Tuning The Pietta Revolver Part One
Tuning The Pietta Revolver Part One
Tuning The Pietta Revolver Part One
Cap and ball handguns are fun to shoot and if tuned properly can be very reliable.
However, many pards buy a pair, go to a match, have problems, and then quickly
become disillusioned with them and write them off as difficult and unreliable. We are
going to go through the steps necessary to tune a Pietta C&B for competition. Like
many things, a picture is worth a thousand words. So, I will try to illustrate as much as
possible what needs to be done and try to suggest tools and ways of doing the job that
a good home gun tinkerer can use to tune his/her Pietta.
I picked up a pair of these from EMF at EOT 2007. They were under $200.00 each and
it is amazing that these guns can be produced, shipped halfway around the world, and
still sold for such an amazingly low price. They are described in the EMF catalog as the
“1851 Navy Sheriff Model in .44 caliber with a 5 1/2” barrel.” As an historical note, there
is no such thing as a .44 Navy. Whenever Colt advertised a revolver as being of “Navy”
caliber, by definition it meant a .36. A revolver of “Army” caliber was a .44. Uberti tends
to offer only guns that copy original Colts. Pietta mixes and matches parts to come up
with a wide variety of interesting, but historically incorrect models. Our revolver is
actually an 1860 Army frame and cylinder mated to a set of “Navy” grips with an
octagon barrel bored out to .44. Although listed as a 5 1/2” barrel, it is actually closer to
4 3/4”. It will be a great shooter when we are done with it, and the shorter barrel will be
quicker out of the holster than a 7 1/2” or 8” model.
Before we get started we need to discuss some of the tools needed for our tune-up.
The first thing anyone needs when working on guns is a quality set of hollow ground
screwdrivers. Hollow ground screwdrivers are machined so the sides of the tip that
enter the screw slot are parallel. A regular screwdriver simply has tapered sides that
taper all the way to the tip. Photo 2 shows a hollow ground and a standard screwdriver.
The parallel sides of a hollow ground screwdriver fit the screw slot tightly from the top to
the bottom of the screw slot. A standard screwdriver fits in the slot like a wedge and
only engages the top part of the screw slot. The quickest way to bugger a gun screw is
to use the wrong type of screwdriver. We are going to be doing a lot of internal work
and its hard to get light down inside the gun to see what is going on. Photo 3 shows an
LED light that has a twistable neck and a magnet on the end of the base.
I picked this thing up in the checkout line at Walgreens Drug Store. It is an amazing
little tool that costs less than $5.00 and can be found at a lot of drug and hardware
stores. No matter what kind of light you have, your head or something always seems in
the way and you can’t see down in small holes. This little gizmo solves that problem.
Photo 4 shows a burr remover/metal scraper.
If your Pietta is like most, you will need one of these for the tune-up. (As an example,
go to Enco.com and type in #380-0840. This should take you to a simple de-
burr/scraper tool.) You will also need a variety of needle files, preferably fine diamond
needle fines (since some parts are hardened and difficult to file with a regular file), and
some honing stones. Lastly, you will need a drill press and drill press vise.
The first step in any tune-up is to inspect the exterior of the gun and test the action to
identify problem areas that will need fixing. The first thing, which isn’t exactly a
“problem” but is an issue for many, is the grip shape. Photo 5 shows an original 1861
Navy (same grip as a 51 Navy) on top with our Pietta below.
Colt spent a lot of time coming up with what many believe is the best grip ever put on a
handgun. The 1851 Navy grip was so popular it was carried over into the Single Action
Army. The original back strap has a compound curve (Photo 5, A) that starts at the top
of the back strap and runs almost to the bottom of the grip frame and then curves
slightly outward at the bottom (Photo 5, B). The Pietta grip is narrower front to back at
“A” and the back strap is absolutely flat before turning out at “B”. The Pietta grip looks
more like a trumpet bell. The wooden grip itself on the Colt is also thinner than the
Pietta. For some, because of the angle of the back strap, the Pietta grip tends to cause
the gun to point high. (Much like a Colt 1911 with a flat or arched mainspring housing.)
We will modify the grip to be slightly more like an original Colt. The front strap is pretty
close to an original and is fine as is.
Cock the action and look for anything that causes friction or binding. Raise and lower
the hammer a few times and put SLIGHT pressure side-to-side on the hammer. On our
gun, the hammer was hitting on the left side of the frame and had already turned up a
burr ever though the gun has never been fired. Photo 6.
Something else that seems to be a problem on many new C&B’s is that the wedge is
pounded in so tight it is difficult to remove. On our gun, the wedge didn’t stick out of the
right side of the barrel and had been hammered in so hard it had puckered the metal.
Photo 7.
On a Single Action Army the frame is flat under the cylinder and you can visually check
the timing of the bolt. On a Colt C&B the frame is curved, the cylinder is much closer to
the frame, and you cannot see the bolt. About all you can do is slowly cock the hammer
and listen for the bolt drop and then watch the cylinder to see how far it moves before
the bolt locks up. The bolt drop will be the second “click” while cocking (make sure you
keep your finger off the trigger or you won’t hear that first click), and you can look at the
top locking slot in front of the hammer as a reference to see how fall the cylinder is
turning after the bolt drops. It should only move about the width of the lead-in groove.
Our gun is new, so timing was fairly good. Next, put some MODERATE back pressure
on the cylinder. Photo 8.
Do this for each chamber. On this gun, its mate, and several other Piettas I handled at
EOT, most of them would unlock on at least one chamber. So, even though most
Piettas (we are talking about the newer Colt style Piettas made in the last five years or
so) feel like they are locked up “bank-vault” tight, they are not and that is the primary
problem we will address in our tune-up.
Next, remove the barrel and cylinder. If the wedge is hammered in tight like our project
gun, it will have to be hammered out with an aluminum or brass punch. Don’t use a
steel punch or you will almost certainly mar the barrel. Proper wedge fitting is an issue
we will address in our tune-up. If the barrel won’t come off, put the hammer on half
cock, rotate the cylinder so one of the chamber walls is below the rammer and use the
rammer to push the barrel off the frame. With a magnifying glass or magnifying visor,
carefully inspect all of the cylinder notches. Our project gun has never been fired and
has only been cycled a dozen or so times. Yet, all of the cylinder notches are already
beginning to show wear. Photo 9 shows a notch with a little damage on the solid side
(A) and a definite ridge already showing on the lead-in groove side (B).
What is happening is that rather than locking bank vault tight, our cylinder is simply
getting a wedgie from the bolt. Fitting the bolt is the main part of our tune up. With the
cylinder off, Photo 10 shows the frame is slightly miscast.
The left side of the frame is over 1/16” higher than the right side. This is cosmetic and
won’t affect gun function.
Next, we need to test the fit of the arbor. With the cylinder out of the gun, place the
barrel on the arbor at a 90-degree angle to the frame and make sure the arbor is
bottomed in the arbor hole. Photo 11.
(Make sure you stick the arbor in the arbor hole and not the bore!) Now, rotate the
bottom of the barrel down until it contacts the frame. The barrel should set flush with
the frame or just a few thousands up or down from the frame. Photo 12 shows our
Pietta barrel mates perfectly with the frame.
Photo 13 shows an Uberti.
The Uberti arbor is far to short and the barrel sets well behind the front of the frame.
There are exceptions to all rules, but in general Piettas have poorly fitted bolts and good
arbor fit. Ubertis have properly fitted bolts and poor arbor fit. (We will tune an Uberti in
a future article and fix a poorly fitted arbor.) Now we will begin final disassembly of our
Pietta and look for obvious internal problems.
Remove the rear grip frame. On our project Pietta, as soon as the upper grip frame
screws were removed the frame sprang down and back. Photo 14.
I could not get the screws restarted in the upper grip frame. The bottom screw also had
quite a bit of resistance coming out. (Be particularly careful with any screw that is
threaded into brass as they are easily stripped.) This will be corrected when we re-
contour the back strap. Before removing the trigger guard and internals, the bolt head
should be carefully inspected. In order to get our gun to lock properly we are going to
modify the bolt head. However, we need to be slightly cautious with the bolt. In order to
lock up properly there are three things involved. First, there is the width of the bolt
window (the little rectangular opening that the bolt sticks up through) in the frame. Next
there is the fit of the bolt in the bolt window and, finally, the fit of the bolt to the cylinder
notches. On our project gun, the bolt does not fit the cylinder correctly. Widening the
bolt slots in the cylinder is beyond the capacity of most home gun tuners, so the only
alternative is to narrow the bolt head. HOWEVER, we only want to narrow that part of
the bolt sticking out above the bolt window in the frame. Photo 15.
If we narrow the entire head of the bolt it will fit the cylinder notches, but it will fit too
loosely in the frame window and the cylinder will have excessive side-to-side play. Just
to make sure what area needs to be narrowed, take a Sharpie and color the side of the
bolt as shown in photo 16. (Only color the side shown, we will not take material from
the other side.)
Now, remove the main spring, the trigger guard, the bolt/sear spring, the trigger, the
bolt, and finally, the hammer and hand (some people refer to it as a pawl). Now that the
bolt is out, be careful not to rub off the black color until we get around to fitting the bolt.
Photo 17 shows the bolt and the area in black that is ABOVE the bolt window in the
We do not want to remove material below the marked area. Photo 18 (A) shows the
burr we identified when cycling the hammer.
With everything apart, it was also noticed that the arbor staking pin was sticking out and
hitting the hammer. Photo 18 (B) and Photo 19.
Before ending this month’s installment, we’ll look at the relationship of the internal parts
and explain how they operate so we will know what is needed when we refit the parts
during our tune up. Photo 20 shows the hammer and it has a very nicely made and
smooth hammer cam.
Photo 21 shows the bolt.
Although the Pietta bolt head is typically too wide, the bolt body is very nicely made and
very smooth compared to many other Colt clones. It has a very nice bevel on the end of
the bolt leg that rides on the hammer cam. See above Photo 21 (B).
Many bolts are fitted with virtually no bevel or a very roughly ground one. Essentially,
how the bolt operates is that at rest, the bottom curve on the bolt is sitting just above the
top of the hammer cam. See above Photos 20 and 21 (A).
As the hammer is cocked, the top of the hammer cam pushes up on the bottom of the
bolt and the front of the bolt tips down (like a teeter-totter) and unlocks the cylinder. As
the hammer travels further to the rear, the bolt leg slips off the top of the hammer cam
and the bolt rises to lock the cylinder.
The bottom of the hammer cam is shaped like a hatchet head pointing down. The bolt
bevel is shaped like a hatchet head pointing up. See above Photos 20 and 21 (B).
When the trigger is pulled the hammer drops down and the two hatchet heads pass
each other. Since the hammer is stationary vis-à-vis side-to-side movement and is
stronger than the leg on the bolt, the hammer cam pushes the leg of the bolt inward.
Photo 22.
When the hammer is all the way down, the leg of the bolt snaps back over the top of the
hammer cam and the process begins again for the next shot. (In Photo 22, the bent leg
is riding over the hammer cam and will snap back to the left when it reaches the top of
the cam.) That’s why we need the little light described in the beginning of this article.
We are going to modify the bolt and need to be able to see that it is working properly.
Finally, Photo 23 shows the relationship of the hammer and trigger.
The top of the trigger above the trigger screw hole slides along the front of the hammer
until the trigger tip drops into the half cock or full cock notches. On a lot of guns, the
back of the trigger or front of the hammer is very roughly ground and you can feel
grittiness while cocking the hammer as the trigger drags over the front of the hammer.
On our project gun, the front of the hammer and back of the trigger is smooth and need
little, if any, polishing.
Next month we will correct all of the problems we have identified and reassemble and
test our Pietta. Make sure you keep this issue of the Chronicle as we may need to refer
to some of the photos when correcting problems or reassembling our gun.
Tuning the Pietta Cap & Ball for Competition
Part 2. Fixing the Problem Areas
Larsen E. Pettifogger
SASS # 32933L
In our last session we diagnosed problems and disassembled our Pietta .44 Sheriff’s
Model. This month, we will fix the problems we identified and reassemble and test our
revolver. While our revolver is apart, if you see a burr, remove it. It you see any
surfaces with bright marks, polish them. We want every surface that produces friction
as the revolver is cycled to be as smooth as possible.
Our on project revolver we’ll start with the frame and hammer. Smooth and polish the
problem areas we identified in the hammer channel in part one. Photo 1.
LIGHTLY break any surfaces on the frame that have razor sharp edges. We don’t want
to remove any appreciable amount metal or change the frame contours, we just want to
lightly dull the sharp edges. Photo 2.
A small diamond file is used to very LIGHTLY brush over the frame’s sharp edges and
dull them. Install the hammer and make sure it moves freely in the hammer channel.
(Don’t tighten the hammer screw to tightly. If the hammer is a close fit, it is possible to
tighten the hammer screw enough that it will bind or put drag on the hammer.) Again,
like we did in part one, put very light side-to-side pressure on the hammer as it is moved
up and down in the frame. Even after smoothing the hammer channel and breaking the
channels sharp edges, on our project revolver the sides of the hammer had a little bump
on the down stroke. This was caused by two sharp corners on either side of the
hammer. These corners were dulled with a stone. Photo 3.
It isn’t necessary (or possible on some guns) to completely remove all side-to-side
hammer contact. What we want is a smooth transition in the event the hammer
happens to rub on the frame while shooting. Once the hammer moves smoothly in the
frame, we will move on to the most critical part of our tune-up--fitting the cylinder bolt to
the cylinder.
If you reload, you probably already have a dial caliper. If not, they can be obtained from
a variety of sources. If you do any gun work or reloading, it will be invaluable. Measure
the cylinder notches on both ends and in the middle of each bolt notch. Remember, the
bolt notches are offset so make sure the calipers are square to the notch. On our
project revolver all the notches measured around .153” on the ends and .145” in the
middle. Photos 4 and 5.
As we had previously diagnosed, the bolt appeared too wide and was peening the bolt
notches. Our bolt measures .157”. Photo 6.
So, our original diagnosis was correct, the bolt is clearly wider than the bolt notches.
Just to double check your measurements, try to insert the bolt into the bolt notches.
Remember, the notches are offset so the sides of the bolt must be kept parallel with the
sides of the bolt notches. Photo 7.
Check all of your notches and try the bolt in each notch. IF your cylinder bolt
measurements are all greater than the width of the bolt and the bolt it goes into all the
notches, then you can sit back and relax and skip the next operation. On our project
revolver, the bolt would not go into any of the cylinder notches, especially since all of
the notches were already showing signs of peening. Photo 8 shows a cylinder that was
already ruined from peening and also shows the results of an attempt to square the
notches with a Dremel.
The cylinders on our black powder revolver are soft. Thus, we can re-square the
notches with a de-burring tool like that pictured in Part 1. Put the point of the tool in the
bottom of the notch (on the same side as the burr) and make sure the side of the blade
forms a 90 degree angle with the bottom of the notch and drag the blade along the
notch. This may need to be done a couple of times, but the tool will cut the burr away
and leave a nice clean square notch cut. Do this for all notches that have damage. On
our project revolver, this was all six notches. Re-measure all of the notches; they
should now be fairly uniform. If the middle measurement on any notch is still markedly
smaller than the ends, you may need to remove a little more material with the de-burring
tool. Now determine the smallest notch. On our project revolver, all the notches were
between .152” and .154”. In Part 1 we marked the bolt with a black Sharpie. Keeping
the cut as square as possible, stone this area down until it is .002” or .003” thinner than
your smallest notch. On our project revolver the bolt was cut from .157” to .150”. Photo
Put the hammer in the frame and then the bolt and bolt/trigger spring. (You don’t need
to install the trigger.) Put on the back strap so you know the maximum the hammer can
be cocked when the revolver is fully assembled. (On our project revolver it was noted in
Part 1 that the back strap was sprung. When it was attached to the frame for this step,
it was also determined that the screws were bottoming in the frame and the back strap
couldn’t be fully tightened. This wasn’t noticeable when the gun was assembled
because of the tension put on the screws by the sprung back strap. If you screws do
this, shorten them so the back strap can be fully tightened.)
Push the hammer back and forth in the frame and watch the bolt retract and then pop
back up. Also, feel how smooth the hammer feels when the bolt leg passes over the
hammer cam when the hammer is moved forward to its seated position. You can shine
some light in the frame with the little light discussed in Part 1 and watch the action of the
cam and bolt leg. When we originally looked at our hammer and bolt in Part 1, it was
observed that the hammer appeared to have a nicely formed and smooth cam and the
bolt had a nice bevel. However, that nice flat spot on the cam caused more drag than
anticipated. By looking at the cam and bolt leg while they were moving over each other
it could also be seen that the flat spot was dragging on the bolt below the bevel cut into
the end of the bolt leg causing the bolt leg to flex inward more than needed. The top of
the cam was polished with a fine stone. The bevel on the bolt leg was blended a little
further down the bolt leg to make its transition over the cam a little smoother and then
polished. Photo 10 “A”.
Now that the hammer and bolt are working properly, we can move on to the hand.
One of the major reliability areas in a Pietta revolver is the hand and hand spring. The
hand is soft and the hand spring breaks frequently. Hold the hand in one hand and pull
the spring straight down. Photo 11.
See how easy that broke off! Photo 12.
Now that it’s broke, we’ll fix it permanently. For this step, do not try to remove the
broken-off stub. We want it in the slot. With the hand spring gone, you can see how
rough the back of the hand is. Photo 13.
Smooth it so that you have nice curves and a polished surface all around the back of
the hand. Photo 14.
When smoothing the back of the hand the little piece of the hand left in the slot now
forms a nice little plug so there is no gap in the back of the hand. You want to smooth
and polish over the little stub because depending on where we drill the hole for the next
step, the plunger on our modified hand may ride over the stub. With a stone, smooth all
the little burrs that are typically found on the tip of the hand. Do not change the
contours, merely smooth out the burrs. After the tip is smoothed up, we want to try and
harden it a little. Hold the hand in a pair of pliers and heat the tip with a propane torch
until it is red hot and then immediately submerge it in a bucket of water. Photo 15.
This isn’t the best method for hardening steel, but it will help a little with the dead soft
metal in our hand.
Next, we are going to drill a hole in the frame and install a Ruger style plunger and coil
spring. Ideally, the plunger should ride in the middle of the back of the hand. To
determine where to drill the hole, measure the width of the hand. Our hand is just shy
of .120”. Photo 16.
The middle of the hand would be .060”. (There is a lot of slop in the hand slot, so we
can round the numbers a little to make locating the hole we are going to drill easier.)
However, our project revolver’s hand has a boss on the bottom to space the hand out
from the hammer. The boss is shown in Photo 13 at “A”. (Some hands have this boss,
some don’t. You need to take a good look at the one in your revolver. If there is no
boss, then the final measurement is simply half the hand width.) The boss on our
project revolver’s hand is roughly .040”. Thus, half our hand width,
.060”, plus the width of the boss, .040”, is .100”. The next thing we have to do is figure
out how big a hole to drill and where to put it.
One nice thing about splitting this article into two parts is that it gave me a chance to
solve a problem and make the next step a little easier. On gun one (remember, we
actually started with a pair of revolvers) I installed a standard Ruger plunger and spring
as used in all of the Ruger single action revolvers. On some Piettas the stock Ruger
spring and plunger work perfectly. On others, the plunger is too short and would fall into
the hand slot or hang up on the edge of the hand slot. The original article text and
photos described how to test for this problem and showed how to correct it by making a
longer plunger out of a piece of drill rod. I had two more new Piettas on the shelf and
both of these also had a wider hand channel than some of the older models. I decided
to see if a different set of parts would work better. After ordering and trying different
part combinations, the following parts should drop in and function fine with no
modifications. Ruger Pawl Spring Plunger KE51 (Brownells part no. 780-001-231) and
Ruger Cylinder Latch Spring KH05000 (Brownells part no. 780-000-464). These are
actually out of a Ruger double action, but will work fine in our project revolver. The
original Ruger single action plunger and spring is shown on the top of Photo 17 and our
new combination double action plunger and spring is shown below it.
The new plunger is smaller in diameter, which will work fine in our application as it will
give more clearance when we drill our hand spring hole.
Drilling the hole must be done with a drill press or milling machine. The frame must be
held so the back of the frame is parallel to the drill table. Do not attempt to drill the hole
by hand! How exactly the hole gets drilled will depend on the tools available. The best
method is to drill the hole in a milling machine using a starter drill to start a pilot hole
and then drill the remainder of the hole. The hole can also be drilled on a drill press
with a good drill press vise. We want to measure in .100” from the left edge of the
hammer channel. If using a drill press take a Sharpie and blacken the back of the
frame. Measure in .100” and scribe a line. The other dimension is basically to move
down from the top of the machined surface on the fame so that when the hole is drilled
it is covered by the back strap. This measurement is not as critical as the .100”
measurement in from the side of the hammer channel. Scribe another line and then
with a very fine punch, make a punch mark at the intersection of the two lines. See,
Photos 18 and 19.
Do not attempt to start the hole on a drill press without a punch mark to guide the drill
tip. If you do, the drill bit will skate on the hardened frame metal and you might wind up
with a hole, but it will almost certainly be in the wrong place. The hole size is a number
42 drill which is .0935”. Number drills can be obtained at most hardware stores and
hobby shops. Complete sets of number drills can also be obtained at Harbor Freight.
After the hole is drilled, make sure any burrs on the inside of the hand channel are
removed. This can be done by running a small file up into the hand channel and over
the hole a few times. Put the plunger in the hole and make sure it moves freely in the
hole and into the hand channel. If the plunger is dragging, take the number 42 drill and
rotate it back and forth between your finger tips while moving it in and out of the hole.
This will help remove any tiny burrs. Once the plunger moves freely in the hole, we are
ready to move on to the next step.
On our project revolver, the wedge was hammered into the barrel so tightly that it had
raised a bump on the side of the barrel. The wedge should be able to be inserted and
removed from the barrel with finger pressure or a light tap from a screwdriver handle or
some other non-metallic object. Run the wedge back and forth on a fine tooth file until
one side is flat. Photo 20.
Then put the wedge on a stone and polish that side until it is smooth. Photo 21.
Repeat the process on the second side of the wedge, testing frequently, until the tip of
the wedge spring just sticks out of the barrel with thumb pressure on the wedge. Photo
When the gun is shot, the wedge will loosen a little more and the wedge will go a little
further into the barrel. As long as the wedge is tight, it doesn’t matter if the tip of the
wedge spring is past the edge of the barrel. The primary purpose of the spring isn’t to
lock the wedge into the barrel. It’s primary purpose is to catch on the wedge screw and
keep the wedge from falling out of the barrel when it is pulled loose to remove the barrel
for cleaning.
On our project revolver (both revolvers as it turned out) the back strap was sprung and
wouldn’t fit back on the frame without a good deal of effort. Since, in addition to putting
in the back strap screws we also now have to accommodate the hand spring and
plunger, the holes need to line up fairly well or we’ll never get everything back together.
Fortunately, the bottom of the back strap is flat and even though there are two thin
projections on either side of the hammer slot, they are the same width as the back
strap. So, we can set it in a vise with aluminum or some other non-marring material in
the jaws and give a little tap with a hammer on the end of a piece of wood. Photo 23.
A couple of light taps and everything lined up perfectly. The next step is purely
cosmetic, but made the guns feel much better in the hand.
Photo 24 shows an original 1851 Navy Colt back strap on the left.
The back strap has subtle curves from just behind the hammer slot down to the bottom
rear of the back strap. In the middle is the stock Pietta 51 Navy back strap. There is
almost a two inch stretch were the back strap is perfectly flat between the curve behind
the hammer slot and before turning out sharply at the bottom rear of the back strap.
The solution was to scribe a line just behind the shoulder stock cut out groove on the
bottom of the back strap and then grind up to this line using a belt sander. Then the
rear of the back strap was ground on the belt sander to blend in a new curve. The back
strap on the right shows the final contour. Not radically different, but it made the grip
feel entirely different. Now that the back strap has been re-contoured, the wooden grip
stuck out on the back. The trigger guard, wooden grip, and back strap were screwed to
the bare frame and a belt sander used to re-contour the back of the grips and to thin
them down. Photo 25.
After the rough contours were cut-in a Black and Decker “Mouse” sander (a small orbital
sander) was used to smooth the wood and remove the deep scratches from the back
strap. Be careful not to mar the trigger guard as it is fine as is. After the grips were
sanded smooth they were removed and paint remover used to remove the rest of the
finish. After the wood was stripped and dried, a few coats of Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil
stock finish was applied. No stain was needed, the wood looked great with just the
application of the stock finish. While that was drying the back strap was polished with a
small buffing wheel and compound from Sears. Shined up great. Had a few
imperfections left over from the belt sanding, but after its been shot in a few matches no
one will ever notice. Now comes one of the most important steps in our tune-up.
More problems and frustration with cap and ball revolvers arise from misfires, caps
falling off nipples, caps that are too tight to seat on the nipples, and cap fragments
jamming the gun than all other issues combined. No matter how reliable the
mechanicals may be and no matter how smooth the action, all of this is of no
consequence if the gun will not fire reliably. There are always individuals who claim to
have perfect performance from stock nipples and any brand of cap they can find at the
local firearms emporium. Those circumstances, however, are few and far between.
There is only one sure fire way to address ignition and cap problems--the nipples must
be consistent in size and the caps must fit properly. The best combination is Treso
nipples and Remington #10 caps. No other combination comes close to the reliability of
this set-up. Treso nipples are uniform in diameter and have a smooth polished finish.
This alone could make the difference between success and failure in shooting your cap
and ball revolver.
Another big factor in favor of the Tresos is that the Treso’s flash hole is much smaller
than a stock Italian nipple. See, Photo 26.
When the gun fires, the ball and most of the gas goes down the barrel. But, gas also
blasts rearward out of the nipple flash hole. The larger the flash hole, the more gas
escapes and can blow cap fragments off the nipples and into the action. The only thing
keeping the fired cap on the nipple and sealing the escape of gas is the hammer, which
is one of the reasons the hammer springs on cap and ball revolvers tend to be fairly
heavy. Bottom line is change the nipples and use the proper caps and most ignition
problems will simply go away. The proper size nipples for the Pietta are the 6 x .75mm
thread Tresos. The Treso threads are also cut much more precisely than the stock
threads. On the stock nipples they are easily inserted into the cylinder and have a little
wobble until they seat. The Tresos might at first seem to be to big as they can be hard
to start and once started have virtually no play as they are screwed into the cylinder. To
make sure you can get them back out, coat them with anti-seize compound. Now that
the nipples have been installed, we want to make sure they aren’t going to be damaged
by the hammer. Put the hammer into the frame and place the cylinder on the arbor.
Line up a nipple with the hammer and lightly push the cylinder back with one hand and
push the hammer forward with the other. If you can feel the cylinder move forward, the
hammer is contacting the nipple. Remove material from the nose of the hammer until it
no longer contacts the nipples. Don’t remove too much material. We don’t want the
hammer impacting the nipples, but we don’t want a large gap between the hammer and
nipples either.
Now that all the internal parts have been completed its time to reassemble the revolver.
Put in the hammer and hand, bolt, trigger, trigger/bolt spring and then the trigger guard.
Now depending on how smooth you got all those internal parts you can try the next
step. The stock mainsprings on the newer Piettas and Ubertis and much lighter than
they were several years ago. A good piece of advice is to keep the mainspring stiff.
However, this advice is based on using a revolver that has not had our modifications
and has stock nipples. IF everything is operating smoothly, and the hammer falls with
minimal friction, we can go with a slightly lighter mainspring and still have reliable
ignition and avoid cap jams. (Which, again, is why the Treso nipples are so important.)
Use a Wolff mainspring, Brownells part number 969-322-850. It should drop right in, but
there is one test to be performed. Slowly cock the hammer and watch the tip of the
mainspring. Make sure when the hammer hits the full-cock notch (remember, the back
strap is off so don’t pull the hammer back to far) the tip of the spring is not hitting the
bottom of the hammer. Photo 27.
If it is, remove a little material from the tip of the mainspring. Install the grips and back
strap, put the cylinder on the arbor and install the barrel and wedge. Cycle the revolver
several times to make sure everything is operating properly. On our project revolver the
cylinder had virtually no side-to-side play, and is now solidly locked up. If yours has a
little play, don’t worry. It is better for there to be a little movement than to have the bolt
not dropping fully into the cylinder bolt notches. If everything is operating smoothly grab
some powder and balls and get ready to go to the range for some testing. If there is
something dragging or not operating correctly, disassemble the gun and using your best
detective skills, track down where the problem is occurring and correct it.
At this point another article could be written on the care and feeding of a cap and ball
revolver. However, this article has gone long and I will end with just a couple of
observations. Colt style revolvers have no cylinder bushing. This creates two issues.
First, hot gas from the chamber/cylinder gap blows directly on the arbor. Make sure
bore butter or some other grease (oil is to thin) is on the arbor or it will quickly foul and
cause the cylinder to drag. Second, again because there is no cylinder bushing, there
is nothing to stop the barrel from moving forward when firing except the cylinder
physically touching the back of the barrel. Put the revolver on half-cock and pull the
cylinder to the rear and hold it up to a bright light. You should see some cylinder gap.
Photo 28.
And, since our Pietta has a properly fitted arbor, the gap should be uniform from top to
bottom. (Ubertis will typically have a pie shaped gap because of incorrect arbor fit.) Let
go of the cylinder and pull the hammer back to the full-cock notch. The gap goes away
as the hand pushes the cylinder forward. Photo 29.
When firing, the front of the cylinder gets dirty and it will drag more and more on the
back of the barrel as more shots are fired. Use good grease over the balls to help keep
the fouling soft and/or wipe the face of the cylinder off every couple of stages.
How did our project revolver(s) hold up on its test run? Fired 50 rounds out of gun one
and then brought it home to clean and check everything. The gun was much smoother
after firing just 50 rounds and the wedge had loosened just a tad so it could be pushed
in just a bit further when the gun was reassembled. (The wedge has not loosened with
more shooting.) No misfires, no cap jams. Went back out to the range for a test of the
second gun. EMF’s website recommends a charge of between 22 and 28 grains in the
Sheriff’s Model. I used a flask with a 25 grain spout. Fired ten rounds with APP. Nice
mild load. Next, emptied the flask and filled it with Goex Cowboy black powder.
Another ten rounds. More stout than the APP and nothing has that nice satisfying boom
of real black powder. Next, ten rounds with 777. Noticeably more stout than APP or
Cowboy, but nothing excessive. Finally, while at my local firearms emporium I noticed
they had some Pyrodex pellets. These were listed for a .44/.45 cap and ball and were
listed as 30 grains equivalent. Ten rounds down range. These clearly had the most
power of anything tried. So, test number two; 40 rounds, no cleaning, no misfires, no
cap jams. That’s equivalent to eight stages. These were not protracted tests, but the
results indicate we have definitely moved in the right direction.