Perspective: A First-Principles Roadmap and Limits To Design e Cient Supercapacitor Electrode Materials

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A first-principles roadmap and limits to design

efficient supercapacitor electrode materials
Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c9cp02614b
Basant A. Ali and Nageh K. Allam *

Our life is turning into an electronic world where we need our devices charged all the time. Although
batteries have been doing the job so far, we need devices that charge way faster with longer cycling
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

stability. The answer could be supercapacitors; however, electrode materials that maintain both high
energy density and high power density are yet to be discovered. Currently, researchers base their work
on guess and check methods to modify electrode materials with limited organized work that targets the
prediction of the properties of materials at an earlier stage. To this end, density functional theory (DFT)
Received 8th May 2019, could be a realistic tool for early prediction of the properties of supercapacitor electrode materials. The
Accepted 16th July 2019 targeted supercapacitor electrodes should exhibit multiple properties, which can be calculated using
DOI: 10.1039/c9cp02614b different DFT routes. Herein, a roadmap to predict the desired supercapacitive properties of materials
using different levels of DFT is presented. Our target is to let researchers decide which property of the material they wish to predict or develop and choose the appropriate DFT route to do so.

I. Introduction are based on guess and check selection of electrode materials and
electrolytes, while materials design and material–electrolyte
Joseph MacDouall once said, ‘‘Chemistry is a game that electrons interface design are not widely used.3 The limited use of
play’’.1 If one were able to know the roles, they could control the computational prediction in designing materials for supercapacitor
game and uncover the mysteries of materials, which are the devices could be due to the wide variety of computational tools,
backbone of our modern civilization. To this end, energy making it hard to choose the appropriate method in each case. Even
storage platforms are the bottleneck hindering the efficient DFT is divided into many versions. While classical DFT is usually
use of electronic devices. Although Li-ion batteries seem to used to predict the properties of porous carbon materials, electronic
provide an ultimate solution for mobile phones and laptops, DFT is usually used to predict the electronic properties of the
they are not sufficient for larger devices such as electric cars materials. In this regard, the materials used in supercapacitors
and stationary energy storage. For electric cars, they need to be can be divided into capacitive materials and faradaic materials, each
charged and rework efficiently very rapidly, which is controlled with their own charge storage mechanisms and hence their own
by the power density of the energy storage device. In this
regard, supercapacitor devices may provide a solution to the Nageh Allam received his PhD degree
power density problem provided that electrode materials can be in Materials Science and Engineering
tuned to provide such energy density values. For this to happen, from Pennsylvania State University.
both the operating potential window and the resulting maximum He joined the Georgia Institute of
current density need to be maximized.2 However, reports so far Technology as a postdoctoral fellow,
then the Massachusetts Institute of
Energy Materials Laboratory, School of Sciences and Engineering, The American Technology as a research scholar. He
University in Cairo, New Cairo 11835, Egypt. E-mail: moved to The American University in
Cairo in September 2011, where he is
Basant Ali received both her BSc in Chemistry and MSc in now a professor of Materials Science
Computational Chemistry from Alexandria University. She joined and Engineering. His research
The American University in Cairo as a PhD student in Fall 2018. focuses on the fabrication of well-
Her research focuses on applying state-of-the-art computational Nageh K. Allam designed nanostructured materials
methods to study nanostructured systems for use in supercapacitors. with composition, size and shape
Her work also comprises the development of efficient materials for control for use in energy conversion and storage, sensor applications,
high-performance supercapacitor devices. She is a recipient of the and biomedical applications, among others. The research comprises both
Allehedan Endowed Scholarship. experimental and theoretical activities.

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properties. The variations between the energy storage mechanisms, intercalation will be hard. Similarly, if the material is a solid
the electrolyte material, and the computational methods used in crystal with no layered structure, the diffusion of ions will be
materials design made it hard for researchers to decide where to slow, and the power density will be minimal. The third charge
start and how to find the way in designing good materials for use as storage mechanism is known as a battery-like mechanism in
supercapacitor electrodes. which the electrode material undergoes a faradaic process in
For supercapacitor research, it seems that more than one terms of redox reaction(s).14–16 The reversibility and the nature of
version of DFT should be combined to investigate the char- the redox reaction in battery-like materials will give insights into
acteristics of the entire system. While electronic density func- the cycling stability of the electrode material. Moreover, hybrid
tional theory (eDFT) can be used to estimate the conductivity materials (faradaic and non-faradaic) have also been investigated
and quantum capacitance of electrode materials, classical to design better electrodes.13,17 Due to their high electrical break-
density functional theory (cDFT) can provide information about down rates and high dielectric potentials, polymer-based capaci-
the electrode/electrolyte interface by estimating the electrical tors have recently gained extensive attention. Electronic DFT has
double layer (EDL) capacitance. Therefore, DFT, either electro- been widely used to screen and model new polymers for polymer-
nic or classical, is a good tool for predicting the energy storage based supercapacitors.18,19
characteristics of a wide range of potential materials. In this Although the nature of the material itself is important to identify
regard, cDFT was found to be as accurate as molecular dynamics the charge storage mechanism, the nature of the electrolyte is
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

with the calculation time 3 times lower.4 Consequently, cDFT has equally important as it controls the operational potential window,
been used to predict the capacitive behavior of many carbon which controls the resulting power density of the supercapacitor.12,20
materials.3,5,6 However, cDFT is determined to be unsuitable to As aqueous electrolytes usually undergo splitting in low potential
accurately predict the capacitance of pseudocapacitive materials, windows, they are not favorable and are usually replaced with ionic
battery-like materials, and hybrid materials. On the other hand, liquids. However, ionic liquids have large ionic radii, hindering the
eDFT is a good tool for predicting the band gap energy, electronic diffusion of ions into the internal pores of the electrode material.12,21
properties, and quantum capacitance from the density of states The pH of the aqueous electrolyte affects the charge storage
(DOS) of the materials of interest.7 Therefore, the combination mechanism. For example, while Na2SO4 does not usually react with
of eDFT and cDFT should be a perfect tool for predicting the NiOOH and results in EDL capacitance only, the use of H2SO4 leads
capacitance of a plethora of electrode materials. New tools are to the formation of Ni(OH)2 and results in a battery-like behavior.22
aimed at combining both eDFT and cDFT to estimate the overall The electrolytes used in supercapacitors can also be in the form of
capacitance for electrode materials.8–10 Note that different solid materials such as reactive polymers, gel polymers, or dry solid
morphologies will result in different charge storage mechanisms polymers.12 The material/electrolyte interaction in terms of the
and hence will need different computational treatments. Herein, a electrostatic attraction between the material and ions, the possibility
thorough analysis of the available literature is provided and used to of diffusion of electrolyte ions into the pores or layers of the
propose a roadmap for researchers to guide them to select the best materials, the reaction between the material and the electrolyte,
DFT descriptors to screen materials for use as supercapacitor and the mobility of ions in the electrolyte will give insights into the
electrodes. We hope that this roadmap will help in designing better overall capacitance of the electrode material.12,20,21,23,24 In this
supercapacitor devices. It is noteworthy that cDFT and eDFT may regard, DFT can be used to uncover the material/electrolyte
have other terms in the literature due to their wide range of interactions and to provide a solution for the possible charge
applications. cDFT is sometimes referred to as fluid DFT and eDFT storage mechanism and capacitance value.3
usually referred to as DFT without the (e), or quantum DFT (qDFT). The electrochemical capacitance of an electrode material
can be calculated from cyclic voltammetry, charge–discharge
time, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy graphs.2,13
II. Charge storage mechanisms in The shape of a cyclic voltammogram can be an indication of the
supercapacitor electrodes charge storage mechanism (Fig. 1), where the cyclic voltammo-
gram tends to be perfectly rectangular in shape for pure EDL
Materials store electrical charges via different storage mechanisms. capacitive materials and distortedly rectangular in shape when
The electrostatic attraction between the charged surface of a diffusion is predominant (pseudocapacitive materials), and
material and electrolyte ions is called electrical double layer (EDL) clear redox peaks appear when it is a battery-like material.14 It
capacitance, which is usually observed in carbon-based materials2,11 is noteworthy that DFT can predict the electrochemical behavior
EDL capacitance depends on the surface area, pore size, electrolyte and can be related to the Nernst equation to give insights into
ionic size, mobility of the electrolyte ions and material/electrolyte the electrochemical properties of the electrode material.25,26
interface resistance.12 However, if the material exhibits a faradaic
behavior such as the diffusion of electrolyte ions into/out of the
material in terms of fast intercalation or surface redox reaction, this III. Classical density functional theory
will result in pseudocapacitance.2,11,13 Pseudocapacitive materials, (cDFT)
such as MoS2 electrodes, mainly have a layered structure that
facilitates the intercalation of electrolyte ions. If there are no Some parameters do not need expensive electronic calculations
empty orbitals for bonding with the electrolyte ions, the to be accurately determined and it is enough to treat the system

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Fig. 1 The cyclic voltammograms of the different charge storage mechanisms.

classically to obtain accurate results. cDFT is considered to be adsorption fitting.32–34 The gas–solid adsorption process occurs
an analog to eDFT and can be successfully applied to classical at a given temperature and pressure until the system reaches
systems.27,28 In cDFT, the classical solvent density function r(r) equilibrium, which corresponds to the minimum grand potential of
can be acted upon by another functional (function of a function), the system that is a function of the density of the adsorbed gas and
which is the Helmholtz free energy (F). With minimization of F, the Helmholtz free energy.35 One of the approximations used to
the equilibrium solvent density req(r) can be reached. The calculate the theoretical adsorption isotherm is the non-local DFT
equilibrium solvent density can be defined as the number of (NLDFT), which treats the solid surface as inert particles and models
solvent molecules per unit surface area (represented by r) of the the adsorption process with an adsorbent–adsorbate distributed
solute or the interface.4 The functional F can be divided into potential.35 NLDFT gives the minimized grand potential as a
three terms as presented in eqn (1). While the first term (Fid) function of the equilibrium adsorption state subjected to the
represents the non-interacting solvent molecules, the second external potential at a specific potential of the fluid.35 The
term (Fext) represents the external potential due to the inter- Helmholtz free energy second term is usually treated using
action at the solvent–solute interface, and the third term (Fexc) is the smooth density approximation (SDA)36 or fundamental
the solvent–solvent interaction term, which resembles the measure theory (FMT),37 while the third term is usually treated
exchange–correlation term in DFT and it is the only unknown using the Lennard-Jones intermolecular potential in both gas–
term that needs an approximation to be determined.4 Note that m gas and gas–solid interactions. Although NLDFT is, to some
is the chemical potential. extent, good in estimating the characteristics of porous structures,
ð it assumes a homogeneous smooth surface model.35 This is
F½rðrÞ ¼ Fid ½rðrÞ þ Fext ½rðrÞ þ Fexc ½rðrÞ  m rðrÞdr (1) problematic when modeling microporous carbon materials that
usually have a broad pore size distribution.35 Another commonly
used method is the quenched solid DFT (QSDFT), which considers
A. Predicting the characteristics of porous structures the grand potential of the adsorbent and adsorbate, giving a two-
As the EDL capacitance results from the electrostatic adsorption component DFT, where the adsorbent is modeled as a hard core
of electrolyte ions at the surface of the electrode material, the interacting with the adsorbate around it through a pairwise
surface area of the material is crucial to decide whether the attractive potential.35 Once the DFT model is applied to the system,
material will be suitable for the supercapacitor application. In a pore shape must be defined since both NLDFT and QSDFT are
this regard, porous materials are commonly used due to their affected by the pore shape, which greatly affects the results.38
high surface area.29,30 However, if pores are not compatible in However, other methods can work with more than one shape.30
size with electrolyte ions, the porous structure will be The DFT method can then be used to predict the isotherm and the
useless.21,30,31 Therefore, studying porous structures and pore pore properties. The usually used gases in the pore structure
size distribution is necessary to model and screen materials for use analysis for materials in supercapacitors are N2 and CO2. However,
in supercapacitors. Evans et al. illustrated a cDFT-based model to CO2 gas provides more accurate results for carbon materials with
predict the characteristics of porous structures from theoretical pores of sizes 1 nm or lower. NLDFT shows good estimation for
adsorption isotherms, where specific surface area, pore volume, porous supercapacitor electrode materials.31,39–41 For hetero-
pore size, and pore size distribution can be estimated by geneous unsmooth surfaces, QSDFT is most probably used to

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model the isotherm.42–44 Usually both NLDFT and QSDFT are structures modeled by CGDFT can be planar surfaces such as
used to give accurate results over the whole range of pore sizes flat surfaces, slit pores, spherical surfaces, or concave/convex
and porous structures.29,45–47 However, the NLDFT usually cylindrical pores.3 Research studies have proved that a porous
overestimates the pore volume and specific surface area in structure can greatly affect the real EDL capacitance of the material
comparison with the QSDFT and the experimental results.30 as well as the accuracy of the computational calculations. Thus, it
Other pore description models were used to account for the is better to model the right pore structure and ensure that the best
curvature of pores for nanopores such as the electric double- pore structure is chosen for the intended application. The
cylinder capacitor (EDCC) for mesopores and the electric wire minimization of the grand potential of cDFT can be achieved
in cylinder capacitor (EWCC) for micropores.48,49 by considering the oppositely charged, tangentially connected
hard spheres taken into consideration the temperature, pore
B. Predicting the characteristics of electrode/electrolyte size, pore structure, and the surface chemical potential.3,6 The
interfaces EDL capacitance can be calculated as the derivative of the
The suitability of a porous structure for supercapacitor applications surface charge density in terms of surface potentials. Although
depends on its compatibility with electrolyte ions, making it ionic liquid and organic electrolytes have wide potential windows,
necessary to model the electrode/electrolyte interface.50,51 To they have limitations due to their incompatible ionic radii to the
this end, Coarse-Grained Classical DFT (CGDFT) is a good pore size of most of the materials. CGDFT was used to provide
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

model that considers ions in the electrolyte as charged hard insights into the dependence of EDL capacitance on pore size.52,53
spheres and the solvent molecules as hard sphere dimers.3,6 The It was found that an organic electrolyte is relatively not dependent
pair potential between the ionic species (i) and the solvent on pore size compared to an ionic liquid electrolyte. The capaci-
molecules ( j) can be represented by eqn (2).6 Therefore, CGDFT tance was constant at pore sizes beyond twice the ion diameter as
can be used to model electrode/electrolyte interactions represented an EDL is formed due to the presence of both counter ions and the
by the EDL considering the different pore structures. The pore organized solvent molecules as presented in Fig. 2(A and B).53,54

Fig. 2 (A) EDL capacitance of slit nanopores as a function of pore size: (a) ionic liquid electrolyte and (b) organic electrolyte,54 with permission from the
American Chemical Society, copyright 2013. (B) EDL capacitance in terms of the electrostatic potential of the pore (u), R is the pore radius, 2a is the lattice
constant, w is the energy of transfer of one cation or one anion, and the differential capacitance is symmetric about u = 0,55 with permission from the
American Physical Society, copyright 2014. (C) The distribution of ions near the positive electrode, x is the mole fraction of ‘‘1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium
tetrafluoroborate (EMI-BF4)’’,56 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2016. (D) EDL capacitance of nanopores as a function of
pore size,58 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2018. (E) Schematic representation of the ionic interaction in the ionic
mixture electrolyte; black arrows represent the following – I: the TMA+–BF4 interaction, II: the EMIM+–BF4 interaction, III: the steric effect, IV: the
EMIM+–EMIM+ interaction, and V: the TMA+–EMIM+ interaction, and red arrows represent the ion diffusion,59 with permission from the American
Chemical Society, copyright 2017. (F) Ion distribution on the negatively charged walls (EMIM+: 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, TMA+: tetramethylammo-
nium, BF4: tetrafluoroborate),59 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2017.

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CGDFT can provide a good tool for modeling the pore size in the where Di is the self-diffusivity of ion i, ri(r,t) can be obtained from
range from ionic radii to microscopic structures.54 The mechanism 1
the derivative of the Helmholtz functional (F), b ¼ , kB is the
of the charge storage mechanism in a tubular shaped pore kB T
structure was studied as illustrated in Fig. 2(B).55 The charging Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, and Vi(r) denotes the
process occurs due to the swapping of cations with anions when external potential from the electrodes.
the cation–anion attraction is surpassed by the cation-applied
potential interaction. It was found that decreasing the cylindrical
pore size enhances the electrostatic interaction, and the opposite IV. Electronic density functional theory
charges were unbound, while the same charges were packed.55 The (eDFT)
mixed ionic liquid effect on capacitance was also studied using
CGDFT.56,57 The results showed that the mixed liquid has the best In 1998, Kohn won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for simplifying
capacitance due to the best ionic distribution on the positive one of the most watchful chemistry problems; the Schrödinger
electrode as illustrated in Fig. 2(C).56 The curvature effect, such equation.67 Instead of solving the Schrödinger equation
as convex and concave EDLs, was also studied, Fig. 2(D). Upon through the exact wave functions of electrons, Kohn and Sham
increasing the inner radius, the pore becomes slit-like instead of showed that electrons can be treated implicitly and the wave
spherical and the capacitance decreases dramatically.58 The weak function can be replaced by electronic density.68 By minimizing
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

ion–ion interaction in the electrolyte can enhance the power the electronic density energy, the equation can be simplified
density of the supercapacitor while decreasing its energy density into a functional (function of a function). The new functional is
due to the increased distance between the ions at the electrode divided into two parts: the first treats the density through
surface.59 The modeling of ionic liquid mixtures allowed research- minimization through all the wave functions, then the densities
ers to find electrolytes with different ionic interactions that allowed are minimized as well.69,70 Kohn and Hohenberg proved that
enhancement of both power density and energy density.59 Fig. 2(E) the properties of a given electronic system can all be driven
shows that the mesopores attract the cations with strong ion–ion through the electronic density.67 However, multi-electron systems
interactions, which are packed in a dense arrangement, while the showed inaccurate results. Kohn and Sham also provided
micropores attract the cations with weak ion–ion interactions to another solution to this problem through the introduction of
provide high power density.59 Fig. 2(F) presents the ionic distribution electrons in terms of non-interacting particles that have the same
of the charged ions on the surface of the porous electrode.59 CGDFT density of the interacting ones.68 The KS orbitals were presented
research helped in proving that the micropores prefer smaller by a wave function of a Slater determinant of the product of all
ions60,61 and the importance of impurity ions in the electrolytes.62 electrons of all spins. As the KS kinetic energy was also considered
Although charged nanopores prefer small ions, the CGDFT proved as the contribution of all electrons, the energy equation was
that the cylindrical large porous structure can prefer large counter simplified as E = Ts + U + V + Ex, where Ts is the kinetic energy, U
ions if the ionic size was compatible with the large pore size.63 is the interelectron repulsion (Hartree energy), V is the one-body
8 potential couple and Ex is the exchange–correlation term (energy).69
> si þ sj
< 1;
> ro Since DFT depends on the approximation that electrons are not
Uij ðrÞ ¼ (2) interacting, a term representing those interactions should be used
> ZZe 2
s þ sj
: i j ; r i to correct the result, which is named the exchange–correlation
4pe0 er 2 energy. The Ex is also divided into two terms: the exchange energy
and the correlation energy. While the exchange energy is the
where r is the center-to-center distance, e0 is the permittivity of free
electron–electron repulsion minus Hartree energy, the correlation
space, s is the diameter of the spheres, Z is the valence (+1 and 0 for
energy is the hard part to solve. This led researchers to come up
the two spheres in the dimer cation and 1 for the spherical anion),
with approximations for the exchange–correlation function. One of
and e = 1 is the local dielectric constant of vacuum.
the approximations is the local density approximation (LDA), where
As the electrochemical capacitance is also controlled by the
only the local density is used to approximate the exchange–correla-
ionic diffusion of the electrolyte ions near the electrode, the
tion functional.71 Another approximation is the generalized gradient
inclusion of thermodynamic treatment in terms of time-
approximation (GGA), in which the functional is defined by both the
dependent DFT (TDDFT) can be beneficial for the calculation
local electron density and gradient in the electron density. Although
of the dynamics of ions during the charging process in porous
the physical terms used in the GGA are more than those used in the
structures.3 The local density ri(r,t) varies with time according
LDA, the way by which the gradient of electron density included in
to eqn (3).64 The kinetics of the charging process was modeled
the functional is the key point to define its accuracy. One of the
using classical TDDFT by studying the response of the charging
most commonly used approximated functionals is the Perdew–
density and ionic density profile to the variation of the electrode
Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional.71 The functionals differ in
voltage.65 The van der Waals effect on the charging process and the
accuracy according to the properties, structures, and chemical
change in surface charge upon application of the electrode voltage
formulae of the studied systems. Strongly correlated systems, as
over time were successfully studied using classical TDDFT.66
in solid state materials, need some extra treatment such as
@ri ðr; tÞ hybrid functionals or the Hubbard correction.72 Some functionals
¼ rfDi ri ðr; tÞr½bmi ðr; tÞ þ bVi ðrÞg (3)
@t are hybrid, which combine the exact exchange calculated from the

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Hartree–Fock calculation with the GGA and/or LDA exchange– electrode (EDL). The electrode/electrolyte interface can be
correlation, such as the Becke, three-parameter, Lee–Yang–Parr explained by the classical Helmholtz model where two parallel
(B3LYP) functionals.73 In order to solve the wave function, the plates represent the electrode surface and the electrolyte ions
equation should be expressed in terms of basis sets. The basis sets spaced by a distance d. The two parallel plates are oppositely
can be either a plane wave or Gaussian orbital basis set. Atomic charged and the electrostatic potential between them drops
(Gaussian) orbital basis sets are more computationally cheap, but linearly and is independent of the distance of the outer charges.
they are non-orthogonal that depend on the atomic positions and However, the Helmholtz model is not accurate for some
having superposition errors when atoms are close to each other. systems.5 On the other hand, another model, ‘‘Gouy–Chapman
On the other hand, the plane wave function is orthogonal, does model’’, is more accurate since it depends on the application of
not depend on the atomic position, and does not have basis set Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics to the electrolyte charges in
superposition errors. However, it needs many functions to be which the countercharges are distributed along the diffuse
solved. Thus, the previous knowledge of the electronic structure layer and decrease with distance from the electrode so that
and the needed properties will make it easier to decide which the electrostatic potential decreases with increasing distance
functional to use. Although electronic DFT is considered to be from the electrode. The Helmholtz model and the Gouy–Chapman
computationally expensive, it has been used during the past model were combined into a new model, ‘‘Stern model’’, in which
decades to model molecules and solid-state materials for energy the electrolyte ions form a parallel plane of countercharges to the
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

applications18,72,74–76 due to its high accuracy and cost efficiency electrode but do not completely neutralize the electrode charge,
compared to experimental methods. It is important to notice that instead a diffuse layer of the net countercharges exists beyond the
some software packages use Gaussian orbitals in calculations (e.g. ionic plane. However, the previous classical models do not provide
6-31G and ccPVDZ), such as the Gaussian, Dalton and GAMESS a clue about the atomic distribution, chemical interactions or
packages, while others such as VASP, Materials Studio and interfacial structure of the electrode/electrolyte interface.5 On the
Quantum espresso packages use a plane wave basis set. There- other hand, DFT can provide a solution to uncover the exact
fore, it is important to determine whether the system can be electrode/electrolyte interaction through solvation models that
modeled using Gaussian orbitals or a plane wave basis set. model the separation between the electrode charge and the
Details of the basic science behind eDFT and the manipulation of electrolyte countercharge.90–92 The DFT calculations of the
using its methods were previously discussed in the literature.77–80 electronic structure of the electrode can be combined with
For layered structures, such as layered metal oxides or layered the continuum models representing the electrolyte to give the
carbon materials, it is important to determine the van der Waals overall interaction.90,91 Continuum solvation models treat the
(vdW) forces as they control the diffusion of ions into the layered electrode material quantum mechanically using DFT and place
structure during the charge/discharge process. To this end, eDFT it into a cavity within a dielectric continuum. Electrolyte ions
has been a very successful tool for identifying vdW forces in contribute to the continuum through a Debye screening
layered structures of electroactive materials.81–83 However, DFT response.90 Solvation models differ in many terms such as the
cannot be used in its plain form. Thus, modifications to the construction of the cavity. The cavity can be easily determined
theory were made to allow the successful modeling of the vdW through a few parameters from the solute-electron iso-density or
forces with the inserted ions. Grimme84,85 and Hasegawa et al.86 the electrostatic potential. Another method to determine the
proposed an insertion of an empirical correction into eDFT (e.g. cavity is by using atom-centered spheres, which is a complex but
GGA, LDA, hybrid functionals, meta-GGA) to describe the vdW more flexible method.90 The ionic continuum regions and the
forces between layers in a model known as vdW-D. On the other dielectric can be treated linearly or non-linearly with the applied
hand, non-local functionals such as the Rydberg functional87 and potential. The distance between the dielectric and ionic cavities
the vdW-DF88 were used to model graphite and carbon layered can have a value of x or both the dielectric and ionic cavities are
structures.89 Other modifications were applied to the models in shared in the same cavity with no distance between them (shared
recent years to include the exchange–correlation functionals and ionic cavity). Some solvation models such as the LinearPCM,93–95
to allow modeling of hydrogen bonding and other types of CANDLE96 and SCCS97 have an iso-density model for cavity
bonding.82 Some of the new models were implemented in software determination, a linear treatment for fluid dielectric, ionic
packages to be used directly, such as VASP, with many vdW models responses and shared ionic cavity, while the Non-linearPCM95
such as vdW-revPBE, vdW-DF, and vdW-optPBE.81,82 treats both fluid dielectric and ionic responses non-linearly. On
The capacitive and pseudocapacitive behaviors depend the other hand, the Anderson and Jinnouchi model98 and
greatly on the interaction between the electrode and the elec- the Debo et al. model99 have an iso-density model for cavity
trolyte. Thus, in-depth study of the electrified interface between determination, a linear treatment for fluid dielectric, a non-
the charged electrode and the oppositely charged electrolyte linear treatment for ionic response, and separate ionic cavities.
ions is mandatory to understand the nature of capacitance. The soft-sphere model100 uses atom-centered spheres to deter-
When an electrode is in contact with electrolyte ions without mine the cavity and linear treatment for the fluid dielectric with
having a net charge, there will be a potential of zero charge no inclusion of the ionic response and shared cavity model. A
(PZC). At the PZC, the electrolyte ions do not have a preference new developed solvation model for supercapacitor metallic
of accumulation near the electrode and an applied voltage will electrodes named the nonlinear electrochemical soft sphere
be needed to form the aggregates of ions on the surface of the (NESS)90 uses atom-centered spheres to determine the cavity

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Fig. 3 The electrode/electrolyte modeling techniques.

and treats both fluid dielectric and ionic responses nonlinearly Xiong et al.105 performed DFT calculations to investigate the
with separate ionic cavities. The solvation model represents the origin of the high capacitive performance of MnO2/graphite
method of treatments of the relationship between the electrode petals on a carbon nanotube substrate using the GGA and the
and electrolyte, while the electronic structure of the electrode plane-wave self-consistent field (PWSCF). The charge/discharge
should have another method of treatment that will result in the process was simulated by applying stress pressure and calculating
quantum capacitance value. There are two main methods to the relaxation/compression of the MnO2 crystal on the graphite
estimate the electronic information about the electrode in an EDL surface. The researchers were able to calculate the density of
system: the effective screening medium (ESM)101 and joint density states (DOS), the electronic structure, and the charge density
functional theory (JDFT) methods.102,103 The electrode/electrolyte distribution of the MnO2/graphite interface, indicating that the
modeling techniques can be summarized as presented in Fig. 3. charge transfer at the MnO2/graphite interface was facilitated by
the oxygen atoms in the MnO2 without which the resistance of
A. Predicting the electrochemical performance the material would have made it impossible for supercapacitor
Supercapacitors are electrochemical energy storage devices. Hence, applications.105 On the other hand, the defect states and vacancy
it is important to predict and identify the factors controlling their formation energy of Co3O4 showed a great enhancement in
electrochemical performance upon their use in such devices. conductivity and electrochemical performance over other metal
1. Resistance calculations. Supercapacitor electrodes need oxides.107 Thus, DFT is a promising tool for estimating the
to have fast electron transfer during the charge/discharge resistance of electrode materials and their promising performance
processes. However, if the material is not conductive enough as either EDL or diffusion-based supercapacitors.
or cannot perform a redox reaction within the applied potential 2. Predicting the binding energy of ions at the electrode
window, the electrode will not function as needed. To this end, surface. The binding energy between the electrolyte ion and the
DFT can be a good tool for predicting the band diagram of the surface of the electrode material affects the adsorption/desorption
electrode material and giving insights into its electrochemical of ions during the charge/discharge process. In this regard, DFT
performance.104 For EDL-based supercapacitors, the capacitance can predict the binding energy and the effect of the adsorption of
of the material can be estimated via the permittivity of the electrolyte ions on the capacitive performance and conductivity of
material, which can be calculated from the dielectric constant the electrode material. For example, to simulate the adsorption of
of the material. Sharma et al.19 performed a screening of the ions from KOH electrolyte, the DOS of the adsorption of K+ and
capacitive performance of 267 polymers using DFT with the OH ions on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) was calculated using
generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and the band gap DFT (GGA).108 The DOS was found to vary with the type of ion and
correction Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof (HSE06) functional. They the adsorption position, giving insights into the origin of the
were able to calculate the dielectric constants, the band gap capacitance performance of RGO in KOH.108 The binding energies
values, the dielectric losses, and the dielectric breakdown of the between K+ ions and different configurations of nitrogen-doped
studied polymers. The results showed a good agreement with graphene oxide (N-GO) were also calculated using DFT (GGA)109 as:
experimentally reported values, highlighting the reliability of
BE = Ebare surface + Eisolated ion  Esystem with adsorbed ions (4)
DFT in predicting the electronic properties of polymers.19 As the
band diagram and charge density distribution at the electrode The results revealed the nature and strength of the bonding
material and/or the interface between two different materials between the electrolyte ions and the electrode material relative
are crucial to evaluating the performance of supercapacitors,105,106 to the positions of the N atoms.109

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3. Predicting the potential window. Predicting the working simple DFT, it was very promising to uncover the secrets behind
potential window of the electrodes is crucial in determining the the pseudocapacitive behavior of materials. However, eDFT is
expected power density of a supercapacitor, where the higher not only used to identify the charge storage mechanism in
the potential window, the larger the power density. One of the carbon materials, but can also be extended to other materials
main factors affecting the potential window of a supercapacitor such as oxides113,114 and hydroxides.115 It was found that DFT
is the type of the electrolyte used. In this regard, DFT can be can relate the charge storage mechanism and ion intercalation
used to predict the potential window of the electrolyte, enabling to the crystal structure of the metal oxide/hydroxide.113–115 Deng
the screening of a variety of electrolytes to identify the best et al. studied the charge storage mechanism in Co(OH)2 and
performing electrolyte. As aqueous electrolytes, such as diluted CoOOH crystals using DFT (GGA+U). It was found that Co(OH)2
acids, diluted bases, and salts, are limited by the water splitting exhibits a battery-like behaviour with a minimum shift in the
process occurring at 1.23 V,110 ionic liquids (ILs) have been crystal structure, which explains the high stability of the Co(OH)2
emerged as alternatives as the reduction of the cation represents after 8000 cycles, highlighting the promising application of this
the cathodic limit and the oxidation of the anion represents the battery-like behaviour.115
anodic limit.111 To this end, DFT, with either simple basis set 5. Proton intercalation. Acidic electrolytes, such as H2SO4,
models or the plane wave, can accurately predict the highest may be used with d-orbital metal oxide or sulfide electrodes for
occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied possible intercalation of protons into electrode materials,
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

molecular orbital (LUMO). The HOMO represents the anodic resulting in pseudocapacitive behavior. Therefore, the prediction
limit and the ionization energy of the molecule, while the LUMO of the possible proton intercalation should help in the design of
represents the cathodic limit and the electron affinity of the efficient pseudocapacitive electrode materials. As the most com-
molecule. The cathodic and anodic potential limits of each ion monly used pseudocapacitive materials are RuO28,116,117 and
can then be calculated as:111 MXenes,26,118 they were the focus of the DFT studies in the
eLUMO literature. The in-depth understanding of the pseudocapacitive
Vcathodic ¼  nature of the hydrous RuO2 explaining the proton diffusion was
(5) presented by Ozolins et al.116 The DFT (GGA) model was used to
Vanodic ¼  give insights into the electronic properties of RuO2 and the
electron–proton double insertion (RuOOH). From the DOS
where eLUMO and eHOMO are the LUMO and HOMO energies, calculations, it was found that the added electron was confined
respectively, and e is the electron charge. The cathodic limit and around the hydroxyl group. The voltage corresponding to the
the anodic limit of the IL can then be estimated as the proton intercalation was calculated using eqn (6)–(8). It was
maximum of the cathodic limits of two ions and the minimum found that the proton intercalation voltage of bulk RuO2 is low,
of the anodic limits of two ions, respectively.111 As ILs are suggesting that the charge storage mechanism is due to the bulk
liquids, insertion of solvation parameters into the calculation is intercalation and one-dimensional diffusion along RuO2. At
necessary. Thus, the use of solvation models such as the PCM will a higher voltage, the charge storage mechanism involves reversible
add a reality to the calculations. In this regard, Ong et al.111 studied proton adsorption at the surface oxygen to form hydroxyl groups
the potential windows of six ILs using different levels of theory and and water molecules.116
it was found that the use of molecular dynamics combined with DGðn þ 1Þ  DGðnÞ
DFT (GGA) resulted in the best prediction results, while DFT with Vn ¼  (6)
the B3LYP/PCM model overestimated the potential window. Lian
et al.112 used DFT with the long range corrected hybrid functional n 
DGðnÞ ¼ G½RuO2 ; n  G½RuO2   G ½H2  (7)
oB97XD and the atomic basis set 6-311++G** to model a newly 2
mixed IL and to estimate its potential window.112
4. Predicting the charge storage mechanism. As explained G ½H2  ¼ E0 þ EZPE þ kB T  T S (8)
above, the shape of a cyclic voltammogram can give insights 2
into the charge storage mechanism of supercapacitor electro- where n is the number of intercalated protons, e is the electronic
des, see Fig. 1. While the pseudocapacitive behavior is believed charge, DG(n) is the free energy with respect to gas-phase hydrogen
to be due to the delocalized valence electron transfer, the molecules, G[RuO2, n] is the total free energy of RuO2 with n doubly-
battery-like behavior is due to the localized valence electron inserted protons and electrons, G[RuO2] is the free energy of RuO2
transfer.25 In this regard, DFT (GGA) was used to identify the before intercalation, G1[H2] is the standard state free energy of
charge storage mechanism of graphene oxide (GO).25 The DOS hydrogen gas, E0 is the calculated static energy of a hydrogen
of the partially oxidized GO with different degrees of delocalization molecule, EZPE is the zero-point vibrational energy of H2 (0.27 eV),
were calculated. It was found that the partially oxidized GO and S1 is the entropy of gaseous hydrogen (130.68 J (mol K)1).116
exhibited extra energy states around the Fermi level and those Although the previous method was able to shed light on the
states increase with increasing energy delocalization and allow a performance of RuO2, it did not account for the electrode/electrolyte
wider potential window. Those new energy states can accept or interaction, resulting in non-accurate results for the intercalation
donate electrons, providing a better pseudocapacitive behaviour.25 voltage. Thus, more modifications were needed to include the EDL
Although the study included only the DOS calculations using behavior and the electrode/electrolyte interaction.116

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B. Capacitance calculations 1. Quantum capacitance of an EDL capacitor. While the

One of the simplest DFT methods to estimate the theoretical EDL capacitance of a material is usually controlled by the
capacitance of a material is the one presented by Kansara surface area, pore size, and pore structure, the quantum
et al.,119 where the DFT (GGA) calculations on the H-phase of capacitance (CQ) is controlled by the electronic structure of
bilayer aluminum and the T-phase of bilayer antimony revealed the electrode material. Quantum capacitance represents the
the accurate capacitance performance of the two materials. The contribution of the electrode material to the capacitance of the
van der Waals force (EvdW), which represents the interlayer Helmholtz layer at the EDL interface resulting from the electro-
binding energy, was calculated as nic response of the electrode. Both CQ and the EDL capacitance
are important to achieve an overall high capacitance. The total
Ebilayer  Elower layer  Eupper layer
EvdW ¼ (9) surface capacitance (CT) can be calculated according to eqn (13)
without the inclusion of the battery-like or pseudocapacitance
where N is the number of atoms in the system. The dipole effect:120
moment (P) and the interlayer distance (d) can be calculated via DFT
1 1 1
calculations to estimate the stored charge (Qs) using eqn (10). Also, ¼ þ (13)
the energy density (Ed) can be calculated through the difference CT CQ CDL
between the system energy before and after applying the voltage
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

where CDL is the double layer capacitance, which includes the

using eqn (11). The energy density can be used to estimate the
Helmholtz layer and diffuse layer. The electronic structure of
capacitance (Cs) using eqn (12). Electric fields of different values
the electrode material in an EDL capacitor can be described
were computationally applied to the electrode material to elucidate
using the DOS, following two proposed models, to estimate the
the electrochemical behavior of the electrode material as presented
CQ.120,121 For materials with high DOS such as metals, the
in Fig. 4(A–D).119 The results showed the promising performance of
electrode chemical potential (me) and the electrode potential do
the studied materials as supercapacitor electrodes.119 However, this
not change greatly by adding or removing few electrons, where
method was not compared to experimental values and lacks
the total capacitance is a function of the EDL capacitance only
accuracy due to the absence of the electrolyte effect.
(not taking the battery-like and pseudocapacitive behaviors into
Qs = P/d (10) account). However, for materials with low DOS such as semi-
conductor materials, any addition or removal of electrons may
Ed = Eafter(E a 0)  Ebefore(E = 0) (11)
greatly affect the electrode potential.3 Hence, the quantum
Qs2 capacitance has a special importance for non-metals such as
Cs ¼ (12)
2Ed graphene-based electrodes. The quantum capacitance can be

Fig. 4 DFT calculated electrochemical performance of the H-phase of bilayer Al and the T-phase of bilayer Sb vs. the change in the electric field:
(A) dipole moment, (B) charge stored, (C) energy storage, and (D) capacitance,119 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2018.

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calculated as the ratio between the variations of charge (dQ) the Fermi level, affected the DOS, and improved the quantum
and electrode potential (dV) known as the differential electrode capacitance. Quantum capacitance calculations showed that
potential.120–122 Eqn (14) is the commonly used relation between graphene oxide with epoxy groups performs symmetrically in
Q and DOS assuming an uncharged electrode:
positive and negative applied potential windows, while the gra-
dQ phene oxide with hydroxyl groups showed asymmetric behavior
CQ ¼ ¼ e2 DOSðVeÞ (14) with better performance in the positive potential window as shown
in Fig. 5(B and C).121 The DOS and quantum capacitance of
where e is the elementary charge, DOS is the electronic density of graphene can be enhanced as well via N-doping, vacancy defects,
states and (Ve) represents the relative electronic density with and adsorption of transition metal atoms as discussed by Yang
respect to the Fermi level. However, for 2D materials, Cdiff
Q can be et al.122 As presented in Fig. 5(D–F), the increase in defect
calculated according to:122,125–128 concentration increased the defect states and enhanced the
ð þ1 quantum capacitance of graphene.122 The Si, S and P-doped
diff dQ
CQ ¼ ¼ e2 DOSFT ðE  mÞdE (15) graphene along with the Si–N, S–N, P–N co-doped graphene
dV 1
were also investigated126 using DFT to estimate their quantum
  capacitance. Fig. 5(G and H) shows the enhancement in the
1 2 E
FT ðE Þ ¼ ð4kB T Þ sech (16) quantum capacitance upon doping graphene with foreign
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

2kB T
atoms. While the co-doped graphene showed a better enhancement
where FT(E) is the thermal broadening function, E is the relative over a wider range of applied potentials, single atom-doped
energy with respect to the Fermi level, and m is the electrochemical graphene showed enhancement for limited parts of the applied
potential. For pristine graphene, while ignoring temperature, potential, depending on the type of the doped atom.126
Q can be calculated as:

diff dQ gs gv V. Combined classical & electronic

CQ ¼ ¼ e2 jmj (17)
dV 2pðhVF Þ2
where gs is the spin degeneration (=2), gv is the valley degeneration
(=2), and VF is the Fermi velocity of carriers (B108 cm s1). One the Although quantum capacitance calculated using DFT models
other hand, the most important parameter for supercapacitor can be used to screen different materials, it is not enough to
applications is the total energy storage capacity, which represents predict the total interfacial capacitance. The interfacial capacitance
the effective storage capacity per unit of applied potential. depends on both the EDL capacitance and the quantum capaci-
The energy storage capacity relies on the integrated quantum tance as presented by eqn (13), where the electrolyte effect should
capacitance (Cint also be considered. Therefore, researchers have been using
Q ) instead of the differential quantum capacitance
(Cdiff separate methods to calculate the EDL capacitance and the
Q ), which is the differential quantum capacitance integrated over
the charge/discharge cycle using eqn (18), assuming equilibrium in quantum capacitance, adding the two together to get the total
the slow charge/discharge process.120,121,126 Calculations of the capacitance.7,125,129 A new model, known as joint density
quantum capacitance are considered with respect to the Fermi level functional theory (JDFT), has recently been developed130 to
of the working electrode material instead of a reference electrode, self-consistently account for the electrode/electrolyte interface.
which can be considered as the potential at the point of zero charge JDFT treats the electrode material electronically while treating
(PZC). The total charge storage capacity of an electrode at a given the electrolyte classically. The equilibrium state can be achieved
charging potential can be calculated as the Cint through minimization of the total free energy:3
Q multiplied by that
given potential.120 AJDFT[n,{Na},V(r)] = AHK[n] + Alq[{Na}] + DA[n,{Na},V(r)] (19)
Q 1 V where AHK is the electronic energy functional from the Hohenberg–
CQ ¼ ¼ CQ ðV 0 ÞdV 0 (18)
V Ve 0 Kohn theorems, Alq is the classical density functional of the liquid
free energy, and DA is the coupling energy related to the interaction
Quantum capacitance calculations have been widely used to
between the electrode and the electrolyte.
guide researchers to enhance the performance of graphene-
based electrodes.120,122,128 Wood et al.120 used the DFT (GGA) A. Predicting the total capacitance of an EDL capacitor
method to design highly performing graphene-based electrodes
The capacitance of graphene in an electrochemical cell
with high capacitance. The study focused on calculating the
was modeled using JDFT in different electrolytes at different
integrated quantum capacitance while applying different types
concentrations.131 The total capacitance of the electrochemical
of defects, local strains, and curvatures on graphene as pre-
cell (CJDFT
T ) was computed using eqn (20). The JDFT showed a
sented in Fig. 5(A). It was shown that defects can improve the
great demonstration of the Dirac shift in graphene with the
capacitance if provided above certain concentrations.120 The
applied potential and proved to give good insights into the
quantum capacitance of graphene oxide that has epoxy and
capacitance performance of graphene.
hydroxyl groups on its basal plane was studied by Song et al.121
to show the possible enhancement in graphene capacitance. q=s
CTJDFT ¼ (20)
The study showed that the oxygen-containing groups shifted e  ePZC

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Fig. 5 (A) Calculated integrated quantum capacitances of graphene and defected graphene upon addition of different point defects at a defect concentration
of one defect per 54 carbon atoms,120 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2014. (B) Calculated quantum capacitances of graphene
(Gr), epoxy functionalized graphene (–O–) and hydroxyl functionalized graphene (–OH),121 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, copyright 2018.
(C) Calculated stored charges of graphene (Gr), epoxy functionalized graphene (–O–) and hydroxyl functionalized graphene (–OH),121 with permission from
John Wiley & Sons, copyright 2018. (D) DOS (spin up, spin down and total) of the dangling bond C of graphene with different single-vacancy concentrations:
(a) 1.4%, cell (6  6), (b) 3.1%, cell (4  4), (c) 5.6%, cell (3  3), and (d) 12.5%, cell (2  2),122 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2016.
(E) Calculated quantum capacitances of defected graphene with different single-vacancy concentrations,122 with permission from the American Chemical
Society, copyright 2016. (F) Trend chart of the maximum of CQ for different vacancy concentrations,122 with permission from the American Chemical Society,
copyright 2016. (G) Calculated quantum capacitances for doped graphene,126 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2015. (H)
Calculated quantum capacitances for N-co-doped graphene,126 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2015.

where q is the amount of excess electrons, s is the area of Fig. 6(B). The results show that the higher the number of
graphene in the cell, e is the applied potential, and ePZC is the graphene layers, the higher the quantum capacitance. Fig. 6(C)
potential of zero charge.131 The quantum capacitance and the shows the change in surface charge density (the EDL charge, the
total capacitance were calculated with respect to the number of quantum charge, and the total charge) over the applied voltage
graphene layers to show the nature of graphene capacitance.132 for single layer graphene. It was found that the total charge is
While the quantum capacitance was calculated using the JDFT more affected by the quantum charge than by the EDL charge.
method with the PCM solvation model, the EDL capacitance The calculated differential capacitance of total charge in 1 M NaF
was calculated using the CGDFT model with the ionic liquid (Fig. 6(D)) shows a symmetric behavior in both positive and negative
modeled as a mixture of charged hard spheres. The resulting potentials. The study showed that by increasing the number of
quantum capacitance with respect to the applied potential in a graphene layers, the quantum capacitance contributes less towards
vacuum is presented in Fig. 6(A) and in 1 M NaF electrolyte in the total capacitance than the EDL capacitance as shown in Fig. 6(E).

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Fig. 6 Computed capacitance performance of layered graphene using the JDFT model. (A) Quantum capacitances of different numbers of layers of
graphene in a vacuum. (B) Quantum capacitances of different numbers of layers of graphene in 1 M NaF electrolyte. (C) Calculated surface charge
densities for single layer graphene in 1 M NaF electrolyte. (D) Calculated total differential capacitance over the applied voltage for single layer graphene in
1 M NaF electrolyte. (E) Comparative chart of the origin of capacitance relative to the number of layers of graphene. (F) Calculated capacitance in an
aqueous electrolyte vs. that in an ionic liquid,132 with permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright 2015.

The study also compared the ionic liquid effect with that of an total capacitance values of the few layered graphene.9 The study
aqueous electrolyte (Fig. 6(F)), revealing the preference of the aqu- of the CQ and CDL of few-layered graphene and multi-layered Pt
eous electrolyte especially for higher layered graphene.132 revealed the presence of a third term dissident from the EDL
Although the total capacitance calculated for single layer term due to the dielectric response of the electrode. Thus, the
graphene matches the experimental values, few layered gra- total capacitance based on the three terms can be presented as:
phene modeling was not very accurate.9 JDFT also allows the 1 1 1 1
study of the contribution of the dielectric screening of the ¼ þ þ (21)
electric field of the layered material named the dielectric
capacitance (CDielec).9,133 Zahan et al. used JDFT with the LPCM The results showed that by increasing the number of layers,
solvation model to investigate the origin of the deviation in the the quantum contribution decreases, and the contribution of

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the dielectric effect increases with the EDL remaining constant. This where ESub+H is the total energy of H adsorbed and the substrate,
explains the minor change in real capacitance for a larger number of ESub is the total energy of the bare substrate, and DZPE is the
layers.9 JDFT is not only useful for graphene modeling, but was also difference in the zero-point energy of hydrogen on the substrate
successfully used to model 2D boron sheets as a promising super- and that of the H2 molecule. For nH atoms adsorbed, the H
capacitor material.10 The boron sheets were modeled in a potential adsorption energy EH(n) is defined by:8
window from 1 V to 1 V using the CANDLE solvation model. The 1
results showed that the calculated specific capacitance is three to EH ðnÞ ¼ ESubþðnþ1ÞH  ESubþnH  EH2 þ DZPE (25)
four times higher than that of graphene due to the metallic nature
and high DOS of boron, suggesting its promising performance as a comparing the nH adsorption energy and the EDL energy,
supercapacitor electrode.10 The JDFT was also used to shed light on the charge storage mechanism can be unveiled.
the possibility of modeling bare metal electrodes.134 The study used For the non-linear faradaic process, such as in MXene
JDFT with the non-linear continuum solvation model to calculate the electrodes, where there is non-equal proton and electron transfer
capacitance of a bare Pt electrode and a Pt with adsorbed carbon in the electrochemical system, some modifications should be
monoxide (Pt–CO) electrode. The results showed that the Pt–CO applied to model the system using JDFT.26,118 In acidic electro-
electrode has its capacitance divided into the capacitance of the lytes, MXenes exhibit a pseudocapacitive behavior; however, the
metal region (Cm), the capacitance of the diffuse region of the mechanism was not well understood. JDFT was successfully used
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

electrolyte (Cd), the gap capacitance (Cg) which resulted from a gap to explain the origin of the charge storage mechanism of MXenes
formed between the electrolyte ions and the terminal O, and the in acidic medium.26 Zhan et al. provided a modified model to
adlayer capacitance (Ca) between the metal region and the gap give insights into the EDL and pseudocapacitive mechanisms
region. The capacitance of a metallic electrode thus follows occurring on Ti3C2O2 in H2SO4 following the chemical equation:
eqn (22).134 The results unveiled the reasons behind the decrease 0
Ti3C2O2q + 2H+(aq) - Ti3C2O22x(OH)2xq + 2(1  x)H+(aq)
of capacitance of the metal with the adsorbed oxygenated group. (26)
1 1 1 1 1
¼ þ þ þ (22) where x represents the surface H coverage that is between 0
CT Cm Cd Cg Ca
and 1, while q and q 0 are the net charges on the electrode. The
applied voltage usually controls both the x and q values since at
B. Predicting the total capacitance of a pseudocapacitor a fixed potential the partially protonated MXene surface can
Quantum capacitance does not take pseudocapacitance into obtain a net charge when the electrode potential (j) is different
account, resulting in inaccurate results especially for materials from the PZC. Thus, the free energy of the electrode can be
with high pseudocapacitive behavior. JDFT was used by Zahan expressed by:26
et al. to investigate the origin of the capacitance of hydrated RuO2.8 G(x,j) = E(x) + xEZPE + Q(V(x,j)) + EEDL(V(x,j)) + (1  x)mH+
One of the mysteries of RuO2 electrochemical performance is the (27)
appearance of redox peaks at slow scan rates in the potential
V(x,j) = j  jPZC(x) (28)
window 0.1–0.4 V, which completely disappear at high scan rates.
ð V¼jjPZC ðxÞ
Although the pseudocapacitance of RuO2 was studied using DFT,
Qðx; jÞ ¼ CDL dV (29)
the calculations did not take the adsorption and intercalation with V¼0
electrolyte molecules into account. The study used JDFT with the
ð V¼jjPZC ðxÞ
LPCM solvation model to quantify the pseudocapacitance of RuO2
EEDL ðx; jÞ ¼ Qðx; jÞdV (30)
in acidic medium.8 The study suggested competitive mechanisms V¼0
between the low scan behavior and the high scan behavior. At low
scan rates, the study suggests a thermodynamic equilibrium where 1
mHþ ¼ G½H2  þ efSHE  0:059pH (31)
the charge storage mechanism is thermodynamically dominated. 2
To predict the capacitive behavior, the authors suggested that
during the charging process there would be an EDL energy (EEDL) G½H2  ¼ E ½H2  þ ZPE½H2  þ kB T  TSH2 (32)
and a hydrogen adsorption energy (EH). The EEDL was defined as
the energy drop occurring due to the formation of an EDL where E(x) is the total electronic energy of the electrode with the
neutralizing the surface charge as in eqn (23):8 H coverage of x in zero surface charge, EZPE is the zero-point energy
ð V2 (ZPE) difference between x = 0 and 1 states, V(x,j) is the relative
EEDL ¼  CDL VdV (23) potential with respect to the PZC at coverage x and electrode
V1 potential j, Qj is the electrical work to move the charge Q (the
electrode charge) from zero potential to the potential j, EEDL is the
where V1 and V2 are the chemical potential shifts. The EH is
energy of the EDL generated by the electrode charge Q, mH+ is the
defined as the hydrogen adsorption energy of one hydrogen atom
chemical potential of a solvated proton in the electrolyte, and fSHE
and given by:8
is the standard hydrogen electrode potential.26 Employing DFT
1 calculations, one can obtain the parameters in eqn (32) and
EH ¼ ESubþH  ESub  EH2 þ DZPE (24)
2 hence the other terms in eqn (27), giving insights into the charge

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Fig. 7 (A) Charge density change of the Ti3C2Tx electrode after charging from a neutral surface at 0.44 H coverage,26 with permission from the American
Chemical Society, copyright 2018, and (B) calculated charge stored on the Ti3C2Tx surface at different electrode potentials; faradaic charge (balance
proton transfer), EDL charge (balance the surface net charge), and total charge (net electron transfer number),26 with permission from the American
Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

Chemical Society, copyright 2018.

transferred due to the EDL and due to the redox reaction. The should be considered and other pore structures should be used.38,48
study assumed two extreme cases, full or no coverage of H atoms The EDL capacitance can be estimated through the consideration of
on surfaces with x = 1 and 0, respectively. Fig. 7(A) presents the the electrode/electrolyte interaction using CGDFT to model the
charge density of the 0.44 coverage of H on the surface of the surface charge. The CGDFT was able to model the capacitance
studied MXene. The total charge was calculated to investigate of the OLC electrode in EMI-BF4/EMI-TFSI electrolyte to give
the origin of the charge stored when compared with the surface 5–8 mF cm2 device capacitance, which is in a good agreement
net charge as presented in Fig. 7(B). The study showed that in with the experimental value of 6 mF cm2.56 By applying
the potential window between 0.5 V and 1 V vs. SHE, the thermodynamics to DFT (TD-DFT), it is possible to predict
proton transfer from H2SO4 to the MXene was 0.6e, while the the ion dynamics at the electrode/electrolyte interface and the
electron transfer to the MXene from the applied voltage was charging kinetics, which reflects the power density of the
0.4e, resulting in a net charge of 0.2e on the surface per unit formula electrode material.64–66 In cDFT, the usual solvation models
of MXene. Thus, the dominated charge storage mechanism is are the classical Helmholtz model, the classical Gouy–Chapman
the redox process, while the EDL mechanism works against the model, and the classical Stern model. The latter is considered to
redox process.26 be the more accurate model for supercapacitor applications.5
However, for cDFT, the correct pore structure should be used in
the calculations and the accuracy of the calculations will be poor
VI. Summary & outlook for aqueous electrolytes as the EDL will not depend on the pore
structure anymore. Besides, for low conductivity materials, the
In this review, the different charge storage mechanisms in quantum effect will have a major role in controlling the EDL
supercapacitor electrodes were summarized. Also, the use of capacitance and better models that account for the electronic
DFT to predict the origin of the charge storage mechanism and distribution should be used.
calculate the capacitive properties of the electrode material was cDFT is limited to predicting the capacitance of EDL-based
explained. The review discussed the modelling of electrode materials and it does not include any electronic treatment,
materials in terms of classical DFT (cDFT) and electronic DFT hence ignoring the faradaic behavior of the electrode material.
(eDFT). For porous 3D or 2D carbon materials, it is important to However, eDFT can give some insights into the faradaic properties
identify the porous structure, the pore size, and the pore volume.21,31 along with the EDL properties of the electrode material. One of the
cDFT was shown to give insights into porous structure from the most important characteristics of the electrode material is its
predicted isotherm using QSDFT and NSDFT.45–47 While NSDFT was conductivity, which can be easily and accurately predicted using
shown to give accurate results for microporous and smooth surfaces, eDFT, and it can be calculated for both faradaic and non-faradaic
QSDFT is more efficient for mesoporous and microporous materials.105–107 Also, the permittivity of the electrode material can
structures.35 The combination of the two methods is better used be estimated through eDFT, giving an indication of the distinction
for materials with inhomogeneous pores. For carbon materials with of some materials over others for electronic applications.19 The
nanopores with sizes 1 nm or lower, it is better to use CO2 gas for the binding energy between the electrolyte ions and the electrode
isotherm calculation. However, the pore shape of the carbon material can also be predicted, indicating the possibility of inter-
material should also be considered to indicate the accurate results calation or an EDL. eDFT can accurately estimate the electrode
of the material. While the double slit can be used for microporous atom–electrolyte ion binding energy.109 Moreover, DFT can be
materials, for mesoporous or microporous structures the curvature used to calculate the electrical potential window beyond which

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Published on 16 July 2019. Downloaded on 8/3/2019 6:48:00 PM.

Fig. 8 Roadmap to the use of DFT to unveil the supercapacitor electrode performance.

the electrolyte will dissociate and gives insights into the stability electrode materials.132,133 However, for metals with adsorbed
of the electrode material itself upon exposure to the applied molecules, some modifications should be made to the calculations.
potential.111,112 The defect states and extra states available for JDFT was used to model both Pt and Pt–CO after adding the
occupation by electrons are always an indication of possible metal region capacitance, the gap capacitance and the adlayer
intercalation, and hence a pseudocapacitive behavior.25 Thus, region capacitance to the calculations. The results showed the
using eDFT to predict the DOS could help in predicting the same trend as the experimental ones, with the calculated
charge storage mechanism. In addition, the thermodynamic capacitances (27 and 9 mF cm2 for Pt and Pt–CO, respectively)
treatment of the eDFT results can be a good tool for predicting shifted from the experimental values (70 and 11 mF cm2), with
the origin of the pseudocapacitive behavior as well.116 the shift being larger for the bare metal.134 JDFT depends on
The prediction of the capacitance value can also be achieved the combination of quantum capacitance and EDL capacitance.
using eDFT only or using a combination of both eDFT and However, the quantum capacitance ignores the faradaic effect.
cDFT. eDFT can predict the quantum capacitance based on the Thus, modifications have been applied to model and under-
DOS of the electrode material.120,121 The quantum capacitance stand the pseudocapacitive effect of electrode materials.8,26
can be accurately calculated for 2D single layered or multi- However, there is no universal model for identifying the charge
layered materials that do not undergo faradaic processes, with storage mechanism for all materials, which should be the target
results close to experimental values.121,122,135 The quantum in the near future. Fig. 8 summarizes the possible properties
capacitance can be used to predict the doping effect and the that can be predicted using DFT calculations. In summary,
defect effect in graphene-based electrodes. However, for materials DFT (cDFT, eDFT or JDFT) can give a good prediction of the
that undergo faradaic processes, such as MnWO4, the quantum distinction of the electrode material. However, more modifications
capacitance is poor to predict the real capacitance. The Cq of should be applied to predict the pseudocapacitive behavior and the
MnWO4 was predicted to be 762 mF cm2, while the experimental battery-like behavior of electrode materials. Moreover, the road-
value was 256 F g1 at 0.4 A g1. This overestimation may be due to map can be extended to other applications such as catalysis137
the resistance of the other components in the supercapacitor cell and fuel cells.138
or due to the inaccuracy of the eDFT due to the inclusion of the d
orbitals in the DOS calculations.136 The combination of the Conflicts of interest
continuum solvation models with the eDFT and the inclusion of
the EDL capacitance in the total capacitance calculations have There are no conflicts to declare.
been the target for the ultimate prediction of the capacitive
performance of electrode materials. The JDFT model can give Acknowledgements
information about the quantum capacitance by treating the elec-
trode material using eDFT and give information about the EDL Support for this work by The American University in Cairo
capacitance by treating the electrode material using cDFT.3 JDFT is gratefully acknowledged. Basant Ali is supported by an
showed a good capacitance prediction for layered graphene Allehedan Endowed Scholarship.

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