Introduction of The Rope Pump in SNNPR, and Its Wider Implications
Introduction of The Rope Pump in SNNPR, and Its Wider Implications
Introduction of The Rope Pump in SNNPR, and Its Wider Implications
Paper 22
Introduction of the rope pump in
SNNPR, and its wider implications
April 2011
Research-inspired Policy and Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile region (RiPPLE)
is a 5-year Research Programme Consortium funded by UKaid from the Department for
International Development aiming to advance evidence-based learning on water supply and sanitation
(WSS). The RiPPLE Consortium is led by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), working with
the College of Development Studies at Addis Ababa University; the Ethiopian Catholic Church Social
and Development Coordination Office of Harar (ECC-SDCOH), International Water & Sanitation
Centre (IRC) and WaterAid-Ethiopia.
RiPPLE Working Papers contain research questions, methods, analysis and discussion of research
results (from case studies or desk research). They are intended to stimulate debate on policy
implications of research findings as well as feed into Long-term Action Research.
RiPPLE Office, c/o WaterAid Ethiopia, Kirkos Sub-city, Kebele 04, House no 620, Debre Zeit Road,
PO Box 4812, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This working paper was prepared as part of a series of studies focusing on self supply (family wells) in
Ethiopia. The authors would like to thank the authors and participants in the other studies especially
Eyasu Mamo (BoWR Hawassa) who was responsible for water quality analyses and supervision of the
main field survey. The support of John Butterworth at the IRC International Water and Sanitation
Centre, and RiPPLE project colleagues in Hawassa and Addis Ababa and London is also
acknowledged. Specifically we would like to thank the following key informants who shared their
views on rope pump production and introduction: Bob Yoder (previous Country Director) and
Kebede Ayele (Country Director) at IDE Addis Ababa, Naoki Yasuda (Water Sector Capacity
Development Project SNNPR) and Masahiko Ikemoto (EWTEC) at JICA, Atkelt Girmay (General
manager) at Selam Technical and Vocational College, Hawassa, Andualem Tefere (Electro-Mechanical
expert) and Kassu Eshete (Social Expert) at BoWR, and Lelisa Gurmu (Manager) and Teshome
Gelana (credit agent) at Busa Gonofa Micro finance (Ziway). We would also like to thank Henk
Holtslag of Connect International for his comments on the draft report and Anu Liisanantti (ODI) for
her wonderfully efficient support in production of the report.
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 8
List of Tables
Table 2-1Pump production - Arba Minch and Sodo ......................................................................................... 18
Table 2-2 Production by Selam TVC .................................................................................................................... 19
Table 2-3 Production costs for rope pumps in ETB ......................................................................................... 19
Table 2-4 Variation in costs with depth. IDE .................................................................................................... 20
Table 3-1 Functionality rates for conventional piston pumps and rope pumps ......................................... 23
Table 3-2 Functioning status for surveyed rope pumps .................................................................................. 24
Table 3-3 Time taken to repair pump .................................................................................................................. 25
Table 3-4 Adequacy of supply ................................................................................................................................ 26
Table 3-5 Vulnerability to drought........................................................................................................................ 27
Table 3-6 Good rope pump, but installed below ground level, with no drainage or spout ................... 28
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Rope pump anatomy and principle ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-1 Old bottom Guide box Aleta Wendo, fixed bearing ................................................................... 14
Figure 2-2 New bottom guide box, Abebe Garage Ziway .............................................................................. 14
Figure 2-3 Concrete guide box (Ghana).............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-4 Large diameter glass bottle bearing (Ghana) .................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-5 Ball bearing.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-6 Simple metal bearing............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-7 Wooden bearings Mozambique ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-8 Hand extruder for washers (Senegal) .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 2-9 Washers produced from granules or waste plastic (Ghana) ...................................................... 16
Figure 3-1Water quality comparison rope pump and other sources ........................................................... 28
Figure 4-1 Model 1: Rope pump introduction for drinking water supply - roles ...................................... 31
Figure 4-2 Model 2: Rope pumps for productive use – roles*....................................................................... 33
HP Handpump
RP Rope Pump
Source definitions
Traditional Hand-dug well (TW or TRHDW)
A well dug without lining, usually without de-watering pump and often used by the families or local
Semi-protected (SP)
A traditional well which has at a minimum an impermeable parapet and top lining sealed to a
concrete apron and a cover (conforms to JMP minimum standard).
Unprotected (UP)
A traditional well which does not have all the features of a semi-protected well.
Executive summary
The Bureau of Water Resources in Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) has
been at the forefront of the rope pump introduction for community and household water supply
since the beginning in 2005. Since then the technology has been developed further and four high
quality rope pump manufacturers have been trained by Practica and EWTEC, with support from
Over half of the woredas (77) are considered as having accessible shallow groundwater suitable for
abstraction by rope pump.
Some 243 rope pumps have been installed during this period mainly for demonstration purposes. Of
the 78 in the three woredas, 60% are said to be working.
Whilst the technical problems have been well addressed, the lack of demand for pumps in most
areas, and the lack of capacity to respond to demand where it has developed are slowing down any
efforts to go to scale. If rope pumps are to play a significant part in Universal Access Plan (UAP)
coverage it will need a concerted effort by BoWR to have them recognised as a valuable technology
by both sector professionals and households, and consequently included in their budgets. Technical
guidelines are well-developed, but those for introducing and marketing rope pumps are not.
Water quality analysis suggest that traditional wells fitted with top slabs and rope pumps can
eliminate contamination, and on average offers water which is five times safer than from unprotected
sources, but half as good as from conventional handpumps. Low risk water quality (<10 FC/100ml) is
as likely to be found in rope pump wells as in protected springs. The samples taken reflect the worst
case scenario, collected in the rainy season from pumps often installed primarily for irrigation and
mostly not chlorinated or cleaned out since the pump was installed.
In terms of reliability and adequacy of supply there was little discernible difference found between
handpumps (Afridev and India Mk 2) on protected wells and wells with rope pumps.
Moves to demonstrate the pump’s benefits have not been sufficiently strongly linked to marketing
initiatives and the building up of effective support services. This has made it difficult to keep pumps
working and for those impressed by the demonstrations, to buy pumps for themselves.
The model which BoWR has taken for introducing the rope pump differs significantly from that
developed by BOA/IDE. The first depends highly on government in all aspects from procurement to
promotion, and concentrates mainly on technical issues. The latter puts more emphasis on the role
of NGOs and the private sector and focuses on demand creation and development of support
BOA are increasing efforts to promote household level water supply for irrigation and sales of rope
pumps (target 400,000 new sources – ponds and rope pump wells). It would seem that BoWR
should liaise closely with BOA to see to what degree the two initiatives can converge with multiple
rather than single use systems being promoted.
Where market forces are introduced for rope pump uptake, the roles of government may need to
be different from those for conventional community water supplies. Movement away from planning
installations, procuring pumps, monitoring progress and regulating design towards provision of
technical advice, promotion and quality need to be discussed and defined.
Micro-credit institutions do not consider household or group water supply as a sound investment at
present and so suitable for loans. Few people will initially invest in water without either small
incentives or systems which allow them to spread their payments. BoWR will need to consider
whether revolving funds are sufficient and effective or what other forms financial support might take,
including links to the new financing window for community managed projects (CMP).
1.1 The rope pump study
This report looks at the present production and performance of pumps, the factors affecting their
uptake and the elements of the supply chain which are needed to ensure their reliable performance
and increased popularity. It looks at the experiences in SNNPR but also at those for rope pumps in
the neighbouring Ziway area where pumps have been introduced in greater numbers and in a
different manner. It is complementary to the report undertaken for UNICEF in February 2010
(Mammo 2010)
The report is based mainly on interviews carried out by Tsegaw Hailu in December 2010 with
stakeholders at all levels, but also on the results of the field surveys carried out on 35 rope pumps in
SNNPR. Interviews were carried out using semi-structured discussion points. The number of rope
pumps surveyed was limited by:
a) the small number installed in the focal woredas
b) the number of those which were operating and
c) the number of operating pumps used for drinking water as opposed to only other bulk uses
(domestic, animal watering, irrigation)
The basic design (see Figure 1-1) has been provided with varying degrees of protection some of
which have added significantly to the cost. Accompanying data on water quality changes are lacking,
however, and encasing the top works (one option) hides the state of the rope and may encourage
greater corrosion. The basic rope pump is usually installed to conform to JMP definitions of
‘protected well’ (WHO & UNICEF, 2006), even when principally in use for irrigation. However for
community supplies, higher levels of protection are being added to assuage government and donor
fears, generally without any evidence of effectiveness, or consequent favourable shift in professional
attitudes to the technology. Low cost options still need much promotion to professionals if they are
to catch their interest and be truly valued. Modifications to basic designs may be worthwhile, but if
the cost benefit is to be determined, performance data are needed and are mostly lacking. The
evolution to present designs should be systematically documented to avoid repetition of fruitless
1.5 Regional potential for rope pumps (see report ‘The Regional Potential
for Self Supply’
Not all woredas offer the same potential for use of the rope pump or for hand-drilling. Groundwater
usually needs to be within about 25 metres (preferably with a dynamic water level within 15m,
although with smaller riser pipes it can abstract from up to 35m with one handle, and as deep as 60m
with two handles). Shallow geology needs to offer strata that are sufficiently consolidated to stand
unsupported but not so hard that hand-digging is slow or impossible. Alternatively, hand-drilling
ground needs to be sufficiently un-consolidated for easy penetration of the bit, helped by temporary
or permanent casing (shallow boreholes). Such areas are limited and require an absence of
pebbles/small boulders and highly cemented rock. Aquifer yields need to be high enough in shallow
boreholes for an inflow of around 1 litre per second, whilst in large diameter wells the need is for
adequate storage and inflow can be slower. Overall JICA and BoWR have assessed about half of all
woredas in SNNPR as having the potential for shallow groundwater abstraction and development of
household level groundwater supplies, although some of these may not yet make much use of this
SNNPR has been in the forefront of the national development and demonstration of the
rope pump since 2005. There are now four producers in the region and one nearby (Ziway),
most of whom have been trained by EWTEC and/or Practica through the JICA capacity
building programme.
Over half the woredas in the region have suitable groundwater conditions for rope pump
Rope pumps have been being introduced in the region over a seven-year period, but
progress remains slow.
There have been several rope pump initiatives but they are mostly not connected in terms of
promotion, strategy or support service development
Whilst in other regions the problem may be of pirating and undercutting the prices of well-
trained producers using good quality materials, the problem in SNNPR is more one of lack of
2 Rope pump production
2.1 Technology options
2.1.1 Basic models
EWTEC with JICA have developed several models for household, community and irrigation water
supplies allowing for elevated storage, and engine or animal power. However the basic models which
can be produced by the workshops used by BoWR are three relatively costly alternatives, with no
specifically low cost options to promote at household level. This gives potential buyers no choice,
and also leaves only higher cost / higher specification options which fewer can afford. IDE produce a
lower cost version for this segment of the market, with a slightly different design. Selam say they
could also produce a model for around 1500 ETB. Other producers have not yet been encouraged
or trained to offer different specifications. Other design variations include different types of handle
bearing and types of bottom guide box.
Figure 2-1 Old bottom Guide box Aleta Wendo, fixed bearing
Figure 2-8 Hand extruder for washers (Senegal) Produced by Ludo Engineering ,
The Netherlands
Merebe workshop (Arba Minch) have produced 231 pumps of which 77% are in storage
Welayta Sodo have produced 243 pumps of which 53% are in storage
Selam Hawassa have produced 59 pumps, all of which have been installed.
The producer at TVET Hawassa made 15 rope pumps as part of his training/ accreditation
and these were bought by the BoWR.
In total, out of all the pumps produced, more than half remain to be installed, and have in some cases
been in storage for almost two years. The totals are given in tables 2-1 and 2-2
Arba Minch
1 –RPs In the Zoo
Crocodile zoo
To individual at
1-RPs Installed at Chencha ,CHRPHDW-15
Stored in the
30 RPs Produced on demand
128 RPs BOWR Not yet installed, stored at Zones and Region water offices
20 RPs IRC Installed in Boloso Sore and Shanto woredas of Welayata Zone
Abebe Garage, the producer in Ziway was trained in 2007 by IDE/ Practica. In that year the
necessary associated infrastructure of micro-finance and maintenance were not set up and people
were not familiar with the pump. From mid-2008 onwards these elements were in place, and the
market grew until in the last year alone around 600 pumps were produced. These have all been sold
at cost price to individual households and have been installed by the producer. They are mostly used
for Multiple Purposes (domestic and productive use).
2.5 Costs
Unsurprisingly the cost of pumps has been rising, as the value of the ETB has fallen, causing imported
materials to cost more. When RPs were first introduced in about 2006 in Oromia, they were priced
at some 1500 ETB, but the cost has now almost doubled. However, the RPs sold to BoWR (SNNPR)
in 2007 were sold for 1800 ETB and producers found then that this hardly covered their costs. Now
the same pumps cost between 2,500 and 3,000 ETB for a shallow lift pump which in US dollar terms
remains almost the same as in 2006 at approximately $150-160. However these costs are high
compared with other countries and with the Ziway producer all of which strive to keep unit prices
to less than $100 to allow private household purchase.
6-22 meter depth 1400- 1800 ETB 2008 From Addis Ababa
IDE does not recommend depths over 22 m because the RP cannot then be effective
22-30 meter depth lifting water for productive purpose, which is their main objective. However yields are
still adequate for domestic purposes.
In the case of Selam, costs include imported Swiss rope for high quality and durability. IDE use high
quality Chinese rope. In both cases pump owners would need to come to the producer to buy
similar replacement rope. The Sodo and Arba Minch producers do not have access to these supplies
and use rope purchased from the local market.
Most producers charge 50– 200 ETB (Selam) for installation, varying with distance. Installation usually
also includes some training of the pump owner in simple maintenance (rope splicing and replacement,
greasing bearings, tightening nuts).
IDE aim to keep the combined cost of a hand-drilled borehole and pump to below 3,500 ETB,
including installation. The cost of the pump itself is kept below $100. They are able to do this
because they source and negotiate for materials in bulk and the producer buys them from the
centralised IDE store. IDE hope to turn this procurement system into a private enterprise as part of
the national scaling up of their rope pump development which could then be available to all. IDE also
use their development officers to promote the pump and this is therefore also a cost that the
producer does not have to bear. In scaling up the promoters would get commission for the pumps
sold, from the producer.
For others, a traditional hand-dug well with limited surface stabilisation costs an average of 500 ETB
on top of the cost of the pump and top slab. A single concrete ring to reduce seepage into the well
costs some 700 ETB.
Difficulty for the producer to market his wares in rural areas where people are spread out
and transport costs are high
Promotion not carried out by government bodies which still regard low cost options (and
rope pump in particular) as having no place beside conventional alternatives.
The technology may be easy but production actually requires extreme care for good quality
Woreda and zonal offices are storing the pumps because they do not know what else to do
NGOs provide a small and spasmodic market, which gives no continuity of income
Although BoWR staff have been trained by JICA in quality control it is not being carried out
(partly because pumps are not being produced, but also because the 2010 check lists are not
being implemented)
Raw material costs are increasing and pump manufacturers are worried that they may not be
able to re-coup the cost in reasonable time, if at all.
Poor production quality and particularly poor installation practices may add to poor
performance and further give the technology a bad reputation.
Communities tend to prefer Afridev or India Mk2 handpumps for which maintenance
services are well established
Donors view rope pumps as a ‘low cost= second best’ solution and do not like to see it in
their funded projects.
Sector professionals often perceive that because the pump is “open” it can easily
contaminate the well
Lack of good examples of pumps that are perfectly installed on adequately sealed wells and of
plentiful, reliable data on water quality.
Depth limitations hinder rope pump adoption in areas with water at >25 m (alt
delayshough with small riser pipes it can go deeper, but with more effort in pumping).
For domestic water supply, basic models for different physical conditions are available in the
region, but no specific reduced cost model has been produced for household use.
Good performance data on how various design modifications are performing in the longer
term would help in identifying the best variations in design.
At present there no longer seems to be an active process for quality control of pump
Training is concentrated on producers and government officers but more local private sector
mechanics could also benefit from this and provide cheaper maintenance.
There has been a significant fall off of producers from those trained because of high initial
production quality requirements and subsequent production capacity far exceeding the
present market for rope pumps. The remaining producers are the best and most committed.
JICA are still modifying rope pump designs in a quest for greater reliability, and Selam and
IDE are providing high quality rope to reduce the need to replace it. Other producers are
receiving some informal feedback from users.
Over half of the pumps made by the first three regional producers remain in stores, de-
motivating them from carrying on production.
The market for rope pumps has been very slow to develop and is hindered by weak supply
chain coordination.
Each producer could probably produce over 4-5000 pumps a year were there to be a market
for them. At present no producer is able to make a living from rope pumps alone.
Costs vary widely and the Abebe Garage produces pumps at significantly lower costs than
the others, without sacrificing quality. This is chiefly through cost effective specification,
consolidated production, and centralised purchasing of materials at minimum prices. Forward
buying in bulk also avoids problems of temporary fluctuations in material costs.
In FOREX terms pump costs have not risen significantly in the last five years, but they are
high compared with those of other countries and the Ziway producer. This may limit up-take
at household level.
Lack of active donor, government and NGO support for its marketing severely hampers
rope pump adoption by households or communities.
The reputation of the rope pump is being damaged by some poor pump production quality,
but mainly from poor site selection and pump installation in demonstration sites.
3 Rope pump performance
3.1 Functioning rates
Functionality rates for installed (mainly family) rope pumps were found to be better in one woreda
than for conventional (community level) hand pumps, and worse in the other two. Part of the
problem may be that woreda staff are much more used to dealing with conventional pumps and their
installation, and so there is some variability in quality of installation of rope pumps. Additionally,
woreda capacity to respond to well owner requests is limited and there is a lack of spare parts.
Woreda staff have limited resources in terms of fuel and time and so may usually give higher priority
to repairs for systems which serve larger numbers of people (as well as sometimes having a lower
regard for low cost technologies).
Table 3-1 Functionality rates for conventional piston pumps and rope pumps
Woreda RP total RP functioning HP total 1 HP functioning 1
In general the JICA/woreda installed pumps were found by the field survey to be more likely to be
operating (68%) than those installed by World Vision and IRC (56% and 40% respectively).
However, both woreda and JICA staff felt that IRC pumps were more likely to be functional (contrary
to what the figures show) because well owners were more trained in repairs, rather than depending
on woreda BoWR staff. The high level of functioning of JICA pumps may also be due in part to their
regular monitoring which helps to sort out problems and make necessary contacts with woreda
This level of functioning is low for pumps only installed for a maximum of 3-4 years (and most for
only two). It is often said that rope pumps are easy to maintain, but each breakdown strains the
management capacity of users, especially where systems are community managed. The high rate of
breakdown can also be linked to:
Selection of wells including some whose history indicated unreliability or being prone to
collapse and lack of top lining
Poor installation practices leading to the wheel and rope not being centralised relative to the
Poor maintenance. If rope is too tight and if bushings are not oiled, these parts wear out very
3.2 Condition of pumps
Pumps which were visited for the main survey (35) were all ones which were in operation and so do
not give much of a picture of the wider functionality situation (as in Table 3-1 or for the region as a
whole). Of those surveyed, it would appear most are kept in good working order, although (60%) are
three or more years old, so have had time to go wrong.
Rope pump in Chama Hembecho, Two-thirds of all repairs were carried out by the
Boloso Sore woreda (BSRPHDW94) pump owner or the family, or a local mechanic
organised by the owner. An institutional rope pump
The pump is functioning but the well owner
was repaired by the school director and the guard.
denied access to it because of a dispute two
years ago between the management Less than a quarter of repairs were carried out by
committee and the users. There is no support the woreda water office, but where they did the
system to help committees resolve such work, delay was said to be less than a week in
problems or form a new committee. Chencha and a week to a month in Aleta Wendo
and Boloso Sore. Overall 82% of repairs were said
to be carried out within a week of breakdown, mainly using people who are untrained or with
limited training in repairs. Thus where the system is established, whether based on local or
government expertise, it can work well, but these statistics do not include pumps where
maintenance problems have not been solved (50% of pumps in AW, 33% in Chencha). In these some
have waited several months without being visited by a woreda team or the problem being solved.
Referring specifically to last year, 16% of the pumps had broken down for significant periods, and
taken an average of over two months to be repaired.
The pumps that were visited to explore breakdowns which had not been solved were mainly
communal supplies. It is apparent that weaknesses in both community management and in woreda
support play a part. Much of the problem arises from the lack of a culture of paying for water and the
non-payment by some users. There is also a problem where a pump meant for communal use is
actually installed on a private well. This reduces the powers of the well owner but still allows him to
withdraw access if he is unhappy with the users. This situation is likely arise when NGOs want
instant results but do not want to bear the cost of digging a new, unproved well, preferring a
communal pump to a private supply.
Rope pumps are perceived as giving water which is safer than rope and bucket, but probably not as
safe as a conventional pump. In areas with low coverage there is automatically a big increase in
people wanting to use a well and the pump. The recommended number of people for one rope pump
is 50 to 100. If a rope pump is used by more people there will be extra strain on the pump which
may lead to more frequent breakdowns. One IRC pump suffered serial breaking of the handle from
the weight of users, and the owner finally gave up repairing it. Average increases in user numbers in
surveyed wells were about 50 new users per pump.
3.4 Maintenance costs
Typical maintenance costs appear to be around 70 ETB a year, but depend on the type of problem
and the local ability to solve it. Welding costs 50 ETB a time. The cost of replacement rope depends
on the type of rope purchased. Imported rope costs 200-300 ETB for a 30m well, whilst local rope
costs around 50 ETB but does not last as long. The latter might seem like a cost-effective solution
but owners/ users soon tire of organising for new collection and repair and it is a reason for pumps
falling out of use. IDE and Selam therefore have both decided to source and supply higher grade,
more expensive rope to allow management to gain strength and users to become used to having a
good convenient water supply, before rope needs replacement.
It is a common belief that the beauty of the rope pump is that ‘if it breaks, anyone can fix it’.
Unfortunately this is not always the case and is especially questionable when training has been
insufficient, or lacking completely. A good mechanic can figure out the principles, and given the
responsibility may be able to make the repairs without too much trouble, but will often have little
confidence in his ability without some introduction to basic design concept. Maintenance costs are
kept high by limiting training to woreda level bureau and NGO staff. These are often very mobile,
being transferred frequently between woredas and so taking their expertise with them. It is also
unclear whether the woreda office charges for maintenance visits but most pump owners must at
least cover the per diem and fuel costs of the woreda BoWR staff. The stated limitations in availability
of repair team because of lack of funds suggest that work is undertaken within the bureau budget
rather than being at the cost of the users.
However there are several tales of rope pumps on hand dug wells going dry (especially in Aleta
Wendo) and the fear of officials and owners is that a) water levels are falling and b) larger discharges
from rope pumps will accelerate that fall. Data from the Self-Supply survey (see below) show that
Aleta Wendo does have the greatest variation in water levels of the chosen woredas, a third going
dry for some time over a five-year period.
Aleta Wendo also has the highest number of wells being deepened in response to wells going dry.
Almost half of all AW wells have been deepened since construction, compared with 20% or less in
the other woredas. Well owners in Aleta Wendo are also used to cleaning out their wells on a
regular basis since shaft walls are prone to slough off where water levels rise and fall. This combined
deepening and cleaning is usually done on an annual basis. When rope pumps have been installed with
slabs that are hard to remove, access to the bottom of the well is no longer possible and the
accumulated debris may build up around the pump intake. This is one possible explanation of the
observed drying out. Another frequent factor is the completion of well excavation at times of raised
water levels. Low cost lining would eliminate both these problems.
Another possible explanation is that it was found that pumps had been installed in the rainy season
and riser pipes were too short to reach dry season water levels. It was still possible to draw water
from the same wells with a rope and bucket, using a rope longer than the length of riser pipe, but
neither woreda office nor well owner had the means or access to pump producers to obtain more
lengths of pipe and deepen the intake.
Some water levels may be falling and some rope pumps may take too much water from perched
aquifers leading to drying up, but the evidence in Aleta Wendo is that many of the cases for which
these reasons have been given for non-functioning can be explained very simply and differently.
Certainly there was only a 5% difference in rates of drying out between wells with rope pumps and
those with ordinary buckets and rope. Making the removal of pump and of the top slab easier would
in many cases lead to more reliable supplies. Pump densities remain far too low to cause widespread
draw-down of water levels. This might be a concern when mechanical pumping is linked to high well
densities: a potential future problem but one that remains decades away.
Most sampled rope pumps are installed at or below ground level, not on a raised parapet and
top slab, only two had adequate top lining of the well shaft.
No rope pumps were installed with proper drainage channels and waste water diversion
from the top slab
wells have mostly never been chlorinated, certainly not after maintenance
Figure 3-1 Good rope pump, but wrongly installed, with the top slab below ground level and no
spout, apron, or drainage.
Despite the above points, sampled wells in Aleta Wendo all had less than 3 TTC/100ml, with three
out of five having none both in the wet and dry seasons. This shows that with good installation and
site hygiene contamination risks can be minimised.
Overall, the results show that water quality distribution is better than with a rope and bucket but
not as good as with conventional handpumps. Figure 3-2 shows that some 20% of wells with rope
pumps have zero TTC/100ml, and 52% have less than 10, which is counted as a low level of risk by
Figure 3-2 Water quality comparison rope pump and other sources
40% 0
35% 1-10
30% 11-50
SNNPR SNNPR Rope Mozambique Rope SNNPR
conventional Pump (35) Pump (109) traditional wells
handpumps on (338)
WHO. The latter figure is almost the same as that for protected springs (53%). A survey of wells
with rope pumps in Mozambique (WaterAid 2008) showed a higher figure with zero TTC (30.5%)
but almost the same proportion with less than 10TTC/100ml (56%) (see Figure 3-2). Again there is a
suggestion that site hygiene is a key factor both for rope pumps in other countries and also for other
technologies within Ethiopia. Even sealed handpumps on Ethiopian protected hand-dug wells were
only 55% contamination free, and only 66% with less than 10TTC/100ml (RADWQ 2010) and those
in the surveyed woredas performed even less well. Of the 55 surveyed only 47% were TTC free and
15% were badly contaminated (>50 TTC/100ml).
Functionality rates for rope pumps are slightly below those for conventional handpumps, often
because of difficulties with installation or with well maintenance once the pump is installed, and
mobilisation of woreda staff for repairs.
75% of sources with rope pumps gave an adequate supply all year, the same proportion as for
conventional handpumps. Most working pumps were in good order.
There is a risk of management fatigue with repairs, because even if each incident is low cost, there is
not enough capacity to respond to the problems which arise. More training and more people trained
are both required.
Rope pumps in Aleta Wendo show that rope pumps can provide water with low or no risks. Users
generally tended to view rope pumps as providing safe water.
Overall use of a rope pump reduced contamination almost five-fold compared with using a rope and
bucket. Allowing for low risk at household level (<10 FC/100ml) the rope pump produced water
similar to in quality to protected springs but only half as good as a conventional handpump.
Poor site hygiene, wellhead protection, lack of well cleaning out and chlorination and lack of
education on protective measures all contribute to higher than necessary health risks. Certainly
there is scope for measures that could be taken to make the quality of water drawn with rope pumps
4 Approaches to introduction and Development of Supply
4.1 Necessary support services
It is apparent that there are different strategies for introducing the rope pump by different
stakeholders. Most of the initiatives are at present led by NGOs whose roles should largely be taken
over by government or the private sector if the adoption of rope pump technology is to be taken to
scale. Many of the key questions revolve around these responsibilities, the need for subsidies or
other methods of financial support, and what forms of support infrastructure need to be in place. To
introduce a new technology, specific support services are needed. These include:
Well-equipped and managed workshops providing necessary skills for pump production and
Effective marketing and promotion strategies for those with little or no familiarity with the
range of products
4.2 Roles and responsibilities – Model 1, Rope Pump for drinking water
Key players in the introduction of a new technology or approach are the government, NGOs, private
sector and users. The balance between them and the roles they play depend on the primary driving
force and also on the stage introduction has reached. In the case of the rope pump for drinking
water purposes (Model 1), the primary driver is the Ministry of Water Resources, assisted by JICA/
EWTEC/Practica. In this case many of the responsibilities are shouldered by government itself, with
JICA helping in the technology development and demonstration. So far the roles of the pump
producer and pump owner have been small. Roles can be summarised as in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Model 1: Rope pump introduction for drinking water supply – roles
Pump procurement
Pump Design Producer Certification
Training for –
- production
- promotion, Installation
- installation Maintenance
- maintenance Micro-finance
Note. The size of the spheres is relative to the degree of influence in introductory activities
The plan has been to move from demonstration to going to scale based on procurement of pumps
from woreda BWR offices by households through micro-finance systems. This was set out in 2008
(JICA 2008) but has been implemented in quite a variable fashion. Since no micro-finance institutions
were found to provide credit for domestic water supplies, woredas were to set up their own
revolving fund systems, if possible with microfinance institutions, but with no guidelines. In the early
stages many well owners were not told that they should pay back, and others were given two or
three years to pay back into the fund. Marketing the pump to others was not part of the buyers’
obligation. Some were prepared to pay up despite having originally received the pumps free, but
many were reluctant especially where pumps were not repaired for many months or wells went dry.
Woreda staff have generally not followed up the repayments, have no resources to chase up non-
payment and the system so far is in its infancy. Only six out of 35 pump owners were found to have
repaid the 2000 ETB required for full ownership (see also Section 6.4). For the coming year the plan
is to increase pump purchase by the bureau through the World Bank programme, which has
allocated funds (40,000 $US) for promotion and purchase of pumps and setting up support services.
So far the largest purchaser of pumps has been BoWR, but after two years over half the pumps
remain in store at zonal and woreda level (see section 2.4). Some woredas, such as Chencha, have put
in small numbers (5-10) of pumps in their budgets, but retaining the ‘project’ approach constrains the
market. A major question for the strategy development must be whether it should be the role of
the government to purchase the pumps and sell them on, or whether this creates both a disconnect
with the producer and in the normal market relationship between supply and demand. Such
disconnect may threaten the development of a market, while in many other ways government can
help strengthen and create a vibrant demand.
4.3 Roles and responsibilities – Model 2, Rope pump for productive uses
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development assisted by IDE is working in a rather different
way to introduce the rope pump (see Figure 4-2). The main differences are:
The role of government is much smaller and that of the private sector is larger
The private sector provides most of the support services to the user.
The NGO provides the training as in Model 1, but also supports the marketing and quality
*The supply is not designed as a drinking water source although it may be used as such
- Training Government
- Marketing Promotion
Private sector
- Material procurement Advice
- Pump production
- Certification/quality control
- Marketing
- Installation
Pump purchase,
- Maintenance services
Over time, the remaining roles of the NGO may be shifted increasingly to government (certification/
quality control) and the private sector (training, marketing, material procurement). There is also the
possibility to regard the rope pump not as an end in itself but as a stepping stone to higher
technologies (diesel pumps especially) which can be saved for, after the rope pump loan has been
paid off, using income generated from productive activities. It is understood that there is now a
National Task Force set up by BOA to look at how to take this approach to scale, building on the
IDE model and looking at how to make the various roles undertaken at present by the NGO more
4.3.1 Training
Pump producers are given a three-week training course followed by certification if quality is good.
Additional training has been given in modifications to design linked to quality control. Training is also
given to community marketing facilitators and kebele level mechanics. There is also much awareness
raising among the farming community of the potential for increased productivity with pumps and
hand-drilled boreholes. At present there is no training or linking of irrigation-well development to
domestic uses, although it is known that many well owners are using their supply for multiple
purposes. Wells are clearly developed for productive use only, with domestic use being incidental
(although widespread). This means opportunities to reduce risks at minimal cost for domestic supply
water are often missed.
4.3.2 Procurement
IDE recognises the supply chain problems for materials in rope pump manufacture. They have
therefore established a central store for materials, which allows them to consolidate orders and
negotiate low prices with suppliers for bulk orders of pipes (manufactured in Addis Ababa), ropes
(China), and pistons (from Addis Ababa). They can then also ensure that the appropriate specified
pipes are kept in stock at their central store, when there is considerable variation in availability in
Addis. These are then bought by pump producers at a fixed price which allows the total pump cost
to be minimised. The plan is eventually to make this service into a private enterprise which can serve
large areas and many producers.
4.3.3 Marketing
At present community market facilitators (CMF) work in kebeles marketing the rope pump and
gaining commission from IDE for sales made. The plan here is to incorporate the cost of the
commission into the pump price as it becomes better established, and to have a sustainable incentive.
Hand-drilled boreholes are also promoted as a package with the rope pump. Promotion happens
increasingly from farmer to farmer as the number of owners grows. The CMF consolidate orders for
pumps so that the producer can make cost-effective production runs rather than making them one-
4.3.4 Subsidy
There is no direct subsidy, except in terms of the services (procurement and marketing) that IDE
provides which keep the costs of pumps as low as possible. A link has been developed to Omo and
Busa Gonofa Microfinance (see Section 6) so that those wanting to buy a pump can take out a loan
for 8-12 months. An estimated 70% have done so and 80% pay back in less than six months,
according to IDE.
4.3.5 Maintenance
IDE train installers and so also build capacity at kebele level, using local mechanics. However these
mechanics are not able to weld pipes used in the pump body as this is made from galvanised iron.
Local mechanics are trained and issued with tools for maintenance and are responsible for an average
of six pumps. Labour charges are around 20-30 ETB repair. For problems insoluble at local level, the
pump owner can always contact the pump producer, whom he already knows through going to the
workshop in Ziway to buy the pump. In some cases it may even be possible to call him by cell phone
to ask for advice.
4.3.7 Monitoring
There is monitoring of pump performance and of repayments and IDE is still much involved in seeing
that supply chains develop effectively and bottle necks are avoided. For instance, initially IDE used
the same design as JICA but found it too unreliable. Small modifications have improved the reliability
and allowed the cost to be kept low both in terms of capital and recurrent expenditure. Monitoring
has made it possible to assess what changes are necessary both to design but also to marketing
approaches, and support to producers and micro-finance.
The first (domestic water supply) model depends mainly on NGO and government inputs
and has concentrated particularly on technical issues
The second (irrigation) model involves more NGO and private sector inputs and full cost
recovery from pump buyers. It has put much greater emphasis on demand creation and
development of support services.
Major questions that arise:
Is there a need for consolidated procurement/ negotiation of materials for making pumps?
Should government procure pumps or should the household procure directly from the
How should the role of government differ in an approach which needs to be driven by
market forces?
5 Stakeholder perspectives and market potential
5.1 Regional level
5.1.1 Views on low cost options
Stakeholder perspectives explored mainly relate to Model 1, the rope pump introduction as a
drinking water source. The regional water resources bureau is committed to the development of low
cost solutions for rural water supply coverage. Its main concerns are that it needs data from RiPPLE
and others to decide on what levels of technology can be considered count towards coverage. Areas
with potential for low cost options are already largely identified, and 70% of future coverage is
intended to be through such options. These include handpumps, protected springs and rope pumps.
The rope pump is regarded as a technology which can sufficiently improve family well status so that it
may count towards coverage. Around 50% of woredas are estimated to have potential for
exploitation of shallow groundwater, and so are suitable for rope pumps.
There is a high awareness of the need for training especially of households and artisans, and some
training has been given to woredas to familiarise them with rope pumps. The need for changes in
attitude of people to low cost technologies is recognised, but still needs quite a lot of attention even
among some sector professionals. Some regard low cost options as very low priority compared to
higher cost solutions. Such changes need to feed down from regional to zonal and woreda levels and
also to be spread to NGOs and donors among whom such options are still not popular. Low cost
options are not regarded as challenging in engineering terms, and their social marketing is a field in
which most engineers have little experience. The regional Self Supply Task Force will need to plan a
strong communications strategy to address these problems at all levels.
5.1.3 Constraints to rope pump introduction viewed from the regional level.
The technology is not yet well promoted, and a communication strategy is needed
Decision makers’ understanding and awareness has not yet led to high commitment
to support for introduction
A feeling that donors do not appreciate the rope pump as a potential technology for
household supplies that can complement community level
RP Producers comments
“Donors and communities
A lack of strong government marketing strategy following focus on appearance not
on from the training of producers in 2007 performance”
Poor coordination of introduction by NGOs meant that “We do not have the
their efforts were not linked to building up maintenance resources to promote to rope
capacity or other support to encourage greater up-take. pumps in scattered rural areas.
Initiatives were one-off efforts with one-year plans. Government have to help in
No efforts to promote the advantages of the rope pump
which could put it on an equal level with handpumps. So communities generally do not want
rope pumps and regard them as second best and households are not aware of the
Prices of materials are rising fast and pushing up costs. There is concern that these costs
become too high for families to buy pumps
If the technology is not widely installed soon ,it will be taken over by some other new
technology and the efforts so far made in training and promotion will be wasted
Guidelines focus on hardware issues so the regional Self Supply Task Force needs to develop
the software side of the technology, including defining the process of introduction, and
designing a strong promotion campaign based on various messages for different audiences
and interests.
Woreda budgets at present do not seem to include adequate inputs for rope pump
There is a lack of coordination between the two bureaus (BoWR and BoA) leading separate
approaches for rope pump adoption
Using lessons learned and updates on technology from other countries could further reduce
the cost and increase sustainability of the rope pumps
A rope pump can be viewed as an effective stepping stone to higher level technologies
Health extension workers could be more involved to reduce risks of contamination of water
at the source and in transit and storage.
6 Financing options
6.1 Options
There are four main aspects to the financing of rope pumps which can enable or constrain potential
pump owners. These are subsidy, access to micro-finance, traditional savings schemes, and raising
funds from within family assets.
Financing options can be summarised as follows:
Level Advantages Disadvantages
No subsidy Is not donor dependent
Limits those who are able to
Encourages adoption of sustainable technology
make improvements,
concentrating benefit on the
Shows everyone that solutions are affordable and richer (except they usually share)
(Buy only what you can be copied
Limits the level people can
can afford) Does not de-motivate those who would be reach at one time
unsuccessful in applying for grants
Loans but no
grants Increases range of those who can improve supply
Allows households to reach higher levels of Still limits those who can
service more quickly benefit
Can also allow artisans etc to equip more fully May be defaulters and more
(Buy now, pay Allows two or more season’s investment at one opportunity for corruption
later) +deposit
Same per capita Opens up supply improvement to the greatest The reasons for Accelerated Self
subsidy for all, number of people Supply relate largely to
Allows choice by communities and individuals of inadequacy of funding. Giving
whether solutions they prefer same per/cap subsidy to all will
community or Self Is equitable continue to limit significantly the
Supply Helps coverage in remote areas/scattered
numbers who can benefit
6.2 Subsidy
The first stage of introducing a technology is often demonstration using units which are provided
free. This was the case initially with the rope pump within the BoWR/JICA initiative. In Oromia the
system then moved on to 50% subsidy and a loan for the rest of the cost, and in SNNPR the move
has been to get early owners to repay the cost into a revolving fund. However, in both cases,
changes in organisations have meant that the money owed has not been consistently pursued.
MOWE have talked in the past of subsidising the rope pump 100% if well owners fully protect the
well. At a present cost of an installed rope pump of some 2,500-3,000 ETB, it would need to serve
some 5 households to give a per capita cost of less than 100 ETB. However shared management
seems to cause some problems where it is presently practiced, and individual household ownership
gives a much clearer and more easily implemented management model. A full subsidy assumes that
funds are available to subsidise for all. If that is not so, then subsidy may slow progress, as people will
wait until they can access such assistance. Certainly IDE have found that subsidy (which they also
started with) did not speed things up, did not engender feelings of ownership and did not enable a
wider range of people to acquire a pump. Micro-finance, however, did.
6.3 Micro-finance
6.3.1 Micro-credit (in SNNPR)
There are several micro-finance organisations working in the SNNPR, but there is also a move to
provide revolving funds to woreda BoWR offices for the purchase of rope pumps. Micro-finance
institutions (e.g. Sidama and Omo M/F) have traditionally not been involved in providing credit for
rope pumps and normally only provide loans against specific collateral which is usually land. Loans are
specifically for investment that can be shown to lead to increased income and so a good probability
that the loan will be paid back. Pumps for domestic purposes are not regarded as offering sufficient
guarantee of increased income to be regarded as suitable investments for loans.
The technologies enable farmers to cultivate up to six times a year within small plots of land.
Development of the Community Management Project may make it possible for rope pump
loans to be fitted into a well-developed system
Some woredas have started revolving funds to take in payments for demonstration pumps
already installed, but repayment systems are not enforced consistently.
In South Oromia, BOA/IDE loans are linked to micro-credit institutions because the pumps
are promoted for income generating activities. Even so the early history of repayments
shows variable success depending upon management. Repayment is now becoming better
established and more reliable.
The rope pump can transform lives but there has to be a will to improve and strive for
greater productivity for the investment to bear fruit and for the owner to be able to repay.
Many farmers could plan to release assets if they were convinced that the pump could
transform their lives and lead to further improvements.
Traditional savings schemes (ekub) may also play a part if planning is at community level, but
most savings circles (edir) do not work with sufficiently large sums.
7 Conclusions and recommendations
7.1 Conclusions
7.1.1 Rates of progress
In five years, the uptake of rope pumps in the region has not yet become well-established. Although
progress has been made it is not sufficient to regard rope pumps as being able to contribute
significantly to coverage over the next four years (2015) unless there is a change of strategy and
approach. This compares with rapid growth in parts of Amhara through BoWR support and in
Oromia where rope pump introduction is more closely linked to agriculture. If the rope pump is to
play a part in reaching UAP targets there needs to be a major focus on increasing rates of progress
and a better strategy.
Low priority from sector professionals (with notable exceptions), especially at woreda level
because of more pressing practical problems with higher technology supplies
Promotion on health grounds rather than on productive benefits found by users to be equally
or more important (increased income, quicker drawing times, safety for children - signs of a
caring family and status). Both should be highlighted
Poor performance history of many of the pumps installed – seeing pumps taken out and
owners reverting to bucket and rope can kill any neighbour’s enthusiasm very quickly
The IDE/Selam model of combining rope pumps with small diameter hand drilled boreholes
could significantly increase the market for the rope pump, especially in areas with
unconsolidated aquifers and shallow (<20m) groundwater.
No personal connection to get advice, training, put new clients in touch, (get commission?)
Difficulty in access to some spare parts (e.g. pipes) and specialist welding
Disconnect in responsibility between the one making the pump and the one installing it,
which means each can blame the other if it performs badly
7.1.7 Training
More information and training materials are needed at all levels, for pump owners, private sector
well diggers and mechanics to BoWR and other regional bureaux for whom safer and more
accessible water supplies are relevant. In particular there is an absence of any guidance on how to
introduce the pump and how to promote it.
Define the roles of the BoWR in going to scale with the rope pump
Plan a regional strategy for spread of the rope pump for household supply (multiple or
domestic use)
How can the WASH MoU be best used to improve promotion of the rope pump and safe
What links can or should be made to MOA activities in promoting household level water
supplies for productive use?
7.2.4 Plans for piloting coordinated promotion and support service development in two
In the past demonstrations have focused on individual families. We believe that there is now a
need to demonstrate not the technologies at family level, but rather to demonstrate the
promotion and support services at larger scale i.e. in woredas. Key issues would include:
Selection of woredas
Plans, budgets and proposals for funding.
Policy and Practice
Learning in Ethiopia RiPPLE Working Papers contain research
and the Nile Region questions, methods, analysis and discussion
(RiPPLE) is a Research of research results (from case studies
Programme Consortium or desk research). They are intended to
funded by UKaid stimulate debate on policy implications of
from the Department research findings as well as feed into
for International
Long-term Action Research Studies.
Development and
led by the Overseas
Development Institute
(ODI) in partnership
with IRC, Addis Ababa
University, WaterAid
Ethiopia and Hararghe
Catholic Secretariat
RiPPLE Office
c/o WaterAid Ethiopia,
Kirkos Sub-city,
Kebele 04, House no 620,
Debrezeit Road,
PO Box 4812,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia