Automation in Construction: Abiola A. Akanmu (PH.D.), Johnson Olayiwola, Oluwole Alfred Olatunji (PH.D.) T
Automation in Construction: Abiola A. Akanmu (PH.D.), Johnson Olayiwola, Oluwole Alfred Olatunji (PH.D.) T
Automation in Construction: Abiola A. Akanmu (PH.D.), Johnson Olayiwola, Oluwole Alfred Olatunji (PH.D.) T
Automation in Construction
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Keywords: Maintainability is not traditionally considered in the design of buildings. This is partly because design tools
Accessibility seldom facilitate the involvement of facility managers. They do not have rules for checking maintainability
Maintainability either. Consequently, buildings often have components or systems that are challenging to access for main-
Virtual reality tenance. To access the components, maintenance personnel suffer from falls, bruises, and cuts. This paper
Gaming engine
presents the development of an automated system for capturing the inputs of facility managers regarding the
Building information models
accessibility of building components for maintenance. The system integrates building information models,
Microsoft azure and virtual reality for engaging facility managers in the design phase. The functionality and
usability of the system are presented with an example of lighting and air-conditioning systems. The system
provides a platform for mining and extracting knowledge from feedbacks provided by facility managers, which is
significant for improving building design tools.
1. Introduction falls, cuts, bruises and electrical shock. In fact, when compared with
other fields of employment in the United States, maintenance personnel
The planning and design phases of a building present excellent have a much higher rate of injury and illness than the national average
opportunities for stakeholders to address issues that may likely occur [2]. Such unreachable and unmaintainable components also lead to
during the lifecycle of buildings. Involving key primary stakeholders facilities with high initial and operating costs, just as they decrease
during early project phases is known to result in a reduced lifecycle cost building performance and satisfaction amongst building occupants. If
of buildings. In spite of this benefit, facility managers and their staff involved in the design process, facility managers can provide valuable
(that is, maintenance personnel) who are responsible for maintaining input to building designs, such as the type of components typically
the constructed facilities, are often excluded from early planning and requiring maintenance, maintenance issues associated with the com-
design decisions [1]. This is known to result in facilities that are either ponents and potential design solutions. Although building information
costly to maintain or have components that cannot be accessed for models (BIM) have been known to facilitate communication and col-
maintenance. An example of this includes building components that can laboration between project stakeholders, it still lacks the information,
only be reached with scaffolding; they become inaccessible when such and knowledge required to aid the maintenance of facilities [3,4].
scaffoldings cannot be brought into the building. When such unreach- Moreover, most facility managers lack the necessary knowledge and
able components [e.g. critical service fixtures] reach their end of life, skills to interact with BIM [5,6].
they create unilluminated and unusable spaces that affect the perfor- Virtual reality (VR) and game engines are increasingly being per-
mance of the building and the utility of the end-users. Lack of compo- ceived as useful platforms for immersing and engaging non-professional
nent's accessibility imposes serious safety risks on maintenance per- users. Although they have been actively investigated in the archi-
sonnel who attempt to employ unusual means of reaching the tecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) research, their link to BIM
components. For example, if an air-conditioning unit is installed above in the context of enhancing facility management has received limited
a drop ceiling in a restroom or office area with no room for accessing attention e.g. the integration of these technologies with BIM so that
the unit, the unit is only accessed if maintenance personnel stand on the facility managers can review building designs and provide feedback on
water closet or office partition. This is not a good safety practice. As a possible improvements to the building designs. Such feedback can also
result of these issues, maintenance personnel are constantly at risk of be useful for generating maintainability rules, which can be used to
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A.A. Akanmu), (J. Olayiwola), (O.A. Olatunji).
Received 19 December 2018; Received in revised form 13 March 2020; Accepted 21 March 2020
Available online 26 March 2020
0926-5805/ Published by Elsevier B.V.
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
improve design authoring tools. Hence, this study presents a system and platforms.
that leverages virtual reality, game engines and BIM for checking the
accessibility of building components. The proposed system advocates 2.2. Other technology solutions
the involvement of facility managers in the design phase, to capture
their comments to extract rules for improving future BIM tools for Besides BIM, other information and communication technologies
maintainability. To support commercial and institutional establish- such as game engines, virtual reality, and cloud computing platforms
ments that have in-house maintenance departments, the proposed are continually being recognized as tools for innovation in the AEC
system uses data storage and mining services within Microsoft Azure for industry. Game engines have been deployed in AEC research for en-
processing the feedbacks and comments from facility managers. gineering education [17], safety management [18,19], design review
This paper is organized as follows. In order to demonstrate the ra- [20] and facility management [15,21,22]. Kumar et al. [22] deployed
tionale for this research, Section 2 describes literature pertaining to the Unity3D game engine for scenario-based design reviews of health-
BIM-enabled design maintainability checking and potentials of emer- care facilities. Dalton and Parfitt [21] investigated the relationship
ging technologies for facilitating the involvement of facility managers between BIM and game engines for the design of effective workflows.
in the design phase. Subsequently, the methodology and procedure for These studies proved that game engines have the potential to immerse
the development of an automated component accessibility checking is users (especially, inexperienced users) while capturing their actions,
described in Section 3. A case study presented in Section 4 validates and thoughts, and decisions [23,24].
verifies the prototype system. Section 5 presents an evaluation of the To provide users with a first-person view of gaming models, the use
performance of the proposed system. The system was tested with of VR is proposed. Unlike the desktop view of gaming models, VR
building maintenance workers and facility managers. This paper con- provides users a more immersive feel of the environment. Users can be
cludes by highlighting the key contributions of the research. submerged, navigate and experience the virtual environment, which is
important for reviewing and providing constructive feedback on po-
2. Background tential maintenance issues. VR has been researched for several appli-
cations, including for design review [25], workforce training, inspec-
2.1. Efforts towards designing for maintainability tion [26] and education [27]. VR has also been used in the operations
and maintenance phase of buildings.
Over the years, researchers have advocated for the design of Cloud computing platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web
maintainable buildings by proposing the inclusion of facility managers Services and Google Cloud Platform, are third party internet paradigms
in the design phase [7–9]; and by developing guidelines to aid designers that provide access to shared pools of configurable resources [28,29].
in incorporating maintainability rules in their designs [10]. In a study These computing platforms provide opportunities for capturing and
by Arditi and Nawakorawit [11], a group of design firms was surveyed storing data from multiple users, while also rendering other services
to capture their perspectives on the need for incorporating maintain- such as data analytics and integration. Many sections of the industry
ability in building designs. They identified that building maintenance outsource their data storage and computation to these platforms. Cloud
processes would improve if maintainability requirements were con- computing has been widely proposed and explored in the AEC research
sidered in the design phase. Dunston and Williamson [12] proposed the for real-time collaboration of project teams from design to construction
use of a database model for documenting comments and lessons learned phase [30], the capturing and storing sensor data [31,32], integrating
from interactions of project stakeholders during the construction review project management data with building models [33], design and
process to improve building maintenance. In spite of the potential of structural analysis applications [34], and for advancing e-procurement
this database for informing future designs, implementation of the in the construction industry [35]. This research employs Microsoft
comments will require manual sorting prior to incorporating them in Azure because of its inherent capabilities for building, deploying and
building designs. Das and Chew [13] developed a method for grading managing different applications, and services such as data storage,
and prioritizing defects of building subsystems and systems based on analytics, and cognitive services. For data storage, azure provides dif-
their impacts. The ranking of the defects was meant to improve future ferent databases such as Redis Cache, Maria DB Server, Oracle, MySQL,
maintainability decisions. SQL, and PostgreSQL. These relational databases can be used to store
Owing to the potential of BIM as a design, communication and comments, feedback, and information from facility managers and de-
collaboration tool, Wang et al. [7] developed a framework that uses signers. Azure also has the capabilities for text mining, which is bene-
BIM as a platform for documenting maintenance data. Their framework ficial for extracting knowledge from feedbacks provided by the facility
includes equipment attributes, specifications and maintenance data. managers. In addition, Azure supports applications built with the .NET
Notwithstanding this effort, there are still questions as to how this Framework such as C#, thus enabling easy integration with Unity3D
approach can enhance future design tools as the framework does not and BIM tools such as Autodesk Revit.
capture the knowledge from facility managers. Wetzel and Thabet [9]
also proposed a BIM-based framework to support maintenance and 2.3. Need for automated component accessibility checking system
repair during the facility management phase based on the classification
of safety attributes, data processing, and rule-based decision making. To The planning and design phases present excellent opportunities for
understand how buildings deteriorate, Motawa and Almarshad [14] the project team to address issues relating to building maintenance.
developed a model for capturing information and knowledge of facility Existing planning approaches involve verbal inputs from facility man-
managers during the operation and maintenance phase. Lee et al. [15] agers, if at all. This often results in buildings with components that are
developed a BIM-based system that captures and integrates building unreachable or unmaintainable. Furthermore, extant literature in-
information from the design and construction phases for use by facility dicates that there are limited tools to facilitate the involvement of fa-
managers in the operations and maintenance phase. In order to enhance cility managers in the development of maintainable buildings.
the accessibility of building components, Liu et al. [16] proposed a tool Emerging technologies, if properly leveraged, can play key roles in
based on BIM platform (analogous to a clash detection tool) for seamlessly engaging facility managers in providing feedback to
checking and maintaining clearances around building components. This building designs. Other benefits of an automated component accessi-
tool was designed to support designers and does not facilitate inputs bility checking system are: (1) the ability to extract rules from the
from the facility managers. In spite of these efforts, opportunities exist feedback to improve future BIM tools; (2) a strategy that facilitates
for actively engaging the facility managers in the design review while communication and collaboration between designers and facility
also capturing their design decisions for enhancing future design tools managers; (3) reduction in wastes resulting from unusable spaces; and
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
(4) the opportunities for training new hires in facility management 3.2.3. Step 3 – Game module: navigating and examining the model
departments. The game module consists of a hardware and software side, both of
which utilize Unity3D, and VR. The game module provides a platform
for facility managers to visualize and navigate the model using a VR
3. Methodology and system
device. This research employs the HTC Vive [36], which provides visual
reliability and input solutions for our proposed tool. The Vive includes a
3.1. Overview
headset, two hand controllers and two base stations. Unity3D consists
of game objects and services.
The proposed automated component accessibility checking system
is illustrated in Fig. 1. The system comprises of two segments: single Game objects. The game objects include the avatar, canvas,
facility and multi-facility segments. The single facility segment is aimed
converted Revit model (also called prefab), and button. The roles of
at supporting owners of one or more facilities with no in-house facility
each of these objects are described as follows:
manager. The multi-facility segment will better serve owners of mul-
tiple facilities such as institutional, commercial and extensive re-
sidential facilities. Owners in the multi-facility segment are constantly • Avatar: The avatar object includes the animator, rigid body and
collider components. The avatar object represents the facility man-
developing facilities and do have their in-house facility managers.
ager, who uses the animator component to perform actions such as
walking, running, and jumping. The rigid body component adds
3.2. Proposed system mass to the avatar when moving so that the avatar can respond to
gravity, rather than floating. The script component allows the user
The proposed system consists of the following modules, namely: to manipulate the speed of the avatar and the effect of gravity on the
BIM, virtual reality, game, storage, rule and message modules in- avatar. The collider component adds more reality to the game by
tegrated using a plugin developed using Visual Studio.Net. The inter- preventing the avatar from walking through walls and doors.
action of these modules is shown in Fig. 2, and described below: • Canvas: The canvas game object includes the canvas, virtual reality
toolkit (VRTK) canvas user interface (UI) and raycaster components.
3.2.1. Step 1 – BIM module: developing models of facilities The canvas component allows the addition of UI objects such as
The BIM module provides both geometric and non-geometric in- buttons, text, panels, sliders, and toggles, on the game interface. The
formation for the gaming module. Required information includes the rendering mode in the canvas component was set to world space,
size, type, and location of building components such as light fixtures, which allows the canvas to be seen on the VR screen. Raycaster
floors, and staircases. The proposed system uses Autodesk Revit components enable the interaction of controllers, such as the mouse,
Architecture as the design authoring tool for constructing the BIM with UI objects. Since the VR headset has controllers for interacting
model. Other similar software packages could also be used. For the with game objects, the VRTK canvas UI modifies the raycaster
facility manager to be able to review the BIM model, there needs to be a component to support the use of the VR controller with the canvas
significant level of detail (LOD), such as the size, shape, area and spatial objects. Furthermore, the VRTK canvas UI defines the axis of the VR
distribution of the model elements. LOD 400 is recommended. controller input module used in the game. For example, the VRTK
calls the trackpadPress() function when either the left or right-hand
controller trackpad is pressed.
3.2.2. Step 2 – BIM module: importing model into Unity3D
Unity3D, developed by Unity Technologies, was employed as the
• Prefab: Prefab game object was added to the active scene in the
Unity3D game. In order to enable interaction between the prefab
gaming platform. To import the model from the BIM module into and avatar, mesh collider component was added to the prefab.
Unity3D, the model was first imported into Autodesk 3ds Max as a .fbx
file. Autodesk 3ds Max uses its FBX converter to implement the material
• Button: The button game objects allow the user to perform actions.
The game can be accessed and navigated using four main buttons:
and light converters to convert the material, texture and lighting fea- building systems, components, equipment criteria, and equipment
tures of the BIM model into a Unity3D FBX file. This file was copied and accessibility. The building systems button provides the facility
pasted into Unity3D “Assets” folder. Unity3D automatically converts manager with the list of systems, such as mechanical, electrical and
the model into a prefab, which is an asset that stores collections of lighting, in the model. If any of these systems is selected, the
components of the model.
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
The proposed system currently has two criteria for checking com-
ponent accessibility: reach and platform. These criteria were identified
from normative literature, as some of the factors influencing the ac-
cessibility of building components [7,37–39]. Both criteria can be ac-
cessed via the equipment criteria button. Reach criteria examine whe-
ther the component can be reached via specific access equipment,
whilst the platform criteria determine whether there is a platform (e.g.
a slab) on which any of the access equipment can be placed.
To check if the component is accessible, the game module contains a
gallery of access equipment (such as ladders and scissor lifts), which
can be accessed from the equipment accessibility button. Each of the
equipment has a maximum reach height and guidelines for use. For
example, in the case of a ladder, Administration [40] recommends that
an average height maintenance personnel should stand at least 2 ft Fig. 3. Position of maintenance worker on a ladder in relation to building
down from the top of a ladder and the maximum working height should component.
be about 3 ft above the top of the ladder (Fig. 3). On selecting any
access equipment, the plug-in determines the maximum working height form a closure surrounding every floor component in Revit; as such,
by deducting the height of the ladder from the height of the component they can be analyzed as convex polygons. Using the Point-in-polygon
from the floor (Eq. (1)). algorithm [41], any geometrical data such as BIM can be examined to
determine if a given point in a plane lies inside, outside, or on the
Maximum working height = Heightcomponent − Heightladder (1) boundary of a polygon. For example, in the case of a light fixture, if the
coordinate of the fixture lies within the bounding box, there is a need to
If there is another platform other than a floor (e.g. stairs) below the
check if there is a hole within the bounding box. This study assumed an
component, the plug-in will check and indicate that there is no plat-
imaginary straight parallel line from the location of the fixture to the
form. In Autodesk Revit, the floors can be characterized using bounding
edge of each side of the floor. If there is a hole in the path of the point,
boxes while light fixtures use point coordinates. Bounding boxes must
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
the line will touch the hole. If the total count of edges touched by the storage and message modules, respectively. Furthermore, the game
line is odd, then the light fixture is within a hole in the floor bounding module uses the graphics device service to determine the appropriate
box, else the light fixture is not within a hole. The pseudocode of the graphics application programming interface (API), then reduce and
Point-in-polygon algorithm is shown in Fig. 4. balance the load on the computer's Central Processing Unit when
In situations where larger scale ladders such as scissor lifts are playing the game.
needed, the plug-in compares the block volume of the ladder with the VR aspect of the game module implements the VRTK and SteamVR
area of the door openings that leads to the location of the component. Camera. Similar to the Unity3D event system, the SteamVR controller is
On completing the design review, the facility manager has the option of used to interact with the game objects. VRTK input receives commands
notifying the designer via the ‘Send form and exit’ menu. from the SteamVR controller, processes the commands and sends the
actions to the game objects. Also, VRTK input enables the use of a
virtual keyboard in the VR environment to capture the facility manager Services. Services improve user experience by initiating game review. VRTK input and SteamVR controller removes the need for
state, data, email and graphics device services. When transitioning mouse and keyboard during gameplay. VR uses the SteamVR Camera to
between components in the game, the game device service ensures data control what the facility manager sees while playing the game. The
quality by preventing data loss. The game uses the data and email facility manager's head movement is tracked by leveraging the em-
services for collating and sending the facility manager's feedback to the bedded inertial measurement unit in the headset. SteamVR camera also
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
contains a camera rig prefab, which houses the audio, script and the
camera component. The camera rig prefab uses the audio component to
play any attached audio through the speaker of the computer. Camera
Follow script component allows the camera rig prefab to follow the
avatar representing the facility manager. The use of VR removes the
need for the traditional flat screen as the subject will have a 3D ex-
perience while playing the game. Furthermore, this gives the facility
manager an immersive experience as they can examine building com-
ponents while playing the game.
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
Air conditioning Light Fixture
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
Table 1
Improvements to prototype.
User-Interface Applications
Measurement tools ‘…include more measurement tools. At least the type of measurements we take when maintaining building equipment’.
Avatar – Equipment Interaction ‘Include how the body structure can physically go into the system and observe what is there… Because of bruises that we sustain’.
Feedback ‘Typing with the tool is inconveniencing…can we use voice or use our hands instead of the controller? Maybe that might reduce the amount of
Name of Components ‘Use names of equipment that we're familiar with or at least what we have in the work orders’
Table 2
Barriers to prototype implementation.
Barriers Feedback
Incentives to use system ‘What will we benefit from assisting with the design…. i.e. payment’.
Lack of knowledge of supporting technologies ‘Workers will need additional training’; ‘Unless there is an incentive, it will be difficult to convince workers to use this’.
Limited applications and systems ‘The system will need more applications… and more systems. For example, the air-conditioning system above the ceiling and we
have to penetrate for access….’.
A model of an existing educational facility was used to implement An initial user study was conducted to verify that the developed
the single-facility segment of the proposed system. The model has two prototype meets its intended goal of enhancing accessibility checking
stories and houses a variety of space use, including an auditorium, and to obtain feedback for further improvements to the system. For this
classrooms, laboratories, and administrative offices. The model includes study, the focus was on understanding the opinions and perceptions of
different mechanical, electrical and plumbing components, some of the potential users of the prototype. As a result, a subjective approach
which cannot be accessed for maintenance e.g. light fixtures and air- was employed for evaluating the prototype – this approach is based on
conditioning systems. One of the fixtures is located on the ceiling of the interpretivist philosophy which encourages the use of qualitative data
second floor and directly above a staircase (Fig. 5). Another fixture is for evaluations [42–44].
located directly above the ground floor level of the two-story building. The prototype was evaluated by three facility managers and two
One of the air-conditioning units is located in the restroom as shown in maintenance workers, who would be the potential end-users and ben-
Fig. 6, directly above the partition wall; thus, preventing access to the eficiaries of the prototype. The following process was employed for the
system. evaluation: To establish context for the work, a presentation of the
The model was imported into the game engine and was launched in research background was given to participants. During the presenta-
the VR environment. Fig. 7 shows the interface that was initiated in the tion, participants were introduced to the enabling technologies [that is,
gaming environment. VR technology, Unity3D, and BIM platform]. Applications of the pro-
From the interface, the following menus and options were selected: totype were demonstrated to the evaluators using one of the case stu-
building system – electrical, component – light fixture 1 and equipment dies in Section 4. Participants implemented the prototype and their
criteria – reach. The reach menu shows several options for accessing the feedbacks was obtained using a focus group. To ensure that evaluators
light fixtures. The facility manager or maintenance personnel is then attended to the key steps and icons required for implementing the
virtually placed directly below the selected light fixture. After selecting prototype, a pair of Pupil Labs eye-trackers that were embedded in the
a ladder from the equipment accessibility options, a ladder is projected head-mounted display of the HTC Vive was used to track the gaze of the
into the space and the maintenance personnel measures the height of evaluators. The eye tracker was connected to the computer running the
the ladder in relation to the position of the fixture using a virtual laser developed prototype and a Pupil eye-tracking software provided by
shown in Fig. 8. On selecting the second fixture and the platform cri- Pupil Labs [45]. After implementing the case-studies, evaluators were
teria, the maintenance personnel can see a pink bounding box around interviewed during a focus group. The subjects of the focus group dis-
the staircase indicating that there is no platform on which to place the cussion were usability, system improvements, and barriers. The opi-
ladder (Fig. 9). nions of the evaluators were captured and represented in Tables 1 and
Lastly, using the same selection procedure for the air-conditioning 2.
systems, the maintenance personnel selects the platform criteria and a
pink bounding box is also shown around the partition. This also in-
dicates that there is no platform on which to access the air-conditioning 6. Conclusions and future work
system (Fig. 10).
After each review, the maintenance personnel leaves a comment on This study presents findings on the development of a system that
the ‘Feedback Form’ by clicking on the ‘Review’ button (Fig. 11). At the can enhance facility manager and maintenance personnel's ability to
end of the review, the designer receives an email containing the evaluate building designs for accessibility of building components for
maintenance personnel's feedback and associated components. In ad- maintenance. The proposed system integrates VR, BIM and Microsoft
dition to the notification via email, a list of all the comments and names Azure. Facility managers were able to interact with BIM designs via VR.
of associated components appear on the BIM interface. The comments Their opinions and suggestions are captured and stored in Microsoft
also appear in the property of each component and each of the com- Azure. Accessibility of the building components is measured via the
ponents is highlighted in the model. The interface (Fig. 12) is shown ability of the maintenance personnel to reach the component for
when the first comment is selected. maintenance and the existence of a platform for accessing the equip-
ment. Preliminary results demonstrated the capabilities of the devel-
oped component accessibility checking tool. The automated component
accessibility system showed a very good capability for design review
and collaboration between project stakeholders in the design phase.
A.A. Akanmu, et al. Automation in Construction 114 (2020) 103196
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