Contribution of Nursing Theorist

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1.Virginia Henderson Assist nurses to describe, explain, and Provide a general focus for curriculum design Offer a framework for generating
predict everyday experiences. knowledge and new ideas.
Guide curricular decision making.
Serve to guide assessment, interventions, Assist in discovering knowledge gaps in
and evaluation of nursing care. the specific field of study.

Provide a rationale for collecting reliable Offer a systematic approach to identify

and valid data about the health status questions for study; select variables,
of clients, which are essential for effective interpret findings, and validate nursing
decision making and implementation. interventions.

Help to describe criteria to measure the Approaches to developing nursing

quality of nursing care. theory

Help build a common nursing terminology Borrowing conceptual frameworks from

to use in communicating with other health other disciplines.
Inductively looking at nursing practice
Ideas are developed and words are defined. to discover theories/concepts to
explain phenomena.
Enhance autonomy (independence and self-
governance) of nursing through defining its Deductively looking for the
own independent functions.  compatibility of a general nursing theory
with nursing practice.

Questions from practicing Nurse about

using Nursing theory

2. Faye Glenn he believed that as the education of nurses Many nurse educators feel that the PPC She has been a leader in nursing
Abdellah improves, nursing practice improves as well.  hospital where all five phases of care are research and has over one hundred
publications related to nursing care,
available can provide clinical experience in
The most important impact of Abdellah’s education for advanced practice in
theory to the nursing practice is that it helped which the nurse can learn to solve basic nursing and nursing research. 
transform the focus of the profession from
being “disease-centered” to “patient- nursing problems in meeting patients’ needs. 
centered.” The patient-centered approach
was constructed to be useful to nursing
The three month assignment of professional
practice as it helped bring structure and
organization to what was often been a nurses may no longer be realistic in such a
disorganized collection of nursing care setting. 
experiences. She categorized nursing
problems based on the individual’s needs and Organization of hospital and community
developed a typology of nursing treatment services based on patients needs 
and nursing goals which served as a basis for
determining and organizing nursing care.
In the intensive care unit, the critically ill
Her twenty one nursing problems made patients are concentrated regardless of
nurses look at patients’ problems and come diagnosis. 
up with nursing plan of care in a thorough
and organized way. Abdellah’s identification These patients are under the constant audio-
of health needs as overt and covert assists
visual observation of the nurse, with life
nurses in exploring unmasked conditions
about the client and plan appropriate saving techniques and equipment immediately
interventions to address them. Client available 
centered care emphasizes the principle that
every nursing goal should be geared towards In the intermediate care unit are concentrated
treating the patient and not just the mere patients requiring a moderate amount of
illness. It has been viewed that if all 21
nursing care, not of an emergency nature, who
problems are investigated, the patient would
be likely to be thoroughly assessed and thus are ambulatory for short periods, and who are
will aid the nurse organize appropriate beginning to participate in he planning of
nursing strategies. Currently, the 21 nursing their own care 
problems have been updated to focus on the
patient and nursing diagnosis. It has The self-care unit provides for patients who
ultimately helped nurses develop their
are physically self-sufficient and require
individual critical-thinking skills leading to
increase in job satisfaction and more diagnostic and convalescent care in hotel-type
productive nurse-patient and nurse-family accommodations. This unit serves as a link
interaction. between the hospital and the home. 

In the long-term care unit are concentrated

patients requiring prolonged care. The
grouping of such patients will permit staffing
patterns that are less costly 
3. Jean Watson Watson’s work can be used to guide and Her work Nursing: the philosophy and Watson’s theory is based on
improve practice. science of Caring, she defines her intent to phenomenological studies that
describe the core of nursing (those aspect s of
generally ask questions rather than state
the nurse patient relationship resulting in a
It can provide the nurse with the most therapeutic outcome) rather than the trim of hypotheses. Its purpose is to describe
satisfying aspects of practice and can provide nursing (the priocedures, Tasks and the phenomena, to analyze and to gain
the client with the holistic care so necessary techniques used in the practice setting) The an understanding.
for human growth and development. framework is not limited to any nursing
specialty.. her works lead to thought- Theories contribute to and assist in
provoking experience by emphasizing deep
Theories must be consistent with other increasing the general body within the
inner reflection and personal growth.
validated theories, laws and principles but discipline through research
will leave open unanswered questions  that implemented to validate them
need to be investigated
According to Watson the best method
Watson’s work is supported by the to test this theory is through field study.
theoretical work of numerous humanists,
philosophers, developmentalists and An example is her work in the area of
psychologists. loss and caring that took place in
Cundeelee, Western Australia and
She clearly designates the theories of stress, involved a tribe of aborigines.
development, communication, teaching-
learning, humanistic psychology and
existential phenomenology which provide the
foundation for the science of caring.

4. Betty Neuman The Neuman systems model has been The model has also been widely accepted in A study was published by Riehl and
applied and adapted to various specialties academic circles. Roy to test the usefulness of the
include family therapy, public health, Neuman model in nursing practice.
rehabilitation, and hospital nursing. It has often been selected as a curriculum
guide for a conceptual framework oriented There were two major objectives of the
The sub specialties include pulmonary, more toward wellness than toward a medical study.
renal, critical care, and hospital medical model and has been used at various levels of
units. One of the model’s strengths is that it nursing education. To test the model/assessment’ tool for
can be used in a variety of settings its usefulness as a unifying method of
In the associate degree program at Indiana collecting and analyzing data for
University. identifying client problems.
Using this conceptual model permits
comparison of a nurse’s interpretation of a One of the objectives for nursing graduate is To test the assessment tool for its
problem with that of the patient, so the to demonstrate ability to use the Neuman usefulness in the identification of
patient and nurse do not work on two health care system in nursing practice. This congruence between the client’s
separate problems. helps prepare the students for developing a perception of stressors and the care
frame of reference centered on holistic care. giver’s perception of client stressors.
The role of the nurse in the model is to work
with the patient to move him as far as At northwestern State University in Results indicated that the model can
possible along a continuum toward wellness. Shreveport, Louisiana, the faculty help categorize data for assessing and
determined that a systems model approach planning care and for guiding decision
Because this model requires individual was preferred for their master’s program making.
interaction with the total health care system, because of the universality framework.
it is indicative of the futuristic direction the Neuman’s model can easily generate
nursing profession is taking. Acceptance by the nursing community for nursing research.
education therefore is evident.
The patient is being relabeled as a consumer It does this by providing a framework
with individual needs and wants. to develop goals for desired outcomes.
Acceptance by the nursing community
for research applying this model is in
the beginning stages and positive.

5.Myra Estine Levine Conservational model has been used for Conservational model was used as guidelines Principles of conservation have been
nursing practice in different settings for curriculum development used for data collection in various
Bayley discussed the care of a severely It was used to develop nursing undergraduate
burned teenagers on the basis of four program at Allentown college of St.Francis Conservational model was used by
conservational principles and discussed de sales, Pennsylvania Hanson et their study of incidence
patient’s perceptual, operational and and prevalence of pressure ulcers in
conceptual environment Used in nursing education program hospice patient
sponsored by Kapat Holim in Israel
Pond used conservation model for guiding Newport used principle of conservation
the nursing care of homeless at a clinic, of energy and social integrity for
shelters or streets comparing the body temperature of
infant’s who had been placed on
mother’s chest immediately after birth
with those who were placed in warmer

6. Hildegard Peplau Used widely around the world – nursing U.S. focus has been on cost
education containment, causing delivery to be
Often integrated into policies without credit fragmented and restricted - minimal
to Peplau – Public Domain research efforts
Patient health education, palliative care,
oncology, AIDS care, quality of life, private Research has been fairly inconsistent
practice, nurse practitioners, home care & of and scattered abroad
course, psychiatric nursing Most within National Healthcare
Nurse counseling of individuals and groups System of Canada in recent years
Most research has been qualitative – not
Home care, Public Health, Depression,
Education of Patients, Nature of Nurse-
patient relations, Role expectations,
Preferred Nursing care of ventilated
(Peterson, 2009)
Yet worldwide influences on the
development of psychiatric nursing
practice have been substantial
For any theory, the acid test is utility in
7. Calista Roy the nurse assesses first the behaviors and The adaptation model is also useful in If research is to affect practitioners’
second the stimuli affecting those behaviors. educational setting. Roy states that the behavior, it must be directed at testing
In a third step the nurse makes a statement or model defines for students the distinct and retesting conceptual models for
nursing diagnosis of the person’s adaptive purpose of nursing which is to promote nursing practice. Roy has stated that
state and fourth, sets goals to promote
man’s adaptation in each of the adaptive theory development and the testing of
adaptation. Fifth, nursing interventions are developed theories are nursing’s highest
aimed at managing the stimuli to promote
modes in situations of health and illness. priorities. The model must be able to
adaptation. The last step in the nursing regenerate testable hypotheses for it to
process is evaluation. By manipulating the In the early 1980’s be researchable.
stimuli and not the patient, the nurse the School of Nursing at
enhances the interaction of the person with the University of Ottawa experienced a
major curriculum change. This change
their environment, thereby promoting health.
included incorporating a nursing model by
Hamner in 1989 discussed which to base their new curriculum. The
the Roy model and how it could be applied to change included incorporating a nursing
nursing care in a cardiac unit (CCU). Hamner model by which to base their new
describes the model as enhancing care in the curriculum. The Roy adaptation model
CCU and being consistent with the nursing
was one of the models to be included in
process. Hamner found that the model
assessed all patients’ behavior, so that none the first year of the baccalaureate
was excluded. The author discovered that program. The professors had to meet four
the Roy model provides a structure in which challenges during this change:
manipulation of stimuli are not overlooked.
The model puts emphasis on identifying and
reinforcing positive behavior which speeds 1. Adapting the course to be congruent
recovery. with the Roy model,

2. Developing teaching tools suitable for

student learning.

3. Sequencing of content for student


4. Obtaining competent role models.

8. johnson Johnson's theory can be applied to to Today nursing has made Johnson’s model of behavioral
administrative nursing as well. The large improvements in becoming a subsystems has been, and continues to
behavioral model has been used to structure profession, but has not yet met its be, utilized as a conceptual framework
administration departments of clinical for understanding and defining the
goal. The challenges that are faced behavioral patterns demonstrated by
today are that our health care human beings as well as evaluating
system is fragmented. Hospitals are patient care outcomes within the clinical
receiving less money for services setting. Researchers have utilized
provided, budget cuts are leading to Johnson’s model in initiating studies on
layoffs, and managed care is matters such as the quality of nursing
controlling funding. Money for care received by hospitalized patients,
the alterations in behavioral patterns of
nursing is decreasing and there is a
psychiatric patients, management of pain
threat that associate degree in patients with metastatic cancer,
programs will be eliminated and accomplishments made by ill-stricken
other programs will be downsized. children in comparison to those made by
There is a need for urgency to children who are presumably healthy,
continue theory development in etc; all of which have significantly
nursing to justify and guide practice. impacted profession of nursing and
As the field of nursing continues to differentiating it from the world of
medicine. Johnson’s model has assisted
face decreases in funding, nursing researchers in studying and analyzing
will have to continue to justify its various behavioral subsystems among
existence to governmental and human beings spanning from the time of
private sources in order to continue birth well into seniority. The model has
to receive support. As nurses, it is been utilized and incorporated in the
important that we continue to development of numerous assessment
understand the importance of theory, tools used to examine and measure
alterations in human behavior. Johnson’s
research, and evidence based
model has essentially paved the way for
practice; our "profession" depends the development of theory for the
on it. purpose of developing a foundation of
knowledge for nurses to utilize in
9. R o s e m a r i e  A transformative approach to all levels of  Enhances understanding of human
Rizzo Pars
nursing lived experience, health, quality of
 Differs from the traditional nursing life and quality of nursing practice
process, particularly in that it does not  Expands the theory of human
seek to “fix” problems becoming
 Ability to see patients perspective allows  Builds new nursing knowledge
nurse to “be with” patient and guide them about universal lived experiences
toward desired health outcomes which may ultimately contribute to
 Nurse-person relationship cocreates health and quality of life
changing health patterns

10. PENDER “We are moving toward an era of “I believe that the future will be 1. “I was committed to health
science-based practice in nursing that very bright and productive for nurses who promotion and encouraged
incorporates the latest findings from the direct their careers toward understanding other scholars to move in that
behavioral and biological sciences into disease prevention and health promotion direction long before health
practice to assist people of varying cultural processes.” – Pender promotion and risk reduction
backgrounds to adopt healthy lifestyles.” – became popular.” - Pender
Pender Nurses are expected to be adaptive. Indeed,
changes are always constant. In health care Research help Health Care
As what they say, prevention is better than settings, patients come & go. Meet & greet. provider to develop a
cure. Thus, health promotion is valued Recover or expire. As this theory advocated, systematic problem-solving
much. But how? Question seems hard…hard we should not allow our patients to approach to improve and
as if you don’t know how to solve the experience severe conditions if we could develop strategies to promote
problems of the world…But how, again? If only prevent them from encountering such. good health to individuals.
super heroes could save life using their We are expected to know, if not in depth, Through research we will be
super powers, we nurses could do more by the disease processes. Because of this know- able to clarify and verify the
using our caring touch, and therapeutic how, we could apply health promotion and phenomenon.
talks. Health teachings are always part of worsening prevention before the hands of
nurses’ experience in the workplace. the clock stop moving. Evidenced-based practice is
Despite of various clinical & community fast emerging because of its
health care settings, we nurses are always Percentage of nurses is geared towards factual and substantive results.
interacting with our patient/client. continuing professional education. Attending These researches yield fruitful
ommunity health care setting is the best seminars & conventions. Enrolling to outcome that of great help in
avenue in promoting health & preventing masteral & doctoral classes. All are goaled addressing arising problems and
illnesses. Using Pender’s Health Promotion towards becoming competent nurses. Nursing in setting nursing protocols.
Model, community program may be focused education is not a one-phase process. It does Much more research must be
on activities that can improve the well- not end after passing the licensing exam. It done to tailor interventions to
being of the people. Health promotion and is continuous. Unending. Ever changing. We individuals rather than to group
disease prevention can more easily be must be abreast with new technologies, new stereotypes.
carried out in the community, as compared approaches, and new techniques. Because of
to programs that aim to cure disease this theory, we nurses could address more If we could remember, common
conditions. This is because the people in the the needs and problems of the client before research topics in our nursing
rural area tend to veer away from modern it progresses to exacerbation. This model college days are health
medical methods. Most of them, due to could be a basis for structuring nursing promotion techniques and
financial reasons, choose to avail of the protocols and interventions. disease prevention. To name a
services offered by “herbolarios” and other few, some geared their
folk healers. In our local setting, promoting research on effectiveness of
health to our fellow Filipinos is very crucial. Expanded Program on
Though, there are campaigns provided by Immunization, others on health
our government’s health agency, which is practices of mothers and
the Department of Health (DOH), there’s families, some on efficiency of
still a big percentage in the population who early detection of common
live unhealthily and many are suffering from illnesses. These are all but few
different type of diseases. of the model’s application to
Nurses, though are scattered in different
fields, have common primary concern: to
promote health to every individual. The
following are just examples of methods on
how to promote health to our fellows.

Insight from an ICU nurse… Although most

patients admitted in the ICU are
experiencing health problems, Health
Promotion Model may still be applied in one
way or another. This is projected towards
improving health condition and prevention
of further debilitating conditions. Diet
modifications and performing passive &
active range of motion exercises are
examples of its application.

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