Aural: Exam Guidance: Supporting Tests - Aural
Aural: Exam Guidance: Supporting Tests - Aural
Aural: Exam Guidance: Supporting Tests - Aural
This test supports the development of At most grades, candidates are asked to
candidates’ abilities in musical perception and describe various features of the music such
understanding by requiring them to recognise as dynamics, articulation, texture and style.
musical features by ear (for example metre Candidates are not required to sing.
and pulse, pitch, performance characteristics).
Practice tests can be found in Trinity’s
All questions are based on a single musical Aural Tests from 2017 books, available from
example played at the piano by the examiner. or from your local
music shop.
Parameters Task Requirement
Grade 1
Parameters Task Requirement
Grade 2
Parameters Task Requirement
Grade 3
Parameters Task Requirement
Grade 4
Parameters Task Requirement
Grade 5
Parameters Task Requirement
i) Clap
the pulse on the second playing,
Listen to the piece twice stressing the strong beat
ii) Identify the time signature
Identify the changing tonality
Listen to the piece twice ii) Identify
the final cadence as perfect,
8 bars plagal, imperfect or interrupted
Identify the interval as minor or major
Major or Listen to two notes from the melody line second, minor or major third, perfect fourth
minor key played consecutively or fifth, minor or major sixth, minor or
major seventh or octave
2346 i) Identify
the bar in which the change
Study a copy of the piece, and listen to it
once as written and once with a change of rhythm occurred
of rhythm and a change of pitch (both ii) Identify
the bar in which the change
changes in the melody line) of pitch occurred
Grade 6
Parameters Task Requirement
Grade 7
Parameters Task Requirement
Study a copy of the piece, and listen Locate and describe the changes
to it twice with three changes as pitch (melody line only) or rhythm
Grade 8
Parameters Task Requirement