Analog Electronics 4 PDF
Analog Electronics 4 PDF
Analog Electronics 4 PDF
SINGLE & MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS: Two port network, hybrid model for CE configuration with
necessary derivations, Analysis of transistor CE amplifier with & without emitter resistance using h-
parameters. Need for cascading, N-stage cascaded amplifiers, Gains in decibels, Methods of
coupling multistage amplifiers (RC, DC and transformer coupling), RC Coupled Amplifier and its
frequency response, Effect of emitter & bypass capacitors on the bandwidth of a cascaded
1. Integrated Electronics Millman Halkias
2. Electronics Devices Bolystead
3. Electronics Devices Malvino Leach
4. Pulse, Digital & Switching Waveforms Millman & Taub
5. Pulse Circuits D.A. Bell
NOTE : There shall be total eight questions, four from each section. Five questions have to be
attempted selecting at least two questions from each section. Use of calculator is allowed.