Safety and Efficacy of Nivolumab in Combination With Sunitinib or Pazopanib in Advanced or Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: The Checkmate 016 Study
Safety and Efficacy of Nivolumab in Combination With Sunitinib or Pazopanib in Advanced or Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: The Checkmate 016 Study
Safety and Efficacy of Nivolumab in Combination With Sunitinib or Pazopanib in Advanced or Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: The Checkmate 016 Study
Background: Combination treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors and antiangiogenic drugs has shown
encouraging preliminary antitumor activity across various tumor types including advanced or metastatic renal cell
carcinoma (aRCC). The open-label, parallel-cohort, dose-escalation, phase I CheckMate 016 study evaluated the
efficacy and safety of nivolumab in combination with antiangiogenic tyrosine kinase inhibitors or ipilimumab. Long-
term outcomes from this study for the combination of nivolumab plus sunitinib or pazopanib in aRCC are
Methods: Patients with aRCC received nivolumab plus either sunitinib (50 mg/day, 4 weeks on/2 weeks off; N + S)
or pazopanib (800 mg/day; N + P) until progression/unacceptable toxicity. The nivolumab starting dose was 2 mg/
kg every 3 weeks, with planned escalation to 5 mg/kg every 3 weeks. Primary endpoints were safety and
tolerability; antitumor activity was a secondary endpoint.
Results: Arm N + S enrolled 33 patients, 19 of whom were treatment-naïve; this arm advanced to the expansion
phase. Median follow-up was 50.0 months. Patients experienced high frequencies of adverse events (AEs) including
treatment-related AEs (100%), grade 3/4 treatment-related AEs (82%), and treatment-related AEs leading to
discontinuation (39%). Investigator-assessed objective response rate (ORR) was 55% (18/33) and median
progression-free survival (PFS) was 12.7 months. Median overall survival (OS) was not reached.
Arm N + P enrolled 20 patients, all had ≥1 prior systemic therapy; this arm was closed due to dose-limiting
toxicities and did not proceed to expansion. Median follow-up was 27.1 months. Patients treated with N + P
experienced high frequencies of AEs including treatment-related AEs (100%), grade 3/4 treatment-related AEs (70%),
and treatment-related AEs leading to discontinuation (25%). Investigator-assessed ORR was 45% (9/20) and median
(Continued on next page)
* Correspondence:
Prior presentation: An earlier database lock from this study (with shorter
follow-up) was presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
meeting, 2014. A partial presentation of the database lock included in this
manuscript was made at the 16th International Kidney Cancer Symposium, 2017.
Lingfeng Yang was an employee of Bristol-Myers Squibb at the time the
study was performed.
Immunotherapy program, Levine Cancer Institute, Carolinas HealthCare
System, 1024 Morehead Medical Drive, Charlotte, NC 28204, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 2 of 12
with intermediate- or poor-risk, treatment-naïve aRCC disease progression, unacceptable toxicity, withdrawal of
in the United States [21, 23, 24]. consent, or per the investigator’s clinical judgment. If the
The antitumor activity of VEGF TKIs is attributed to combined incidence of treatment-related toxicity required
their effect on angiogenesis, however, emerging data sug- discontinuation of >30% of treated patients, further enroll-
gest that these agents may exert positive immune- ment to that arm was paused and a decision on whether to
modulatory activity in the suppressive tumor immune continue dosing was made based on the observed aggregate
microenvironment. For example, sunitinib reduces the (acute and chronic) toxicities.
accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and Sunitinib and pazopanib dose delays, reductions, and
reverses suppression of T cells in patients with aRCC escalations were permitted per the approved product
[25, 26]. The combination of immune checkpoint inhibi- labels. All dose reductions of sunitinib were in 12.5-mg
tors plus TKI agents warrants further investigation. increments and were relative to the lowest dose level of
Other clinical trials have investigated the efficacy and the current cycle. The initial intra-patient dose reduction
safety of combination TKI and checkpoint inhibitor– of pazopanib was to 400 mg. Additional pazopanib dose
based therapy in patients with aRCC [27, 28]. Prelimin- reductions were in 200-mg increments and were relative
ary results from these studies have shown clinical to the lowest dose level of the current cycle. If the current
benefit, however, some combinations have resulted in dose level was 25 mg (sunitinib) or 200 mg (pazopanib)
unacceptable toxicity [29]. and the toxicity guidelines required a further permanent
Here, we report 3-year outcomes from the open-label, dose reduction to mitigate sunitinib or pazopanib-related
parallel-cohort, dose-escalation, phase I CheckMate 016 toxicity, the patient was discontinued from receiving that
study of patients with aRCC treated with a combination study drug. The pazopanib or sunitinib dosing period
of nivolumab and the TKIs sunitinib or pazopanib. could not be extended to compensate for interruptions in
study treatment. Nivolumab intra-patient dose reductions
Methods or escalations were not permitted, however, administration
Study design could be delayed based on specific AE criteria. Patients
CheckMate 016 was a multicenter, open-label, phase I could resume treatment with nivolumab, pazopanib, or
study. We report here the safety and efficacy outcomes sunitinib when treatment-related AE(s) resolved to grade
of patients assigned to either nivolumab plus sunitinib 1 or baseline. If a treatment-related AE occurred after
(arm N + S) or nivolumab plus pazopanib (arm N + P). cycle 1 and met criteria for discontinuation but was attrib-
The safety and efficacy outcomes for CheckMate 016 utable to the TKI and not to nivolumab, or if a patient
patients assigned to different nivolumab plus ipilimumab stopped the TKI secondary to chronic toxicity, continu-
treatment regimens have been reported previously [23]. ation on nivolumab monotherapy was permitted.
Patients were assigned to treatment arms N + S and N +
P in two phases: an escalation phase to determine the Patients
maximum tolerated dose (MTD) to gain safety and Patients eligible for inclusion were ≥18 years of age with
tolerability information, and a planned expansion phase histologically confirmed aRCC with a clear cell component
to gain additional safety information. (escalation and expansion phases) or non–clear cell RCC,
limited to papillary, chromophobe or unclassified histology
Dosing (escalation phase only), had measurable disease per
The starting dose of nivolumab was 2 mg/kg of body RECIST v1.1 criteria, Karnofsky performance status ≥80%,
weight intravenously every 3 weeks (N2; dose-escalation and were categorized with favorable- or intermediate-risk
phase), with planned increase to 5 mg/kg intravenously Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center prognostic score
every 3 weeks (N5; dose-expansion phase). Each treatment at study enrollment. Patients were required to have
cycle was 6 weeks in duration; patients received nivolumab received ≥1 prior systemic treatment regimen in the
on days 1 and 22 in combination with sunitinib (50 mg advanced/metastatic setting to be eligible for the escalation
orally on days 1–28 of each 6-week cycle; arm N + S) or phase. Patients eligible for the treatment-naïve expansion
pazopanib (800 mg orally on each day of the 6-week cycle; phase were not permitted to have received any prior sys-
arm N + P) until disease progression/unacceptable toxicity. temic therapy in the advanced/metastatic setting. Patients
Expansion phase recruitment was dependent on the MTD who received prior pazopanib were assigned to arm N + S,
assessed by the modified toxicity probability interval [30] while those who received prior sunitinib were assigned to
during dose escalation. If the MTD of nivolumab was arm N + P. Patients with prior treatment other than suniti-
≥5 mg/kg in either arm, the arm was further expanded to nib or pazopanib could be assigned to either arm. Patients
include treatment-naïve patients. Patients could discon- who received prior sunitinib or pazopanib and previously
tinue treatment due to investigator-assessed, Response required permanent discontinuation due to toxicity, or
Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) v1.1-defined required dose reduction/delay during the first 12 weeks of
Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 4 of 12
therapy due to toxicity were excluded, as were patients dose level cohort based on the number of dose-limiting
who had received both prior sunitinib and pazopanib. toxicities (DLTs) observed. Depending on the number
Patients with active central nervous system metastases, observed, de-escalation could occur without the possibil-
poorly controlled hypertension, evidence of active bleeding ity of re-escalation. If deemed safe, additional patients
or bleeding susceptibility within 30 days of enrollment, or were to be treated at the N5 level in combination with
impairment of gastrointestinal function or gastrointestinal sunitinib or pazopanib to gain additional safety informa-
disease that may have significantly altered the absorption tion. Administration of N5 to 26 or 32 patients was deter-
of either antiangiogenic TKI were excluded. Patients with mined adequate to provide 90% probability of observing
current or recent history of a known or suspected auto- ≥1 occurrence of any AE that would occur with an 8% or
immune disorder requiring systemic corticosteroids 7% incidence in the population from which the study sam-
equivalent to ≥10 mg of oral prednisone were also ple was selected for the N + S or N + P arms, respectively.
excluded. At the end of the trial, the MTD was estimated as the dose
with the smallest difference of estimated and target
Study endpoints and assessments toxicity across all doses.
The primary objective was to assess overall safety and tol- Safety and efficacy analyses included all patients
erability of nivolumab plus sunitinib or pazopanib in order who received ≥1 dose of study medication in either
to determine the MTD of these combination regimens. arm. AEs were summarized and reported by organ
Safety and tolerability were defined by incidence of AEs system, preferred term, treatment arm, and dose co-
occurring ≤100 days after the last study treatment dose, hort, coded per MedDRA. ORR and its 95% exact
and the worst toxicity grade of clinical laboratory tests, in- confidence interval (CI) were determined by Clopper
cluding hematology, comprehensive metabolic profile, and and Pearson methodology, while the Kaplan–Meier
urinalysis. AEs were graded according to National Cancer method was used to analyze DoR and its 95% CI. PFS
Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse and OS were plotted using the Kaplan–Meier method,
Events v4.0. Additional safety assessments included deter- with median and corresponding two-sided 95% CIs
mination of treatment-related AEs leading to discontinu- reported. PFS and OS rate point estimates were
ation and any-grade select treatment-related AEs, defined derived from Kaplan–Meier analyses. Statistical
as those with possible immune-mediated etiology. analyses comparing safety between arms were not
Secondary endpoints included ORR, duration of performed.
response (DoR), and PFS, all investigator-assessed per
RECIST v1.1. ORR was defined as the proportion of all Results
treated patients whose best overall response was a Patient population and baseline characteristics
complete or a partial response. DoR was calculated for A total of 194 patients were enrolled in the study from
all treated patients who achieved a complete or partial February 2012 to May 2014; 153 were treated, with 33
response, with DoR defined as the time between dates of assigned to arm N + S and 20 assigned to arm N + P
first response and of disease progression or death, (Additional file 1: Table S1). The remainder received nivo-
whichever occurred first. PFS was defined as the time lumab plus ipilimumab as previously reported [23]. In
from dates of first study medication dose to first disease arm N + S, seven patients completed the dose-escalation
progression or death. OS, an exploratory endpoint, was phase at the N2 dose, with a further 26 patients included
defined as the time from date of first dose of study in the dose-expansion phase at the N5 dose (N = 33). In
medication to the date of death (any reason). If the arm N + S, 18 (55%) patients had one or more dose reduc-
patient did not die, OS was censored on the last date the tions of sunitinib and 21 (64%) patients had at least one
subject was known to be alive. PFS and OS rates were nivolumab dose delay. In arm N + P, seven (35%) patients
calculated over time. Tumor assessments were done at had one or more dose reductions of pazopanib and 11
screening, every 6 weeks (±1 week) from the first study (55%) patients had at least one nivolumab dose delay.
treatment dose for the first four patient visits, and every Arm N + P was not expanded beyond the N2 dose as
12 weeks (±1 week) thereafter until disease progression. per prespecified criteria for DLTs; three patients had
elevated ALT/AST and one had fatigue. Fourteen
Statistical analysis (42.4%) patients in arm N + S had received ≥1 prior
The study sample size required to determine MTD in systemic therapy, and 19 (57.6%) patients (all enrolled
this phase I dose-escalation trial for each dose was in the N + S expansion arm) were treatment-naïve. All
dependent on observed toxicity and posterior inference. 20 patients in arm N + P had received ≥1 prior sys-
Six eligible patients per arm were to be treated with the temic therapy.
N2 dosing regimen initially. Additional patients could be Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics are
assigned to either the same or the higher nivolumab detailed in Table 1. At data cutoff (June 12, 2017),
Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 5 of 12
Table 2 TRAEs (in ≥30% of patients), select TRAEs, and TRAEs leading to discontinuation in ≥2 patients
TRAE, preferred term, n (%)a Treatment arm
N + S (N = 33) N + P (N = 20)
All grades Grade 3 or 4 All grades Grade 3 or 4
Total patients with an event 33 (100.0) 27 (81.8) 20 (100.0) 14 (70.0)
Fatigue 28 (84.8) 3 (9.1) 12 (60.0) 3 (15.0)
Diarrhea 21 (63.6) 3 (9.1) 12 (60.0) 4 (20.0)
Dysgeusia 21 (63.6) 0 10 (50.0) 0
Nausea 19 (57.6) 1 (3.0) 15 (75.0) 0
Hypertension 16 (48.5) 6 (18.2) 5 (25.0) 2 (10.0)
Decreased appetite 16 (48.5) 1 (3.0) 8 (40.0) 0
Increased ALT 13 (39.4) 6 (18.2) 5 (25.0) 4 (20.0)
Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome 13 (39.4) 0 0 0
Increased AST 12 (36.4) 3 (9.1) 6 (30.0) 4 (20.0)
Blood creatinine increased 11 (33.3) 2 (6.1) 1 (5.0) 0
Hypothyroidism 11 (33.3) 0 4 (20.0) 1 (5.0)
Dyspepsia 11 (33.3) 0 4 (20.0) 0
Dry skin 11 (33.3) 0 2 (10.0) 0
Mucosal inflammation 10 (30.3) 0 5 (25.0) 0
Dry mouth 10 (30.3) 0 1 (5.0) 0
Arthralgia 8 (24.2) 0 7 (35.0) 1 (5.0)
Pruritus 8 (24.2) 0 7 (35.0) 0
Vomiting 7 (21.2) 1 (3.0) 6 (30.0) 0
Select TRAE, organ class, n (%) b
were 90.9%, 81.5%, and 81.5%. Among treated patients, PFS was 7.2 (2.8–11.1) months (Fig. 4a). The 6-month PFS
45.5% in this arm received subsequent medical interven- rate was 54.9%, and not calculated for the subsequent
tion, with 42.4% receiving systemic therapy. months in this arm. At a median follow-up of 27.1 months,
In treatment arm N + P, the confirmed ORR (95% CI) was median OS (95% CI) was 27.9 months (13.3–47.0) (Fig. 4b).
45.0% (23.1–68.5). There were no complete responses, nine OS rates at 12, 18, and 24 months were 84.4%, 73.9%, and
(45.0%) patients had partial responses, seven (35.0%) had 63.3%. Among treated patients, 80.0% received subsequent
stable disease, and four (20.0%) had progressive disease. Re- medical intervention, with 70.0% receiving systemic therapy.
sponses were sustained with a median (95% CI) DoR of 30.1
(12.1–174.1) weeks (Fig. 3). Ten of 19 evaluable patients Discussion
treated with N + P experienced a reduction in target lesion In this first study to combine nivolumab with antian-
size of ≥30% (Additional file 4: Figure S3). Median (95% CI) giogenic TKIs, notable clinical activity was observed
Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 7 of 12
Fig. 1 Time to response, duration of response, and time on therapy (weeks) in arm N + S. Patients with confirmed response are presented (n = 18)
Fig. 2 Kaplan–Meier plots of progression-free survival (a) and overall survival (b) in arm N + S
Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 8 of 12
Fig. 3 Time to response, duration of response, and time on therapy (weeks) in arm N + P. Patients with confirmed response are presented (n = 9,
no ongoing responses were observed)
Fig. 4 Kaplan–Meier plots of progression-free survival (a) and overall survival (b) in arm N + P
Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 9 of 12
in patients with aRCC, albeit with substantial tox- monotherapy. Confirmed ORRs of 54.5% and 45.0% were
icity. Extended follow-up of the CheckMate 016 reported in arms N + S and N + P, respectively, with
study in aRCC did not reveal any late-emergent se- median DoRs of 60.2 and 30.1 weeks. High ORRs have also
lect AEs with the nivolumab plus TKI combinations been reported with other immune checkpoint inhibitor
[31]. However, both N + S and N + P combinations plus antiangiogenic combinations in early-phase studies of
resulted in greater frequencies of high-grade/treat- aRCC. These include pembrolizumab in combination with
ment-related AEs and AEs leading to discontinuation axitinib (ORR 73% in 52 treatment-naïve patients) [27] or
than previously observed with nivolumab, sunitinib, lenvatinib (ORR 63.3% in 30 treatment-naïve and
or pazopanib monotherapy. pretreated patients) [28]; avelumab in combination with
Based on the safety results in the N2 dose-escalation axitinib (ORR 58% in 55 treatment-naïve RCC patients)
phase, arm N + S advanced to expansion at the N5 dose [37]; and atezolizumab in combination with bevacizumab
level, while arm N + P was closed due to early DLTs ob- (ORRs of 32% in 101 treatment-naïve RCC patients [phase
served in the initial escalation phase. Overall, 81.8% and II] [38] and 37% in 454 treatment-naïve RCC patients
70.0% of patients in arms N + S and N + P, respectively, ex- [phase III]) [39]. Safety results from the aforementioned
perienced a treatment-related grade 3 or 4 AE. In compari- combination studies were reported as acceptable and in
son, a similar proportion of patients previously experienced most cases comparable to previous reports of either agent
grade 3 or 4 treatment-related AEs with sunitinib (69% of as monotherapy [27, 28, 37–39]. A previous phase I/II
patients treated for 0–4 years, data pooled from 807 pa- study assessing the safety and efficacy of pembrolizumab in
tients across multiple trials) [32]. However, this rate was combination with pazopanib in patients with aRCC dem-
higher than the rate of all-cause grade 3 or 4 AEs previously onstrated preliminary efficacy albeit with significant hep-
reported with pazopanib monotherapy (33% or 7% of pa- atotoxicity [29], suggesting that the choice of TKI may
tients, respectively, in a phase III study [N = 435]) [11], and impact the overall risk versus benefit outcome of the vari-
higher than the rate of grade 3 or 4 treatment-related AEs ous combination therapies under investigation.
previously reported with nivolumab monotherapy (19% of In the current study, which at present has the longest
patients in a phase III study [N = 410]) [7]. Any-grade and follow-up for a combination regimen based on an immune
grade 3 or 4 treatment-related select AEs also occurred checkpoint inhibitor and a TKI, favorable antitumor activ-
more frequently in patients treated with N + S and N + P ity and survival benefits were observed in arm N + S. Two
versus those treated in the nivolumab 3 mg/kg plus (6.1%) patients had a complete response and 16 (48.5%)
ipilimumab 1 mg/kg (N = 47) arm of the CheckMate 016 achieved partial response. Most responses occurred
trial reported earlier [23]. shortly after treatment initiation, and were of notable
Treatment-related AEs of any grade leading to discontinu- magnitude in both arms. Of all patients in arm N + S who
ation occurred in 39.4% and 25.0% of patients in arms N + S had a baseline target lesion and at least one post-baseline
and N + P. In comparison, previous trials have reported that assessment, zero patients had increases in target lesion
11% of patients with cytokine-refractory aRCC discontinued tumor burden, and 67% of patients had a reduction of
sunitinib treatment due to all-cause AEs [10]; 19% (pre- ≥30% in their target lesion tumor burden at a median
treated) and 12% (treatment-naïve) of patients discontinued follow-up of >4 years. Median OS was NR at the time of
pazopanib treatment due to all-cause AEs [11]; and 8% of this analysis in arm N + S, and was 27.9 months in arm N
patients with aRCC who received second-line nivolumab + P. The longer median duration of nivolumab treatment
monotherapy discontinued due to a treatment-related AE in arm N + S (45.1 weeks) versus arm N + P (15.1 weeks)
[7]. In the phase III trial of first-line nivolumab plus ipilimu- may be attributable to inclusion of treatment-naïve pa-
mab versus sunitinib, 22% of patients in the nivolumab plus tients and a longer duration of benefit in this arm.
ipilimumab combination arm and 12% in the sunitinib arm
reported treatment-related AEs leading to discontinuation Conclusions
[24]. An important outcome of the current study, and one While the duration and depth of response observed in arm
that was observed in the nivolumab plus ipilimumab arm of N + S was notable, the toxicity observed in this study with
CheckMate 016 [23], as well as with other immune the currently approved standard dose of sunitinib or pazo-
checkpoint inhibitor-based regimens in various tumor types panib in combination with nivolumab precludes further
[33–36], is that responses were noted to continue beyond clinical evaluation of either combination. The tolerability
treatment discontinuation. results observed in the current study, particularly in arm N
While associated with substantial toxicity, the addition of + P, may reflect toxicity due to the choice and standard
sunitinib or pazopanib to nivolumab showed sustained an- dose of the TKI rather than nivolumab toxicity. Indeed, as
titumor activity in this small, favorable or intermediate risk, mentioned previously, the combination of pembrolizumab
mixed population of treatment-naïve and pretreated aRCC and pazopanib (at the same dose as used in this study) was
patients, with more durable responses compared with associated with significant hepatotoxicity [29], but regimens
Amin et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (2018) 6:109 Page 10 of 12
comprising pembrolizumab and axitinib or lenvatinib ap- Patients with baseline target lesion and at least one post-baseline assessment
pear to be associated with more manageable safety profiles of target lesion are presented (N+P, n = 19). (DOCX 177 kb)
[27, 28]. This suggests that the respective efficacy and safety
of combination regimens based on immune checkpoint in- Abbreviations
hibitors and antiangiogenic drugs may depend on selection AE: adverse event; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; aRCC: advanced or metastatic
renal cell carcinoma; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; CI: confidence interval;
of the antiangiogenic component. Nevertheless, confidence DLT: dose-limiting toxicity; DoR: duration of response; MSKCC: Memorial Sloan
in the concept of combined immune checkpoint blockade Kettering Cancer Center; MTD: maximum tolerated dose; mTOR: mammalian
and antiangiogenesis is demonstrated by the number of on- target of rapamycin; N + P: nivolumab 2 mg/kg plus pazopanib 800 mg; N +
S: nivolumab 2 mg/kg or 5 mg/kg plus sunitinib 50 mg; N2: nivolumab 2 mg/
going phase III studies evaluating the combination of an kg; N5: nivolumab 5 mg/kg; NR: not reached; ORR: objective response rate;
immune checkpoint inhibitor with an anti-VEGF TKI [39– OS: overall survival; PD-1: programmed death-1; PFS: progression-free survival;
43]. These ongoing studies will help further define the role RECIST: Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors; SD: standard deviation;
Select TRAEs: treatment-related adverse events with possible immune-mediated
of these combinations in the evolving armamentarium for etiology; TRAEs: treatment-related adverse events; TKI: tyrosine kinase inhibitor;
treating aRCC. VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor
Limitations We thank the patients and their families, as well as the investigators and
This small phase I study sought to determine a safe and tol- participating study teams, for making this study possible. We also thank the
erable dose of nivolumab as part of a combination regimen late Dr. Paul Gagnier (central medical monitor). Professional medical writing
and editorial assistance were provided by Jennifer Tyson, PhD, Maria
with standard doses of the TKIs sunitinib or pazopanib, to Soushko, PhD, Richard Daniel, PhD, and Lawrence Hargett of PPSI (a PAREXEL
enable further evaluation of the safety and efficacy of such company), funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
combinations in patients with aRCC. This study was only
powered to assess overall safety and tolerability in order to
This study was sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Authors received no fi-
determine the MTD and recommended phase II dose of nancial support or compensation for publication of this manuscript.
each combination regimen in this setting. The antitumor
activity of nivolumab plus TKI combinations was assessed Availability of data and materials
Bristol-Myers Squibb policy on data sharing may be found at https://
as a secondary endpoint in this study by the investigator-
assessed RECIST v1.1 criteria. Additionally, due to the DLTs request-process.html.
observed preventing the expansion of arm N + P, this arm
Authors’ contributions
contained only pretreated patients, while the N + S arm HJH conceived and designed the study. AA, ERP, MSE, LDL, TMB, DFM, MC,
contained a mixed population of pretreated patients (nivo- CK, BIR, DYCH, JK, MHV, JS, and HJH provided patients for the study. All authors
lumab 2 mg/kg plus sunitinib 50 mg) and treatment-naïve collected, reviewed, analyzed and interpreted the data; all authors participated
in writing the manuscript, and approved the final version of the manuscript.
patients (nivolumab 5 mg/kg plus sunitinib 50 mg). No dir-
ect comparisons can therefore be made regarding relative Ethics approval and consent to participate
efficacy or safety between nivolumab plus sunitinib or nivo- The CheckMate 016 study was approved by the local site-specific institutional
review boards or an independent ethics committee and conducted in accordance
lumab plus pazopanib combination regimens, or between with International Conference on Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
either combination therapy and any monotherapy. Ongoing Written informed consent was obtained from all patients based on Declaration
studies will help determine if different dosing regimens, or of Helsinki principles before initiation of any study procedures. The trail was
registered on (NCT01472081) on November 16, 2011.
different immuno-oncology plus TKI combinations, could
yield safe and efficacious outcomes for patients with aRCC. Consent for publication
Not applicable.
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Department of Medicine, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton Nivolumab for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: results of a randomized
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