Certification Roadmap

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Table 3.

Details on Six Certification Programs - Information on Certification Programs – CMVP, CEM, BPI GoldStar Contractor
N Parameter Certified Measurement and Certified Energy Manager® (CEM) BPI GoldStar™ Contractor Program
Verification Professional (CMVP)
1 Administering Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) in Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Building Performance Institute, Inc.
Agency cooperation with the Efficiency Valuation AEE is accredited by ANSI (ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024)
(Certifier) Organization (EVO) for this certificate
2 URL http://www.aeeprograms.com http://www.aeeprograms.com http://www.bpi.org/goldstar.aspx
3 Type Certification Certification Quality Assurance Program for
Contractors with 12 embedded
Credentials possible
4 Year first 2002 1981 2000 for first two certificates and ongoing
available since then
5 Count of ~770 in US ~10,970 in the US 457 GoldStar Contractors in US
current ~3,500 worldwide ~12,400 worldwide 12,925 Certified Individuals in US
6 Reason for To recognize the most qualified To raise the professional standards of those GoldStar Contractor Program - To provide
certificate professionals and raise the overall engaged in energy management confidence to contractors that quality is
creation professional standards within the To improve the practice of energy management profitable and to set their company apart
measurement and verification field. by encouraging energy managers in a in the marketplace.
continuing program of professional Certificates – to provide quality work with
development a good return on investment.
To identify persons with acceptable knowledge
of the principles and practices of energy
management related disciplines and laws
governing and affecting energy managers
through completing an examination and
fulfilling prescribed standards of performance
and conduct
To award special recognition to those energy
managers who have demonstrated a high level
of competence and ethical fitness for energy
7 Time between Unknown Approximately one year Unknown
and actual
N Parameter Certified Measurement and Certified Energy Manager® (CEM) BPI GoldStar™ Contractor Program
Verification Professional (CMVP)
process in place

8 Who decides on Not stated, but assume there is a CMVP There is a CEM Exam Development committee. Unknown
attainment of Exam Development committee that is The test is updated at least once a year.
competence analogous to the CEM committee since
both run by AEE.
9 Modality to In-person seminar with written exam (see In-person seminar with written exam (see Online test
convey qualifications, below) qualifications, below) OR
competency Online seminar with exam
10 Levels Yes – two levels of certification Yes – two levels of certification GoldStar program has three tiers with
Certified Measurement and Verification Certified Energy Manger (CEM) different opportunities and obligations in
Professional (CMVP) Energy Manger in Training (EMIT™) each tier
CMVP – In Training (CMVP-IT) Embedded in the GoldStar program are 12
certificates in two areas
Eight Core Certificates
Building Analyst
Heating Professional
Envelope Professional
AC & Heat Pump
Manufactured Housing
Air Leakage Control Installer
Infiltration & Duct Leakage
Four Home Energy Performance
Energy Auditor
QC Inspector
Retrofit Installer
Crew Leader
11 Qualification CMVP CEM GoldStar Contractor
Requirements Attend preparatory 2.5-day training Attend preparatory training seminar by Be a company or legal entity
seminar, AND approved trainer, AND Have one (1) staff member BPI certified as
Pass 4-hour proctored open book exam Pass 4-hour proctored open book exam a Building Analyst or Energy Auditor
(minimum 70%), AND (minimum 70%), AND
N Parameter Certified Measurement and Certified Energy Manager® (CEM) BPI GoldStar™ Contractor Program
Verification Professional (CMVP)
4-year degree from an accredited 4-year degree in engineering or architecture Have general liability insurance in the
university or college in science, AND 3+ years of experience in energy amount of $1 million
engineering, architecture, business, law, engineering or energy management, Have workers compensation insurance (as
finance or related field AND 3 years of OR state law requires)
verified experience in energy or building Registered Professional Engineer or Registered Licensing and bonding as required by
or facility management, or M&V, Architect AND 3+ years of experience in energy governing jurisdiction
OR engineering or energy management, Have a customer dispute resolution policy
Registered Professional Engineer or OR Maintain annual records of calibration of
Registered Architect AND 3 years of 4-year degree in technology, environmental diagnostic equipment
verified experience in energy or building science, physics, or earth science AND 4+ years Maintain records on data collection
or facility management, or M&V, of experience in energy engineering or energy Perform work according to BPI national
OR management, standards
4-year non-technical degree from an OR Provide job specific information
accredited college or university in a field 4-year degree in business (or related field) AND electronically to BPI upon request
not specified above AND 5 years of 5+ years of experience in energy engineering or Has ability for a company representative
verified experience in energy or building energy management, to receive electronic notifications from BPI
or facility management, or M&V OR When required, agrees to pay a
OR 2-year energy management associate’s degree standardized fee for in-field Quality
2-year technical degree AND 5 years of AND 6+ years of experience in energy Assurance inspections on per inspection
verified experience in energy or building engineering or energy management basis
or facility management, or M&V OR Certificates
OR 2-year technical associates degree AND 8+ Vary, not included here
No educational experience AND 10 years years of experience in energy engineering or
of verified experience in energy or energy management
building or facility management, or M&V OR
OR No educational experience AND 10+ years of
Current status of Certified Energy experience in energy or building or facility
Manager® management, or M&V
Attend preparatory 2.5-day training Same qualifications as the CEM, but with less
seminar, AND experience. Any 4-year degreed person or a
Pass 4-hour open book exam (minimum person with a 2-year degree in energy
70%), management must simply have less than the
requisite years described above.
N Parameter Certified Measurement and Certified Energy Manager® (CEM) BPI GoldStar™ Contractor Program
Verification Professional (CMVP)
If person has a 2-year technical associate’s
degree, they must have at least 2 years of
If a person has no post-high school degree,
they must have at least 4 years of experience
12 Renewal Yes – every three years for CMVP Yes – every three years for CEM Yes - annually
Required CMVP-IT good for six years and is not EMIT good for six years and is not renewable
13 How to renew 10 renewal credits can be obtained Same as CMVP (All AEE Certified Professionals Pay fee within 30 days of invoice
through any of the following: 1) have same renewal requirements) Provide insurance proof with BPI as
continuing education courses, 2) Certificate Holder
membership in a professional
organization, 3) continued employment in
energy management or energy
engineering field, 4) attending specified
energy conference, 5) presenting and
publishing professional awards or papers,
6) holding office in professional
14 Certificate cost Seminar Initial Application and Exam Fee Annual Fee - $1,200 plus payment for any
$1450 - $1550 (higher price if not AEE $400 required in-field quality assurance
member) Certification renewal inspections
Initial Application and Exam Fee $300 Embedded in the three tier system are
$400 - $500 (higher price for remote Preparatory training costs vary depending on costs that the team cannot quantify.
testing) locale: However, to move up a tier level,
Retesting Fee AEE Energy Seminars (4 or 5 day in person for contractors must demonstrate training
$200 - $300 (higher price for remote $1,895 - $1,995; 2 day in person for $1,350 - attendance and successfully complete a
testing) $1,450; 12 hours online for $1,050 - $1,150) test specific for each tier. Additionally,
Certification renewal Salt Lake Community College (~$8,700 and 18- company must add one more BPI certified
$300 24 months); person for something other than Building
UC Davis Extension (unable to find online); Analyst or Energy Auditor to get to Tier 2
Unversidad del Turabo, Puerto Rico (50 hour or (Advanced Level) and a BPI certified
a 100 hour training program, but unable to find Quality Control Inspector to reach Tier 3
costs online), (Master level). While within a specific tier,
contractor must complete companywide
N Parameter Certified Measurement and Certified Energy Manager® (CEM) BPI GoldStar™ Contractor Program
Verification Professional (CMVP)
Western New England College (17.5 hours for self-assessment survey on specific topics,
$379 - $679, depending on alumnus status, develop skills enhancement plan and
2011 costs which were the only items online) actively engage in training specific to this
15 How is the Not stated, but assume the same as CEM Certification fees Assume annual fees as BPI is a 501(c)3
certification since both run by AEE. non-profit
16 Exam included Yes Yes Yes, for GoldStar Program to move up in
Tier system
17 Examination AEE Executive OR and educator OR a One of five approved trainers listed above in Unknown
Administrator testing expert OR agency, OR whomever the cost parameter
the certification body deems appropriate
18 Exam Format Multiple Choice and True/False questions 130 Questions, multiple choice Unknown
19 Exam Content Reasons for M&V 17 topic areas: Unknown
Current M&V Projects 1.Codes and Standards
IPMVP 2. Energy Accounting and Economics
Current Issues in M&V 4. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS
Emission Trading 5. HVAC SYSTEMS
Baseline Adjustments 6. MOTORS AND DRIVES
Key Elements of Success: Theory & 7. INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS
Examples of IPMVP Options 8. BUILDING ENVELOPE
Selecting Options: Which One Is Best 9. CHP SYSTEMS and RENEWABLE ENERGY
Suited for My Project? 10. FUEL SUPPLY AND PRICING
N Parameter Certified Measurement and Certified Energy Manager® (CEM) BPI GoldStar™ Contractor Program
Verification Professional (CMVP)
20 Available Yes – for seminar Yes, for renewal only No
Continuing 2.0 CEU
Education Units 4.0 AEE Credits toward re-certification
as pursue
21 Are there Yes. CMVP suspension or revocation may Yes, CEM can be revoked or suspended by a Yes – GoldStar Agreement may be
disciplinary or be due to violation of AEE’s ethical 2/3’s vote of the certification board. revoked if contractor fails to pay fees,
Quality standards or CMVP Competence. CMVP Suspension or revocation may be due to commits a deliberate material breach of
Assurance may be suspended if the individual falls violation of AEE’s ethical standards or CEM the Agreement, repeats breach on 3
processes once below the required professional credits. Competence. occasions in a year, fails to make
certified? corrective actions for breach within 45
business days, or ceases to conduct

Table 1. Information on Certification Programs – Credentialed Evaluator, Certificate in Evaluation Practice, GHG Validation/Verification
N Parameter Credentialed Evaluator (CE) Certificate in Evaluation Practice Greenhouse Gas Validation / Verification
1 Administering Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) The Evaluators Institute ANSI (Under ISO 14065)
2 URL http://evaluationcanada.ca/ce http://tei.cgu.edu/ http://www.ansi.org/accreditation/environm
3 Type Credential Certification Accreditation for Third-party Validation /
Verification services for the reduction and
removal of greenhouse gasses (GHG)
4 Year first 2010 2004 2011 (Public Policy GHG-PL-701)
5 Count of 312 in Canada Unknown 24 Verifiers
N Parameter Credentialed Evaluator (CE) Certificate in Evaluation Practice Greenhouse Gas Validation / Verification
6 Reason for To define, recognize, and promote the To enhance the role of, the practice of, The program was determined necessary by
certificate practice of ethical, high-quality, and and the impact of evaluation. To provide the ANSI board.
creation competent evaluation in Canada. high quality learning experiences to
processionals in an off-campus
7 Time between 4 years Uncertain, but appears less than a year Unknown
and actual
process in
8 Who decides Credentialing Board made up of experts in Academic professors and highly A group of two or more Greenhouse Gas
on attainment the field (e.g., recognized CES Fellows and regarded experts in the field. These Validation / Verification Body Accreditation
of competence National Award winners) same individuals teach the courses Committee (GVAC) volunteers
required to obtain the certificate.
9 Modality to Bundling past experience to provide In-person course work with classes Written application, desk review of provided
convey evidence of competence in specific broad ranging from one to five days on a topic documentation, and on site audit both for
competency topic areas (see qualifications, below) (see qualifications, below) assurance of organizational structures and
individual ability to perform the work
10 Levels No Yes – four certificates No
Master Evaluator Certificate™
Certificate in Evaluation Practice™ (CEP)
Certificate in Advanced Evaluation
Practices™ (CAEP)
Certificate in Analytic Evaluation
Methods™ (CAEM)
11 Qualification Evidence of graduate level degree or Master Evaluator Two Stage Process:
Requirements certificate related to evaluation (e.g., a Completion of two course-based Preliminary Application
Prior Learning Assessment and certificates (CEP and CAEP) Written description of compliance across
Recognition, PLAR) AND these six areas:
AND Portfolio of Experience developed with 1) Confirmation of third party status
Evidence of two years (full-time guidance of mentor 2) Description of legal entity status
equivalent) evaluation-related work AND 3) Proof of publically available
documents describing the program
experience within the last 10 years Actively working in the field of
AND evaluation or evaluation-related activity
N Parameter Credentialed Evaluator (CE) Certificate in Evaluation Practice Greenhouse Gas Validation / Verification
Indicators of education and/or experience 30 days of instruction as follows: 4) Description of the management
related to 70% of the 49 competencies in 15 days of instruction in Evaluation system for validation / verification
each of the five domains of Competencies Foundation courses activities
a 5) Identification of any GHG programs,
registries, or emissions trading
9 days of instruction in Design or schemes that the entity currently
Analysis courses AND participates in and intends to
6 days of instruction in Evaluation participate in
Practice and Inquiry courses Final Application has a written component, a
CAEP ‘witness’ assessment, and an on-site
Completion of CEP assessment
AND The written component has the following:
30 additional days of instruction within 1) Listing of all office locations,
four topic areas (courses for CEP do not personnel and activities conducted
count) by site
2) Description of applicant main
Topic areas are: 1) Evaluative Inquiry, 2)
activities and experience conducting
Design, 3) Analytic Approaches validation / verification (V/V)
(Quantitative Analysis or Qualitative activities
Analysis), 4) Outcome and Performance 3) Documentation of program
Assessment, 5) Evaluation Practice procedures
CAEM 4) Number of employees
Additional 30-days of coursework, some 5) Current recognitions / accreditations
6) Type of activity for which applicant
courses may overlap with CEP or CEAP.
is seeking accreditation
Must include four hours of instruction in 7) List which of 12 different GHG
quantitative evaluation approaches and programs applicate seeks to provide
four hours of instruction in qualitative services to
evaluation approaches 8) List which of six project level sector
Must include Basics of Program groups and 10 organization level
sector groups application seeks to
Evaluation (3 days) and Evaluation
provide services to
Research Methods (3 days) Within the witness assessment, ANSI staff
observes the applicant as they perform tasks
related to GHG V/V. For the on-site
assessment, ANSI conducts a two- to three-
day assessment at the main office to confirm
operational capability.
12 Renewal Yes –every three years No Yes – every three years
N Parameter Credentialed Evaluator (CE) Certificate in Evaluation Practice Greenhouse Gas Validation / Verification
13 How to renew Must accumulate at least 40 hours of Not applicable Similar to initial assessment except
Continuing Education Credits over experience gained will be taken into account
14 Certificate cost Application Fee Master Evaluator Application Fee - $225 Two stage process: Preliminary application
$485 Mentoring Fee - $1,365 has zero cost. The full application cost is
PLAR application if required Courses for CEP, CAEM, and CAEP $5,000 plus a daily rate of $1,250 plus
$550 Varies based on the number days for a expenses for onsite visits.
Maintenance Fee course. As of Feb 2016, regular fees are Annual fee thereafter based on preceding
$50 plus regular annual CES membership as follows: calendar year revenue attributable to GHG
fees that range from $71.25 to $195 One-day course - $570 V/V activities. Minimum is $1,500 and
depending on student or professional Two-day course - $980 maximum is $55,000. After the minimum
status and membership in American Three-day course - $1,365 level, the cost is 0.4% of the GHG V/V
Evaluation Association (AEA) or AES Four-day course - $1,722 revenue up to a max.
(Australasian Evaluation Society) Five-day course - $1,950
15 How is the Volunteer time from professionals in CES Unknown Fees associated with the certification
certification AND
process Application fees
maintained? AND
Annual maintenance fees
16 Exam included No No No
17 Examination Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
18 Exam Format Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
19 Exam Content Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
20 Available Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Units as
21 Are there Unknown No Yes – accredited organizations undergo
disciplinary or surveillance during the first and second year
Quality after receiving initial accreditation or
Assurance reaccreditation. The team could not ascertain
processes if there is a cost associated with the
once certified? surveillance assessment.

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