Effect of Cold Work and Aging On Mechanical Properties of A Copper Bearing HSLA-100 Steel
Effect of Cold Work and Aging On Mechanical Properties of A Copper Bearing HSLA-100 Steel
Effect of Cold Work and Aging On Mechanical Properties of A Copper Bearing HSLA-100 Steel
Abstract. Influence of cold working and aging on the mechanical properties of a Cu-bearing HSLA-100 steel
has been studied. The steel was given solution treatment at 1000°C, followed by cold rolling to 25, 50 and
80 pct deformations and aging at 600°C for various durations. Substantial improvement in hardness and UTS
was observed in the peak aged condition of various treatments, but at the expense of ductility and impact-
energy. Extensive scanning electron microscopic studies carried out on impact and tensile fracture surfaces
suggest that poor impact energy and low ductility in peak aged condition could be associated with inhomoge-
neous deformation caused by the existence of coherent precipitates. Other parameters adversely affecting
toughness and ductility in various stages of cold work and aging may include high stress concentration at high
density dislocation network and dislocation–precipitate interface. Overaging in various treatments resulted in
higher impact energy and ductility, presumably due to existence of incoherent precipitates and reduction in
stress concentration at dislocation cell boundaries. It is observed that a good combination of high hardness
and UTS with high impact energy and ductility could be obtained by a treatment suitable to cause coexistence
of coherent and incoherent precipitates.
260 Sanjay Panwar, D B Goel and O P Pandey
steel plate for various heat treatments. The various treat- PA (371 VHN) conditions as compared to the corres-
ments were designated as follows: ponding values for other treatments. Figure 2 gives the
mechanical properties of steel after various treatments. It
OQ: Solution treatment at 1000°C for 180 min followed
is seen that in general, high hardness and UTS in PA
by oil quenching.
conditions are accompanied by low values of ductility
OQA: OQ treatment, followed by aging at 500°C for
(pct elongation) and impact energy, which may restrict
various times ranging from 1–6000 min, followed by
the use of this steel in PA condition. Overaging in all
water quenching.
treatments causes improvement in ductility and impact
C25A: OQ treatment, followed by cold rolling to 25 pct,
energy. In the TC25A treatment, peak aging results in
followed by aging at 600°C for various times ranging
high hardness (332 VHN) and UTS (1040 MPa) while
from 1–1500 min.
maintaining significant ductility (13⋅9 pct elongation)
C50A: OQ treatment, followed by cold rolling to 50 pct,
and impact energy (187⋅9 J).
followed by aging at 600°C for various times ranging
from 1–1500 min.
C80A: OQ treatment, followed by cold rolling to 80 pct, 3.2 Scanning electron microscopy
followed by aging at 600°C for various times ranging
from 1–1500 min. 3.2a Charpy V-notch (CVN) specimens: The scanning
TC25A: OQ treatment, followed by tempering at 700°C electron micrographs of fracture surfaces after various
for 120 min, followed by cold rolling to 25 pct, followed treatments are shown in figure 3. The SEM study of impact
by aging at 500°C for various times ranging from 1– fracture surfaces shows that fracture occurs by formation
3000 min. of dimples, microvoids and cracks. In case of high impact
energy, the fracture is normally accompanied by forma-
The peak aged (PA) condition referred to the stage of
tion of fine network of dimples and fine microvoids,
peak observed in hardness-aging curves. Over aged (OA)
whereas low impact energy is revealed by (i) formation
condition referred to aging for 1500 min for C25A, C50A
of quasi cleavage and faceted patterns, (ii) coarse dimple
and C80A treatments, 3000 min for TC25A treatment and
networks, (iii) coarse microvoids and (iv) fine cracks.
6000 min for OQA treatment.
Figure 3(a) reveals the formation of networks of fine
Hardness (Vickers) measurements were made on test
ductile dimples as a result of OQ treatment, which results
specimens by employing a 30 kg load. Detailed examina-
in significantly high impact energy (227⋅7 J). Cold work-
tions were conducted on oil quenched (OQ), cold worked
ing prior to aging results in lowering of impact energy,
(CW), peak aged (PA) and over aged (OA) conditions in
which causes formation of sheared dimples and large
various treatments. Tensile tests as per ASTM E8M stan-
microvoids. It is observed that high degree of cold work
dard were performed on Hounsfield H25K-S materials
leads to formation of quasi cleavage patterns and cracks.
testing machine with a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min at
Such patterns indicate poor resistance to cleavage frac-
room temperature. Charpy V-notch specimens were pre-
ture. Figure 3(b) shows SEM micrograph of impact frac-
pared as per ASTM E23 standard and tested on impact
ture surface after cold working in C50A treatment, which
testing machine at room temperature. Scanning electron
microscopic (SEM) studies were conducted on the frac-
ture surfaces of tensile and impact specimens at 15 kV with
LEO 435 VP scanning electron microscope.
3. Results
results in an impact energy value of 165⋅7 J. It shows a Figure 3(c) gives a SEM micrograph of impact fracture
predominantly quasi cleavage pattern, which marks a low surface in the PA condition in C80A treatment. The ex-
impact energy. Peak aging generally deteriorates the impact tremely low impact energy (96 J) resulting from this
energy substantially, which is manifested by coarse and treatment is reflected by the existence of large micro
faceted networks of dimples together with coarse micro- cracks and a quasi cleavage appearance of the fracture
voids and quasi cleavage appearance. surface. Overaging causes significant improvement in
impact energy. The high impact values in OA conditions
are manifested by the coexistence of fine dimple net-
works and relatively large concentration of precipitate
nucleated microvoids. Highest impact energy (327⋅5 J) is
observed in OA condition of C50A treatment. As seen in
figure 3(d), the SEM micrograph of C50A treated specimen
in OA condition exhibits very fine network of ductile
dimples and fine microvoids, which are nucleated at loca-
tions of fine precipitate particles.
4. Discussion
toughness as seen in figure 2. In case of C80A treatment, the Cu-bearing steel that peak aging increases the impact
high values of hardness (371 VHN) and UTS (1473 MPa) transition temperature (ITT), thereby reducing the impact
are accompanied by low ductility (6⋅3 pct elongation) toughness. However, over aging reduces ITT and gives
and low impact energy (96 J). Overaging in all treatments improved impact properties. The remarkable improve-
results in improved ductility and impact energy, although ment in impact behaviour in OA condition is most proba-
at the cost of hardness and UTS. This kind of behaviour bly due to the presence of a large volume fraction of the
poses a challenge for the effective use of this steel in PA soft copper precipitates. Skoufari-Themistou et al (1999)
condition. Establishing actual cause of poor ductility and also reported that the incoherent precipitates deform
impact energy in PA condition has been a challenging readily, rather than acting as impenetrable barrier to the
task for various researchers (Soeno 1970; Skoufari- dislocation motion. This ability to deform minimizes stress
Themistou et al 1999; Dhua et al 2001; Ghosh et al 2004; concentrations occurring as a result of pile ups, which
Mao et al 2004; Nakada et al 2004). According to their could delay the crack nucleation. In view of the different
investigations, high strength materials are hardened by roles of coherent and incoherent precipitates, Hamano
the formation of coherent precipitates. These coherent (1993) studied the impact of coexistence of coherent and
precipitates are easily cut by moving dislocations, and incoherent precipitates on ductility and impact behaviour
when sheared once, slip deformation is concentrated in a of high strength steels. He observed that coexistence of
particular slip plane. This leads to inhomogeneous de- coherent and incoherent precipitates increases homoge-
formation, early crack initiation and poorer ductility and neous deformation, thus preventing localization of strain
toughness. In the OA condition, the strengthening pre- concentration and early cleavage. Thus the combined
cipitates are incoherent and can be bypassed by disloca- effect of coherent precipitates in strengthening the matrix
tions; homogeneous deformation takes place, which leads and of incoherent precipitates in promoting homogeneous
to increasing toughness with delayed crack nucleation. deformation can be expected to increase both hardness
Skoufari-Themistou et al (1999) observed in a 2 wt pct and toughness of the material. In this study, the TC25A
Figure 3. SEM micrographs of impact fracture surfaces showing (a) networks of fine
ductile dimples in OQ condition (1⋅25 kX), (b) predominantly quasi cleavage pattern and
large microvoids after 50 pct cold work in C50A treatment (1⋅25 kX), (c) quasi cleavage
and micro cracks after peak aging in C80A treatment (5 kX) and (d) networks of fine
ductile dimples and precipitate nucleated microvoids after overaging in C50A treatment
Mechanical properties of a cold worked and aged Cu-bearing HSLA steel 263
treatment was given with the objective of studying the tional techniques is usually difficult or impossible, be-
combined influence of coherent and incoherent precipi- cause the precipitates remain unresolved in the electron
tates on mechanical properties of the HSLA steel. Tem- microscope until the alloy has passed its peak strength.
pering at 700°C for 120 min was carried out to produce Hornbogen and Glenn (1960) indicated that lack of pre-
incoherent precipitates and further 25 pct cold work fol- cipitate contrast in the electron micrographs is due to the
lowed by aging at 500°C was carried out to produce in- similarity of scattering factors of iron and copper and
coherent precipitates. Thus in agreement with the obser- negligible strains produced by precipitates because of small
vations of Hamano (1993), it is seen from figure 2 that a difference in the atomic radii of the two species. Miglin
fairly good combination of high strength, toughness and et al (1983) also reported that the coherent, Cu–Fe pre-
ductility is obtained in PA condition in the TC25A treat- cipitates, which form initially during aging of a Cu-
ment. It is therefore necessary to design thermomechani- bearing high strength steel, lack a strain field of suffi-
cal aging treatments in Cu-bearing HSLA steels, which cient intensity and are not visible in the electron micro-
may cause coexistence of coherent and incoherent preci- scope. Oil quenching after austenitization produces laths
pitates in suitable proportions for desired levels of strength, of martensite with high dislocation density. Cold working
ductility and toughness. involved in various treatments in this study increases
The study of precipitation in age hardenable Cu-con- further the density of dislocations (Panwar et al 2003).
taining HSLA steels is extremely difficult. Extensive The high dislocation density together with lack of strain
transmission electron microscopic study on this steel has contrast makes the study of early stages of precipitation
been reported by the authors in a recent paper (Panwar et in Cu-bearing HSLA steels by electron microscopy almost
al 2003). Hardness peaks on aging are usually obtained impossible. Therefore, the coexistence of coherent and
when the precipitates are extremely small, e.g. < 10 nm. incoherent precipitates is purely speculative in various
To study the early stages of precipitation with conven- studies (Hamano 1993; Dhua et al 2001; Panwar et al
Figure 4. SEM micrographs of tensile fracture surfaces showing (a) closely spaced
striations and microvoids after peak aging in OQA treatment (1⋅00 kX), (b) large cavities
and cracks after 50 pct cold work in C50A treatment (500X), (c) quasi cleavage pattern
and formation of cracks at precipitate–striation junctions (marked by arrows) after peak
aging in C80A treatment (6⋅25 kX) and (d) wavy network of striations and ductile dimples
after overaging in C50A treatment (500X).
264 Sanjay Panwar, D B Goel and O P Pandey
2003). In this study also, to believe that TC25A treatment recent study on a Cu-bearing steel observed that trans-
in the PA condition will cause a combination of coherent formation of martensite into fine polygonal ferrite results
and incoherent precipitates is only based on assumption. in improved impact properties.
The SEM study of impact fracture surfaces supports the
impact values obtained after various treatments. The high
5. Conclusions
impact energy as observed in OQ treatment (227⋅8 J) and
in OA condition of C50A treatment (327⋅5 J) is charac-
(I) Cold working and subsequent aging enhance the peak
terized by a network of ductile dimples in the SEM mi-
hardness and UTS, but significantly deteriorate the ducti-
crographs as seen in figure 3(a,d). As revealed in figure
lity and impact energy.
3(d), in the OA condition, microvoids are observed to be
(II) Treatments causing coexistence of coherent and in-
nucleated at fine precipitate locations. Low impact energy
coherent precipitates may provide combination of high
in CW condition is manifested by existence of large mi-
hardness, high UTS together with high ductility and im-
crovoids and cracks together with a quasi cleavage appe-
pact energy.
arance (figure 3b). The size of microvoids is larger and
(III) Poor impact energy is a consequence of (i) inhomo-
the quasi cleavage appearance of fracture surface be-
geneous deformation at coherent particle sites and (ii)
comes more distinct at extremely low impact value (96 J)
high stress concentrations at dislocation–precipitate junc-
as observed in SEM micrograph of C80A in PA condition
tions and dislocation cell walls.
(figure 3c). In the SEM study of tensile fracture surfaces,
(IV) Low tensile ductility is due to high stress intensity
it is observed that low ductility is characterized by for-
at deformation striations and precipitate–matrix interface.
mation of cracks and cavities at high density striations,
(V) Interaction between recrystallization and precipita-
which are formed as a result of high stress concentration
tion and phase transformation during thermomechanical
at dislocation networks. As seen in figure 4, the low duc-
aging treatments may also influence mechanical proper-
tility (6⋅3 pct elongation) in PA condition of C80A is due
ties, which needs to be exhaustively studied.
to formation of large size of such voids and cracks (fig-
ure 4c). Such voids and cracks are not only due to high
stress concentration at striation junctions, but are also Acknowledgement
assisted by precipitate particles. Homogeneous deforma-
tion leading to high ductility is characterized by finely The steel used in this investigation was received from the
distributed striations, which even assume the shape of Naval Research Laboratory, Washington (USA) under an
ductile dimples as seen in figure 4(d). Indo–US collaborative programme.
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