Immune Response To Sars-Cov-2 and Mechanisms of Immunopathological Changes in Covid-19

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Received: 22 April 2020    Revised: 7 May 2020    Accepted: 9 May 2020

DOI: 10.1111/all.14364


Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and mechanisms of

immunopathological changes in COVID-19

Ahmet Kursat Azkur1  | Mübeccel Akdis2  | Dilek Azkur3  | Milena Sokolowska2  |

Willem van de Veen2 | Marie-Charlotte Brüggen4,5,6,7 | Liam O’Mahony8  |
Yadong Gao9  | Kari Nadeau10  | Cezmi A. Akdis2,4

Department of Virology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Kirikkale, Abstract
Kirikkale, Turkey As a zoonotic disease that has already spread globally to several million human be-
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma
ings and possibly to domestic and wild animals, eradication of coronavirus disease
Research (SIAF), University of Zurich, Davos,
Switzerland 2019 (COVID-19) appears practically impossible. There is a pressing need to improve
Division of Pediatric Allergy and our understanding of the immunology of this disease to contain the pandemic by
Immunology, Department of Pediatrics,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Kirikkale,
developing vaccines and medicines for the prevention and treatment of patients. In
Kirikkale, Turkey this review, we aim to improve our understanding on the immune response and im-
Christine Kühne-Center for Allergy munopathological changes in patients linked to deteriorating clinical conditions such
Research and Education, Davos, Switzerland
5 as cytokine storm, acute respiratory distress syndrome, autopsy findings and changes
Department of Dermatology, University
Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland in acute-phase reactants, and serum biochemistry in COVID-19. Similar to many other
Faculty of Medicine, University Zurich, viral infections, asymptomatic disease is present in a significant but currently unknown
Zurich, Switzerland
7 fraction of the affected individuals. In the majority of the patients, a 1-week, self-
Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, Davos,
Switzerland limiting viral respiratory disease typically occurs, which ends with the development
Departments of Medicine and of neutralizing antiviral T cell and antibody immunity. The IgM-, IgA-, and IgG-type
Microbiology, APC Microbiome Ireland,
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
virus-specific antibodies levels are important measurements to predict population im-
Department of Allergology, Zhongnan munity against this disease and whether cross-reactivity with other coronaviruses is
Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China taking place. High viral load during the first infection and repeated exposure to virus
Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and
especially in healthcare workers can be an important factor for severity of disease. It
Asthma Research, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, USA should be noted that many aspects of severe patients are unique to COVID-19 and
are rarely observed in other respiratory viral infections, such as severe lymphope-
Cezmi A. Akdis, Swiss Institute of Allergy nia and eosinopenia, extensive pneumonia and lung tissue damage, a cytokine storm
and Asthma Research (SIAF), Herman-
leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome, and multiorgan failure. Lymphopenia
Burchard Strasse 9, 7265 Davos, Wolfgang,
Switzerland. causes a defect in antiviral and immune regulatory immunity. At the same time, a
cytokine storm starts with extensive activation of cytokine-secreting cells with in-
nate and adaptive immune mechanisms both of which contribute to a poor prognosis.
Elevated levels of acute-phase reactants and lymphopenia are early predictors of high
disease severity. Prevention of development to severe disease, cytokine storm, acute
respiratory distress syndrome, and novel approaches to prevent their development
will be main routes for future research areas. As we learn to live amidst the virus,

Azkur and Akdis are the first co-authors.

© 2020 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

1564 Allergy. 2020;75:1564–1581.
AZKUR et al. |

understanding the immunology of the disease can assist in containing the pandemic
and in developing vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat individual patients.


COVID-19, cytokine storm, immune response, immunologic tests, immunopathology,

infections, pandemic, virus

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N highly pathogenic, novel zoonotic CoVs have emerged during the
last 18 years, which can cause outbreaks and lethal human disease.
Coronaviruses (CoVs) are enveloped, single positive-strand RNA vi- The SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), now named SARS-CoV-1, was
ruses belonging to the large subfamily Coronavirinae, which can in- discovered in November 2002,1 and the Middle East respiratory
fect mammals and several other animals.1 Seven CoVs are known to syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in June 2012, both caused local
cause human disease and can be divided into low and high patho- outbreaks and were contained before causing a pandemic.3 SARS-
genic CoVs. Four low pathogenic CoVs, 229E, NL63, OC43, and CoV-2 was identified in December 2019 after sequencing clinical
HKU1, cause mild diseases and are globally endemic. They are called samples from a cluster of patients with pneumonia in Wuhan, China
non–severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like CoVs. Three (Figure 1).4 The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 is named coronavirus

F I G U R E 1   Virus binding, internalization to epithelial cells, and replication. Schematic representation of the genomic and subgenomic
organizations of SARS-CoV and replication. SARS-CoV-2 uses receptor ACE2 and transmembrane protease, serine 2 (TMPRSS2) for host
cell entry. Following entry to cell cytoplasm, the genomic RNA; the two large open reading frames (ORFs) 1ab are translated into a protein
viral transcriptase complex (phosphatase activity and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and a helicase). Replication of the genome
involves the synthesis of a full-length negative-strand RNA and serves as template for full-length genomic RNA. After translation, structural
proteins are localized to the Golgi intracellular membranes, the endoplasmic reticulum Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) that is called
site of budding. New virions that are assembled full genome RNA release from the cell
1566       AZKUR et al.

disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since its first report in December 2019 in presented with or without pneumonia.8,9 Asymptomatic cases are
Wuhan, China, COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World common but to date there are scarce epidemiological surveys that
Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, and continued to provide a clear percentage of asymptomatic cases.8,10 Approximately
aggressively spread across the globe infecting more than 3 million 20% of patients are severe cases that require hospitalization.11 As
confirmed cases.5 Three central variants of the current virus that of April 2020, the mortality rate is approximately 6% of confirmed
differ in their amino acid sequence have been identified, namely A, cases worldwide, but can vary significantly depending on the qual-
B, and C. The ancestral type A and the mutated type C are found ity of healthcare services and hospital capacity. The case fatality
in significant proportions outside East Asia, mainly in Europe and ratio of COVID-19 was estimated substantially higher than recent
in the United States. The B type which has mutated and spread is influenza pandemics (H1N1 influenza in 2009). The mean time from
the most common type in East Asia. Continuous monitoring of the onset to death was 18.8 days in China and 24.7 days out of China.
isolated virus mutations by genome sequencing is needed to accu- Case fatality ratio was determined as 3.6% (1.9-7.2).12
rately monitor the development of the pandemic. 1221 (13.3%) out Although it is clear that asymptomatic cases exist,8 the real
of 9199 persons tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in Iceland. Many of percentage and how long they carry the virus are not known. This
the participants, 86.1%, had visited areas designated as being at high information can be obtained by screening the population for vi-
risk by the end of February (China and the Alps mountain regions in rus-specific IgM, IgG, and IgA antibodies, which is expected soon in
Austria, Italy, and Switzerland). The two most common haplotypes many centers and will be an informative and decisive factor in con-
in Iceland are A2a3a and A2a2 after sequencing of 643 out of 1221 trolling the pandemic as it is the main indicator of the development
positive RNA samples. A2a2 haplotype was most commonly seen in of population immunity.
travelers coming from Austria to Iceland.7 Non–SARS-CoVs account for 10%-30% of upper respiratory
COVID-19 shows a complex profile with many different clinical tract infections in adults and present as a mild common cold disease
presentations. Similar to many other viral infections, the charac- in humans.13 Patients with common allergic diseases do not develop
teristics of currently infected patients and their clinical outcomes additional distinct symptoms or severe outcomes. Allergic children
may represent the tip of the iceberg (Figure 2). Patients may be as- show a mild course similar to nonallergic children.8 In a study of
ymptomatic; experience mild, moderate, or severe symptoms; and 1099 cases, 3.8% presented with diarrhea and 5.0% with nausea

F I G U R E 2   The iceberg of the

COVID-19 pandemic. 10%-20% of
currently diagnosed patients appear
with severe cases and 60% with mild
to moderate cases. False-negative viral
nucleic acid diagnosis with RT-PCR should
always be considered as 15%-20% in
best experienced hospital conditions,
which can be higher in the field. Known
asymptomatic cases are diagnosed
by random screening of hospital staff
and individuals with close contact to
COVID-19 cases in the household.
However, there are also a high number of
unproven asymptomatic individuals at the
bottom of the iceberg with COVID-like
symptoms in the anamnesis without any
diagnostic tests and hospital admission.
Certain individuals have been reported,
who never had symptoms although they
had close contact to COVID-19–positive
family members. Overall death rate is 6%
and is currently increasing worldwide.
The reports on the number of recovered
individuals are not currently convincing.
Data are collected from https://www.
world​omete​​aviru​s/ and​s/coron​
AZKUR et al. |

and vomiting, and these patients were positive for SARS-CoV-2 infections include all arms of the immune system, such as tissue bar-
RNA in stool samples. Cases with a previously existing condition riers, innate and adaptive cells, and mediators. Our combined knowl-
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or complicated with sec- edge and experiences with combating all existing infectious agents
ondary bacterial pneumonia are more severe and may represent a is now needed to fight this virus.
complex immune pathogenesis.8 Patients with hypertension, diabe-
tes, obesity, chronic lung disease, active smoking, and old age are
more prone to severe disease.15 The cytokine storm that takes place 2 | E PITH E LI A L I N FEC TI O N A N D V I R A L
in severe cases is a major factor for high mortality, multiorgan fail- C YC LE
ure, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and disseminated
intravascular coagulation. Coronaviruses are named for their large spikes projecting from
As it is now a worldwide spread zoonosis, it might be practically the envelope giving the virus a crown-like shape of approximately
impossible to fully eradicate the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The containment 100  nm. The envelope consists of a lipid bilayer derived from the
of the pandemic is challenging as it is very difficult to identify virus cell membrane of the host and four structural proteins, spike (S),
carriers due to the nature of this disease. There can be presumably envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleoprotein (N), as well as a
high number of asymptomatic virus carriers, in addition recently in- variable number of nonstructural proteins. SARS-CoV-2 recognizes
fected individuals before the onset of symptoms, clinically recovered angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to attach to cells, par-
individuals who still carry the virus, and many potentially susceptible ticularly respiratory epithelial cells of the host (Figure  1).16,17 This
domestic and wild animals in regular contact with humans (Figure 3). process is dependent on the host serine protease transmembrane
The main question will be to learn how to live together with this virus protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2), which cleaves viral spike protein at the
as humans. There is a pressing need for an improved understanding S1/S2. S2 subunit allows for fusion of viral and cellular membranes.18
of its immunopathology, much more than any previous pathogen, SARS-CoV-2 replicates efficiently in cats and ferrets and poorly in
as COVID-19 has become the number one reason of morbidity and dogs, pigs, chickens, and ducks. It was recently demonstrated that
mortality in many countries. Even though this pandemic will likely be cats are susceptible to experimental airborne infection.19 The infec-
brought under control in the coming months, unexpected outbreaks tion of ferrets and cats may be via the same receptor mediated by
and the development of viral resistance to treatments or vaccines the transmembrane spike (S).17 Following receptor binding, the virus
are highly possible due to mutations of the virus. can enter the cell cytoplasm via endocytosis. 20 Translation and bud-
This article aims to comprehensively review the current knowl- ding process in vitro and in vivo have been studied in SARS-CoV-1
edge on the immunological changes observed in COVID-19 infection. and MERS viruses. 21 Infection with SARS-CoV-1 is detected by vari-
All of the previously described clinical manifestations are expected ous intercellular sensors such as RIG I/MDA5/MAVS/TRAF3/IRF3/
to show distinct local or systemic immune profiles. Most of the im- IRF7 and various TLRs/TRIF/MyD88/IkB/NF-kB/MAPK/AP-1 path-
munological studies to date have been reported on hospitalized se- ways. 22 Importantly, SARS proteins can inhibit antiviral response by
vere cases, and almost no longitudinal follow-up studies currently blocking RIG I and IRF3/7 pathway on different levels, which leads
exist. However, it is clear that immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 to inefficient production of type 1 interferons and impaired antiviral
response, while increasing NF-kB activation, pro-inflammatory cy-
tokine production, and necroptosis. 22 All of these signaling events
may lead to increased cellular death, hyperinflammation, and cy-
tokine storm.


Immunological memory in innate immune system is called “trained

immunity” and may affect the spread and intensity of certain infec-
tions. During the COVID-19 pandemics, it was hypothesized that
general BCG vaccination policies adopted by different countries
F I G U R E 3   SARS-CoV-2 carriers and spreaders. There are might have impacted the transmission patterns and/or COVID-19–
different types of virus carriers in COVID-19, an important associated morbidity and mortality. 23,24 Role of the abandonment of
factor for the containment of the pandemic. They are listed BCG vaccination within the last couple of decades in several coun-
as asymptomatic virus carriers, current symptomatic patients,
tries should be considered and investigated, especially by its impact
recently infected patients in incubation period before the onset of
on immune responses to viral infections of non–BCG-vaccinated
symptoms, clinically recovered patients who remain SARS-CoV-2-
positive, and susceptible domestic and wild animals. All of these young populations. The pathogenicity of COVID-19 is complex,
have specific immunological mechanisms that are discussed in this and the virulence and pathogenicity of the disease are additionally
1568       AZKUR et al.

associated with viral activation of cytoplasmic NOD-like receptor CD147 (also known as basigin or EMMPRIN) is expressed in many tis-
family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome (Table 1). sues and cells and plays a role of cell proliferation, apoptosis, tumor
Inflammasome activation in macrophages, epithelial cells, and maybe cell migration, metastasis, and differentiation, especially under hy-
even endothelial cells releases pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleu- poxic conditions. A second isoform of CD147, called CD147 Ig0-Ig1–
kin (IL)-1β and IL-18, which contribute to the pathogenic inflamma- Ig2, has also been characterized. Dysregulation of CD147 has been
tion responsible for the severity of symptoms of COVID-19. In associated with nearly every type of cancer and regulates matrix
addition, sensing viral RNA by toll-like receptor (TLR)3, TLR7, TLR8, metalloproteinase (MMP) and vascular endothelial growth factor
and TLR9 activates the NF-κB pathway and a high number of pro- production or signals for tumor cell invasion and metastasis.31 To
inflammatory cytokines with a major role in initiating virus-induced block CD147 protein by meplazumab, preventing SARS-CoV-2 spike
inflammation. There is limited knowledge on the innate immune binding and subsequent infection may also have beneficial effects
response, other than elevated levels of acute-phase reactants and on COVID-19 treatment.32
cytokine storm. Most of the reports to date have focused on severe
outcomes and adaptive immune responses.
Several innate immune signaling proteins are targeted by SARS- 4.1 | T- and B-cell epitopes
CoV-2 viral proteins. The interferon (IFN) pathway is targeted by
Nsp13, Nsp15, and open reading frame (ORF)9b, and the NF-κB Upon entry into the host, a virus attaches to and invades cells ex-
pathway is targeted by Nsp13 and Orf9c. SARS-CoV-2 Orf6 impedes pressing its specific receptor in order to replicate. Once the virus
NUP98-RAE1, an interferon-inducible mRNA nuclear export com- is inside the tissue cells, such as respiratory epithelial cells in the
plex. Orf3b and Orf9c of SARS-CoV-2 are canonical for replication. case of SARS-CoV-2, viral peptides are presented through class I
As above mentioned, these data will shed light for the development major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins to CD8+ cyto-
of antiviral against to SARS-Cov-2. One of the antiviral drugs is toxic T cells.33 CD8+ T cells become activated and start to divide
remdesivir, a nucleoside analog RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and show clonal expansion and develop virus-specific effector and
(RdRP) inhibitor for treatment of COVID-19. 28,29 memory T cells. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells lyse the virus-infected tis-
sue cells (Figure 5). For a short time, whole virus and viral particles
are recognized by professional antigen-presenting cells, which are
4 |  T- A N D B - C E LL R E S P O N S E S mainly dendritic cells and macrophages and present viral peptides to
CD4+ T cells through MHC-Class-II molecules.33 B cells can directly
Human SARS-CoV-2 infection has a classical respiratory virus-like recognize the viruses and get activated by them and also interact
clinical course in more than 80% of patients with a mild to moderate with CD4+ T cells. The IgM isotype primary virus-specific antibody
and self-limiting course. It involves all of the so far known aspects response is observed within the first week following symptoms.34
of innate immune response and T- and B-cell immunity and antivi- IgG isotype antibodies follow the early IgM response that mostly re-
ral neutralizing antibody response (Table 1, Figure 4). Interestingly, tain a lifelong immunity (Figure 6).
SARS-CoV-2 infects human T-cell lines via a novel route through T- and B-cell response to viral determinants and recognition of
CD147 spike protein, present on the surface of T lymphocytes. virus-infected cells prove to be central to our ultimate understanding

TA B L E 1   Summary of immunologic
characteristics of COVID-19
changes COVID-19

T-cell responses Lymphopenia in severe cases (<20%). Initial lymphopenia is predictive of

severe disease.
CD8+ T cells Severe lymphopenia (<5%) is observed in CD8+ T cells and can be a
predictor of severe disease.
Th1-Th2 Normal antiviral immunity requires a CD4 and CD8 Th1 response. Severe
responses disease shows a systemic severe inflammatory response with a cytokine
storm. Cytokine storm response is mainly Th1 and inflammatory. It can
also have a major role in inflammasome activation.
Eosinophils Decreased circulating eosinophil numbers in 50%-80% of the hospitalized
Specific In the acute phase, virus-specific IgM increases followed by virus-specific
antibody levels IgG during convalescence.
Cytokine storm Innate and adaptive cytokines are released in high amounts linked to
severe disease.
Acute-phase High in severe cases. Initially high values are predictive of severe disease.
AZKUR et al. |

of several major phenomena about antiviral immune responses. with the previous 2 viruses, SARS-CoV-1 and the MERS-CoV, it is
Coronavirus spike protein harbors the S1 and S2 subunits, which an important question whether the existing population immunity
are cleaved at the S1/S2 boundary and the S2′ cleavage site. SARS- from 2002 and 2012 outbreaks is protective and whether vaccine
CoV-2 spike protein harbors a polybasic furin cleavage sequence development efforts of those times may continue from where they
(PRRARS) with an insertion of four amino acid residue distinct from stopped because there were limited numbers of cases to make clin-
SARS-CoV and other SARS-like viruses. Indicated immunodomi- ical trials for the developed vaccines. These efforts are fully de-
nant T- and B-cell epitopes have been reported.35 As SARS-CoV-2 pendent on the similarity of the T- and B-cell epitopes. Based on
is the third virus of its kind making an outbreak, due to similarities the similarity of the SARS-CoV-2 to SARS-CoV potential T-cell and
B-cell epitopes, has been predicted using bioinformatic approach.36
Three SARS-recovered individuals, 9 and 11  years postinfection,
were analyzed for T-cell responses against a total of 550 peptides
from SARS-CoV structural proteins that may also show cross-reac-
tivity to MERS-CoV. SARS-specific memory T cells persist at 9 and
11  years post-SARS in the absence of antigen. All memory T cells
detected were specific against SARS-CoV structural S, N, and M pro-
teins, but lacked cross-reactivity to MERS.37 Structural proteins of
F I G U R E 4   Ideal immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection or SARS-CoV-2 are genetically similar to SARS-CoV, but not to MERS-
a vaccine. Acute infection and the vaccine are expected to develop CoV. Only 23% and 16% of known SARS-CoV T- and B-cell epitopes
same type of an immune response with T- and B-cell immunity and map identically to SARS-CoV-2, respectively.38 Clearly recognizable
development of virus-specific neutralizing antibodies. The normal
T- and B-cell epitopes represent a potential for eliciting a robust
immune response is characterized with one-week typical viral
respiratory disease without the development of asymptomatic virus T-cell or antibody response in SARS-CoV-2 or in response to its mu-
carriers. This type of immune response is observed in almost all tual vaccine. The observation that many B- and T-cell epitopes are
mild cases highly conserved between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 is important.

F I G U R E 5   Immune response to coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses. After the epithelium is infected with SARS-CoV-2, the
replicating virus can cause cell lysis and direct damage to the epithelium. The epithelium presents virus antigens to CD8+ T cells. With
their perforin and granzymes, CD8+ T cells and natural killer (NK) cells can show cytotoxicity to virus-infected epithelial cells and induce
apoptosis. Subepithelial dendritic cells (DC) recognize virus antigens and present them to CD4 T cells and induce the differentiation of these
T cells toward memory Th1, Th17, and memory T follicular helper (FH). TFH helps B cells to develop into plasma cells (PC) and promotes the
production of IgM, IgA, and IgG isotype virus-specific antibodies. Tissue macrophages (MΦ) and DCs also present viral antigens to CD4+ T
1570       AZKUR et al.

F I G U R E 6   Specific antibody response

to SARS-CoV-2. The incubation period
of COVID-19 is relatively long and has
been reported to be 5-10 d. A specific
IgM response is the early antibody
response that starts and peaks within
7 d. IgM continues as long as the acute
phase of the disease continues. Specific
IgA and IgG antibodies develop several
days after IgM and do not decrease to
undetectable levels and are assumed to
continue lifelong as protective antibodies.
This research requires an international
consensus on the usage of correct
methodology and antigens of SARS-CoV-2

Vaccination strategies designed to target the immune response to- suggested that lymphopenia in CD8+ T cells could be an independ-
ward these conserved epitope regions could generate immunity that ent predictor for COVID-19 severity and treatment efficacy.42 In
is not only cross-protective across multiple coronaviruses, but also another earlier study analyzing laboratory indexes, twelve patients
relatively resistant to ongoing virus evolution to protect against mu- with COVID-19 showed a decreased percentage of lymphocytes and
tated future virus strains. CD8 cell count.43 In 286 patients with COVID-19, severe cases had
higher leukocyte and neutrophil and lower lymphocyte counts, with
a high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, as well as lower percentages
5 |  LY M PH O PE N I A I N T C E LL S of monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. The mean T- and NK-cell
counts were below normal levels, while B-cell values were at the low
Lymphopenia associated with COVID-19 is an important pathologi- end of the normal range. T cells were shown to be more affected by
cal finding and severity criteria, which serves as like a biomarker SARS-CoV-2 as the T-cell count was nearly half the lower reference
and a possible target for intervention to minimize the risk of severe limit and tend to be more reduced in severe cases.40 Lymphocyte
disease. Some infectious agents, such as human immunodeficiency subset analysis revealed a decreased percentage of CD16+ CD56+
virus (HIV), can cause lymphopenia in humans. Although it is not a lymphocytes (4 out of 8 patients) and increased percentage of CD3+
part of the natural course and expected type of immune response, (2 out of 8 patients), CD4+ (4 out of 8 patients), and CD8+ (1 out of
it can be observed in influenza, tuberculosis, malaria, and sepsis.39 8 patients) lymphocytes.44 In a study analyzing critically ill patients
The changes in peripheral lymphocyte counts and the transition with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, 85% of the patients showed lympho-
of lymphocyte subgroups may suggest possible mechanisms in the penia.45 Intensive care unit (ICU) patients suffering with this infec-
pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Limited numbers of studies tion had a median lymphocyte count of 800 cells/microL (normal
have focused on severe COVID-19 cases, which have a relatively values 1000-4000 cells per 1 µL).45,46 It was observed that lympho-
distinct profile of decreased memory T cells and cytotoxic CD8 T cytes in patients with COVID-19 gradually decrease as the disease
cells. Flow cytometric analyses showed that the percentage of CD4+ progresses. The older patients with lower counts of lymphocytes
naïve T cells (CD3+CD4+CD45RA+) increased and memory helper and platelets were at higher risk of severe disease and increased
T cells (CD3+CD4+CD45RO+) decreased in peripheral blood.40 The length of hospitalization.47 A significant reduction in lymphocyte
+ + +
percentage of CD3 CD8 CD28 cytotoxic T cells also decreased in counts and their rapid depletion may play a role in the pathogenesis
severe cases. However, there was no significant difference in ac- and contribute to the progression to severe COVID-19. Accordingly,
tivated total T cells (CD3+HLADR+) and activated cytotoxic T cells drugs targeting lymphocyte proliferation or preventing apoptosis,
(CD3+CD8+HLA−DR+). These severe patients also presented with such as interleukin IL-2, IL-7, or programmed cell death protein 1
+ + +
lower levels of regulatory T (Treg) cells (CD3 CD4 CD25 CD127 (PD1/PD-L1) inhibitors, could help to prevent lymphopenia or re-
low+ 40
). In addition, the overactivation of T cells, manifested by an store lymphocyte counts in severe patients.47 The mean values of
increase in T-helper (Th)17 and the high cytotoxicity of CD8 T cells, the three main subsets of lymphocytes generally decreased in se-
partially accounts for the severe immune injury.41 In a similar study, vere patients with COVID-19, with T and NK cells were below normal
the levels of peripheral lymphocyte subsets were evaluated in 60 values, while B cells were at the lower end of the normal range.40
patients with COVID-19 by flow cytometry during the course of dis- In view of the above results, lymphocyte percentage was sug-
ease. Decrease in total lymphocytes, CD4+ T-cell, CD8+ T-cell, B-cell, gested as a predictive biomarker for severity or recovery (Table 2).48
and natural killer (NK)-cell counts were observed. The authors At the first time point, 10-12  days after symptom onset, patients
AZKUR et al. |

TA B L E 2   The percentage of lymphocytes is decisive for during cytokine storm, and sequestration in the lungs during exten-
prognosis at the first and second visits48 sive bilateral pneumonia.
1st time point 2nd time point High- versus low-dose virus exposure of SARS-CoV-2 may also
Blood lymphocyte 10-12 d after 17-19 d after influence lymphocyte responses. High-dose exposure is the case
percentage symptom onset symptom onset with healthcare workers and individuals who have currently sick or
>20% Mild/Moderate Recovering asymptomatic virus spreading family members. Whereas low-dose
5%-20% Severe Risky infection may lead to appropriate effector T- and B-cell response,
<5% Severe Critically ill neutralizing antibodies, and rapid viral clearance, high-dose expo-
sure may cause severe disease and delayed viral clearance. This may
be due to lymphopenia leading to inefficient T- and B-cell immunity,
with lymphocyte percentage greater than 20% were classified as subsequently the cytokine storm and destructive tissue inflamma-
mild to moderate and recovered quickly. Patients with less than 20% tion (Figure 7).
lymphocytes at the time of diagnosis were initially classified as se-
vere. At the 2nd time point, 17-19 days after the onset of symptoms,
patients with more than 20% lymphocytes are accepted as being in 5.1 | Regulatory T cells (Tregs)
recovery, and patients with a lymphocyte % between 5% and 20%
are still in an at-risk group, while patients with a lymphocyte % less Treg cells play a crucial role in suppressing excessive immune re-
than 5% are critically ill with a high mortality rate. sponses to pathogens, cancer cells, and transplanted organs and to
The mechanisms by which there is a significant lymphocyte prevent and control the development of autoimmune and allergic
reduction in severe cases remain unclear. The type of lymphocyte diseases.55,56 Treg cells can play a crucial role in the airway mucosa
death should be extensively studied in COVID-19. It may represent by suppressing effector cells and tissue-damaging mechanisms.57,58
a therapeutic modality for severe cases, if its mechanisms are bet- In respiratory virus infections, Treg cells can limit pulmonary im-
ter understood. The apoptotic process of lymphocytes can be reg- munopathology.59 Tregs can protect from central nervous system
ulated in the cell by exogenous and/or intrinsic factors and can be immunopathology by controlling CD8 T-cell responses in West
modulated with the role of pro- and anti-apoptotic molecules.49,50 Nile infection.60 The molecular mechanisms involved in regulating
Lymphopenia has been found in SARS and MERS, which were re- forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) expression and antigen-specific response
ported to induce apoptosis in the liver, lung, and T lymphocytes. 51 To of Treg cells in COVID-19 remain unclear, and further studies are
investigate the role of apoptosis in lymphopenia patients with SARS, needed to exploit their applicability in the clinical setting. Decreased
fifteen patients were investigated for plasma soluble Fas-ligand lev- numbers of circulating Treg cells (CD3+CD4+CD25+CD127low+) as a
els and altered cleaved caspase-3 activation. SARS patients were part of lymphopenia have been reported in COVID-19.40
found to have higher plasma Fas-ligand levels, associated with higher
intracellular cleaved caspase-3–positive CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes
in the acute phase of SARS.52 It was proposed that apoptosis of lym- 6 | EOS I N O PE N I A
phocytes induces lymphopenia in critically ill patients with SARS-
CoV-2 infection.53 In addition, pyroptosis induced by IL-1β has been Within many of their functions, eosinophils have been previously
proposed.54 It has to be noted here that evidence is accumulating on suggested as cells with antiviral effects. 61,62 Eosinophils contain
direct infection of T cells with SARS-CoV-2, which may also cause and produce molecules with antiviral activity and participate in
cytopathic effect on infected T cells. Other mechanisms of lymph- adaptive immunity, serving as antigen-presenting cells as dem-
openia that remain to be studied are bone marrow suppression onstrated against some respiratory viruses in vitro and in vivo,

F I G U R E 7   Distinct response to high- and low-dose virus exposure and infection. High-dose exposure may occur in healthcare workers
and individuals who are exposed to currently sick or asymptomatic virus spreading family members. Whereas low-dose infection may lead to
appropriate effector T- and B-cell response, neutralizing antibodies, and rapid viral clearance, high-dose exposure may cause severe disease
and delayed viral clearance. This may be due to lymphopenia leading to inefficient T- and B-cell immunity, subsequently the cytokine storm
and destructive tissue inflammation
1572       AZKUR et al.

including respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. 61 In addi- expression of NK group 2 member A (NKG2A) was thought to be
tion to lymphopenia, eosinopenia was observed in 73 out of 138 responsible for the hampered function of exhausted NK and CD8+
(52.9%) in hospitalized COVID-19 cases. Decreased blood eosino- T cells. Interestingly, the number of NK and CD8+ T cells was re-
phil counts correlate positively with lymphocyte counts in severe stored in parallel to reduced expression of NKG2A in patients con-
(r  =  .486, P  <  .001) and nonsevere (r  =  .469, P  <  .001) patients valescing after therapy.67 These data suggest that a breakdown of
after hospital admission. Eosinopenia has been reported in three antiviral immunity may play a role in the pathogenesis and severity
following studies. It was suggested that eosinophil counts below in COVID-19. In CD8+ T cells, the frequency of the nonexhausted
normal levels could be a viable biomarker for COVID-19 diagnosis. (PD-1− CTLA-4− TIGIT−) subset in the severe group was significantly
The changes in peripheral blood leukocyte differential counts in lower.70 It was suggested that the virus promotes an initial excessive
patients with COVID-19 and patients with other viral pneumo- activation in the beginning of the disease and is followed by subse-
nia were compared. Whereas 70% of patients in the COVID-19 quent exhaustion of CD8+ T cells.
group presented with eosinopenia, only 16.7% of the patients in
non–COVID-19 viral pneumonia group experienced a decline in
eosinophil numbers below the normal levels. 63 In a study of the 8 | V I RU S -S PEC I FI C A NTI B O DY
clinical features of 85 fatal cases with COVID-19 in two hospitals RESPONSES
in Wuhan, 81.2% patients had very low eosinophil counts on ad-
mission. 64 Accordingly, eosinopenia was suggested to have a di- Similar to many other viral diseases, an increase in virus-specific
agnostic value or can also be an indicator of disease severity. The IgM in the acute phase followed by an increase in virus-specific
observed eosinopenia in particularly in severe COVID-19 cases IgG at later phases has been observed in the course of COVID-19
could be due to a number of reasons. It can be a result of immune (Figure 6).8 This area is fully open to future research; however, it is
exhaustion; it can represent the high migration rate of eosinophils anticipated that infusion of the convalescent serum obtained from
from the peripheral blood to the infected organ or can be due to already recovered patients may prevent or limit SARS-CoV-2 infec-
continuous and potent type 1 responses that antagonize the type tion.71 It was reported that 10 seriously ill patients receiving con-
2 response, including IL-5 that may promote eosinophil survival valescent serum therapy demonstrated improved lung function,
and activation. In addition, inhibition of eosinophil egress from the oxygenation, reduced inflammation, and viral load.72 There are more
bone marrow, blockade of eosinophilopoiesis, reduced expression than one million recovered patients as of today, whose convales-
of chemokine receptors/adhesion factors, and/or direct eosino- cent serum can be used for passive immunization for treatment or
phil apoptosis induced by type 1 interferons released during the prevention. One important point to emphasize convalescent serum
acute infection can be counted within these mechanisms. No eo- treatment is if the patient is at high virus load condition with massive
sinophil enrichment in the lung tissue has been observed in sam- pneumonia, convalescent serum containing IgG1-, IgG2-, and IgG3-
ples from patients at early stages of COVID-19 or in postmortem type virus-specific antibodies may activate complement in the lungs
analyses. 65,66 and increase tissue destruction. In such cases, virus-specific IgG4
treatment should be preferentially considered as it does not have
any complement activating property.73 Total immunoglobulins (IgA,
7 |  C Y TOTOX I C C D 8 T- C E LL R E S P O N S E S IgG, and IgM) and complement proteins (C3 and C4) in patients with
COVID-19 were within normal range.40 An increase was noted in IgG
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes and NK cells in patients infected with or IgM antibody levels against SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein (NP) or re-
SARS-CoV-2 are essential for mounting an appropriate antiviral ceptor-binding domain (RBD) in most of the patients 10 days or later
response.67 The classical convention is that the T-cell receptor of after onset of symptoms. An early increase in IgM later followed
the CD8 cytotoxic T cells recognizes the viral peptides presented by development of IgG is a normal expected antibody response
by MHC-class-I molecules of virus-infected cells and is cytotoxic to (Figure 6). However, specific IgG levels can be found at already high
virus-infected cells via multiple mechanisms including perforin and levels in serum at the same time or earlier than IgM against SARS-
granzymes (Figure 5).68 CD8 T cells are critical for mediating clear- CoV-2.34 In another study, SARS-CoV-2 virus-specific IgG and IgM
ance following many acute viral infections in the lung. In addition, reached to peak levels 17-19  days and 20-22  days after symptom
memory CD8 T cells are capable of providing protection against onset, respectively. Another interesting observation was that IgG
secondary infections. Therefore, the combined induction of virus- and IgM titers in the COVID-19 severe group are higher than the
specific CD8 T cells and antibodies may provide optimal protective nonsevere group. Different types of seroconversion were reported,
immunity.69 In COVID-19, these cells are strongly affected from the such as synchronous seroconversion of IgG and IgM, IgM serocon-
observed lymphopenia and their numbers are decreased. As a part version earlier than that of IgG, and IgM seroconversion later than
of the lymphopenia, COVID-19 patients show functional exhaustion that of IgG.34,74 In a study analyzing specific IgM and IgG by enzyme
of cytotoxic lymphocytes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. immunoassay, more patients were found seropositive for IgG than
The total number of NK and CD8+ T cells was markedly decreased IgM at day 0 and day 5 of hospital admission. A higher proportion of
in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, increased patients in that study also had earlier IgG than IgM seroconversion.75
AZKUR et al. |

These findings suggest cross-reactivity of the used antigens with ELISA kit. 84 However, new kits are continuously coming to market
previously existing specific IgG due to other coronaviruses and such and it is possible to develop in-house kits depending on the qual-
assays may not be useful for diagnosis of COVID-19. ity of the coated SARS-CoV-2 antigen to plates. The evaluation of
The development of mucosal immunity via IgA may be import- IgM and IgG isotype virus-specific antibody levels together with
ant for preventing SARS-CoV infections. It has been demonstrated RT-PCR are shown in Table  3. Home-made indirect ELISA for de-
in the context of influenza infection that secretory IgA plays a tecting IgM, IgA, and IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 using pu-
crucial role in the protection on mucosal surfaces by neutralizing rified recombinant nucleocapsid (NP) proteins as coating antigens
the virus or preventing the attachment of viruses to the mucosal has been studied. The development time for specific antibodies
epithelium. Passive immunization was sufficient to prevent in- has significantly varied from method to method, and in this study,
fection of the lung, in influenza but did not appear to protect the it was 5  days (range 3-6  days) for specific IgM and IgA, whereas
upper respiratory tract of mice and ferrets against viral infection.76 14 days (range 10-18 days) for specific IgG after the onset of symp-
Secretory influenza hemagglutinin (HA)-specific IgA response in toms (Figure 6). 85
the respiratory tract is more effective and more cross-protective
against influenza infections than the systemic immunity induced
by parenteral vaccines in human and mice models.77,78 Mice orally 9 | ACU TE- PH A S E R E AC TA NT S
vaccinated with influenza viruses have a protective effect in the
nose, which is thought to be related to a nasal IgA antibody re- Acute-phase reactants are potential diagnostic markers and predic-
sponse. The influenza virus-specific secretory IgA response has a tors of disease outcome in human and animals.86,87 Infectious and
protective role in the pulmonary fluids of aged mice following oral noninfectious agents can induce an inflammatory response, where
vaccination with inactivated virus. 80 MERS-CoV-S1–specific neu- acute-phase proteins increase and play a role in the host defense
tralizing IgA antibodies in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were against infection. The follow-up of SARS and MERS patients initially
shown to be protective in mice. SARS-CoV–specific IgA may play demonstrated the importance of acute-phase reactants for diag-
a role in protection for the vaccinated mice with SARS. 82 Intranasal nosis and prediction of the prognosis in severe coronavirus infec-
vaccination with recombinant adenovirus that have SARS genome tions. It was reported that most patients with SARS had elevated
induced local IgA and systemic IgG neutralizing antibodies and spe- C-reactive protein (CRP), alanine transaminase (ALT), lactate dehy-
cific T-cell responses, which are able to protect against SARS-CoV drogenase (LDH), and creatine kinase levels.88 Among 45 MERS-
infection in animal models. The sensitivity and specificity of cur- CoV–infected patient, 13 (28.9%) had no pneumonia, 19 patients
rent commercial specific antibody kits should be evaluated in inde- had pneumonia without respiratory failure (42.2%), and 13 patients
pendent laboratories, and WHO-confirmed tests should be made had respiratory failures (28.9%). Increased CRP levels represented a
available. The IgA-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay predictive factor for pneumonia development and respiratory failure
(ELISA) kit was more sensitive but less specific than the IgG-based in that study.89

TA B L E 3   Proposed immunologic
Test results
criteria for the diagnosis of the stage of
the disease PCR IgM IgG Clinical significance

+ − − Incubation/window period of infection before

the symptoms develop
Early days of infection before detectable
antibody response
Antibody assay may have given false-negative
+ + − Early stage of infection approximately 5-7 d
after the beginning of symptoms
+ + + Active phase of infection
+ − + Late phase or recurrent infection
IgM ELISA is false-negative
− + − Early stage of infection
IgG may be false-negative
RT-PCR result may be false-negative
− − + Past infection
Recovered PCR-negative patients
Cross-reactivity with other coronaviruses
− + + Recovery stage of infection
Early infection with false-negative RT-PCR
1574       AZKUR et al.

The overall evaluation of acute-phase reactants in COVID- rate were significantly higher in deceased patients.94 Significantly
19 correlates high levels to increased disease severity and death elevated levels of LDH, creatine kinase, troponin I, PT, D-dimer,
(Table 4). In 140 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, significantly higher CRP, ferritin, PCT, and IL-6 were repeatedly reported at the time of
levels of D-dimer, CRP, and procalcitonin (PCT) were associated with initial diagnosis, suggesting the development of a severe outcome
severe disease compared to nonsevere disease. Nonsurvivors had (Table  4). Further research, consensus, and standard approach are
higher levels of neutrophils, D-dimer, blood urea nitrogen, and cre- needed to identify which acute-phase reactants are essential for
atinine compared to recovered patients.15 Anticoagulation therapy early diagnosis, prediction, and follow-up of patients.95
is recommended for COVID-19 patients, when the D-dimer value is
4 times higher than the normal upper limit, except for patients with
anticoagulant contraindications.45,90 Zhou et al reported elevated 10 | C Y TO K I N E S TO R M
levels of ALT, LDH, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I, creatine ki-
nase, D-dimer, serum ferritin, IL-6, prothrombin time (PT), creatinine, Although most of the COVID-19 patients recover with mild and
and PCT were associated with mortality.91 Another group investi- moderate disease in one week, some develop to severe pneumo-
gated forty-three (mild N = 28 and severe N = 15) adult patients with nia in the second week followed by cytokine storm, ARDS, mul-
COVID-19. The levels of CRP, IL-6, PT, fibrinogen, and D-dimer were tiorgan failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
significantly higher in the severe group.92 In a total of 135 patients within the 3rd week of the disease (Figure 8). The cytokine storm
with COVID-19, severe patients (N  =  40) showed higher plasma is a complex network of severe molecular events unified by a clin-
levels of PT, activated partial thromboplastin time, D-dimer, LDH, ical phenotype of systemic inflammation, multiorgan failure, and
PCT, albumin, CRP, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) compared hyper-ferritinemia. It is consistently linked with severity and fatal
to the mild group (N = 95). Severe patients were significantly older disease outcome. Cytokine storm is induced by the activation of
(median age 56 years) and were more likely to have underlying co- large numbers of white blood cells, including B cells, T cells, NK
morbidities, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, monocytes, and
and malignancy.93 In another study, 113 patients died of COVID-19 resident tissue cells, such as epithelial and endothelial cells, which
and 161 patients fully recovered and were discharged. D-dimer con- release high amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines.96 Any cells
centrations were significantly higher in deceased patients (4.6  μg/ that bloodstream or the virus itself and degraded viral products
mL) compared to recovered patients (0.6 μg/mL). Concentrations of can reach in the body can contribute to cytokine storm. Cytokine
PCT, high-sensitivity CRP, ferritin, and erythrocyte sedimentation storm can also occur in a number of infectious and noninfectious

TA B L E 4   Changes in acute-phase
Acute-phase reactants and serum Changes in
reactants and serum biochemistry in
biochemistry COVID-19 References
C-reactive protein (CRP) ↑ [15,44,91,92,94,107,131-136]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ↑ [94,135,136]
Procalcitonin (PCT) ↑ [15,44,91,94,107,131,134,137,138]
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) ↑ [27,44,91,92,139]
Urea nitrogen (BUN) ↑ [94,135,140]
Creatinine (CRN) ↑ [16,91,94,133,135]
Alanine transaminase (ALT) ↑ [44,91,94,132,133,139]
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ↑ [94,107,133,141]
Albumin (ALB) ↓ [94,107]
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) ↑ [44,45,91,94,107,131,135,136,139,141-
Ferritin ↑ [91,94,139]
Fibrinogen (FIB) ↑ [92,94,144]
D-dimer ↑ [15,45,91,92,94,107,131,135,137,139,
Serum amyloid A (SAA) ↑ [15,131]
Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) ↑ [91,94,131]
Prothrombin time (PT) ↑ [91,92,94,145]
Activated partial thromboplastin ↑ [94,107]
time (APTT)
AZKUR et al. |

F I G U R E 8   Different clinical phases of COVID-19. COVID-19 presents with three stages of diseases. It starts with upper respiratory
disease symptoms followed by pneumonia and disseminated inflammation, and in the third-stage cytokine storm, sepsis-like syndrome,
ARDS, DIC, and multiorgan failure take place. The disease that moves into second phage always carries the risk for secondary bacterial
infections. Antiviral immune response and tissue and systemic inflammation are different in all stages

diseases, such as bacterial sepsis, Ebola and other hemorrhagic It has been previously reported that the Ebola virus Tim-1 pro-
fevers, influenza, and blunt trauma, and as a side effect of immune tein can induce a cytokine storm.100 SARS-CoV activates a consider-
stimulatory drugs.97-102 Although many cells are involved as men- able level of pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro, such as TNF-α, IL-6,
tioned above, multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines and inflamma- and IL-12 release via the TLR7 and TLR8, almost twofold higher than
some activation appear to play a major role in its pathogenesis. a strong TLR7/8 stimulating ssRNA40.108 Upon influenza infection,
IL-10 appears to control tissue damage in experimental models. high levels of complement C3 and C5, including fragments C3a and
A pro-inflammatory eicosanoid storm may also accompany the C5a, are produced. H5N1 replicates in the lower respiratory tract
cytokine storm. The balance of the pro-/anti-inflammatory leading to complement activation, and C5a is responsible for the
and proresolving lipid mediator response during viral infection is acute lung injury.109
often decisive over the clinical outcome. Among the numer- Similar to SARS and MERS, cytokine storm is a common feature of
ous molecules that increase in serum in cytokine storm, comple- severe COVID-19 cases and a major reason for ARDS and multiorgan
ments, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17, and tumor necrosis factor-α failure. Several levels of evidence suggest that mortality in COVID-
(TNF-α), are of crucial importance.106 In 88 SARS patients, IFN- 19 is due to the virus-activated “cytokine storm syndrome.”110 In a
γ, IL-18, TGF-β, IL-6, IP-10 (interferon-γ–inducible protein-10), study of 41 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, high levels of pro-in-
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), monokine induced flammatory cytokines were observed in severe cases, including IL-2,
by IFN-γ(MIG), and IL-8, but not TNF-α, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, IL-7, IL-10, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, IP-10, MCP-1, mac-
or TNFRI, were highly elevated in the acute-phase sera of SARS rophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha, and TNF-α. These findings
patients. IFN-γ, IL-18, MCP-1, MIG, and IP-10 were immediately are in line with SARS and MERS in that the presence of lymphopenia
upregulated following the onset of fever in patients with SARS. and “cytokine storm” may play a major role in the pathogenesis of
Furthermore, IL-18, IP-10, MIG, and MCP-1 levels were signifi- severe COVID-19. Patients with COVID-19 had elevated levels of
cantly higher in the deceased patients compared to survivors.97 IL1B, IFNγ, IP10, and MCP-1 suggesting hyperactivation of Th1 cell
In a recent study, the RNA sequencing transcriptional changes in responses.45,111 Predictors of fatality in a recent retrospective, mul-
a small number of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and pe- ticenter study of 150 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, China,
ripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) specimens from COVID- included elevated ferritin and IL-6 suggesting that mortality might
19 patients.107 Several immune pathways and pro-inflammatory be due to virally driven hyperinflammation.110 Increased circulating
cytokines were induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection, notably CC cytokines are visible in patients with fever, and they are mostly tol-
chemokine ligand (CCL)2, C-X-C motif chemokine ligand(CXCL)2, erated in mild cases, however turns into a tissue-damaging storm
CCL8, CXCL1, IL33, CCL3L1 in BALF and IP-10, tumor necrosis condition affecting severe patients. Although with limited efficacy,
factor superfamily (TNFSF)10, tissue inhibitors of metallopro- many agents or methods have been proposed for the treatment of
teinases (TIMP)1, C5, IL18, amphiregulin, neuregulin1, and IL10 in cytokine storm syndromes, such as T-cell inhibitors, IFN-γ neutral-
PBMC, indicating sustained inflammation and cytokine storm in ization, IL-6 receptor blockade, IL-6 neutralization, corticosteroids,
the patients. Pathway analysis of PBMC transcriptome revealed B-cell ablation with rituximab, T-cell ablation with anti-thymocyte
that patient's lymphopenia may be associated with activation of globulin, T cell–directed immunomodulation, blockade of IL-1 family
apoptosis and P53 signaling pathway in lymphocytes suggesting a member cytokines, such as IL-33 receptor blockade, IL-1β blockade,
role for lymphopenia.107 and IL-18 binding protein, and JAK inhibition.96
1576       AZKUR et al.

11  | ACU TE R E S PI R ATO RY D I S TR E S S patients with ARDS are pink in color. CFH in the air space correlates
S Y N D RO M E I N COV I D -19 with measures of alveolar-capillary barrier dysfunction in humans
with ARDS (r  =  .89, P  <  .001) and in mice with ventilator-induced
Acute respiratory distress syndrome is an acute inflammatory lung acute lung injury (r = .89, P < .001).120 CFH contributes to the cyto-
injury leading to severe SARS manifesting as acute hypoxemic res- kine storm by increasing pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and
piratory failure with bilateral alveolar opacities on chest radiogra- paracellular permeability. COVID-19 ARDS patients are difficult to
phy and decreased lung compliance (Figure 9).112 Fifteen out of 75 oxygenate because of systematic destruction of red blood cells re-
patients (20%) have developed  ARDS in 3  weeks following SARS sulting in CFH that have oxidized iron ions in the ferric state. Under
infection.113 In most cases, the course of COVID-19 is mild, but normal conditions, the iron ions in heme can be reduced by Cytb561.
life-threatening ARDS develops in some critically ill patients within Endothelial damage and capillary endothelial cell permeability in
8-9 days after onset of the disease.45,46 The reported incidence of the lungs leading to fluid leakage into the pulmonary parenchyma
ARDS and critical illness requiring ICU admissions varies widely in the presence of an acute inflammatory response together with
across multiple studies.9,45,46,114-117 ARDS is more common in older neutrophils and cytokines describe the pathogenesis of ARDS.121
people, those with comorbidities, including hypertension, diabetes, Protein- and CFH-rich fluid floods the alveolar spaces through the
coronary artery disease, bronchitis, ischemic disease of the central tight junctions of the epithelial cells. Neutrophils play an important
nervous system, and Parkinson's disease.118 Wu et al reported the role in the development of pulmonary edema associated with acute
clinical characteristics and risk factors of patients with COVID-19 lung injury or ARDS. Endothelial injury appears within minutes to
pneumonia with the development of ARDS or death. In their study, hours after acute lung injury, and the endothelial cell gaps allow the
older age, comorbidities, high fever, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, el- permeability of fluid, neutrophils and cytokines into the pulmonary
evated end-organ related indices, elevated high-sensitivity CRP, parenchymal space. Both epithelial and endothelial barrier integrity
serum ferritin, and coagulation function–related indicators (PT and is damaged by barrier opening cytokines in the presence of paren-
D-dimer) were significantly associated with higher risk of developing chymal lymphocyte infiltration and inflammations that are all im-
ARDS.119 portant in the pathogenesis.
Critically ill patients with ARDS are extremely difficult to oxygen- Although there are conflicting results regarding corticosteroid
ate as their lungs are filled with fluid and cell-free hemoglobin (CFH) treatment in different studies, their use is generally not recom-
occupying most of the airspace. A study by Shaver et al indicated mended.122,123 Shen et al reported the results of 5 patients who
that the red color observed in the exudates from ARDS patients were critically ill with COVID-19 and ARDS and were treated with
is not merely a benign sign of edema, but demonstrates the pres- convalescent plasma. Administration of convalescent plasma con-
ence of CFH and hemolysis (Figure 9).120 Secretions from COVID-19 taining neutralizing antibodies was followed by clearance of the

F I G U R E 9   Pathogenesis of severe
COVID-19. Severe COVID-19 presents
with high viral load, cytokine storm,
ARDS, cell-free hemoglobin, high
acute-phase reactants, lymphopenia,
eosinopenia, microinflammed
endothelium, and DIC. Endothelial
damage, cell-free hemoglobin, cytokine
storm, and lymphopenia show links to
severe disease
AZKUR et al. |

virus and improvement in the patients’ clinical status. These re- more detailed pathological studies characterizing the immune infil-
sults require further evaluation in clinical trials because of the lim- trate that can be linked to the cytokine storm and ARDS are needed.
ited sample size and study design.124 Low tidal volume mechanical In one of the two recently reported autopsy cases, there were no
ventilation, positive end-expiratory pressure, and fluid manage- eosinophils or neutrophils identified in the lungs.66 Immunological
ment guidelines have improved outcomes for patients with ARDS. staining of the lymphocyte infiltrate showed a sparse infiltrate of
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is used in specialized centers CD3-positive T lymphocytes within the alveolar septa with CD8-
for severe cases. Prone positioning has recently proven to have sig- positive T cells slightly higher than CD4-positive T cells. There were
nificantly decreased days in the ventilator and in the intensive care only rare CD20-positive B-lymphocytes and CD68-positive mac-
unit. Studies on mesenchymal stem cell therapy, partial fluid venti- rophages. The second case had increased numbers of neutrophils,
lation, TIP peptide, cytokine inhibitors, and several pharmaceutical macrophages, histiocytes, secondary bacterial infection, and aspi-
drugs are being pursued. The lectin-like domain of TNF, mimicked by rated food particles. So far, the postmortem cases analyzed to date
a circular seventeen amino acid peptide, TIP peptide, is responsible show pathological changes due to viral pneumonia but also changes
for the reduction in lung edema clearance in murine models of non- related to individual outcomes, such as the development of ARDS
cardiogenic pulmonary edema. and secondary bacterial infection.

12 | AU TO P S Y FI N D I N G S 13 | CO N C LU S I O N S A N D K E Y M E S SAG E S

The most common complications frequently observed in patients SARS-CoV-2 and its disease COVID-19 are associated with signifi-
who died of COVID-19 were sepsis (100%) followed by respiratory cant morbidity and mortality globally, probably becoming one of the
failure (98%), ARDS (93%), septic shock (70%), acute cardiac injury biggest health and economic burden of the last 100 years. COVID-
(59%), heart failure (52%), coagulopathy (50%), secondary infection 19 became a major fights of humans in modern times, emphasizing
(50%), and acute kidney injury (50%).91 Autopsy features of COVID- the importance and need of a global strategy and solidarity among
19 are very similar to SARS and MERS findings.126,127 The macro- nations. As a zoonotic disease that has already spread globally to
scopic features of COVID-19 are likely to be observed in the chest several millions of humans and probably animals, it will be practically
and may include pleurisy, pericarditis, lung consolidation, and pulmo- impossible to eradicate COVID-19. We have to learn how to live to-
nary edema. A secondary bacterial infection may be superimposed gether with the virus and disease.
on the viral infection that can lead to purulent inflammation.128 The SARS-CoV-2 showed an unexpected high speed of trans-
Early histopathological features were reported in two patients who mission and global spreadability because of long infectious window
underwent surgical resections for lung adenocarcinoma but were period before the onset of symptoms, asymptomatic virus carriers,
later found to be SARS-CoV-2–positive at the time of the opera- super spreaders, and the extent of globalization with individual
tion. These patients were asymptomatic with respect to COVID-19 traveling. Due to the nature of the disease, it is difficult to control
at the time of the operation. Nonspecific findings included edema, COVID-19 spreaders, such as asymptomatic virus carriers, recently
pneumocyte hyperplasia, focal inflammation, and multinucleated infected patients in incubation period, clinically recovered but still
giant cell formation, while no hyaline membranes were seen. These virus-positive cases, and virus-carrying domestic animals.
findings may reflect early changes of acute lung injury in the infec- COVID-19 represents clinical forms from asymptomatic to
tion.129 Histopathological findings were noted in a 50-year-old man mild, moderate, and very severe cases, and there are still many
who died from severe COVID-19 infection. The microscopic findings unknowns. The immunology of all these cases is different and be-
included diffuse alveolar damage with exudates.41 A lymphocytic in- comes more complex when the patients progress to severe disease.
flammation was predominant suggesting that one of the mechanisms Lymphopenia and its monitoring is important and represents a key
for peripheral lymphopenia could be the sequestration of lympho- mechanism in the pathogenesis and biomarker of severity devel-
cytes in the lungs. In addition, multinucleated giant cells and large opment and a target for treatment. High viral load during the first
atypical pneumocytes were observed. The histopathologic changes infection and repeated exposure to virus especially in healthcare
seen on postmortem transthoracic needle biopsies from another workers can be an important factor for severity and should be
COVID-19 patient with respiratory failure and radiographic bilateral strictly avoided. Better understanding the pathogenesis of lymph-
ground-glass opacities showed diffuse alveolar damage, denudation openia, cytokine storm, and ARDS and novel ways to prevent their
of alveolar lining cells, the presence of reactive type II pneumocyte development will be main routes for future research to avoid se-
hyperplasia, intra-alveolar fibrinous exudates, with chronic inflam- vere disease.
matory infiltrates, injured and desquamated epithelial cells, and The know-how generated at the time of SARS and MERS is ex-
intra-alveolar organized fibrin. An antibody to the Rp3 NP protein tremely valuable. Because of T- and B-cell cross-reactivities, the vac-
of SARS-CoV-2 was used for virus immunostaining which revealed cines and drugs developed at that time may be helpful. Important
prominent expression of the virus on alveolar epithelial cells. Viral immune therapies are awaited in the next months, such as antivi-
proteins were minimally detectable on blood vessels. Apparently, ral therapies to boost immunity and use of biologics to dampen or
1578       AZKUR et al.

prevent the cytokine storm. Chemical antiviral therapies and ef- ORCID
fective vaccines and their worldwide usage will help to control the Ahmet Kursat Azkur
disease. Specific antibody detection is an important add-on method Mübeccel Akdis
for diagnosis and for better understanding the population immu- Dilek Azkur
nity. Until present, an internationally approved antibody detection Milena Sokolowska
method remains an unmet need. Determining the broad response of Liam O’Mahony
the innate and adaptive immune system to SARS-CoV-2 will be also Yadong Gao
essential in preparations to the next zoonotic disease, which may Kari Nadeau
happen in the future. Cezmi A. Akdis
There are many unknowns in COVID-19. Worldwide efforts to
contain the pandemic can be split into three different domains: re- REFERENCES
search, public education, and clinical care. A global strategy to re- 1. Coronaviridae Study Group of the International Committee
duce the burden of COVID-19 is needed. It is well known that these on Taxonomy of V. The species Severe acute respiratory syn-
drome-related coronavirus: classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it
action plans can only be successful by the combination of efforts
SARS-CoV-2. Nat Microbiol. 2020;5(4):536-544.
of all stakeholders: WHO, governments, researchers, physicians, 2. To KK, Hung IF, Chan JF, Yuen KY. From SARS coronavirus to
patient organizations, economists, pharmacists, industry, and policy novel animal and human coronaviruses. J Thorac Dis. 2013;5(Suppl
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Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy