both technical and non-technical barriers4–7 are hampering its full
exploitation, as discussed below in this section.
To get a better understanding of the current MDAO challenges it is convenient to refer to Figure 1,
where the different parts of the MDAO-based development process and their relation are illustrated. The
development process in this figure can be roughly cut in two parts. On the left side one has the formulation
phase where the MDAO problem is defined (or provided) and a formal (not executable) model of the MDAO
∗ Ph.D. Student, Flight Performance and Propulsion Section, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, AIAA student member.
† Assistant Professor, Flight Performance and Propulsion Section, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, AIAA member.
‡ Full Professor, Head of Flight Performance and Propulsion Section, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, AIAA Member.
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system is generated: the formal specification. This specification is the blueprint of the executable workflow,
which is integrated and executed during the execution phase of the MDAO-based development process (right
part of Figure 1) to find the actual optimal design. Hence, the formal specification of the MDAO model
generated in the formulation phase constitutes the neutral representation of the MDAO system, which needs
to be translated into a software-specific execution, as is indicated with the simulation workflow (SWF)
definition block in the figure.
In a realistic design case the optimization is generally performed more than once, because the analysis of
the design that is found after a certain run will provide new insights. These insights will be translated to an
adjustment of the MDAO problem formulation (e.g. change of objective, addition of constraints, etc.) and
a reconfiguration of the MDAO process (e.g. addition, removal, replacement of analysis tools, or change of
optimization strategy). This process of problem adjustment and process reconfiguration is iterated until a
satisfactory design is found (or the project deadline has been reached).
Tool repo /
translator to
strategy for
architectures translators
Figure 1: Overview of MDAO terminology for the MDAO-based development process used in this paper.
The process can be divided in two phases: formulation (left) and execution (right). The domain of KADMOS
within the development process is indicated by the red box.
One of the most critical technical barriers for MDAO comes from the large (and continuously increasing)
size of typical MDAO problems. In the words of Pate et al.8 the formulation of these problems has become
increasingly complex as the number of analysis tools and design variables included in typical studies has
grown. In this context the problem of determining a feasible data flow between tools to produce a specified
set of system-level outputs is combinatorially challenging. Especially when complex and high fidelity tools
need to be included, the cost and time requirements to integrate the MDAO system can easily approach
the cost and time requirements of creating any of the discipline analyses themselves. A survey9 of MDAO-
oriented research projects, performed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and in a European context,
has shown that 60-80% of the project time was used to integrate the numerous tools and set up a first
executable data flow for a required set of system-level outputs.
This integration challenge hinders the exploitation of new tools and the reuse of existing tools, as for every
MDAO problem the tools have to be refitted for a new MDAO workflow. On a higher level the different tools
have to be implemented using one of the available MDAO architectures,10 such as Multidisciplinary Feasible
(MDF) or Individual Discipline Feasible (IDF). The architecture selection has to be done in an early stage
and it is not easy to adjust the architecture once the SWF has been created (a notable exception being an
implementation in OpenMDAO11 ), although a different architecture might provide benefits in computation
time. Thus, both on the tool level and the architecture level the MDAO-based development process is not
agile enough yet.
A less technical, rather organizational barrier stems from the fact that the current aircraft conceptual and
preliminary design practice at major commercial aircraft developers is geared towards the use of empirical
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models based on tube-and-wing (TAW) jetliners. In addition, the organizations are also set up based on the
developments of past TAW configurations of the previous decades. A major strength of the TAW configu-
ration is that it allows a relatively strong decoupling of different disciplines (aerodynamics, structures, etc.)
and different systems (wing, fuselage, tail, engines). Naturally, collaboration between different disciplines is
required to have a balanced and robust design with the right system couplings, however, this collaboration is
not at the same level as the disciplinary collaboration that is required to perform MDAO. Hence, there is a
big difference in the required level of formal specification between performing ‘manual’ design optimization
and ‘automatic’ design optimization.
One can conclude from both the current design practice and the observations by Pate et al.8 that
implementation of a large MDAO model in a practical design situation is problematic. If used at all, most
MDAO workflows are generally tailor-made to their application, difficult to reconfigure, and not created
using an adequately standardized system and methodology.
This lack of agility versus the potential benefits of the MDAO method with respect to existing design
methods is effectively summarized in Figure 2. Flager and Haymaker12 have performed research into the
design process metrics of both a legacy (current) design method and an MDAO-based process for the design
of a hypersonic vehicle by Boeing.1, 2 The main hurdle indicated in Figure 2 is the long set-up time of the
MDAO workflow (14 weeks) compared to the set-up time for the legacy method (6 weeks). The potential
of the MDAO-based process is also clear: once the set-up of the MDAO workflow is complete an enormous
amount of iterations can be performed compared to the legacy method. Furthermore, the MDAO-based
process enforces the whole team to spend more time on Specification and Reasoning (see legend of Figure 2
for a definition of both terms) while less time is spent on Execution and Management, however, these benefits
come with an additional risk as well: in the MDAO design process the Specification phase is longer and this
postpones the moment that one obtains the first results.
This longer specification time is caused by the fact that the MDAO system requires a more formal
specification; to automate the system of disciplinary analyses the connections between those analyses have
to be defined down to the smallest detail before a functioning system can be implemented. In industrial
design situations, where deadlines are strict and risks need to be minimized, the risky postponement of the
first results in combination with the time-consuming formal specification forms a major hurdle. Therefore,
the focus of the system development presented in this paper is on the formulation phase. The goal is to
enable the formal specification of any MDAO problem and process and to include an automated connection
to an executable workflow using SWF software packagesa .
Figure 2: Comparison of legacy and MDAO design process metrics for the design of a hypersonic vehicle12
The formal specification can be further clarified by considering a well-known analogy to the performance
of MDAO, which was introduced by Cramer:7 symphonic orchestras. Just like with MDAO, a symphonic
a The SWF software packages used in the AGILE project are provided by two different partners: RCE by the German
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orchestra attempts to provide a music performance (optimal design) by combining a lot of different musicians
(disciplines) using vastly different instruments (disciplinary tools). Usually, the instruments are “integrated”
by a composer (head designer) while the balancing of all musicians is left to the conductor (optimizer). In
this analogy, a key component for music performance in large groups is still missing. Symphonic orchestras
can play very long, complex pieces thanks to a key system in place: music notation. Musical score provides
the formal specification of the symphonies played by orchestras. Clearly, without a proper music notation
system, performing large, complex pieces would be near to impossible. The same holds for large, complex
MDAO problems. If we try to formulate and solve these MDAO problems without a central notation system,
then it is like we try to compose and conduct an orchestra without being allowed to use sheet music.
It is exactly this lack of formal specification in combination with the opportunities it offers to formalize
large, complex MDAO systems that motivated the development of KADMOS, the novel graph-based system
for agile configuration and execution of MDAO frameworks presented in this paper. KADMOS aims at
providing a system composition tool for these MDAO systems, thereby facilitating the formal specification
of the automated design process required for MDAO-based developments. Quantitatively, KADMOS has
reached its goal when the set-up time for an MDAO workflow is reduced significantly, however (and maybe
even more importantly), the goal is especially reached when an MDAO support system is created that
provides enough confidence to perform MDAO-based design in large, heterogeneous teams of experts.
II. Methodology
KADMOS is part of the bigger framework developments in MDAO that is taking place within the EU
project AGILEb . In this project a new generation of aircraft MDAO systems is investigated to support
collaboration of heterogeneous teams of experts. This heterogeneity of the design team is a key assumption
in the methodology. Indeed, based on the vast experience of the consortium members, it is acknowledged
that no complex MDAO model can be fully integrated or understood by a single person or small team,
but only by an heterogeneous team of experts, including discipline specialists, aircraft designers, and MDO
system architects.
The focus of the work presented in this paper is on the formalize and manipulate requirements of the
system and how KADMOS uses graphs to enable this. The inspection requirement is closely related to the
visualization of large MDAO systems, which is the topic of another paper.13 A simple mathematical problem
is used to explain the technical functionalities (Section IV.1), while an aerostructural wing design problem
b AGILE project website:
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(Section IV.2) is used to showcase the capability of KADMOS to deal with a complex MDAO system of
industrial relevance.
2. Knowledge-based technologies
The second element used by KADMOS are so called knowledge-based technologies,18 in particular techniques
for knowledge capture and formalization. These knowledge-based technologies form the starting point of
KADMOS, as the system operates on a knowledge base that is created and maintained by the design
team. A knowledge base is essentially a database, but structured in such a way that one can store and
retrieve information about a design that is normally left implicit. The algorithms in KADMOS can use this
information to make the MDAO set-up process more agile.
As can be seen in the top left of Figure 3, the knowledge base is the first main input for KADMOS. Four
different file types are stored in the KADMOS knowledge base at the moment.
• schema definition: an XML-based definition of the central data schema.
• tool info file: a file storing meta-data of a tool, such as tool provider, license information, fidelity
level, execution time, accuracy, etc.
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A c c
D1 y1 y1 y1 y1
D2 scheata F2
d y2 D2 y2 y2 y2
D31 ma F1 x1 x1
G G2D1
z2 x1
z2 D3 z2
z1 z2
z1 z1
g1 G1
z2 x1
a z2
z1 z2
problem A c c
to solve?
Trim and enrich D1 y1 y1 y1
RCG for y2 D2 y2 y2
- design variables
MDAO problem f F1
- objective g1 G1
Fundamental Problem Graph g2 G2
0, 9: 2: z10
1: a 3: y2c0 4: x1 7: x1
COOR z20
4: c 5: c
9: z2∗ 2, 8 → 3: 4: z2 5: z2
OPT z1∗ OPT z1 z1
7: z2
Impose MDAO
3, 6 → 4:
4: y2c
MDAO architecture D2
5: y1 7: y1 7: y1
G1 9: f ∗ 8: f
G2 7:
9: g1∗ 8: g1
Optimus A
Translate to D1
translators software F1
SWF Graph
Export as
Figure 3: Top-level overview of KADMOS and its relation to the MDAO-based development process depicted
in Figure 1 (all visualizations are based on the Sellar problem14 described in Section IV.1)
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• tool input file: an XML file containing only those data elements from the central data schema that
are required to run the disciplinary analysis.
• tool output file: an XML file containing only those data elements from the central data schema that
are written as output by the disciplinary analysis.
The four file types currently defined are used by KADMOS to import the knowledge base and start its
graph-based analysis. Future developments might require the use of additional file types, for example to
include information on tool sensitivities, however, the current file types form a minimal requirement for tool
definition in the knowledge base. Details of the knowledge base, which is a separate class in KADMOS, are
not provided in this paper. More information can be found in the work by Makus.19
3. Graph-based approach
The knowledge-based design process that is supported by KADMOS extends the graph-based approach
proposed by Pate et al.8 The work of Pate et al. was focused on the data connectivity between different
tools, while KADMOS takes the graphs a step further to also include the graphs belonging to the solution
strategy that have both a data and process connectivity aspect (this topic is mentioned, but no algorithms
are shown for automatic determination of the solution strategy by Pate et al.). Furthermore, the graph-based
approach is enriched with additional elements from the AGILE project. The complete approach is visualized
in the third column of the top-level overview of Figure 3. A graph-based approach means that graphs20
are used to store and manipulate data. In KADMOS, graphs are used to store data on the MDAO model
because this format enables the creation, debugging, and manipulation of that same model. A specific form
of graphs, called directed graphs, is used, of which two examples are shown in Figure 5. Directed graphs
consist of nodes and directed edges. In KADMOS, the nodes represent either executable blocks that process
inputs to outputs (i.e. disciplinary tools, optimizers, convergers), or one of the variables from the central data
schema. The nodes representing executable blocks are called ‘function nodes’, while the nodes representing
elements from the data schema are referred to as ‘variables nodes’. A more elaborate description of the
KADMOS graphs is provided in Section III.
function nodes function node
process edge
Figure 5: Examples of the two KADMOS graph classes (data and process graph) and terminology used for
different components of these graphs
Graph-based analysis has previously been used to analyze MDAO problems, for example to determine the
required derivatives21 or graph partitions for parallel processing.22 To the authors’ knowledge, KADMOS is
the first graph-based package that supports the full chain of the MDAO-based development process going
from disciplinary tools integrated in a knowledge base using a central data model to automatically creating
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distributed executable workflows in SWF packages. Related work was performed by Alexandrov et al.,23, 24
Balachandran and Guenov,25 and Hoogreef.26
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assignedRCG, 1
name : String
get_fpg_based_on_sinks ( )
get_fpg_based_on_function_nodes ( )
... FundamentalProblemGraph
name : String
problem_formulation : Dictionary
provides FPG, 1..* get_mdg ( )
get_mpg ( ) MdaoDataGraph
name : String
mdao_architecture : String
coupling_decomposition_type : String
MDG, 1..*
connect_converger ( )
connect_optimizer ( )
get_rce_graph ( ) MdaoProcessGraph
name : String
mdao_architecture : String
legend coupling_decomposition_type : String
provides MPG, 1..* add_sequential_process ( )
KADMOS class add_parallel_process ( )
get_rce_graph ( )
... RceGraph
name : String
External class rce_working_directory : String
provides RceGraph, 1..*
create_rce_wf ( )
write_rce_wf_file ( )
Figure 6: UML class diagram of KADMOS (blue) including its dependence on external Python classes
(green). The flow of different graph classes in the bottom matches the MDAO-based development process
shown in Figure 3
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– Repository Connectivity Graph (RCG): Using the repository with CPACSized analysis tools
in the knowledge base, a directed graph can be created that links all the I/Os of different analyses.
Such a graph would represent all the information present in the knowledge base. It is worth noting
that the RCG shown in Figure 3 can be visualized using the data flow aspect of the eXtended
Design Structure Matrix (XDSM)30 for relatively small problems (see last column of the figure),
however, realistic aircraft design tools could use and produce data concerning hundreds of ele-
ments from the central data schema. This information would still be stored in the RCG, though
visualizing it is much more challenging and a topic specifically addressed in another paper.13 For
convenience, the relatively small Sellar problem14 is used in Section IV to illustrate the working
principles of KADMOS.
– Fundamental Problem Graph (FPG): Once all the tools in the repository have been con-
nected, the next graph should contain only the variables and tools required to solve the MDAO
problem at hand (actually, it can also be a monodisciplinary optimization or just a convergence
that needs to be implemented). Indeed, the FPG is a subset of the nodes and edges in the RCG.
The translation from RCG to FPG is more elaborately discussed in Section III.B.
– MDAO Data Graph (MDG): The FPG is used by KADMOS to impose an MDAO architecture
on the MDAO model. The adjusted nodes and edges between the function and variable nodes
which are required to impose the architecture form the MDG. Thereby, the MDG contains the
information on how data is interconnected between tools from the repository and newly introduced
MDAO architectural elements like convergers and optimizers. The information stored in the MDG
is exactly what one visualizes with the data flow in an XDSM.
• Process graphs:
– MDAO Process Graph (MPG): As this is a process graph, it does not contain any data
nodes, but merely the executable blocks (disciplinary analysis tools and architectural elements)
and their execution order. The information stored in the MPG is exactly what one visualizes
with the process flow in an XDSM. Therefore, the superposition of the MDG and MPG lead to
an XDSM, as is shown in Figure 3.
– SWF Graph: The combination of MDG and MPG can be translated into a single executable
SWF graph matching the SWF software platform of choice. With the right export functions this
SWF graph can be transformed into a workflow file that can be opened and executed in the SWF
software (currently only RCE is supported by KADMOS).
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In addition to the general description above a more detailed description of the key graph types is provided
in the next sections.
Table 1: Subcategories of the different graph nodes based on their indegree and outdegree and some illustrated
examples in a graph (below table)
Example Allowed
Node category Node subcategory Indegree Outdegree
node in FPG?
hole 0 0 3 no
supplied input 0 1 2 yes
supplied shared input 0 >1 1 yes
output 1 0 9 yes
collision >1 0 8 no
coupling 7 yes
or 1 1
pure circular coupling 5 no
shared coupling 6 yes
or 1 >1
shared circular coupling - no
collided coupling - no
or >1 1
collided circular coupling 4 no
collided shared coupling - no
or >1 >1
collided shared circular coupling - no
hole 0 0 - no
inputless 0 >0 - yes
outputless >0 0 - no
complete >0 >0 A,B,C yes
1 B 8
A 4 7 C
2 5 9
3 6
Example nodes (see fifth column of the table)
Variable nodes with at least one incoming and outgoing edge can always fall within one of two subcat-
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egories, see Table 1. These variables could be circular or non-circular. A variable is denoted circular if it
has at least one pair of incoming and outgoing edges connected to the same function node. Non-circular
variables never have a pair connected to the same function node. In the RCG circularity is allowed, but
since it needs to be resolved in the FPG, circular variables have to be identified accordingly. Once the RCG
is defined, the next step is to transform it into an FPG.
3. Contain information to impose architecture → add problem formulation and problem role attributes
4. Basic analysis order → add function nodes order with minimal feedback (or other ordering requirement)
last column of Table 1. In short: collisions, circularity, and
holes are not allowed in the FPG. If such nodes are present in split B 81
the graph they have to be resolved. This can be done in three 8
different ways: node removal, edge removal, and node splitting.
Node and edge removal are straightforward ways to resolve
C C 82
collisions. A more complex method is to use node splitting.
Collided or circular nodes might occur naturally in the FPG,
for example, multiple tools might write a value for the wing
A split A 42
span as output (collision), or a tool might use (i.e. input) and 4
adjust (i.e. output) the wing span if it changes the wing ge- B B 41
ometry (circular). However, the KADMOS graph algorithms
which impose the MDAO architecture do not allow these type Figure 7: Illustration of two node splitting
of nodes. Therefore these nodes can be split into instances, as examples using nodes from Table 1.
is illustrated in Figure 7. A single node in an invalid subcate-
gory will be split into separate variable node instances. KADMOS contains methods to automatically split
invalid FPG variable nodes based on their connectivity and (for some cases) the analysis order.
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Other information that is required to manipulate the FPG are the MDAO architecture to be imposed,
the preferred decomposition of circular dependencies between functions, and some more detailed settings per
architecture. The possible MDAO architectures in KADMOS are discussed in Section III.C. Decomposition
of the circular dependencies can be done based on Gauss-Seidel or Jacobi convergence (as defined in Martins
and Lambe10 ).
pre-coupling functions K
functions D
functions L
Figure 8: Automatic categorization of the FPG functions based on the basic analysis order: [B, C, K, F, A,
D, E, L].
If a valid FPG has been crafted which meets the four basic requirements, then the subsequent graphs
(see Figure 3) are created fully automatically by KADMOS.
C. MDAO data graph, MDAO problem graph, and simulation workflow graph
Currently, six different MDAO architectures can be imposed on the FPG, namely:
1. Tool chain test: where the tools are simply put all in parallel or sequence simply to test if they all
run as expected. Hence, no convergence or optimization is performed.
2. MDA: where any circular dependencies between coupled tools will be converged for the given inputs.
No optimization is performed with this strategy and tools can either be run in parallel or sequence.
With parallel execution feedforward couplings between coupled functions will also be converged.
3. DOE: where a design of experiments is automatically imposed on the FPG.
4. Optimizer: where a straightforward optimization is performed on the FPG, without solving any
circular dependencies (i.e. this is equal to MDF without the converger nested inside the optimizer).
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5. MDF: where the MDF strategy10 is imposed on the FPG. The converger inside the optimizer can be
set to either Gauss-Seidel (sequential) or Jacobi (parallel) execution of the coupled tools.
6. IDF: where the IDF strategy10 is wrapped around the FPG. All tools are parallelized and an additional
consistency constraint function is added to converge coupling variables.
The algorithms for the MDG and MPG
creation are further discussed in the Sel- Table 2: Lists of possible architecture roles for function (left)
lar problem use case (Section IV.1). The and variable nodes (right)
MDG contains the information on how data
is interconnected between tools and newly Function nodes Variable nodes
introduced MDAO architectural elements
coordinator initial guess coupling variable
like convergers and optimizers. Similar to
the problem role attribute in the FPG, the optimizer final coupling variable
MDG nodes can get ‘architecture role’ at- converger coupling copy variable
tributes. The possible attributes are listed DOE initial guess design variable
in Table 2. The architecture roles for func- pre-coupling analysis final design variable
tion nodes are also applicable for the MPG, pre-iterator analysis final output variable
since the MPG does not contain any data post-iterator analysis consistency constraint value
nodes, but merely the executable blocks coupled analysis DOE input sample list
(analysis tools and architectural elements) post-coupling analysis DOE output sample list
and in which order they should be executed. consistency constraint function
In essence, the information stored in the
MDG and MPG represents a neutral specification of the execution process that should be implemented
in a specific software platform.
Hence, referring back to the symphonic orchestra analogy from Section I: using graphs as music no-
tation system, the MDG and MPG are the sheet music of our symphony which has been created by the
designer/composer using KADMOS as his composition tool. Actually playing the symphony would require
to translate the neutral specification into a workflow file that can be opened and executed in the SWF
platform, as indicated in the bottom of Figure 3 and discussed in the introduction of this section.
The KADMOS graph definitions and algorithms have been tested on multiple use cases within the AGILE
project. In this paper one illustrative use case is presented (the Sellar problem in Section IV.1) and one
realistic aircraft design case (the wing design problem in Section IV.2).
IV. Results
Although KADMOS is still under development, the first research goal has been achieved: to test the ability
of using a graph-based approach to go from a repository of disciplinary tools to an executable workflow using
different MDAO architectures for the same MDAO problem. This capability has first been developed and
tested using the Sellar problem and is presented in Section IV.1. The next case study has demonstrated the
scalability of the KADMOS algorithms by going through the same chain for a larger repository. This wing
design case study is briefly described in Section IV.2.
D1 ⇒ y1 = c · (z12 + x1 + z2 − 0.2 · y2 )
D2 ⇒ y2 = c · ( y1 + z1 + z2 )
F1 ⇒ f = x21 + z2 + y1 + e−y2
G1 ⇒ g1 = −1
G2 ⇒ g2 = 1 −
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To illustrate the different KADMOS graphs three additional tools are added in the knowledge base:
A ⇒ c = f(a)
D3 ⇒ x1 = f(y1 )
⇒ z1 = f(y2 )
⇒ z2 = f(y1 , y2 )
F2 ⇒ f = f(x1 , z1 , z2 )
The directed graph that connects the tools and variables is shown in Figure 10b. Following the central
data schema approach described in Section II.B.1 a small XML schema is defined for the case study. The
full schema is depicted in Figure 9a. In Figure 9b, one can see which I/O files need to be defined in the
knowledge base to connect the D1 tool to the central schema. Similar files are created for the other tools.
y2 c
data_schema x1 D1
analyses z1
y1 connect to
y2 data schema
f data_schema data_schema
variables analyses
(a) Data schema for the Sellar x1 y1
problem z2
Figure 9: Central data schema for the Sellar problem and illustration of the required I/O files to connect
the D1 tool to the central data schema in (a)
An RCG can now be created for the eight tools in the knowledge base. If all the variable nodes are
contracted, then the resulting RCG is as depicted in Figure 10a. The full connection details can be inspected
using a data flow XDSM, as is shown in Figure 10c. In the XDSM one can see the complete repository.
Coupling variables are shown at off-diagonal positions between tools, and the top row and most-left column
show respectively the MDAO model input and output variables (in white parallelograms).
The FPG can now be determined by applying one of KADMOS’ graph manipulations. In this case
two tools need to be removed: D3 and F2. The algorithm automatically removes the tools including its
connections to the data schema. If any variable nodes are left unconnected, these are also removed from the
graph. Removing D3 and F2 leads to the FPG and associated data flow XDSM depicted in Figure 11. As
can be seen in the data flow XDSM, multiple model inputs (x1 , z1 , z2 ) have been created by removing the
tools, three coupling variables are left (c, y1 , y2 ), and the three model outputs remain (f , g1 , g2 ). Before the
solution strategy can be imposed on the FPG, variables with a specific role (e.g. design variables, objective
value, constraint values) need to be indicated, as was described in Section III.B.3. At this point the MDAO
problem description has to be formalized by the design team. In case of the Sellar problem the optimization
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D1 D3
A c c
G2 schema A
D1 y1 y1 y1 y1
G1 F1
F2 y2 D2 y2 y2 y2
x1 D1 f F2
G2 g1 G1
F2 g2 g2 G2
Figure 10: Three different views of the same RCG for the Sellar case: (a) top-level with contracted data
schema, (b) full graph, and (c) data flow XDSM
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D1 z2 x1
a z2
z1 z2
G2 schema A
A c c
G1 F1
D1 y1 y1 y1
(a) Top-level FPG
a A
y2 D2 y2 y2
F1 c
f F1
x1 D1
z1 g1 G1
variables G2
variable G1
g2 G2
g1 constraint
Figure 11: Three different views of the same FPG for the Sellar case: (a) top-level with contracted data
schema, (b) full graph including problem role attributes, and (c) data flow XDSM
MDG algorithm for MDF with Gauss-Seidel decomposition (see Figure 12 for final XDSM)
1. Automatically categorize FPG function nodes as shown in Figure 8.
2. Check FPG on validity of nodes, edges, and problem formulation.
3. Copy the FPG as a starting point for the MDG.
4. Add MDAO architectural nodes: coordinator (COOR), optimizer (OPT), and converger (CONV).
5. Find the variable nodes with a problem role attribute.
6. Connect the converger block (CONV) to the coupled functions (green blocks in XDSM).
a: Remove feedback coupling between coupled functions.
b: Connect feedback coupling to the converger (see ‘6: y2’ in the XDSM).
c: Add and connect a copy variable for each feedback coupling (see ‘4: y2c ’ in the XDSM).
d: Add an initial guess of the copy variable and connect it to the COOR and CONV blocks
(see ‘3: y2c0 ’ in the XDSM).
e: Add final coupling value variables between the coupled functions and the coordinator
(see ‘9: y1∗ ’ and ‘9: y2∗ ’ in the XDSM).
7. Connect optimizer (OPT) to the rest of the workflow:
a: Connect design variables as output of the Optimizer (see ‘4: z2 z1’ in the XDSM).
b: Add initial guesses of the design variables and connect them to the coordinator (COOR) and
optimizer (OPT) blocks (see ‘2: z10 z20 ’ in the XDSM).
c: Connect the objective and constraint variables from the post-coupling functions F1, G1, and G2
as input to the optimizer (see ‘8: f ’ in the XDSM).
d: Add final objective and constraint value variables between the post-coupling functions and
the coordinator (see ‘9: f ∗ ’ and ‘9: g1∗ ’ in the XDSM).
8. Connect any remaining input and output nodes to the coordinator (see ‘4: x1’ in the XDSM).
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In case of the MDF architecture, the MPG is determined as results of the following manipulations:
MPG algorithm for MDF with Gauss-Seidel decomposition (see Figure 12 for final XDSM)
1. Automatically categorize FPG function nodes as shown in Figure 8.
2. Check FPG on validity of nodes, edges, and problem formulation.
3. Start with an empty directed graph object of the MdaoProcessGraph class.
3. Add the function nodes from the FPG and the architectural nodes (COOR, OPT, CONV).
4. Group pre-coupling functions in those that come before one of the design variables (pre-design-
functions) and those that come after one of the design variables (post-design-functions).
5. Set process step to 0 and assign step number 0 to COOR block (see top-left corner).
6. Add a sequential process from the COOR block to the OPT block via the pre-design-functions
(0: COOR → 1: A → 2: OPT).
7. Add a sequential process from the OPT block to the CONV block via the post-design-functions
(2: OPT → 3: CONV).
8. Add an iterative sequential process from the CONV block through the coupled functions back to
the CONV block (3: CONV → 4: D1 → 5: D2 → 6: CONV).
9. Add a parallel process from the CONV block to the OPT block via the post-coupling functions
(6: CONV → (7: F1, 7: G1, 7: G2) → 8: OPT)
10. Add a process step from the OPT block back to the COOR block (8: OPT → 9: COOR).
Similar algorithms have been written for the other MDAO architectures, as listed in Section III.C. In
KADMOS, the different algorithmic steps have been modularized into methods such as add optimizer()
and add sequential process() so that each MDAO architecture can reuse them. The resulting graphs
using the MDF strategy are shown in Figure 12. As is already hinted by the fact that the superposition
of the MDG and MPG graphs contain the information stored in the XDSM, KADMOS provides a full and
detailed specification of the MDAO model to be executed with these two graphs.
Note also that the graph-based methods increase agility on the formal specification of the MDAO problem
and model. If the design team would need to change anything in the tool definitions (e.g. extra inputs) or the
MDAO problem formulation (e.g. x1 becomes a design variable instead of a parameter), then these things
can be changed by adjusting just a couple of coded lines in the Python script using the KADMOS package or
changing some of the files in the knowledge base. After such adjustments all changes will be automatically
processed in all other steps of the MDAO-based development process by rerunning the Python script.
After the formal specification provided by the MDG and MPG the next step in the development process
will have to become SWF specific. In this case the capability of KADMOS to write an executable workflow
for RCE is shown. KADMOS’ method get rce graph() can simply be used to translate the combination
of MDG and MPG into an RCE-specific graph. Subsequently, this graph representation is exported to a
JSON-based RCE workflow file. These two steps are shown in Figure 13, but are not explained in further
detail here. Thanks to this export function of KADMOS, the MDAO symphony that has been composed
can now also be played!
All solution strategies have been tested rigorously and proven to provide the same optimization results as
presented in other papers using the Sellar problem.14, 31 However, it is not so much the results (or even the
performance) of the optimization process that is of interest here, but rather the successful implementation
of a system that can support the formal specification of an MDAO model from disciplinary tools in a
knowledge base to executable workflows in a SWF software package. Thanks to the formal specification
provided by KADMOS the set-up of distributed executable workflows, such as the one shown on the right
side of Figure 13, becomes a matter of minutes instead of hours. The system implementation will make the
design team more agile in the set-up and execution of MDAO problems, as is shown in the second case study
in the next section.
2. Wing design
The wing design study is a case study that considers the use of CPACS-compatible aircraft design tools
for KADMOS. In this study several in-house wing design tools from the Delft University of Technology
18 of 23
D1 0, 9:
1: a
2: z10
3: y2c0 4: x1 7: x1
COOR z20
G2 schema A 1:
4: c 5: c
9: z2∗ 2, 8 → 3: 4: z2 5: z2
7: z2
G1 F1 z1∗ OPT z1 z1
3, 6 → 4:
4: y2c
(a) Top-level MDG
5: y1 7: y1 7: y1
A 5:
9: y2∗ 6: y2 7: y2 7: y2
9: f ∗ 8: f
D1 F1
D2 7:
9: g1∗ 8: g1
G1 9: g2∗ 8: g2
Figure 12: Formal specification of the MDF with Gauss-Seidel convergence architecture for the Sellar case:
(a) and (b) MDG and MPG with contracted data schema, and (c) superimposed MDG and MPG in XDSM
Figure 13: Two different instances of the RCE-specific implementation of the formal specification depicted
in Figure 12: (a) RCE graph and (b) RCE workflow file for the Sellar case
19 of 23
are used to assess the use of the CPACS as a central data schema. In-house design tools are used as they
are more convenient to quickly test the system, instead of being dependent on the execution of third-party
tools. However, a more heterogeneous tool repository would not change anything on the KADMOS side of
the process, as it would only impact the additional elements required for collaborative workflows which are
created after the formal specification provided by KADMOS, see also Section II.B.4. The results of this case
study are summarized in Figure 14. There are 29 tools in the repository, such as those to initialize a CPACS
aircraft geometry, to morph the wing based on design variables, and to perform disciplinary analyses such as
quasi-3D aerodynamic wing analysis with Q3D32 and wing mass estimation using EMWET.33 The MDAO
problem concerns the optimization of a wing by adjusting its airfoil shapes at three sections (root, kink,
tip) and its planform (root chord length, taper, dihedral, and twist) of an existing aircraft to minimize the
maximum take-off weight for a single design mission.
The wing design case provides a proof-of-concept concerning the scalability of KADMOS, as well as the
handling of a complex data schema like CPACS. The results of the study are summarized in Figure 14,
where the full RCG (>28000 nodes) is shown in the top. Using the RCG an FPG is constructed that can
be used to impose many different architectures. For different architectures, one would only have to change
the assigned problem role attributes in the FPG (e.g. a tool chain test only uses state variables, while the
MDF requires design variables, contraints, and an objective). KADMOS then automatically determines the
MDG and MPG for each architecture, as visualized by the XDSMs in the figure. Finally, the accompanying
RCE workflows can also be created and executed (not shown in the figure). These workflows, which involve
hundreds of connections between the different execution blocks, are a tedious and time-consuming task to
create manually. In addition, the manual creation of these complex workflows is prone to human error,
but using KADMOS’ formal specification they can now be created fully automatically within a time span
which is an order of magnitude lower (minutes instead of hours). In conclusion, the wing design case has
proven that KADMOS is the MDAO symphony composition tool that can make design teams more agile
than before.
• The formal specification of the MDAO model is currently a cumbersome task and should be supported
by software tools like KADMOS as MDAO problems grow in size and complexity.
• The formal specification of the MDAO model enables the automatic creation of executable, collabora-
tive workflows, thereby bringing the required time to set-up such workflows down an order of magnitude
(from hours to minutes).
• KADMOS has successfully been tested for scalability and CPACS compatibility using a wing design
optimization problem of industrial relevance.
In conclusion, KADMOS has shown the possibility for design teams to become more agile when com-
posing MDAO symphonies, as well as the ability to actually play the symphony with the orchestra. Future
developments will aim at extending the ability to compose and play larger and more complex pieces. These
developments will focus on three different aspects of the system:
20 of 23
2 inputs 2 inputs 2 inputs 2 inputs 2 inputs 2 inputs 2 inputs 36 inputs 4 inputs 4 inputs 3 inputs 3 inputs 3 inputs 2 inputs 8 inputs 8 inputs 8 inputs 7 inputs 12 inputs 6 inputs 26 inputs 22 inputs 26 inputs 22 inputs 153 inputs 3 inputs 3 inputs 4 inputs 5 inputs
34 outputs HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint] 3 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 134 connections 120 connections 121 connections 115 connections 174 connections 6 connections 155 connections 157 connections 155 connections 157 connections 138 connections 4 connections 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection
1105 outputs HANGAR[AGILE DC1 L0 MDA] 1 connection 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 118 connections 134 connections 116 connections 116 connections 119 connections 167 connections 2 connections 1088 connections 1090 connections 1088 connections 1090 connections 135 connections 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 1 connection
10 outputs HANGAR[AGILE DC1 L0 wing] 3 connections 108 connections 108 connections 108 connections 108 connections 108 connections 108 connections 124 connections 110 connections 111 connections 105 connections 164 connections 6 connections 165 connections 167 connections 165 connections 167 connections 143 connections 4 connections 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection
4236 outputs HANGAR[Boxwing AGILE Hangar] 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
15109 outputs HANGAR[D150 AGILE Hangar] 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
2303 outputs HANGAR[NASA CRM AGILE Hangar] 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
3631 outputs HANGAR[ATR72 AGILE Hangar] 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
1074 outputs INITIATOR 107 connections 107 connections 107 connections 107 connections 107 connections 107 connections 107 connections 105 connections 105 connections 108 connections 116 connections 2 connections 1138 connections 1139 connections 1138 connections 1139 connections 185 connections 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 1 connection
SCAM[wing taper morph] 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections 6 connections
2 connections SCAM[wing sweep morph] 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
2 connections 2 connections SCAM[wing dihedral morph] 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
3 connections 3 connections 3 connections SCAM[wing root chord morph] 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections 3 connections
2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections SCAM[wing length morph] 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections 2 connections
3 outputs PROTEUS
4 outputs 1 connection 1 connection 2 connections 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection 1 connection MTOW 1 connection 1 connection
2 outputs OBJ
2 outputs CNSTRNT[wingLoading]
2 outputs CNSTRNT[fuelTankVolume]
RCG (29 function nodes, 28 167 variable nodes, 37 509 data edges)
HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint] 103 connections 119 connections 161 connections 107 connections 2 connections
Q3D[FLC]-EMWET–seq 1 connection
1 output OBJ
2 outputs CNSTRNT-merged[2modes]
0, 9:
0, 7: 1: 2 inputs 2: 9 inputs 3: 2 inputs 4: 20 inputs 5: 14 inputs 6: 3 inputs 8: 3 inputs 8: 8 inputs
1: 2 inputs 2: 9 inputs 3: 22 inputs 4: 15 inputs 5: 3 inputs 6: 3 inputs 6: 8 inputs COOR
1: HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint] 2: 134 connections 4: 176 connections 5: 122 connections 6: 2 connections
HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint] 2: 134 connections 3: 176 connections 4: 122 connections 5: 2 connections
GACA-merged[2modes] 5: 1 connection 8: 2 connections
GACA-merged[2modes] 4: 1 connection 6: 2 connections
3, 7 → 4:
4: 2 connections 5: 1 connection
Q3D[FLC]-EMWET–seq 5: 1 connection
Q3D[FLC]-EMWET–seq 6: 1 connection
Q3D[VDE]-SMFA–seq 5: 1 connection 6: 1 connection
Q3D[VDE]-SMFA–seq 6: 1 connection 8: 1 connection
6: 1 connection 6: 1 connection
9: 2 outputs 7: 2 connections 8: 1 connection 8: 1 connection
7: 1 output 8:
OBJ 9: 1 output
7: 2 outputs 8:
CNSTRNT-merged[2modes] 9: 2 outputs
1: 1:
HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint] 3: 103 connections 4: 119 connections 6: 161 connections 6: 107 connections 6: 2 connections 3: 103 connections 4: 119 connections 6: 161 connections 7: 107 connections 8: 2 connections
HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint]
2, 9 → 3: 2, 11 → 3:
10: 3 outputs 3: 7 connections 12: 7 outputs 3: 7 connections
3: 3:
SCAM-merged[5modes] 4: 15 connections 6: 15 connections 6: 15 connections 4: 15 connections 6: 15 connections 7: 15 connections
4: 4:
GACA-merged[2modes] 6: 1 connection 8: 2 connections GACA-merged[2modes] 7: 1 connection 10: 2 connections
5, 7 → 6: 5, 9 → 6:
6: 2 connections 6: 1 connection 6: 2 connections 6: 2 connections 7: 1 connection
6: 6:
7: 1 connection Q3D[FLC]-EMWET–seq Q3D[FLC]-EMWET–seq 8: 1 connection
6: 7:
7: 1 connection 8: 1 connection Q3D[VDE]-SMFA–seq 8: 1 connection 10: 1 connection
6: 8:
7: 2 connections 8: 1 connection 8: 1 connection 12: 2 outputs 9: 2 connections 10: 1 connection 10: 1 connection
8: 10:
9: 1 connection 12: 1 output 11: 1 connection
8: 10:
9: 2 connections 12: 2 outputs 11: 2 connections
CNSTRNT-merged[2modes] CNSTRNT-merged[2modes]
1: 1:
3: 103 connections 4: 119 connections 6: 161 connections 6: 107 connections 6: 2 connections HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint] 3: 103 connections 4: 119 connections 5: 161 connections 5: 107 connections 5: 2 connections
HANGAR[AGILE DC1 WP6 wing startpoint]
2, 9 → 3: 2, 7 → 3:
10: 7 outputs 3: 7 connections 8: 7 outputs 3: 7 connections 5: 2 connections 5: 1 connection 5: 2 connections 6: 4 connections
3: 3:
SCAM-merged[5modes] 4: 15 connections 6: 15 connections 6: 15 connections SCAM-merged[5modes] 4: 15 connections 5: 15 connections 5: 15 connections
4: 4:
GACA-merged[2modes] 6: 1 connection 8: 2 connections GACA-merged[2modes] 5: 1 connection 6: 2 connections
5, 7 → 6: 5:
6: 2 connections 6: 1 connection 6: 2 connections 8: 1 output 6: 1 connection
6: 5:
10: 1 output 7: 1 connection 8: 1 output 6: 1 connection 6: 1 connection
6: 5:
10: 1 output 7: 1 connection 8: 1 connection 8: 2 outputs 6: 1 connection 6: 1 connection 6: 2 connections
6: 6:
10: 2 outputs 7: 2 connections 8: 1 connection 8: 1 connection 8: 1 output 7: 1 connection
8: 6:
10: 1 output 9: 1 connection 8: 2 outputs 7: 2 connections
OBJ CNSTRNT-merged[2modes]
8: 6:
10: 2 outputs 9: 2 connections 7: 4 connections
CNSTRNT-merged[2modes] Gc
Figure 14: Summary of the wing design case: for a large repository of design tools (top) a relatively small
FPG is crafted to solve a specific MDAO problem (middle) on which different MDAO architectures can be
imposed automatically (bottom)
21 of 23
• Extension of the current graph manipulation algorithms to include more complex MDAO architectures
(e.g. BLISS, CSSO, CO, etc.) and to enable the definition of user-defined architectures using the
modularized methods.
• Definition of an import and export file standard to support exchangeability of the KADMOS graphs
with other MDAO developments, e.g. the exported file could be opened by platforms like RCE and
Optimus to assemble the executable workflow inside the SWF platform instead of having KADMOS
provide the SWF-specific files. The work on this standard has recently been initiated in AGILE and
it is called CMDOWS (Common MDO Workflow Schema)34,e .
• Testing of KADMOS in future MDAO design studies that will be performed in the final year of AGILE
(June 2017-2018).
The goal is to make KADMOS a publicly available MDAO support system, so that other MDAO projects
can also benefit from its capabilities in the future.
The research presented in this paper has been performed in the framework of the AGILE project (Aircraft
3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts) and has received
funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020-MG-2014-2015) under grant agreement
n◦ 636202. The authors are grateful to the partners of the AGILE consortium for their contribution and
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