Education Is Very Important
Education Is Very Important
Education Is Very Important
Our first teachers are our parents. They teach us how to speak our native
tongue and identify things around us. Teachers and professors play a very
important role in our life by teaching us various important and specialized
subjects. Education helps us to know rules and regulations and makes us
responsible citizens of our country.
Everyone knows that education is very important for our life. With education
we can do lots of things. Education is the basic requirement nowadays for
everything that we wish to do. If we need to work, our employers will ask
about our education. When getting married, the bride or groom’s family will
also ask our educational qualifications. To succeed in life and make money
too, we need education.
There are several reasons why people need education. The main reason
being, we need to be alert and aware of things that affect our daily life. It is
the need of all human beings to know about what is happening so that they
can plan for future and take any steps to counter immediate problems and
situations. Nowadays there is a vast choice of education. People can study
to become engineers, doctors, accountants, computer experts, government
servants and many other professions.
All great leaders of this world, scientists, doctors and engineers are
educated people. Therefore, we can see that education also helped shape
the modern world as we can see it today. Without education, all the
comforts and luxuries we enjoy today would not have been possible.
Education is very important in our life because we require it everywhere-
from the time we wake up till the time we sleep.
Nowadays, many people say that education and wealth are closely linked.
This is not entirely true. Education does not merely mean a good degree of
some great university. Education actually means how we see and perceive
things. Above that, education also means how we respond or react to
situations. Education from schools and colleges is important because it
helps us how to live in a civilized society and respect one another. It shows
us how to obey laws of the society and laws of the land we dwell.
The importance of education can also be understood from the fact that
education decides the behavior of humans towards animals. In a civilized
and well educated society, all animals are treated humanely. They are
cared for and fed. If needed, educated people give medicines for animals
too. In sharp contrast, uncivilized societies sometimes show lesser respect
to animals.
Nowadays, education is important because there are thousands of things
around us that are made with modern technology. We require education to
use these modern gadgets and get the best benefits of technology.
Education also teaches us how to respect other human beings. It is
because of education that every country has laws that tell people what can
be done and what should be avoided.