Act3 - ST - Pedrocalungsod - Maniego - Anika Moana
Act3 - ST - Pedrocalungsod - Maniego - Anika Moana
Act3 - ST - Pedrocalungsod - Maniego - Anika Moana
1 ADDUCUL, NICOLE SHANE P 15 19 13 47 13.82 125 21.55 70 12.96 34.51 31 15.50 63.83 77
2 ALMOQUIRA, CLARA ANDRE 14 25 13 52 15.29 131 22.59 76 14.07 36.66 37 18.50 70.45 81
3 BACCAY, CHARISSE KYLE D 19 27 14 60 17.65 116 20.00 73 13.52 33.52 48 24.00 75.17 84
4 BANCUD, CHERRY CLAIRE N 12 18 12 42 12.35 127 21.90 55 10.19 32.09 33 16.50 60.94 75
5 BAQUIRAN, JOSELINE MARC 20 21 14 55 16.18 126 21.72 69 12.78 34.50 42 21.00 71.68 82
6 BAUL CATHY TARAYAO 11 21 13 45 13.24 116 20.00 76 14.07 34.07 41 20.50 67.81 79
7 BUENAVENTURA, SARAH IRI 15 25 14 54 15.88 121 20.86 74 13.70 34.56 42 21.00 71.44 82
8 CASTILLEJO, NICOLE REBO 16 26 15 57 16.76 130 22.41 102 18.89 41.30 42 21.00 79.06 86
9 DANAO, ROWIE ANGELEI OL 17 18 14 49 14.41 117 20.17 65 12.04 32.21 42 21.00 67.62 79
10 GAMPONIA, AIRA JUSTINE OR10 18 9 37 10.88 126 21.72 124 22.96 44.68 41 20.50 76.06 85
11 GARCIA, FRANCES JULIENE 16 26 14 56 16.47 127 21.90 119 22.04 43.94 49 24.50 84.91 90
12 HANLE, ALECKSANDREA SOR14 16 11 41 12.06 132 22.76 98 18.15 40.91 31 15.50 68.47 80
13 HUFANO, ALEXIS ANDREA A 15 21 14 50 14.71 114 19.66 71 13.15 32.81 38 19.00 66.52 79
14 MABASA, KIM EDWARDINE P 13 24 12 49 14.41 120 20.69 60 11.11 31.80 34 17.00 63.21 77
15 MARTIREZ, GUILLEN KWAN 15 21 13 49 14.41 119 20.52 68 12.59 33.11 36 18.00 65.52 78
16 NARAG, SOPHIA GIANELLI C 13 20 14 47 13.82 121 20.86 62 11.48 32.34 40 20.00 66.16 78
17 PANANGUI, JOANA ZONESCA 9 18 9 36 10.59 95 16.38 60 11.11 27.49 21 10.50 48.58 72
18 RAMISCAL, JILLIAN ALTHEA 13 24 13 50 14.71 119 20.52 100 18.52 39.04 40 20.00 73.75 83
19 REBOREDO, KATE GASPAR 25 28 14 67 19.71 142 24.48 78 14.44 38.92 53 26.50 85.13 90
20 REYES, YNNA JOSEPHINE M 15 25 13 53 15.59 115 19.83 127 23.52 43.35 41 20.50 79.44 87
21 SALVADOR, HANNAH LEA D 25 23 15 63 18.53 142 24.48 105 19.44 43.92 43 21.50 83.95 89
22 SALVADOR, ZHYRAH MARIAN22 28 14 64 18.82 121 20.86 68 12.59 33.45 43 21.50 73.77 83
23 SONGGADAN, MARGARET MI 17 21 13 51 15.00 107 18.45 73 13.52 31.97 39 19.50 66.47 79
24 TAGUIAM, GUIA ELYZA NARA 18 22 14 54 15.88 107 18.45 73 13.52 31.97 31 15.50 63.35 77
25 TARUN, MA. NIKKA JEAN BA 18 20 13 51 15.00 119 20.52 75 13.89 34.41 32 16.00 65.41 78
26 VERZON, KYLIEMAR MAGUIN 16 19 15 50 14.71 142 24.48 100 18.52 43.00 45 22.50 80.21 87
27 VILLAROSA, KYLLE CASTILLO13 17 13 43 12.65 117 20.17 70 12.96 33.13 22 11.00 56.78 74
Prepared by: Approved by:
1. Display numbers with 2 decimal places only (2 points)
2. Fill in each blank column with the correct formula
W - for Written scores
TW - Total Written
H - Hands-On
TP - Total Performance
Rob - Robotics Score
PT - Periodic Test
IG - Initial Grade
FG - Final Grade
QG - Quarterly Grade
1. Headings should be merged and center (4 points)
(university of saint louis to school year)
2. Change the font style and font size of all the data in the worksheet, Arial and 14. (2 points)
3. SAVE As the workbook, Filename: ACT3_SECTION_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME (2 points)
*This is not the actual grading sheet of the school
OL YEAR 2020-2021
Grading: (type the grading here)
Adviser: (type the name of your adviser)
40.00 145.00 135.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 60.00
35.00 126.00 21.72 70.00 12.96 34.69 39.00 19.50 66.76 79.00
33.00 115.00 19.83 100.00 18.52 38.35 41.00 20.50 71.99 82.00
34.00 119.00 20.52 70.00 12.96 33.48 35.00 17.50 64.12 77.00
40.00 130.00 22.41 72.00 13.33 35.75 37.00 18.50 66.82 79.00
40.00 137.00 23.62 125.00 23.15 46.77 40.00 20.00 81.91 88.00
36.00 119.00 20.52 140.00 25.93 46.44 34.00 17.00 77.16 85.00
Approved by:
2 points each
er of items.
f items.
SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021
SECTION: (type your section here)
1. Display numbers with 2 decimal places only (2 points)
2. Fill in each blank column with the correct formula
W - for Written scores
TW - Total Written
H - Hands-On
TP - Total Performance
Rob - Robotics Score
PT - Periodic Test
IG - Initial Grade
FG - Final Grade
QG - Quarterly Grade
1. Headings should be merged and center (4 points)
(university of saint louis to school year)
2. Change the font style and font size of all the data in the worksheet, Arial and 14. (2 points)
3. SAVE As the workbook, Filename: ACT3_SECTION_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME (2 points)
2 points each