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Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

386 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
RSA – the Key Generation – Example
1. Randomly choose two prime numbers p and q.
We choose p = 11 and q = 13.

2. Compute n = pq.
We compute n = pq = 11 · 13 = 143.

3. Randomly choose an odd number e in the range 1 < e < ϕ(n) which is

coprime to ϕ(n) (i.e., e ∈ Zϕ(n) ).
ϕ(n) = ϕ(p) · ϕ(q) = 10 · 12 = 120.

Thus, we choose e = 7 (e ∈ Z120 ).

4. Compute d ≡ e−1 (mod ϕ(n)) by Euclid’s algorithm. Thus, de ≡ 1

(mod ϕ(n)).
We compute d ≡ e−1 ≡ 7−1 ≡ 103 (mod ϕ(143) = 120).
Check that 120|7 ∗ 103 − 1 = 721 − 1 = 720.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

387 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
RSA – the Key Generation – Example (cont.)
5. Publish (n, e) as the public key, and keep d secret as the secret key.
We publish (n, e) = (143, 7) as the public key, and keeps d = 103 secret
as the secret key.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

388 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
RSA – Encryption/Decryption – Example
The encryption algorithm E:
Everybody can encrypt messages m (0 ≤ m < nA) to user A by

c = EA(m) = meA mod nA.

The ciphertext c (0 ≤ c < nA) can be sent to A, and only A can decrypt.
Encrypt m = 3:

EA(m) ≡ meA ≡ 37 ≡ 42 (mod 143)

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

389 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
RSA – Encryption/Decryption – Example (cont.)
The decryption algorithm D:
Only A knows his secret key dA and can decrypt:

m = DA(c) = cdA mod nA.

Decrypt c = 42:

DA(c) ≡ cdA ≡ 42103 ≡ 3 (mod 143)

Decrypt c = 2:
DA(c) ≡ cdA ≡ 2103 ≡ 63 (mod 143)

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

390 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Existential Forgery of an RSA Signature
Given a public key (nA, eA) of user A, can another user B create a message m
and a signature DA(m) ≡ mdA (mod nA)?
User B can forge a signature in the following way:
B Chooses y ∈ Zn and calculates x ≡ EA(y) = y eA (mod nA).
Now B can claim that y ≡ xdA (mod nA) is A’s signature on x.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

391 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Multiplication Property of RSA
Multiplication Property:
Given a public key (nA, eA) of user A, and m1, m2 ∈ Zn then

EA(m1 · m2) ≡ EA(m1) · EA(m2) (mod n)

EA(m1) ≡ me1A (mod nA)
EA(m2) ≡ me2A (mod nA)

EA(m1 · m2) ≡ (m1 · m2)eA ≡ me1A · me2A ≡ EA(m1) · EA(m2) (mod nA)


c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

392 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Random Self Reducibility of RSA
Given a public key (nA, eA) of user A:
Assume we are given an algorithm, called ALG, which given EA(m) ≡ meA
(mod nA) can find the message m for 100 of the possible cryptograms.
Show a polynomial random algorithm which given EA(m) ≡ meA (mod nA)
finds the message m with probability ≥ 12 for every cryptogram in Zn∗A .

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

393 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Random Self Reducibility of RSA (cont.)
The Algorithm:
Make t iterations of the following:

1. Randomly Choose z ∈ Zn∗A .

2. Calculate z eA (mod na).

3. Let x = ALG(meA z eA (mod nA)).

4. If xeA ≡ meA z eA (mod nA) then output x · z −1 (mod nA) and finish.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

394 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Random Self Reducibility of RSA (cont.)
If algorithm ALG succeeds, i.e., outputs x such that

xeA ≡ (mz)eA ≡ meA · z eA (mod nA)

Then, m ≡ x · z −1 (mod nA).

For z ∈ Zn∗
{z · x : x ∈ Zn} = z · Zn = Zn
because if for x1, x2 we have:

z · x1 ≡ z · x2 (mod n)

which implies

x1 ≡ z −1 · z · x1 ≡ z −1 · z · x2 ≡ x2 (mod n)

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

395 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Random Self Reducibility of RSA (cont.)
Thus, for every iteration we have 100 probability of success, thus in order to
find m with probability ≥ 12 , t must satisfy:
99 1
 

 ≤
100 2
99 1
 

t log   ≤ log
100 2
Thus, t ≥ 69 suffices.

Note: Can we find the message when EA(m) 6∈ Zn∗A ?

When the cryptogram EA(m) 6∈ Zn∗, we can find either p or q. Thus, we can
find d and then m.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

396 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Random Self Reducibility of RSA (cont.)
Let p be a prime and g be a generator of Zp∗.
Thus, for a ∈ Zp∗ there exists z such that g z ≡ a (mod p). This z is called the
discrete logarithm or index of a, modulo p, to the base of g. We denote
this value as indp,g (a) or DLOGp,g (a).
DLOG is also random self reducible given a generator g of Zp∗.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

397 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Blind Signatures
Usually when we sign a document we check its contents.
But we might want people to sign documents without ever seeing them.
For example, Bob is a notary. Alice wants him to sign a document, but does
not want him to have any idea what he is signing. Bob doesn’t care what the
document says, he is just certifying that he notarized it at a certain time.

1. Alice takes the document and uses a “blinding factor”.

2. Alice sends the blinded document to Bob.

3. Bob signs the blinded document.

4. Alice computes the signature on the original document.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

398 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Blind Signatures using RSA
Can Bob, with a public key (n, e), sign a message m (actually signs H(m))
without knowing its contents?
We choose a random α ∈ Zn∗ and then ask Bob to sign

E(α) · m ≡ αe · m (mod n)

we get:

D(E(α) · m) ≡ (E(α) · m)d ≡ (αe · m)d ≡ α · md (mod n)

thus we need only to calculate α−1 (mod n):

md ≡ α−1 · D(E(α) · m) (mod n)

Note that the function f (x) ≡ xe (mod n) is a permutation of Zn. Moreover,

if α ∈ Zn∗ then αe ∈ Zn∗.
c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005
399 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
An Example of Using Blind Signatures
Problem 1:
Alice wants a virtual 100 dollar note.
Solution 1:
Alice goes to the bank and asks for such a note. The bank gives Alice a signature
on a virtual 100 dollar check.
Denote the bank’s public key by (n, e) and its secret key by d.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

400 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14) †
An Example of Using Blind Signatures (cont.)
Problem 2:
The bank can trace this check to Alice.
Solution 2:
Use a blind signature.
The bank signs a check m by using a blind signature:
Alice wants to get md. Thus, Alice chooses a random α ∈ Zn∗ and then asks
the bank to sign:
E(α) · m ≡ αe · m (mod n)
now Alice needs only to calculate α−1 (mod n):

md ≡ α−1 · D(E(α) · m) (mod n)

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

401 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
An Example of Using Blind Signatures (cont.)
Problem 3:
Alice can trick the bank into giving her a check worth more than 100 dollars.
Solution 3:

• Alice prepares 100 versions of the check m1, . . . , m100.

• Alice chooses random α1, . . . , α100 ∈ Zn∗ at random.

• Alice gives yi = αie · mi (mod n) to the bank.

• The bank asks Alice to reveal 99 of the α’s. Denote the remaining α by
αk .

• The bank signs yk .

• Alice calculates md ≡ αk−1 · (αke · m)d (mod n).

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

402 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
An Example of Using Blind Signatures (cont.)
Assume Alice tries to cheat by using one check mj which is worth a million
If the bank does not ask for αj then Alice gets million dollars. On the other
hand, if the bank does ask for αj , giving it the real αj exposes her deceit.
Alice would prefer to reveal βj such that

m0j ≡ yj · βj−e (mod n)

where m0j is a check on 100 dollars.

yj ≡ mj · αje = m0j · βje (mod n)

βje ≡ αje · mj · m0−1
j (mod n)
βj ≡ αj · mdj · m0−d
j (mod n)
Which means we can find (mj · m0−1 d
j ) .

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

403 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
An Example of Using Blind Signatures (cont.)
Another approach::
The bank will use different public keys for different bill values, i.e., the bank
will use (e100, n100) for 100 dollar bills, (e20, n20) for 20 dollar bills, etc.
For a bill to be valid, it must be formatted like m =“This is a 100 dollar bill,
serial number: x”, where the serial number is a very long random chosen by
Alice, and the bill must be signed using the appropriate public key.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

404 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
We are given the following implementation of RSA:
A trusted center chooses p and q, and publishes n = pq. Then, n is used by all
the users.
He gives the i’th user a private key di and a public key ei, such that ∀i6=j ei 6= ej .

Show that if two users, i and j, for which gcd(ei, ej ) = 1, receive the same
message m, it is possible to reconstruct m by using n, ei, ej , mei , mej .
gcd(ei, ej ) = 1 ⇒ ∃x, y xei + yej = 1
(mei )x · (mej )y ≡ mxei+yej ≡ m (mod n)

Exercise: Show that even one user can reconstruct a message m without
cooperation of any other user.
c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005
405 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Examples (cont.)
Let p and q be prime, n = pq.
Alice wishes to send messages to Bob using the RSA cryptosystem. Unwisely
she does not choose her own keys, but allows Eve to choose them for her. The
only precaution that Alice takes is to check that e 6= 1 (mod ϕ(n)).
Show that Eve can still choose a pair of keys e, d such that encryption and
decryption can be accomplished, but me ≡ m (mod n), for every m ∈ Zn∗.

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

406 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)
Examples (cont.)
Denote ` = lcm(p − 1, q − 1). Thus,

m`+1 ≡ ma(p−1)+1 ≡ 1a · m = m (mod p)

m`+1 ≡ mb(q−1)+1 ≡ 1b · m = m (mod q)
thus by the Chinese reminder theorem

m`+1 ≡ m (mod n).

c Eli Biham - May 3, 2005

407 Tutorial on Public Key Cryptography – RSA (14)

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