Chemical Properties: 5.1 Solubility and Solution Properties
Chemical Properties: 5.1 Solubility and Solution Properties
Chemical Properties: 5.1 Solubility and Solution Properties
Chemical Properties
Not the least remarkable and useful of the properties of polyethylene is its
chemical inertness. PE is unaffected by prolonged contact with those strong acids
(including hydrogen fluoride) which attack many metals, highly caustic alkalis
which rapidly damage glass, as well as most organic substances. Yet the pure
polymer weathers rapidly when exposed outdoors to the atmosphere, burns
easily and may be affected by common detergents. These properties are all
aspects of the chemical behaviour of the material, the subject of this chapter.
The contrast between the inertness of PE and some other polymers towards
many aggressive reagents, including solvents, and its sensitivity to atmospheric
degradation warn us to expect some complexity in the chemical properties of
polymers. We shall discuss a number of agents of chemical change which are of
engineering importance for polymer materials. These are solvents, environmental
agents (producing weathering and ageing), fire, radiation, and biological organisms.
The action of solvents stands apart somewhat in this list of themes because it
does not produce permanent chemical change in the polymer material. However,
solvents produce profound physical changes in the polymer and these changes
occur as a result of the chemical nature of both the solvent and the polymer.
The technical importance of the solubility properties of polymers is enormous,
and has no real counterpart in the technology of other major classes of
engineering materials. Four examples of technical processes depending on
solvent action illustrate this.
(1) Many polymers can be joined by solvent welding, or by the use of
adhesives consisting of dissolved polymer.
(A) (B)
Figure 5.1 Polymer solubility. The solid polymer dissolves in the solvent only
if state B has a lower free energy than state A
One approach to predicting polymer solubility has been widely applied for
technological ends. This in essence assumes that the enthalpic term is dominant.
A solubility parameter 8 is defined for both solvent and polymer (table 5.1). 5
is a measure of the strength of intermolecular cohesion in the pure solvent or in
the pure polymer. For the solvent 6 is calculated from the energy of vaporisation.
For the polymer it is obtained indirectly, and may be estimated from the primary
structure of the chain. The significance of the solubility parameter is that
polymers are soluble only in solvents of similar 8. Thus, for example, natural
rubber (5 = 8.3) is dissolved by toluene (6 = 8.9) and carbon tetrachloride
(6 = 8.6) but not by ethanol (8 = 12.7). Unfortunately, this general rule only
holds if strong polymer—solvent interactions are absent. It is unlikely that any
simple predictive method can provide for the whole range of solubility
If a solvent S dissolves a polymer P it is invariably found that the polymer
dissolves the solvent also. Frequently there are limits to the amount of P which S
will dissolve and the amount of S which can be absorbed by P. These limits define
the miscibility range of the two substances. Sometimes the polymer and solvent
are sufficiently well matched that they are miscible in all proportions. The
absorption of small amounts of S by P produces changes in physical, especially
mechanical, properties. Controlled use of such plasticisation is an important
aspect of polymer technology and the matter is taken up in chapter 6. We
note in passing, however, that such external plasticisers are free to migrate
within and permeate through the polymer material. In the following section we
discuss the more important topic of the permeability of polymer materials to
gases and vapours.
Crosslinked polymers cannot dissolve in the sense we have described, for
individual polymer chains cannot be detached from each other. Such materials
show extensive swelling when they come into contact with compatible solvents.
Such effects are often important in the performance of elastomer components
such as seals and hoses.
. An especially interesting property of the polymer solution is its viscosity. In
dilute solution, the individual polymer chains are well separated; the increase in
viscosity (relative to the viscosity of the pure solvent) therefore reflects the
hydrodynamic friction caused by the presence of isolated polymer molecules in
the flowing solution. As might be expected, this is directly related to the size of
the polymer molecule and thus to the molar mass or chain length. The viscosity
of dilute solutions of many linear polymers obeys the Mark-Houwink law
0.05 0.5 5.0 50.0
Swelling ratio (final volume/initial volume)
Figure 5.2 Volume of a crosslinked acrylamide/acrylic acid polymer gel in
acetone/water mixtures, showing the sudden and very large shrinkage transition
at a well-defined acetone concentration (after Tanaka)
5.2 Permeability
Many engineering uses of plastics and rubbers depend on their often excellent
barrier properties. The rate at which gases and vapours permeate polymer films
depends on the partial pressure gradient across the film (figure 5.3). The
following relation generally holds at least approximately (at a given temperature)
Flux/Area =/>(/>, - p2)/l (5.2)
where the permeability coefficient P depends on the polymer material and the
permeating substance, partial pressure p. If the steady-state diffusion of penneant
within the film obeys Fick's law then
Flux/Area = ~D(dc/dx) (5.3)
Solubility parameter 8 of polymers and solvents 8
Polymers 5 (cal* c m - 3 ' 2 ) Solvents 6(cal cm /2
Note: 1 cal = 4 . l 6 J.
Figure 5.3 Permeation of gases and vapour through a polymer under the
action of a partial pressure gradient (px - p2)/l
PA 6
(Nylon 6 ) , / Nitrogen 0.023 0.025 0.94
PETP Nitrogen 0.063 0.13 0.48
PVC Carbon dioxide 0.52 0.21 2.5
copolymer Nitrogen 0.85 0.36 2.4
PIB Nitrogen 3.1 4.5 0.69
Carbon dioxide 77 5.8 13
CR Nitrogen 11 25 0.44
Carbon dioxide 300 24 16
NR Nitrogen 76 110 0.69
Carbon dioxide 1900 110 18
n -Propane 2500 21 120
HDPE Helium (30 °C) 1.9 360 0.005 4
Oxygen (30 °C) 5.4 22 0.25
Nitrogen (30 °C) 1.7 12 0.14
" Carbon dioxide (30 °C) 31 16 2.0
LDPE , Isobutene (30 °C) 680 4.7 140
n-Hexane (30 °C) 6200 2.5 2500
Water 540 23 24
500 -t 1 1—
400 r-
Effect of primary structure on oxygen permeability
P of carbon chain polymers f CH2 - CHX)-
(adapted from Nemphos et al.)
-X 10' 5 P
( k g m - 1 kPa - 1 s - ' )
-OH 0.000 6
-CN 0.002
-CI 0.51
-F 0.96
-CH3 9.6
-C6HS 27
-H 31
directly from equation 5.5, that is, kg m kPa s .It follows from the gas
laws that
cm 3 (at STP) c m - 1 (cm Hg)~' s - * =
(3.346 3 x l O " 3 M / k g m o r 1 ) kg m " 1 kPa - 1 s" 1
where M is the molar mass of the permeant.
In British practice the water vapour permeance of membranes (whose
thickness may not be known) is commonly reported in units g MN~' s~' .The
reciprocal of this quantity is the water vapour resistance.
Some polymers when stressed are adversely affected by contact with certain
active chemical substances. Aqueous solutions of surface-active compounds such
as detergents can produce slow largely brittle cracking in stressed PEs. The term
environmental stress cracking (ESC) was introduced to denote this particular type
of failure. ESC is now used more generally to describe the promotion of slow
brittle failure in stressed polymers by organic substances, as for example the
cracking of PVC gas pipes by certain hydrocarbon impurities. Organic liquids
and gases can also promote the formation of fine networks of voids {crazes)
in amorphous polymers, such as PS. Crazed material retains considerable
strength, but it is usually unsightly, and its appearance may precede crack
formation. In both ESC and crazing, damage arises from the conjoint action of a
substance in the environment and stress (either externally imposed or arising
internally from processing). Direct chemical attack on the primary bonds of the
polymer chain is not involved. In both cases it appears that the promoting
substance is adsorbed or locally dissolved at defects so as to assist failure, perhaps
by modification of the surface energy or by plasticisation of highly stressed
material at the crack tip. The susceptibility of a polymer to ESC failure depends
on structural factors. For example, the resistance ofPEto stress cracking varies
considerably with molar mass and melt flow index, crystallinity, and density.
The effects of solvents on polymer molecules are usually physical rather than
chemical. The primary polymer chain remains intact, and the polymer can be
recovered by evaporation of the solvent. Of course the microstructure
(morphology) of the recovered polymer solid may be quite different from that
of the original solid.
In addition, as organic (carbon-based) compounds polymers are attacked by a
number of chemical substances which produce irreversible chemical changes
in the chain. These chemical reactions are determined principally by the chemical
structure of the polymer. For example, sulphuric acid H2SO4 reacts with
phenyl groups. Thus PS may be sulphonated
fCH-CH^ 4CH-CH 2 )-
Similarly PE may be (partially) chlorinated in the same manner as short-chain
fCH^ fCHCl>
Those common polymers which are paraffinic in structure exhibit the relative
chemical inertness of their class. They are attacked only by strong chemical
reagents. However, other polymers (condensation polymers particularly) are
susceptible to chemical attack under milder conditions. Manufacturers of
commercial polymers provide information on the resistance of their products to
a wide range of chemical substances likely (and often unlikely!) to be
encountered in engineering applications. Chemical reactions between polymers
and other substances may sometimes produce useful modifications of properties,
and in fact both the chlorination of PE (and also of PVC and of natural rubber)
and the sulphonation of PS yield commercial polymer materials.
Polymers (in common with all other organic compounds) are vulnerable to
oxidation. Unstabilised polymers undergo slow ageing in contact with air.
Outdoor conditions in particular are very aggressive, for oxidation reactions are
frequently strongly promoted by the ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight.
Degradation of the primary chain occurs more rapidly the higher the
temperature, and heat is an agent of polymer deterioration both in the presence
and in the absence of oxygen. These various processes are classified in table 5.4.
Major agents and modes of polymer degradation
T/ H
(I) (»)
Thus in PE the solitary hydrogen atom directly bonded to the chain at branch
points is especially vulnerable. It is found that the rate of oxidation is closely
related to the degree of chain branching. The presence of a double bond activates
the adjacent H atom; thus saturation (the absence of double bonds) improves
oxidation resistance. Because of oxygen permeability differences (see section
5.2) crystalline forms of polymers are much more resistant to oxidation than
amorphous forms. The C—F bond is much more resistant to free radical cleavage
than the methylene CH, and PTFE shows exceptional resistance to thermal
It is possible to increase greatly the oxidation resistance of polymers by
incorporating small amounts of additives which interfere with the chain
mechanism outlined above. Such stabilisers are discussed at greater length in
chapter 6.
Both natural rubber and synthetic elastomers such as SBR are attacked by
atmospheric ozone. If the materials are under stress, the degradation leads to a
characteristic form of deterioration known as ozone cracking, in which cracks
appear perpendicular to the stress. The ozone content of the atmosphere is
usually about 0.01 mg k g - ' (one part in 10 8 ), although in polluted air the
concentration may be as much as 100 times greater. Even at such low ozone
levels as these, rubbers require stabilisation against ozone attack if acceptable
service lifetimes are to be achieved. The 0 3 molecule attacks C=C bonds (not a
free radical reaction) and can cause scission of the main chain
Natural rubber NR
In some cases, such as PMMA and PTFE, it is the bond between the terminal
mer and the rest of the chain which breaks. This unzipping reaction releases
Upper service temperatures of selected materials
Nbte: Data for polymers are based on manufacturers' recommendations for particular
materials; precise limits depend on service conditions and performance requirements.
monomer in high yield. (In the hot conditions prevailing in pyrolysis the
monomer is volatile and the material loses weight: see also section 5.9.)
In the case of other polymers, such as the polyolefins, scission occurs at
random locations on the chain and the monomer yield is extremely small. The
degradation reduces the chain length (molar mass) and secondary reactions may
produce more or less complex mixtures of volatile degradation products.
The thermal degradation of PVC occurs by elimination of HO gas without
scission of the main chain; at 250 CC and above the reaction occurs rapidly and
almost completely
4CH 2 -CHClf > fCH=CH> + HCl
The reaction is accompanied by embrittlement and by severe discoloration of
the material, arising from light absorption by the alternating C=C and C—C
bonds of the main chain.
At temperatures above about 400 °C, the rate of degradation of the common
polymers is rapid, with pyrolysis largely complete in a few minutes. At such
temperatures, the pyrolysis products may be entirely volatile (as when monomer
yield is high). In other cases (notably crosslinked polymers and some thermo-
plastics such as PVC and PAN) much of the main chain carbon is incorporated in
a non-volatile char. Figure 5.5 shows the weight loss curve of a laboratory
sample of PAN heated at a rate of 5 °C/min. The polymer is stable up to about
250 °C, at which temperature 20 per cent of the material volatilises rapidly with
loss of an organic nitrogen compound. Further degradation occurs steadily up to
about 480 CC. At this temperature, the sample is a black powder in which
nitrogen and carbon atoms have become incorporated in a thermally stable ring
structure (see also section 6.9).
Such carbonaceous residues, which sometimes contain mineral fillers from
the original polymer material, resist much higher temperatures than the parent
substance, especially in a non-oxidising atmosphere. Surface chars have low
thermal conductivities and may protect underlying material from the effects of
heat for a long period. The good performance of timber structures in building
fires is explained in this way. Nylon-phenolic (PA—PF) blends are used as
ablative heat shields on space vehicles during re-entry, when surface temperatures
of several thousand degrees are attained.
Some degree of stabilisation against thermal degradation at modest
temperatures (say below 200 °C) is possible through the use of additives. These
are important in preventing degradation during polymer processing (for example
Fractional loss
of weight
150 250 350 450 550
Temperature (°C)
Figure 5.5 Pyrolysis of PAN: loss of weight at a heating rate of 5°C/min
of PVC). The melt temperatures may be sufficiently high for some degradation
to occur in unstabilised materials.
A method devised by Underwriters Laboratories is widely used to assess the
thermal endurance of polymer materials. Put simply, the method determines
the maximum temperature at which a physical property retains 50 per cent of its
initial value for a period of 60 000 hours. This temperature is called — somewhat
curiously - the relative thermal index of the material. The test method is based
on a statistical analysis of how one or more physical properties (such as impact
strength or electrical resistivity) vary with time at different temperatures. It has
proved possible from large amounts of thermal ageing data to establish so-called
generic thermal (or temperature) indices, which provide a comparative indication
of the thermal stability of polymers for the purposes of materials selection (see
table 5.6).
Underwriters Laboratories thermal index (°Cj
ABS 60
PA, PP 65
EP 90
UF 100
UP, silicone rubber 105
PEEK 240
The search for polymers with outstanding thermal stability has been vigorous,
for obvious engineering reasons. Specialised materials have been successfully
developed which owe their heat resistance to features of the primary chain
structure. From the data of table 5.5 it appears that a heat-resistant polymer
should melt above 300 °C and have useful thermal (and preferably oxidation)
resistance in that region. These are severe requirements since some method of
fabrication or processing must also be possible (the polymer must be stable in
the melt or soluble or capable of formation in situ).
Diamond, which may be regarded as a completely crosslinked carbon polymer
based on the C—C single bond, is stable to well over 1000 °C. At higher
temperatures it transforms spontaneously into graphite, a carbon polymer based
on flat sheets built of 6-carbon (aromatic) rings. Graphite is thermally stable at
temperatures well over 2000 °C. These facts suggest that polymeric carbon-based
materials of good thermal stability are possible, although in their physical
properties they may exhibit some of the properties of ceramics.
The examples of diamond and graphite suggest that crosslinking and structural
rigidity bring thermal stability. Strengthening the main chain by incorporation
of aromatic 6-carbon and similar rings, and the synthesis of polymers with
ladder-structure chains have yielded useful heat-resistant materials. Some
structures are given in table 5.7. The aromatic polyimides and polyamides
(aramids) are now important commercial materials.
5.7 Photo-oxidation
Early failures in outdoor uses of plastics and rubbers quickly revealed the severe
effect of ultraviolet light on many polymers in the presence of oxygen. Figure
5.6 shows the distribution of energy in the solar spectrum (diffuse daylight).
The molar photon energy is given on the lower abscissa scale. The C—C bond
energy is about 330 kJ/mol corresponding to a photon wavelength of 360 nm.
This means that light of this wavelength or shorter is capable of breaking C—C
bonds in polymer molecules by which it is absorbed. 290 nm may be taken as
the shortest wavelength (highest energy) radiation present in the ultraviolet
spectrum of the sun at ground level. Radiation of shorter wavelength is removed
by molecular oxygen and ozone in the atmosphere.
The mechanisms of oxidative photodegradation are probably diverse, and it is
only possible to indicate the kind of processes involved. In fact the direct
10 3
io 2
Upper service
polyimide 300-350
polyamide 200-250
polybenzimidazole 250-300
polyamide-imide 220-240
polyquinoxaline 400—450
breaking of single C—C and C—H bonds is relatively uncommon. The C=0
bond absorbs more strongly and it appears that the following reaction is
important in initiating photo-oxidation in polymers containing CO groups
R-C-CH2-CH2-CH2 _R. _^ R 4:-CH +CH =CHR'
3 2
radia 0n
iCH2-CH2> " > (CH 2 -CH 2 )-* • 4CH=CH)- + H2
+ H2
Crosslinking increases the molar mass of the polymer producing an increase
in insoluble gel material, and may enhance thermal stability and alter mechanical
properties markedly.
Alternatively radiolysis may involve a bond of the main chain; extensive
chain scission leads to reduction in molar mass
—CH—CH 2 — • —C=CH 2 + —
The sensitivity of a polymer to radiation effects is shown in the value of a
parameter G, the chemical yield', the number of radiolytic reactions produced
by the absorption of 100 eV of radiation. We may define G values for each of
the processes shown above: G(cl), G(h), G(cs) for crosslinking, for hydrogen
evolution and for chain scission.
If G(cl) < G(cs), the effect of radiation is to degrade the polymer. PMMA
and PIB are notable cases. In PMMA the low molar mass compounds produced
by breaking CH bonds or C—C bonds to side groups are trapped in the brittle
solid, but are released when the solid is heated above Tg producing a foam.
Irradiation produces extensive crosslinking in PE, POM, PP, natural rubber and
some synthetic elastomers. Radiation crosslinking also occurs in PS, but this is
the most resistant of the commodity polymers to radiation damage, as is
shown by the G values of table 5.8. The main effect of irradiating PVC is to
release HC1 (cf. pyrolysis — see section 5.5) for which process G is about 13.
Ionising radiation is used commercially to produce crosslinked PE. Radiation
penetrates deeply into the maleiial, and the effects are relatively insensitive to
temperature. This permits polymer chains to be crosslinked after the product is
fabricated. Such radiation crosslinking increases thermal stability and reduces
creep. Crosslinking probably occurs only in the amorphous regions of the
polymer and the changes in elastic modulus which are observed depend on the
degree of crystallinity. Crosslinked PE film stable up to 200 °C is manufactured.
Certain additives are capable of inhibiting these radiation effects, just as
polymers may be stabilised against photo-oxidation and thermal oxidation
(see chapter 6).
Chemical yields for radiolytic reactions in common polymers
* 1 Pilot ignition
2 Self-ignition
o io External
hot spot
Surface Volatile
fr decomposition products reaction rate
External Surface
^ vaporisation mix with oexp(D;
source of temperature °1P air liberates heat
heat/V of P rise Positive feedback
raises temperature \ t
Heat losses
by conduction
\ / ^ Radiation
v from flame
• J / Evolution of combustible gases
Temperature of surface
Figure 5.8 (a) Test apparatus for the measurement of the limiting oxygen index
of polymers (Fenimore-Martin test), (b) Test configuration for the measurement
of the surface rate of spread of flame of building materials
example, PE film and rod have the same AIIC , although film is more easily
ignited and burns faster. Table 5.10 lists heats of combustion of a number of
common polymers. AHf is controlled by molecular structure. Hydrocarbon
polymers have the largest heats of combustion. Oxygen-containing polymers
(wood, cellulosics and oxygen heterochains) release less heat on burning.
In many applications of polymer materials, notably in construction and
textile uses, the rate at which flame spreads across a burning combustible surface
is especially significant for safety. Surface spread of flame rate, although partially
determined by inherent combustion properties of the material, is once again
strongly dependent on circumstantial factors. Figure 5.7 shows that flame spreads
by a succession of ignition processes, the flame zone invading non-burning areas
as these reach sufficiently high temperatures. The rate at which heat is transferred
to cooler parts of the material from burning parts depends on the efficiency of
heat transfer processes. Generally, radiation from the flame, conduction
through the solid and convection adjacent to the surface all make contributions
to this heat transfer. Thus, flame luminosity, thermal diffusivity of the solid,
and orientation of the surface (figure 5.7) are major factors controlling the
surface spread of flame rate. The British Standard test for building materials
classifies materials according to horizontal flame spread rate in the presence of
Limiting oxygen indices of common polymer materials
POM 0.16
PMMA 0.17
PP 0.17
PE 0.17
PAN 0.18
PE + 50 wt% aluminium oxide 0.20
PE + 60 wt% aluminium oxide 0.30
PS 0.18
Cellulose 0.19
EP 0.20
EP + 50 wt% aluminium oxide 0.25
EP + 60 wt% aluminium oxide 0.41
PVF 0.23
PA-66 0.24
PC 0.27
Silicone rubber 0.30
PEEK 0.35
Polyimide 0.37
PPS 0.44
PVC 0.47
PVDC 0.60
PTFE 0.95
Flame Reactions
The chemistry of polymer flame reactions is not yet known in detail, although
the reactions occurring in the flames of hydrocarbon fuels such as methane have
been much studied. There is evidence that hydrocarbon polymers burn in much
the same way as these fuels. The chemical changes occurring during combustion
comprise complex sequences of gas-phase radical reactions, and undoubtedly all
volatilising polymers burn by such reactions. (The burning of polymer chars,
TABLE 5.10
Heat (enthalpy) of combustion AHf of selected
POM 16.9
Cellulose: cotton linters 17.4
Cellulose: wood pulp 17.5
PVC 19.9
PETP 21.6
Polyurethane 23.9
PMMA 26.2
PA 66, PA 6 31.9
PC 30.8
PS 42.2
NR: pure gum vulcanisate 45.2
PP 46.0
PE 46.5
RH-+02 • RH0 2 -
RH0 2 - • RO + -OH
•OH + RH2 • H 2 0 + RH-
RH2+02 • RO + H 2 0
The last line of this scheme shows the net chemical change which occurs as a
result of the three preceding reactions (obtained simply by adding these reactions
together). RO represents partially oxidised substances, which are further
oxidised in combustion. An important intermediate of this kind is formaldehyde
HCHO + -OH > CHO- + H 2 0
•CHO + 0 2 • CO + -H0 2
Termination occurs by destruction of radicals such as 'HOj in the outer regions
of the flame; for example
•H0 2 + -H0 2 • H202 + 0 2
In fires, combustion is frequently incomplete, and volatile compounds and
smoke are generated in greater or less amounts. The solid particles and liquid
droplets present in smokes are produced by the condensation of organic
substances (particularly acetylenes) in the cooler zones of the flame. Materials
with high smoke yields are clearly hazardous in fires. In addition there is
evidence that volatile toxic substances are produced when certain polymer
materials burn. Carbon monoxide is always produced when carbon-based
materials (including such natural substances as wood and wool as well as
synthetic polymers) burn with a limited supply of air. Nitrogen-containing
polymers (PUR, PA, PAN) may produce hydrogen cyanide under these conditions
and chloropolymers may produce phosgene. However, the quantities evolved
depend on the circumstances of the fire, and the hazards from toxic fire gases
are extremely variable.
ASTM D2857, Standard Test Method for Dilute Solution Viscosity of Polymers
(American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa, 1977).
Bixler, H. J. and Sweeting, 0. J., 'Barrier properties of polymer films', in
O. J. Sweeting (Ed.), The Science and Technology of Polymer Films, vol. 2,
ch. 1 (Interscience, New York, 1971).
Burrell, H. and Immergut, B., 'Solubility parameter values', in J. Brandrup and
E. H. Immergut (Eds), Polymer Handbook, ch. IV-15,2nd edn (Wiley, New
York, 1975).
Pneumatic drive tube
Thermal Stability
Fire Properties
Medical Engineering
Chiellini, E., Giusti, P., Migliaresi, C. and Nicolais, L., Polymers in Medicine II:
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications (Plenum, New York, 1986).
Frazza, D. J., 'Sutures', in Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Technology,
suppl. 1, pp. 587-597 (Wiley, New York, 1976).
Gebelein, C. G. (Ed.) Advances in Biomedical Polymers (Plenum, New York,
Halpern, B. D. and Karo, W., 'Medical Applications', in Encyclopaedia of
Polymer Science and Technology, suppl. 2, pp. 368-402 (Wiley, New York,
Kronenthal, R. L., Oser, Z. and Martin, E., (Eds), 'Polymers in Medicine and
Surgery', in Polymer Science and Technology, vol. 8 (Plenum, London, 1975).
Williams, D., (Ed.), Biocompatibility of Implant Materials (Sector Publishing,
London, 1976).