Bevan Ed Leadership
Bevan Ed Leadership
Bevan Ed Leadership
Article in Educational leadership: journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A · December 2014
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3 authors, including:
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time, we’ve observed how tinkering can support
as-powered Roman chariots, children’s development of productive science
singing greeting cards, play dough learning identities. By this we mean that young
circuit boards, and homemade people become interested in science, feel capable
voltage detectors are just a few of doing science, and want to do science (Krish-
of the science projects you might namurthi, Bevan, Rinehart, & Coulon, 2013).
see when you apply a maker approach to STEM Productive science learning identities are
education. crucial for students choosing to pursue science
The maker movement celebrates creativity, academically, professionally, and through
innovation, and entrepreneurship through the lifelong engagement. STEM-rich maker activities
design and construction of physical objects. are powerful places for this identity work because
Maker activities may come across as playful, even they can accommodate a wide variety of interests
slightly wacky, explosions of inventiveness. But and experiences, they blend intellectual and
in education contexts like schools, museums, socioemotional engagement, and they provide
28 Educational Leadership / December 2014 / January 2015 Photos copyright © 2014 Exploratorium
opportunities for young people to develop, initial experimentation and then ask students
pursue, persist with, and accomplish original to record their predictions, data, and evidence-
ideas and solutions in which they can take pride based assessments of the relationship of design
and ownership. to flight. As students share their data, they are
likely to observe that more than one design
From Wind Tubes to Circuits element produces similar results. Can they
Wind tubes are an example of a maker activity further explore these similarities to elucidate key
that can serve as a motivating, engrossing intro- scientific principles from their firsthand experi-
duction to scientific understandings.1 The wind ences? With students now personally invested
tubes activity consists of two to three fans facing in the phenomena, the activity opens the door
upward, each set to a different speed (low, for further studies of motion and stability, forces
medium, or high). A clear acrylic tube is placed and interactions.
over each fan, with an 8-inch gap at the bottom Making might look like fun and play, but
so that objects can be inserted into the tube and as Edith Ackermann from MIT says, play is
lifted up by the breeze. Children work with an a child’s most serious work (Duffalo, 2010).
array of low-cost materials—berry baskets, card- Indeed, both Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget have
board toilet paper rolls, pipe cleaners, straws, argued that play is a central developmental
masking tape, pieces of cardboard, feathers, process for learning.
tissue paper, string, Wiffle balls, and so on—to
construct objects that will float or fly.
The first object children make typically shoots
up and out of the wind tube too quickly, or
perhaps sinks down and doesn’t fly, or bobbles
erratically in the tube. They return to the work-
table to refine the design, perhaps to add more
stability, to streamline, to add weight or remove
weight. They test and retest their designs.
Through this process, learners engage in
making predictions, designing, testing, revising,
and retesting. They grapple with the scientific
phenomena of symmetry, balance, weight, and
turbulence. When teachers use wind tubes in
the classroom, they might provide a period of
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staff person to lead activities. Provide after-school STEM does best: How
stakeholders describe youth learning
opportunities for students to share outcomes. After-school Matters, 42–49.
their knowledge of tools or processes National Research Council. (2012). A
they are passionate about. framework for K–12 science education:
Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core
Making Future Scientists Can one think that because we ideas. Washington, DC: National Acad-
emies Press.
As we mentioned, tinkering activities are engineers, beauty does not Papert, S. (1993). Mindstorms: Children,
can help produce students who are computers, and powerful ideas. New York:
interested in science, feel capable of preoccupy us or that we do not try Basic Books.
doing science, and want to do science. to build beautiful, as well as solid Petrich, M., Wilkinson K., & Bevan, B.
Some young people will channel these (2013). It looks like fun, but are they
and long-lasting structures? learning? In M. Honey & D. Kanter
positive science learning identities (Eds.), Design, make, play: Growing
into future studies and professions. Aren’t the genuine functions of
the next generation of STEM innovators
Others will channel them into lifelong strength always in keeping with (pp. 50–70). New York: Routledge.
engagement with different aspects of Resnick, M., & Rosenbaum, E. (2013).
unwritten conditions of harmony? Designing for tinkerability. In M. Honey
nature (environmental stewardship,
& D. Kanter (Eds.), Design, make, play:
kitchen chemistry, and so on). Still —Gustave Eiffel
Quoted in Remaking the World:
Growing the next generation of STEM
others will stay tuned in to scien- innovators (pp. 163–181). New York:
Adventures in Engineering by Henry Petroski
tific developments in the news or in Routledge
their local communities, or perhaps Sheridan, K. M., Halverson, E. R., Litts, B.,
encourage their own children to Brahms, L., Jacobs-Priebe, L., & Owens,
pursue science careers. T. (in press). Learning in the making: A
default/files/Instructions/circuit_boards comparative case study of three maker-
Makerspaces, maker activities, and .pdf. spaces. Harvard Educational Review.
makers themselves already exist in 3
For a collection of open-ended Vossoughi, S., & Bevan, B. (2014).
many communities across the United maker activities, see http://tinkering White paper: Making and tinkering. Washington, DC: National Research
States. Schools can partner with local
museums, libraries, and community Council Committee on Out of School
References Time STEM.
makerspaces to develop maker pro- Bevan, B., Gutwill, J., Petrich, M., & Vossoughi, S., Escudé, M., Kong F., &
grams. You might want to test out a Wilkinson, K. (in press). Learning Hooper, P. (2013, October). Tinkering,
maker program in an after-school or through STEM-rich tinkering: Findings learning and equity in the after-school
family night context first. Once you from a jointly negotiated research setting. Paper presented at the annual
and your colleagues see the active, project taken up in practice. Science FabLearn conference. Palo Alto, CA:
Education. Stanford University.
joyful engagement that young people Wilkinson, K., & Petrich, M. (2014). The
Blikstein, P. (2013). Digital fabrication
express in such programs, we can and ‘making’ in education: The democ- art of tinkering. San Francisco: Weldon
almost guarantee that you will want to ratization of invention. In J. Walter- Owen.
seek out ways to integrate making and Herrmann & C. Büching (Eds.), FabLab:
tinkering into regular school practices Of machines, makers and inventors
(pp. 2–22). Bielefeld: Transcript Bronwyn Bevan (bbevan@exploratorium
and classrooms. EL .edu) is the director of the Exploratorium
For details on how to build wind tubes, Duffalo, K. (2010). Play: What’s to Institute for Research and Learning in
see be learned from kids? Part 1 [blog San Francisco (
sites/default/files/projectpdfs/Wind_Tubes post]. Retrieved from Walker Art Mike Petrich directs the maker initiative
.pdf. Center at at the Exploratorium. Karen Wilkinson
For a guide for circuit boards, see ecp/2010/02/05/play-whats-to-be- is director of the Exploratorium Learning learned-from-kids-part-1 Studio.
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