Drip Leg & Steam Trap
Drip Leg & Steam Trap
Drip Leg & Steam Trap
Drip Legs:
a) Let condensate escape by gravity from the fast moving steam. The properly sized drip leg acts as a separator by
providing an increase in flow area, which slows the steam flow down allowing the condensate to drop out. This
is important during operation as well as start-up. During operation steam velocities can approach 150 miles (241
kilometers) per hour. Condensate that is carried along at this velocity will not be drained easily unless the velocity
is reduced. Therefore, drip leg diameter must be large enough to create the separator effect by reducing velocity.
Once the system is up to pressure the large drip leg keeps the condensate from being sucked out of the drip leg.
This can happen when high velocity steam moves across the opening to a small drip leg causing a “piccolo effect.”
The high velocity gas experiences a pressure drop, which will cause condensate to be sucked out of a small pipe.
A large drip leg does not experience this pressure drop and therefore able to collect and discharge condensate.
b) Store the condensate until the pressure differential is great enough for the steam trap to discharge it.
On start-up cold piping causes steam to collapse and pressure to drop. This causes a very high condensate
load for the trap to handle, but with virtually no pressure for the trap to use in discharging the condensate. This
is compounded when the condensate line is located above the steam line. So, rather than flood the steam main,
a large drip leg gives the water a place to accumulate until the pressure is sufficient for the trap to handle the
Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice. Visit armstronginternational.com for up-to-date information.
2 Armstrong Steam and Condensate Group, 816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 – USA Phone: (269) 273-1415 Fax: (269) 278-6555
Steam Main Drainage
The selection of drip leg sizes to drain steam mains depends on the warm-up method that will be
Steam Main M
Steam Main M
D Drip Leg H
D Drip Leg
Steam Trap
Steam Trap
Drain Valve
Drain Valve
Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice. Visit armstronginternational.com for up-to-date information.
Armstrong Steam and Condensate Group, 816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 – USA Phone: (269) 273-1415 Fax: (269) 278-6555
Steam Main Drainage
2) Types of Warm-Up:
a) Supervised Warm-Up: is widely used for initial heating of large diameter above 8” (20 cm) or long more than
1000 ft (304 m) mains. Such mains may be warmed up only once in a lifetime. The drain valves for free flow to the
atmosphere are opened wide before steam is admitted to the main. These drip valves are not closed until after all or
most of the warm-up condensate has been discharged. The the trap is opened and can take over the job.
A supervised warm-up will not need such a long drip leg, because only operating load condensate will be removed
automatically by traps, and the condensate load will stay about the same.
(Warm-up of principal piping in a power plant will follow the same procedure.)
b) Automatic Warm-Up: In this case, the boiler is fired, letting the mains and some or all equipment come up to
pressure and temperature without manual help. This kind of warm-up is used more for occasional steam use or
steam system shutdown every night, weekend, or seasonally. In this case, you will need a bigger drip leg because
the condensate load handled by the trap will be much greater, due to the start-up load.
At start-up a high condensate load occurs at low pressure. Once up to temperature there will be less condensate
at high pressure. In this type of warm-up, the steam trap will discharge all the condensate, because there are no
manual drain valves.
Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice. Visit armstronginternational.com for up-to-date information.
4 Armstrong Steam and Condensate Group, 816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 – USA Phone: (269) 273-1415 Fax: (269) 278-6555
Steam Main Drainage
Divide the head dimension by 28(H/28) to get psi. Then divide the warming up load by the start-up time (in hours) to get
lbs. per hour. Table 2 lists orifice capacities at these very low pressures. If your pressure is not listed, do not interpolate.
Capacities can be approximated using this equation:
√ P1
C1 = C2 x
√ P2
C1 = Unknown capacity (#/hr) at actual pressure (P1)
P1 = Actual pressure in psi
P2 = Pressure from chart
C2 = Capacity from chart
Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice. Visit armstronginternational.com for up-to-date information.
Armstrong Steam and Condensate Group, 816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 – USA Phone: (269) 273-1415 Fax: (269) 278-6555
Steam Main Drainage
5) Trap Types
We recommend the use of inverted bucket steam traps because this kind of trap works on the density principle
thereby discharging condensate as soon as it reaches the trap.
Another advantage of the inverted bucket traps is that they fail open, so, incase of trap failure, the main won’t flood.
Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice. Visit armstronginternational.com for up-to-date information.
6 Armstrong Steam and Condensate Group, 816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 – USA Phone: (269) 273-1415 Fax: (269) 278-6555
Armstrong International
Armstrong Steam and Condensate Group, 816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 – USA
Phone: (269) 273-1415 Fax: (269) 278-6555