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Candidates are invited for appearing in Walk-in-interview for the following fellowship
post in projects. The fellowship is temporary and co-terminus with the project.
Junior Research Fellow (Physics) for Validation Plan of INSAT-3D/3DR rainfall products
project - (Fellowship amount Rs 20,000/pm- fixed):
i) Essential qualifications: M. Sc. Physics with minimum 55% aggregate marks and
having minimum two years working experience in the field of remote sensing.
Desirable: familiarity with electronics, Instrument handling, computer etc.
ii) Job description: The project work includes tour for data analysis, frequent field data
collection with scientific instruments and other scientific work.
Research Associate (Remote Sensing and GIS) for FASAL project - (Fellowship amount Rs
30,000/pm- fixed):
ii) Job description: The project work includes tour for data analysis, frequent field data
collection with scientific instruments and other scientific work.
Guide lines:
The desirous candidates having requisite qualifications and fulfilling other eligibility
conditions may come for appearing in walk-in-interview along with filled application on
prescribed format and all the certificates in original in support of their qualification,
experience as well as no objection certificate from the present employer, if any, in the MP
Council of Science and Technology, Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal 462003 at 10:00
AM on September 29, 2020. No TA/DA will be paid to candidates attending the interview.
Director General, MPCST has all rights to select or reject any candidate according to the
Council’s requirement.
The fellowship will be offered initially up to 31st March 2020. Duration may be extended for
further depending on the performance after review of work and continuity of the project.
Cardinal Dates:
1. Advertisement in the newspaper 22.09.2020
2. Walk-in Interview date 29.09.2020 from 10:30 AM onwards
3. Reporting Time 29.09.2020 at 10.00 AM
Advertisement No. 02/MPCST/ASD/2020
Application for Research Associate and Junior Research Fellow
3 Date of Birth :
4) Place of Birth :
5) Nationality :
6) Domicile State :
9) Permanent Address :
(in block letters)
*Percent conversion of Grade should be specified and the proof of conversion factor should be shown at the
time of interview.
15) Working Experience (as desired):
Name, Designation,
Institutional Address,
Tel./Mob. No. and
Email id.
Name, Designation,
Institutional Address,
Tel./Mob. No. and
Email id.
I affirm that the information given in this application is true and correct. I also fully
understand that if at any stage it is discovered that an attempt has been made by me to
willfully conceal or misrepresent the facts, my candidature may be summarily rejected or
my employment terminated.