Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad The Pakistan Development Review
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad The Pakistan Development Review
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad The Pakistan Development Review
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1 Pakistan Development Review
53:3 (Autumn 2014) pp. 275-292
This paper identified the factors influencing the rice crop residue burning decision of the
farmers and the potential of the burnt residue to generate electricity. For this study, data were
collected from 400 farmers in the rice-wheat cropping system. Effects of different variables on
the burning decision of rice residue are investigated through logit model. A number of factors
had significant effects on the burning decision of crop residue. These included farming
experience of the farmer, Rajput caste, farm size, owner operated farm, owner-cum-tenants
operated farm, silty loam soil type, livestock strength, total cost associated with the handling of
residue and preparation of wheat field after rice, availability of farm machinery for
incorporation, use of residue as feed for animals, use of residue as fuel, intention of the
respondent to reduce turnaround time between harvesting of rice and sowing of wheat,
convenience in use of farm machinery after burning of residue and the geographic location of
farm. The overall quantity of rice straw burnt is estimated to be 1704.91 thousand tonnes in the
rice-wheat cropping areas with a potential to generate electric power of 162.51 MW, This
power generation from crop residues would be a source of income for the farmers along with
generation of additional employment opportunities and economic activities on sustainable
basis. In order to minimise the cost of haulage of rice straw, installation of decentralised power
plants at village level would be a good option. Further, use of rice crop residue as an energy
source can help in reducing foreign exchange requirements for import of furnace oil.
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276 Ahmed and A h mad
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Burning of Crop Residue and ils Potential for Electricity Generation 277
(2002); Jingura and Matengaifa (2008); Karaj, et al. (2010); Hiloidhari and Baruah
(2011); Nguyen, et al. (2013)]. Liquid or gaseous biofuel can be produced from crop
residues like cereals and corn, by using thermo-chemical or biological techniques
[Elmore, et al. (2008)]. Hiloidhari and Baruah (2011) found 16 different types of
crop residue in Sonitpur district of Assam, India. They found rice crop as a dominant
source of residue and about 0.17 million tonnes of residue biomass has a potential to
produce about 17MW power. According to them, decentralised crop residue based
power generation can solve the problem of acute shortage of grid connected power
supply. Similarly, Nguyen, et al. (2013) estimated the electricity generation from
wheat straw instead of coal and natural gas. Their study also indicates that usage of
straw will reduce global warming and use of non-renewable energy. Hence, there is
an increasing recognition that interrelations between agriculture, biomass production,
bio-energy and climate should be better understood in order to estimate the realistic
bioenergy potential [Haberal, et al. (2011)]. According to Freedman (1983), a huge
potential of biomass energy is available in rural areas in the form of rice crop residue.
Potential amount of energy that can be obtained from this residue is 3.70x1010
J/ha/year under traditional methods, 7.93 X 1010 J under labour intensive and 8.36 X
1010 J under capital intensive methods. Accurate estimates of the amounts of
produced crop residues, their disposal pattern (quantity used as feed for animals,
quantity used as fuel for cooking, quantity incorporated into soil, quantity burnt to
clear the field in order to improve the performance of farm machinery for bed
preparation for the next crop, etc.) and the potential amount of crop residue that can
be saved from burning and used for bioenergy generation on sustainable basis is very
important. According to Jingura and Matengaifa (2008), biomass can provide 47
percent of the energy consumption in Zimbabwe and crop residue is its major
component. According to them, estimated annual amount of crop residue in
Zimbabwe is 7.805 Mt and it has an energy potential of 81.5 PJ per year. Thus crop
residue can be used for energy generation besides feeding of animals and
improvement of soil fertility. Moreover, environmental advantage connected with
burning of residue for electricity generation can be revealed from the fact that this
usage does not compete with food or cash crops and no land use change is required
[Barz and Delivand (2011)]. Shyam (2002) identified crop residue as a sustainable
source of energy supply and suggested establishment of decentralised electricity
supply system based on crop residue in rural areas. Likewise, Karaj, et al. (2010)
analysed the existence of potential of electricity generation in Albania through
biomass (bioenergy crops, agricultural and forestry residues and wastes). They
considered generation of steam and biogas from the biomass to run steam generators
and turbines for the generation of electricity. Energy content in biomass was
estimated theoretically by estimating biomass using statistical reports, literature
review and personal investigations. For Albania, it is found that 4.8 million tons of
dry biomass was produced in year 2005 with energy content 11.6 million MWh/a.
This energy content has technical potential of 3 million MWh/a of electrical energy
production. This amount of electrical energy is equal to 45.8 percent of total
electrical consumption of Albania. Study of Ergudenler and Isigigur (1994) identified
agricultural residue as a potential fuel for sustainable electricity generation in Turkey.
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278 Ahmed and Ahmad
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Burning of Crop Residue and ils Potential for Electricity Generation 119
The decision maker chooses the alternative from which he gets the maximum
utility. In the binomial or two alternatives case, farmer chooses alternative 1 if and only if.
Pr(l) = Pr(Un > Ui2) = Pr(F„ +£„ > Vi2+zi2) = Pr(e,2 -s„ < Vn-Vi2)
It states that the probability of choosing alternative 1 is equal to the probability of the
difference in stochastic utility of choice 1 and 2 being less than or equal to the
difference in systematic utility of choice 1 and 2. Assuming that s,2 - e,4 has a logistic
distribution, the probability (P,) that farmer i burns residue is a function of an index
variable (Z,) summarising a set of farmer attributes, which can be written as:
P, = F{zt) = -Where Z, = X/ß
Where ß is a vector of coefficients; X, is a vector of the /th farmer attributes and e is the
base of natural logarithm. Z, is a dichotomous variable, it takes the value of one if a
farmer has adopted the practice of residual burning and takes the value zero otherwise.
The change in P, with respect to change in Xt is given by:
ÔP, , dF w 5c y ex'ß
dX, dz, ôx, \ 4- nx<V
\ + e'
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280 Ahmed and Ahmad
Table 1
Variable Definitions
Variable Name Description
BURN 1 if farmer adopted the practice of rice crop residue burning; 0
GUJRAN 11 if
if farm
farm is
is located
located in
in Gujranwala
Following steps are involved for calculating the generation of electricity from rice
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Burning of Crop Residue and its Potential for Electricity Generation 281
Availability of accurate data about the crop residue is very essential for
determining the potential of bioenergy in any country. Previous studies estimated the
straw produced from the main product like grain and used a specific ratio of main
product to straw to estimate the straw produced. Such a ratio of main product to
straw varies from variety to variety and sometime even for a specific product because
of differences in climatic and agronomic conditions under which the main product is
produced. Consequently, the estimate of amount of crop straw produced either
overestimated or underestimated the actual amount of straw produced. This study
uses primary data collected from the farmers for the assessment of the quantity of
straw produced and its disposal pattern. In this study in to order obtain the yield of
rice crop and its residue, farmers were asked about the variety grown, area under
each variety, yield of paddy and straw. This information was used to calculate the
paddy yield and straw yield which came to 1624 kg and 1602 kg, respectively. Thus
the ratio of paddy to straw was 1:0.99. This ratio was quite comparable with the ratio
of 1:1 reported by Jiang, et al. (2012).
In two practices (i.e. RPBL and BPLP), burning of residue is involved. Moreover,
there is not complete burning of residue in these practices as the lower parts of rice plant
are not dry enough to catch fire. Consequently, we asked farmers about the proportion of
rice residue burnt in these practices. This proportion was used to determine the quantity
of rice residue burnt from the straw yield produced for each variety grown under these
two practices. A weighted average quantity of residue burnt was obtained by weighting
the quantity of straw burnt with the acreage of each variety for the practice RPBL and
BPLP. Finally, quantity of residue burnt per acre under various residue management
practices was weighted according to the acreage under each practice to determine the
quantity of residue burnt per acre of rice harvested. This quantity of residue per acre was
multiplied with the rice acreage in the rice wheat cropping system of Punjab, to estimate
the total quantity of residue burnt. Assuming the same quantity of residue burnt per acre
for the rice-wheat cropping system area, we estimated the total quantity of burnt residue
in Punjab, Pakistan.
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282 Ahmed and A h mad
Where RRPPis the rice residue biomass power potential of the J-th area; K is the overall
energy conversion efficiency assuming a value of 20 percent [Hiloidhari and Baruah
(2011)]; ACRj is the rice acreage in acres in the J-th area; WAQRB is the weighted
average quantity of rice residue burnt per acre; LHVR is the lower heating value of the
rice straw. It is taken to be 15.03 (G) f1 [Singh, et al. (2008)]; Tis the annual operating
duration in seconds.
2.3. Data
The data for this study were collected during the year 2010 from the
important districts (i.e. Gujranwala and Sialkot) having share of maximum acreag
wheat system of the Punjab [Punjab (2009)]. Ten villages were selected randoml
villages already selected by the Federal Bureau of Statistics from each of the dist
estimation of acreage and yield of various crops. These villages were consider
sampling units (PSU). Farmers within the PSUs were taken as secondary samp
list of farmers was prepared in each village and then 20 fanners were randomly
different sizes in proportion to their number. Total sample comprised of 400 res
the collection of data, a comprehensive questionnaire was constructed, which
after pre-testing. The data were collected by using personal interview method.
Descriptive statistics of the variables used in the model are exhibited in Table
The means of the qualitative variables refer to the proportion of respondents
on particular qualitative attributes. For example, approximately 77 percent
respondents are owner operators, roughly 20 percent of the respondents are own
tenants. Similarly, approximately 57 percent of the respondents are Jat, 13 percent
and 6 percent Arian. The continuous variables indicate that each farm has, on ave
about 11.93 acres of land and the collection and transportation cost per acre
residue is Rs 485.84 (Rs 104 = 1 US$).
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Burning of Crop Residue and its Potential for Electricity Generation 283
Table 2
The maximum likelihood estimates of the logit model are presented in Table 3.
Likelihood ratio indicates that the amount of variation explained is significantly different
from zero. Pseudo R2 value is 0.433. The probability of burning rice residue was
significantly associated (at 20 percent level) with fourteen variables out of twenty six
variables included in the model. These factors were: (a) Farming experience of the farmer
(EXP), (b) Rajput caste (RAJPUT), (c) Farm size (SIZE), (d) Farmer is owner operator
(OWNER), (e) Farmer is owner-cum-tenant (OWNCT), (f) Soil type is silty loam
(SILTL), (g) livestock strength on the farm (ANIMAL), (h) Total cost associated with the
handling of the residue and preparation of wheat field after rice (TCBURN), (i) Farm k2
machinery availability for incorporation (MACH), (j) Use of residue as feed for animals
(FEED), (k) Use of residue as fuel (FUEL), (1) Intention of the respondent to reduce
turnaround time between harvesting of rice and sowing of wheat (REDTURN), (m)
Burning of residue results in convenient use of farm machinery (CONMACH) and (n)
The geographic location of farm in Gujranwala (GUJRAN) district.
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284 A h med and A h mad
Table 3
The farming experience (EXP) had positive influence on the probability of burning
rice residue. The probability of burning increased by one percent for each one percent
increase in farming experience. A possible explanation for this behaviour is that 53.75
percent and 15.15 percent farmers perceive that residue burning improves the physical
properties and increase soil nutrients of soil, respectively. Moreover, the results of the
study show that 70.50 percent and 64.75 percent of the farmers perceive that burning of
rice residue increases the yield of wheat and rice, respectively. The increase in the yield
of both wheat and rice crops is due to substantial and ready availability of nutrients
through ash to plants due to incomplete burning of rice residue as the temperature desired
for complete burning is not achieved during the burning of residue [Kumar and Goh
(2000)]. Further there is rapid conversion of nutrients from organic form to inorganic
form N, P, K, Ca and Mg [Surekha, et al. (2006)].
The probability of burning of rice residue was increased by 1.91 percent for each
percent increase in farm size (SIZE). This results from the fact that livestock strength per
unit area decreases with increase in farm size and consequently the use of rice residue as
feed falls.
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Burning of Crop Residue and its Potential for Electricity Generation 285
Total cost associated with the preparation of field for wheat crop after rice was
significantly related with the increase in probability of rice residue burning. The survey
results show that the total cost associated with the preparation of wheat field after rice
was Rs 3536.79 where the rice straw was burnt in the field compared with Rs 4097.83 for
the incorporation of rice residue practice. This shows that farmers are adopting the
burning practice as the cost associated with burning practice was substantially less than
non-burning practice. Under the prevailing cost conditions, farmers will not stop rice
residue burning practice unless they are compensated appropriately by other measures.
Tenure type i.e. owner operator (OWNER) and owner-cum-tenant (OWNCT) were
significantly associated with the decrease in probability of rice residue burning by 55.87 percent
and 53.49 percent, respectively. This shows that owner operators and owner-cum-tenant have
long-term planning horizon and are concerned more with the sustainability of land resource.
The probability of burning of rice residue was decreased by 0.65 percent for each 1
percent increase in animal strength (ANIMAL). Because the effect of animal strength on
the use of rice residue is positive, therefore, farmers have adopted less burning practice.
Availability of farm machinery for incorporation (MACH) of rice residue in the
soil was significantly associated with the decrease in probability of rice residue burning
by 20.89 percent. This suggests that ensuring the availability of farm machinery for
incorporation can help in reducing the practice of burning.
Use of rice residue as feed (FEED) and fuel (FUEL) were both significantly
associated with decrease in probability of rice residue burning by 55.30 percent and 23.35
percent, respectively. Thus the farmers can reduce the adoption of burning practice by
utilising the residue for domestic purposes.
The probability of burning of rice residue was increased by 29.45 percent with the
intention of the producers to reduce turnaround time between harvesting of rice and sowing of
wheat (REDTUURN). Delay in sowing of wheat reduces its yield by 30 kg/day [Akhtar, et al.
(1992)] and in order to sow on time farmers are burning residue to clear the field. Intention of
the farmers to burn rice residue for the convenient use of farm machinery had positive and
significant impact on the probability of residue burning by 41.49 percent. Thus farmers used
burning practice for the convenient use of farm machinery for the preparation of fields for the
wheat crop. Thus the reduction of turnaround time between harvesting of rice and sowing of
wheat and convenient use of farm machinery demand the proper disposal of rice residue for
obtaining better wheat yield.
Not surprisingly, producers in the Gujranwala district exhibited higher probability
of rice residue burning than Sialkot district, the calculated change in probability was
16.53 percent. Larger farm size in Gujranwala district compared to Sialkot district
probably contributed to this difference.
If one looks at the overall area of rice allocated to different residue management
practices, then the full burn method ranks as first and removal ranks as second (Table 4).
58 percent of area under rice is fully burned, while 25 percent of rice area has full
removal of residue. The remaining area is either partially burnt or a small portion is
incorporated into the field. We observed a similar pattern of adoption of different residue
management practices for different varieties of rice (see Table 4).
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286 Ahmed and Ahmad
Table 4
The results of logit model indicate that total cost associated with the handling of
residue and preparation of field for wheat crop after rice was significantly related with the
increase in probability of rice residue burning. The survey results show that the total cost
associated with the handling of rice residue and preparation of the wheat field after
various rice residue management practices was the highest at Rs 4585.72 for the REMV
practice and the lowest at Rs 3423.94 for the BPLP practice. The total cost was higher
for RPBL, RPfNC and INC by 25.56 percent, 26.51 percent and 19.68 percent,
respectively, in comparison with BPLP. Thus, the burning of residue is the most
economical method for handling rice residue and preparing the wheat field. Under the
prevailing cost conditions, farmers wil not stop rice residue burning unless they are
compensated appropriately by other measures.
The proportion of the straw burnt for various varieties; ranged from 53.75 to 58.12
percent for the practice of removal of pural and the burning of the lower parts of rice
plant; from 63.48 to 69.26 percent for the practice of burning the pural and the lower
parts of the rice plant. In terms of quantity 931 kg and 1034 kg of rice straw per acre was
burnt under these practices, respectively. On overall basis, 712 kg of rice straw per acre
was burnt in the study area. Of the total surveyed respondents, 61 percent were of the
view that the trend in rice residue burning was increasing although 31 percent thought it
was decreasing. About eight percent thought there is no change. As reported by 46
percent and 65 percent of the respondents, respectively, the short turn-around time
between the harvesting of the rice crop and the sowing of the wheat crop and
inconvenience in the use of farm machinery were the major reasons for the burning of
rice residue. Major reasons for not burning the residue included its use as feed for
animals and for home cooking as reported by 95 percent and 24 percent of respondents,
On the basis of results of survey conducted in rice-wheat cropping system, total
quantity of rice residue burnt is estimated at 1704.91 thousand tonnes. Using same basis
as used for rice-wheat cropping system, total quantity of rice residue burnt is estimated at
3106.68 thousand tonnes for Punjab and 4159.05 thousand tonnes for Pakistan, which
could be used for electric power generation.
On the basis of the quantity of rice residue burnt, the potential for electric power
generation is estimated as 162.51 MW, 296.13 MW and 396.44 MW for the rice-wheat
cropping system, areas of Punjab and Pakistan, respectably. The power scenario in the
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Burning of Crop Residue and ils Potential for Electricity Generation 287
rice-wheat cropping area and in other areas in Punjab and Pakistan is characterised by
fluctuating voltage, load shedding and unreliable supply. However, demand for electricity
is increasing over time and is expected to increase many folds in coming years in
Pakistan. Electricity is required for improving health facilities, education system, living
standard and for other economic activities including running of tubewells for meeting the
water requirements of rice and other crops. Major part of the demand is met through
fossil fuels. Diminishing fuel reserves, mounting oil prices and Green House Gases
emission from burning of fossil fuels resulting in global environment problems demand
to look for renewable energy for meeting future energy requirement. Thus significant part
of future energy must be met from renewable energy sources to meet the rising demand
and to reduce Green House Gases emission. According to World Bioenergy Association
(2010), reasonable and sustainable use of world biomass energy can meet energy demand
globally. The European Commission has set an overall target of 20 percent share of
renewable energy and a 10 percent share of renewable energy in transport for the year
2020 [Dam and Junginger (2011)]. U.S. Department of energy has set a target that
biomass will supply energy equivalent to 30 percent of current petroleum consumption
[Fengxiang, et al. (2011)]. Similarly, targets have been fixed by Romania [Scarlat, et al.
(2011)] and Australia [Herr and Dunlop (2011)]. Demirbas (2011) has reported that
biomass energy can meet half of the present global energy consumption by the year 2050.
In view of the haulage cost associated with rice crop residue, installation of crop residue
biomass power plants at the village level would be an attractive option for improving
electricity supply. Such decentralised units can benefit the rural population in many ways.
First, these can generate income for farmers from rice residue, which is presently being
burnt by them. Second, these can generate employment through involvement of rural
population in collection, transport, loading and other activities. Third, decentralised
power units at the village level can stimulate economic activities through assured power
supply [Hiloidhari and Baruah (2011)].
This paper addresses two very important issues i.e. why farmers bur
and what is the potential of electricity generation from the residue being
of rice crop residue has significant effect on the yield of crops, physical p
and environment. The results obtained by using logit model provide poli
additional insight into the relations between the adoption of rice residue b
and the various factors which influence its adoption. There will not be sig
in rice residue burning under prevailing government policies as the othe
costly in terms of handling of rice residue and preparation of wheat fie
Application of choice logit model has identified farming experience, far
caste, soil type, tenure type, animal strength, use of residue as feed and
preparation of wheat field after rice, reduction in turnaround time betwe
rice and sowing of wheat, convenience in use of farm machinery,
machinery for incorporation and geographic location of farm as key expla
of rice crop residue burning decision.
The present study also attempted to estimate the quantity of burnt
which could be used for the generation of electricity. The results i
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288 Ahmed and Ahmad
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Burning of Crop Residue and ils Potential for Electricity Generation 289
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