Formlett: For Letters To Multiple Receivers
Formlett: For Letters To Multiple Receivers
Formlett: For Letters To Multiple Receivers
Zhuhan JIANG
School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Western Sydney, Vic-
toria Road, Parramatta NSW 2150, Australia. Email:
(Last updated on 26 May 2003)
In this article, the author explains how to use a form-letter style formlett.sty,
designed for plain TEX and LaTEX or LaTEX2e. formlett.sty supports different
parameter input methods, parameter naming and defaulting mechanism, as well as
facilities for previewing parameter positions and printing labels. It is written for the
purpose of being powerful, robust and above all easy to use.
The line numbering on the right hand side is for +Sir or Madam;something;% 0027
\beginletter 0003
\blockmarks 0030
We have been looking for 0017 Above empty line active 0044
\paras[2][2] for quite a while 0018
without any luck, could you help 0019
\endrawblockmode 0046
us out? If so, please ring 0020
\moreletter 0048
1 – 2 (+): macro:->\noindent <<paras>> macro:->\par S Wales,;% 0049
\addressbox[2in][1em]{% 0050
2 – 1
Dear , University of Manchester Institute 0051
and, the name of the parameters are displayed via which is manifested in the following output
\showparas as follows
S Wales,
<<FULL NAME>> University of Manchester Institute
<<ADDRESS-etc>> of Science and Technology, This
Dear <<GIVEN NAME>>, is a long address line: it will be
We have been looking for <<MISSING ITEM>> for wrapped up automatically.
quite a while without any luck, could you help us Dear Sir or Madam,
out? If so, please ring <<PHONE NUMBER>>.
We have been looking for a TEX package + manual
Cheers! Michael and many more (!) for quite a while without any
luck, could you help us out? If so, please ring 061-
In other words, we can have a good understanding 225-9905.
about what a letter format does without reading its
source code, which will be very handy for archiv- Cheers! Michael
ing and retrieving letter templates. To provide de-
faults for letter parameters and output new letters Please note that the default parameters have been
via blockmode, we may add used there. In the case of putting only name and
verbatim listing of
defaults: c=6 etc
n file.ext
\beginlabels[a][b][c][d][e][f ]
form letters become la-
defaults: bels: address taken from
a=20pt, cth to last parameter of
b=\tt\raggedright, dth group, with width e,
c=1, d=1, indent f , borderspace a
e=2.6in, f =2em and font toks b
\firstread{T } toks T will not be read
if the file is re-read via
\initstyle[a]{b}{c} initiation for
\labelsquit,with styles
a, documentstyle b and
preamble c
\initclass[a][o]{b}{c} similar to \initstyle (o
is LaTEX2e options), but
retains native LaTEX2e
when applicable
\labelsquit[a][b][c][d][e][f ]{file.ext}