A Study On Customer Satisfaction On Bhatbhateni Super Market

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(Special reference to Bhatbhateni of Kalanki Branch)


Roniya Karki

Exam Roll No: 14486/14

T.U. Reg. No: 7-2-22-09-2014

A Summer Project Report Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University

In the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration

at the

Patan Multiple Campus

Patandhoka, Lalitpur

April, 2018


This is to certify that the summer project entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER

“RoniyaKarki” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University
under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information presented
by him/her in the summer project report has not been submitted earlier.

Pramod Raj Upadhyay, Ph. D
Management Academic.


We have conducted the viva – voce sheet examination of the summer project

Submitted by:
Roniya Karki

A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Bhatbhateni Super Market

and found the summer project to be the original work of the student and written according to
the prescribed format. We recommend the summer project to be accepted as partial fulfillment
of the requirements for

Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA)

Viva – Voce Committee
Head, Research Department: …………………………………
Member (Report Supervisor): …………………………….......
Member (External Expert): …………………………………..
Date: ……………………………………

This is to declare that I have completed the Summer Project entitled "A STUDY ON
REFERENCE TO KALANKI BRANCH)”under the guidance of Pramod Raj Upadhyay in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University. This is my original work and I have not
submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Name :RoniyaKarki


Date: April, 2018


The need of the extra activities other than course curriculum is crucial to enhance one’s
potentiality and for knocking door of success. It is relevant from various walks of life from
business executives to a physician to politicians. This project report has been assigned to the
students as partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor Administration prescribed in
Tribhuvan University syllabus.

Firstly, I would like to thank Tribhuvan University for providing me with the opportunity to
prepare this research project. As a part of the subject Summer Project; I am able to prepare this
research project which will be beneficial for further experience in my professional
life.Secondly, I would like to thank Patan College for providing me with the sufficient
materials to prepare this report.Thirdly, I would like to thank Lecturer Pramod Raj Upadhyay
for his continuous support and guidance throughout the process. This research project would
be impossible without his valuable insights.

Last but not the least; I am very grateful to the informants who will be involved in providing
necessary information. This research has been really vivid, exciting as well as educational. I
would also like to thank all those who continually provide with innovative ideas and support to
better the project.

Thank You.
BBA 7th semester


Recommendation by the Supervisor ............................................................................................ ii

VIVA –VOCE Sheet .................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ v
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................vi
List of Tables............................................................................................................................ viii
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................ix
Executive Summary .....................................................................................................................xi
CHAPTER- I ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Context Information ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose of the study .............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Significance of the Study ...................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Literature Survey .................................................................................................................. 4
1.5.1 Conceptual Review ............................................................................................................ 4
1.5.2 Review of related studies ................................................................................................... 5
1.5.3 Concluding Remarks.......................................................................................................... 7
1.6.1 Research Design ................................................................................................................ 8
1.6.2 Population and Sample ...................................................................................................... 8
1.6.3Instruments.......................................................................................................................... 9
1.6.4 Data collection procedure .................................................................................................. 9
1.6.5 Data processing procedure ................................................................................................. 9
1.6.6 Data Analysis Tools and Techniques................................................................................. 9
1.7 Limitation of the Study ....................................................................................................... 10
1.8 Organization of the Study ................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER-II .......................................................................................................................... 11
Data Presentation and Analysis ............................................................................................. 11
Data Presentation and Analysis ................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Organization and Respondent Profile............................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Organization Selected For Study ..................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Respondent Profile ........................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Reason for Visiting,Service Delivery and Other Facilities Provided by BBSM.......... 17
2.2.1 Customer’s major Reason for choosing Bhat Bhateni Super Market .............................. 17
2.2.2 Customer satisfaction on Service Delivery of Bhatbhateni Super Market ...................... 19
2.2.3 Customer Satisfaction on extra facilities provided by BBSM ......................................... 20
2.3 Customer Satisfaction on Product Variety, Price Charged,Multiple Factors and
Location ................................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.1 Customer satisfaction on Product Variety ....................................................................... 21
2.3.2 Customer Satisfaction on price charged on products by BBSM ..................................... 22
2.3.3 Customer satisfaction on the basis of multiple factors .................................................... 23
2.3.4 Customer satisfaction on the basis of location................................................................. 25
2.4 Time spent by customer and Recommendation to other for visit in BBSM ................ 26
2.4.1 Customer’s total time of being the customer ................................................................... 26
2.4.2 Customer recommendation of BBSM to other potential customers ................................ 27
2.5 Findings and discussions .................................................................................................. 28
2.5.1 Findings ........................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Discussions ...................................................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER-III ......................................................................................................................... 32
Conclusions and Action Implications .................................................................................... 32
3.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 32
3.2 Implication ......................................................................................................................... 33


Table 2. 1 Respondent’s Profile ................................................................................................ 13

Table 2. 2 Reason for choosing Bhatbhateni Supermarket ....................................................... 18
Table 2. 3 Service delivery of BBSM ....................................................................................... 20
Table 2. 4 Other Facilities......................................................................................................... 21
Table 2. 5 Product Variety ........................................................................................................ 22
Table 2. 6 Price Charged........................................................................................................... 23
Table 2. 7 Frequency of repurchase, responsiveness of staffs, Delivery on Time performance
BBSM, Quality management, Technical Competence, professionalism in dealing,
Commitment to delivery expectation ........................................................................................ 24
Table 2. 8 Satisfaction with location ........................................................................................ 25
Table 2. 9 Time Duration percentage of a customer................................................................. 26
Table 2. 10 Recommendation of BBSM to others .................................................................... 27


Figure 2. 1 Respondent as per Gender ...................................................................................... 14

Figure 2. 2 Percentage of Respondent as per age group ........................................................... 15
Figure 2. 3 Respondent as per various occupations .................................................................. 16
Figure 2. 4 Income level of Respondents ................................................................................. 17
Figure 2. 5 Reason for choosing BBSM ................................................................................... 18
Figure 2. 6 Frequency and percentage of respondents of location ........................................... 25
Figure 2. 7 Percentage of time duration of respondent ............................................................. 27
Figure 2. 8 Percentage of recommendation of BBSM to other ................................................ 28


BBSM – Bhat Bhateni Super Market

i.e. – that is


The main objective of this research was to analyze the level of customer satisfaction on the
basis of price charged, service delivered and product variety offered by Bhatbhateni Super
Market (BBSM) similarly this research was conducted to find out the reasons for choosing
Bhatbhateni by the customer and also to analyze variation in customer satisfaction among the
age group, gender and the occupation of the customer.

Research design used in this research was descriptive research design and the sample taken
was 100 among the infinite population visiting BBSM. Non- probability sampling was used
under which convenience sampling was selected. The data had been generated by primary
sources. For collecting the data through primary sources questionnaire method had been used
to know customer satisfaction. The statistical tools used to attain first objective was frequency
similarly, second and third objective were fulfilled by mean.

To make report simple and easily understandable, charts and diagram were used. The collected
data was in unorganized form. So, they were organized properly to save time and prevent
mistakes. The appropriate data had been converted into tabular and graphical form with the
help of Ms-Excel. Pie-charts, Scatter diagrams and bar diagram was designed on the basis of
data as per required.

This research shows that out of total respondent female had the majority in visiting BBSM
among them student visits most frequently. The conclusion shows that people visits BBSM
because of the product variety available and the accessibility. And the satisfaction level of
customer in BBSM Kalanki in price charged, product variety and service delivery as per age
group, gender and occupation was found to be less than satisfied and more that neutral.


1.1Context Information
Customer satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction provided by the goods or services of a
company as measured by the number of repeat customers. It is also the marketing term that
measures how products or services supplied by a company meet a customer’s expectations.
This particular research was conducted to analyze the customer satisfaction of Bhatbhateni
supermarket (BBSM) of Kalanki branch. This supermarket is one of the leading retails
stores that provide variety of goods and services in affordable price.

Customer Satisfaction has been a major concern for every organization these days.
Researcher also seems to be interested in this particular topic. BBSM is one of the leading
retail store and it focus on the satisfaction of customer. The main goal of this organization
is to minimize cost and maximize profit along with considering the customer satisfaction. .
Profit maximization can be done through increase in sales with lesser costs.

Customer satisfaction is the important aspect of the business on which business

organization must focus to maintain public relations as well as to attain long term profit
and to maintain customer loyalty.

Beard, Client Heartbeat Blog.(2014) have pointed out the importance of customer
satisfaction as: It helps to minimize negative word of mouth. It’s comparatively cheaper to
retain customers than attract new one. It helps to increase customer life time value. It’s the
main point of differentiation. It’s the main indicator to determine the customer repurchase
intention and loyalty.

Thus, organization need to understand that how can they satisfy their customer. Customer
satisfaction in marketing context has specific meanings:

Satisfaction refers to achieving the things we want which satisfy needs. If satisfaction
interprets as “not going wrong” the firm should decrease complaint which by its own is not
sufficient. In order to satisfy customers, company should improve its service and products.

By definition of Supermarket “A larger store that sells a variety of food and households
items to Customers” In other words Supermarket is also defined as “large self-service
grocery stores selling groceries and diary product and household goods food market.”The
concept of a self-service grocery store was developed by American entrepreneur Clarence
Saunders and his Piggy Wiggly stores opened in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1916. Saunders
was awarded a number of patents for the ideas he incorporates into the stores. The stores
were a financial success began to offer franchises. In 1990, a rapid transformation of the
malls and Supermarkets evolved in developing countries. Transformation concentrated to
major areas such as: Latin America, South-East Asia, China and South Africa, However,
growth is being witnessed in nearly all countries.

Satisfaction means the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a desire, need or
expectation. Furthermore, Customer satisfaction can be a measure of how happy customers
are with the services and products of a supermarket. Keeping customers happy is of
tremendous benefit to companies. Satisfied customers are more likely to stay loyal,
consume more and are more likely to recommend their friends to the business.

This survey deals with the customer preference of Bhat Bhateni Super Market. This study
further explains the associations between dependent variable and independent variables.
Queries such as association between gender affecting the preference of the customers,
association between age group and preference of the Customers, etc. has be answered
through this survey.

1.2 Statement of the problem

This study is directed to resolve the following issues:
 What are the reasons for choosing BBSM?
 How can we evaluate level of consumer satisfaction on price charged, service
delivered and product variety offered by BBSM?

 What are the variation in customer satisfaction among age group, gender and
 How to investigate different factors affecting customer satisfaction in BBSM,

1.3 Purpose of the study

The main purpose of conducting this research was to analyze the satisfaction level of the
customers of the BBSM. The other specific reason for the study includes following:
 To examine reasons for choosing BBSM.
 To evaluate level of consumer satisfaction on price charged, service delivered and
product variety offered by BBSM.
 To assess variation in customer satisfaction among age group, gender and
 To investigate different factors affecting customer satisfaction in BBSM, Kalanki.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Bhatbhateni and its relation to customer satisfaction are connected, from the perspective of
increasing customer demand for product. However, there has been some effort to maintain
the service of Bhatbhateni from the perspective of concerns about level of customer
satisfaction. Our needs and demand are increasing day by day, but business organization
and departmental store are not much concern about the level of customer satisfaction.
.Thus, the study of customer satisfaction survey of Bhatbhateni of Kalanki branch is
important to many individual which can be as follows:

 This study may help the readers/business organization to enhance the awareness
about how to satisfy customer and take corrective actions.
 It works as a guideline for the researchers to provide concrete path for conducting
future research.
 It can assist the concerned authorities to create awareness about what actually
customers wants from the store varying from their age group, occupation, gender, etc.

1.5 Literature Survey
Literature review is something when you look at a literature in a surface level, or an Ariel
view .Literature review or survey is in a project report is that section which shows the
various analysis and research made in the field of your interest and the results that are
already published, taking into account the various parameters of the project and extent of
the project.

It is the most important part of our report that gives the direction in the area of your
research. Literature review is the secondary sources, and does not report new or original
experiment work.

1.5.1 Conceptual Review

One of the most recent and more often reported works with regard to the measurement of
customer satisfaction is that of Oliver (1980; 1981). Oliver, by using the adaptation theory
of Helson (1964) formulates the opinion that the expectations of customers shape a
concrete level of output and provide a frame of report on the evaluation from the consumer
side. Oliver (1980) proposed and empirically tested a comprehensive model of the
antecedents and consequences of the customer satisfaction process using a subjective
evaluation of overall disconfirmation in the context of a flu vaccination program.
Disconfirmation was operationalized using a process quality and outcome quality item for
the vaccinated group and an outcome only item for the non-user group (Oliver, 1980). Path
analysis revealed that disconfirmation dominated all other variables in explaining
satisfaction for both users and non-users and that satisfaction mediated the changes in pre-
exposure and post-exposure attitudes (Oliver, 1980). Oliver proposed that his results
support disconfirmation as a dominant construct in the satisfaction process and that users
and non-users evaluate satisfaction judgments in a similar manner.

Those who buy the goods or services provided by companies are customers. In other
words, a customer is a stakeholder of an organization who provides payment in exchange
for the offer provided to him by the organization with the aim of fulfilling a need and to
maximize satisfaction. Sometimes the term customer and consumer are confusing. A
customer can be a consumer, but a consumer may not necessarily be a customer.

Customer means the party to which the goods are to be supplied or service rendered by the
supplier. Customer satisfaction is a marketing term that measures how products or services
supplied by a company meet or surpass a customer’s expectation. Customer satisfaction is
important because it provides marketers and business owners with a metric that they can
use to manage and improve their businesses. Customer satisfaction is defined as a
customer’s overall evaluation of the performance of an offering to date.

1.5.2 Review of related studies

Past empirical studies related to the current study have been summarized as follows:

Gomathi, Kishore and Deepika (2013) examined a study on customer satisfaction towards
departmental stores in Erode city. Structured questionnaire were used in the survey. Total
500 consumer of departmental store were personally surveyed. Simple random sampling
was used for selecting the respondents. The authors revealed that the customers are
satisfied with the contributors made by departmental stores and they are interested in
recommending it to other perspective customers.

K.C. and Paramasivam (2013) have investigated a study on customer satisfaction, purchase
pattern towards Nilgiri’s supermarket in Coimbatore city. The purposive sampling method
was used for selecting customers and the sample size was 60.The different tools used for
analysis of results were Percentage analysis, Scaling analysis and Chi-Square analysis. The
main factors taken into consideration for data analysis were value, availability, and
arrangement, of the products in Niligiri’s store and ambient level of satisfaction towards
the supermarket. The authors found out in conclusion that Nilgiri’s supermarket customers
were highly satisfied with the quality (56.67%) followed by the service (26.66%).

Mahfooz (2014) has evaluated on the relationship between service quality and customer
satisfaction in hypermarkets of Saudi Arabia. Self administered questionnaire were used
for the data collection using convenience sampling technique. Descriptive statistics were
used for the analysis. The author has found that the higher level of service quality will have
a significant effect on establishing customer satisfaction.

Nadane and Alet (2014) examined customer satisfaction with customer service quality in
supermarkets in a third world context. The data were collected in two phases with the
involvement of 386 participants. For the enhancement of validity of data, the research
approach followed here is exploratory and descriptive in nature and integrates a qualitative
technique(focus group discussions) with a predominantly quantitative approach (survey,
implementing a structured questionnaire).The authors revealed that there is a significant
difference in the participant’s satisfaction with different supermarkets.

Hariharan and Selvakumar (2014) have examined a study on consumer Satisfaction

towards Supermarkets with reference to Coimbatore. They have used Non-probability
convenience sampling as a methodology and this survey consists of sample of 150
participants. The primary data consisting 25 questionnaires were collected through
interview schedule from the consumers of the Supermarkets in Coimbatore. Descriptive
analysis and Chi-square test are the major tools and techniques used in the study. After the
research and study, authors have revealed that the consumer in Coimbatore is more
satisfied with the services rendered by supermarkets.

Sashikala and Ashwini Gangatkar(2015) has examined on a study on comparative analysis

of consumer perception towards supermarkets and provision stores in Bangalore.
Questionnaire method was used for the survey made among 100 respondents. The analysis
was made about the consumer perception of supermarket and provision store. The authors
concluded in the end with the results that no doubt consumers have better perception about
supermarket as compared to provision stores except price.

Yadav and Verma (2015) have configured about the consumer preference towards stores
for food and grocery in evolving retail market. For the analyzing of data multiple statistical
techniques were used to analyze the data which were gathered through structured
questionnaire. The market of Indore was the place foe this study. Finally the authors
concluded that the customer perceived to be more satisfied with organized retail store
when compared with conventional kirana stores in relation with price and benefits in

Kumar (2016) has examined store quality, customer’s satisfaction and loyalty in India.
Primary data using structured questionnaire were collected from the 600 respondents from
sixty retail formats. The systematic stratified sampling was used for the data collection.
Multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the data. The results from the
multiple regression model showed that all four dimension of store quality in the study were
identified strong predictor of customer satisfaction and word of mouth communication,
while only product quality and customer sacrifice are significant for customers’ behavioral
intension. The author concluded that among four dimension of store quality, product
quality was the strongest predictor and significant for all dependent variables.

Nguyen (2016) has evaluated factors influencing customer satisfaction towards

supermarket in Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam. Here, Regression Analysis was used for the
identification of the impact of these factors on customer satisfaction. Total 200 responses
out of 4 selected supermarkets in Thai Nguyen city were surveyed in this study. The
author’s finding showed that product, price, personal interaction, convenience, services and
physical appearances were positively impacted on customer satisfaction towards studied

Catherine and Magesh (2017) have studied on retail Shoppers’s satisfaction using
differentiation strategies. In this study data collection is based on primary data that are
collected through questionnaire survey made on the selected sample of sample size
123.After the research and study the authors concluded that shopper’s or customer’s
interest towards repurchase/repurchase intent, and satisfaction are linked and affect each

1.5.3 Concluding Remarks

Concluding remark shows the relationships among relevant organizational, individual and
other factors that may influence the study and the successful achievement of goals and
objectives. The study shows the relationship among different aspects that affects the
customer satisfaction in BBSM.

1.6 Research Methods
The primary data collection method was used which were collected through the
questionnaire distribution. Qualitative research analysis method has been used here. It
consists of various types of questions like single response questions, Likert scale questions.
This research study was conducted to know the customer satisfaction level of Bhatbhateni
Super Market. The study was focused on how Customer satisfaction of different gender,
profession and age group are affected by different factor like price, quality, service,
delivered products available etc.

1.6.1 Research Design

In this study survey as well as descriptive research design has been used. The study has
been focusing on describing the phenomena of the customer satisfaction from Bhatbhateni
super market based upon relevant data.

1.6.2 Population and Sample

The populations for this study are those customers who had visited BBSM once for buying.
The sampling units were of both genders i.e. male and female. The sample respondents
represent the youth of the college going students, people from business units, housewives
and people who are working on job.

This study had taken the sample size of 45, which has been represented by the respondents
from various occupations, gender and age group. This study had used non probability
sampling technique.

Under this sampling technique, convenience sampling method will be used. Convenience
sampling involves select ample members who can provide required information and who
are more available to participate in the study.

The data has been generated by primary sources. For collecting the data through primary
sources questionnaire method had been used to know customer satisfaction. Structured
questions were included in the questionnaire.

1.6.4 Data collection procedure

For the fulfillment of research objective data has been collected by visiting the BBSM and
distributing the questionnaire to the customer who have visited the store. Customers were
asked them to fill up the form so that the level of customer satisfaction from the BBSM can
be obtained. The entire questionnaire was filled by the respondent as per the request.

1.6.5 Data processing procedure

The data collected from questionnaire were in unorganized form so to make it organized
data has been divided among the age group, gender and occupation of the respondents.
Firstly, collected data were edited to ensure accuracy, uniformity, consistency. Secondly,
coding and data classification has been done accordingly. Then, classified data were
tabulated and summarizes. Afterward, these data were presented in the graphs and charts.
Different pie-chart, bar diagram, lines, scatter diagram had been designed on the basis of
data as per required.

1.6.6 Data Analysis Tools and Techniques

Data analysis tools used for the fulfillment of objective were frequency and mean. For
attaining first objective frequency has been used similarly for second and third objective
weighted average mean has been used.

Research has been presented in descriptive and tabular form as per requirement and clear
interpretation on it. To make report simple and easily understandable, charts and diagram
were used. The collected data was in unorganized form. The appropriate data had been
converted into tabular and graphical form with the help of MS Excel and manually too.
Scatter diagram, pie-charts and bar diagram has been designed on the basis of data as per

1.7 Limitation of the Study
Following are the limitations of the study:
 The research was conducted with the few samples within Kalanki so it cannot be
generalized in other supermarket.
 The study was conducted only for specific period of time so it may not be
applicable for repeat result.
 This study was based on primary data taken from questionnaire method.
 Simple statistical and financial tools have been used to analyze the data.
 The data was collected on the month of March.
 In order to complete the study within the time frame, the number of respondents
had been restricted to 50 but only 45 among them responded.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This research consisted of 3 chapters, such as introduction, data presentation and analysis,
conclusion and implication. The first chapter introduced the context information, statement
of the problem, purpose of this research, significance of the study, literature review,
research methods,and limitation of the study and organization of the study. Chapter two is
analysis of collected data for customer satisfaction. The final section of the report
concluded the findings of chapter two and answered the research questions and
recommendations for future research were presented.

Data Presentation and Analysis

Data Presentation and Analysis

This chapter covers the data presentation, data analysis and description of the results. The
main purpose of this chapter is to set forth basic data, describe the characteristics of the
sample included. This chapter includes the detailed analysis of the data collected from
different sources regarding our topic “A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Bhatbhateni
Super Market.” The data are presented in the tabular, graphical and descriptive form.

2.1 Organization and Respondent Profile

2.1.1 Organization Selected For Study
The study attempts to study satisfaction level of customer with reference to BBSM in
Kalanki. In fact, BBSM is one of the popular retail chain stores in the context of Nepal.

Mr. & Mrs. Min Bdr. Gurung started Bhatbhateni cold store in 1984. This ordinary 'single
shutter' store has since transformed to become leading supermarket and departmental stores
in Kathmandu as this timeline shows.

Son of a farmer with six siblings, Mr. Min Bdr. Gurung had a successful banking career
after completing his university education. He had the vision and courage to leave this job
to lead Bhatbhateni in a full-time capacity following the expansion to a two floor (3,000
sq. ft.) supermarket in 1992.

The opening of the Maharajgunj superstore in September 2008 set the current benchmark
for the business, with over 1500 staff helping customers choose between 100,000 products
across a 2,15,000 sq. ft. sales area. In just 25 years Bhatbhateni has grown from a 120 sq.
ft. store to become Nepal's no. 1 retail sector tax payer with more than 30,000 customers
Bhatbhateni offers a full range of 120,000 products from 750 local and international
suppliers, including a wide range of groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables; a broad range of
leading international liquor, toiletries and cosmetics brands; and an extensive choice of
kitchenware, clothing, sports, toys and electrical items. Furthermore, both premises include
excellent value jewelry stores that offer a wide range of gold and silver ornaments in both
traditional and modern styles. There are currently Eleven (11) stores centrally located in
Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Dharan, Chitwan and Pokhara valley.

Having achieved more than most people can hope for in a lifetime, Mr. Min Bdr. Gurung
has only just started. An ambitious expansion plan will see many new stores in Kathmandu
and across Nepal over the next few years. The Bhat Bhateni story has only just started.

2.1.2 Respondent Profile

Under respondent profile, demographics features of respondents were gathered from the
first few questions of the questionnaire. The purpose of this measure was to know the level
of satisfaction based on different demographic variable such as age, gender, occupation.
Indeed, to accomplish research aim 50 questionnaires were distributed to 50 respondents
and 45 of them were returned and 5 didn’t respond.

The collected data are exhibited as follow:

Table 2.1
Respondent’s Profile
Demographic Items No. of Respondent Percentage
Gender Male 20 44.44
Female 25 55.56
Total 45 100
Age-group 15-25 20 44.44
26-35 11 24.44
36-45 11 24.44
46 above 3 6.68
Total 45 100
Occupation Households 6 13.33
Students 16 35.56
Business 12 26.67
Working 11 24.44
Total 45 100
Income 0-20,000 24 53.33
Level 20,000-40,000 6 13.33
40,000-60,000 8 17.78
60,000-80,000 4 8.89
80,000 above 3 6.67
Total 45 100
Source: Survey Questionnaire
Table 2.1 represents the profile of respondent who had participated in the survey through
questionnaire. This profile of respondent includes their age, gender and occupation. The
clear profile of respondent is presented below:

The Gender of Respondents

This section includes the respondent as per their gender i.e. male and female who visited
BBSM and it helps to know which gender visited the super market more often. The data is
also presented in the both percentage and number of the visiting consumer. It is further
presented in the figure below:

Figure 2.1.Respondent as per Gender

Figure 2.1 elaborates the respondents as per gender. It shows that involvement of female
has majority with 55.56% and male involvement was 44.44%.This means BBSM has more
female visitors than male.

The Age Group of Respondents

This section includes the respondent visiting Bhatbhateni as per their age group. It shows
the level of satisfaction holds based on age. The result of this section is presented below.

Age group of respondent

46 above


Figure 2.2 .Percentage of Respondent as per age group

Figure 2.2 shows the percentage of respondent as per different age group. Out of total 45
respondent 45% falls under the age group of 15-25 years, 24% falls under 26-35 years,
24% falls under the age group of 36-45 years and 7% falls under age of 45 above years.
This shows that people of age group 15-25 years visit the BBSM most than other age

Occupation of Respondents
This section includes the respondent as per their difference in occupation and helps to
determine the number of respondent as per their occupation who visited BBSM more often.
Its further elaboration is presented in the figure below:

Figure 2.3.Respondent as per various occupation

Figure 2.3 shows the number and percentage of respondent as per different occupation.
The occupation includes household, students, business and working. It shows that 13.33%
of total respondent were involved in household, 35.56% were students, 26.67% were
involved in business and 24.44% were doing other work or jobs. This shows that most of
the students visit BBSM.

The Income level Group of Respondents

This section includes the income level of respondent visiting Bhatbhateni Super Market in
Nepali rupees. The income level is categorized in different group. The result of this section
is presented below:

Figure 2.4.Income level of Respondents

Figure 2.4 shows the income level that is categorized in different groups. It shows that
53.33% respondent have income level of 0-20, 000; 13.33% respondent have income level
of 20,000-40,000; 17.73% have income of 40,000-60,000; 8.89% have income level of
60,000-80,000 and 6.67% have income level of above 80,000.Majority of respondent have
income level of group 0-20,000.

2.2 Reason for Visiting,Service Delivery and Other Facilities Provided by BBSM
2.2.1 Customer’s major Reason for choosing Bhat Bhateni Super Market
This section includes different reasons of respondent for visiting BBSM .Every respondent
has separate reason for visiting BBSM. So, this section focuses on major reason of visiting
BBSM. It is shown in the table below:

Table 2.2
Reason for choosing Bhatbhateni Supermarket
S.N. Reasons frequency Percentage
1 Influence from family and 11 24.44
2 Products range 16 35.56
3 Price charged 5 11.11
4 Accessibility 11 24.44
5 Service delivered 2 4.45
Total 45 100
Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.2 shows that 11 people out of 45 choose the BBSM due to the influence from
friends and family, 16 people choose BBSM because of product range, 5 people choose
BBSM because of price charged on its product. Similarly, 11 people choose BBSM due to
accessibility and 2 of them choose BBSM due to service delivery.

2 Influence from family

and friends
11 Products range

Price charged

5 16
Service delivered

Figure 2.5.Reason for choosing BBSM

Figure 2.5 shows the percentage of respondent who have various reasons for choosing
BBSM.36% out of 100% respondent’s reason was product range, 24% were found to be
influenced from friend and family. Similarly other 24% of respondent choose BBSM by
getting satisfied by its service delivery.11% of respondent have price charged as their
reason for choosing BBSM and rest 5% choose BBSM because of its accessibility. Overall
study shows that main influencing reason for choosing BBSM by majority of people is due
to availability of wide product range.
2.2.2 Customer satisfaction on Service Delivery of Bhatbhateni Super Market
Customer satisfaction on service delivery was calculated by dividing service into four
categories which includes: Behavior of staff shown, Availability of staff for help, Service
delivered to you and efficiency of service at checkout. These were calculated using 5-point
Likert scale.

Statement of Likert scale was ranked as 5 for strongly satisfied, 4 for satisfied, 3 for
neutral, 2 for dissatisfied and 1 for strongly dissatisfied. Calculation of satisfaction level
was done in such a way that all the obtained respond was multiplied by the value of the
scale i.e. (0*1+4*2+15*3+24*4+2*5=149) for behavior of staff shown and the obtained
total value was divided by the total number of respondent i.e. (149/45) and then obtained
value was the satisfaction level of customer that lies between 1-5.The result is presented

Table 2.3
Service delivery of BBSM
N. Factors Strongly Not Neutral Satisfied Strongly Weighted Ran
Not Satisfied (3) (4) Satisfied average k
Satisfied (2) (5) mean
1 Behavior
of staffs 0 4 15 24 2 3.533 3
shown in
2 Availabilit
y of staffs 0 8 11 17 9 3.6 2
for help
3 Service
delivered 0 6 20 15 4 3.38 4
to you by
the staffs
4 Efficiency
of service 1 3 8 18 15 3.95 1
5 Average 3.61
Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.3 interprets the satisfaction level of respondent in the service delivery. From the
table we can find that majority of respondent were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied i.e.
neutral in overall service delivery. Among the various factors of service delivery, the most
influencing factor is efficiency of service at checkout with highest weighted average mean
3.95 is in rank (1). After that other influencing factors are availability of staffs for help,
behavior of staffs shown in BBSM.

2.2.3 Customer Satisfaction on extra facilities provided by BBSM

Other different services provided by BBSM like interior cleanliness of the store, external
appearance of the store, cleanliness of the restroom and value of your shopping trip are
categorized in four groups. They are also calculated using 5-point Likert scale in the same
way as done in table 2.3.

Table 2.4
Other Facilities
N. Factors Strongly Not Neutral Satisfied Completely Weighted Rank
Not Satisfied (3) (4) Satisfied average
Satisfied (2) (5) mean
1 cleanliness 1 0 10 23 11 3.96 3
of the store
2 appearance 0 0 10 27 8 3.96 2
of the store
3 of the 0 3 8 20 14 4 1
The value
4 of your 0 1 15 19 10 3.84 4
Average of
weighted 3.94
Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.4 shows the satisfaction level of respondent on the basis of other facilities provide
by BBSM. From the above table we can find that average of people is satisfied by the other
extra facilities of BBSM. Cleanliness of restroom is on rank 1 with highest weighted mean
4 and the value of shopping trip is on rank 4 with lowest weighted average mean 3.84.This
means majority of the respondents were satisfied and the most influencing factor for their
satisfaction is cleanliness of restroom.

2.3 Customer Satisfaction on Product Variety, Price Charged,Multiple Factors and

2.3.1 Customer satisfaction on Product Variety
Customer satisfaction on product variety was calculated by dividing product into three
categories which includes: Arrangement and Classification of product, Variety of product
available and Quality of products available which was calculated using 5-point Likert
scale. Calculation of satisfaction level on product variety is done by calculating weighted
average mean which is presented below:

Table 2.5
Product Variety

S Factors Strongly Not Neutral Satisfied Completely Weighted Rank

. Not Satisfied (3) (4) Satisfied(5) Average
N Satisfied (2) Mean(6)
. (1)

1 and 0 1 10 30 4 3.82 2
of products
Variety of
2 Products 0 1 12 21 11 3.93 1
Quality of
3 product 1 1 9 28 6 3.58 3
Average of
weighted 3.77
Source: Survey Questionnaire

In the table 2.5 we can see that most of the respond were satisfied with the product variety
of BBSM similarly very few were strongly dissatisfied with the product as well as very
few were strongly satisfied with the variety of product. Most of the respondent were
satisfied with the variety of products in BBSM as this factor has highest rank with
weighted average mean of 3.93 .The overall study shows that average respondent were in
satisfied level and moving toward scale of satisfied level with product variety.

2.3.2 Customer Satisfaction on price charged on products by BBSM

Customer satisfaction on product variety was calculated by dividing price into two
categories which includes: price in compared to market and Availability of discount offers
which was calculated using 5-point Likert scale. Calculation of satisfaction level on price
charged is shown in the table below. The result is presented below:

Table 2.6
Price Charged

S Factors Strongly Not Neutral Satisfied Completely Weighted Rank

. Not Satisfied (3) (4) Satisfied(5) Average
N Satisfied (2) Mean
. (1)
1 Price
compared 2 12 13 18 0 3.04 2
to market
2 Availabili
ty of 3 8 13 16 5 3.27 1
of 3.15
Source: Survey Questionnaire

In the table 2.6 we can see that majority of the respondent were satisfied with the price
compared to market and the availability of discount offers. Very few among total
respondents were found dissatisfied in the piece charged and discount offers. The weighted
average mean 3.04 and 3.27 shows that majority of respondent are in neutral scale and
moving tom satisfied scale.

2.3.3 Customer satisfaction on the basis of multiple factors

The various factors influencing the customer satisfaction are categorized into 8 parts
.These categories includes frequency of repurchase, responsiveness of staffs, Delivery on
Time performance, Quality management, Technical Competence, Frequency of
professionalism in dealing and Commitment to meet delivery expectations. Statement of
Likert scale was ranked as 5 for Excellent, 4 for very good, 3 for good, 2 for Fair and 1 for
poor. The calculation is done using 5-point Likert scale in similar way as done before to
calculate weighted average mean.

Table 2.7
Frequency of repurchase, responsiveness of staffs, Delivery on Time performance BBSM,
Quality management, Technical Competence, professionalism in dealing, Commitment to
delivery expectation

S.N Factors Excellent Very Good Fair Poor Weighted Ran

. (5) Good (3) (2) (1) Average k
(4) Mean
Frequency of
1 repurchase 8 9 22 6 0 3.42 1
2 of staffs 5 14 18 6 2 3.31 2
3 Delivery on
Time 5 5 19 6 10 2.76 7
4 management 4 11 17 12 1 3.11 5
5 Competence 3 11 21 9 1 3.13 4
6 Professionalism
in dealing 6 8 20 11 0 3.2 3
7 Commitment to
meet delivery 4 2 23 16 0 2.87 6
Average of
weighted 3.11
average mean
Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.7 shows the calculations of satisfaction level being based on various factors.
Customer satisfaction is influenced by several factors. From the above data we can analyze
that maximum customer respond is good in all of the influencing factors. We can also
determine that frequency of repurchase has highest weighted average mean i.e. 3.42 and
lies in rank 1.this can be the highest influencing factor to determine customer satisfaction.
Similarly, after that responsiveness of staffs and professionalism in dealing are the other
factors which are influencing highly in determining customer satisfaction. Overall
calculation and study of weighted average mean falls on the scale of 2-3 that means
customer satisfaction level on these factors are moving from fair scale to good scale.

2.3.4 Customer satisfaction on the basis of location
This section includes the Satisfaction of customer with the location of BBSM store. The
location of the BBSM store on which we are doing research is located in Kalanki. The
satisfaction level of customer can be calculated using following table:

Table 2.8
Satisfaction with location
S.N. Rating Scale Frequency Percentage
1 Highly Satisfied 13 28.89
2 Satisfied 26 57.78
3 Neither Satisfied nor 6 13.33
4 Dissatisfied 0 0
5 Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Source:Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.8 shows the frequency and percentage of the customer on the basis of location. It
shows that 57.78% of the total people are satisfied with the location and none of them are

Figure 2.6.Frequency and percentage of respondents of location

Above figure 2.6 shows the bar diagram of the respondents on the basis of locations. This
shows that 13 people are highly satisfied and 26 people are satisfied with the location of

the store. Similarly 6 respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and none of them are

2.4 Time spent by customer and Recommendation to other for visit in BBSM
2.4.1 Customer’s total time of being the customer
This section includes frequency of customer time duration of visiting BBSM because of
different reasons .Customer total time duration of being customer helps to determine both
the customer loyalty and satisfaction. The calculation is shown in the table below:

Table 2.9
Time Duration percentage of a customer
S.N. Time Duration Frequency Percentage
1 Less than one year 4 8.89
2 One to under three years 13 28.89
3 Three to under Five 17 37.78
4 Five to under ten years 10 22.22
5 Ten years or more 1 2.22
6 Total 45 100
Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.9 shows the frequency and percentage of the time durations of respondent of being
the customers. From the above table we can find that highest percentage is 37.78% that
shows majority of the customers or respondents have spent three to five years being the
customer of BBMS. . It can be further presented in the figure below:

Figure 2.7.Percentage of time duration of respondent

Figure 2.7 shows the diagrammatical representation of the time duration of respondents of
being the customer of BBMS. Majority of the respondents have been the regular customer
of BBMS from 3-5 years that can clearly ensure the growing satisfaction level.

2.4.2 Customer recommendation of BBSM to other potential customers

This section includes the recommendation rating of BBSM to other potential consumers by
the present or current customer. Recommendation rating scale is categorized in to five
parts i.e. highly likely, somehow likely, likely and not very likely. The actual calculation is
shown in the table below:

Table 2.10
Recommendation of BBSM to others
S.N. Scale of frequency Percentage
1 Highly likely 8 17.78
2 Somehow likely 20 44.44
3 likely 12 26.67
4 Not very likely 3 6.67
5 Not at all 2 4.44
Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 2.10 shows the recommendation rating of BBSM to others. The highest percentage
of recommendation of BBSM to others is 44.44%.This shows that existing customers are
satisfied and there is probability of recommending somehow likely to others. It can be
further explained in figure:

Figure 2.8.Percentage of recommendation of BBSM to other

Figure 2.8 interprets the scale of the recommendation of super market to future customers.
The increase in number of recommending customer reflects the customer satisfaction.
Above figure shows the respondent and percentage of recommendation, where high
number of customer are recommending and only few customers do not recommend it to

2.5 Findings and discussions

2.5.1 Findings
The research was conducted with the objective to analyze and evaluate the level of
customer satisfaction of BBSM. From the entire study following results were extracted
from data analysis section:

 According to the study shows that most of the female visit Bhatbhateni
Supermarket than in comparison to male.

 Majority of Customer who visit BBSM more are to be found between the age group
15-25.whereas, the customer of above 46 age seems to be visiting less. Total 20 out of 45
respondents are found to be in age of 15-25 and only 3 of them are above 46.

 Students seem to be visiting BBSM more than others. The calculated data showed
that 16 students out of 45 visited BBSM .Beside these 12 visitors were engaged in doing a
business, 11 of them were working and remaining 6 were doing households. Thus, this
show that students visit BBSM frequently.

 The income level of the customers who mostly visit BBSM seems to be in range of
0-20,000(NRS).24 customer have income level up to 20,000 .Along with that 8 customers
have income level of 40,000-60,000.People having income level above 80,0000 seems to
be visiting less.

 Among the several reasons for choosing BBSM 16 people choose BBSM because
of wide product range, 24 people’s reason for choosing BBSM are found to be influence
from friends and family and other 24 choose BBSM because of its accessibility. Very least
i.e. 2 people have service delivered reason for choosing BBSM.

 Most of the customer seems to be satisfied with the service delivered by BBSM in
average which is found after the calculation made using 5-point likert scale .Only few of
the respondents are not satisfied. The rank of the weighted average mean shows that
efficiency of service at the checkout seems to be most influencing factor of service
delivery as it has highest weighted mean of 3.95.Here,service delivered to you by the staffs
seems to be least influencing factor for service delivery. The average of weighted mean i.e.
3.61.Which shows that customer satisfaction is moving from neutral to satisfy.

 The respondents seem to be satisfied by the other facilities provided by BBSM. The
highly influencing factor among other facilities is cleanliness of the restroom having rank 1

and weighted average mean of 4.After that other influencing factors are exterior
appearance of the store having weighted average mean 3.96.Only few respondents are
found not satisfied during the survey.

 Customer level of satisfaction on product variety was neutral level with the total
average of 3.77. In fact, 21 customers were satisfied from the variety of product available.
Similarly, 30 respondents were satisfied in arrangement and classification of product and
28 respondents were satisfied in quality of products available.

 Level of customer satisfaction in price charged by BBSM was neutral with the total
average of 3.15 in 5 point Likert scale. However, 18 customers were satisfied with the
price charged in compared with market. Similarly, 16 respondents were satisfied in
availability of discount offers of the BBSM.22 customers showed that they have good
frequency of repurchase. Similarly 18 respondents ranked the responsiveness of staffs as
good.19 respondents marked good on delivery and on time performance,17 people marked
good for quality management of BBSM,21 responded good on technical competence and
20 respondents good for professionalism in dealing whereas 23 marked good for the
commitment to meet delivery expectation. The average of weighted mean is 3.11 which
showed that majority of respondents have marked good for all the influencing factors for
customer satisfaction.

 Majority of the respondents seems to visiting BBSM from 3-5 years back.17
customer are visiting BBSM from 3-5 years while only 1 customer is found visiting from
10 years back.

 The recommendation of BBSM Bhatbhateni seems to have more “somehow likely

chance “.20 visitors wants to recommend BBSM to other and only 2 respondents do not
want to recommend.

 Most of the respondents are satisfied with the location of the store.26 respondent
are satisfied, 13 respondents are highly satisfied and 3 are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
And none of the respondents are dissatisfied with the location of BBSM.

2.5.2 Discussions
This research was based on measuring the level of customer satisfaction on the basis of
price charged, service delivered and product variety among the people of different gender,
age group and occupation. Hypothesis regarding people visits BBSM because of
availability of the product was stated as true. As the research was conducted it was found
that 15-26 years of age group has the majority of visiting BBSM among which most of
them were students. Likewise, hypothesis that household people visits BBSM most was
falsified since it was supported by research drawn from simple category questionnaire as
well as Likert scale.

As it was said that BBSM was famous for the variety of the product and accessibility so,
most of the customer visits BBSM because of product variety and accessibility. Hypothesis
regarding most of the people visits BBSM for the variety of product hold true in analysis
section. However, hypothesis that customer was not so much satisfied with the service
delivered by BBSM results came to be true. It was declared that people visits BBSM
because of product variety. People were not satisfied but they are neutral in service
delivered by the Bhatbhateni supermarket.

The customer of BBSM is increasing because of the availability of the product variety and
the accessibility. From the above finding it can be said that customer of BBSM were not
satisfied but they are neutral in the satisfaction level. Most of the respondent were not
satisfied with the service delivery and somehow satisfied by the price charged by the
BBSM. This study attempts to address the satisfaction level of customer on the basis of
price charged, service delivery and product variety on the basis of age group, gender and
occupation of respondent. So, it can be said that people were neutral towards the BBSM.

Conclusions and Action Implications

3.1 Conclusion
To conclude, research analysis that most of the student’s visits BBSM in which female has
the majority following by the business and working. The reasons behind visiting the super
market was found to be product range following by accessibility and influence from
friends and family. As per the research customer were neutral with the price charged and
service delivered by the super market. The primary objective of this research was to know
“Satisfaction” of the customer in Bhat Bhateni Super Market. After conducting this
research, it was found that Nepalese customer’s habit was rapidly changing. People has
become so busy in their life that they don’t have enough time to visit different places and
roam shop to shops to buy the items they need. Nowadays customers were looking for
“One roof Shop” where they can get all their necessary items.

BBSM is one of those Super Markets which has been able to live up the expectations of its
customers by providing quality goods and services. Customers have perceived BBSM as
one of the convenient Super Market available in town. Customers seems to be nearly
satisfied with the wide variety of product being offered, price and quality of those product,
allocations of those product in their respective place and many other services provided by

The trend in evolution of supermarket has started increasing because the investors were
able to understand the need of the customers. This survey indicates that the frequency of
the customers visiting Super Markets has increased and customers have become much
more concern about Quality of Products and services offered by different Super Markets.
The main findings of this research shows that Nepalese customers perceives Super Market
as a place where they can gather their shopping experience under one roof and also
acquiring Quality products at reasonable price.

BBSM has been able to live up the expectations of their customers by providing variety of
Products at reasonable prices. Customers have been able to take full advantages of “one
roof Shopping” experience at BBSM. Various Occupation holders have been visiting
BBSM on daily, weekly, monthly, and very frequently.

With slogan “Save time, Save money” BBSM has been able to cater the need of its
customers by providing a full range of more than 100,000 products from 600 local and
international suppliers.

Thus, BBSM has been able to establish itself as one of the leading Super Market in town to
cater the need of the customers across nation.

3.2 Implication
Bhatbhateni super market is one of the popular retail chain stores of Nepal. Due to the busy
schedule of people they prefer to visits BBSM to save time and obtain all products under
one roof. Due to produce variety number of people visiting BBSM is increasing day by
day. Thus the study poses several significances. They are as follow:

 It works as a guideline for the researchers to provide concrete path for conducting
future researches

 This study may help the reader or business organization (Bhatbhateni Super
Market) to adopt strategies that will help them increase the level of customer satisfaction.

 It works as the guideline for the employee of the BBSM to provide the way of
behaving with the customer.

 It also helps customer to find out about the benefits of visiting BBSM.However,
study falls short on several aspects. Following recommendation should be followed if the
study on customer satisfaction of BBSM is carried again:
 The study uses non- probability sampling to select sample. However, unbiased or
non-probability sampling should be used to produce accurate and generalized result.
 Questionnaire is only used as a tool to retrieve data which is insufficient. Other
tools such as interview and observation should be used.

 Sample size of this research is 45 so it should be extended and use of complex

statistical tool is mandatory to produce accurate data.

Similarly, following recommendation should be followed by the BBSM to increase the

customer satisfaction:

 Improvement should be done in queuing system because of long check-out lines

especially at Saturdays and holidays.

 Variety of products should be increased because BBSM provide fewer choices of only
goods in stocks that likely to sell.

 BBSM should focus on their customer need rather than on their own benefits.

 Know the reasons why customers shop at your store? (Service, price, convenience,
dependability, quality, promptness, or competence).

 Understand the market forces affecting the consumer's attitude when it comes to
price and what they expect to pay.

 Offer customers a "no hassle" satisfaction guarantee.

 Implement a program to reward your employees for their extra efforts and
innovative ideas.


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Appendices 1 (Sample of calculation of Weighted Average Mean)

Statement of Likert scale was ranked as 5 for strongly satisfied, 4 for satisfied, 3 for
neutral, 2 for dissatisfied and 1 for strongly dissatisfied. Calculation of satisfaction level
was done in such a way that all the obtained respond was multiplied by the value of the
scale i.e.

Calculation of satisfaction level in service delivery

Behavior of staff shown: 0*1+4*2+15*3+24*4+2*5
= 159

149 is divided by the total respondent i.e. 45

= 159/45
= 3.533

In a scale 3.533 lies between neutral and satisfied so, the average respondent satisfaction
level is neutral in the behavior of staff shown and moving toward satisfied level.
Appendices 2

I am RoniyaKarki, student of Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka, Lalitpur. I am
conducting a survey of customer satisfaction of Bhatbhateni Super market with reference
of Kalanki branch. This research is for academic purpose and partial fulfillment of
Business Research. Your true & accurate information and feedback on this questionnaire
will be highly appreciated in completion of this research project. I assure you that all your
response will be kept confidential.

1) Name………………………………………….
Tick (√) the following:

2) Gender
1. Male
2. Female

3) Age-group
1. 15-25
2. 26-35
3. 36-45
4. 46 above

4) Occupation
1. Household
2. Students
3. Business
4. Working
5) What is your reason for choosing Bhatbhateni Supermarket? (Multiple Choice)
1. Influence from family and friend
2. Products range
3. Price charged
4. Accessibility
5. Service delivered

6) Service delivery
Statements Strongly Not Not Neutral Satisfied Strongly
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. B
ehavior of staff shown in
2. A
vailability of staffs for help
3. S
ervice delivered to you by
the Staff.
4. E
fficiency of service at

7) Other Facilities
Statements Completely Not Neutral Satisfied Completely
Not Satisfied Satisfied
Satisfied (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. I
nterior cleanliness of the
2. E
xterior appearance of the
3. C
leanliness of restroom
4. T
he value of your shopping
8) Product Variety
Statements Strongly Not Not Neutral Satisfied Strongly
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. A
rrangement and Classification
of product.
2. V
ariety of product available.
3. Q
uality of products available.

9) Price charged
Statements Strongly Not Not Neutral Satisfied Strongly
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Price in compared to
2. Availability of discount

10) How likely are you to repurchase products and services from Bhatbhateni
Supermarket? Would you say the chances are …
1. Excellent
2. Very good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

11) In total, how long have you been a customer of Bhatbhateni supermarket?
1. Less than one year
2. One to under three years
3. Three to under five years
4. Five to under ten years
5. Ten years or more
12) Would you like to recommend this Bhatbhateni Supermarket to your other friends and
 Highly Likely
 Likely
 Somewhat Likely
 Not very Likely
 Not at all

13) How do you rate our responsiveness of staffs of Bhatbhateni Supermarket in dealing
with you?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

14) How do you rate delivery on time performance and our commitment to meet your
delivery expectations of Bhatbhateni Supermarket?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

15) How do you rate the approach of Bhatbhateni Supermarket to quality management to
ensure complete customer satisfaction?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor
16) If you received any technical support, how do you rate the technical competence and
their response time?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

17) How do you rate our professionalism in dealing with you?

 Excellent
 Very Good
 Good
 Fair
 Poor

18) How do you rate our commitment to meet your delivery expectations?
1. Excellent
2. Very Good
3. Good
4. Fair
5. Poor

19) Is the location of Bhatbhateni Supermarket Convenient and satisfactory to you?

1. Highly Satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
4. Dissatisfied
5. Highly Dissatisfied

20) How do you rate the overall service of this Bhatbhateni Superstore?
21) Do you have any suggestion or feedback for improving the service of Bhatbhateni

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