A Simple Procedure For Design Spray Dryer
A Simple Procedure For Design Spray Dryer
A Simple Procedure For Design Spray Dryer
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Moisture r
UDC 664.8.037 Solids in f
Ambient i
A Simple Procedure for Design of a Spray Dryer Ambient
A S Mujumdar, Non-member V Jog, Non-member Resideno
Powder i
A simple procedure is proposed for design of a spray dryer. The procedure is tested by comparing the Inlet tei
design calculations with data supplied by a large commercial installation for spray drying of skim milk. Outlet 1
Despite numerous simplifying assumptions, the agreement between the proposed design and the opera- peed tt
ting dryer was found to be very good.
\ ■Water
peed i
fo ¡ Heat
A = latent heat Spray drying converts a liquid feed into dry powder by
= heat capacity of dry solid Cft = atomizing the feed into a stream of hot air contained in a j The
chamber of suitable geometry. Uniform drying, consistency tion oi
heat capacity of moisture Cs = heat
of physical properties, uniformity of size and shape are some
capacity of humid air Dvm = volume of the notable advantages of this suspended-air drying
mean diameter d — technique. Evaporative cooling coupled with short residence
times in the chamber avoid scorching of heat-sensitive Th
diameter of rotary wheel e
products. Masters1 has sum- marized the vast body of
G = mass flow rate literature on spray drying. vessel
H = enthalpy dryin
h = height of the vane A very wide variety of possible combinations of chamber
K = constant M — mass flow rate N geometries and atomization techniques makes it impossible
to develop a generally valid design procedure. This, coupled (í
— rpm n = number of vanes Q = with the various types of heat sources available, relative
quantity of heat QL = heat loss from directions of spray and drying air flows, physical and
the dryer T = temperature UH = Chemical characteristics of the product being dried,
characteristics of the final product, etc., makes it mandatory
humid volume of air W = moisture
to conduct pilot plant studies before designing a full-scale
content unit.
The objective of this paper is to ¡Ilústrate that, despite the
numerous simplifying assumptions explicit or implicit in the
proposed procedure, it is possible to make reason- able
design calculations1.
a = air
s = solid In this paper the design procedure is developed and
W = water illustrated for the case of spray drying skim milk-a process
1 = inlet used almost universally for this purpose. The input data were
2 = outlet supplied by one of the world’s leading spray dryer t ti
wb = wet bulb |
manufacturers. The design valúes are then compared with
0 = ambient physical data for an operational unit.
Heat used in evaporation (exhaust air is saturated)
Heat input
/ 215 - 69.4 \
\ 215 — 10 /
(M8)(Ts)i(aji(Ws)i Heat used in evaporation (for adiabatic
Heat input operation)
Actual evaporative capacity
Veva Capacity obtainable with saturated exhaust air
/ 215 - 98.3 \ \
100 X 100
215 - 69.4 / =
Extensive empirica) as well as theoretical work has been Wheel diameter = 22.9 cm; Wheel speed = 15 000 rpm
done on design of atomizers. Friedman, Gluckest, Marshall 2, Number of vanes = 20 ; Height of vanes = 1.9 cm
Herring and Marshall3, Frazer,4 Masters and Mohtadi,5 and
Scout, Robinson, et al6 have deve- loped correlations for the DESIGN OF SPRAY DRYING CHAMBER
design of atomizer wheels or dises. Nozzle atomizers have
been studied by Marshall,7 Green,8 Doumas and Laster,9 A concurrent air flow pattern is recommended because of
Dombrowski and Hassen20 and Moulton and Turner.11 the heat sensitivily of milk. This allows higher inlet
Droplet size predictions can be made with the help of the temperature to be used at inlet to speed up the drying without
classical Lewis- Nukiyama-Tanasawa equation, or the Tate- damaging the product.
Marshall equation12.
Two relations have been proposed in the literature to
For spray drying milk, rotary atomizers are used most calcúlate the spray trajectofy from a rotary atomizer, which
frequently. Some of the advantages of rotary atomizers are: form the basis for selecting a suitable chamber diameter:
(1) Greater realiability and flexibility;
(2) Little wear of atomizing disc; atomizing charac-
teristics not affected by possible wear of the disc;
(3) Wide capacity range without change in atomizing (1) Frazer, Eisenklam, Dombrowski4
characteristics; „ „„ ¿°'21 M°-2
R max 7.48 —---------
(4) Little risk of clogging; jyo.i6 (7)
(5) Ease of automation and control.
where Rmax is the radial distance in cm at which 99 % of the
spray falls 0.91 meters below atomizer
Taking these into account, a rotary atomizer with radial (2) Herring and Marshall3
vanes is recommended for this design. ¿0.2
R 11.87 M0.25
where R99 is radial distance in cm which ineludes 99 % of
For industrial rotary atomizer Herring-Marshall equation3 the mass of spray. For design under consideration, Rmaz =
can be used to predict parameter valúes. The basic 1.83 m and R = 3.74 m.
parameters aie the droplet size Dvm microns, feed rate ML
kg/min, height of vanes h cm, rotation speed N rpm, diameter The substantial difference between the two correlations
of wheel d cm, number of vanes n. The equation is given as: may be attributed to the following factors:
z>«. = (5)
(1) Both correlations ignore the effeets of wall and
(Nd)0-**(nh) °-12 W
therefore give only a conservative estímate of
The constant K for industrial dryers of large capacity is about droplet penetration;
29.4 x 104. This correlation is valid over the following ranges
of parameters: (2) The radial travel of droplets also depends upon
factors like wheel design and speed, feed rate, air
Variable disperser design and its location. These are not
Wheel diameter (cm) considered in these correlations.
Wheel speed (rpm) Range of Operations
Mp = liquid loading on vane 19.0 - 23.0 10 000 - 18
With the limited information available, only a conser-
vative judgement can be made of the radial distance, by
where 0.9 - 5.4 taking the arithmetic average of the two valúes to size the
Mp = kg/min om (6) drying chamber which yields R =2.75 m or chamber
diameter of 5.5 m. In practice, pilot scale data are needed for
a confident specification of the chamber size.
flow dryers with rotary air efñciency = low degree of atomization, However, empiricism will
flow, residence times range 71.00% Overall continué to be the basis of
from 20 to 40 sec. thermal efñciency spray dryer designs for many
= 57 % years to come.
Various theoretical
Volumetric flow rate Atomizer Design approaches for designing a
Wheel dia meter spray dryer
= 22.9 cm = 20 system have
V= = 8-73 m3/sec Number of vanes = appeared
1.90 cm =in15the literature, but
3 600 ' the design
Height of vanes 000 rpm = 8.2is still based on
Rotational speed hpempirical methods. There is
Average velocity of dry air no technique available for
Power requirement
measuring drying kinetics
v = — V --- 0.369 m/sec ©ver time scales of a few
irí/2 Residence time = 30 sec
seconds; thus all theoretieal
Height required Diameter of chamber = 5.5 m Height
v x residence time = 11 m (for a 30 sec residence time) of the chamber = 11.0 m
assume a constant drying rate similar materials. Such
which ultimately leads to a information is almost
POWER REQUIRED FOR AIR MOVING dryer which is too small. invariably pro- prietory and
EQUIPMENT AND ATOMIZERS henee not easily available.
requirement = 475 hp Until techniques are
developed for independent REFERENCES
To calcúlate the required water due to use of wet measurement of spray drying
horsepower, the system resis- scrubber are reasonable kinetics, the design of these 2. K Masters. Spray Drying.
tance to gas flow must be estimates for industrial units. dryers will continué to be Leonard-Hill Publishing Co,
known. A total resistance of If total product recovery is by based on scale-up from the 1972.
25 cm of water at operating the use of a filter type biggest pilot plant one can 3. S J Friedman, F A
conditions for the drying collector, the total system afford, using whatever Gluckert and W R Marshall.
chamber with cyclone resistance will be 20-25 cm experience one has Chemical Engineering
collectors and 20-25 cm of of water at operating accumulated in the past on Progress, vol 48, no 4, 1952,