Max. Marks: 75: 3. Explain The Various Purposes of Embedded Systems in Detail With Illustrative Examples.
Max. Marks: 75: 3. Explain The Various Purposes of Embedded Systems in Detail With Illustrative Examples.
Max. Marks: 75: 3. Explain The Various Purposes of Embedded Systems in Detail With Illustrative Examples.
(25 Marks)
(50 Marks)
4.a) Explain the different factors that needs to be considered in the selection of memory for
embedded systems.
b)Explain the difference between I2C and SPI communication interface. [5+5]
5. Explain the different communication buses used in automotive application. [10]
6. Explain the different sections of a memory segment allocated to an application by the
memory manager. [10]
7. Explain the difference between „pointer to constant data‟ and „constant pointer to data‟ in
Embedded C programming. Explain the syntax for declaring both. [10]
8.a) Explain starvation in the process scheduling context. Explain how starvation can be
effectively tackled.
b) What is the difference between a General Purpose kernal and Real-Time kernel? Give an
example for both. [5+5]
9. Explain the different multitasking models in the operating system context. [10]
10. Explain in detail, the different task communication synchronization issues encountered in
Inter Process communication. [10]
11. Explain the architecture of device driver, with neat sketch and give the applications of
device drivers. [10]