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The Gujarat Police Act, 1951

(Bo111bay Act No. XXII of 1951)

(As modified upto the 31 51 ft1arch, 201 7)




( Price : ;;' 78-00)







L Short title, extent and Commencement 2

2. Definitions. 2



3. One Police Force for the whole of the State of Gujarat 4

4. Superintendence of Police Force to vest in the State Government. 4

5. Constitution of Police Force. 4

. SA Director General and Inspector General of Police. 5
SB. Tenure of office of key police functionaries. 5
6. Inspector General, Additional and Deputy Inspector General. 6
7. Commissioner. 6
7A Separation of Investing wing and law and other wing. 7

8. Appointment of District, Additional, Assistant and Deputy Superintendents. 7

8A. Appointment of Superintendents for Wireless System and Motor Transport System 8
or for any Specific duty.

9. Appointment of Principals of Police Training Schools. 8

10. Deputies and Assistants to Commissioner. 8

11. Superintendents within jurisdiction of Commissioner. 9

12. Constitution of divisions and sections. 9
Officers in charge of divisions and sections. 9
l 2A. Inspectors. 9
13. [Deleted]. 9
14. Certificate of appointment. 9
(JI) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 I 1951 : Born, XXI!

15. Effect ofsupension of Police Officer. 10

16. General powers of Commissioner and District Superintendent. 10

17. Control of District Magistrate over Police Force in district. 10

18. Power of District Magistrate to require reports from District Superintendent. 10

19. Power of supervision by District Magistrates. 10

20. Power of Inspector General and Commissioner to investigate and regulate matters 11
of police accounts.

21. Special Police Officers. 11

22. Appointment of Additional Police. 11

22A. Appointment of Railway Police. 11



23. Framing of rules for administration of the Police. 12

24. Inspector General or Commissioner may call for returns. 13

25. Punishment of the members of the subordinate ranks of the Police Force 13
departmentally for neglect of duty, etc.
Punitive powers of Inspector General, Commissioner, Deputy Inspector- 13
General and District Superintendent.

26. Procedure to be observed in awarding punishment. 14

27. Appeals from orders of punishment. 14
27 A. Revisional powers of State Government, Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General. 14
28. Police Officers to be deemed to be always on duty and to be liable to employment in 15
any part of the State.
Intimation of proposed transfers to be given by the Inspector General to the 15
Commissioner and District Magistrate.
29. Under what conditions Police Officer may resign. 15
Arrears of pay of a Police Officer contravening this section may be forfeited. 16
30. Certificate, arms, etc. to be delivered up by person ceasing to be a Police Officer and, 16
If not delivered up may be seized under a search warrant. 16
Saving of certain articles. 16
31. Occupation of and liability to vacate premises provided for Police Officers. 17

32. State Government may make order under section 144 of Act V of 1898. 17
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 (Ill)


32A. Establishment and constitution of State security Conunission. 17

32B. Functions of State security Commission. 18
32C. Annual Report. 19
32D. Constitution of Police Establishment Board. 19
32E. Powers and Functions of Police Establishment Board. 19
32F Establishment of State Police Complaints Authority. 20
32G. Powers and Functions of State Police Complaints Authority. 20
32H. Establishment of District Police Complaints Authority. 20
32!. Powers and functions of District Police Complaints Authority. 21
32J. Providing funds to Conunission Board, etc. 21

33. Power to make rules for regulation of traffic and for preservation of order in public 22
place, etc.
34. Competent authority may authorise erection of barriers on streets. 27
35. Power to make rules prohibiting disposal of the dead except at places set apart. 27
36. Power of Conunissioner or the District Superintendent and of other officers to 28
give direction to the public.
37. Power to prohibit certain acts for prevention of disorder. 28
38. Power to prohibit, etc., continuance of music, sound or noise. 29
39. Issue of orders for prevention of riot, etc. 30
Compensation to lawful occupier of building or place closed or taken possession of. 30
Disputes as to compensation to be settled. 30
40. Issue of orders for maintenance of order at religious ceremonials, etc. 30
41. Police to provide against disorder, etc. at places of amusement and public meetings. 31
Police to have free access thereto. 31
42. [Deleted]. 31
43. District Magistrate may take special measures to prevent out-break of epidemic 31
disease at fair, etc.
44. Destruction of stray dogs. 31
45. Destruction of suffering or unfit animals. 32
46. Powers under this Chapter to be exercised by District Superintendent subject to the 33
control of District Magistrate and Commissioner and by District Magistrate subject to
the control of State Government.
(IV) Gujarat Police Act. 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII


I. Employment ofadditional Police, recovery of cost thereof and of riot compensation-

its assessment and recovery

47. Employment of additional Police on application of a person. 33

48. Employment of additional Police at large works and when apprehension regarding 33
behaviour of employees exists. '
49. Recovery of cost of additional Police employed under sections 47 and 48. 34

50. Employment of additional Police in cases of special danger to public peace. 34

51. Compensation for injury caused by unlawful assembly, how recoverable. Date to be 35
fixed for liability.

52. District Magistrate to award or apportion compensation. 37

53. District Magistrate to discharge functions under order of State Government. 38

54. Proportionate recovery of the cost of additional Police and compensation for loss caused 38
by unlawful assembly.

II. Dispersal ofgangs and Removal ofpersons convicted of certain offences.

55. Dispersal of gangs and bodies of persons. 39

56. Removal of persons about to commit offence. 39

57. Removal of persons convicted of certain offences. 40

58. Period of operation of orders under sections 55, 56 and 57. 41

59. Hearing to be given before order under section 55, 56 or 57 is passed. 41

60. Appeal. 41

61. Finality or orders passed by State Government in certain cases. 42

62. Procedure on failure of person to leave the area and his entry therein after removal. 42

63. Temporary permission to enter or return to the area from which a person was directed 43
to remove himself.

63AA. Powers of extemment of State Government and officers specially empowered. 43

III. Control of camps, etc. and uniforms.

63A Control of camps, parades, etc. and banning use of uniforms, etc. 43

IV. Village Defence Parties.

63B. Constitution of village defence parties. 44
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 (V)



64. Duties of a Police officer. 45

65. Power to enter places of public resort. 46
Power to search suspected persons in a street. 46
66. Duties of Police officers towards the public. 46
67. Police to regulate traffic, etc. in streets. 46
68. Persons bound to confirm to reasonable orders of Police. 47
69. Power to police officer to restrain, remove, etc. 47
70. Enforcement of orders issued under sectioos 37, 38 or 39. 47
71. Duty of Police to see orders issued under sections 43, 55, 56, 57 or 63AAare 47
carried out.
72. When Police officer may arrest without warrant. 47
73. When Police may arrest without a warrant. 47

73A. Extension of section 6B of Act XI of 1890 as in force in Pre-Reorganisation State to 48

rest of the State for the purposes of sections 74 to 77.
74. Powers with regard to offences under Act XI of 1890 and corresponding laws. 48
75. Power of Magistrate to return animal to person from whose possession it was taken. 49
76. Veterinary officer to examine the animal. 49
77. Animal to be dealt with under Act XI of 1890. 49
78. Power of Police officer to unsaddle the animal or unload. 49
79. Power of Police to arrest without warrant when certain offences committed in his 49
80. Other powers of arrest. 49
81. Refusal to obey warning or to accompany Police. 50
82. Police to take charge of unclaimed property. 50
83. Intestate property over four hundred rupees in value. 50
84. Intestate property over four hundred rupees in value. 50
85. Procedure in other cases. 51
Power to sell perishable property at once. 51
86. Delivery of property to person entitled. 51
Power to take security. 51
(VI) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII

87, In default of claim, property to be at disposal of State Government. 51

88. Procedure not affected by Indian Succession Act, or Administrator General's Act or 52
Regulation VIII of 1827 or corresponding law.

89. Police officer may take charge of stray cattle. 52

90. Power to establish cattle-pounds and appoint pound-keepers. 52

90A. Penalty for allowing cattle to stray in street or to trespass upon private or public 52

91. Impounding of cattle. 53

92. Delivery of cattle claimed. 53

93. Sale of cattle not claimed. 53

94. Rate to be fixed by notification. 53

95. Powers as to inspection, search and seizure of false weights and measures.· 54

96. Procedure to be followed by officers and Magistrates in certain cases. 54

97. A Superior Police Officer may himself perform duties imposed on his inferior, etc. 55

98. Emergency duties of Police. 55



99. Disregarding the rule of the road. 55

Leaving cattle, etc., insufficiently tended. 55

100. Causing obstruction or mischief by animal. 55

101. Exposing animal for hire or sale, etc. 56
102. Causing any obstruction in a street. 56
103. Obstructing a footway. 56
104. Exhibiting mimetic, musical or other performances, etc. 56

105. Doing offensive acts on or near street or public place. 56

106. Letting loose, horse, etc., and suffering ferocious dogs to be at large. 56

I 07. Bathing or washing in places not set apart for those purposes. 56

108. Defiling water in public wells, etc. 56

I 09. Obstructing bathers. 57

1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 (VII)

110. Behaving indecently in public. 57

111. Obstructing or annoying passnegers in the street. 57

112. Misbehaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace. 57

113. Prohibition against flying kite. 57

114. [Deleted}. 57

ll5. Committing nuisance in or near street, etc. 57

116. Disregard of notice in public building. 57

117. Penalties for offenders under sections 99 to 116. 57

118. Penalty for failure to keep in confinement cattle, etc. 57

119. Punishment for cruelty to animals. 58

120. Wilful trespass. 58

121. False alarm of fire or damage to fire-alarm. 59

122. Being fonnd under suspicious circumstances between sunset and snnrise. 59

123. Carrying weapon without authority. 59

124. Possession of property of which no satisfactory account can be given. 59

125. Taking spirits into public hospital, or into barracks or on boards of vessels of war. 59

126. Omission by pawn-brokers, etc. to report to public possession or tender of property 60

suspected to be stolen.

127. Melting, etc. of such property. 60

128. Taking pledge from child. 60

129. Permission of discorderly conduct at places of public amusement, etc. 60

130. Cheating at games. 61

l 30A.Gambling in street. 61

131. Penalty for contravening rules, etc. under section 33. 61

131AA. Liability of licensee of place of public entertainment for acts of servants. 61

131 A. Penalty for not obtaining licence or for not renewing licence within specified period 62
in respect of place of public entertainment or for not obtaining certificate of
registration in respect of eating house.
(Vlll) Gujarat Police Act. 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII

132. Penalty for disobedience to order under section 31. 62

133. Penalty for contravening of rules, etc. under section 35. 62

134. Penalty for contravention of rule, etc. under section 36. 62

135. Penalty for contravention of rules or directions under sections 37, 39 or 40. 62

136. Penalty for contraventing rules, etc. made under section 38. 63

137. Penalty for contraventing rules, etc. made under section 4 I. 63

138. [Deleted]. 63

139. Penalty for contravention of a regulation made under section 43. 63

140. Penalty for contraventing directions under section 68. 63

141. Penalty for contravention of directions under section 55, 56, 57 or 63 AA. 63

142. Penalty for entering without permission area from which a person is directed to 63
remove himself or outstaying when permitted to return temporarily.

143. Penalty for failure to surrender in accordance with sub-section (3) of section 63. 64

I 43A.Penalty for contravention of orders under section 63 A. 64

143B.Dangerous performances. 64

144. Neglect or refusal to serve as Special Police Officer. 64

145. Penalty for making false statement, etc. and for misconduct of Police Officers. 64

Consequence of failure to return to duty after leave. 65

146. Penalty for failure to deliver up certificate of appointment or of office or other article. 65

147. Vexations entry, search, arrest, etc. by Police Officer. 65

148. Penalty for vexations delay in forwarding a person arrested. 65

149. Penalty for opposing or not complying with direction given under section 70. 65

149A.Penalty for unauthorised use of police uniform. 65

150. Jurisdiction when offender is a Police Officer above the rank of constable. 66

151. Prosecution for certain offences against the Act to be in the discretion of the Police. 66

151 A. Summary disposal of certain cases. 66

152. Prosecution for offences under other enactments not affected. 66

1951 : Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 (IX)

153. Disposal of fees, rewards etc. 66

154. No Municipal or other rates to be payable by State Government on police buildings. 66
155. Method of proving orders and notifications. 66
156. Rules and orders not invalidated by defect of form or irregularity in procedure. 67
157. Presumption in prosecutions for contravention of directions issued under section 67
55, 56, 57 or 63 AA.
157A.Officers holding charge of, or succeeding to vacancies competent to exercise powers. 67
158. Forfeiture of bond entered into by person permitted to enter or return to the area 67
from which he was directed to remove himself.
159. No Magistrate or Police officer to be liable to penalty or damage for act done 67
in good faith in pursuance of duty.
160. No public servant liable as aforesaid for giving effect in good faith to any rule, order 68
or direction issued with apparent authority.
161. Suits or prosecutions in respect of acts done under colour of duty as aforesaid not to 68
be entertained or to be dimissed if not instituted within one year.
In suits as aforesaid one month's notice of suit to be given with sufficient 68
description of wrong complained of.
Plaint to set forth service of notice and tender of amends. 68
162. Licences and written pennission to specify conditions to, and to be signed. 68
Revocation of licences etc. 68
When licence revoked etc. granted to be deemed without licence. 68
Grantee to produce licence etc., when required. 69
163. Public notices how to be given. 69
164. Consent etc. of a competent authority may be proved by writing under his signature. 69
165. Signature or notices etc. may be stamped.
166. Persons interested may apply to State Government to annual, reverse or alter any rule 69
or order.
When a suit shall lie to the District Court to declare a rule or order unlawful. 69
167. Repeal and saving. 70
168. Saving of!aws relating to Village Police and Reserve Police. 71

1951: Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951


[llth June 1951.]

Amended by Born. 21 of 1952.
" " " 18 of 1953.
" " " 20 of 1953.
" " " 21 of 1954.
" " " 28 of 1954.
" " " 57 of 1954.
" " " 6 of 1955.
" " " 1 of 1956.
Adapted and modified by the Bombay Adaptation of Laws (State and Con-
current Subjects) Order, 1956.

Amended by Born. 8 of 1958.

" " " 34 of 1959.
" " " 37 of 1959.
" " " 56 of 1959.
" " " 10 of 1960.
,, 22 of 1960.
" "
Adapted and modified by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Con-
current Subjects) Order, 1960.

Amended by Guj. 30 of 1962. Amended by Guj. 5 of 1989.

" " " 4 of 1964. " " " 8 of 2006.
" " " 15 of 1964. " " " 23 of 2007.
" " " 26 of 1972. " " " 15 of 2011.
" " " 16 of 1978.
" " " 8 of 1980.

An Act to consolidate and amend the Law for the regulation of the Police
Force in the State of Gujarat
WHEREAS it is expedient to amalgamate the District and Greater Bombay
Police Forces 3 [ and the Police Forces of the Saurashtra, Kutch and Hyderabad areas,
and of the Vidarbha regions, of] the State of Bombay into one common Police Force
and to introduce uniform methods regarding the working and control of the said
Force throuthout the State; And whereas it is necessary to consolidate and amend
the law relating to the regulation of the said Force and the exercise of powers and
performance of functions by the State Government and by the members of the said
Force for the maintenance of public order; And whereas it is necessary to provide
for certain other purposes hereinafter appearing it is hereby enacted as follows :-
1. For Statement of Object and Reasons, See Bon1bay Government Gazette, 1950, Part V, Page 324; for
Reports of the Select Committee, See ibid., 1951, Part V, pages 34-88.
2. This v. ord was deemed to have been substituted on 1st May, 1960 for the word "Bombay" by Guj. 15

of2011, s.3, Sch., Sr. No. 39.

3. These \vords were substituted for the \Vords "in the State of Bombay" by Born. 34of1954, s. 3.
This Act \Vas extended to that part of the State of Bombay to \Vhich im1nediately Before the
commencement of Born. 34 of 1959, it did not extend (Vide Bom. 34 of 1959, s. 2).
2 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 i 1951 : Born. XXII

Short title, 1. (J) This Act may be called the '[Gujarat] Police Act, 1951.
extent and
commencement. 2
((2) It extends to the whole of the State of 3(Gujarat].]
((3) It shall come into force 5(in the Pre-Re-organisationState of Bombay]
on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
[ specify in this behalf; and in that part of the State to which it is extended by the

Bombay Police (Extension and Amendment) Act, 1959, it shall come into force on
such other date as that Government may by like notification specify].] Born.

Definitions. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,- ~~
(J) "cattle" includes elephants, camels, horses, asses, mules sheep, goats and
(2) "Corporation" means a Corporation constituted under 7 [ * * * *];
* Bom.LIX

*] the Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act 1949, 8 [* * * * of 1949.

(3) the expression "competent authority" when used with reference to the
exercise of performance of any power, duty or function under the provisions of this
Act, means-
(a) in relation to 9 (any area] for which a Commissioner of Police is
appointed under section 7, the Commissioner;
(b) in relation to the areas other than those referred to in clause (a) the
District Magistrate or the District Superintendent or the Additional Superintendent
when specially empowered in that behalf by the State Government;
( 4) "constable" means a police officer of the lowest grade '°[and includes a
Lok Rakshak];
(5) "District" means a territorial division constitution a district for the purposes
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, but does not include 11 (any area for which
a Commissioner of Police has been appointed under section 7];
[(5A) "eating house" means any place to which the public are admitted and
where any kind of food or drink is supplied for consumption on the premises by
any person owning or having an interest in or managing such place and includes a
refreshment room, coffee-house or a shop where any kind of food or drink is supplied
to the public for consumption in or near such shop; but does not include a place of
public entertainment]
I. This \Vord was deemed to have been substituted on 1st May, 1960 for the \VOrd "Bombay" by Guj. 15
of2011, s. 3, Sch., Sr. No. 39.
2. This sub-section \Vas substituted for the original by Born. 34of1959, s. 4(1).
3. This v. ord \vas substituted for the word "Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and

Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.

4. Sub-section (3) shall remain unmodified, ibid.
5. These words were inserted by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 4 (2).
6. These \vords \Vere substituted for the words "specify in this behalf', ibid., s 4 (2).
7. The words "the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act, or" \Vere deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of
La\vs (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
8. The words "or the City of Nagpur Corporation Act, 1948" were deleted, ibid.
9. These words \Vere substituted for the words. "Greater Bombay, and other areas," ibid.
10. These words were and were always to have been added by Guj. 8 of 2006, s. (2)(1 ).
11. This portion \Vas substituted for the words "Greater Bombay" by Born. 56 of 1959, s. 3, Schedule.
12. Clause (SA) \Vhich \Vas deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of La\vs (State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960 was inserted by Guj. 5of1989, s. 2(1).
1951 : Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 3

(6) "Inspector General", "Additional Inspector General", "Commissioner"

"Deputy Inspector General", "Deputy Commissioner", "Assistant Commissioner"
"District Superintendent", "Additional Superintendent", "Assistant Superintendent"
and "Deputy Superintendent" means respectively the Inspector General of Police,
the Additional Inspector General of Police, a Commissioner of Police including
an Additional Commissioner of Police, a Deputy Inspector General Police, a Deputy
Commissioner of Police and Assistant Commissioner of Police, a District Superintendent
of Police 1[including a Superintendent of Police appointed under section 8A or 22A],
an Additional Superintendent of Police, an Assistant Superintendent of Police and a
Deputy Superintendent of Police appointed or deemed to be appointed under this Act;
[(6A) "Lok Raksha!(' means a police officer of the lowest grade appointed
in accordance with the provisions of section 5].
((7) "municipality" means a municipality or municipal borough established
under any law for the time being in force in any part of the State, but does not include
a municipal Corporation;]

'[ * * * * * l
(8) "place" includes a building, a tent, a booth or other erection, whether
permanent or temporary, or any area whether enclosed or open;

(9) "place of public amusement" means any place where music, singing, dancing,
or any diversion or game, or the means or carrying on the same, is provided and
to which the public are admitted either on payment of money or with the intention
that money may be collected from those admitted and includes a race course, circus,
theatre music hall, billiard room, bagatelle room, gymnasium, fencing school, swinJIDing
pool or dancing hall;

'[(10) "place of public entertainment" means a boarding-house, lodging house

or residential hotel and includes any eating house in which any kind of liquor or
intoxicating drug is supplied (such as a tavern, a wine shop, a beer shop or a spirit,
arrack, toddy, ganja, bhang or opium shop) to the public for consumption in or near
such place];

( 11) "Police officer" means any member of the police force appointed or deemed
to be appointed under this Act, and includes a special or an additional Police Officer
appointed under section 21 or 22;

(12) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules;

(13) "public place" includes the foreshore, the precincts of every public
building or monument, and all places accessible to the public drawing water,
washing or bathing or for the purpose of recreation;

'[ * * * * * *]
I. These words, figures and letters were inserted by Bom. 34of1959, s. 5(3).
2. This clause was and was always to have been inserted by Guj. 8 of2006, s. 2(2).
3. This clause was substituted for the original by Born. 34of1959, s. 5(4).
4. Clause (7A) was omitted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960.
5. This clause was substituted for the original by Guj. 5 of 1989, s. 2(2).
6. Clause (13 A) was deleted by Guj. 15of1964, s. 4, Sch.
4 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
( 14) "rules" means rules made under this Act;

(15) "street" incudes any highway, bridge, way over a causeway, viaduct, arch
quay or wharf or any road, lane, footway, square, court, alley or passage, accessible
to the public, whether a thoroghfare or not;

(16) "Subordinate ranks" means members of the Police Force below the rank
of the Inspector;

(17) "vehicle" means any carriage, cart, van, dray, truck, hand cart or other
Conveyance of any description and includes a bicycle a tricycle, a rickshaw, an
automatic car, a vessel or an aeroplane.



One Police Force 3. There shall be one Police Force for the 1[whole of the '[State of Gujarat]]:
for the -l(whole
of the '[State of
Gujarat]]. Provided that the members of the Police Forces constituted under any of the
Acts mentioned in Schedule I, immediately befor the coming into force of this Act
'[in the relevant part of the State] shall be deemed to be the members of the said
Police Force.

Superintendent 4. The superintedence of the Police Force tlu·oughout '[the State of Gujarat]
of Police Force to
vest in the State
vests in and is exercisable by the State Government and any control, direction or
Government. supervision exercisable by any officer over any member of the Police Force shall be
exercisable subject to such superintendence.

Constitution of 5. Subject to the provisions of this Act-

Police Force.

(a) the Police Force shall consist of such of number in the several ranks and
have such organization and such powers, functions and duties as the State
Government may by general or special order determine ;

(b) the recruitment pay, allowances and all other conditions of service of the
Police Force shall be such as may from time to time be determined by the State
Government by general or special order :

Provided that-
[(i) the rules and orders governing the recruitment, pay allowances and other
conditions of service of the members of the Police Force constituted under any of
the Acts mentioned in Part I or II or Schedule I and deemed to be the members of
the Police Force under section 3, shall continue in force until altered or cancelled
under clause (b); but in the case of members of Police Force; constituted
1. These words \Vere substituted for the \vords "vvhole of the State of Bombay" by Born. 34of1959, s. 6.
2. These words \Vere subtituted for the \Vords "State of Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation of La\vs (State
and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
3. These words \Vere substuted for the words «\vhole State" by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 6.
4. These words were inserted, ibid., s. 6.
5. These \Vords \Vere substituted for the \Vords "the State··. ibid., s. 7.
6. This sub-clause \Vas substituted for the original, ibid., s. 8.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 5
under any of the Acts mentioned in Part II of that Schedule such alteration or
XX.XVII cancellation shall be subject to the proviso to sub-section (7) of section 115 of the
ofl956. State Reorganisation Act, 1956.]

(ii) nothing in this clause shall apply to the recruitment, pay allowances and
other conditions of service of the members of the Indian Police and Indian Police

'[SA. (1) For the overall direction and supervision of the Police Force, the Director
General and
State Government shall appoint a Director General and Inspector General of Police Inspector
who shall exercise such powers, perform such functions and duties and have such General of
responsibilities and authority as may be provided by or under this Act or orders made
by the State Government.

(2) The Director General and Inspector General of Police shall be selected
from a panel of officers consisting of the officer already working in the rank of
the Director General of Police or of the officers in the rank of Additional Director
General of Police who have been found suitable for promotion after screening by a
Committee under the provisions of the All India Services Act, 1951 :

Provided that the panel of officers from the rank of Additional Director
General of Police shall not exceed double the number of vacant posts to be filled in
the rank of Director General and Inspector General of Police in the State.

(3) The Director General and Inspector General of Police so selected and
appointed shall ordinarily have a minimum tenure of two years irrespective of his
6l of 195 1. date of superannuation, subject to the relevant provisions under the All India Services
Act, 1951 and the rules made there under.

(4) The Director General and Inspector General of Police may be removed
from his post before the expiry of this tenure by the State Government by an order
in writing specifying the reasons thereof, consequent upon the -

(a) conviction by a court of law in a criminal offence or where charges

have been framed by a court in a case involving corruption or moral turpitude;

(b) punishment of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service

or of reduction to a lower post; or
(c) suspension from service; or
(d) incapability to discharge his functions as the Director General and
Inspector General of Police due to physical or mental illness; or
(e) misuse or abuse of powers vested in him or for gross inefficiency and
negligence or failure to provide leadership to the Police Force.

SB. (1) The Police officer on operational duties in the field viz. Inspector Tenure of
office of
General of Police in a range, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Comm.issioner of Police, key police
Deputy Comm.issioner of Police, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Superintendent of functionaries.
Police, Sub-Divisional Police Officer and police officer posted as on Officer incharge
of the Police Station shall ordinarily have a minimum tenure of two years on such post.
l. Section SA and SB were inserted by Guj. 23 of2007, s. 2.
6 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951: Born. XXII
(2) Any police officer referred to in sub-section (1) may be removed or, as the
case may be, transferred from his post before the expiry of the tenure of two years
consequent upon the -

(a) conviction by a court of law, or

(b) punishment of dismissal, removal, compulsory retirement from service or

of reduction to a lower rank; or

(c) charges having been framed by court of law in a criminal offence; or

(d) suspension from service; or

(e) incapability to discharge his functions and duties due to physical or mental
illness; or

(f) misuse or abuse of powers vested in him; or

(g) gross inefficiency and negligence where a prima facie case of a serious
nature has been established after a preliminary enquiry; or

(h) superannuation; or

(i) promotion to a higher post; or

(j) on his own request].

Inspector 6. (1) For the direction and supervision of the Police Force, the State
Government shall appoint an Inspector General of Police who shall exercise such
and Deputy powers and perform such functions and duties and shall have such responsibilities
Inspector and such authority as may be provided by or under this Act or orders made by the
State Government

(2) (a) The State Government may appoint an Additional Inspector General
and one or more Deputy Inspector General of Police.

( b) The State Government may direct that any of the powers, functions, duties,
and responsibilities and the authority of the Inspector General may be exercised,
performed or discharged, as the case may be, by the Additional Inspector General
or a Deputy Inspector General.

( c) The State Government may also by a general or special order direct that
the Additional Inspector General or Deputy Inspector General shall assist and aid
the Inspector General in the performance, exercise and discharge of his powers,
functions, duties, responsibilities and authority in such manner and to such extent
as may be specified in the order.

Commissioner. 7. (a) The State Government may appoint a Police officer to be the
Commissioner of Police for 1[any] area specified in a notification issued by
the State Government in this behalf and published in the Official Gazette.
I. These words were substituted for the words "Greater Bombay or any other" by the Gujarat
Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjets) Order, 1960.
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 7

(b) The State Govenment may also appoint an Additional Commissioner of

Police for the areas specified in clause (a).

(c) The Commissioner shall exercise such powers, perfom1 such functions and
duties and shall have such responsibilities and authority as are provided by or under
this Act or as may otherwise be directed by the state Government by a general or
special order :

Provided that the State Government may direct that any of the powers, functions,
duties, responsibilities or authority exercisable or to be performed or discharged by
the Commissioner shall be exercised, performed or discharged subject to the control
of the Inspector General :

Provided further that the area for which a Commissioner has been appointed
under this section shall not, unless otherwise provided by or under this Act, be
under the charge of the District Magistrate or the District Superintendent for any
of the purposes of this Act, notwithstanding the fact that such area forms part of a
district within the territorial jurisdiction for which a District Magistrate or a District
Superintendent may have been appointed.
[7 A. (I) The State Government may, having regard to the population in Separation of
an area or the circumstances prevailing in such area, by an order, separate the wing and law
investigating police from the law and order police wing in such area to ensure the and order n·ing.

speedier investigation, better expertise and improved rapport with the people.

(2) Such investigating police wing shall investigate the serious crimes such
as offence punishable under Chapter XII, XVI, XVII of the Indian Penal Code,
Offences of Terrorist Activities, Cyber Offences, Inter State Offences and such other
offences as the State Government may, by an order, direct.

(3) The Director General and Inspector General of Police or an officer authorized
by him shall co-ordinate between the Law and Order Police and the Investigating
Police wings.]

8. (1) The State Government may appoint for each District or for a part of ~f,~~~~'.ment of
a District or for one or more Districts a Superintendent and one or more Additional AAdditional,
ss1stant an
Assistant and Deputy Superintendents of Police, as it may think expedient. Depu!y

(2) The State Government may by a general or special order, empower an

Additional Superintendent to exercise and perform in the district for which he is
appointed or in any part thereof, all or any of the powers, functions or duties to be
exercised or performed by a District Superintendent under this Act or under any law
for the time being in force.

(3) The District Superintendent may, with the previous permission of the
State Government, delegate any of the powers and functions 2 [conferred on him by
or under this Act, except the powers to make, alter or rescinds rules or orders under
section 33, to an Assistant or Deputy Superintendent.].
I. Section 7A was inserted by Guj. 23 of2007, s. 3.
2. These words were substituted for the words "conferred on him by or under this Act to an
Assistant or Deputy Superintendent" by Guj. 16of1978, s. 2.
8 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
Appoi~tment of [8A. The State Government may appoint for the 2[ whole of the '[State of Gujarat]
for Wireless or for any part thereof one or more Superintendent of Police as it may think fit-
Systeni and
l\'Iotor Transport
System or for any (1) for the Police wireless System;
Specific duty.

(2) for the Police Motor Transport System; or

(3) for the performance of such specific duties as the State Government may
from time to time determine in this behalf and the Superintendent so appointed shall
exercise such powers and perform such functions as the State Government may from
time to time assign to him :

Provided that such powers and functions shall be exercised or performed subject
to the control of the Inspector General.]

[Appointment 9. The State Government may appoint any Police Officer not below the rank
of Principals
of Police of a District Superintendent to be the '[Principal of 5[ any] Police Training College or
Training School] 6[established by the State Government] any may assign to him such powers,
functions and duties as it may think fit.

Deputies and I 0. (I) 111e State Government may appoint one or more Deputy Commissioners
Assistant to
Con1missioner and one or more Assistant Commissioners of Police 8[* * *]in any area in
which a Commissioner has been appointed under clause (a) of section 7.

(2) Every such, Deputy or Assistant Commissioner shall, under the orders
of the Commissioner, exercise and perform any of the powers, functions and duties
of the Commissioner to be exercised or performed by him under the provisions
of this Act or any other law for the time being in force in accordance with
the general or special orders of the State Government made on this behalf:

Provided that the powers to be excerised by the Commissioners 9 [ofmaking,

altering or rescinding rules under section 33] shall not be exercisable by a Deputy
or Assistant Commissioner.
I. Section 8A was inserted by Born 20. of 1953, s. 2.
2. These words were substituted for the words "Pre-Reorganisation State ofBombay excluding
the transferred territories" by Born. 34of1959, s. 9.
3. These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation
of Laws (State and Concarrent Subjets) Order, 1960.
4. These words were substituted for the words "Principal of any Police Traing School" by Guj.
16of1978, s. 3.
5. These words were inserted by Born. 34of1959, s. 10(/).
6. This word was substituted for the words "the Central Police Training School, Nasik or any
other" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
7. This marginal note was substituted for the original by Born. 34of1959, s. 10(2).
8. The words "in Greater Bombay or" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State
and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
9. These words and figures were substituted for the words and figures "under section 18 or
33" by Born. 57of1954, s. 3.
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 9
11. (J) The State Government may appoint 1[ for any area for [Superintendents
which a Commissioner of Police has been appointed under section 7] such Jurisdiction of
number of Superintendents of Police as it may think expedient. Commissioner.}

(2) A Superintendent appointed under sub-section (1) shall exercise

such powers and perform such duties and functions as can be exercised or
performed under the provisions of this Act or any other law for the time being
in force or as are assigned to him by the Commissioner under the general or
special orders of the State Government :

Provided that the powers to be exercised by the Commissioner '[of

making altering or rescinding rules under section 33] shall not be exercisable
by the Superintendent.

12. (J) Subject to the control of the State Government, the Commissioner Constitution of
'[fior any area J sha11 , 1·fheth.nk fi
I s t-
divisions and

(a) constitute 5[within the area under his charge], Police divisions,

(b) sub-divide the same into sections, and

(c) define the limits and extent of such divisions and sections.

(2) Each such division shall be in charge of a Superintendent of Police and Officers incharge
. . . of divisions and
each sect10n shall be m charge of an Inspector of Police, sections.

6[12A. Subject to the general or special orders of the State Government the Inspectors.
Commisioner for the area for which he is appointed and the Inspector General for
other areas shall appoint Inspectors.]

13. [Inspector General and Commissioner to exercise the powers of First

Class Magistrate and Presidency Magistrate.} Deleted by Born. XX! of1954, Second

14. (J) Every Police Officer 7 [* *] '[of the grade of Inspector or below], Certificate of
shall on appointment receive a certificate in form provided in Schedule IL The
certificate shall be issued under the seal of such officer as the State Government
may by general or special order direct.
1. These words were substituted for the words "for Greater Bombay" by Born. 56of1959,
s. 3, Schedule.
2. This marginal note was substituted for the orignal, ibid.
3. These words and figures were substituted for the words and figures "under section 13 or
33" by Born. l of 1956, s. 2.
4. These words, were substituted for the words "for Greater Bombay" by Born. 56 of 1959,
s. 3, Schedule.
5. These words were substituted for the words "within the Greater Bombay", ibid.
6. Section 12A was inserted by Born. 28of1954, s. 2.
7. The words "of and" were deleted by Born 20of1953, s. 3.
8. These words were substituted for the words "below the grade oflnspector" by Born. 28
of 1954, s. 3.
JO Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII

(2) A certificate of appointment shall become null and void whenever the
person named therein ceases to belong to the Police Force or shall remain inoperative
during the period within which such person is suspended from such force.

Effect of 15. The powers, functions and privileges vested in a police shall remain suspened
suspension of
Police Officer.
whilst such Police officer under suspension from office :

Provided that not withstanding such suspension such person shall not cease
to be a Police officer and shall continue to be subject to the control of the same
authorities to which he would have been, if he was not under suspension.
General powers 16. The Commissioner, subject to the orders of the Inspector General, and
of Commissioner
and District District Superintendent, subject to the order of the Inspector General and the
Superintendent. District Magistrate, shall within their respective spheres of authority direct and
regulate relation, distribution of duties, study of laws, orders and modes of
proceedings and all matters of executive detail of the fulfilment of their duties by
the Police Force under him.
Control of
District 17. (I) The District Superintendent and the Police Force of a district shall
l\lagistrate O\'er be under the control of the District Magistrate.
Police Force in

(2) In exerc1smg such control the District Magistrate shall be governed

by such rules and orders as the State Government may make in this behalf
l[* * * * * * *].

Power ofDistrict 18. The District Magistrate may require from the District Superitendent
Magistrate to
require reports reports, either particular or genreal, on any matter connected with the crimes, habitual
from District
S upenntenedent.
offenders, the prevention of disorder, the regulation of assemblies and amusements,
the distribution of the Police Force, the conduct and character of any Police Officer
subordinate to the District Superintedent, the utilization of auxiliary means and all
other matters in furtherance of his control of the police Force and the maintenance
of order.

Power of 19. If the District Magistrate observes any marked incompetence or unfitress
for the locality or for his particular duties in any Police officer subordinate to the
by District
Magistrates. District Superintendent he may require the District Superintendent to substitute
another officer for any officer whom he has power to transfer and the District
Superintendent shall be bound to comply with the requisition :

Provided that if the Police officer concerned is an officer 2 [ of a grade higher

than that of an Inspector] the District Magistrate may report his conduct to the
Inspector General. The Inspector General may, thereafter, determine the action to
be taken and pass such orders he thinks fit, and shall communicate such action or
order to the District Magistrate.
I. The \Vords "and shall be subject to the la\vful orders of the Revenue Commissioner" \Vere deleted
by Guj. 15of1964.s. 4, Schedule.
2. These words \Vere substituted for the \vords" of the grade of the Inspector or of a higher grade"
by Born. 28 of 1954, s. 4.
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ll

20. The Inspector General, throughout the 1[State] and the Conunissioner in the Power of
area for which he is appointed shall, subject to the orders of the State Government, General and
have authority to investigate and regulate all matters of account connected with the to investigate
Police in the '[State] or in the area, as the case may be, and all persons concerned and regulate
shall be bound to give him reasonable aid and facilities in conducting such investi- of Police
gation and to conform to his orders consequent thereto. accounts.

21. (I) The Commissioner, the District Superintendent, of any Magistrate Special
[ * * * * ] specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government, officers.
may, at any time by a written order signed by himself and sealed with own seal appoint
any able-bodied male person between the ages of 18 and 50, whom he considers fit to be
a special Police Officer to assist the Police Force on any occasion, when he has reason to
apprehend the occurrence of any riot or grave disturbance of the pease within the limits
of his charge and he is of opinion that the ordinary Police Force is not sufficient for the
protection of the inhabitants and for the security of property.
(2) Every special Police officer so appointed shall on appointment-
(a) receive a certificate in a form approved by the State Government in
this behalf,
(b) have the same powers, privileges and immunities and be liable to the
same duties and responsibilities and be subject to the same authorities as an
ordinary Police officer.
22. (I) Additional Police officers of such rank or grade for such time and Appointment of
on such pay as the authority specified by or under the provisions of this Act in that Additional Police.
behalf may determine, may be employed or deputed for the purpose stated in such
(2) Every additional Police officer appointed shall on appointment-
(a) receive a certificate in a form approved by the State Government in
this behalf,
(b) be vested with all or such of the powers, privileges and duties of a
Police officer as are specially mentioned in the certificate, and
(c) be subject to the orders of the Commissioner or the District
Superintendent as the case may be.
(3) The employment or deputation of such additional Police officer may
be made at the request of any person requiring such Police and the cost of such
employment shall be recovered in such manner as is provided by or under this Act
or under any other law for the time being in force.
[22A. (I) The Stae Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, Appointment
create one or more special police district embrasing and such railway areas in the of Railway
State as it may specify, and appoint a Superintendent of Police and such other Police
officers for each such special districts as it may think fit.

1. These \\'ords were substituted for the words "Pre-Reorganisation State of Bombay,
excluding the transferred territories" by Born. 34of1959. s. 11.
2. The \Vords ;'not lo,ver in rank than of second class" were deleted by Born. 21 of 1954, s.
3, Second Sch.
3. This section was inserted by Born. 34of1950, s. 12.
12 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
(2) Subject to the control of the Inspector General, such police officers shall
discharge police functions connected with the administration of railways situated
within their respective charges, and such other functions as the State Government
may from time to time assign to them,

(3) Any member of the said Police Force whom the State Government shall
generally or specially empower to act under this sub-section may, subject to any orders
which that Government may make in this behalf, exercise within the special district
or any part thereof any of the powers of an officers in charge of a Police station in
that district and when so exercising such powers shall, subject to any such order as
aforesaid, be deemed to be an officer in charge of the police station discharging the
functions of such officer within the limits of his station.

(4) Subject to any general of special orders which the State Government may
make in this behalf such police officers shall, in the discharge of their functions, be
vested within every part of the State with the powers and privileges and be subject
to the liabilities of police officers under this Act or any other law for the time being



Framing 23. Subject to the orders of the State Government the Commissioner in the case
of rules for
of the Police Force allocated to 1[* * *] areas for which he has been appointd
of the Police. and the Inspector General in the case of the Police Force allocated to other areas
may make rules or orders not inconsistent with this Act or with any other enactment
for the time being in force-

(a) regulating the inspection of the Police Force by his subordinates :

( b) determining the description and quantity of arms, accountrements, clothing

and other necessaries to be furnished to the Police :

(c) prescribing the places of residence of members of the Police Force:

(d) for institution management and regulation of any Police fund for any
purpose connected with police administration :

(e) regulating, subject to the provisions of section 17, the distribution,

movements and location of the Police ;

(j) assigning duties to Police officers of all ranks and grades, and prescribing-

(i) the manner in which, and

(ii) the condition subject to which, they shall exercise and perform their
respective powers and duties ;
(g) regulating the collection and communication by the Police of intelligence
and information ;

I. The words "Greater Bombay and other'' \Vere deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of La\VS (State
and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 11

20. The Inspector General, throughout the [State] and the Commissioner in the Power of
area for which he is appointed shall, subject to the orders of the State Government, General and
have authority to investigate and regulate all matters of account connected with the Commissioner
to investigate
Police in the 1[State] or in the area, as the case may be, and all persons concerned and regulate
shall be bound to give him reasonable aid and facilities in conducting such investi- of Police
gation and to conform to his orders consequent thereto. accounts.

21. (I) The Commissioner, the District Superintendent, of any Magistrate Special
[ * * * * ] specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government, officers.
may, at any time by a written order signed by himself and sealed with own seal appoint
any able-bodied male person between the ages of 18 and 50, whom he considers fit to be
a special Police Officer to assist the Police Force on any occasion, when he has reason to
apprehend the occurrence of any riot or grave disturbance of the pease within the limits
of his charge and he is of opinion that the ordinary Police Force is not sufficient for the
protection of the inhabitants and for the security of property.
(2) Every special Police officer so appointed shall on appointment-

(a) receive a certificate in a form approved by the State Government in

this behalf,

(b) have the same powers, privileges and irnnmnities and be liable to the
same duties and responsibilities and be subject to the same authorities as an
ordinary Police officer.

22. (I) Additional Police officers of such rank or grade for such time and Appointment of
on such pay as the authority specified by or under the provisions of this Act in that Additional Police.
behalf may determine, may be employed or deputed for the purpose stated in such
(2) Every additional Police officer appointed shall on appointment-
(a) receive a certificate in a form approved by the State Government in
this behalf,
(b) be vested with all or such of the powers, privileges and duties of a
Police officer as are specially mentioned in the certificate, and

(c) be subject to the orders of the Commissioner or the District

Superintendent as the case may be.
(3) The employment or deputation of such additional Police officer may
be made at the request of any person requiring such Police and the cost of such
employment shall be recovered in such manner as is provided by or under this Act
or under any other law for the time being in force.
[22A. (1) The Stae Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, Appointment
create one or more special police district embrasing and such railway areas in the of Railway
State as it may specify, and appoint a Superintendent of Police and such other Police
officers for each such special districts as it may think fit.

1. These \VOrds were substituted for the words "Pre-Reorganisation State of Bombay,
excluding the transferred territories" by Born. 34 of 1959, s. l I.
2. The words "not lo\ver in rank than of second class" \vere deleted by Born. 21 of 1954, s.
3, Second Sch,
3. This section \Vas inserted by Born. 34of1950, s. 12.
12 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born, XXIJ
(2) Subject to the control of the Inspector General, such police officers shall
discharge police functions connected with the administration of railways situated
within their respective charges, and such other functions as the State Government
may from time to time assign to them.

(3) Any member of the said Police Force whom the State Government shall
generally or specially empower to act under this sub-section may, subject to any orders
which that Government may make in this behalf, exercise within the special district
or any part thereof any of the powers of an officers in charge of a Police station in
that district and when so exercising such powers shall, subject to any such order as
aforesaid, be deemed to be an officer in charge of the police station discharging the
functions of such officer within the limits of his station.

(4) Subject to any general of special orders which the State Government may
make in this behalf such police officers shall, in the discharge of their functions, be
vested within every part of the State with the powers and privileges and be subject
to the liabilities of police officers under this Act or any other law for the time being



Framing 23. Subject to the orders of the State Government the Commissioner in the case
of rules for
of the Police Force allocated to 1[* * *] areas for which he has been appointd
of the Police. and the Inspector General in the case of the Police Force allocated to other areas
may make rules or orders not inconsistent with this Act or with any other enactment
for the time being in force-

(a) regulating the inspection of the Police Force by his subordinates :

(b) determining the description and quantity of arms, accountrements, clothing

and other necessaries to be furnished to the Police :

(c) prescribing the places of residence of members of the Police Force:

(d) for institution management and regulation of any Police fund for any
purpose connected with police administration :

(e) regulating, subject to the provisions of section 17, the distribution,

movements and location of the Police ;

(j) assigning duties to Police officers of all ranks and grades, and prescribing-

(i) the manner in which, and

(ii) the condition subject to which, they shall exercise and perform their
respective powers and duties ;

(g) regulating the collection and communication by the Police of intelligence

and information ;

1. The \Vords ;'Greater Bo1nbay and other" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of La\VS (State
and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 13
(h) generally, for the purpose of rendering the Police efficient and preventing
abuse or neglect of their duties.

24. (1) The Inspector General may, subject to the rules and orders of the State Inspector
General or
Government, call for such returns, reports and statements on subject connected with Comn1issioner
the suppression of crime, the maintenance of order and the performance of their n1ay call for
duties as his subordinates may be able to furnish to him. The Inspector General
shall communicate to the District Magistrate 1[* * * * *] any general
orders issued by him for the purpose aforesaid or in consequence of the information
furnished to him, and also any orders which the State Government may direct.

(2) The Commissioner may subject to as aforesaid with reference to the

area under his charge call for such reports, returns and statements as are provided
for in sub-section (1).

25. (1) The State Government or any officer authorised by sub-section (2) in Punishment of
the members of
that behalf may suspend, reduce, dismiss or remove 2 [ an Inspector or] any member the subordinate
of the subordinate ranks of the Police Force whom he shall think cruel, perverse, ranks of the
Police Force
remiss or negligent in the discharge of his duty or unfit for the same, and may fine departmentally
to an amount not exceeding one month's pay, any member of the subordinate ranks for neglect of
of the Police Force, who is guilty of any breach of discipline or misconduct or any duty, etc.
act rendering him unfit for the discharge of his duty which does not require his
suspension or dismissal.

(2) (a) The Inspector General the Commissioner and the Deputy Inspector Punitive powers
General shall have authority to punish 3[an Inspector or] any member of the subordinate ~e~;:ie.ctor
ranks under sub section (1). A District Superintendent shall have the like authority in ii:;u~ssioner,
respect of any Police officer subordinate to him below the grade of Inspector 4 [ and Inspector
. b d' hi d' . . . l . General and
may a spend an Inspector w ho 1s su or mate to m pen mg mquuy mto a comp amt District
against such Inspector and until an order of the Inspector General or Deputy Inspector Superintendent.
General can be obtained ]

(b) The Principal of 5[ 6[a Police Training College or School]] shall also
have the like authority in respect of any member of the subordinate ranks of the
Police Force below the grade oflnspector 7 [ undergoing training at 8[such '(College
or School ]] or] serving under him, and in respect of head constables and constables
belonging to the Police Force of 10 (the District in which such '[College or School]
1. The words "and the Revenue Commissinor" \Vere deleted by Guj. 15of1964 s. 4, Sch.
2. These words were inserted by Born. 28of1954. s. 5(1).
3. These words \Vere inserted, ibid, s. 5(2) (i).
4. These \Vords \Vere inserted, ibid., s. S (2) (ii).
5. These \Vords were substituted for the words "the Central Police Training School, Nasik" by Born.
34 of 1959. s. l3 (i) (a).
6. These \Vords were substituted for the \Vords "a Police Training School" by Guj. 16 of 1978,
s. 4 (i).
7. These words were inserted by Born. 6of1955. s. 2 (l).
8. These were words substituted for the words" the said School .. by Born. 34 of 1959. l3 (i) (b).
9. These \Vords \Vers substituted for the \Vords "School" by Guj. 16of1978. s. 4 (ii).
10. These \Vords \Vere substituted for the \Vords" the Nasik District" by Born. 34of1959, s. 13 {i) (c).
14 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
is situate] or of any other district attached to '[such 2 [college or school]] for duty
under him, 3 [he may also suspend an Inspector who is 4 [undergoing training at'[ such
[ college or school]] or] subordinate to him pending inquiry into a complaint against

such Inspector and until an order of the Inspector-General or Deputy Inspector

General can be obtained.]
[(bb) A Superintendent of Police appointed under section 8A for the
Police Wireless System or the Police Motor Transport Service or for performing
any specific duties 6 [ or a superintendent of Police appointed under section 22A] shall
have the like authority in respect of any Police officer subordinate to him below the
grade oflnspector ].
(c) The exercise of any power conferred by this sub-section shall be
subject always to such rules and orders as may be made by the State Government
in that behalf.
(3) Nothing in sub-sections (1) and (2) -
(a) shall affect any Police officer's liability to a criminal prosecution for
any offence with which he may be charged; or
(b) shall entitle any authority subordinate to that by which the Police
officer was appointed to dismiss or remove him.
Procedure to 26. When any officer passes an order for fining, suspending, reducing, removing
be observed
in a\Varding or dismissing a Police officer, he shall record such order or cause the same to be recorded,
punishment. together with the reasons therefor and a note of the inquiry made in writing, under his
signatures :
Provided that 7 [ no order for reducing, removing or dismissing a Police officer J
shall be passed without giving him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against
the action proposed to be taken against him except in cases referred to in the proviso
(a) to clause (2) of Article 311 of the Constitution.
Appeals from 27. An appeal against any order passed against a Police officer under section
orders of
punishment. 25 or the rules or orders whereunder shall be to the Stae Government itself or to such
officer as the State Government may be general or special order specify. 8[Such appeal
shall be filed within a period of sixty days from the date of the order appealed against.]
Revisionarls 9[27A. The State Government, the Inspector General or a Deputy Inspector
powers o tate
Government, General may, suo motu or on an application made to him within the prescribed period
~:::~!r:nd in this behalf, call for and examine the record of any inquiry or proceeding of any
D eputy subordinate police officer under this Chapter, for the purpose of satisfying itself or
General. himself, as the case may be, as to the legality or propriety of any decision or order
passed by, and as to the regularity of the proceeding of such officer, and may at any
I. These words were substituted for the words "the said School" by Born. 34of1959, s. 13 (i) (b).
2. These \VOrds \Vere substituted for the \Vord "School" by Guj. 16of1978, s. 4 (ii).
3. These words were deleted by Born. 20of1953, s. 4 (2) and again inserted by Born. 28of1954, s.5 (3).
4. These \Vords \vere inserted by Born. 6 of 1955, s. 2 (2).
5. Clause (bb) was inserted by Born. 20of1953, s. 4 (3).
6. These \\'Ords, figures and letter were inserted by Bon1. 34of1959, s. 13 (2).
7. These \Vords were substituted for the \Vords "no such order" by Born. 57of1954, s. 4.
8. These \Vords \vere added by Guj. 16of1978, s. 5.
9. Section 27A \vas inserted, ibid.. s. 6.
1951 : Born. XXU] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 15
(a) confirm, modify or reverse any such order,
(b) impose any penalty or set aside , reduce, confirm or enhance the penalty
imposed by such order.
(c) direct that further inquiry may be held, or
(d) make such other order as, in the circumstances of the case, it or he may deem
Provided that an order in revision imposing or enhancing penalty shall not be
passed unless the police officer affected thereby has been given a reasonable
opportunity of being heard:
Provided further that no order in revision shall be passed-
(i) in a case where an appeal against the decision or order passed in such
inquiry or proceeding has been filed, when such appeal is pending;
(ii) in a case where an appeal against such decision or order has not been
filed, before the expiry of the period provided for filing such appeal; and
(iii) in any case after the expiry of a period of three years from the date
of the decision or order sought to be revised.]

28. (I) Every Police officer not on leave or under suspension shall for all Police Officers
. . to be deemed
purposes of this Act be deemed to be always on duty, and any Police officer or any to be always on
number or body of Police officers allocated for duty in one part of the State may, if duty and to be
hable to
the State Govermnent or the Inspector General so directs, at any time, be employed employment in
on Police duty in any other part of the State for so long as the services of the same anypartofthe
may be there required.

(2) Timely intimation shall, except in cases of extreme urgency, be given to Intimation
1[ of proposed
* * * *] the District Magistrate by the Inspector General of any proposed transfers to
transfer under this section, and except, where secrecy is necessary the reasons for the be given by
transfer shall be explained; whereupon the officers aforesaid and their subordinate the Inspector
General to the
shall give all reasonable furtherance to such transfer. Commissioner
and District

29. 2((1) No Police officer '[ofthe grade ofinspector or] of the subordinate Under what
ranks shall resign his office or withdraw himself from the duties thereof except conditions
Police Officer
with the written permission of the Commissioner or the Deputy Inspector General may resign.
Criminal Investigation Department or of the Principal of 4 ( 5 [a Police Training
College or School],] or of the District Superintendent or of some other Police
officer empowered by the Inspector General or the Commissioner to grant such
1. The words "the Ravenue Comn1issioner and" \Vere deleted by Guj. 15of1964, s. 4, Schedule.
2. Subasection (I) was substituted for the original by Born. 20 of 1953, s-, 5.
3. These words \Vere inserted by Born. 28 of 1954 s. 6.
4. These \Vords \Vere substituted for the word "the Central Police Training School, Nasik" by Boin.
34 of 1959, s. 14 (1).
5. These words were substituted for the \Vord "a Police Training School" by Guj. 16 of 1978, s. 7 (a).
16 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 I 1951 : Born. XXU
Provided that subjects to the provisions of sub-section (2), no such permission
shall be granted to any such Police officer until he has fully discharged any debt due
by him as such Police officer to Government or to any Police fund].
(2) If any such Police officer produces a certificate signed by the Police surgeon
or the Civil Surgeon declaring him to be unfit by reason of disease or mental or physical
incapacity for further service in the Police, the necessary written permission to resign
shall forthwith be granted to him on his discharging or giving satisfactory security for
the payment of any debt due by him as such Police officer to Government or to any
Police fund.

Arrears of pay (3) If any such Police officer as aforesaid resigns or withdraws himself from
of a Police officer
contravening the duties of his officer in contravention of this section, he shall be liable on the
this section may
be forfeited. order of the Commissioner, or the Deputy Inspector General. Criminal Investigation
Department, or of the Principal of 1['[the Police Training College or school]] or of
the District Superintendent, as the case may be, to forfeit all penalty to which the
said officer is liable under section 145 of this Act or any other law in force.

Certificate, 30. (I) Every person who for any any reason ceases to be a Police officer
arms, etc. to be h 11 fi h . h d l'
delivered up bys a ort wit e 1ver up to some o ffi cer empowere d by t he C omm1ss1oner
. . or t h e
person ceasing Deputy Inspector General, Criminal Investigation Department, or the Principal of
to be a Police 3 4
Officer and [ [the Police Training College or School]] or the District Superintendent to whom
such Police officer is subordinate to receive the same, his certificate of appointment
or of office and the arms accountrernents, clothing and other necessaries which have
been furnished to him for the performance of duties and functions connected with
his office.

If not deliveredup (2) Any Magistrate and, for special reasons which shall be recorded in writing
may be sized
under a search
as the time, the Commissioner or the Deputy Inspector General, Criminal Investigation
warrant. Department, or the Principal of '[the Police Training College or School] or any District
Superintendent, Assistant Superintedent, or Deputy Superintendent may issue a warrant
to search for and seize, wherever they be found any, certificate, arms, accountrement,
clothing or other necessaries not so delivered up. Every warrant so issued shall be executed
in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, by a Police
officer or, if the Magistrate, the Commissioner, the Deputy Inspector General, Criminal
School], the District Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent or the Deputy
Superintendent issuing the warrant so directs, by any other person.
Saving of (3) Nothing in this section be deemed to apply to any article which, under the
certain articles. orders of the Inspector General, or the Commissioner, as the case may be, has become
the property of the person to whom the same was furnished.
1. These words were substituted for the word "the Central Police Training School, Nasik" by Boin.
34of1959, s. 14 (2).
2. These \vords \Vere substituted for the \Vords "the Police Training School" by Guj. 16 of 1978, s.
7 (b).
3. Theses \Vords \Vere subsituted for the \VOrds "the Central Police Training School, Nasik" by Born.
34of1959, s. 15.
4. These \vords were subsituted for the \Vords "the Police Training School" by Guj. 16of1978, s. 8 (a).
5. These words \Vere substituted for the word "the Police Training School'', ibid., s. 3 (h).
1951: Born. XXIl] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 17

31. (I) Any Police officer occupying any premises provided by the State Occupation of
Government for his residence- and liability to
vacate premises
(a) shall occupy the same subject to such conditions tenns as may generally pro~ided for
· · 1cases, be spec1'fi e d by the State Govermnent, and
or m specia Police Officers.

(b) shall notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in
force, vacate the same on his ceasing to be a Police officer or whenever the State
Government or any officer authoried by the State Govermnent in this behalf thinks
it necessary and expendient to require him to do so.
(2) If any person who is bound or required under sub-section (1) to vacate any
premises fails to do so, the State Government or the officer authorised in this behalf
by the State Govermnent may order such person to vacate the premises any may
direct any Police officer with such assistance as may be necessary to enter upon the
premises remove therefrom any person found therein and to take possession of the
premises and deliver the same to any persons specified in the direction.
1[32. The State Govermnent, whenever it shall seem necessary, may by State
· mt· h e Qllh · z Gazette mak e an ord er to sue h euect
JJ'cza "" as any ord er 1'f mad e Government
may make
by a Magistrate under section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, could order under
be continued in force by the State Government under the said Code.] ::;:~n:r4is~~.



32A. (1) The State Government shall, by notification m the Establishment
and constitution
Official Gazette, establish a State Security Commission to exercise the powers of State
and per1orm the f unctions
. .
as ass1gne d to it
. by or under t h e prov1s1ons
. . of th'is Security
(2) The State Security Commission shall consist of the following
members namely:-
(a) the Chief Minister of the State, ex-officio, who shall be the
(b) the Minister in-charge of Home Department ex-officio;
(c) the Chief Secretary to the Government of Gujarat ex-officio;
(d) the Secretary to the Govermnent of Gujarat, Home Department
(e) the Director General and Inspector General of Police, ex-officio,
who shall be the Member-Secretary; and
(g) two non-official members to be appointed by the State
Government of persons having reputation for integrity and competence in the
field of academia, law, public administration or media.
L Section 32 \Vas substituted by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 16.
2. Chapter Ill A \vas inserted by Guj. 23 of 2007, s. 4.
18 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born, XXII

(3) No person shall be appointed as a member under clause (g)

of sub-section (2), if he-
(a) is not a citizen oflndia; or
(b) has been convicted by a court of law or against whom charges
have been framed in a court of Jaw; or

(c) has been dismissed or removed from service or compulsorily

retired on the ground of corruption or misconduct; or
(d) holds an elected political office, including that of member of
Parliament or State Legislature or a local body, or is an office-bearer of any
political party or any organization connected with a political party; or
(e) is of unsound mind.
(4) Anon-official member appointed under clause (g) of sub-section
(2) may be removed on any of the following grounds:

(a) proven incompetence;

(b) proven misbehavior or misuse or abuse of powers vested to him;
(c) failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the State Security
Commission without sufficient cause;
(d) incapacitation by reasons of physical or mental infirmity;
(e) otherwise becoming unable to discharge his functions as a member;
(t) conviction by a court of law in an offence punishable under
Chapter XII, XVI or XVII of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or where charges 45ofl860.
have been framed by a court in a case in moral turpitude.
(5) The terms of office of the non-official members shall be for a
period not exceeding three years. The other terms and conditions of such
members shall be such as may be prescribed.
Functions of 32B. The State Security Commission shall exercise the following
State Security powers and perform the following functions, namely:-
(1) to advice the State Government on policy guidelines for promoting
efficient, effective, responsive and accountable policing of Police Force in the State;
(2) to assist the State Government in identifying performance indicators
to evaluate the functioning of the Police Force. These indicators shall, inter alia,
include the operational efficiency, public satisfaction, victim satisfaction vis-a-vis
police investigation and response, accountability, optimum utilization of resourses
and observance of human rights standards;
(3) to review periodically, the performance of the Police Force;
(4) to suggest for the performance of the preventive tasks and service
oriented functions of the Police Force;
(5) to review and evaluate organizational performance of the police
1951 : Born. XXIIJ Gujarat Police Act, 1951 19
(i) the performance indicators as identified and laid down by the
Commission itself;

(ii) the resources available with, and constraints of the police;

(6) to suggest policy guidelines for gathering information and statistics

related to police work;

(7) to suggest ways and mens to improve the efficiency, effectiveness,

accountability and responsiveness of the police; and

(8) such other functions as may be assigned to it by the State Government.

32C. The State Security Commission shall, at the end of each year, Annual Report.
prepare a report on its works during the preceding year as well as on the
evaluation of performance of the Police Force and submit it to the State.
Government for consideration and appropriate action.

32D. (1) The State Government shall, by an order, constitute a Police Constitution
Establishment Board consisting of the following members, namely:- of Police

(1) the Director General and Inspector General of Police, ex-officio,

who shall be the Chairman;

(2) the Additional Director General of Police (Administration),. ...


(3) an officer not below the rank of the Deputy Secretary to Govern-
ment of Gujarat, Home Department.. ... ex-officio; and

(4) an officer not below the rank oflnspector General of Police to

be nominated by the State Government, ex-officio, who shall be the Member

32E. The Police Establishment Board shall exercise the following Powers and
powers and perform the following functions and duties, namely:- Functions
of Police
. d Board.
(a) transfer of officers m the ra nk of Po1ice Inspector an

(b) prescribe guidelines and instructions for transfer of Subordinate

ranks from one Police District to another;

(c) analyes the grievances of the police personnel below the rank of
Deputy Superintendent of Police and suggest remedial measures to the State

(d) grant promotion to higher post from the cadre of Constable and
Lok Rakshak;

(e) such other functions as may be assigned to it by the State Government.

20 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
Establishment 32F. (1) The State Government shall constitute, by an order, the State
of State Police
Police Complaints Authority consisting of the following members, namely:-
(a) a retired Judge of the High Court or a retired officer not below
the rank of Principal Secretary to the Government of Gujarat who
shall be the Chairperson.

(b) the Principal Secretary to the Government of Gujarat, Home

Department, ex-officio;

(c) an officer not below the rank of the Additional Director General
of Police, nominated by the State Government, ex-officio, who
shall be the Member secretary; and

(d) a person of eminence appointed by the state Government.

(2) The terms and conditions of the members of the State Police
Complaints Authority, other than ex-officio, shall be such, as may
be prescribed.
Powers and 32G. The State Police Complaints Authority shall exercise the
Functions of
State Police following powers and perform following functions, namely:-
Authority. (1) to look into the complaints against police officers of the rank of Deputy
Superintendent of Police and above, in respect of serious misconduct,
dereliction of duty, misuse of powers, or any other matter specified
by the Government, not covered by the Vigilance Commission,
National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights
Commission, Commission for Minorities, Commission for Scheduled
Castes and Schedulted Tribes, Commission for Women and Commission
for Backward Class Communities, or any other Commissions as may
be appoited from time to time either by the Central Government or by
the State Government;
(2) to require any person to furnish information on such points or matters as, in
the opinion of the Authority, may be useful for, or relevant to, the subject
matter of the inquiry, and any person so required shall be deemed to be
legally bound to funish such information within the meaning of sections
176 and 177 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860;
(3) to enforce attendance of any person and take evidence on oath in the
manner of a civil court;
(4) to make appropriate recommendations to the State Government on any
case enquired into by it, wherever required.
Establishment 32H. ( 1) The State Government shall, by an order, constitute the
of District Police
Complaints District Police Complaints Authority for each District consisting of the
Authority. following memebers, namely:-

(a) The Superintendent of Police of the District, ex-officio, who shall

be the Chairperson,

(b) The Additional District Magistrate of the District, to be appointed

by the State Government, ex-officio.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 21

(c) two members of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly elected from

the concerning District, to be appointed by the State Government.
(d) The Deputy Superintendent of Police, ex-officio, who shall be the
(2) The terms and condition of the members of the District Police Complaints
Authority other than ex-officio, shall be such as may be prescribed.
(3) (a) The District Police Complaints Authority shall meet at least once
in every quarter and assess the record of at least one-fourth of all Police
Stations within the District with respect to the following matters and also
prepare a rating in the prescribed manner:-
(i) prompt registration of First Information Report;
(ii) custodial violence;
(iii) extortion of money from complainants and the victims;
(iv) drunken behavior; and
(v) misbehavior with the pubic.
(b) The report and the rating shall be sent to the concerned authorities for
taking appropriate action.
321. The District Police Complaits Authority shall exercise the Powers and
following powers and the perform following functions, namely:- Functions
of District
(a) Police
receive complaints against police officers posted in the District;
(b) inquire into the complaints involving serious dereliction from Authority.
duty, grave misconduct, misuse of powers and such other matters
as may be directed by the State Government against the police
officers up to the rank of Police Inspector;
(c) forward the complaints to the State Police Complaints Authority
against the police officers in the rank of Deputy Superintendent
of Police and above.
(d) receive and inquire into complaints of non-registration of First
Information Report.
(e) monitor the progress of departmental inquiries into cases of
complaints of misconduct against police officers.
(f) after an inquiry into a complaint of misconduct, the District
Police Complaints Authority may make its recommendations to
the concerned disciplinary authority.
(g) direct the registration of the First Information Report, the if a
complaint of non-registration is found to be correct by the

32J. The State Government shall provide such sum to the State Providing
funds to
Security Commission, Police Establishment Board and the State and the
District Police Complaints Authorities to enable it to discharge the functions Board, etc.
assigned to it under this Chapter.]
22 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born, XXII

Power to 33, (I) 1 (The Commissioner, with respect to all or any of the following
make rules or
regulation of matters specified in this sub-section and the District Magistrate, with respect to all
traffic and for or any of the said matters except the matters referred to in sub-section (J AA), may
preservation of make, alter or rescind rules or orders not inconsistent with this Act, in areas under
order in public
thelf . c harges or any part thereo f , namely :-]
. respective
pla ce1 ec.

(a) licensing and controlling persons offering themselves for employment

at quays, wharves and landing places, and outside Railway stations, for the
carriage of passengers' baggages, and fixing and providing for the enforcement of
a scale of charges for the labour of such person so employed;
'[(aa) licensing and controlling persons offering themselves for employment at
hills mountains or such other places for carrying pilgrin1s, tourists or other passengers
and their baggages, or goods on such hills, mountains or places, and fixing and providing
for the enforcement of a scale of charges for the labour of such persons so employed;]
(b) regulating traffic of all kinds in streets and public places, and the use of
streets and public places by persons riding, driving, cycling, walking or leading or
accompanying cattle, so as to prevent danger, obstruction or inconvenience to the
(c) regulating the conditions under which vehicles may remain standing in
streets and public places, and the use of streets as halting places for vehicles or cattle
(d) prescribing the number and position of lights to be used on vehicles in
streets and the hours between such lights shall be used;
[(da) licensing, outrolling or prohibiting the display of any pictures,
advertisements, news boards or public notices '[in or in the vicinity of, a street or
any public place or upon a vessel] or boat in territorial waters or on inland waterways
other then national waterways :]
'[Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to the display of any news
board or public notice by or on behalf of a political party, a public institution or
a panchayats or municipality or municipal corporation or other local authority
constituted under any law for time being in force;]
[(db) licensing, controlling or prohibiting the erection, exhibition, fixation or
retention of any sign, device or representation for the purpose of advertisement, which
is visible against the sky from some point in any street and is hoisted or held aloft over
any land, builiding or structure at such height as (regard being had to the traffic in the
vicinity, and the likelihood of such sign, device or representation at that height being a
distraction or causing obstruction to such traffic) may be specified in the rule or order;]
(e) prescribeing cartain hours of the day during which cattle shall not be
driven along the streets, or along certain specified streets, except subject to such
regulations as he may prescribe in that behalf;
1. This portion was substituted for the words beginning with the words "The Commissioner and the
District Magistrate" and ending with the \Vords" \vith this Act for "by Guj. 16 of 1978, s. 9(a).
2. Clause (aa) was inserted by Guj. 30of1962, s. 2 (1).
3. Clause (da) was inserted by Born. 20of1953, s. 6 (/).
4. These \vords \Vate substituted for the \\'Ords "upon a vessel" by Guj. 4 of 1964, s, 2.
5. This proviso \Vas added, ibid.
6. Clause (db) \Vas inserted by Boin. 37of1959, s. 2.
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act.1951 23

(j) regulating the leading, driving, conducting or conveying of any elephant

or wild or dangerous animal through or in any street;

(g) regulating and controlling the manner and mode of conveying timber,
scaffold poles, adders, iron girders, beams or bars, boilers or other unwiedly articles
through the streets, and the route and hours for such conveyance;

(h) licensing, controlling or, in order to prevent the obstruction,

inconvenience annoyance, risk, danger or damage of the residents or passengers in
the vicinity, prohibiting the carrying in streets and public places of gunpowder or
any other explosive substance;

(i) prohibiting except along certain specified streets and during specified
hours and subject to such regulations as he may prescribe in that behalf, the
exposure or movement in any street of persons or animals suffering from contagious
or infections diseases and the carcasses of animals or part thereof and the corpses of
persons deceased;

(j) prescribing certain hours of the day during which orders or offensive
matter or objects shall not be taken from or into houses or buildings in certain streets
or conveyed through such streets except subject to such rules as he may make in that

(k) setting apart places for the slaughtering of animals, the cleaning of
carcasses or hides, the deposit of noxious or offensive matter and for obeying calls
of nature;

(l) in cases of existing or apprehended epidemic or infectious disease of

men or animals, the cleanlines and disinfection of premises by the occupier thereof
and residents therein and the segregation and management of the persons or animals
diseased or supposed to be diseased, as may have been directed or approved by the
State Government, with a view to prevent the disease or to check the spreading thereof;

(m) directing the closing or disuse, wholly or for certain purposes, or

limiting to certain purposes only the use of any source, supply or receptacle of water
and providing against pollution of the same or the water therein;

(n) licensing, controlling or, in order to prevent the obstruction,

inconvenience, annoyance, risk, danger or damage of the resident or passengers in
the vicinity prohibiting the playing of music, the beating of drums, tom-toms or the
instruments and the blowing or soundig of horns or other noisy instruments in or
near streets or public places;

(o) regulating the conduct of and behaviour or action of persons constituting

assemblies and processions on or along the streets and prescribing in the case
of processions, the routes by which the order in which and the times at which the
same may pass;

{p)prohibiting the hanging or placing of any cord or pole across a street

or part thereof, or the making of a projection or structure so as to obstruct traffic or
the free access of light and air;
24 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 f 1951 : Born. XXII
(q) prohibiting, except under such reasonable rules as he may make, the
placing of building materials or other articles or the fastening or detention of any
horse or other animals in any street or public place;

(1) licensing, controlling or, in order to prevent obstruction, inconvenience,

annoyance, risk, danger or damage of the residents or passengers in the vicinity,

(i) the illumination of streets and public places and the exteriors of
building abutting thereon by person other than servants of Government
or Municipal officers duly authorized in that behalf,

(ii) the blasting of rock or making excavations in or near streets

or public places,

(iii) the using of a loudspeaker in '[or near any public place or

in any) place of public entertainment;

(s) closing certain streets or places termporarily in cases of danger from

ruinous buildings or other cause, with such exceptions as shall appear reasonable;

(t) guarding against injuay to person and property in the construction, repair
and demolition of building platforms and other structures from which danger may
arise to passenger, neighbours or the public;

(u) prohibiting the setting fire to or burning any straw or other matter,
or lighting a bonfire or watonly discharing a fire-arm or air-gum, or letting off or
throwing a fire work or, sending up a fire balloon or rocket in or upon or within
fifty feet of a street or building or the putting up of any post or other thing
on the side of or across a street for the purpose of affixing there to lamps or other
contilvances for illumination, except subject to such reasonable rules, as he may
make in that behalf;
(v) regulating the hours during which and the manner in which any place
for the disposal of the dead, and dharmashala, village-gate or other place of public
resort may be used, so as to secure the equal and appropriate application of its
advantages and accommodation and to maintain orderly conduct amongest those
who resort thereto;
(w) (i) licensing or controlling places of public amusement or
(ii) prohibiting the keeping of places of public amusement or
entertainment or assembly, in order to prevent obstruction,
inconvenience, annoyance, risk, danger or damage to the residents or
passengers in the vicinity;
regulating the means of entracne and exit at places of public
amusement or entertrainment or assembly, and providing for the
maintenance of public safety and the prevention of disturbance thereat;

1. Theses words were substituted for the \Vords "any public place or" by Born. 28of1954, s. 7.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 25
[(wa) (i) licensing or controlling with such exceptions as may be
specified, the musical, dancing, mimetic or theatrical or other performances for
public amusement, including rnelas and tamashas;

(ii) regulating in the interest of public order, decency or morality or in

the interest of the general public, the employment of artists and the conduct of the
artists and the audience at such performances;

(iii) prior scrutiny of such performance by a Board appointed by the State

Government or by an Advisory Committee appointed by the Commissioner, or
the District Magistrate in this behalf;

(iv) regulating the hours during which and the places at which such
performances may be given;]

(x) regulating or prohibiting the sale of any ticket or pass for admission,
by whatever name called, to a place of public amusement;

[(xa) registration of eating houses, including granting a certificate of
registration in each case, which shall be deemed to be a written permission
required and obtained under this Act for keeping the eating house for ten years
and decennial renewal of such registration, within a prescribed period;]

(y) prescribing the procedure in accordance with which any '[licence,

permission or certificate of registration] sought to be obtained or required
under this Act should be applied for and fixing the fees to be charged for any such
[lincence, permission or certificate of registration]:

Provided 1hat nothing in 1his section and no licence 4 ( or a certificate ofregistration]

granted under any rule made 1hereunder shall au1horise any person to import, export,
transport manufacture, sell or possess any liquor or intoxicating drug, in respect of which a
Bom 25 of licence, pennit, pass, or au1horization is requried under 1he Bombay ProhibitionAct, 1949.

'[* * * * * *]

or under any other law for the time being in force 6 [ relating to the Abkari or to the
prohibition of the manufacture, sale and consumption of liquor] or shall affect the
!inability of any person under any such law or shall in any way affect the provision
VI of 1878.
IV ofl884.
of the Arms Act, 1878, or of the Explosives Act, 1884, or of any rules made under
either of those enactments, or the liability of any person thereunder :
l. Clasue (wa) was inserted by Born. 20 of 1953, s. 6 (2).

2. Clause (xa) was inserted by Guj. 5of1989, s. 3 (l) (i).

3. These words \Verer submitted for the words "licence as pennission" ibid. s.3 (i) (ii).
4. These \Vords \Vere inserted, ibid., s. 3 (I) (iii).
5. This portion was deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order,
6. These words \Vere substituted for the v1ords "relating to theAbkari revenue'' by Born. 24of1959,
s. 17 (I).

26 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born, XXII

Provided further that any action taken under the rules or orders made under this
sub-section or the grant of a licence 1[or certificate of registration] made under such
rules or orders shall be subject to the control and supervision of the State Government.
'[(IAA) A District Superintedent may, in areas under his charge or any part
thereof, make, alter or rescind rules or orders not inconsistent with this Act, with
respect to all or any of the matters specified in clauses (d), (db), (e) and (g) read with
clause();) of sub-section (1) :
Provided that he rules and orders made by a District Magistrate under sub- Guj.16 of
section (1) for any of the matters specified in the said clauses and in force in any area
immediately before the commencement of the Bombay Police (Gujarat Amendment)
Act, 1977, shall continue in force therein as if made by the District Superintendent
under this sub-section, until altered or repealed or amended by a competent authority.]
[(JA) The power to make rules or order under clauses (w), 4 ((wa), (x) and (xa)
of sub-section(!)] shall in the first instance have effect only in relation to the 5[State
of Gujarat]; but the State Government may be notification in the Official Gazette.
Provided that such power under any or all of those clauses, shall also have
effect from such date as may be specified in the notification, in any other area of the
(2) (i) The power of making, altering or rescinding rules under clauses '[(a),
(aa), (b)] and (c) of sub-section (1) shall be subject to the control of the State Gov-
(ii) the power of making altering or rescinding rules the remaining clauses
of sub-section (1) shall be subject to the previous sanction of that Government.
(3) Every rule made under clause (i) of sub-section (I) with respect to the
use of a place for the disposal ofthe dead shall be framed with due regard to ordi-
nary and established usages and to the necessities of prompt disposal of the dead in
individual cases.
( 4) Every rule promulgated under the authority of clause (1) of sub-section
(1) shall, if made in relation to 7 [ any area which is not under the charge of a commis-
sioner] be forthwith 8 [ reported to 9 [ such authority as the State Governmay appoint
in this behalf! and the State Government]
(5) If any rule or order made promulgated under this section relates to any
matter with respect to which there is a provision in any law, rule or by law of any
municipal or local authority in relation to the public health convenience or safety
of the locality, such rule or order shall be subject to such law, rule or by law of the
municipal or local authority, as the case may be.
I. These words were inserted by Guj. 5of1989, s. 3 (!)(iv).
2. Sub-section (!AA) was inserted by Guj. 16of1978, s. 9 (b).
3. This sub-section was inserted by Born. 34of1959, s. 17 (2).
4. These brackets, letters and words \Vere substituted for the brackets, \Vord and letters "(wa) and ('(j"
by Guj. 5of1989, s. 3 (2).
5. These \vords \Vere substituted for the \Vords "area of the pre~Rcorganisation, State of Bombay
excluding the transferred territories'' by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent
Subjects) Order, 1960.
6. These brackets and letters were substituted for the brackets and letters "(a), (b)" by Guj. 30 of
I 962, s. 2 (2).
7. These \\'Ords were substituted for the words "any area outside Greater Bombay" by Bon1. 56 of
1959, s. 3, Schedule.
8. These \vords \Vere substituted for the \VOrds beginning \vith the \Vords "reported to" and ending
with the \Vords "in this behalf' by Born. 8 of 1958, s. 3, Schedule.
9. These \.vords \Vere substituted for the words "the Revenue Commissioner" by Guj. IS of 1964,
s. 4, Shchdule.
1951: Born. XXIII Gujarat Police Act. 1951 27
( 6) The power of making altering or rescinding rules under this section shall
be subject to the condition of the rules being made, altered or rescinded after previous
publication, and every rule made or alteration or rescission of a rule made under this
section shall be published in the Official Gazette and in the locality affected thereby
by affixing copies thereof in conspicuous places near to the building, structure, work
or place, as the case may be, to which the same specially relates or by proclaiming
the same by the beating of drum or by advertising the same in such local newspapers
in English or in the local language, as the authority making altering or rescinding the
rule may deem fit or by any two or more of these mean or by any other means it may
think suitable:
Provided that any such rules may be made, altered or rescinded without
previous publication if 1[the Commissioner, the Disrtict Magistrate, or as the case may
be, the District Superintendent], as the case may be, is satisfied that circumstances
exist which renders it necessary that such rules or alterations therein or rescission
thereof should be brought into force at once.
(7) Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained in this section or
which may be contained in any rule made thereunder, it shall always be lawful for
the competent authority to refuse a licence, for or to prohibit the keeping of any place
of public amusement or entertainment '[or to refuse a certificate of registration for,
or to prohibit the keeping of, any eating house, as the case may be] by a person of
notoriously bad character.
(8) It shall be the duty of all persons concerned to conform to any order
duly made as aforesaid so long as the same shall be in operation.
34. The Commissioner and the District Superintendent in areas under Competent
their respective charges may, whenever in his opinion such action is necessary, may authorise
authorise such Police Officer as he thinks fit to ereor barriers on any street for erection of
the purpose of stopping temporarily vehicles driven or such street and satisfy barriers on
himself that the provisions of any law for the time being in force have not been
contravened in respect of any such vehicle or by the driver of or the person in
charge of such vehicle. The said authority may also make such orders as it deems
fit for regulating the use of such barriers.

35. (1) A competent authority may, from time to time, make rules Powerto~iake
· th e d"1sposa1 of th e d ead , w h eth er b y cremation,
proh1'b"1tmg · b uria
· l or oth erw1se
· at rules proh1b1ttng
disposal of the
places other than these set apart for such purpose: dead except at
places set apart.
Provided that no such rules shall be made in respect of any such town or place
in which places have not been so set apart:
Provided further that the competent authority or any officer authorised by it
in this behalf may in its or his discretion on an application made to it or him by any
person, grant to such person permission to dispose of the corpse of any deceased
person at any place other than a place so set a part, if in its or his opinion such
disposal is not likely to cause obstruction to traffic or disturbance of the public peace
or is not objectionable for any other reasons.
(2) Any rules made under sub-section (J) shall specify the places set apait
for the disposal of the dead of different communities or sections of communities.
(3) All such rules shall be subject to the condition of previous publication
Bom. lof and the date to be specified under clause (c) of section 25 of the Bombay General
1904. Clauses Act, 1904, shall not be earlier than two months from the date on which the
draft of the proposed rules is published.
1. These \Vords were substituted for the words "the Con1missioner or the District Magistrate" by Guj.
16of1978. s. 9 (c).
2. These \\'ords \Vere inserted by Guj. 5of1989, s. 3 (3).
28 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 f 1951 : Born. XXII
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, a place set apart for the disposal
of the dead means a place set apart for such purpose under any custom, usage or law
for the time being in force.

Power of 36. In areas under their respective charges the Commissioner, and subject
or the District to his orders every Police officer not inferior in rank to an Inspector, and the District
Superintendent Superintendent and subject to his orders any Police Officer of not lower than such
and of other
officers to give rank as may be specified by the State Government in that behalf, may, from time
direction to the to time as occasion may arise, but not so as to contravene any rule or order under
section 33 give all such orders either orally or in writing as may be necessary to--

(a) direct the conduct of, and behaviour or action of persons constituting
processions or assemblies on or along the streets;

(b) prescribe the routes by which and the times at which any such
processions may or may not pass ;
(c) prevent obstructions on the occasion of all processions and assemblies
and in the nighbourhood of all places of worship during the time of worship and in
all cases when any street or public place or place of public resort may be thronged
or liable to be obstructed;
(d) keep order on all streets, quays, wharves, and at and within public
bathing, washing and landing places, fairs,temples and all other places of public
(e) regulate and control the playing of music or singing, or the beating of
drums, tom-toms and other instruments and the blowing or sounding of horns or
other noisy instruments, in or near any street or public place;
'[(ea) regulate and control the use of loud-speakers in or near any public
place or in any place of public entertainment;]
(/} make reasonable orders subordinate to and in furtherance of any order
made by a competent authority under section 33, 35, 37 to 40, 42, 43 and 45 of this

Polver to
37, The Commissioner and the District Magistrate in areas under their
prohibit certain respective charges may, whenever and for such time as he shall consider
acts for
prevention of necessary for the preservation of public peace or public safety by a notification
disorder. publicly promulgated or addressed to individuals, prohibit at any town, village or
place or in the vicinity of any such town, village or place-

(a) the carrying of arms, cudgels, swords, spears, bludgeons, guns, knives,
sticks or lathis or any other article, which capable of being used for causing physical

(b) the carrying of any corrosive substance or of explosives,

(c) the carrying collection and preparation of stones or other missiles or

instruments or means of a casting or impelling missiles,

l. Clause (ea) was inserted by Born. 28 of 1954, s. 8.

1951: Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act. 1951 29
[(cc) the carrying of burning or lighted torches in a procession,]

(d) the exhibition of persons or corpses of figures or effigies thereof,

(e) the public utterance of cries, singing of songs, playing of music,

(j) delivery of harangues, the use of gestures or mimetic representations,

and the preparation, exhibition or dissemination of pictures, symbols, placards or
any other object or thing which may in the opinion of such authority offend against
decency or morality or undermine the security of or tend to over-throw the State.

(2) If any person goes armed with any such article or carries any '[corrosive
substance, explosive, missile, instrument, means or burning or lighted torch] in
contravention of such prohibition, he shall be liable to be disarmed or the '[corrosive
substance, explosive, missile, instrument, means or burning or lighted torch] shall
be liable to be seized from him by any Police officer, and the article, '[corrosive
substance, explosive, missile, instrument, means or burning or lighted torch] so
seized shall be forefeited to the State Government.

(3) The authority empowered under sub-section (J) may also be order in
writing prohibit any assembly or procession whenever and for so long as it considers
such prohibition to be necessary for the preservation of the public order :

Provided that no such prohibition shall remain in force for more than fifteen
days without the sanction of the State Government.

(4) The authority empowered under sub-section (1) may also be public notice
temporarily reserve for any public purpose any street or public place and prohibit
persons from entering the area so reserved, except under such conditions as may be
prescribed by such authority.

38. (1) If the Commissioner or District Superintendent is satisfied from the Power to
prohibit, etc.,
report of an officer in charge of a police station or other information received by him continuance
that it is necessary to do so in order to prevent annoyance, distrurbance discomfort of music,
sound or
or injury or risk of annoyance, disturbance, discomfort or injury to the public or to noise.
any persons who dwell or occupy property in the vicinity, he may, by a written order
issue such directions as he may consider necessary to any person for preventing,
prohibiting, controlling or regulating-
(a) the incidence or continuance in or upon any premises of-

(i) any vocal or instrumental music,

(ii) sounds caused by the playing, beating, clashing, blowing or use

in any manner whatsoever of any instrument, appliance or apparatus or contrivance
which is capable of '[producing or reproducing sound], or

(b) the carrying on, in or upon any premises of any trade, avocation, or
operation resulting in or attended with noise.
I. Clause (cc) was inserted by Guj. 26of1972, s. 2 (I).
2. These words \Vere substituted for the \vords "corrosive substance or explosive or missile", ibid.,
s.2 (2).
3. These \Vords \Vere substituted for the \Vords "producing sound" by Boin. 28of1954, s. 9.
30 G1ifarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
(2) The authority empowered under sub-section (1) may, either on its
mvn motion or on the application of any person aggrieved by an order made under
sub-section (1), either rescind, modify or alter any such order ;

Provided that before any such applications disposed of, the said authority
shall afford to the applicant an opportunity of appearing before it either in person
or by pleader and showing cause against the order and shall, if it, rejects any such
application either wholly or in part, record its reasons for such rejection.

Issue of orders 39. In order to prevent or supress any riot or grave disturbance or peace,
for prevention
of riot, etc. the Commissioner and the District Superintendent, in areas under their respective
charges, may temporarily close or take possession of any building or place, and may
exclude all or any persons therefrom, or may allow access hereto to such persons
only and on such terms as he shall deem expendent. All persons concerned shall be
bound to conduct themselves in accordance with such orders as the authority making
orders may make and notify in exercise of the authority hereby vested in it.

Compensantion (2) If the lawful occupier of such building or place suffers substantial loss
~:~~;{:~of or injury by reasons of the action taken under sub-section (I) he shall be entitled,
building or place on application made the authority concerned within month from the date of such
closed or taken action, to receive reasonable compensation for such loss or injury unless such action
possession of.
was in the opinion of such authority rendered necessaty either by the use to which
such building or place was put or intended to be put or by the misconduct of persons
having access thereto.

Disputes as to (3) In the event of any dispute in any case under sub-section (2) of the
to be settled.
decision the '[District Magistrate] shall be conclusive as to the amount (if any) to
be paid and as to the persons to whom it is to be paid.

Issue of 40. (1) In any case of an actual or intended religious or ceremonial or

orders for
maintenance corporate display or exhibition or organised assemblage in any street or public place,
of order at as to which or the conduct of or participation in which it shall appear to a competent
authority that a dispute or contention exists which is likely to lead to grave disturbance
etc. of the peace, such authority may give such orders as to the conduct of the persons
concerned towards each other and towards the public as it shall deem necessary and
reasonable under the circumstances, regard being had to the apparent, legal rights
and to any established practice of the parties and of the persons interested. Every
such order shall be published in the town or place wherin it is to operate, and all
persons concerned shall be bound to conform to the same.

(2) Any order under sub-section (1) shall be subject to a decree, injunction
or order made by a Court having jurisdiction and, shall be recalled or altered on its
being made to appear to the authority making the order that such order is inconsistent
with a judgment, decree, injunction or order of such court, on the complaint, suit
or an application of any person interested, as to the right and duties of any persons
affected by the order aforesaid.

I. These words were substituted for the words "Chief presidency Magistrate or the District
Magistrate, as the case may be" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurent
Subjects) Order, 1960.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 31

41. (1) For the purpose of preventing serious disorder or breach of the Police to
provide against
law or manifest and imminent danger to the persons assembled at any public place disorder, etc.
of amusement or at an assembly or meetting to which the public are invited or which at places of
is open to the public the senior Police Officer of highest rank or to that of constable, and public
present at such place of amusement or such assembly or meeting may, subject to such meetings.
rules and orders as may have been lawfully made, give such reasonable direction as
to the mode of admission of the public to and for securing the peaceful and lawful
conduct of the preceeding and the maintenance of the public safety at such place of
amusement for such assembly or meeting, as he thinks necessary and all persons
shall be bound to conform every such reasonable direction.

(2) The Police shall have the to acces to every such place of amusement, Police to have
assembly or meetmg· ior · · e f"iect to th e prov1s10n
c th e purpose of g1vmg . . o f sub -section
. free access
(J) and to any direction made thereunder.

(42. Discontinuace of brothels.] Deleted by Guj. 16of1978, s. 10.

43. (J) Whenever it shall appear to the Commissioner or District District

Magistrate may
Magistrate that any place in the area under their respective charges, at which on accmmt take special
of a pilgrimage fair or other such occurrence large bodies of persons have assembled measures to
or are likely to assemble is visited or will probably be visited with an out break of ::~~:;:ak of
any epidemic disease, he may take such special measured and may be public notice epidemic disease
prescribe such regulations to be observed by the resident of the said place and by at fair, etc.
persons present thereat or repairing thereto or returining therefrom as he shall deem
necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread therof.

(2) It shall be lawful for the District Magistrate or for the Collector 1[* * *]
on the reqisition of the Commissioner or the District Magistrate to assess and levy
such reasonable fees on persons falling under the provisions of sub-section (J)as
will provide for the expenses of the arangements for sanitation and the preservation
of order at and about the place of assemblage.

(3) When the place of assemblage is within the limits of a municipality or

corporation such sums as shall be necessary for the purpose aforesaid may be
recovered from the municipality or corporation.

44. (1) The Commissioner and the District Superintendent in areas Destruction
under their respective charges, may from time to time, by public notice, proclaim of stray
that any stray dogs found, during such period as may be specified in the said notice,
wandering in the streets or in any public place may be destroyed, and any dog so
found within such period may be destroyed accordingly.

(2) The authority empowered under sub-section (J) may be public notice
require that every dog, within any street or public place and not led by some person,
shall be muzzled in such a manner as effectually to prevent it from biting, while not
obstructing its breathing or drinking and the Police may, so long as such notice
remains if force, destroy or take possession of and detain any dog found loose without
muzzle in any street or place beyond the premises of the owner thereof:

1. The \Vords "Chief Presidency Magistrate" \Vere deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of La\vs (State
and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
32 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
Provided that any dog so found, wearing a coller on which an apparently genuine
name and address of an owner is inscribed, shall not, unless it is rebid be forthwith
destroyed, butinformation of the detention thereof shall forthwith be sent by post
or otherwise to such owner.

(3) Any dog which has been detained under sub-section (2) for a period of three
clear days without the owner providing a muzzle and paying all expenses connected
with such detention may be destroyed or sold with the sanction and under the orders
of the competent authority.

(4) The proceeds of the sale of any dog under sub-section (3) shall be applied as
far as may be, in discharge of the expenses incrurred in connection with its detention,
and the balance, if any shall form part of the consolidated fund of the State.

(5) Any expenses incurred in connection with the destruction or detention of any
dog under this section shall subtect to the provision of sub-section (4), be recoverable
from the owner thereof upon a warrant issued by the competent authority as if it were
a warrant under section 386 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898. V of 1898.

Destruction of 45. (I) Any Police officer who in any street or public place other than a place of
sufferring or worship finds any animal other than a bull or a cow so diseased or so severely injured,
unfit animals.
and in such a physicial condition that in his opinion it cannot without cruelty be removed
shall if the owner is absent or refuses to consent to the destruction of the animal, at once
summon the Veterinary Practitioner in charge of the area in which the animal is found and
if the Veterinary Practitioner certifies that the animal is mortally injured or so severely
injured or so diseased or in such a physical condition that it is cruel to keep it alive the
Police officer may without the consent of the owner destroy the animal or cause it to be

Provided that if in the opinion of the Vetermary Practitioner the animal canbe
removed from the place where it is found without causing it great suffering, and,
if the owner or person in charge of the animal or in their absence any other person
on the spot is willing and offers to remove the animal to a Veterinary Hospital or
Panjarapole within such time as the Veterinary Practitioner considers reasonable,
the Veterinary Practitioner shall allow the animal to be removed by such owner,
person in charge of the animal or other person. If the owner or person incharge of
the animal or such other person is unwilling or fails so to remove the animals, the
Veterinary Practitioner may direct the Police officer to remove the animal before it
is destroyed from the place where it is found to such other place as he may think fit :

Provided further that when the animal is destroyed in any street or public place it
shall, as for as possible be screened from the public gaze while it is being destroyed.

(2) The State Government may appoint such persons as it thinks fit to be
Veterinary Practitioners and may declare the areas of which they shall be in
charge for the purposes of this Act.
1951: Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 33
46. Every power conferred by this Chapter on a District Superintendent not Powers under
this chapter to
specially empowered by the State Government to exercise that power or on any be exercised
officer subordinate to him shall be exercised by him subject to the orders of the by District
District Magistrate and all rules, regulations and orders made under this Chapter Superintendent
subject to the
shall, if made by the Commissioner, be governed by such rules and orders as the control of
State Government may from time to time make in this behalf and, if made by the District
District Magistrate or the District Superintendent specially empowered in that Magistrate and
behalf shall be subject to the provisions of section 17. and by District
subject to the
control of State
CHAPTER V. Government


I. Employment of additional Police, recove1y of cost thereof and of riot

compensation its assessment any recovery.
47. (1) The Commissioner or District Superintendent may, on the application of Employment
any person, depute any additional number of Police to keep the peace, to preserve · of additional
Police an
order or to enforce any of the provisions of this or any other Act in respect of any application of
particular class or classes of offences or to perform any other Police duties at any a person.
place in the area under his charge.
(2) Such additional Police shall be employed at the cost of the person making
the application, but shall be subject to the orders of the Police authorities and shall
be employed for such period as the appointing authority thinks fit.
(3) If the person upon whose application such additional Police are employed
shall at any time make a written requisition to the appointing authority to which the
application for the employment of additional Police was made, for the withdrawal
of the said Police, he shall be relieved from the cost thereof at the expiration of such
period not exceeding one month from the date of the delivery of such requisition, as
the State Government or the appointing authority, as the case may be, shall detennine.
48. (1) Whenever it appears to the State Government or a competent authority Employment
that- of additional
Police at large
(a) any large work which is being carried on or any public amusement which is works and
. . . . when
bemg conducted IS likely to Impede the traffic or to attract a large number of people, apprehension
or. regarding
behaviour of
(b) that the behaviour or a reasonable apprehension of the behaviour, of the employees
persons employed on any railway, canal or other public work, or in or upon any exists.
Inanufactory or other commercial concern under construction or in operation at
any place necessitates the employment of additional Police at such place, the State
Government or the competent authority may depute, such additonal Police to the
said place as it shall think fit and keep the said Police employed at such place for so
long as such necessity shall appear to it to continue.
(2) Such additional Police shall be employed at the cost of the person by who
the work, amusement, manufactory or concern is being constructed, conducted or
carried on and the said person shall pay the costs therefor at such rates as the State
Government or the Competent authority, as the case may be, shall from time to time
34 Gujarat Police Act. 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
Recivery of cost 49. In case ofanydisputeundersection47or48thedecisionof 1[* * * * * *]
of additional
Police Employed
the District Magistrate, 2 [* * *] shall be conclusive as to the amount to be paid and
under section 47 as to the person by whom it is to be paid and the sum, so ascertained may, on the
and 48. requisition of 3[* * *] the District Magistrate, be recovered by the Collector as if it
were an arrear of land revenue due by the person found to be answerable therefor.

Employment 50. (1) Ifin the opinion of the State Government any area is in a disturbed or
of additional
Police in cases dengerous condition or in which the conduct of the inhabitants or of any particular
of special section of the inhabibitants render it expedient temporarily to employ additional
danger to Police, it may by notification in the Official Gazette specify-
public peace.

(a) the area (hereinafter called "the disturbance area") in which the additional
Police is to be employed.

{b) the period for which the additional Police is to be employed :

Provided that the period fixed under clause (b) may be extended by the State
Government from time to time, if in its opinion it is necessary to do so in the general
interest of the public. The cost of the additional Police shall be a tax imposed under
this section and shall be recovered in the manner prescribed in the succeeding sub-

(2) The decision of the State Government under clauses (a) and {b) of sub-
section (1) shall be final.

(3) On the issue of such notification, the State Government may require,-

(a) in any disturbance area which is within the limits of a Corporation the
Municipal Commissioner, the Collector or any other authority.

(b) in any disturbance area which is within the limits of a municipality, the
municipality, the Collector or any other authority,

(c) in any distrubance area which is outside the areas specified in clauses (a)
and (b), the Collector or any other authority,

to recover, whether in whole or in part, the cost of such additional Police generally from
all persons who are inhabitants of the disturbance area or specially from any particular
section or sections, or class or classes of such persons, and in such proportion as the
State Government may direct :

Provided that where the Municipal Commissioner or the Municipality is directed

to recover such cost, an additional sum not exceeding 3 per cent. of the amount of
such cost shall also be recoverable.

1. The words "the Chief Presideney Magistrate, in Greater Bombay, and" were deleted by the
Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. The Words "in the district" were deleted, ibid.
3. The words "the Chief Presidency Magistrate of' were deleted, ibid
1951 : Born. XXIIJ Gujarat Police Act. 1951 35
(4) (i) The State Government may require the Municipal Commissioner or
the Municipality to recover such cost and the additional sum by an addition to the
general or property tax which shall be imposed and levied in all or such of the
municipal wards, sub-wards or sections thereof, as the State Government may direct.
Every addition to the general or property tax imposed under this sub-section shall
be recovered by Municipal Commissioner or the Municipality from each person
liable therefor in the same manner as the general or property tax due from him. The
provisions of the relevant Municipal Act shall apply to any such addition as if it were
part of the general or property tax levied under the said Act. Such addition shall be
a charge along with the general or property tax, on the properties in such municipal
wards or sub-wards or sections.

(ii) The State Government may also require the Municipal Commissioner or
the Municipality to recover such cost and the additional sum from each person liable
therefore under sub-section (3) in such manner as the State Government may direct.

(iii) Where the Municipal Commissioner or a Municipality makes default in

imposing and levying any such tax or in making such recovery, the State Government
may direct the Collector to impose and levy such tax or to make such recovery.

(5) Every amount recoverable by the Collector or other authority under this
section shall be recoverable as if it were an arrear of land revenue due by the person
liable therefor.

(6) It shall be lawful for the State Government by order to exempt any person
from liability to bear any portion of the cost of such additional Police.

(7) Out of the total amount by the Municipal Connnissioner or by a municipality

under sub-section (4) or (5) whether befor or after the coming into operation of this
Act the amount of the cost shall be paid to the State Government and the balance, if
any, shall be credited to the municipal fund constituted under the relevant Municipal
Act. Such amount of cost shall be paid to the State Government every three months.

Explanation-In this section the expression of "inhabitants" when used with

reference to any area includes persons who themselves or by their agents or servants
occupy or hold land or other immoveble property within such area and landlords
who themselves or by their agents or servants collect rent from holders or occupiers
of land in such area notwithstanding that they do not actually reside therein.

51. (I) When any loss or damage is caused to any property or when death Compensation
results or grievous hurt is caused to any person or persons, by anything done in the fbor inj uryrc aused
y un 1aw u1
prosecution of the common object of an unlawful assembly, the State Government assembly, how
may by notification in the Official Gazatte, specify- recoverable.
Date to be fixed
for liability.
(a) the area (hereinafter called "the disturbance area"), in which in its opinion
such unlawful assembly was held;

(b) the date on which or the period during which such unlawful assembly was

(2) The decision of the State Government under clauses (a) and (b) of
sub-section (J) shall be final.
36 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born, XXII

(3) On the issue of a notification under sub-section (I), '[* * *

* * * * *] and the District Magistrate, [ * * * * ]

[with the previous sanction of the '[State government]] may, after such inquiry as he
deems necessary, determine the amount of the compensation which, in his opinion,
should be paid to any person or persons, in respect of the loss or damage or death or
grievous hurt aforesaid. The amount of compensation shall be a tax imposed under
this section and shall be recovered in the manner prescribed in the succeeding sub-
(4) 5[The District Magistrate] may require-
(a) in any disturbance area which in within the limits of a Corporation,
the Municipal Commissioner, the Collector or any other authority;
(b) in any disturbance area which within the limits of a municipality, the
municipality, the Collector or any other authority, and

(c) in any disturbance area which is outside the area specified in clauses
(a) and (b) the Collector or any other authority,

to recover the amount (hereinafter called, "the compensation amount) as determined

under sub-section (3) either in whole or in part and where the Municipal
Commissioner or the Municipality is required to recover such amount an additional
sum not exceeding three per cent. of the compensation amount (hereinafter referred
to as "the Municipal recovery cost"), generally from all persons who were in
habitants of the distrurbance area or specially from any particular section or
sections or class or classes of such persons in the said area, and in such
proportion as 6 [* * *] the District Magistrate may direct.

(5) (i) '[The District Magistrate], may require the Municipal Commissioner or
the Municipality concerned to recover the compensation amount and the municipal
recovery cost, by an addition to the general or property tax which shall be imposed and
levied in the disturbance area. Every addition to the general or property tax imposed
under this sub-section shall be recovered by the Municipal Commissioner or the
Municipality concerned from each person him. The provisions of the relevant Municipal
Act shall apply to any such addition as if it were part of the general or property tax
levied under the relevant Municipal Act. such addition] shall be a charge along with
the general or property tax on the properties in the area aforesaid,

(ii) '[The District Magistrate] may also require the Municipal

Commissioner or the Municipality concerned to recover the compensation amount
and the municipal recovery cost from each person liable therefor under sub-section
(4) in such manner as he may direct.

1. The words "the Chief Presidency Magistrate in Greater Bombay, and" were deleted by the
Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concuerrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. The words "in Districts" were deleted, ibid.
3. These words were inserted by Born. 8of1958, s. 3, Schedule.
4. These words were substituted for the words "Revenue Corrunissioner" by Guj. 15 of 1964,
s. 4, Sch.
5. These words were substituted for the words "The Chief Presidency Magistrate or the District
Magistrate as the case may be" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurren
Subjects) Order, 1960.
6. The words "the Chief Presidency Magistrate or" were deleted, ibid.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 37

(6) Where a Municipal Commissioner or a Municipality makes a default

in imposing and levying any such tax or in making any such recovery, the State
Government may direct the Collector to impose and levy such tax or to make such

(7) Every amount recoverable by the Collector or other authority under this
section shall be recoverable as if it were an arrear ofland revenue due by the person
liable therefor.

(8) Out of the total amount recovered by the Municipal Commissioner or by

a Municipality under sub-section (5) or (7), whether before or after the comming
into operation of this Act, the proportionate amount of the municipal recovery cost
shall be deducted therefrom and the amount not exceeding the compensation amount
determined by 1[the District Magistrate] under sub-section (3) shall be paid to him
for the payment of compensation to the persons entitled thereto and the balance, if
any, shall be credited to the Municipal fund constituted under the relevant Municipal
Act. Such amount shall be paid to 1[the District Magistrate] every three months.

(9) It shall be lawful for 1[the District Magistrate] by order, to exempt any
persons from liability to pay any portion of the compensation amount.

(JO) The State Government may, (a) on its own motion, or (b) on an
application made by a person within a period of thirty days from the date of the order
of 1[the District Magistrate] granting or refusing to grant an exemption thereunder, set
aside or modify such order.

Explanation.-ln this section the expression "inhabitants" when used with reference
to any disturbance area includes persons who themselves or by their agents or servants
occupy or hold land or other immoveable property within such area and landlords who
themselves or by their agents or servants collect rent from holders or occupiers of!and
in such area, notwithstanding that they do not actually reside therein.

52. (I) It shall be lawful for 1[the District Magistrate] '[with the previous ~[***)District

sanction of the '[State Government]] to award or apportion all or any moneys recovered Magistrate
to award or
as compensation amount under sub-sections (3) to (8) of section 51 to any person or apportion
among all or any persons whom he considers entitled to compensation in respect of the compensation.
loss or damage or death or grievous hurt aforesaid.

(2) No compensation shall be awarded under this section except upon a claim
made within 45 days from the date of the notification issued by the State Government
under sub-section (I) of section 51 and unless 4 [the District Magistrate], is satisfied
that the person claiming compensation or where such claim is made in respect of the
death of any person, that person also has himself been free, from blame in connection
with the occurrences which led to the loss, damage, death or grievous hurt as aforesaid.

I. These words were substituted for that words "the Chief Presidency Magistrate or the District
Magistrate, as the case may be" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent
Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. These words were inserted by Born. 8of1958, s. 3, Schedule.
3. These words were substituted for the words "Revenue Commissioner" by Guj. 15 1964, s.
4 Sch.
4. The words "Chief Presidency Magistrate or" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of
Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
38 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born, XXII
(3) The compensation payable to any person under section 51 in respect of
death or grievous hurt shall not in any way be capable of being assigned or charged
or be liable to attachment or to pass to any person other than the person entitled to
it by operation of law, or shall any claim be set off against the same,

(4) Every direction and order made by 1[the District Magistrate] nuder this
or the preceding section shall be subject to revision by the State Government but
save as aforesaid, shall be final.

No civil suit shall be maintainable in respect of any loss or injury for

which compensation has been granted under this section,

'(* * *J District 53. 1(The District Magistrate] shall discharge his functions under sections
to discharge 51 and 52 subject to any general or special orders of the State Government in this
functions under behalf.
order of State

Proportionate 54. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bombay Rents, Hotel Born.
recovery of LVII of
the cost of and Lodging House Rates Control Act, 1947, '[or any law corresponding thereto in 1947.
additional force in any area of the 4 (State of Gujarat]], where under the provisions of section
Police and
compensation 50 or 51 the Municipal Commissioner, the Municipality or the Collector, as the
for loss caused case may be, is required to recover the cost of the additional police including
by unla"ful
assembly. the additional sum referred to in sub-section (3) of section 50 (hereinafter called
"the additional cost") or the compensation amount and the municipal recovery cost
(hereinafter called "the riat tax") by an addition to the general or property tax, the
landlord from whom any portion of the additional cost or the riot tax is recovered,
in respect of any premises shall be entitled to recover 75 per cent. of such portion
from the tenant in the occupation of the premises during the period fixed under
sub-section (1) of section 50 or on the date or during the greater part of the period
specified under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 51, as the case may be, in the
manner specified in sub-section (2).

(2) The amount referred to in sub-section (1) and to be recovered from

a tenant referred to therein, shall bear the same proportion as the rent payable by
him in respect of the premises in his occupation bears to the total amount of rent
recoverable for the whole premises if let, and the same shall be recoverable from
the tenant in not less than four equal instalments.
I. The words "Chief Presidency, Magistrate or" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of
Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. The words "The Chief Presidency Magistrate or" were omitted, ibid.
3. These words were inserted by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 18.
4. These words were substituted for the words "State of Gujarat" by the Gujarat Adaptation
of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
1951 : Born. XXIIl Gujarat Police Act, 1951 39

'[* * * * * * *]

IL Dispersal ofGangs and Removal ofPersons convicted ofcertain offences.

55. Whenever it shall appear in 2 [* * *]areas in which a Commissioner Dispersal
of gangs
is appointed under section 7 to the Commissioner and in a district to the District and
Magistrate, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate or the District Superintendent specially bodies of
empowered by the State Govermnent in that behalf, that the movement or encampment persons.

of any gang or body of persons in the area in his charge is causing or is calculated to
cause danger or alarm reasonable suspicion that unlawful designs are entertained by
such gang or body or by members thereof, such officer may, by notification addressed
to the persons appearing to be the leaders or chief men of such gang or body and
published by beat of drum or otherwise as such officer thinks fit, direct the members of
such gang or body so to conduct themselves as shall seem necessary in order to prevent
violence and alarm, or disperse and each of them to remove himself outside the area
within the local limits of his jurisdiction '[or such area and any district or districts, or
any part thereof, contiguous thereto] within such time as such officer shall prescribe,
and not to enter and such contiguous district, or part thereof, as the case may be 4 [ or
return to the place from which each of them was directed to remove himself.]
56. \Vhenever it shall appear 5[* * *]areas for which a Commissioner has Removal
been appointed under section to the Commissioner and in other area or areas to which of persons
about to
State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette extend the provisions commit
of this section to the District Magistrate, or the Sub-Divisional Magistrate 6 [ * offence.
*]empowered by the State Government in that behalf (a) that the movements or acts
of any person are causing or calculated to cause alaram, danger or harm to person
property, or (b) that there are reasonable grounds for believing that such personls is
engaged or is about to be engaged in the commission of an offence involving force
XLVof or violence or an offence punishable under Chapter XII, XVI or XVII the Indian
Penal Code, or in the abetment of any such offence, and when in the opinion of
such officer witnesses are not willing to come forward to give evidence in public
against such person by reason of apprehension on their part as regard the safety of
their person or property, or (c) that an out break epidemic diseaseis likely to result
from the continued residence of an immigrant, the said officer may, by an order in
writing duly served on him or by heat of drum or otherwise as he thinks fit, direct
such person or immigrantion to conduct himself as shall seem necessary in order to
prevent violence and from or the outbreak or spread of such disease or to remove
himself outside the area within the local limits of his jurisdiction '[or such area and
any district or districts, or any part thereof, contiguous thereof! by such route and
with such time as the said officer may prescribe and not to enter or return to the said
area 8 [ or the area and such contiguous districts, or part thereof as the case may be,]
from which he was directed to remove himself.

I. Sub-section (3) was deleted by the GujaratAdaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960.
2. The words "Greater Bombay and in other" were deleted, ibid.
3. These words were inserted by Born. l of 1956, s. 3 (/).
4. These words were inserted, ibid., s. 3 (2).
5. The words "Greater Bombay and other" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws
(State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, l 960,
6. The word "specially" was deleted by Guj. 16of1978, s.11.
7. These words were inserted by Born. I of 1956, s. 4 (I).
8. These words were inserted, ibid., s.4 (2).
40 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 11951 : Born. XXII
Removal 57. If a person has been convicted-
of persons
of certain (a) of an offence under Chapter XII, XVI or XVII of the Indian Penal Code, XLVof

[(b) twice, of an offence-

under section 9 of the Bombay Beggars Act, 1945 or under the Bombay Born. xxm
Prevention of Prostitution Act, 1923, or the Saurashtra Prevention of Prostitution Born.XI of
Act, 1952, the Hyderabad Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act, 1952, the Madhya 1923.
Sau. Vlll of
Pradesh Suppression ofimmoral Traffic Act, 1953, or the Suppression or Immoral 1952. Hyd.
Traffic in Women and Girls Act, 1956, or XLlXof
Ill ofl953
C!Vof 1956.

(ii) within a period of three years, under section 65 or 68 of the Bombay Born.
Prohibition Act, 1949, 2
* [* * * * *,] or 1949.

thrice of an offence within a period of three years, under any of the

(c) Bont.
provisions of the 3 [Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949] or under section 4 or 12A of the
Bombay Prevention of Gambling Act, 1887, or under section 4 or 12AofthatAct as Bom. IV
in force in the Saurashtra area or the Kutch area of the 4[State of Bombay], or under Hyd. II
section 4 of the Gambling Act, or section 3 of the Public Gambling Act, 1867 as in of 1305
F. III of
force in the Vidarbha region of the State of Bombay.] 1867.

the Commissioner, the District Magistrate or the Sub-Divisional Magistrate 5 [*]

empowered by the State Government in this behalf, if he has reason to belive that
such person is likely again to engage himself in the conunission of an offence similar
to that for which he was convicted, may direct such person to remove himself outside
the area within the local limits of his jurisdiction 6 [ or such area and any district of
districts, or any part thereof, contiguous thereto J by such route and within such time
as the said officer may prescribe and not to enter or return to the area 7 [ or the area
and such contiguous district or part thereof, as the case may be] from which he was
directed to remove himself.

I. Clauses (b) and (c) were substituted for the original by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 19.
2. The portion beginning with the words and figures "under section 65 or 68, of that Act" and
ending with the figures "1938" was deleted by Born. 22of1960, s. 98.
3. These words and figures were substituted for the words "aforesaid prohibition Acts", ibid.
4. These words shall stand munodified, vide the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and
Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
5. The word "Specially" was deleted by Guj. 16of1978, s. 12.
6. These words were inserted by Born. I of 1956, s. 5 (I).
7. These words were inserted by Born. I of 1956, s.5 (2).
1951 : Born. XXIIJ Gujarat Police Act, 1951 41

Explanation.-F or the purpose of this section "an offence similar to that for
which a person was convicted" shall mean-
(i) in the case of a person convicted of an offence mentioned in clanses (a)
1860, an offence falling under any of the Chapters of the Indian Penal Code mentioned in
that clause, and
(ii) in the case of a person convicted of an offence mentioned in clasues (b)
and (c), an offence falling under the provisions of the Acts mentioned respectively
in the said clauses.
58. A direction made under section 55, 56 or 57 not to enter any particular Period of
area 1[or such area and any district or districts, or any part thereof, continuous thereto,
of orders
as the case may be,] shall be for such period as may be specified therein and shall under
in no case exceed a period of two years from the date on which it was made. sections 55,
56 and 57.

59. (1) Before an order under section 55, 56 or 57 is passed against any Hearing to
be given
person the officer acting under any of the said sections or any officer above the rank be(ore order
of an Inspector authorised by that officer shall inform the person in V.'fiting of the under
general nature of the material allegations against him and give him a reasonable sections
opportunity of tendering an explanation regarding them. If such person makes an passed.
application for the examination of any witness produced by him, the authority or
officer concerned shall grant such application; and examine such witness, unless
for reasons to be recorded in writing, the authority or officer is if opinion that such
application is made for the purpose of vexation or delay. Any written statement put
in by such person shall be filed with the record of the case. Such person shall be
entitled to appear before the officer proceeding under this section by an advocate
or attorney for the prupose of tendering his explanation and examining the witness
produced by him.
(2) The authority or officer proceeding under sub-section (1) may, for the
purpose of securing the attendance of any person against whom any order is
proposed to be made under section 55, 56, or 57, require such person to appear before
him and to pass a security bond with or without sureties for such attendance during
the inquiry. If the person fails to pass the security bond as required or fails to appear
before the officer or authority during the inquiry, it shall be lawful to the officer or
authority to proceed with the inquiry and there upon such order as was proposed to
be passed against him may be passed.

60. 2 [(1)] Any person aggrieved by an order made under section 55, 56, Appeal.
or 57 may appeal to the State Government within thirty days from the date of such
[(2) An appeal under this section shall be preferred in duplicate in the form
of a memorandum, setting forth concisely the grounds of objection to the order
appealed against, and shall be accompanied by that order or a certified copy thereof.

!. These words were inserted by Born. I of 1956, s.5 (2).

2. This section was renumbered as sub-section(!) of that section by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 20.
3. Sub-section (2), (3) and (4) were added, ibid.

42 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
(3) On receipt of such appeal, the State Government may, after giving a
reasonable opportunity to the appellant to be heard either personally or by a pleader,
advocate or attorney and after such further inquiry if any, as it may deem necessary,
confirm, vary or cancel or set a side the order appealed against, and make its order
accordingly :
Provided that the order appealed agains shall remain in forre pending the
disposal of the appeal unless the State Government other wise directs.
( 4) In calculating the period of thirty days provided for an appeal under this
section, the time taken for granting a certified copy of the order appealed against,
shall be excluded.]
Finality of 61. Any order passed under section 55, 56 or 57 or by the State Government
order passed under section 60 shall not be called in question in any Court except on the ground
by State
that the authority making the order or any officer authorised by it had not followed
in certain the procedure laid down in sub-section (J) of section 59 or that there was no mate-
cases. rial before the authority concerned upon which is could have based its order or on
the ground that the said authority was not of opinion that witnesses were unwilling
to come forward to give evidence in public against the person in respect of whom
an order was made under section 56.
Procedure 62. 1((1)] If a person to whom a direction has been issued under section 55,
on failure of
person to leave
56 or 57 to remove himself from an area-.
the area and his (i) fails to remove himself as directed,
entry therein
after removal. or

(ii) having so removed himself, except with the permission in writing

of the authority making the order '[as provided in sub-section (2)], enters the area
within the period specified in the order,
the authority concerned may cause him to be arrested and removed in police custody
to such place outside the area as the said authority may in each case prescribe.
[(2) The authority making an order under section 55 ,56 or 57 may in writing
permit any person in respect of whom such order has been made to enter or return
to the area, including any contiguous districts or part thereof, from which he was
directed to remove himself, for such temporrary period and subject to such condi-
tions as may be specified in such permission and may require him to enter into a
bond with or without surety for the due observance of the conditions imposed. The
authority aforesaid may at any time revoke any such permission. Any person who
with such permission enters or returns to such area shall observe the conditions
imposed, and at the expiry of the temporary period for which he was permitted to
enter or return, or on the earlier revocation of such permission, shall remove himself
outside such area or the area and any contiguous districts or part thereof, and shall
not enter therein or return thereto within the unexpired residue of the period specified
in the original order made under sections 55, 56 or 57 without a fresh permission.
If such person fails to observe any of the conditions imposed, or to remove himself
accordingly, or having so removed himself enters or returns to the area, or the area
and any contiguous districts or part thereof, without fresh permission, the authority
concerned may cause him to be arrested and removed in police custody to such place
outside the area as that authority may in each case prescribe.].
L This section was renumbered as sub-section (J) of that section by Born. 37 of 1959, s. 3.
2. These words, brackets and figures were inserted, ibid.
3. This sub-section was added, ibid., s. 3 (2).
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 43

63. (J) The State Government 1[ or any officer 2 [ * ] empowered by Temporary

perm mis~
the State Government in that self] may, by order, permit any person in respect of sion to enter
whom an order has been made under sections, 55, 56 or 57 to enter or return for or return
a temporaiy period 1 to 3 [ the area or such area and any contiguous districts or part to the area
thereof, as the case may be], from which he was directed to remove himself subject from which
a person
to such conditions as it 4 [ or he ] may be general or special order specify and which was directed
such person accepts and may, at any time, revoke any such permission. to remove
In permitting a person under sub-section (1) to enter or return to 3[ the
area or such area and any contiguous districts or part thereof, as the case may be,]
from which he was directed to remove himself, the State Government 5 [ or such
officer] may require has to enter into with or without surety for the observance of
the conditions imposed.
Any person pennitted under sub-section ( 1) to enter or return to 3 [ the area
( 3)
or such area and contiguous districts or part thereof, as the case may be,] from which
he was directed to remove himself shall surrender himself at the time and place and to
the authority specified in the order or in the order revoking the said order, as the case
[63AA. 7 [(1) The State Government may, in like circumstances and in like Powers of
manner, exercise the powers exercisable in any area for which a Commissioner is externment
appointed, by the Commissioner, and in a district by the District Magistrate, Sub- of State
Divisional Magistrate or District Supemtendent of Police empowered by the State and officers
Government, in this behalf, as the case may be, under sections 55, 56 or 57, with this specially
modification that it shall be lawful for the State Government to direct the member empowered.
of such gang or body, or persons or immigrants, or persons convicted, as the case
may be, to remove themselves from, and not to enter or return to, any local area, or
any such area and any districts or part thereof, whether contiguous thereto or not.
(lA) The State Government may, by an order, specially empower any officer
in that behalf to exercise its powers under sub-section (1) in relation to such of the
sections 55, 56 or 57 as may be specified in such order.]
(2) The provisions of sections 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63 shall mutatis
mutandis apply to the exercise of the powers under this section, as they apply to the
exercise of any powers under sections 55, 56 or 57.]
'[III. Cantrol of camps, etc., and uniforms.
63A. (I) If the State Government is satisfied that it is necessary in the Control
interest of the maintenance of public order so to do, it may by general or special of camps
order, prohibit or restrict throughout the 9 [State of Gujarat] or any part thereof all etc. and
meetings and assemblies of persons for the purpose of training or drilling themselves banning use
or being trained or drilled to the use of arms, or for the purpose of practising military of uniform,
exercises, movements or evolutions, or for the purpose aforesaid of attending or
holding or taking any part in any camp, parade or procession.
1. These words were inserted by Born. 34of1959, s. 21(1) (a).
2. The words "specially" was deleted by Guj. 16 of 1978, s. 13.
3. These words were inserted by Born. 1 of 1956, s. 7.
4. These words were inserted by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 21 (I) (b).
5. These words were inserted, ibid., s. 21 (2).
6. This section was inserted by Born. I of 1956, s. 8.
7. Sub-section (I) and (IA) were substituted for sub-section(!) by Guj. 8of1980, s. 2.
8. This heading and section 63A were inserted by Born. 20of1953, s. 7.
9. These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation
of Laws, (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
44 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII

(2) If the State Government is satisfied that the wearing in public by any
member of the body or association or organisation to be specified in the order to be
issued hereunder of any dress or article of apparel resembling any uniform or part
of unifmm required to be worn by a member of the Armod Forces of the Union or
by a member of the Police Force of any force constituted under any law for the time
being in force, would be likely to prejudice the security of the State or the maintenance
of public order, the State Government may, by general or special order, prohibit or
restrict the wearing or display in public, of any such dress or article of apparel
by any member of such body or association or organisation.
(3) Eve1y general or special order under sub-sections (1) and (2) shall be
published in the manner prescribed for the publication of a public notice under
section 163.
Explanation.-For the purposes of sub-section (2) in dress or an article of
apparel shall be deemed to be worn or displayed in public if it is worn or displayed
in any place to which the public have access.]
[IV. Village Defence Parties.
63B. (1) For the protection of persons, the security of property and the
defence public safety in villages, the District Superintendent may constitute voluntary bodies,
parties. hereinafter in this section called, "village defence parties", for any villages within
his jurisdiction, as he deems fit.
(2) Subject to any general or special order which the State Government
may make in this behalf, every person between the ages of 20 and 30 and residing
in a village and who in the opinion of the District Superintedent is a fit and proper
person having regard to the nature of duties and functions to be performed under
the provisions of this section shall be eligible for appointment as a member of the
village defence party constituted for his village.
(3) The District Superintendent may by a written order signed by himself,
and sealed with his own seal, appoint any person eligible under sub-section (2) to
be a member of a village defence party.
(4) For each village defence party the District Superintendent shall appoint
a person eligible under sub-section (2) to be an honorary commandant, called the
(5) For the direction and supervision of village defence parties in a taluka,
the District Superintendent may appoint a police officer, not below the rank of Head
Constable, to be a Taluka Village Defence Officer, and any person who is willing to
serve and in the opinion of the District Superintendent is fit, to be a joint Taluka
Village Defence Officer.
(6) For the direction and supervision of village defence parties in a district,
the District Superintendent may appoint a police officer, not below the rank of
sub-Inspector to be a District Village Defence Officer, and any person who is willing
to serve and in the opinion of the District Superintendent is fit, to be a Joint District
Village Defence Officer.
(7) Members of village defence pa1iies and officers, appointed under the
section shall be under the direction and contra! of the District Superintendent and shall
receive such training and discharge such duties, as may be determined by the District
I. This heading and section 63B were inserted by Born. l of 1956, s. 9.
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 45

Member of village defence pai1ies and officers (other than police officers)
appointed under this section, shall be subject to such terms and conditions of service
as may be determined, with previous approval of the State Government by the District
(9) The District Superintendent or any officers appointed under this section
may at any time call out officers subordinate to them or any member of a village
defence party for training or to discharge the duties assigned to them.
(I 0) Every member of a village defence party and every officer appointed
under this section shall-
(a) on appointment receive a certificate in a form approved by the
State Government in this behalf;
(b) when called out for duty have the same powers privileges and
protection as police officer appointed under this Act.
(11) Notwithstanding anythig contained in any law for the time being in
force a member of a village defence party or any officer (other
than a police officer) appointed under this section, shall not be
disqualified from being chosen as, or for being, a member or.
'[(a) the Gujarat Legislative Assembly, or]
(b) any local authority.
by reason only of the fact that he is a member of a village defence party or
such officer.]
'[(12) In such districts as the State Government may by notification in
the Official Gazette specify, the powers, duties and functions of the District
Superintendent, District Village Defence Officer and Taluka Village Defence Officer
under this section shall be exercised performed and discharged by such officers of
the Home Guards as the Commandent General appointed under the Bombay Home
Bom Guards Act, 1947, may direct and thereupon all the foregoing provisions of this
lII of
section shall apply but references therein to the District Superintendent, District
Village Defence Officer and Taluka Village Defence Officer shall be deemed to be
references to the relevant officers of the Home Guards.]

64. It shall be the duty of every Police officer-

(a) promptly to serve every summons and obey and execute every wanant Duties of
a Police
or other order lawfully issued to him competent authority, and to endeavour by all
lawful means to give effect to the lawful commands of his superior:
(b) to the best of his ability to obtain intelligence concerning the com-
mission of congnizable offences or designs commit such offences, and to lay such
information and to take such other steps, consistant with law and with the orders of
his superiors as shall be best calculated to bring offenders to justice or to prevent
the commission of cognizable and within his view of non-cognizable offences;
(c) to prevent to the best of his ability the commission of public nuisances;
I. This clause was substituted for the original clause (a) by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws
(State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. Sub-section (12) was inserted by Born. of 1959, s. 23.
46 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Boru. XXII
(d) to apprehend without umeasonable delay all persons whom he is legally
authorised to apprehend and for whose apprehension there is sufficient reason;
(e) to aid another Police officer when called on by him or in case of need
in the discharge of his duty, in such ways as would be lawful and reasonable on the
part of the officer aided;
(/) to discharge such duties as are imposed upon him by any law for the
time being in force.
Power 65. (I) Every Police officer may, subject to the rules and orders made
to enter
places of by the State Goverrnnent or by a person lawfully authorised, enter for any of the
public purposes referred to in section 64 without a warrant, and inspect any place of public
resort. resort which he has reason to believe is used as drinking shop or a shop for the sale
of intoxicating drugs or a place of resort ofloose and disorderly characters.
Power to (2) When in a street or a place of public resort a person has possession or
apparent possession of any article which a Police officer in good faith suspects to
persons in be stolen property, such Police officer may search for and examine the same and
a street. may require an account thereof, and should the account given by the possessor be
manifestly false or suspicious, may detain such article and report the facts to a
Magistrate, who shall thereon proceed according to sections 523 and 525 of the Code Vof
of Criminal Procedure, 1898, or other law in force. 1898.
66. It shall be the duty of every Police Officer-
of Police
officers (a) to afford every assistance within his power to disabled or helpless
the public.
persons in the streets, and to take charge of intoxicated persons and of lunatics at
large who appear dangerous or incapable of taking care of themselves;
(b) to take prompt measures to procure necessary help for any person under
arrest or in custody, who is wounded or sick and whilst guarding or conducting any
such person, to have due regard to his condition;
(c) to arrange for the proper sustenance and shelter of every person who is
under arrest or in custody;
(d) in conducting searches, to refrain from needless rudeness and the
causing of unnecessary annoyance;
(e) in dealing with women and children to act with strict regard to decency
and with reasonable gentleness;
(/) to use his best endeavours to prevent any loss or damage by fire;
(g) to use his best endeavours to avert any accident or danger to the public.
Police to 67. It shall be the duty of a Police Officer-
traffic, etc. (a) to regulate and control the traffic in the streets, to prevent obstructions
in streets. therein and to the best of his ability to prevent the infraction of any rule or order
made under this Act or any other law in force for observance by the public in or near
the streets;
(b) to keep order in the streets and at and within public bathing, washing
and landing places fairs, temples, and all other places of public resort and in the
neighbourhood of places of public worship during the time of public worship;
(c) to regulate resort to public bathing, washing and landing places, to prevent
overcrowdig thereat and in public ferry-boats and to the best of his ability, to prevent
the infraction of any rule or order lawfully made for observance by the public any such
place or on any such boat.
1951 : Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 47

68. All persons shall be bounded to conform to the reasonable directions a Persons bound
to confirm to
Police officer given in fulfilment of any of his duties under this Act. reasonable
orders of

69. A police officer may restrain or remove any person resisting or Power of police
officer to
refusing or omitting to conform to any direction referred to in section 68 and may restrain
either take such person before a Magistrate or, in trivial cases, may release him when remove, etc.
the occasion is past.

70. Whenever a notification has been dnly issued under section 3 7 or an Enforcement
order has been under section 3 8 or 3 9, it shall be lawful for any Magistrate in a of orders
issued under
District or Police officer to require any person acting or about to act contrary thereto section 37, 38
to desist or to abstain from so doing, and, in case of refusal or disobedience, to arrest or 39.
the person offending. Such Magistrate or Police officer of such notification or order
as aforesaid, and the thing seized shall be disposed of according to the order of any
District Magistrate having jurisdiction at the place.
71. It shall be the duty of the Police to see that every regulation and Duty of Police
to see orders
direction made by any authority under sections 43, 55, 56, 1 [57 or 63AA] is duly issued under
obeyed to warn persons who from ignorance fail to obey the same and to arrest any section 43, 55,
56, '[57, or
person who wilully disobeys the same. 63AA] are
carried out .

72. Any Police officer may, without any order from a Magistrate and without When Police
officer may
a warrant, arrest- arrest \vithout
(J) any person who has been concerned in an offence punishable under warrant.
section 121 or against whom a reasonable complaint has been made or credible
information has been received or a reasonable suspicion exists, of his having been
concerned in such offence;
(2) any person who contravences a rule or order under clause (x) of sub-
section (I) of section 33 or an order or an order or notification under section 36, 3 7,
56 2 [57 or 63AA];
[(2A) any person who contravences any order made under sub-section (I)
of section 63 A;]
(3) any person who commits an offence punishable under section 122 or
section 136.
Xlof 73. Any Police officer may, without an order from a Magistrate and without When Police
1890. a warrant, arrest any person committing in his presence any offence punishable under may arrest
without a
I of section 3, 3A, 4, 5, 6 or 6C of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890 4 [ or warrant.
1313. of that Act as in force in the Saurashtra area of the '[State of Gujarat 6 [* * * * *]]
1. These figures, word and letters were substituted for the word and figures "o 57" by Born. l of
1956, s. 10.
2. These figures, word and letters were substituted for the word and figures "Or 57" ibid., s.
l l.
3. Clause (2A) was inserted by Bom. 20of1953, s. 8.
4. This portion was added by Born. 34of1959, s. 24.
5. These words were submited for the words State of Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation of
Laws (State and Concourrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
6. The words figures and letters "or under section 3, 4, 5, or 5A of the Prevention of cruelty
animal Act" were deleted, ibid.
48 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
Extension of 1 XI of
(73A. Section 6B of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890, as in
section 6B of 1890.
Act XI of!890 force in the '[Bombay area of the State of Gujarat] (hereinafter in this section and in
as inforce section 74, 75 and 77 referred to as the said Act) is, for the purposes of sections74
in Pre-Re-
to 77 (both inclusive) hereby extended to, and shall be in force in, the remaining
State to rest of areas of the '[State of Gujarat] he and in consequence thereof, any provisions
the State for corresponding thereto or dealing with the like matter, force in any such areas of the
the purposes
of section 74 State shall be deemed to have been substituted by the aforesaid provisions of the
to 77. said Act.]

Powers 74. When in respect of an animal an offence under section 3 or XI of

with regard 1890.
to offences section 5 or 4 [* *] section 6 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890, 5[or
under Act under section 3 or 5 or 6 of that Act as inforce in the Saurashtra area of the '[State of
'I and Gujarat] 6 ( * * * *] ] has been committed, or, when there is a reasonable ground Hyd. of
coresponding for suspecting that such offence has been committed, a Police officer may- 1313.
(a) take the animal to a Magistrate, or
(b) ifthe accused person so require, take the animal to a veterinary officer,
if any, empowered by the State Government in this behalf, or
(c) take the animal to an infirmary appointed under 8 [sub-section (1) of
section 6B] of the said Act for treatment and detention therein, pending direction of
a Magistrate under 9 [ sub-sections (2) and (3) of the said section,] or
(d) when the animal is in such a physical condition that it cannot be taken
to a veterinary office or a Magistrate, draw up a report of the condition of the animal
in the presence of two or more respectable persons describing such wounds, sores,
fractures, bruises or other marks of injury as may be found on the body of the animal:
Provided that in cases falling under clause (b) or (d) the Police officer may
direct that the animal shall be sent for detention in a dispensary or any suitable place
approved by the State Government by general or special order and be there detained
until its production before a Magistrate:
Provided further that an animal so detained shall be produced before a
Magistrate with the least possible delay and within a period not exceeding three
days from the date on which it was sent for detention and shall be handed
I. This section was inserted by Born. 34 of! 959 s. 25.
2. These words were substituted for the words "Pre-Reorganisation State Bombay excluding the
transferred territories" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960.
3. These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay", ibid.
4. The words. brackets and figures "sub-section (I) of' were deleted by Born. 21 of 1954, s.
3, Second Schedule.
5. This portion was substituted for the words and figures "hereinafter in this section and in
sections 75 and 77 referred to as the said Act" by Born. 34of1959, s. 26 (!).
6. The words and figures "or under section 3 or 4 or 5 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order,
7. These words were added by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 26 (2).
8. These words, brackets and figures were substituted for "sub-section (2) of section 6" by
Born. 21of1954, s. 3, Second Schedule.
9. These words, brackets and figures were substituted for "sub-section (3)", ibid. See also Act
59 of 1960.
1951: Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 49

over to its owner unless the Magistrate passes an order for its further detention in
an infirmary.
75. When an animals is brought before a Magistrate under section 74, the Po\ver of
Magistrate may direct the animal be returned to the person from whose possession l\-1agistrate
to return
it was taken, on such person giving security to the satisfaction of the Magistrate, animal
binding himself to produce the animal when required, or may direct that the animal to person
from whose
shall be sent for treatment and care to an infirmary and be tehre detained as provided possessi-
in 1 [sub-section (2) and (3) of section 6B] of the said Act or may make such order ion it was
as he thinks fit regarding the disposal or custody and production of the animal.

76. The veterinary officer before whom an animal is brought under section Veterinary
74 shall with all convenient speed examine the same and draw up a report of such officer to
examine the
examination. A copy of the report shall be delivered free of charge to the accused animal.
person if he applies for it.

77. When under section 74 Police officer directs that an animal shall be Animal to
be dealt
sent for detention in a dispensary any suitable place before its production before a with under
Magistrate or under section 74 a Magistrate directs that an animal shall be sent Act XI of
for treatment and care to an infirmary and be detained therein, the provisions of
sub-sections '[(5), (6) and (7) of section 6B) of the said Act shall, so far as may be,

78. When a Police officer in good faith suspects that any animal being Power
employed in any work or labour is by reason any sore, unfit to be so employed, he of Police
Officer to
may require the person in charge of such animal to unsaddle or unload if for the unsaddle
purpose of ascertaining whether any sore exists, and, if any person refuses to do so, the animal
or unload.
may himself unsaddle or unload the animal or may cause the same to be unsaddled
or unloaded.
(79. Any Police officer may, without an order from a Magistrate and without Power of Police
to arrest
a warrant arrest any person committing in his presence any offence punishable under without \Varrant
when certain
section 117, or section 125 or section 130 or sub-clause (i), (iv), or (v) of section offences
committed in
131 or clause (i) of section 135 in respect of contravention of any order made under
his presence.
section 39 or 40).

80. (1) Any Police officer specially empowered in this behalf by a Other
Powers of
competent authority may arrest without warrant for an offence specified in section arrest.
(2) Any Police officer on the information of any person in possession or
charge of any dwelling house, private premises, or land or ground attached thereto,
arrest without warrant any person alleged to have committed therein or thereon an
offence punishable under section 120.

I. These words, brackets and figures were substituted for "sub-section (3) of section 6" by
Born. 21of1954, s. 3, Second Schedule.
2. These brackets, figures and words were substituted for "(5), (6). (7) and (8) of section 6"
the ibid.
3. This section was substituted for original, ibid, S. 3, Second Schedule.
50 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
Refusal to 81. A Police officer may arrest without warrant any person committing in his
warning or presence in any street or public place any non-cognizable offence punishable under
to accompany this Act, or under any rule thereunder and for which no express provision has been
made elsewere or under any other law for the time being in force, if such person-
(i) after being warned by a Police officer persists in committing such
offence, or
(ii) refuses to accompany the Police officer to a Police Station on being
required so to do.
Police 82. (1) The Police shall take temporary charge-
to take
charge of
(a) of all unclaimed property found by, or made over to them, and also
(b) of all property found lying in any public street, if the owner or person
in charge of such property on being directed to remove the same, refuses or omits
to do so.
(2) '[In any area for which a Commissioner has been appointed] the property
of which the Police have taken charge under sub-section {I) shall be handed over to
the Commissioner.
Intestate 83. (1) '[In any area under the charge of a Commissioner] if any property II ofl913,
over four of the nature referred to in section 82 appears to have been left by a person who has
hundred died intestate and not to be under four hundred rupees in value, the Commissioner
rupees in
shall communicate with the Administrator with a view to it being dealt with under
the provisions of the Administrator General's Act, 1913, or other law for tbe time
being in force.
(2) [In area outside the charge of a Commissioner] the property shall be
delivered to the police pate!, if any of there town or village in which the same was
found, and a receipt therefor taken from the police-pate!, who shall forward such
property to the Magistrate to whom such police pate! is subordinate. If in any such
case there be no police-pate! of such or area village, Police shall forth with report
to such Magistrate as the Magestrate of the district shall, from time to time, appoint
in this behalf, and act thereafter as the said first mentioned Magistrate shall direct

84. If the property regarding which a report is made to a Magistrate under Born.
over four section 83 or under section 19 of the Bombay Village Police Act, 1867, '[or of that 1857.
rupees in Act as in force in the Kutch area of the '[State of Gujarat]] or under section 21 of Sau Ord.
value. the Saurashtra Village Police Ordinace 1949 appears to such Magistate to have been of 1949.
left by a person who has died, interstate and without known heirs and to be likely
if sold in public auction to realise more than four hundred rupees net proceeds, he
shall communicate with the District Judge with a view to its being dealt with under
the provisions of section 10 of Bombay Regulation VIII of 1827 (a Regulation to
provide for the formal recognices of heirs etc.) or other law in force.

I. These words ware substituted for the words "In Greater Bombay" by Born. 56 of 1959, s.
2. These words were substituted for the words "In Greater Bombay", ibid., Schedule.
3. These words were substituted the words "In areas outside Greater Bombay", ibid.
4. These words and figures were inserted by Born. 34 of 1950, s. 27.
5. These words were submited for the words "State of Gujarat" by the Gujarat Adaptation of
Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
1951: Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 51

85. (J) In any case not covered by section 83 or 84 the Commissioner or Procedure in
other case.
the Magistrate concerned, as the case may be, shall issue a proclamation specifying
the articles of which such property consists and requiring any person who may have
a claim thereto 1[to appear before himself or some other officer whom he appoints
in this behalf within three months from the date of such proclamation and establish
his claim within a period not exceeding three months after such appearance :

Provided that the Commissioner, the Magistrate or the concerned Officer, may,
in any appropriate case, for reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the said period
of three months for establishment of the claim by such further period and subject to
such conditions as he may deem fit.]

(2) Ifthe property, or any part thereof, is subjectto speedy and natural decay, or Power to seH
consists or live-stock, or ifthe property appears to be ofless value that 2[fifty rupees], it property at
may be forth with sold by auction under the orders of the Commissioner or the Magistrate once.
concerned, as the case may be and the net proceeds of such sale, shall be dealt with in
the same manner as is hereinafter provided for the disposal of the said property.

86. (I) The Commissioner or the Magistrate concerned as the case may Delivery of
be, shall, on being satisfied of the title of any claimant to the possession or to person
administration of the property specified in the proclamation issued under sub-section entitled.
(J) of section 85, order the same to be delivered to him, after deduction or payment
of the expenses properly incurred by the Police in the seizure and detention thereof.

(2)The Commissioner or the Magistrate concerned, as the case may be, at Power to take
his discretion, before making any order under sub-section (J), take such security as
he may think proper from the person to'whom the said property is to be delivered
and nothing hereinbefore contained shall affect the right of any person to recover the
whole or any part of the same from the person to whom it may have been delivered
pursuant to such order.

87. If no person 3( appears within the period specified in the proclamation In default of
claim, property
under sub-section (I) of section 85 and establishes his claim to the property within to be at disposal
of State
the period specified in the said sub-section (I)] it shall be at the disposal of the Government.
State Government, and property, or such part thereof as has not alreday been sold
under sub-section (2) of section 85, may be sold by auction under the orders of
the Commissioner, or the Magistrate concerned, as the case may be.

l. This portion was subjected for the portion beginning with the words "to appear before" and
ending with the words "of such proclmation" by Guj. 16of1978, s. 14(1).

2. These words were substituted for the words "five rupees", ibid., s. 14(2).

3. This portion was substituted for the words "establishes his claim to such property within
the period specified in the proclamation", ibid., s. 15.
52 Gzljarat Police Act. 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
Procedure not 88. Nothing in the Indian Succession Act, 1925, or in the Administrator XXXIX
affected by
Indian General's Act, 1913, shall apply to intestate property which is dealt with by the ~:/:;s
Succession Act Commissioner, under sub-section (1) of section 85, nor shall the provisions of 1913.
or Administrator
General's Act section 10 of Regulation VIII of!821 '[or of any corresponding law in force] likewise
or Regulation be deemed to apply to intestate property which is dealt with by a Magistrate under
VIII of 1827
2 [or correspond-
sub-section (1) of section 85.
ing law].

Police offiecr 89. 3(In any area outside the charge of a Commissioner], a Police officer may 1 of 18?1.
may take
charge of stray take charge of any animal falling under the provisions of the Cattle Trespass Act,
cattle. 1871, 4 [* * * *] which may be found straying in a street and may take
or send the sum to the nearest pound, and the owner and other persons concerned
shall thereon become subject to the provision of 5 [that Act].

Power to 90. (I) '[In any area under the charge of a Commissioner] the
cattle-pounds Commissioner'[* * *]shall, from time to time appoint such places as he thinks
and appoint fit to be public pounds, and may appoint to be keepers of such pounds police officers
of such rank as may be approved by the State Government.

(2) Every pound-keeper so appointed shall, in the perfom1ance of his duties,

be subject to the direction and control of the Commissioner, 8 [* * * *]
Penalty for 9
[90A. (1) Whoever in 10[ any area under the charge ofa CommissionerJ
cattle to stray allows any cattle which are his property on in his charge to stray in any street or to
in street or to trespass upon any private or public property shall, on conviction, be punished-
trespass upon
privat or public
property. (i) for the first offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend
to one month or with fine which may extend to three hundred rupees or with both;

(2) No police officer or pound-keeper shall directly or indirectly, purchase any cattle
at a sale under sub-section (1).
l. These words were inserted by Born. 34 of 1959, s. 28 (I).
2. These words were inserted, ibid., s. 28(2).
3. These words were substituted for the words "In any area outside Greater Bombay" by Born.
56of1959, s 3, Schedule.
4. The portion beginning with tbe words "or that Act" and ending with the words "Cattle Tres-
pass Act" were deleted by tbe Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960.
5. These words were substituted for the words "the relevant Act", ibid.
6. These words were substituted for the words "In Greater Bombay" by Bom. 56of1959, s.
3 Schedule.
7. The words and figures "and in other areas to Which the State Government may by
notification in Official Gazzette extend the provisions of this section and sections 91, 92,
93 and 94 of this Act, any officer appointed in that behalf, by the State Government" were
deleted by Born. 20of1953, s. 9.
8. The words "or such officer as aforesaid" were deleted, ibid.
9. Section 90A was inserted, ibid., s. I 0.
IO. These words were substituted for the words "Greater Bombay" by Born. 56 of 1959, s. 3,
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 53

(ii) for the second or subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a tenn which
may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or
with both.
(2) The Magistrate trying the offence under sub-section (1) may order,-
(a) that the accused shall pay such compensation, not exceeding two
hundred and fifty rupees as the Magistrate considers reasonable, to any person for
any damage proved to have been caused to his property or to produce of land by the
cattle under the control of the accused trespassing on his land; and also
(b) that the cattle in respect of which an offence has been commited shall
be forfieted to the State Govenment.
( 3) Any compensation Awarded under sub-section ( 2) may be recovered as if
it were a fine imposed under this section.
( 4) An offence under this section shall be cognizable.]
91, It shall be the duty of every police officer, and it shall be lawful for any Impounding
other person, to seize and take any such public pound for confinement therein any of cuttle.

cattle fount straying in any street or trespassing upon any private or public property
in 1[any area under the charge of a Commissioner]2[* * * *).

92. If the owner of the cattle impounded under section 91 or his agent appears Delivery
and claims the cattle, the pound-keeper shall deliver them to him on payment of the of cattle
pound-fees and expenses chargeable in respect of such cattle under section 94.

93. (I) If within ten days after an animal has been impounded no person Sale of
appearing to be the owner of such animal offers to pay pound-fee and expenses cattle not
chargeable under section 94, such animal shall be forth with sold by auction, and
the surplus remaining after deduction the fee and expenses aforesaid from the
proceeds of the sale shall be paid to any person who, within fifteen days after the
sale, provision the satisfaction of such officer as the Commissioner authorises in
this behalf 3[* * *) that he was the owner of such animal, and shall in any other
case, form part of the consolidated fund of the State.
(2) No police officer or pound-keeper shall directly or indirectly, purchase any
cattle at a sale under sub-section (1 ).

94. (1) The pound-fee chargeable shall be such as the State Government may, Rate to be
fixed by
from time to time by notification in the Official Gazatte, specify for each kind notification.
of animal 4 [* * *].

(2) The expenses chargeable shall be as such rates for each day during any
part of which an animal is impounded as shall, from time to time be fixed by the
Commissioner 5 [ * * *)in respect of such animal.

I. These words were substituted for the words "Greater Bombay" by Born. 56 of 1959, s. o,
2. The words "or in such areas as aforesaid" were deleted by Born. 20 of 1953, s. 11.
3. The words and Figures "or any other officer appointed under section 90" were deleted,
ibid., s. 12.
4. The words "for the whole State or for such area as may be specified in the notification" were
deleted, ibid., s. 13 {I).
5. The words "or officer appointed as aforesaid" were deleted, ibid., s. 13 (2).
54 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born, XXII
Powers as 95. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 153 of the Code of V of 1898,
to inspection
search and Criminal Procedure, 1898, any Police officer generally or specially deputed, in 1[any
seizure of false area uuder the charge of a Commissioner], by the Commissioner and elsewhere, by
,.,,eights and
the District Superintendent or any other officer specially empowered in that behalf
by the State Government, may without warrant enter any shop or premises for
the purpose of inspecting or searching for any weights or measures or instruments
for weighing or measuring used or kept therein.

(2) If he finds in such shop or premises waights, measures or instruments

for weighing or measuring which he has reason to belive are false, he may seize
the same and shall forthwith give information of such seizure to the Magistrate
having jurisdiction, and if such weights measures or instruments shall be found by
the Magistrate to be false, they shall be destroyed.

(3) Weights and measures purporting to be of the same denomination as weights

and measures, the standards whereof are kept under any law from time to time in
force shall, if they do not correspond with the said standards, be deemed to be false
within the meaning of this section.

Procedure to 96. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 129, 130, sub-section v of 1898,
be followed by
officers and (2) of section 167, and section 173 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898-
~lagistrates in
certain cases.
(i) the powers and duties of a Magistrate under sections 129 and 130 of that
Code may, in 2 [ any area under the charges of a Commissioner], be exercised and
performed by the Commissioner.
(ii) the Presidency Magistrate in Greater Bombay to whom as accused person
is forwarded under sub-section (2) of section 167 of the Code, may, whether he has
or has not jurisdiction to the case, from time to time, authorise the detention of the
accused in such custody as such Magistrate thinks fit for a term not exceeding fifteen
days at a time.

(iii) the officer incharge of the Police station shall forward his report under
section 173 of the Code to the Commissioner or such other officer as the
Commissioner may direct in that behalf,

(2) Nothing contained in section 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,

1898, shall operate to require any officer in charge of a Police station in 2[ any area V of 1898,
under the charge of a Commissioner ] to submit any report provided for by that
section to any Magistrate.

(3) Sections 127and128 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, in their Vofl898,
application to Greater Bombay '[and any other area for which a Commissioner has
been appointed J shall be amended as follows :-

l. TI1ese words were inserted by Born. 34of1959, s. 28 (l)

2 These words were substituted for the words "Greater Bombay" by Born. 56of1959, s. 3 Schedule,
3. These words were inserted, ibid.
1951 : Bom. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 55

(a) in section 127, for the words "police station" the words "section or
any police officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector authorised by the State
Government in this behalf' shall be substituted ;

(b) in section 128, for the words "Police station whether within or without
the Presidency towns" the words and figures "section or any Police Officer
authorised under section 127" shall be substituted.

97. A Police officer of rank superior to that of constable may perform any duty A superior
Police Oficer
assigned by law or by lawful order to any officer subordinate to bim; and in case may himself
of any duty Imposed on such subordinate, a superior where it shall apper to perform duties
imposed on his
him necessary, may aid, supplement, supersede or prevent any action of such inferior, etc.
subordintate by his own action or that of any person lawfully action under his
command or authority, whenever the same shall appear necessary or expedient for
giving more complete or convenient effect to the law or for avoiding an infringement

98. (J) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, Emergency duties
of police.
declare any specified service to be an essential service to the community :
Provided that such notification shall remain in force for one month in the first
instance, but may be extended, from time to time, by a like notification.
(2) Upon a declaration being made under sub-section (1) and so long as it
remains in force, it shall be the duty of every police officer to obey an order given
by any superior officer in relation to employment upon or in connection with the
service specified in the declaration; and every such order shall be deemed to be a
lawful order within the meaning and for the purpose of this Act.

99. No person shall-

(a) When driving a vehicle along a street and except in cases of actual Disregarding
necesstiy or of some sufficient reason, for deviation, fail to keep on the left side of the rule
of the road.
such street and when passing any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction fail
to keep on the right side of such vehicle; or
(b) leave in any street or public place insufficiently tended or secured any Leaving
cattle, etc.,
animal or vehicle.

100. No person shall cause obstruction, damage, injury, danger, alram or Causing
mischief in any street or public place,- or misechief
by animal.
by any misbehaviour, negligence or ill-usage in the driving,
management, treatment or care of any animal or vehicle; or
(ii) by driving any vehicle or animal laden with timber, poles or other
unwieldy articles through a street or public place contrary to any regulation made
in that behalf and published by a competent authority.
56 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
Exposing 101. No person shall in any street or public place expose for hire or sale any
animal for
hire or sale,
animal or vehicle, clean any furniture or vehicle, or clean or groom any horse or
etc. other animal, except at such times and places as a competent authoroty permits, or
shall train or break in any horse or other animal or made any vehicle or any part of
vehicle, or except when in the case of an accident repariring on the spot
is unavoidable, repair any vehicle or part of vehicle or carry on therein any
manufacture or operation so as to be serious impediment to traffic or a serious
annoyance to residents or to the public.
102. No person shall cause obstruction in any street, or public place by
Causing allowing any animal or vehicle which has to be loaded or unloaded, or to take up
any obstruction
in a street.
or set down passengers, to remain or stand therein longer than may be necessary
for such purpose, or by leaving any vehicle standing or fastening any cattle therein
or using any part of a street or public place as a halting place for vehicles or
cattel, or by leaving any box, bale, package or other thing wheat so ever in or upon
a street for an umeasonable length of time or contrary to any regulation made and
published by a competent authority by exposing anything for sale or setting out
anything for sale in or upon any stall, booth, board, cask, basket or in any other
way whatsoever.
Obstructing 103. No person shall drive, ride, lead, propal or leave on any footway any
a footway.
animal or vehicle other than a perambulator of fasten any animal so the same can
stand accross or upon such footway.
Exhibiting 104. No person shall exhibit, contrary to any regulation made and notified
musical or
by the Commissioner or a District Magistrate, as the case may be, any mimetic,
other musical or other performances of a nature to attract crowds, or carry or place bullky
performances, advertisements, pictures, figures or emblems in any street or public place whereby an
obstruction to passengers or annoyance to the inhabitants may be occasioned.
Doing 105. No person shall slaughter any animal, clean a carcass or hide, or bathe
acts on or
or wash his person in or near to and within sight of a street or pubic place (except
near street at a place set apart for the purpose by order of a competent authority) so as to cause
or public annoyance to the neighbouring residents or to passers by.

Letting 106. No person shall in any street or public place (A) negligently let loose
loose horse,
etc., and
any horse or other animal, so as to cause danger, injury, alram or annoyance, or
suffering suffer a ferocious dog to be at orage without a muzzle, or (B) set on or urge a dog
ferocious or other animal to attack, worry or put in fear any person or horse or other animal.
dogs to vbe
at large.

Bathing or 107. No person shall bath or wash in or by side of a public well, tank or
washing in reservoir not set apart for such purposes by order of a competent authority or in or by
places not
at apart the side of any pond, pool, acqueduct, part of a river, stream, nala or other source or
for those means of water-supply in which such bathing or washing is forbidden by order of the
purposes. competent authority.

108. No person shall defile or cause to be defiled the water in any public
water in well, tank, reservior, pond, pool, acqueduct or part of a river, stream, nala or other
public sourrce or means of water supply, so as to render the same less fit for any purpose
wells etc. for which it is set apart by the order of the compentent authority.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 57

109. No person shall obstruct or incommode a person bathing at a place set Obstructing
apart for the purpose by the order of the competent authority under section 107 by bathers.

wilful intrusion or by using such place for any purpose for which it is not so set
110. No person shall wilfully and indecently expose his person in any street Behaving
or public place or within sight of, and in such manner as to be seen from any street indecently in
or public place, whether from within any house or building not or use indecent
language or behave indencently or riotously or in a disorderly manner in a street or
place of public resort or in any office, station or station house.

111. No person shall wilfully porch, press, hustle or obstruct any passenger in Obstructing
or annoying
a street or public place or by violent movement, menacing, gesture, wanton personal passengers
annoyance, scrraming, shouting, wilfully frightening horses or cattle or otherwise in the street.
distrub the public peace or order.

112. No person shall use in any street or public place any threatening, Misbehaviour
with intent
abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace to provoke a
breach of the
or whereby a breach of the peace may be occasioned.

113. No person shall fly a kite so as to cause danger, injury or alaram to Prohibition
persons 1[houses] or property. against flying
114. [Begging and exposing offensive ailments/ Repealed by Born. X of
1960, s. 1. (4), Schedule.

115. No person shall in or near to any street, public place or place of public Committing
resort- nuisance in
or near street
(a) commit a nuisance by easing himself or

(b) having the care or custody of any child under seven years of age suffer
such child to commit a nuisance as aforesaid, 2 [ or.

(c) spit or throw any dust, ashes, refuse or rubbish so as to cause annoyance
to any passer-by].

116. No person shall, in any Court, Police Station, Police Office, building Disregard of
occupied by Government or building occupied by any public body, smoke or spit notice in public
in contravention of a notice by a competant authority in charge of such place and
affixed to such Court, Station, Office or building.
117. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of section 99 to 116 Penalties for
(both inclusive) shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to
'[hundred rupees] sections 99 to
118. (1) In any local area in which the State Government by notification Penalty for
in the Official Gazette brings this section into force, whoever through neglect or failure to keep
in confirnment
otherwise fails to keep in confinment or under restraint between one hour after sunset cattle etc.
and sumise any cattle which are his property or in his charge shall, on conviction,
[be punished,-
I. This word was substituted for the word "houses"by Born. 21 of 1954, s.3, Seccond Schedule.
2. This ward and clause were inserted by Born. 1 of 1956, s.12.
3. These words were substituted for the words "fifty rupees", ibid., s. 13.
4. This portion was substituted for the words begining with the words "be punished" and
ending with the word "or with both" by Born. 20of1953, s. 14 (1).
58 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII

(i) for the first offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
one month or with fine which may extend so three hundered rupees or with both;
(ii) for the second or subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to six months or with fine which may extent to five hundred rupees or
with both].
Explanation.-Cattle shall not be deemed to be kept in confirment within
the meaning of this sub-section unless they are effectively confined within a fence,
wall or other enclosure and shall not be deemed to be kept under restraint within the
meaning of this sub-section unless they are restrained by means of a rope or other
'[(IA) The Magistrate trying the offence under sub-section (1) may, order-
(a) that the accused shall pay such compensation not exceeding two hundred
and fifty rupees, as the Magistrate considers reasonable, to any peson for any damage
proved to have been caused to his property or to produce of land by the cattle under
the control of the accused trespassing on his land; and also.
(b) that the cattle in respect of which the offence has been committed shall
be forfeited to the State Government.
(JB) Any compensation awarded under sub-section (lA) may be recovered
as if it were a fine imposed under this section.
(1 C) The offence under this section shall be cognizable.]
(2) Any person may seize and cattle not being kept in confinement or
under restraint as required by this section and may take or send same to the nearest
cattle-pound, and the owner and other persons concerned shall thereon become subject
to the provision of the Cattle TresspassAct, 1871 2 [ * * * * *).All officers of
Police and all police patels and all members of the village police shall, when required, aid
in preventing resistance to such seizures and rescues from persons making such seizures.
(3) Any fine imposed under this section, may without prejudice to any other
means of recover provided by law, be recovered by sale of all or any of the cattle in
respect of which the offence was committed, whether they are the property of the
person convicted of the offence or were only in his charge when the offence was
Punishment 119. Whoever in any place 3 [in any area for which a Commissioner has
for cruelty to not been appointed] cruelly beats, goads, overworks ill-treats or tortures or causes
or procures tobe cruelly beaten geaded, over-worked, ill-treated or tortured any
animal, shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment which may extend to
one month or with fine which may extend to one hundered rupees, or with both.
Wilful 120. Whoever without satisfactory excuse wilfully enters or remains in or
upon any dwelling house or premises or any land or ground attached thereto, or on
any ground, building, monument or structure belonging to Government appropriated
to public purposes or on any boat or vessel, shall, on conviction, or whether he causes
any actual damage or not, be punished with fine which may extend to twenty rupees.

I. Sub-sections (IA), (JB) and (IC) were inserted by Bom. 20of1953, s. 14 (2).
2. The portion, beginning with the words "or ofthatAct" and ending with the words" as the case may
be" was deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
3. These words were substituted for the words "outside Greater Bombay" by Born. 56 of 1959, s.
3 Schedule.
1951 : Born. XXIIJ Gujarat Police Act. 1951 59

121. Whoever knowiµg gives or causes to be given a false alarm of fire to False alarm
of fire or
the fire brigade of a municipality or corporation or to any office or fireman thereof damage to
whether by means of a street fire-alarm, statement, message or otherwise, or, with fire-alarm.
intent to give such fales alarm wilfully breaks the glass of or otherwise damages
a street fire-alarm, shall on conviction, be pnnished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three months or with fire which may extend to one hundred
rupees or with both.

Being found
122. Whoever is found between sunset and sumise-
under suspious
(a) armed with any dangerous instrument with intent to committ offence or between sunset
and sunrise.
(b) having his face covered, or otherwise disguised, with intent to
committed an offence, or

(c) in any dwelling house or other building, or on board any vessel or boat
without being able satisfactory to account for his presence there, or

(d) lying or loitering in any street, yard or other place, being a reputed thief
and without being able to give a satisfactory account of himself, or

(e) having in his possession without lawful excuse (the burden of proving
which excuse shall be on such person) any implement of house breaking,
shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to three months.

123. Whoever not being a member of the armed force of the Union and acting Car ring
as such or a Police Officer, goes armed with any sword, spear, bludgeon gun or weapon
other offensive weapon or with any explosive or corrosive substance in any street or authority.
public place unless so authorised by lawful authority, shall be liable to be dis-armed
by any Police Officer, and the weapon or substance so seized shall be forfeited to
the State Government, unless redeemed within two months by payment of such fine
not exceding five hundred repees as the Commissioner or the District Magistrate in
areas under their respective charges imposes.

124. Whoever has in his possession or conveys in any manner, or officers for Possession
sale or pawn, anything which there is reason to believe is stolen property or property of property
of which no
fraudulently obtained, shall, if he fails to account for such pos session or to act to satisfactory
the satisfaction of the Magistrate on conviction, be punished with imprisoment for account can be
a term which may extend to three months or with fine ·which may extend to one given.

hundred rupees or with both.

125. Whoever, -
/,\tak es or mtro
· duces, or attempts to tak e or mtro
· duce, any spmts
. . or Takingspirits
into public
sprituous or fermented liquors or intoxicating drugs or preparations into any public hospital, or
hospital without the permission of a medical officer such hospital, or into barracks
or on boards of
vessels of war.
(b) not being amenable to the Articles of was takes or introduces, orattempts,
to take or introduce, any such spirits liquors, drugs or preparations not belonging to
any person above the rank of a non-commissioned officer-
60 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
(i) '[* * * * *] or into any military barracks, guard-rooms
or encampments, or,

(ii) on board or along side of any xessel of was belonging to Government

shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisomnent for a term which may extend
to two months, or with fince which may extend to one hundered rupees, or with both
and such spirits, liquors, drugs or preparations and the vessels containing the same,
shall be for feited to the State Government.
Omission by 126. Whoever, being a pawn-broker, dealer in second-hand property, or worker
etc., to report in metals, or reasonably believed by the Commissioner, or District Superintendent
to Police in the areas under their respective charages to be such a person, and having received
or tender from a police officer written or printed in formation that the possession of any property
of property suspected to have been transferred by any offence mentioned in section 410 of the XLVof
suspected to 1860.
be stolen. Indian Penal Code, or by any offence punishable under section 417, 418, 419 or 420
of the said Code is found in possession or there after comes into the possession, or
has an offer either by way of sale, pawn exchange, or for custody alteration otherwise
howesoever, made to him of property answering the description contained in such
information, shall unless
(i) he forth with gives information to the Commissioner, or the District
Superintendent as the case may be, or at a Police station of such possession or offer
and takes all reasonable means to ascertain and to give infonnation as aforesaid of
name and address of the person from whom the possession or offer was received, or

(ii) the property being, as an article of common wearing appeal or otherwise,

in capable of identification from the written or printed information given, has been in
no way concealed after the receipt of such infomiation, on conviction, be punished
with fine which may extend to fifty rupees in respect of each such article property
so in his possession or offered to him.
Melting, 127. Whoever, having received such information as is referred to in section
etc. of such 126, alters, melts, defaces on ants away or causes or suffers to be altered, melted,
defaced or put away without the previous permission of the Police any such property,
shall on that the same was stolen property within the meaning of section 410 of the
Indian Penal Code, or property in respect of which any offence punishable under
section 417, 418, 419 or 420 of the said Code has been conunitted, be punished with
imprisomnent for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.

Taking 128. Whoever takes from any child not appearing to be above the age of
pledge forteen years any article whatsoever as a pawn, pledge or security for any sum of
from child.
money lent, advanced or delivered to such child, or without the knowledge and
consent of the owner of the article boys from such child any article whatsoever, shall
on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.
Permission 129. Whoever, being the keep of any place of public amusement or
of disorderly
entertainu1ent, knowingly permits drunkenness or other disorderly behaviour or
conduct at
places of any gaming whatsoever, in such place, shall on conviction, be punished with a fine
public which may extend to one hundered rupees.

l. The words "into the barracks or buildings occupied by the troops composing the Garrison of
Bombay" were deleted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order,
1951 : Born. XXIll Gujarat Police Act, 1951 61
130. Whoever, by any fraud or unlawful device or malpractice in playing at Cheating at
or with cards, dice or other game, or in taking a part in the stakes or wagers, or in games.

betting on the sides hands of the players, or in wagering on the event of any game,
sports, past-time exercise, wins from any other person, for himself or any other or
other any sum of money or valuable thing, shall be deemed guilty of cheating within
the meaning of section 415 of the Indian Penal Code, and be liable to punishment

'[BOA. Whoever, assembles with others or joins any assembly in a street Gambling
assembled for the purpose of or wagering shall, on conviction be punished with fine in street.

which may extend to fifty rupees or may be released after a due admonition].
2 3
131. [ [Save as provided in section 131 A, whoever-] Penalty for
(a) contravenes any rules or order made under section 33 or any of the rules, etc.
under section
conditions of a licence issued under such rule or order, or 33.

(b) abets the commission of any offence under clause (a) shall, on conviction
be punished]-

(i) if the rule or order under which the said licence was issued was made
under clause (d), (g), (h), (i) sub-clauses and (ii) of clause (r) or clause (u) of sub-
section {I) of section 33, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to eight
days or with fine which may extend to fifth rupees or with both;
(ii) ifthe rule or order contravened was made under clause (x) of sub-section
(1) of section 33, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months
or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both;
(iii) ifthe rule or order contravened or the rule or order under which the said
licence was issued was made under clause (n) and (o) of sub-section (J) of section
33 with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees;
(iv) if the rule or order contravened was made under clause (b) of sub-section
(1) of section 33 and prohibits the sale or exposure for sale of any goods on any
street or portion thereof so as to cause obstruction to traffic or inconvenience to the
public -
(a) for the first offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
one month or with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees or with both, and
(b) for a subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to six months and with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees; and
( v) if the rule or order contravened or the rule or order under which the said
licence was issued was made under any other clause, with fine which may extend
to fifty rupees.
[131AA. The holder of a licence granted under this Act, in respect of a Liability of
licensee of
place of public entertainment shall be responsible, as well as the actual offender, for place of public
any offence under section 131 commited by his servant or other agent acting with entertainment
his express or implied permission on his behalf, as if he himself had committed the for acts of
same, unless he establishes that all due and reasonable precautions were taken by
him to prevent the commission of such offence].
1. Section 130A was inserted by Born. 20of1953, s. 15.
2. This Portion was substituted original by Born. 21 of 1954, s. 3, Second Schedule.
3. These words were substituted for the word "whoever" by Born. 28 of 1954, s. 10.
4. Section 13 l AA was inserted by Born. l of 1956, s. 10.
62 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born. XXII
Penalty for 1[131A. (1) Whoever fails to obtain a Licence under this Act in respect
not obtaining
licence or for of a place of public entertaimnent or to renew a licence granted under this Act, in
~~!~;~~;~fn respect of such place within the prescribed period 2 ( or fails to obtain a certificate of
specified period registration under this Act in respect of any eating house] shall, on conviction, be
m respect
place of
of public pums· h e d Wit
· h a fi newh'IC h may extand to Rs. 50 .
~n ter,tainment
or ior not
(2) Any comi trying any such offence shall in addition direct that the
person keeping the place of public entertainment 3 [or the eating house] in respect
certificate of of which the offence has been committed shall close such palce 4 [ or, as the case
of in respect may be, eating house] until he obtains a licence or fresh licence 5 [or a certificate
of eating of registration] as the case may be, in respect thereof and thereupon such person
shall forthwith comply with such direction.
(3) If the person fails to comply with any such direction he shall, on
conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term with may extend to one
month or with fine which may extand to Rs. 200 or with both.
( 4) Without prejudice to any action taken under sub-section (3) on the
failure of such person to comply with the direction of the Court any police officer
authorised by the Commissioner the Direct Magistrate, as the case may be, by an
order in writing may take or cause to be taken such steps and use or cause to be
used such force as may, in the opinion of such officer, be reasonably necessary for
securing compliance, with Court's direction.]
Penalty for 132. Whoever contravenes, disobeys, opposes, or fails to conform to an
under section
order under section 31 requiring him to vacate any premises, shall on conviction
31. be punished with imprisomnent which may extend to three months or with fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both.

Penalty for 133. Whoever contravenes any rule made under section 35 shall, on conviction,
of rules under be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with
section 35. fine which may extend to two hundred rupees or with both.

Penalty for
134. Whoever, contravence, disobeys, opposes or fails to conform to any
of rule, etc. order given by a police officer under section 36 shall, on convication, be punished
under section with fine which may extend to two hundered rupees.

Penalty for 135. Whoever disobeys an order lawfully made under section 37, 39 or 40
of rule or or abets the disobedience thereof shall, on conviction, be punished -
directions (i) if the order disobeyed or of which the disobedience was abetted was
under sections ma e un er sub -sect10n
d d · (1) o f sect10n
· 37 or und er sect10n
· 39 , or sect10n
· 40 , wit
37, 39 or 40
imprisonment for a term which may extand to one year but shall not except for
reasons to be recorded in writing be less than four months and shall also be liable
to fine, and;
(ii) if the said order was made under sub-Section (2) of Section 37, with
imprisomnent for a term which may extend to one month or with fine which may
extend to one hundred rupees, and
I. Section 13 IA was inserted by Born. 28 of 1954, s. l l.
2. These words were inserted by Guj. 5of1989, s.4 (!).
3. These words were insereted, ibid., s. 4 (2) (i).
4. These words were insered, ibid, s. 4 (2) (ii).
5. These words were inserted, ibid., s 4 (2) (iii).
6. These words were inserted, ibid., s. 4 (3).
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 63
(iii) If the said order was made under sub-section (3) of section 37, with fine
which may extend to one hundred rupees.

136. Whoever disobeys any direction lawfully made under section 38 or Penalty for
abets the disobedience thereof shall, on conviction, be punished with impresionment rules, etc. made
for a term which may extend to three montns or with fine which may extend to five under section
hundred rupees or with both.

137. Whoerver opposes or fails conform to any direction given by the Police Penelty for
undersection 41, shall on conviction be punished with fine which may extend to two rule, etc. made
hundered rupees. under section

138. [Penalty forfailure to comply with order under section 42.] Deleted by
Guj. 16of1978, s. 16.

139. Whoever contravenes or abets the contravention of any regulation made Pentalty for
under section 43 shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment which may contravention
of a regulation
extend to three months or with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees, or made under
with both. section 43.

140. Whoever opposes or fails to conform to any direction given by the police Penalty for
under section 68 or abets the opposition or failure to do so shall, on conviction, be contraventing
directions under
punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees. section 68.

141. Whoever opposes or disobeys or fails to conform to any direction Penalty for
contravention of
issued under section 55, 56, 1[57 or63AA] or abets opposition to or disobedience of directions section
any such direction shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment which may 55, 56 1(57 or
extend to one year but shall not, except for reasons to be recorded in writing, be less 63AA].
than four months, and shall also be liable to fine.

2 Penalty for
[142. Without prejudice to the power to arrest and remove a person in the
entering without
cirumstances and in the manner provided in section 62, any person who- permission
area from
which a person
(a) in contravention of a direction issued to him under section 55, 56, 57 is directed to
remove himself
or 63AA enters or returns without permission to the area, or any district or districts or outstanding
or part thereof, from which he was directed to remove himself; when permitted
to return
(b) enters or returns to any such area or district aforesaid or part thereof with
permission granted under sub-section (2) of section 62, but fails, contrary to the
provisions thereof, to remove himself outside such area at the expiry of the
temporary period for which he was permited to enter or return or on the earlier
revocation of such permission, on having removed himself at the expiry of such
temporary period or on revocation of the permission, enters or returns thereafter
without fresh permission,

shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend
to two years, but shall not, except for reasons to be recorded in writing be less than
six months, and shall also be liable to fine.)
l. These figures, word and letters were substituted for the word figures "or 57" by Born. I of 1956, s. 15.
2. This section was substituted for the original by Born. 37 of 1959, s. 4.
64 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
Penalty for 143. Whoever fails without sufficient cause to surrender in accordance with
failure to
surrender in sub-section (3) of section 63 shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment
accorance with which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine.
sub-section (3)
of section 63.

Pentalty fotr.
con raven ton
(143A. (1) Whoever, contravenes any order made under sub-section (1) of
oforders under section 63A shall, on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which
section 63A. may extend to one year or with fine or with both.

(2) Whoever contravenes any order made under sub-section (2) of section 63A
shall, on conviction, be punished with impriscnment for a term which may extend
to three years or with fine or with both.]

Dangerous '[143B. (1) No person shall without the previous permission of the
performances. Commissioner or the District Magistrate as the case may be, and except in
accordance with any conditions subject to which such permission is granted hold or
give, in any place which is likely to cause an assembly of persons, any performance
in which or during which he buries himself underground, or seals himself in any
room or receptacle or other thing in such manner as to preventall access of air to
him and for such time as would ordinarily result in death by suffocation.

(2) If any person contravences or attempts to contravene the provision of this

section, he shall, on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one year or with fine, or with both.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, Vof

1898, the offence punishable under this section shall be cognisable.]

Neglect or 144. Any person who having been appointed a Special Police Officer under
refusal to
serve as section 21 shall without sufficient cause neglect or refuse to serve as such or to obey
Special Police any lawful order or direction that may be given to him for the performance of his
Officer. . . . . . .
duties, shall on conviction be punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.

Pen~lty for 145. (I) Any person who makes a false statement or uses a false document
making false
statement for the pmpose of obtaining employment or release from employment as a police
et~. and for officer or
misconduct of '-
Police officers.
(2) Any police officer who (a) is guilty of cowardice, or (b) resigns his office
or withdraws himself from duties thereof in contravention of section 29, or ( c) is
guilty of any wilful breach or neglect of any provision oflaw or of any rule, or order
which as such police officer, it is his duty to observe or obey, or (d) is guilty of any
violation of duty for which no punishment is expressly provided by any other law
in force, shall, or conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may
extent to '[three years] or with fine which may extend to 4(one thousand rupees] or
with both.
!. Section l43A was inserted by Born. 20of1953, s. 16.
2. Section 143B was inserted by Born. 35of1959, s. 3!.
3. These words were substituted for the words "three months" by Guj. 5 of 1989, s. 5(i).
4. These words were substituted for the words "One hundred rupees", ibid. s. 5(ii).
1951: Born. XXII) Gujarat Police Act, 1951 65

(3) A Police officer who being absent on leave fails, without reasonable cause Consequence
of failure
to report himself for duty on the expiration of such leave shall, for the purpose of to return to
duty after
clause (b) or sub-section (2), deemed to withdraw himself from the duties of his leave.
office within the meaning of section 29.

146. Any police officer, who wilful! neglects or refuses to deliver up his Penalty for
failure to
certificate of appointment or of office or any other article, in accordance with the deliver up
provision of sub-section (J) of section 30 shall, on conviction, be punished with certificate of
imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine which may or officer
extend to two hundred rupees, or with both. or other

147. Any police officer who- entry,
(a) without lawful authority or reasonable cause enters or searches, or causes arrest, etc.
to be entered or searched, any building, vessel, tent or place; by police
(b) vexatiously and unnecessarily seizes the property of any person;
(c) vexatiously and unnecessarily detains, searches or arrests any person;
(d) offers any unnecessmy personal violence to any person in his custody; or
(e) holds out any threat or promise not warranted by law,

shall for every such offence, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to five hundred
rupees, or with both.
148. Any police officer who vexatiously and unnecessarily delays forwarding Penalty for
any person arrested to a Magistrate or to any other authority to whom he is legally to
delay in
forward such person, shall on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term forwarding
which may extend to six months or fine which may extend to five hundred rupees a person
or with both.

149. Whoever opposes or fails forthwith to comply with any reasonable Penalty for
opposing or
direction given by a Magistrate or a police officer under section 70 or abets not complying
opposition thereto or failure to comply therewith, shall, on conviction be punished with direction
given under
with imprisonment for and term which may extend to one year but shall not except section 70.
for reasons to be recorded in writing be loss than four months and shall also be liable
to fine.

[149A. If any person not being a member of the Police Force, wears, Penalty for
without the pennission of an officer authorised by the State Government in this use of police
behalf by a general or special order for any area '[in the 3 [State of Gujarat]] the uniform.

uniform of the Police Force or any dress having the appearance, or bearing any
of the distinctive marks of that uniform, he shall on conviction be punished with
fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.)
l. This section was inserted by Born. 6of1955, s. 3.
2. These world were substituted for the words "in the State" by the Bombay Adaptation of Laws
(State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1956.
3. These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation of
Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
66 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
Jurisdiction 150. Offences against this Act, when this accused person or any one of the
when offender
is a police accuse d persons is · o ffi1cer above the rank o f a constabl e, shall not be
· a police
officer above cognizable except by 1[* * *] a Magistrate not lower than a second
the rank of l M ·
constable. c ass ag1strate.
Prosecution 151. It will not except in obediance to a rule or order made by the State
for certain
Government or by the competent authority, be incumbent on the police to
against the prosecute for an offence punishable under section 117, 119, 131, 134, 137,
Act to be it 139, 140 or 144, when such offence has occasioned serious mischief and has
the discretion
been promptly desisted from on warnish.
of the Police.
Summary [151A. (1) A Court taking cognizance of an offence punishable under clause
disposal of (v) of section 131, for contravention of a rule or order made under clause (b) or (c)
certain cases.
of sub-section (1) of section 33, may state upon the summons to be served on the
accused person that he may, by a specified, date prior to the hearing of the charge
plead guilty to the charge by registered letter and remit to the Court such sum, not
exceeding twenty-five rupees, as the Court may specify.
( 2) When an accused person pleads guilty and remits the sum specified, no
further proceeding in respect of the offence shall be taken against him.]
Prosecution 152. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent any person from
for offences being prosecuted and punished under and other enactment for any offence made
under other
enactments punishable by this Act or from being coprosecuted and punished under this Act
not affected. for an offence punishable under any other enactment :
Provided that all such cases shall be subject to the provisions of section 403 Vof
of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898.
Disposal of
fees) rewards,
153. All fees paid for licences written permissions issued under this Act,
etc. and all sums paid for the service of processes by police officers and all rewards,
forfeitures and penalties or shares thereof which are by law payable to police
officers as informers shall, save in so far as any such fees or sums belong under
the provisions of any enactment in force to any local authority, be credited to
the State Government :
Provided that with the sanction of the State Government or under any rule
made by the State Government in that behalf, the whole or portion of any such
reward, forfeiture or penalty may for special services, be paid to a police officer, or
be divided amongst two or more police officers.
No municipal or 154. No municipal or other local rates shall be payable by the State Government
otherb~a~s ~0 ~e on account of the occupation or use of any house or place 3 [by members of the police
~a::er:m:n/:: force for the convenient performance of their duties '[in the Bombay area of the State
police buildings. of Gujarat] and also in such of the remaining areas of the '[State of Gujarat] as may
be notified by the State Government in the Official Gazette.]
Method 155. Any order or notification published or issued by the State Government or
of proving by a Magistrate or officer under any provision of this Act and the due publication or issue
orders and
notifications. thereof may be proved by the production of a copy thereof in the Official Gazette,

l. The words "a Presidency Magistrate or" were deleted by Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and
Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. This section was inserted by Born. I of 1956, s. 17.
3. This portion was substituted for portion beginning with the words "in any area" and ending with
the words "their duties" by Born. 34of1959, s. 33.
4. These words were substituted for words "in any area of the Pre-Reorganisation State of Bombay,
excluding the transfered territories and Greater Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws
(State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
5. These word were substituted for words "State of Bombay", ibid.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 67
or of a copy thereof signed by such Magistrate, or officer, and by him certified
to be a true copy of an original published or issued according to the provisions of
the section of the Act applicable thereto.
156. No rule, order, direction, adjudication, inqui1y or notification made or Rules and
published, and no act done under any provision of this Act or of any rule made orders not
invalidated by
under this Act, or in substantial conformity to the same, shall be deemed illegal, defect of forn1
void, invalid or insufficient by reason of any defect of form or any irregularity of or irregularity
procedure. in procedure.

157. Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being Presumption in
prosecutions for
inforce, in prosecution for an offence for the contravention of a direction contravention
issued under section 55, 56, 1[57 or 63 AA] on the production of an authentic copy of directions
issued under
of the order, it shall, until the contrary is proved and the burden of proving which section 55, 56,
'[57 or 63 AA.]
shall lie on the accused, be presumed-
(a) that the order was made by the authority competent under this Act to
make it;
(b) that the authority making the order was satisfied that the grounds on or
the purpose for which it was made existed, and that it was necessary to make
the same; and
(c) that the order was otherwise valid and in conformity with the provisions of
this Act.
157A. Whenever in consequence of the office of a Commissioner,
[ Officers
Magistrate or Police Officer becoming vacant, any officer holds charge of the charge of or
post of such Commissioner, Magistrate, or Police Officer or succeeds either succeeding
to vacancies
temporarily or permanantly to his office, such officer shall be competent to competent
exercise all the powers and perform all the duties respectively conferred and to exercise
imposed by this Act on such Commissoner Magistrate or Police Officer as the powers.

case may be.]

158. If any person permitted under sub-section (I) of section 63 fails to observe Forfeiture
of bond
any condition imposed under the said sub-section or in the bond entered into by him entered into
under sub-section (2) of the said section his bond shall be forfeited and any person by person
bound thereby shall pay the penalty thereof or show cause to the satisfaction of the permitted
to enter or
Court why each penalty should not be paid. return to the
area from
which he
was directed
to ren1ove
159. 3[ No Magistrate ] or Police Officer shall be liable to any penalty or to No Magistrate
payment of damages on account of an act done on good faith, in pursuance or or Police
Officer to
intended pursuance of any duty imposed or any authority conferred on him by be liable to
any provision of this Act or any other law for the time being in force or any rule, penalty or
order or direction made or given therein. damage for
act. done in
good faith in
pursuance of
I. These figures, word and letters were substituted for the word and figures "or 57" by Born. l
of 1956, s. 18.
2. Section 157A was inserted by Born. 57of1954, s. 5.
3. These words were substituted for the words "No Revenue Com1nissioner, Magistrate" by
Guj. 15of1964, s. 4, Schedule.
68 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 ( 1951 : Born. XXII
No public 160. No public servant or person duly appointed or authorised shall be liable
Hable as to any penalty or to payment of any damages for giving effect in good faith to
aforesaid any sucb order or direction assured with apparent authority by the State Government
for giving
effect in or by a person empowared in that behalf under this Act or any rule, order or direction
good faith
to any rule, made of given thereunder.
order of
issued with
Suits or 161. (1) In any case of alleged offence by the commissioner, a Magistrate,
in respect Police Officer or other person, or of a wrong alleged to have been done to such
of acts done Commissioner, Magistrate, Police Officer or other person, by any act done under
under colour
of duty as colour or in excess of any such duty or authority as aforesaid, or wherein, it shall
aforesaid appear to the Court that the offence or wrong if committed or done was of the
not to be
entertained character aforesaid, the prosecution or suit shall not be entertained, or shall be
or to be dismissed if instituted more than '[one year] after the date of the act complained of.
dismissed if
not instituted
nithin 1lone

In suits as (2) In the case of an intended section account of such a wrong as aforesaid, the
one month's
person intended to sue shall be bound to give to the alleged wrong-doer one month's
notice of notice at least of the intended suit with sufficient description of the wrong complained
suit to be of, failling which such suit shall be dismissed.
given with
of wrong
Plaint to (3) The plaint shall set forth that a notice as aforesaid has been served on the
set forth
defendant and the date of such service, and shall state whether any, and if any, what tender
service of
notice and of amends has been made by the defendant. A copy of the said notice shall be annexed
tender of to the plaint andorsed or accompanied with a declaration by the plaint of the time and
amends. manner of service thereof.
Licences 162. (1) Any licence or written permission granted under the provisions of
and written
this Act shall specify the period find locality for which, and the conditions and
to specify restrictions subjcet to which the same is granted, and shall be given under the signature
conditions, of the competant authority and such fee shall be charged therefor as is perscribed by
etc. and to
be signed. any rule under this Act in that behalf.

Revocation (2) Any licence or written permission granted under this Act may at any time
of licences,
be suspended or revoked or the competent authority, if any of its conditions or
restrictions is infringed or evaded by the person to whom it has been granted, or if
such permission is convicted of any offfence in any matter to which such licence or
permission relates.
licence (3) When any such licence or written permission is suspended or revoked or
revoked when the period for which the same was granted has expired, the person to whom
etc. grantee the same was granted shall, for all purposes of this Act, be deemed to be without a
to be
deemed licence or written permission, until the order for suspending or revoking the same
without is cancelled or until the same is renewed, as the case may be.

I. These words were substituted for the words "six months" by Guj. 16of1978, s. 17.
1951 : Born. XXII] Gujarat Police Act. 1951 69
( 4) Eve1y person to whom any such licence or written permission has been Grantee
to produce
granted, shall, while the same remains in force, at all reasonable time, produce the licence
same, if so required by a Police officer. etc. \Vhen

Explanation-For the purpose of this section any such infringement or

evasion by, or conviction of, a servant or other agent acting on behalf of the person
to whom the licence or written permission has been granted shall be deemed to
be infringement or evasion by, or as the case may be, conviction of the person to
whom such licence or written permission has been granted.

163. Any public notice required to be given under any of the provisions of Public
this Act shall be in writing under the signature of a competent authority and shall how to be
be published in the locality to be affected thereby, by affixing copies thereof in given.
conspicuous public places or by proclaiming the same with beat of drums, or by
advertising, the same in such local newspapers,-English or regional language or
Hindi,-as the said authority may deem fit, or by any two or more of these means
and by any means it may think suitable.

164. Whenever under this Act, the doing or the committing to do anything or Consent
etc. of a
the validity of anything depends upon the consest, approval, declaration, opinion ron1petent
or satisfaction of a competent authority, a written document, signed by a competent author-
authority purporting to convey or set forth such consent, approval, declaration, ity may be
proved by
opinion or satisfaction shall be sufficient evidence thereof. writting
under his

165. Every licence, written perm1ss10n, notice or other document, not Signature
or notices
being a summons or warrant or search warrant, required by this Act, or by any etc. may be
rule thereunder, to bear the signature of the Commissioner, shall be deemed to be stamped.
properly signed if it bears a fascimile of his signature stamped thereon.

166. (1) In the case of any rule or order made by the State Government under Persons
an authority conferred by this Act and requiring the public or a particular class of may apply
persons to perform some duty or act, or to conduct or order themselves of those to State
under their control in duty or a manner therein described, it shall be competent to annual,
to any person interested to apply to the State Government by a memorial given to reverse or
a Secretary to the State Government to annual, reverse or alter the rule or order alter any
rule or
aforesaid on the ground its being unlawful, oppressive or unreasonable. order.

(2) After such an application as aforesaid and the rejection thereof wholly or When a suit
shall lie to
in part or after the lapse of four months without an answer to such application or a the District
decision thereon published by the State Government, it shall be competent to the Court to
person interested and deeming the rule or order contrmy to law to institute a suit declare a
r.ule or order
against the State for a declaration that the rule or order is unlawful either wholly or in unlawful.
part of the decision in such suit shall be subject to appeal; and a rule or order finally
adjudged to be unlawful shall by the State Government be annulled or reversed or
so altered as to make it conformable to law.
H-2057-( 18)
70 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 f 1951 : Born. XXII
Repeal and 167. (1) The enactments [specified in Part I of Schedule I] are hereby

Provided that-

(i) all rules prescribed, appointments made, powers conferred, orders made
or passed, directions and certificates issued, consent, permit, permission or
licences given, summons or warrants issued or served, persons arrested or detained
or discharged on bail or bond, search warrants issued, bond forfeited, penalty
incurred under any such enactment shall, so far as they are consistent with this Act,
be deemed to have been respectively prescribed, made conferred, given, passed,
server arrested, detained, discharged, forfeited and incurred thereunder.

(ii) all references made in any Bombay Act to any of the Acts hereby repealed
shall be read as if made to the corresponding provision of this Act.

(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to affect-

(a) the validity, invalidity, effect or consequence of anything done or suffered

to be done in an area before the date on which the provisions of this Act come into
force in such area.

(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability already acquired, accured or

incurred before such date;

( c) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incmTed or inflicted in respect of any

act before such date ;

(d) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of such right,

privilege, obligation, liability, Penalty forfeiture or punishment;

(e) any legal proceeding pending in any Court or before any officer on the
aforesaid date or anything done or suffered to be done in the course of such
proceedings; and any such proceeding or any appeal or revisional proceeding
arising out of such proceeding shall be instituted, continued or disposed of, as the
case may, be if this Act had not come into force.
[(2A) On the commencement of the Act in that part of the State to which it is Born.
extended by the Bombay Police (Extension and Amendment) Act, 1959, the laws XX XIV
of 1959.
specified in part II of Schedule I and in Schedule IV, as in force in that part of the
State shall stand repealed :

Provided that such repeal shall not affect-

(a) the previous operation of any law so repealed, or anything duly done or
suffered thereunder ; or

( b) the right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accured or incurred under

any law so repealed ; or
( c) any penalty incurred in repect of anything done against any law so repealed;

I. These words and figures were substituted for the words "specified in Schedule I" by Born.
34of1959, s. 34 (I).
2. Sub-section (2A) was inserted, ibid., s. 34(2).
1951: Born. XXU] Gujarat Police Act, 1951 71

and any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
privilege, obligation, liability or penalty as aforesaid may be instituted, continued
or enforced, and any such penalty may be imposed, as if this Act had not come into
force in the relevant part of the State:
Provided further that, subject to the preceding proviso, anything done or any
action taken (including any rule prescribed, appointment made, power conferred,
order made or passed, direction or certificate issued, consent, permit permission or
licence given, summons or warrant issued or served, person arrested or detained
or discharged on bail or bond, search warrant issued or bond forefeited) under any
such repealed law shall in so far as it is not inconsistent with this Act, be deemed
• tohave been done or taken under the corresponding provision of this Act, as if the
said provisions were in force in the relevant part of the State when such thing was
done or such action was taken, and shall continue in force accordingly, unless and
untill superseded by anything done or any action taken under this Act:
Provided also that any reference to any such repealed law, or to any provision
thereof, in any for the time being in force shall be construed as a reference to this
Act or to the corresponding provison thereof.]
'[(3) The enactment specified in Schedule III in its application to the
'[Bombay area of the State fo Gujarat.] is hereby amended to the extent and in the
manner mentioed in the fourth column thereof.]
Boni. 168. Nothing in this Act shall affect the provisions of the Bombay Village '[Saving of
VIII of laws relating
Police Act, 1867, 3 [that Act as in force in the Kutch area of the '[State of Gujarat] to Village
Sau. or of the Saurashtra Village Police Ordinance, 1949, or any law corresponding Police and
Ord. thereto in force in any part of the State] or any enactment which may be made in Reserve
XXX.11 Police.]
of 1949.
regard to the Reserve Police.
(See Sections 3 and 5 and '[sub-sections (I) and (2A) of section 167)]
Year No. Short Title.
I 2 3
1890 IV The Bombay District Police Act, 1890.
1902 IV The City of Bombay Police Act, 1902.
1949 XVI The Police Forces (Control and Direction) Act, 1949.
1861 v The Police Act, 1861 as in force in the Vidarbha region of the State of
1890 IV The Bombay District Police Act, 1890, as in force in the Kutch area of
the State of Bombay.
1329 F x The Hyderabed District Police Act.
1954 XVIII The Saurashtra Police Act, 1954.
1. Sub-section (3) shall stand unmodified vide the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and
Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. These words were substituted for the word "Pre Reorganisation State of Bombay
excluding the transferred territories" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and
Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
3. These words and figures were inserted by Bom. 34 of 1959, s. 35 (I).
4. These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay" by the Gujarat adaptation
of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) order, 1960.
5. This marginal note was substituted for Original by Born. 34 of I 959, s. 35 (2)
6. These words brackets, figures and letter were substituted for the word bracket "sub-section
(!)",ibid., s. 36 (I).
7. The sub-heading "Part-I" was inserted, ibid., s. 36 (2).
8. The sub-heading and enh·ies were added, ibid., s. 36 (3).
72 Gujarat Police Act, 1951 [ 1951 : Born, XXU
(See Section 14.)



No ................... ..

Certificate of appointment issued under the (Photograph to be affixed in the case of Bombay
Police Act of 1951 = ..... = .....= ..... =..... = ..... = .....
= ..... = ..... ,j_Ins~tor and] Sub-ln~cto'22:

Mr........ ,................................................ .
has been appointed as .................. and is
invested with the powers, functions and
privileges of a Police Officer under the
Bombay Police Act of I 951.

Act V of! 86 l.

'[greater Bombay I Area under the charge of the Commissioner for .......................................... ]

In the Bombay District Police.

Railway Police.
On the .............................................. day of ..................................... 20

Signature .................................. .

Designation .............................. .


(See sub-section 3) of section 167)

Year No. Short Title.

I 2 3

1898 V...... Code of Criminal Procedure In clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section-! of the Act-

(i) for the words "towns of Calcutta, Madras and

Bombay", the words 'towns of Calcutta and
Madras" shall be substituted.

(ii) for the words "towns of Calcutta and Bombay",

the words "town of Calcutta" shall be substituted.
1. These words were substituted for the words "State of Bombay" by the Gujarat Adapatation of
Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.
2. The words "Inspectors and" were deleted by Born. 20of1953, s. 17 and inserted again by Born.
8of1954, s. 12.
3. 1l1ese words were substituted for the words "Greater Bombay" by Born. 56of1959, s. 3, Schedule.
1951: Born. XXIIJ Gujw·at Police Act. 1951 73


(See sub-section (2A) of section 167)

Year No. Short Title.

l 2 3

1946 x The Central Provinces and Berar Goondas Act. 1946.

1947 XVII The Central Provinces and Berar Special Police Establishment Act, 1947.

1951 XXlX The Hyderabed Public Security Measures Act, 1951.

1953 XII The Punjab Security of the State Act, 1953, as extended to the Kutch area of
the State of Bombay.

1955 xxv The Saurashtra Gram Rakshak Dal Act, 1955.

1957 XXXVII The Hyderabed Public Security Measures (Ameudment) and Supplemental
Provisions Act, 1957.)

l. This Schedule was added by Bom. 34of1959, s. 37.



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