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Benefits from use of Panchangam
Thithyeshcha Shreeyamapnothi Vaaraath Aayushyavardhanam
Nakshathraath Harathepaapam Yogaath Roganivaranam
Karanaath Karyasiddhishchaath Panchangam dashamephalam ·
Knowledge of Thithi bestows Wealth, Knowledge of Vaara increases
Longevity, Knowledge of Nakshatra erases Sins, Knowledge of Yoga cures
Diseases and Knowledge of Karana ensures Success in work
All instances of time have five characteristics viz. Vaara, Thithi, Nakshatra,
Yoga and Karana. These five characteristics are detailed for all the days of
the year in an almanac which is called Panchangam. (Pancha + anga). These
characteristics are derived from the positions of Sun and Moon. Panchangam
is used for knowing these five basic characteristics of time for sankalpa,
loca~ing dates of vratas, locating dates of shraddhas and for finding suitable
dates for auspicious functions.
Positions Sun, Moon and other planets are also given in the
Panchangams. These are used for fixing Muhurthas and preparation of horo-
scopes and predictions by Astrologers.
Planets (Grahas)
Panchangams consider 7 planets and 2 shadowy planets.They are:
SI. Planets/ Shadowy Planets IAntharyami Roopa
1. Surya or Ravi - Sun Rama
2. Soma or Chandra - Moon Krishna
3. Kuja or Mangala - Mars Narasimha
4. Budha or Soumya - Mercury Bouddha
5. Guru or Briha~pati - Jupiter Vamana
6. Shukra or Bhargava - Venus Parashurama
7. Shani or Manda -Saturn Kurma
1. Shadowy Planet: Rahu or Thama - Dragon's head Varaha
2. Shadowy Planet: Kethu or Sikhi - Dragon's Tail. Mathsya
Thus, from Sun to Saturn are planets and Rahu and Kethu are imaginary plan-
ets. They are actually the nodes (points) of intersection of the imaginary paths of
Sun and Moon (as visualised by an observer on Earth), located at diametrically
opposite points. Rahu and Kethu (Dragons' head and tail) are also known as shad-
owy planets.
In the Indian system of Astronomy, Sun is considered a planet eventhough it is
the source of light and heat unlike in the western system, where by definition, planets
are not the source of light and heat.

Basics of Panchangam - - - - - - G ) . - - - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

Time taken by the Planets to move in the Orbit
The Indian Astrological concept of Sun moving round the Earth and all
planets referred around the Earth is called Geo-centric model. This
concepualisation is needed to understand the fundamentals of Panchangam
thoroughly. The modem concept of Earth and all other planets are moving
around the Sun is called Helio-centric model.
All the planets (except the shadow planets) move forward. Rahu and
Kethu move backward. Direction of movement is with reference to the track-
ing of planetary positions depicted in the form of a horoscope (two dimen-
sional) on paper. Forward movement is clock-wise and backward move-
ment is anti clock-wise. Backward movement is also known as Vakra or
The Earth moves around the Sun completing one full revolution in
365.256374 days. [Earth rotates around its axis. For one such rotation (causing
day and night} it takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.This will cause an observer
on Earth to see Sun as rising in the East and setting in the West.] Moon
completes one revolution around the Earth in 27.32966 days. Duration of
other planets for one revolution around the Sun is: Budha 87.969 days,
Shukra 224.7 days, Bhouma 686.98 days, Guru 4332.585 days, Shani
10759.22 days. Shani is the slowest of the planets and has acquired the
name Manda (very slow) and Sthira (permanent).
Rahu and Kethu move backwards at the rate of one revolution in
6793.394774 days.

Positions of Planets
Picture depicting the paths of all planets show that each planet is at a
different distance from the Sun and each is having its own orbit. The orbits
or paths are elliptical say oval for simplicity. By observing the above picture,
the possibility of different planets during theit movement, lying scattered
around the Earth can be visualised. For the purpose of Panchangam, the
angular positions of all planets with Earth as centre are calculated for each
day. Each planet's angular speeds vary from day to day. The angular posi-

Basics of Panchangam- - - - - l( D1 - - - - - - - -Achara Vichara

tions are expressed in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. Degrees are also
expressed as Rashis and Bhagas (each Rashi being equal to 30 degrees,
each Bhaga being equal to one degree). These calculations are complex .
Two main systems of Calculations
Surya Siddhantha and Drigganitha are two main systems of calculation
used in Panchangam.
Surya Siddhantha
Surya Siddhantha system is used to calculate the movement of Sun and
Moon only. Most of the Panchangam requi rements are met with these. This
system has been in use for preparation of Panchangam for use in all shastraic
activities . (There is no connection between Souramana and Surya
Drigganitha sytem gives accurate results. This is a finer system of calcu-
lations as a number of minute corrections (or refinements) called Samskaras
is done over and above the basic calculations to arrive at the results. This is
used for calculating the movement of all planets (including Sun and Moon).
Astrologers use these results for casting of horoscopes, predictions and
fixing of muhurthas. The planetary movements reported in Panchangam is
based on Drigganitha .
As viewed from the Earth, all planets (except Sun) are located within a
spread of S0 to north of Equator and 0 to south of Equator - totally within 16°
spread. All planets will not be in the same level. The level is defined as
Patha or Declination in the astronomical language. The patha keeps chang-
ing from day to day.
The paths of all planets can be visualised as a huge eliptical band with a
spread of 160 around the Earth . This band is called Zodiac. Nakshatra
madalas are also located in this band . Sun alone moves outside this band.

Zodlae ~nd

Planets 11 ome,ent Planes within the Zodiac BancJ

Basics of Panchangam,- - - - ~0 ), - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

Rashi and Zodiac
Zodiac is eliptical and Earth is located at its centre. If this is depicted on
a paper (ignoring the angular width of zodiac), planets can be depicted within
this elipse at different angular positions . For convenience, the zodiac has
been divided into twelve equal (angular) parts and each is called a Rashi or
signs of zodiac. Each part is named after the constellation lying in the area .

• np 11 ada d., Iha Zodiac
The 12 Rashis within the Zodiac are:
SI Rashi En glish Name Symbol SI Rashi En glish Name Symbol
1 Mesha Aries Ram 7 Thula Libra Man holding a Balance
2 Vrushabha Taurus Bull 8 Vruschika Scorpio Scorpion
1 Sagittarius Man holding a bow3
3 Mithuna Gemini Woman-Man Pair 9 Dhanus
4 Karkataka Cancer Crab 10 Makara Capricorn Deer faced Crocodile
5 Simha Leo Lion 11 Kumbha Aquarius Water Bearer
6 Kanya Virgo Virgin in a boat2 12 Meena Pisces Two Fishes

1. Mithuna - Woman is holding a Veena , Man is holding Gadha(Mace)

2. Kanya - Virgin in the boat is holding fire and plants
3. Dhanus - Feet of the man holding bow resembles horse's feet
Planetory position in the zodiac
The 360 degrees of the zodiac is divided into 12 parts of 30 degrees
each. Each part is called a Rashi or sign . A degree is also called Bhaga
(also an Amsa). Each Bhaga is divided into 60 kalas (minutes), each kala
into 60 vikalas (seconds) and each vikaala into 60 tarparas (one sixtieth of a
second). Planetary positions are represented in a kundali.
Kunda Ii/ Horoscope
Kundali is a pictorial representation of the planetary positions at a par-
ticular time. Kundali is a square grid of 16 squares (4 rows of 4 columns)
and the central 4 are ignored. The second square from the left in the top row
is called the first rashi and the count is clockwise.

Basics of Panchangam- - - - - - { ( D 1 - - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

Horoscope is also a pictorial representation of the planetary positions at
a particular time and place. An entry called Lagna or Ascendant is added
into the kundali to denote the place based on the Earth's rotation on its own
axis. Horoscope (Jathaka) and Kundali are colloquially used interchange-
Horoscope generally has two kundalis; one called Rashi which indicates
the planetary positions and the second called Navamsha (meaning ninth
part) - in short Amsha indicating the finer positions of planet in a particular
method the astrologers can make use of. To make this clear, the space in
the centre is used to indicate what the kundali is representing.
The square grid pattern, with a clockwise arrangement of the houses as
shown below is the common representation of kundali in South India.
Meena Mesha Vrusha- Mithuna
12 1 bha 2 3

Karka South Indian style

11 taka 4 of Representation

Makara Simha
10 5

Dhanus Vrush- Thula Kanya

9 chika 8 7 6

In the rest of India, the pattern shown below is in common use and it
appears, there is more than one variety of numbering the houses within that
system, based on the region of use. In this, the houses are represented anti

Rest of India style of Representation

Basics of Panchangam - - - - ~ C D ; - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

Two systems of dates
Souramana and Chandramana are two systems of dates which are in
Sankramana (Sankranti)
The point of time when the sun leaves one sign of zodiac (or House/
Rashi) and enters another is called Sankranti or Sankramana. In other words,
Sankramana is said to occur everytime sun enters a rashi. This event is a
milestone for Souramana (measure based on Sun). Sankranti marks the
beginning of a Soura month.
Vakya Sankramana
Sages have declared in one sentence (Vakya) the specific time duration
between all the Sankramanas (between Mesha and Vrushabha, Vrushabha
and Mithuna, etc.) in a year. Sankramanas determined based on this vakya
(sentence) is called Vakya sankramana.
Surya Siddhantha and Drigganitha sankramanas are determined based
on the calculations of the movement of Sun.
Why different Sankramanas?
Sankramana being a point of time can occur at any part of the day. This
occurance during evening / night times makes it difficult to observe the pre-
scribed rituals, say tharpana. One explanation given is that at least one of
the three sankramanas viz. Vakya, Surya Siddhantha, Drigganitha may oc-
cur at a convenient time and that could be followed instead of having ex-
treme difficulties / non observance due to extreme difficulties.
Soura Masa (Solar Month)
The period between two successive sankrantis, or the time taken by the
sun to pass completely through one sign of the zodiac is called a Soura
masa or Solar month. A sankranti on which a solar month commences takes
its name from the sign-name of that month. The Mesha Sankranti marks
vernal equinox, the moment of the sun's passing the first point of Aries
(Mesha). Not to Scale
Mesha Sankramana Vrushabha Sankramana

Soora Dates

Soura Masa

There are 12 solar months in a year. The soura months have the same
names as that of Rashis. They also have Tamil equivalent names. They are
tabulated under the Length of months.
Length of Months
Since the apparent motion of the sun and moon is not always the same,
the lengths of the lunar and solar months vary. The names and durations of
each of the solar months in all the three systems are tabulated below. It will
be observed that the length of months are different in the three systems, but
the length of the year is the same.

Basics of Panchangam - - - - - - - i( DJ - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

Name of Month Duration of each Month
Vak va2
Surva Siddhantha Drigg anitha
= "' "' '.C
-; .:,: = ·e- = "' = -== "' = -==
"' '.C "' '.C
'.C '.C
"'= =
= =
"'>, -=
= C,-= > Q= C,-= > Q= C,-= >
>, 0.()
>, 0.()
"i: 0.()
00 Q
Vc.t''b'q. 1 Mesha Chittirai 30 21 36 30 55 32
30 21 23
2 Vrishabha Vaikasi 30 36 22 30 52 21 31 9 12
" 3 Mithuna Aani 31 45 23 31 16 41 31 51 38
,J/4..,yV~ 4 Karkataka Aadi 32 38 49 31 27 22 31 28 12
~~_,...,/' 5 Simha Avani 31 28 22 31 21 12 31 2 10
A1>1 y,,__,· 6 Kanya Purattasi 31 0 53 30 59 52 30 27 22

l('oY)'I~ 7 Thula Aipasi 30 26 8 30 29 57 29 54 7

('1-,Y-,~ 8 Vrischika Kartigai 29 53 12 29 59 21 29 30 24

f,,,ttlt'J ' 9 Dhanus Margali 28 29 24 29 36 24 29 20 53

,-tc,-4 10Makara Tai 29 18 57 29 26 41 29 27 16
f4 _,,,1r4..,, 11 Kumbha Masi 29 26 59 29 32 14 29 48 24
tA,,;f-yh 12Meena Pangun 29 49 30 29 52 6 30 20 21
Total 365 15 35 365 15 34 365 15 31
1. Sansknt / Kannada I Malayalam names are same as that of Rashi. In Orissa, Bengal,
Punjab & Haryana Chandramana names Vaishakha, Jyeshta, .. ., Chaitra are used.
2. Duration of each month in the Vakya system is constant
The average (mean) length in days of solar and lunar months, and of a
lunar year as per the Surya Siddhantha and Modern Science is as follows:-
Surya Modern
Siddhantha Science
Solar month (1/12 of a sidereal year) 30.438229707 30.438030
Lunar month 29.530587946 29.530588
Lunar year ( 12 months) 354.367055350 354.367056
Souramana dates [Solar Dates]
The souramana dates are counted serially from 1 beginning with a
Sankramana day till the next sankramana (similar to the English calendar
dates) which marks the beginning of the succeeding soura masa .
There are different schools of thought for reckoning the month beginning
date: (a). If the sankramana occurs at any time upto 45 ghatis the same day
is considered the beginning day of the month and if it occurs after 45 ghatis
the next day is considered the beginning day of the month, (b ). always the
next day to the sankramana day, (c). follow one of the above two (a orb) but
with reference to Vakya Sankramana etc ..
Dakshinayana and Uttarayana Punya kaalas
The Karkataka Sankranti, three solar months after Mesha sankranti is

Basics of Panchangam - - - - - G : ) 1 - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

called Dakshinayana Punya kaala . The Sun will be directly over Tropic of
Cancer (23 ½ degree "N" Latitude) at this time.[Tropic of Cancer passes
through India at Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Durgapur etc.] Sun starts its south-
ward movement from this moment. This will normally be on 16th of July.
Eonh Oaksninayens Pun)'Sk.ala

Tropic of Concor

ZOd.lac Belt •........•...................

0 Tropic or Capncorn

Uttllarayana PutlyaJcala

Sun's Poslllons at Oakshlnayana & Utlh:arayana

Not to Scale • Earth has been shown exaggerated .
The Makara Sankranti, 6 solar months after Karkataka sankranti, is called
Uttharayana Punya kaala. The Sun will be directly over Tropic of Capricorn
(23 ½ degree ·s· Latitude - it passes through Australia) at this time. Sun
starts its northward movement from this moment. This will normally be on
14th of January.
Around the Dakshinayana Punyakaala, 21st of June is called the Sum·
mer Solstice meaning the longest day (maximum dinamana). Around the
Uttharaayana Punyakaala, 22nd of December is called the Winter Solstice
meaning the shortest day (minimum dinamana). Between the two dates 21st
of March is called Vernal (Spring) Equinox and 23rd of September is known
as Autumnal Equinox. On these two dates daytime will equal night time
(dinamana will be equal to rathrimana]. All this is applicable to Earth's North-
ern Hemisphere (where India is located).
One year consists of two ayanas. Each ayana is spread over six soura
masas. Each ayana signifies the sun's direction. Thus during Dakshinayana,
Sun is moving south and during the Uttarayana, Sun is moving North. Ayana
can also be understood as passage of Sun to the North and South of the
Karkataka Sankramana marks the beginning of Dakshinayana and Makara
Sankramana marks the beginning of Uttarayana.
[Some say: Dakshinayana and Uttharayanas are now commencing on
June 21 and December 22 and not on the days of karkataka / Makara
Sankramana. Further, the beginning day of Ayana is moving backwards by
about 1day for every 72 years.]
Around June 21 and December 22, Karkayana and Makarayana occur.

Basics of Panchangam - - - - - - 1 @ > - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

These are sankramanas as per Sayana reckoning. As the current value of
Ayanamsha is about 22 1/20, sayana sankramanas are occuring about 23
days earlier than the nirayana ones. With increasing value of ayanamsha,
sayana sankramanas will move backwards by about a day every 70 years.
(Details about Ayanamsha and Nirayana/Sayana are given later).
Other Punya Kaalas
Vishuvath Punya kaalas: Mesha and Thula Sankramanas
Vishnupada Punya kaalas: Vrushabha, Simha, Vrushchika and Kumbha
Shadashiti Punya kaalas : Mithuna, Kanya , Dhanus and Meena
Sankramanas .
Punya kaalas / Parva kaalas Varjya
Generally, no auspicious events are to be celebrated during 16 ghatis
before the Punya kaala and 16 ghatis thereafter ( 1 ghati = 24 minutes),
roughly 6 ½ hours on either side. Punya kaalas are also referred as Parva
However, for the Dakshinayana / Uttarayana and Vishuvath Punya kaalas,
"Pakshini" should be observed.
Pa ks h in i means, two nights and a day or two days and a night depend-
ing on whether the Punya kaala occurs during day or night (middle of the
Pakshini period). Entire Pakshini should be avoided for auspicious events.
Chandramana Masas (Lunar Months)
The period of time between two successive Amavasyas or Pournamis is
a Chandra masa. It is the time of the moon's synodic revolution . There are
two ways of reckoning a Chandramana Masa. Krishna month [Amantha
masas] ends with the moment of Amavasya's end . Sukla month
[Pournamantha masas] ends with the moment of Pournami's end . Amantha
masas are used in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
and Bengal , while Pournimantha masas are used in the rest of India.




Paksha: krisii" ,S,h,u,kl~~

Chandramana Masa - Pournimantha Masa
For most of the Religious feasts / Shastraic rituals (in all parts of India)
Chandramana masa/thithi/nakshatra/yoga have been prescribed. However,
for a few of the observances Souramana masa/thithi/nakshatra have been
For the common man's date referrals Chandramana dates (Samvatsara
- masa - paksha - thithi) are used. In Tamil Nadu, Kerala , Bengal , Orissa,

Basics of Panchangam- - - - - @ 1 - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

I Punjab , Haryana and the Thulu speaking persons use Souramana dates (
Samvatsara - masa - date).
North India's Bai(Vai)shakha 1st will be South India's Chaitra Bahula
Prathama (due to the Pournimantha/Amantha difference). [North India
celeberates Baishakha 1st as the beginning of New year]
Chandra masas derive their name based on the nakshatra occuring dur-
ing the Pournami thithi of the month . There are 12 lunar months. The months
WI·th th e resoective nakshatras and Abhimani Devathas are:
SI. Masa Nakshatra on Pournami Abhimani Devatha
1 Chaitra Chitra Vishnu
2 Vaishakha Vishakha Madhusudhana
3 Jyeshta Jyeshta Thrivikrama
4 Aashada Poorva/Uttarashada Vamana
5 Shravana Shravana Shreedhara
6 Bhadrapada Poorva/Uttarabhadra Hrusheekesha
7 Aashwayuja Ashwini Padmanabha
8 Karthika Kruttika Damodara
9 Marghashira Mrugashira Keshava
10 Pushya Pushya Narayana
11 Magha Makha Madhava
12 Phalguna Pubba/Uttara (Poorva/Uttaraphalguni) Govinda
13 Adhika Masa Purushotthama
A paksha Is the moon's fortnight. The fortnight dunng which the moon Is
waxing is called Shukla or Shuddha . This begins with the end of Amavasya
and lasts upto the end of Pournami. The fortnight during which the moon is
waning is called Krishna or Bahula . This lasts from the end of Pournami to
end of Amavasya. Each chandramana masa consists of both the pakshas
(halves), Shukla paksha (Bright half) and Krishna Paksha (Dark half).
The moment of new moon, or that point of time when the longitudes of
the sun and the moon are equal is called Amavasya (means dwelling to-
gethe r of the sun and the moon). A thithi is the time occupied by the moon in
increasing its distance from the sun by 12 degrees. In other words, at the
exact point of time when the moon moving eastwards from the sun after the
Amavasya, leaves the sun behind by 12° degrees, the first thithi, Pratipath
(Prathama) ends, 24° for the end of Dwitheeya, 36° for Thrutheeya, . . 180°
for Pournami, 192° for Krishna Prathama, 204° for Dwitheeya, . . 360° for
Amavasya. One complete synodic revolution of the moon occupies 30 thithis
for the 360 d earees. s·,nee th e mofions of t he sun an d t he moon are alwavs
Thithi's Ghati Pala Vipala Hours Minutes Second s
Greatest length 65 16 0 26 6 24
Mean length or Aver age 59 3 40.23 23 37 28.092
Least lenath 53 56 0 21 34 24

Basics of Panchangam - - - - - - 1 @ > - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

varying in speed , the length of a thithi constantly alters. The variations in the
length of a thithi are tabulated above (60 ghatis = 24 hours).
Each paksha consists of 15 thithis Thithis with their Abhimani Devathas are:
SI Thith i Ab himan i Devatha SI Thlthi Abhimani Devatha

1 Prathama (Prathipath oi Padya)Agni hODashami Adi Sesha

2 Dwitheeya (Bidige) Brahma 11 Ekadashi Dharma
3 Thrutheeya (Thadige) Gouri 12 Dwadashi Hari
4 Chathurthy (Chouthi) Vinayaka •3 Thrayodashi Kama
5 Panchami Sarpa h4 Chathurdashi Kali
6 Shashti Skanda h5 Poumami Chandra
7 Sapthami Ravi (Poomima) [Shukl, Paksha]
8 Ashtami Sadhyojath 30 Amavasya Pithru Devatha
9 Navami Durga [Krishna Paksha]

A day in Panchangam
The time duration from one sun rise to the next sun rise is reckoned as a
day in Panchangam. This duration is considered equal to 60 ghatis (24 hours).
However, as the sun rise time varies from day to day by a small measure,
the duration of the day also varies to that extent.
Thithi's Beginning/End point
As the time duration of thithi varies from day to day, thithi's Beginning/
End points occur at different times of the day. Generally one thithi begins on
a day and ends on the next day which means on each day one thithi ends
and at the same time the next thithi begins. However, as the time duration of
thithis can vary from 59 ghatis to 65 ghatis, on some days (day as per
panchangam); (a). the same thithi will have its Beginning as well as End
point which means such days will have two Beginning/End points of thithis
(b). thithi will not have its end point which means such days will have no
Beginning/End point of thithis.
Days with two Beginning/End points of thithis and No Beginning/End points
of thithis are taboo for auspicious functions.
Day's Thithi
The thithi ruling at the time of sun rise of the day is reckoned as the thithi
of the day for all date referrals. During sankalpa thithi, nakshathra, yoga ,
karana ruling at the sun rise of the day is used.
Thithi classified into Five groups
Ph ala
an a ra ama, as 1, a as 1 nan a
Bhadra Dwitheeya, Sapthami, Dwadashi Arogya - Mangala
Jaya Thrutheeya, Ashtami, Thrayodashi Jaya (victory)
Riktha Chathurthy, Navami, Chathurdashi Nashta (loss)
Pooma Panchami, Dashami, Pournami/Amavasya Sampoorna
Two Types of thithis
Those extending for 60 ghatis from sun rise are called Poorna thithis
and others Sakhanda thithis .
Basics of Panchangam - - - - - 1 G ) 1 - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara
I Varieties of Sakhanda thlthis
Shuddha and Viddha are the two varieties. Thithis present at both sun
rise and sunset of the same day (and on days like Shivarathris extending
upto midnight) are called Shuddha while others (not present at both sun
rise and sunset) are referred to as Vlddha .
Viddha means one with vedha ie., One attached to another. Thithis with
End / Beginning point located between the sun rise and sunset of the same
day are said to have; (a) Poorva Viddha with the ending thithi (b) Para
Viddha with the beginning thithi.
Vedhas of thithis
Thithis starting from about 6 ghatis after Suryodaya are said to have
Pratharvedha with the previous thithi extending upto 6 ghatis from sun rise.
Thithis starting from about 6 ghatis before Sunset are said to have
Sayamvedha with the previous thithi extending upto 6 ghatis before sunset.
Adhika and Kshaya Thithis
A thithi starting before the day's sun rise and ending after the next day's
sun rise is called Adhika thitbi. During the time duration of an Adhika thithi ,
two sun rises will occur. On both days, the same day is used for date refer-
rals. Here the thithi has sustained an increase (Vriddhi) .
Such a thithi is also referred to as Thridinasprukh as it has touched
three days (1 . day before sun rise, 2. Day of Sun rise and 3. Day of second
sun rise).
Within the Adhika thithi, the portion after the second sun rise is referred
to as Puccha meaning tail.
• A thithi starting after the day's sun rise and ending before the next day's
( sun rise is called Kshaya thithi. During the time duration of a Kshaya thithi ,
no sun rise will occur. This thithi will not get into the realm of date referral.
Here the thithi has sufferred a diminition (Kshaya or Hrasa).
Such a Kshaya thithi is also called Avamaha . This thithi is referred with a
prefix Upari.
Refer to graphics on the next page .
Twelve lunar months are equal to 354/355 days, but there are 360 thithis
during that time. As though, to make this equation alright, on an average
there are 7 Adhika thithis and 13 Kshaya thithis in a year.
Adhika and Kshaya thithis are also taboo for auspicious functions .
Ekadashi and Viddha Dashami
Vaishnavas have to observe Ekadashi vratha on Ekadashi without
Dashami vedha is the rule. That means, by the time of Arunodaya on the
Ekadashi day, the previous thithi Dashami should have ended. [Eventhough,
Arunodaya is the last portion of aaay, in some places it is used as the first
portion of the day - Viddha Dashami is one such example.]
If the Dashami thithi ends during the Arunodaya of any day, (example
day 1: has Ekadashi at the time of Sunrise and Ekadashi will be the date
referral) that day will be considered Viddha Dashami (Goddu Dashami) and
treated as a Dashami for all practical purposes, and the following day (ex

Basics of Panchangam - - - - - - - 1 .@ > - - - - - - - - Achara Vichara

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