Purchasing Behavior, Turkey
Purchasing Behavior, Turkey
Purchasing Behavior, Turkey
Sadraddin Azami
Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Burçin KAPLAN
Istanbul – Turkey
Online shopping is a relatively new type of retail shopping. It has now been adopted all over
the world including Turkey. Nowadays, online shopping is still not as well known or accepted
as in many other developed countries, and though the knowledge of online shopping in most
of the countries are now beginning to increase rapidly. There are many factors which effect on
the intention of online customers’ behavior while performing online shopping. In this study,
the effect and relationship of five important factors; web environment, product characteristics,
security and confidence to internet, promotion offers and the price of product to customers
purchasing behavior was tested and formed the basis of this research. The study was conducted
from the international students of Istanbul Universities. The data was collected from 215
respondents who provided the data through closed ended questionnaires. The study analysis
was done based on descriptive statistics and SEM analysis intended to determine the
relationship between the factors and online purchasing behaviors. The study findings indicate
that web environment, product characteristics and promotional offers had a significant
relationship with the customers’ purchasing behavior in online shopping. However, security
and confidence to internet and price of product had no significant relationship with customers’
purchasing behaviors in online shopping, though the existing effect between the variables were
positive, but they were not significant. The study recommends for adoption of policy,
managerial and regulative measures especially intended to enhance the management for
supporting online purchasing as means to enhancing the mode of online purchasing for the
growth of online trade.
In the past decades; the internet has created a massive volume of excitement in all aspects of
human life such as living style, interaction with others, education, business and etc. There are
many reasons given for the growth of internet usage over recent times, including, using easy
and accessible for the user, its size as the source of information, daily updatable and decreasing
its cost over the passing of time (O’Cass & Fenech, 2003). Interactive features of Web and
Internet give the opportunity for the consumers to purchase the products easily and with better
performance and also save their time and money. Rapidly growth in WWW (world wide web)
and Internet in the 90s created the E-commerce which guaranties the future of many companies
and organization (Huang et al., 2007). Factors affecting customer’s purchasing behavior in
online shopping are several; the focus of the current study is to measure how different factors
The internet is developed for the globe systems in order to connected the computer network
that are used in the internet protocols by providing a link to the billions of the devices in the
world form. The issue began in the California for the 1969 and starts the connection of the
network for the rest of continents in 1988. The internet which is containing billions of personnel
sectors, governmental, non-governmental sectors commercial sector, education sectors and all
local and global networks which are linked with each other by the use of technologies such as
optic and wireless and the help of a broad management system. (Manual and Wiley-Blackwell,
Jarvenpa, Tractinsky and Vitale (2000) argued that the growing of the electronic business
environment has paved the ground for all the human to purchase and sell most of goods in
online way. The provisions that have seen emerging mechanisms that hinder the effect of the
organizations. The companies that have a proper network that sell the consumer goods in the
global scale; which has provided a feat that is virtually possible for them through internet
management whereas they were not able to do so before the existence of internet.
Electronic commerce is thus an activity that for purchasing requirements from internet (Close
& Kukar-Kinney, 2010). The introduction of internet provides a transformation of the business
that is done in the world. E-commerce provides a wide sale for the reach in the increment for
the cash and capital requirements in the businesses. The arrival of the internet has transformed
the way businesses are conducted all over the world.
Internet connectivity through e-commerce is an important management field that emerge from
the internet environment. The past few years have seen the internet develop in the vast market
for the place of goods and services. E-business therefore is an imaginary condition of focus in
the channel of business transactions management. The world business to consumer e-
commerce was the sales are expected to increase by 20.1% in 2014 to the reach of 1,500 trillion
Dollars. Growing the primary focus come from the ever increasing online and mobile use of
the bases in the newly developed markets, increasing trade sales, increasing the shipping and
payment options to the push into international markets (EMarketer, 2013).
Online purchasing also referred to online shopping and internet purchasing behaviors means
the process that the goods and service are being purchases through the internet applications (Li
& Zhang, 2012). The demand and needs of consumers has provided a change of the extent for
online rotation that is becoming the serious issue for the management of the consumers
Factors Affecting on Online Purchase Behavior
Environment of Web
Attracting the current customers in a highly competitive online marketplace and assessing the
size of the intention market is very important for an internet marketer. To meet the expectations
Other researchers in their academic studies such as Chen (2009) in his dissertation entitled
"Online consumer behavior: suggest that the theory of planned behaviors provides an extension
of the planned theory planned behavior (TPB) and includes the 10 important determinants as
the outside beliefs for the online consumers and their behaviors. The results for the assessments
for the results reveal that perceived easiness for the use and trust for the essential determinants
in the detection of the consumer behaviors in the behaviors and attitudes for control. The results
further show that cost reduction aid the consumers in creating the right mind for the buying
behaviors. The results indicate that the influence for the determinants for the flow and
concentrating on the presence of the consumers and their attitudes. Concentrating on positive
related to the issue of the purchase due to the presence of the likely reductions in the consumers
for a possible or Lack of concerns for the uncertain environment online.
Ying (2006) in the study set to investigate the model for the consumption mechanism on the
consumer behaviors through purchasing online environment, the study set to examine the effect
on online purchasing behaviors in the cross multiple shopping issues, therefore shopping can
have abandonment for the ban on the e-commerce websites. The study investigated the
abandonment for shopping on line in the shops through shopping the settings; the study focus
is developed on the model for the cart order and purchase quantity decisions. The dependence
between the decision making is considered by the correlations between the error terms. The
empirical notes reveal that abandoning the shopping can lead to the loss of sales. Customers
have to have routine picks for thrown carts and finish for the last orders. The factor assessment
for the continuity of the abortion for shopping the time, time elapsed since the last visits. The
research indicates that the offer for the marketing support the managerial stances and implied
form for mitigation of the shopping and abandoning of the troubles.
Khalifa and Limayem (2009) conducted a research on the drivers for internet as established
through behaviors to provide an explanation of internet consumption in the behavior. The
provided issues reveal that the survey study to identify the issues that affect buying through the
websites and examining the value and relevance. The mechanisms imply that intentions for the
internet consumption have a direct significance for the effects for shopping by the consumers
and attitudes for the social effects.
The research employed applied research to solve the practical research phenomenon and
problem. The study methodology can help to handle the research in business and provide
solutions to the existing environment problems. The research focus on solving the issues in the
business. The assessment is based on the set hypothesis that sought to determine the influence
of the factors of online purchasing on purchasing intentions. The analysis of the hypothesis of
the study will be determined based on level of significance at 0.05 significance levels in the
Data Collection Instruments and Method
For obtaining the primary and quantitative data for the research, the researcher used from self-
administered questionnaire. Whereas it has been experiential considering the various research
options in order to gather the information systematically, the questionnaire has received the
accurate to be a perennial favorite, a recurrent select of researchers as of its being versatile,
time efficiency and cost efficacy including the ability to get the job done. Here, self-
administered questionnaires will be employed containing both close-ended questions. Self-
administered questionnaires were used to obtain data for the study since it has been experiential
that in considering the various research choices for gathering information systematically, the
questionnaires gotten reputation through frequent select of researchers because of its time,
efficiency and cost efficiency including the ability to get the job done.
Sampling Methods
Sampling methods are the ways in which observations are selected from a population to form
a sample. The sample is then used to generalize for the target population. A probability
sampling is when each object of the population has an equal chance of being selected and hence
the results are more likely accurate to reflect the entire population. A non-probability sampling
however is not random and samples are selected based on the subjective judgement of the
researcher (Barreiro & Albandoz, 2001).
For the purpose of this research, a type of non-probability sampling, ‘convenience sampling
method’ has been used to target the respondents. A convenience sampling method is a sampling
technique where target population is a convenient and easy to approach sources of data
collection (Abrams, 2010). Using online tool Google forms, the survey questionnaire was sent
to the participants i.e. international students of Istanbul Aydin University.
Model Specification
𝑃𝐵 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑊𝐸 + 𝛽2 𝑃𝐶 + 𝛽3 𝑆𝐶 + 𝛽4 𝑃𝑂 + 𝛽5 𝑃𝑃 + 𝜀 (3.2)
Where ‘ε’ represents the error term and assumed to be independent
PB = Online Purchase Behavior WE = Web Environment
PC = Product Characteristics SC = Security and Confidence
PO = Promotional Offers PP = Product Price
Table above presents the response rate of the responses to which the research instruments were
administered. The findings presented reveal that out of 243 respondents who were targeted 215
responded giving a response rate of 88.4%. The response rate was hence quantitatively and
qualitatively viable and provides a representation of the entire sample plus the population.
Correlation Analysis
It is a bivariate kind of examination that computes the solid connection among two factors. In
insights, the connection coefficient esteem lies among +1 and - 1. On the off chance that the
estimation of the relationship coefficient is +1 or - 1, at that point it is known as an ideal
measure of association among the two factors.
Size of Correlation Interpretation
.90 to 1.00 (-.90 to –1.00) Very high positive (negative) correlation
.70 to .90 (-.70 to -.90) High positive (negative) correlation
.50 to .70 (-.50 to -.70) Moderate positive (negative) correlation
.30 to .50 (-.30 to -.50) Low positive (negative) correlation
.00 to .30 (.00 to -.30) Little if any correlation
Spearman rank connection test does not take any supposition in with respect to the distribution
of the information isn't taken by the spearman rank relationship and is the reasonable
relationship investigation when the factors are determined on that scale which is less ordinal.
Multicollinearity is an association among the explanatory variables. Pallant (2007) expressed
that there must be probably some connection among explanatory and dependent variables,
ideally more noteworthy than 0.3. Besides, the connection between the explanatory variables
ought not be an excess of high and such factors ought not be incorporated while running the
Normal distribution
The values for asymmetry and kurtosis between -2 and +2 are considered acceptable to prove
normal univariate distribution (George & Mallery, 2010). West et al. (1996) stated that if the
value of kurtosis exceeded from 7.1 then the data will be expelled from the normally
distribution. The below table provides the information about the skewness and kurtosis. All the
values fall within the limit thereof supporting the evidence of normally distributed data.
Normally Distribution
Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
Customer Purchasing Behavior -.406 .200 -.337 .397
Web environment -.544 .200 .416 .397
Product Characteristics -.244 .200 -.695 .397
Security and Confidence -.276 .200 -.266 .397
Promotional Offers .113 .200 -.438 .397
Product Price -.377 .200 -.218 .397
Source: Author’s estimation
The histogram and Normal P-P Plot also indicate that residuals are normally distributed thereof
fulfilling the assumption. All the residuals are close to the straight line from left to top right
which depicts normal distribution.
An independent t-test has been conducted to examine whether there is significant difference in
the mean value of selected variables between male and female. The results of independent t-
test are presented below.
Similarly, one-way ANOVA has been conducted to examine the difference with respect to age
and educational characteristics.
Whereas the Security & Confidence variable was significant as shown in the table above.
Therefore, the Tukey HSD (Honestly significant difference) test is implemented to show in
which group of ages, this significant exists.
Mean Difference
Dependent Variable (I-J) Std. Error Sig.
15-20 21-25 -0.26 0.24 0.82
years 26–30 0.05 0.23 1.00
31–35 -0.17 0.23 0.94
>36 -0.03 0.23 1.00
21-25 15-20 0.26 0.24 0.82
26–30 .31* 0.11 0.05
31–35 0.09 0.11 0.94
Security and >36 0.23 0.12 0.33
Confidence 26–30 15-20 -0.05 0.23 1.00
21-25 -.31* 0.11 0.05
31–35 -.22* 0.08 0.03
>36 -0.09 0.09 0.89
31–35 15-20 0.17 0.23 0.94
21-25 -0.09 0.11 0.94
26–30 .22* 0.08 0.03
Tukey Post-Hoc test has been conducted to see the significant difference in the mean value of
age in term of security and confidence. The result shows that there is significant difference in
the mean value of security and confidence between 21-25 and 26-30. Similarly, significant
difference has been observed for 26-30 with 21-25 and 31-35. Likewise, 31-35 and 26-30 also
significantly differ.
Particulars Initial Extraction
Web environment 1.000 0.616
Product Characteristics 1.000 0.372
Security and Confidence 1.000 0.929
Promotional Offers 1.000 0.806
Product Price 1.000 0.595
Customer Purchasing Behavior 1.000 0.802
Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring.
All the extraction communalities values based on principal axis factoring are suitable for the
further factor analysis. A very small value doesn’t suitable for the factor analysis and should
be dropped before proceeding. Therefore, it can be seen from the above table that all the values
are suitable for factor analysis and selected variables can be used for further proceeding.
Factor Matrix
Variable 1 2 3
Web environment 0.378 0.309 0.060
Product Characteristics 0.411 0.198 -0.288
Security and Confidence 0.052 -0.027 0.065
Promotional Offers -0.171 0.207 0.408
Product Price 0.714 -0.399 0.134
Customer Purchasing Behavior 0.942 0.131 0.070
Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring.
The first factor is associated with customer purchasing behavior, product price, product
characteristics and web environment. The second factor is attached with web environment and
product price. Finally, the third factor is attached with promotional offers.
Regression Weights
Particulars Estimate S.E. C.R. P
Customer Purchase Behavior <--- Web
0.342 0.091 3.758 0.000
Customer Purchase Behavior <--- Product
0.104 0.042 2.476 0.013
Customer Purchase Behavior <--- Security
0.302 0.220 1.373 0.179
and Confidence
Customer Purchase Behavior <---
0.209 0.091 2.297 0.027
Promotional Offer
Customer Purchase Behavior <--- Product
-0.589 0.861 0.684 0.392
Source: Author’s estimation
Results Discussion
The results indicate that web environment had a significant relationship with customer
purchasing behavior. The study indicate that web environment has positive and significant
effect on customer purchasing behaviors, the results agree with those of Haque et al. (2009)
argued web environment has a relationship with customer purchasing behavior. It is important
for the Internet marketer to attract the existing consumers in the highly competitive online
marketplace and evaluate the size of the target market. They are also in line with those of Haubl
and Trifts (2000) contend that web environment has a significant relationship with customer
buying behavior. Internet marketing environments allow vendors to create retail interfaces with
highly interactive features. Habul and Trifts (2000) contend that web environment has a
relationship with customer purchasing behavior. Internet marketing environment a distinction
has been made between person interactivity and machine interactivity. Similarly, product
characteristics has a significant influence on customer purchasing behavior. Even Ige (2004)
argued that importance of product in online business comes from the fact that, the image of the
online stores has some fundamental differences from traditional stores. Generally, consumers
like to choose a store that maximizes their satisfaction with these perceived qualities. Even
Moon (2004) argued that product characteristics are an important aspect to understand
consumer’s intentions to patronize specific retail channels. Since, Internet is more suited for
marketing of some products than others. It has shown that security and confidence to internet
had no significant effect on customer purchasing behavior, even though the effect may have
been rather weak, but insignificant. The promotional offers has significant relationship with
customer purchasing behavior the results are in agreement with those of the previous studies.
Finally, product price had no significant influence with customer purchasing behavior. Thus,
there is mix trend about the factors which are affecting on the customer purchasing behavior.
The below table will summarize the overall results.
Hypothesis Decision
Hypothesis Result Decision
H1: Web environment has significant effect on
Positive and Significant Accepted
customers’ purchasing behavior.
The study findings indicate that there are five factors such as web environment, product
characteristics, security and confidence to internet, promotional offers and price of product
who effect on customers’ purchasing behavior has been examined. The study concludes web
environment highly support the customer purchasing behaviors since the relationship was
highly significant in the study, the study concludes that a highly web environment supports the
customer purchasing behavior. The study on the second objective concludes that there is
significant effect of product characteristics on customers’ purchasing behavior. It has been
observed that product characteristics enhancement has a potential of improving the customer
purchasing behavior in online purchasing in Istanbul city. The results on security and
confidence to internet reveal that it had no significant effect on customer purchasing behavior.
These could be that security and confidence is highly available while transacting online. The
results show that promotional offers had significant relationship with customer purchasing
behavior. The study indicate that promotional offers existed in the market, contribute to
customer purchasing behavior. The study concludes that the price for online products don’t
affect the online buying behavior whereas its relationship with customer’s purchasing behavior
was insignificant. The relationship indicate price doesn’t support the purchasing hence
implying that online purchasing behavior can’t be altered by the price of the products online.
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