NTC - Application Process

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External Services

Broadcast Services Division (BSD)
External Services

VI. Service Specifications

SERVICE NAME: 1. Issuance of

A. Permit to Purchase for Broadcast Stations
B. Permit to Possess and Construction Permit
for Broadcast Stations
C. Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
(New/Renewal) for Broadcast Stations
D. TVRO Station License (Renewal)
E. CATV Station License (New/Renewal)
A Permit to Purchase is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person, firm,
company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to purchase/acquire
a radio transceiver.

A Permit to Possess is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person, firm,

company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to possess/own a
radio transceiver.

A Construction Permit is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person,

firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to construct or
install radio transceivers or radio station(s) in the Broadcast Service.

A new Radio Station License is a written authority issued by the Commission to a

person, firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to
operate a radio station in the Broadcast Service.

An application for renewal of Radio Station License is submitted to the Commission on

or before the expiration date of the license to be renewed.

A CATV Station License is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person,

firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to operate a
commercial cable antenna television system.

An application for renewal of TVRO Station License or CATV Station License is

submitted to the Commission on or before the expiration date of the license to be

Broadcast Services Division (BSD),

Office or Division:
Office of the Commissioner (OC)

Classification: Simple

Type of Transaction: G2B – Government to Business Entity

Who may avail: Private Broadcast Entities


A. Permit to Purchase for Broadcast Stations

1. Duly accomplished Application for Permit to NTC BSD
2. Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA), OR Copy of NTC
valid Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC), OR
Copy of duly received Motion for Extension/Renewal
3. For existing stations, copy of valid Temporary NTC
Permit (TP) / Radio Station License (RSL), OR Copy
of duly received application for renewal of TP/RSL
B. Permit to Possess and Construction Permit for
Broadcast Stations
1. Duly Accomplished Application for Permit to NTC BSD
2. Duly accomplished Application for Construction NTC BSD
3. Copy of valid Permit to Purchase NTC
3.1. If expired Permit to Purchase,
3.1.1 Duly received application for Permit to
Purchase (extension)
3.1.2 Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA),
OR Copy of valid Certificate of Public
Convenience (CPC), OR Copy of duly
received Motion for Extension/Renewal of
C. Temporary Permit / Radio Station License for
Broadcast Stations
C.1 Temporary Permit / Radio Station License for
Broadcast Stations (NEW)
1. Duly accomplished Application for Temporary NTC BSD
Permit / Radio Station License
2. Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA), OR Copy of NTC
valid Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC), OR
Copy of duly received Motion for Extension/Renewal
3. Copy of valid Construction Permit NTC
3.1. If expired Construction Permit, Copy of duly
received application for extension of
Construction Permit
C.2 Temporary Permit / Radio Station License for
Broadcast Stations (RENEWAL)
1. Duly accomplished Application for Temporary NTC BSD
Permit / Radio Station License
2. Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA), OR Copy of NTC
valid Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC), OR
Copy of duly received Motion for Extension/Renewal
3. Copy of valid Temporary Permit (TP) / Radio Station NTC
License (RSL)
D. TVRO Station License (RENEWAL)
1. Duly accomplished Application for TVRO Station NTC BSD
2. Copy of TVRO Station License NTC
3. Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA), OR Copy of NTC
duly received Motion for Renewal of PA
4. List of Combiner, Satellite Receivers, Modulators, PECE/Applicant
LNA/LNB and other Head-End Equipment prepared
and signed by a duly licensed Professional
Electronics Engineer (PECE) / Electronics Engineer
5. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/PRC
license of the Supervising PECE / ECE
6. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/NTC
ROC of Radio Technician
E. CATV Station License
E.1 CATV Station License (NEW)
1. Duly accomplished Application for CATV Station NTC BSD
2. Copy of valid Certificate of Authority (CA), OR Copy NTC
of duly received Motion for Renewal of PA
3. List of Combiner, Satellite Receivers, Modulators, PECE/Applicant
LNA/LNB and other Head-End Equipment prepared
and signed by a duly licensed Professional
Electronics Engineer (PECE) / Electronics Engineer
4. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/PRC
license of the Supervising PECE / ECE
5. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/NTC
ROC of Radio Technician
6. List of Programs Offered – Channel, Program, and Applicant
Signal Source
E.2 CATV Station License (RENEWAL)
1. Duly accomplished Application for CATV Station NTC BSD
2. Copy of valid CATV Station License NTC
3. Copy of valid Certificate of Authority (CA), OR Copy NTC
of duly received Motion for Renewal of CA

4. List of Combiner, Satellite Receivers, Modulators, PECE/Applicant
LNA/LNB and other Head-End Equipment prepared
and signed by a duly licensed Professional
Electronics Engineer (PECE) / Electronics Engineer
5. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/PRC
license of the Supervising PECE / ECE
6. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/NTC
ROC of Radio Technician
7. List of Programs Offered – Channel, Program, and Applicant
Signal Source
Supporting Documents for Representative(s)
1. Authorization letter duly signed by the applicant and Person being represented
valid ID of the authorized representative.

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees Processing Person

to be Time Responsible
Pre – Assessment Stage
1. Submits 1. Screens/Assesses 1 Hour Engr. I, II,
application at BSD application as to the CDO II
completeness of BSD
submitted documents

1.1 If complete, issues Econ. I, III

Statement of BSD
Account (SOA) for
the Filing Fee
1.1 Receives the
SOA and
application, and
proceeds to
Payment Stage
1.2 If incomplete, Engr. I, II,
issues Notice of CDO II
Deficiency (NOD) BSD
and returns the
1.2 Receives back
the application
and NOD

Payment Stage
2. Pays the required
2.1 Submits SOA 2.1 Issues Order of 0.17 Hour Acctng. Staff
and application Payment Acctng. Unit
at Window 1, 2nd FD, PFMB

2.2 Pays prescribed 2.2 Receives Please 0.17 Hour Cashier

fees at Window payment, issues see Cash Unit
2, 2nd Floor Official Receipt Fees GSD, AB
and indicates to be
proof of payment Paid
on the Table
application form
Processing Stage
3. Returns to BSD to 3. Receives application 0.25 Hour Receiving
submit the with proof of payment Staff,
application with Technical Staff
proof of payment BSD
3.1 Assigns Unique 0.25 Hour Admin Staff,
Identification CDO II
Number (UIN) BSD
and issues
t Receipt (AR)
3.1 Receives the AR
3.2 Processes the 6 Hours Admin Staff,
application; Engr. I, II
encodes and BSD
prints the

3.3 Checks printed Engr. I, II

permit/license BSD
and indexing, and
encodes to
3.4 Reviews printed 1 Hour Engr. II,
permit/license Chief
and affixes initial BSD
3.5 Forwards 0.25 Hour Releasing
application with Staff
printed BSD
permit/license to
the Office of the
Commissioner for
initial approval
3.6 Affixes initial and 4 Hours Deputy
forwards Commissioner
application with
permit/license to
the Office of the
Commissioner for
3.7 Approves/ 12 Hours Commissioner
3.8 Issues approved 0.25 Hour Releasing
permit/license to Staff
3.2 Presents the AR the Applicant Office of the
and receives Commissioner
permit/license at
the Office of the
TOTAL 24 Hours

Fees to be Paid: Based on NTC Memorandum Circular No. 19-12-2000; Republic

Act No. 10963

A. Permit to Purchase for Broadcast Stations

Amount (in PHP)
Particulars Low Medium High
Powered Powered Powered
Filing Fee (per unit) 180.00 180.00 180.00
Purchase Permit Fee (per unit) 120.00 240.00 360.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00 30.00 30.00

B. Permit to Possess and Construction Permit for Broadcast Stations

Amount (in PHP)
Particulars Low Medium High
Powered Powered Powered
Possess Permit Fee (per unit) 84.00 120.00 240.00
Documentary Stamp Tax
30.00 30.00 30.00
(per document)
Note 1: For AM Broadcast (Output Power):
High Powered (10KW & above)
Medium Powered (above 1KW / below 10KW)
Low Powered (1KW & below)

Note 2: For FM / TV Broadcast (ERP):

High Powered (90KW & above)
Medium Powered (above 10KW / below 90KW)
Low Powered (10KW & below)

1KW or less Per KW or 1KW or Per KW or
AM/BC fraction thereof less fraction thereof
in excess of in excess of the
the first 1KW first 1KW

Filing Fee (per unit) 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00

Construction Permit
1,200.00 180.00 480.00 180.00
Fee (per station)

5KW or less Per KW or 5KW or Per KW or
FM/BC fraction thereof less fraction thereof
in excess of in excess of the
the first 5KW first 5KW

Filing Fee (per unit) 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00

Construction Permit
1,200.00 180.00 480.00 180.00
Fee (per station)

First 35KW or Per 5KW or First 10KW Per 5KW or
TV/BC less fraction or less fraction thereof
thereof in in excess of the
excess of first 10KW
the first
Filing Fee (per unit) 400.00 100.00 200.00 100.00
Construction Permit Fee
1,440.00 220.00 480.00 220.00
(per station)

C. Temporary Permit / Radio Station License for Broadcast Stations
1KW or less Per KW or 1KW or Per KW or
fraction less fraction thereof
AM/BC thereof in in excess of the
excess of the first 1KW
first 1KW

License Fee (per year) 2,400.00 675.00 1,200.00 240.00

Inspection Fee
720.00 720.00
(per year)

5KW or less Per KW or 5KW or Per KW or
fraction thereof less fraction thereof
FM/BC in excess of in excess of the
the first 1KW first 1KW

License Fee (per year) 1,200.00 220.00 840.00 220.00

Inspection Fee
720.00 720.00
(per year)

First 35KW Per 5KW or First 10KW Per 5KW or
or less fraction thereof or less fraction thereof in
TV/BC in excess of excess of the first
the first 35KW 10KW

License Fee (per year) 3,600.00 1,200.00 2,160.00 200.00

Inspection Fee
720.00 720.00
(per year)

D. TVRO Station License (RENEWAL)

Particulars Amount (in PHP)

License Fee (per year) 2,600.00
Inspection Fee (per year) 720.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00

E. CATV Station License

Particulars Amount (in PHP)

Filing Fee (per station) 400.00
Construction Permit Fee (per station) 1,140.00
License Fee (per year) 3,600.00
Inspection Fee (per year) 720.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00

SERVICE NAME: 2. Issuance of
A. Permit to Possess and Construction Permit
B. Temporary Permit (New/Renewal)
for Broadcast Auxiliary Stations
A Permit to Possess is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person, firm,
company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to possess/own a
radio transceiver.

A Construction Permit is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person,

firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to construct or
install radio transceivers or radio station(s) in the Broadcast Service.

Broadcast Services Division (BSD),

Office or Division:
Office of the Commissioner (OC)

Classification: Simple

Type of Transaction: G2B – Government to Business Entity

Who may avail: Private Broadcast Entities


A. Permit to Possess and Construction Permit

for Broadcast Auxiliary Stations
1. Duly accomplished Application for Permit to NTC BSD
2. Duly accomplished Application for Construction NTC BSD
3. Copy of valid Permit to Purchase NTC
3.1 If expired Permit to Purchase,
3.1.1 Duly received application for extension
3.1.2 Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA),
OR Copy of valid Certificate of Public
Convenience (CPC), OR Copy of duly
received Motion for Extension/ Renewal
4. Copy of valid Temporary Permit / Radio Station NTC
License (for Broadcast Stations)
4.1 If expired Temporary Permit / Radio Station
License, Copy of duly received application
for renewal

5. Engineering Plans signed and sealed by a duly PECE/Applicant
licensed Professional Electronics Engineer
(PECE), to wit:
5.1 Network Diagram indicating locations of
5.2 Map showing exact location (Region,
Province, City/Municipality, Barangay) of
stations with geographical coordinates
(Longitude/Latitude in
5.3 Antenna System Plan (Type, Gain, Azimuth,
Height Above Ground)
B. Temporary Permit for Broadcast Auxiliary

B.1 Temporary Permit for Broadcast Auxiliary

Stations (NEW)
1. Duly accomplished Application for Radio NTC BSD
Station License / Temporary Permit
2. Copy of valid Construction Permit NTC
2.1 If expired Construction Permit, Copy of duly
received application for extension of
Construction Permit
3. Copy of valid Temporary Permit / Radio Station NTC
License (for Broadcast Stations)
3.1. If expired Temporary Permit / Radio Station
License, Copy of duly received application
for renewal of Temporary Permit / Radio
Station License
B.2 Temporary Permit for Broadcast Auxiliary
Stations (RENEWAL)
1. Duly accomplished Application for Radio Station NTC BSD
License / Temporary Permit
2. Copy of Temporary Permit / Radio Station NTC
License (for Auxiliary Stations)
3. Copy of valid Temporary Permit / Radio Station NTC
License (for Broadcast Stations)
3.1 If expired Temporary Permit / Radio Station
License, Copy of duly received application for
renewal of Temporary Permit / Radio Station
Supporting Documents for Representative(s)
1. Authorization letter duly signed by the applicant Person being represented
and valid ID of the authorized representative.

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees Processing Person
to be Time Responsible
Pre – Assessment Stage
1. Submits 1. Screens/Assesses 1 Hour Engr. I, II,
application at BSD application as to the CDO II
completeness of BSD
submitted documents
1.1 If complete, issues Econ. I, III
Statement of BSD
Account (SOA) for
1.1 Receives the the Filing Fee
SOA and the
application, and
proceeds to
Payment Stage
1.2 If incomplete, Engr. I, II,
issues Notice of CDO II
Deficiency (NOD) BSD
and returns the
1.2 Receives back
the application
and NOD
Payment Stage
2. Pays the required
2.1 Submits SOA 2.1 Issues Order of 0.17 Hour Acctng. Staff
and application Payment Acctng. Unit
at Window 1, FD, PFMB
2nd Floor
2.2 Pays 2.2 Receives Please 0.17 Hour Cashier
prescribed fees payment, issues see Cash Unit
at Window 2, Official Receipt Fees GSD, AB
2nd Floor and indicates proof to be
of payment on the Paid
application form Table
Processing Stage
3. Returns to BSD to 3. Receives application 0.25 Hour Engr. I, II
submit the with proof of payment BSD
application with
proof of payment
3.1 Assigns Unique 0.25 Hour Admin Staff,
Identification CDO II
Number (UIN) and BSD
3.1 Receives the Receipt (AR)
3.2 Processes the 17 Hours Admin Staff,
application; Engr. I, II
encodes and prints BSD
the permit
3.3 Checks printed 3 Hours Engr. II,
permit and CDO II
indexing, and BSD
encodes to
3.4 Approves/ 3 Hours Engr. II,
Disapproves Chief
permit BSD
3.5 Forwards 0.25 Hour Admin Staff
application with BSD
approved permit to
BSD for the
release of the

3.2 Presents the

AR and
receives permit
at BSD
TOTAL 24 Hours

Fees to be Paid: Based on NTC Memorandum Circular No. 19-12-2000; Republic
Act No. 10963
A. Permit to Possess and Construction Permit
Amount (in PHP)
Particulars Low Medium High
Powered Powered Powered
Possess Permit Fee (per unit) 84.00 120.00 240.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00 30.00 30.00

Amount (in PHP)

Particulars Low Medium High
Powered Powered Powered
Construction Permit Fee (per station)
A. Base Station 240.00 240.00 240.00
B. Land Mobile Station 240.00 240.00 240.00
C. Portable Station - - -
Filing Fee (per unit) 180.00 180.00 180.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00 30.00 30.00

B. Temporary Permit
Amount (in PHP)
Particulars Low Medium High
Powered Powered Powered
License Fee (per year)
A. Base Station 480.00 600.00 720.00
B. Land Mobile Station 240.00 360.00 480.00
C. Portable Station 240.00 360.00 480.00
Inspection Fee (per year)
A. Base Station 480.00 480.00 480.00
B. Land Mobile Station 240.00 240.00 240.00
C. Portable Station 240.00 240.00 240.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00 30.00 30.00
Modification Fee (per station) 180.00 180.00 180.00

SERVICE NAME: 3. Issuance of
A. Permit to Import CATV Equipment
B. Permit to Import Broadcast Equipment

Online application to be filed at the Philippine

National Single Window (NSW) website
A Permit to Import is a written authority issued by the Commission to
government/private entities acquiring CATV/Broadcast Equipment from abroad.

Broadcast Services Division (BSD),

Office or Division:
Office of the Commissioner (OC)

Classification: Simple

Type of Transaction: G2B – Government to Business Entity

Who may avail: Private Broadcast Entities


A. Permit to Import CATV Equipment
1. Copy of Invoice Supplier
2. If Radio Dealer,
2.1 Copy of Radio Dealer’s Permit NTC
2.2 Authorization to import from CATV Operator Applicant/CATV Operator
B. Permit to Import Broadcast Equipment
1. Copy of Invoice Supplier
2. Copy of Permit to Purchase Broadcast Transmitter/ Applicant
3. If Radio Dealer,
3.1 Copy of Radio Dealer’s Permit NTC
3.2 Authorization to import from Broadcast Operator Applicant/Broadcast Operator
Supporting Documents for Representative(s)
1. Authorization letter duly signed by the applicant and Person being represented
valid ID of the authorized representative.

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees Processing Person
to be Time Responsible
Pre – Assessment Stage
1. Submits 1. Screens/Assesses 2 Hours Engr. II
application at BSD application as to the BSD
completeness of
submitted documents

1.1 If complete, Engr. II

accepts application BSD
and issues
Statement of
Account (SOA) for
the Filing Fee
1.2 If incomplete, Engr. II
issues Notice of BSD
Deficiency (NOD)
and returns the
1.1 Receives back
the application
and NOD

Payment Stage
2. Pays the 2. Refers to NSW Please - Cashier
prescribed fees website process see NSW
Note: Payment does Fees Accredited
not go through to be Banks
NTC side Paid

Processing Stage
3.1 After payment 18 Hours Admin Staff
(online), processes BSD
the application for
Permit to Import
via National Single
Window (NSW)
3.2 Approval/ 2 Hours Engr. I, II
Disapproval by BSD
Authorizer 1
3.3 Approval/ 2 Hours Engr. V
Disapproval by BSD
Authorizer 2
3.4 Approval/ 2 Hours Deputy
Disapproval by Commission
Authorizer 3 er

3. Views/Prints
approved permit
thru National
Single Window
(NSW) website
Total 24 Hours

How to compute the FEE to be paid

Permit to Import FEEIMPORT = IMF + DST

Fees to be Paid: Based on NTC Memorandum Circular No. 19-12-2000; Republic

Act No. 10963
Particulars Amount (in PHP)
Permit to Import (IMF) (per invoice) 240.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (DST) (per document) 30.00

SERVICE NAME: 4. Issuance of
A. Construction Permit due to Modification of
Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
B. Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
for Broadcast Stations and Broadcast Auxiliary
A Construction Permit is a written authority issued by the Commission to a person, firm,
company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to construct or install
radio transceivers or radio station(s) in the Fixed and Land Mobile Service.

An application for modification of Radio Station License is submitted to the Commission

if there is change in ownership, location, addition/deletion of radio communications
equipment, or any particulars indicated in the license.
Broadcast Services Division (BSD),
Office or Division:
Office of the Commissioner (OC)
Classification: Complex
Type of Transaction: G2B – Government to Business Entity
Who may avail: Private Broadcast Entities


A. Construction Permit due to Modification of
Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
A.1 Construction Permit due to Modification of
Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
1. Duly accomplished Application for Construction NTC BSD
2. If modification due to: PECE
2.1 Increase/Decrease of Power,
2.1.1 10KW and above, Copy of approved
2.1.2 Below 10KW, Copy of Motion and
Technical Study and Engineering Plans of
the proposed modification signed and
sealed by a duly licensed Professional
Electronics Engineer (PECE)
2.2 Change of Location,
2.2.1 If the same municipality, Copy of Motion
and Technical Study and Engineering
Plans of the proposed modification signed
and sealed by a duly licensed PECE

2.2.2 If different municipality, Copy of approved
Order/ Decision
2.3 Change of Frequency, Technical Study and
Engineering Plans of the proposed modification
signed and sealed by a duly licensed PECE
2.4 Change of Equipment, Copy of Permit to
3. Copy of Temporary Permit / Radio Station License Applicant/NTC
to be modified
A.2 Construction Permit due to Modification of
Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
1. Duly accomplished Application for Construction NTC BSD
2. Engineering Plans of the proposed modification PECE
signed and sealed by a duly licensed Professional
Electronics Engineer (PECE), to wit:
2.1 Network Diagram indicating locations of stations
2.2 Map showing exact location (Region, Province,
City/Municipality, Barangay) of stations with
geographical coordinates (Longitude/Latitude in
2.3 Antenna System Plan (Type, Gain, Azimuth,
Height Above Ground)
3. Copy of Permit to Purchase/Possess NTC
4. Copy of Temporary Permit / Radio Station License Applicant/NTC
to be modified
B. Temporary Permit / Radio Station License
1. Duly accomplished Application for Temporary NTC BSD
Permit / Radio Station License
2. Copy of Construction Permit NTC
3. Copy of Temporary Permit / Radio Station License NTC
to be modified
Supporting Documents for Representative(s)
1. Authorization letter duly signed by the applicant and Person being represented
valid ID of the authorized representative.

Processing Person
Client Steps Agency Actions to be
Time Responsible
Pre – Assessment Stage
1. Submits 1. Screens/Assesses 1 Hour Engr. I, II,
application at BSD application as to the CDO II
completeness of BSD
submitted documents
1.1 If complete, issues Econ. I, III
Statement of BSD
Account (SOA) for
the Filing Fee
1.1 Receives the
SOA and
application, and
proceeds to
Payment Stage
1.2 If incomplete, Engr. I, II,
issues Notice of CDO II
Deficiency (NOD) BSD
and returns the
1.2 Receives back
the application
and NOD
Payment Stage
2. Pays the required
2.1 Submits SOA 2.1 Issues Order of 0.17 Hour Acctng. Staff
and application Payment Acctng. Unit
at Window 1, FD, PFMB
2nd Floor
2.2 Pays 2.2 Receives Please 0.17 Hour Cash Clerk
prescribed fees payment, issues see Cash Unit
at Window 2, Official Receipt Fees GSD, AB
2nd Floor and indicates to be
proof of payment Paid
on the application Table

Processing Stage
3. Returns to BSD to 3. Receives application 0.25 Hour Engr. I, II,
submit the with proof of payment CDO II
application with BSD
proof of payment
3.1 Assigns Unique 0.25 Hour Admin Staff,
Identification CDOII
Number (UIN) and BSD
3.1 Receives the Acknowledgement
AR Receipt (AR)
3.2 Conducts 37 Hours Engr. I, II,
technical study as CDO II
to the feasibility of BSD
the requested
3.2.1 Processes Admin Staff,
application; Engr. I, II
encodes CDO II
and prints BSD
3.2.2 Checks Engr. I, II,
printed CDO II
permit/ BSD
license and
encodes to
3.3 Reviews printed 2 Hours Engr. II, V
permit/license BSD
3.3.1 Forwards 0.25 Hour Releasing
application Staff
with printed BSD
to the Office of
the Deputy
for initial
3.4 Affixes initial and 4 Hours Deputy
forwards Commissioner
application with
permit/license to
the Office of the
Commissioner for

3.5 Approves/ 12 Hours Commissioner
3.6. Issues approved 0.25 Hour Releasing
permit/license to Staff
the Applicant Office of the
3.2 Presents the Commissioner
AR and
at the Office of
TOTAL 56 Hours

Fees to be Paid: Based on NTC Memorandum Circular No. 19-12-2000; Republic

Act No. 10963

A. Construction Permit due to Modification of Temporary Permit / Radio Station

License for Broadcast Station and Broadcast Auxiliary Station
Particulars Amount (in PHP)
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00

1KW or less Per KW or 1KW or Per KW or fraction
fraction less thereof in excess of
AM/BC thereof in the first 1KW
excess of
the first
Filing Fee (per unit) 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00
Construction Permit Fee
1,200.00 180.00 480.00 180.00
(per station)

5KW or Per KW or 5KW or Per KW or fraction
less fraction less thereof in excess of
FM/BC thereof in the first 1KW
excess of
the first
Filing Fee (per unit) 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00
Construction Permit Fee
1,200.00 180.00 480.00 180.00
(per station)

First Per 5KW or First Per 5KW or fraction
35KW or fraction 10KW or thereof in excess of
TV/BC less thereof in less the first 10KW
excess of the
first 35KW

Filing Fee (per unit) 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00

Construction Permit Fee
1,440.00 220.00 480.00 220.00
(per station)

SERVICE NAME: 5. Issuance of Permit of Purchase for Broadcast
Auxiliary Stations
A Permit to Purchase/Possess is a written authority issued by the Commission to a
person, firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to
purchase/acquire a radio transceiver.

Broadcast Services Division (BSD),

Office or Division:
Office of the Commissioner (OC)

Classification: Highly Technical

Type of Transaction: G2B – Government to Business Entity

Who may avail: Broadcast Entities


Permit to Purchase for Broadcast Auxiliary

1. Duly accomplished Application for Permit to NTC BSD
2. Copy of valid Temporary Permit (for Broadcast NTC
3. Copy of valid Temporary Permit (for Broadcast NTC
Auxiliary Station, if existing)
4. Engineering Plans signed and sealed by a duly PECE
licensed Professional Electronics Engineer (PECE),
to wit:
4.1 Network Diagram indicating locations of stations
4.2 Map showing exact location (Region, Province,
City/Municipality, Barangay) of stations with
geographical coordinates (Longitude/Latitude in
4.3 Antenna System Plan (Type, Gain, Azimuth,
Height Above Ground)
Supporting Documents for Representative(s)
1. Authorization letter duly signed by the applicant and Person being represented
valid ID of the authorized representative.

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees Processing Person
to be Time Responsible
Pre – Assessment Stage
1. Submits 1. Screens/Assesses 1 Hour Engr. I, II,
application at BSD application as to the CDO II
completeness of BSD
submitted documents
1.1 If complete, issues Econ. I, III
Statement of BSD
Account (SOA) for
1.1 Receives the the Filing Fee
SOA and
application, and
proceeds to
Payment Stage
1.2 If incomplete, Engr. I, II,
issues Notice of CDO II
Deficiency (NOD) BSD
1.2 Receives back and returns the
the application application
and NOD
Payment Stage
2. Pays the required
2.1 Submits SOA 2.1 Issues Order of 0.17 Hour Acctng. Staff
and application Payment Acctng. Unit
at Window 1, FD, PFMB
2nd Floor
2.2 Pays 2.2 Receives Please 0.17 Hour Cashier
prescribed fees payment, issues see Cash Unit
at Window 2, Official Receipt Fees GSD, AB
2nd Floor and indicates proof to be
of payment on the Paid
application form Table
Processing Stage
3. Returns to BSD to 3. Receives application 0.25 Hour Engr. I, II,
submit the with proof of payment CDO II
application with BSD
proof of payment

3.1 Assigns Unique 0.25 Hour Admin Staff,

Identification CDOII
Number (UIN) and BSD
Receipt (AR)
3.1 Receives the
3.2 If application 0.25 Hours Releasing
requires Staff
assignment of BSD
application is
forwarded to
3.2.1 RSPD issues
Frequency 56 Hours RSPD
3.3 Processes the 24 Hours Admin Staff,
application; Engr. I, II,
encodes and prints CDO II
permit BSD
3.3.1 Checks Engr. I, II,
printed CDO II
permit and BSD
and encodes
to database
3.4 Approves/ 2 Hours Engr. II,
Disapproves Engr. V
permit BSD
3.5 Forwards 0.25 Hour Releasing
application with Staff
approved permit to BSD
BSD for the
release of the
3.2 Presents the
AR and
permit at BSD
TOTAL 83 Hours

Fees to be Paid: Based on NTC Memorandum Circular No. 19-12-2000; Republic
Act No. 10963
Amount (in PHP)
Particulars Low Medium High
Powered Powered Powered
Filling Fee (per unit) 180.00 180.00 180.00
Purchase Permit Fee (per unit) 96.00 120.00 240.00
Documentary Stamp Tax
30.00 30.00 30.00
(per document)

SERVICE NAME: 6. Issuance of TVRO Registration Certificate
(Commercial) and TVRO Station License (New)
A TVRO Registration Certificate is a certificate or a written authority issued by the
Commission to a person, firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the
holder thereof to possess television receive-only equipment.

A new TVRO Station License is a written authority issued by the Commission to a

person, firm, company, association, or corporation authorizing the holder thereof to
operate a television receive-only equipment for cable antenna television system.

Broadcast Services Division (BSD),

Office or Division:
Office of the Commissioner (OC)

Classification: Highly Technical

Type of Transaction: G2B – Government to Business Entity

Who may avail: Broadcast Entities


TVRO Registration Certificate (COMMERCIAL) and

TVRO Station License (NEW)
1. Duly accomplished Application for TVRO NTC BSD
Registration Certificate
2. Duly accomplished Application for TVRO Station NTC BSD
3. Copy of valid Provisional Authority (PA) / Certificate Applicant
of Authority (CA), OR Copy of duly received Motion
for Renewal of PA/CA
4. Engineering Plans and Diagrams signed and sealed PECE
by a duly licensed Professional Electronics
Engineer (PECE), to wit:
4.1 Plan 1: Map showing the exact location of the
TVRO station with geographical
4.2 Plan 2: Properly-labelled Block Diagram of the
proposed TVRO system
4.3 Plan 3: Antenna System with Technical
5. List of Combiner, Satellite Receivers, Modulators, PECE
LNA/LNB and other Head-End Equipment prepared
and signed by a duly licensed Professional
Electronics Engineer (PECE) / Electronics Engineer

6. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid PECE
license of the Supervising PECE / ECE (for
Commercial TVRO)

7. Sworn Statement of Employment and copy of valid Applicant/Radio Technician

ROC of Radio Technician (for Commercial TVRO)

8. Written authorization from the pay program Program Provider

originator/s or network sending the pay program via
satellite (for Commercial TVRO)

9. Copy of valid Temporary Permit / Radio Station Applicant/NTC

License (for Broadcast)

Supporting Documents for Representative(s)

1. Authorization letter duly signed by the applicant and Person being represented
valid ID of the authorized representative.

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees Processing Person

to be Time Responsible
Pre – Assessment Stage
1. Submits 1. Screens/Assesses 1 Hour Engr. I, II,
application at BSD application as to the CDO II
completeness of BSD
submitted documents

1.1 If complete, issues Econ. I, III

Statement of BSD
Account (SOA) for
the Filing Fee
1.1 Receives the
SOA and
application, and
proceeds to
Payment Stage
1.2 If incomplete, Engr. I, II,
issues Notice of CDO II
Deficiency (NOD) BSD
and returns the
1.2 Receives back
the application
and NOD

Payment Stage
2. Pays the required
2.1 Submits SOA 2.1 Issues Order of 0.17 Hour Acctng. Staff
and application Payment Acctng. Unit
at Window 1, FD, PFMB
2nd Floor
2.2 Pays 2.2 Receives Please 0.17 Hour Cashier
prescribed fees payment, issues see Cash Unit
at Window 2, Official Receipt Fees GSD, AB
2nd Floor and indicates proof to be
of payment on the Paid
application form Table

Processing Stage
3. Returns to BSD to 3. Receives application 0.25 Hour Engr. I, II,
submit the with proof of payment CDO II
application with BSD
proof of payment
3.1 Assigns Unique 0.25 Hour Admin. Staff,
Identification CDOII
Number (UIN) and BSD
Receipt (AR)
3.1 Receives the
3.2 If application 0.25 Hour Releasing
requires Staff
assignment of BSD
application is
forwarded to
3.2.1 RSPD 67.91 Hours RSPD
3.3 Processes the 24 Hours Admin. Staff,
application; Engr. I, II,
encodes and CDO II
prints BSD
3.4 Checks printed 1 Hour Engr. I, II,
certificate/license CDO II
and indexing, and BSD
encodes to
3.5 Reviews printed 2 Hours Engr. II, V
certificate/license BSD
3.6 Forwards 0.17 Hour Releasing
application with Staff
printed certificate/ BSD
license to the
Office of the
Commissioner for
initial approval
3.7 Affixes initial and 8 Hours Deputy
forwards Commissioner
application with
to the Office of
the Commissioner
for approval
3.8 Approves/ 16 Hours Commissioner
3.9 Issues approved 0.17 Hour Releasing
certificate/license Staff
to the Applicant Office of the
3.2 Presents the Commissioner
AR and
license at the
Office of the
TOTAL 120 Hours

Fees to be Paid: Based on NTC Memorandum Circular No. 19-12-2000;
Republic Act No. 10963

A. TVRO Registration Certificate (Commercial)

Particulars Amount (in PHP)
TVRO Registration Fee 6,500.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00

B. TVRO Station License (New)

Particulars Amount (in PHP)
Construction Permit Fee (per station) 1,140.00
License Fee (per year) 2,600.00
Inspection Fee (per year) 720.00
Documentary Stamp Tax (per document) 30.00


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