LNA-09091 FR-Series Robot Brochure

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FR Series
Global Player


Through Mitsubishi Electric’s vision, “Changes for the Better“ are possible for a brighter future.

Mitsubishi Electric is involved in many areas including the following

We bring together the best minds to Energy and Electric Systems

create the best technologies. At A wide range of power and electrical products from generators to large-scale displays.
Mitsubishi Electric, we understand
that technology is the driving force of Electronic Devices
change in our lives. By bringing A wide portfolio of cutting-edge semiconductor devices for systems and products.
greater comfort to daily life, maximiz-
ing the efficiency of businesses and Home Appliance
keeping things running across Dependable consumer products like air conditioners and home entertain-
society, we integrate technology and ment systems.
innovation to bring changes for the
better. Information and Communication Systems
Commercial and consumer-centric equipment, products and systems.

Industrial Automation Systems

Maximizing productivity and efficiency with cutting-edge automation technology.



Product Lineup 7 1
Functions 11 2
Robot Specifications 33 3
Controller Specifications 51 4
Robot Option Specifications 53 5
System Configuration / Controller Option Specifications 57 6
Options 63 7

The new future of automation made
by next-generation intelligent robots

Seeing: Improvement
IT systems feed the results of analysis back
into the production site

IT systems
Providing improvements in productivity, quality,
environmental protection, safety and security
to help reduce companies’ TCO* and boost their
Observing: Analysis
corporate value Primary processing of data collected using FA (edge computing)
We offer solutions that use FA technology and IT to reduce total Seamless integration with IT systems
costs in everything from development through to production
and maintenance, supporting customers to continuously Edge computing
improve their business operations and achieve truly cutting-
edge manufacturing.
*TCO: Total Cost of Ownership
e-F@ctory is Mitsubishi Electric's trademark and registrated trademark.

Watching: Visibility
Collecting production site data in real time

Production site

Helping to increase corporate value

through “Visibility3 (cubed)—seeing,
observing, watching” and “Usability”

Introducing the next generation of intelligent robots,

incorporating advanced solutions technology and
“e-F@ctory”, technologies and concepts developed
and proven using Mitsubishi Electric’s own
production facilities that go beyond basic robotic
performance to find ways of reducing the TCO in
everything from planning and design through to
operation and maintenance.

and e-F@ctory


Supply chain Sales and

chain Product Process Operation and
design design maintenance



Data primary processing/

analysis Data handling

Edge Computing Products

Sensor Drive Mechatronics Energy-saving

Productivity Quality Sustainability Safety Security

Cellular manufacturing Assembly and Inspection Parts supply High mix production
Evolved intelligence realizes advances in work
procedures, cooperation between people and
robots, and e-F@ctory-compatibility, making
next-generation manufacturing a reality.
With globalization and increasingly diverse consumer needs in the market, the manufacturing industries face a time of considerable
change. It is no longer enough for industrial robots to simply perform a single task. Industry now demands robots with the capacity
and flexibility to readily take on more sophisticated tasks. The MELFA FR series provides new, more intelligent solutions that under-
pin “next-generation manufacturing”, offering a simpler approach to advanced and flexible production. These robots can handle all
your automation needs.

“Next-generation intelligent functions” make it simple to carry out work that has always defied automation. “Safe, collaborative work
applications” allow robots and people to work together with high levels of safety. “FA-IT integration functions” support next-
generation manufacturing. With these 3 key features, the FR Series is capable of handling virtually all your automation needs.

Intelligence Integration Safety

[Next-generation [FA-IT integration] [Safe, collaborative
intelligence] work applications]

Greater advances in Enhanced cooperation Improved safety through

intelligent technology through e-F@ctory collaborative work applications
“MELFA Smart Plus” offers greater accuracy Connection and integration with a wide range A comprehensive range of safety functions,
and shorter startup times, making installation of FA equipment, such as the MELSEC iQ-R including position and speed monitoring and
simpler and more advanced tasks possible series. These machines support the “e-F@ctory” monitoring of the X, Y and Z components, allow
through more sophisticated force sensors and integrated FA solution for seamless integration work to be conducted in collaboration with
enhanced cooperation with vision sensors. of robots and IT systems. people.

Making difficult
Promoting smarter factories Even higher productivity
automation possible
Intelligent technology means that it is now The integration of e-F@ctory machines en- Safety functions make collaborative work
possible to automate processes that previ- ables flexible manufacturing tailored to the applications possible, for automation that is
ously could only be handled by humans due to type of production. This improves productivity simpler and safer. The reductions in required
the difficulty of the tasks involved. And using and maintainability and reduces the TCO space and stoppage times mean that factories
“Smart Plus”, this can be achieved with ease. (Total Cost of Ownership). can offer both productivity and flexibility.

Function expansion options further broaden the range of possibilities of

the MELFA FR series, offering performance beyond your expectations.

Integration with the MELSEC iQ-R series PLCs enables more advanced tasks!
Integrating these robots with the Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC iQ-R PLCs simplifies startup and improves
productivity and maintainability, ensuring that you maximize the potential of the FR series.
Vertical, multiple-joint type robots

•Optimized arm length and 6 joints for a broader range of movement support complex assembly and process operations.
•Compact body and slender arms capable of covering a large work area and large load capacity.
Product Lineup

Suitable for a broad range of layouts, from transporting machine parts to assembling electrical components.
•Designed to withstand environmental conditions, making it ideal for a wide range of applications without having to worry
about the installation environment.

■ Vertical, multiple-joint type (RV) series


load capacity 3kg 4kg 7kg 13kg 20kg

504mm 515mm
649mm 649mm
reach radius
908mm 1094mm 1094mm
1503mm 1388mm

Horizontal, multiple-joint type robots

•With a wealth of operating areas and variations, it is the perfect fit for a variety of applications.
•Highly rigid arms and cutting-edge servo controls provide superb precision and speed.

Product Lineup
Ideal for a wide range of fields, from high-volume production of foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals that demands fast operation,
through to assembly work where high levels of precision are required.

■ Horizontal, multiple-joint type (RH) series


load capacity 3kg 6kg 12kg 20kg 3kg

Maximum 350mm 450mm 550mm 350mm

reach radius
350mm 450mm 550mm 700mm 850mm 1000mm

150mm*1 150mm*2
Z stroke
340mm 350mm
450mm 8

*1 Clean specification: 120mm

*2 Clean and waterproof specification: 120mm
Controller Types

This controller is compatible with the “iQ Platform”, which
seamlessly integrates the various controllers used in a production
1 Controller
site with HMIs, the engineering environment and the network.
It uses a multi-CPU configuration that dramatically improves its
interaction with FA equipment and also offers highly precise
Product Lineup

control and fast yet simple information management.

[R TYPE controller]
MELSEC iQ-R series-dedicated

MELSEC iQ-R series

Slots in Slots in

Robot Robot

Robot controller Robot controller

[Q TYPE controller]
MELSEC Q series-dedicated

MELSEC Q series

Slots in Slots in

Robot Robot

Robot controller Robot controller

A standalone controller similar to existing models. Enables the construction of
cells using robot controllers as the control nucleus.
Comes with various interfaces as standard, allowing customers to build a
Controller system optimized for their applications.

Robot controller Robot controller


Improved controller performance

Control cycles on FR series controllers take just half the current time, improving robot control performance. The faster calculation speed
gives better robot processing capacity and shorter cycle times for improved productivity. Integration with the various sensors also makes
precision operation possible. (The performance of FR series Q type controller is equivalent to F series Q type controller.)

Control cycle
F series FR series
compared with current

Product Lineup
ME figures

The R Type controllers supported by the MELSEC iQ-R series dramatically improve compatibility with FA equipment, allowing information
to be shared mutually and data to be collected and processed. Improved system bus performance has also reduced communication
cycles to 1/4 of current levels, allowing shorter cycle times for production facilities.

MELSEC Q series MELSEC iQ-R series


compared with current
ME figures

Data exchange cycle among multi-CPUs Data exchange cycle among multi-CPUs
888µs 222µs

Dedicated motors for high-speed operation Expanded pivotal operating range

Using motors developed in-house, highly rigid arms and our Improved flexibility for robot layout design considerations.
original drive control technology, these machines are capable of Enabling more effective use of access space around the entire
high-torque output at high rotation speeds, giving better operat- perimeter including to the rear. Shortened movement distances,
ing performance. Their capacity for continuous operation is also enabling cycle times to be shortened.
improved, with higher productivity due to the shorter cycle times.

Machine 1
Torque Machine 2
Higher torque

Dedicated motors

Higher speeds

Place Pick Place

Machine 3 Movable stopper for the J1 axis

No. of rotations

Preventing cable interference

Internal wiring channels provided in the tip axis. Allows wiring and tubes to be routed internally up to the gripper mount.
By routing the body cables internally, areas where body cables might interfere with peripheral equipment can be minimized and the
problem of wiring and tube tangles can be eliminated.
• Input/output cables
Internal • Air tubes
Additional wiring
Wiring and tubes can be routed for communications,
to the J6 axis tip inside the arm etc. External wiring/ Internal
tube routing

Interference area Air tubes

Neat at
the back 10
To gripper too!
Note) Specify models with internal cabling (-SHxx).
The types of cable that can be internally routed may vary depending on the model. Existing models
Greater advances in intelligent technology
Enhanced cooperation with vision sensors and more advanced force sensors allow
more advanced tasks to be accomplished at higher speeds and with greater precision.

Through the use of highly accurate vision sensors and force sensors that control the levels of force applied by robots,
it is now possible to automate extremely difficult tasks that have been beyond the scope of automation in the past.

Force sensor Example of intelligent technology use

•Checks the applied force and the force status
during insertion to provide improved work quality

•Assembly of difficult-to-fit workpieces

•Teaching assistance using force information
•Faster control cycles for improved force control

3D vision sensor
•Kitting or sorting of irregularly placed or overlap-
ping workpieces
•Supports functions for easier startup

Preventing interference

Checking for interference between the arms and

grippers of adjacent robots prevents any contact.

2D vision sensor
•Setup tools for vision simplify the calibration of
robots and cameras
•Simple Ethernet connections between robots
and cameras
•Easy control using vision control instructions in Tracking
the robot programs
Transport, alignment, and assembly work, etc.
can be performed while robots are tracked with
the workpiece on the conveyor without stopping
the conveyor
Cooperative control
Tracking accuracy
•Two robots can be coordinated to transport very
long or heavy objects
enhancement function
•Positional relationships of non-fixed parts main-
tained during transportation and assembly Positional gain is changed in real time for even
better tracking accuracy

Multi-function gripper Other functions

•Multi-function electric grippers capable of work- Singular point transit and orthogonal compliance
ing with different part types of varying sizes functions facilitate the completion of a range of
•Less need for setup changes different tasks.

MELFA Smart Plus supports cell production, using robots to overcome the limitations on lead times,
production volumes and location.

CR800 Controller

Advanced intelligent functions are provided in the form of a function expansion

option card.This provides leading-edge functions for all phases of customer’s
operations, from design and startup through to operation and maintenance. The
functions provided include integration functions for the various sensors and MELFA Smart Plus

autonomous startup adjustment functions.

( 2F-DQ5XX) 2
*Activated with the insertion of a Smart Plus card.

The high-precision technologies and calibration functions provided by MELFA Smart Plus allow correction of machine
deviations between cells, offline teaching and copy cells*1. This then enables coordinated operation between the master
cell and other cells.
*1 Offline teaching: Operation where programs created in a simulation are transferred to an actual cell.
Copy cell: Conveys master cell modification information. Processes in cells in other locations are then modified in the same way.

Robot mechanism temperature Adjusts startup at m

compensation function aster cell

Improves positioning accuracy by compensating

for thermal expansion in the robot arm

Calibration assistance function

Automatic calibration
Improves positioning accuracy by automatically
correcting the vision sensor coordinates

Workpiece coordinate calibration

Improves positioning accuracy by automatically Copy cell A Copy cell C
correcting the robot coordinates and workpiece
coordinates from the vision sensor Compensates Sends change
machine difference information to
Inter-robot relational calibration between cells each cell
Uses vision sensors to automatically adjust the
robot location relative to other robots. Improves Copy cell B
positioning accuracy during coordinated operation

Preventive Maintenance screen (RT ToolBox3)

3D vision AI NEW

Shortens startup time by using original AI technol-

ogy to automatically adjust parameters

Preventive maintenance NEW

Maintains the robot’s health with operation status


Coordinated control for

additional axes
Integrates the robot and traveler for machining or
assembly at a specified speed

intelligence] Greater advances in intelligent technology

Force sensor
See P.67 for detailed specifications
Monitors the force applied to the robot gripper so that copying and fitting work can be
carried out as it would by a human operator.

Force control Force detection Force log

Controls “force” and “flexibility”. Switches operation in response to Checks the work status.
Modifies control properties during transitional states. Saves log data.
2 operation.
Force control Insertion by

applied in copy control in

the Z direction + the X-Y direction
(tool) Operation
+FZt change
P Start +FYt



Phase-matched assembly
Keeps the force constant so that the workpiece can be Complex assembly tasks achieved through techniques Checks the work status to facilitate adjustment.
handled without causing damage such as phase matching Log data analysis also allows predictive safety measures

More accurate force sensor

Advances in force sensors allow faster and more accurate testing.

Force sensor options

SSCNET III /H compatibility Control cycle

compared with current
ME figures

Gravitational offset cancellation

Compensates for gravity in response to
changes in force on the force sensor in
the X, Y and Z directions when the
attitude changes.
Force control can be exercised correctly Attitude change
even when the attitude changes.
cancellation value

Weight of the band Offset Adjusted so that the offset

and workpiece itself cancellation cancellation value balances out
used the workpiece/band weight

Teaching work assistance

Force GUI included *1

• Computer software (RT ToolBox3) and a teaching box •Force data synchronized to the positional data can be
(R56TB or R32TB) are standard features of the force GUI saved as log data.
screen, making it easy to use force sensors. •Log data can be viewed as graphs using RT ToolBox.
• Teaching can be carried out while monitoring the reactive •Log data files can be downloaded to a computer via FTP.
force on the force GUI screen.
*1 GUI: Graphical User Interface


R32TB R56TB Teaching while monitoring force states using the dedicated force control
■ Force log (RT ToolBox3 log viewer) screen in the teaching box. Enables optimized location teaching
Assembly work (case study)
Fitting a coupling onto a spindle (insertion task with H7h7 tolerance)

■ Operation overview
Key Points!
Insertion is by fitting along the Z axis in
the soft state while rotating in the θ axis

Force is specified where both are aligned
on the same axis.
Once they are aligned on the same axis, Because the force applied
operation switches to positional control Operates by adjusting Adjusts for the spindle does not exceed the instructed

mode and the parts are assembled into the position in a direction misalignment so that thrust, the workpiece is not
that releases external no moment applies damaged. The work completed
their installed positions. force state is detected.

The parameters required for this work

can be set freely.

Related case studies

D-cut part insertion work Gear assembly work Bearing insertion work

D-cut gear

Fit while rotating

Metal spindle

Insert to assemble by matching the gear phase Assembly by meshing a flat gear and pinion gear Insertion of bearing
to the D-cut spindle (10mm dia.)

Force inspection (case study)

Fitting of a part where the force must be managed and the spring pressure inspected
■ Spring pressure inspection waveform

Key Points!
Abnormal stop
The fitting assembly and spring pressure
inspection are carried out on one machine. Force
Force is inspected at the fitting operation
stop position.
The spring pressure is inspected in the
force log.
Productivity is improved due to assembly Normal work
reliability and automatic testing.

Related case studies

Spindle size inspection Snap mechanism part assembly work


A spindle workpiece is inserted into a gauge Measures variations in the pressure on the snap mechanism
to inspect the size part and assembles the part with the correct force

Transportation (case study) Deburring and polishing (case study)

Belt transportation and installation on a pulley Deburring work on machines and plastic parts

Key Points! Key Points!

The belt is transported using Force detection and force
force control and coordinated control are used to deburr
work. curved surfaces on mold parts.
Quality is assured without Achieves smooth machining
applying load to the workpiece. without causing unevenness in
the part’s machined surfaces.
Suitable for work to install belts
on pulleys using force
intelligence] Greater advances in intelligent technology

3D vision sensor
See P.68 for detailed specifications

Enables bulk feeding

Because the sensors allow bulk feeding without the use of special trays
or parts feeders, it reduces the amount of part feeding work.
High-speed picking using original technology NEW
Shortens the image recognition time with high-speed recognition
2 technology. (28% increase compared to Mitsubishi conventional model)
Either the model-less recognition, which enables high-speed picking, or
the model-matching recognition method, which accurately matches the

workpiece position and attitude, can be selected to suit the application. MELFA-3D Vision
Recognition parameter
automatic adjustment AI NEW
Mitsubishi’s original AI technology and simulation
technology automate the sensor parameter adjustment
work, which requires expertise knowledge. Anyone can
easily achieve the same performance as a skilled worker in
a short time. (Compatible only with model-less recognition)
Lightweight and compact for diverse installation
Compact and lightweight sensor section enables installation on
robot hand. Both eye-in-hand and fixed installation applications are
supported. The work distance and range of view can be changed
Bulk parts supply
flexibly by using the enclosed base set or extended option vision.
Adjustment assistance function
Features functions to compensate for lens distortion and for
the aperture size and focusing during focus and aperture
adjustment. This makes adjustment easier.
Workpiece supply assistance function NEW
Spindle characteristic mode and attitude output mode can be
used to ensure a stable grip during model-less recognition. The
function to estimate the remaining bulk workpiece level allows
the operator to understand the timing to load supplied parts. Model-less recognition Model-matching recognition

Basic performance improved
The grip position recognition speed has been greatly improved by reviewing the operation process method and connecting with a
high-performance PC (general-purpose IPC). High-speed picking is now possible.

Conventional NEW

Compatible with

Camera head general-purpose IPC 3D Vision SW
3D Vision Camera Dedicated controller (prepared by customer)

Recognition parameter setting AI function
AI automatically adjusts the optimum 3D sensor parameters (image processing parameters, grip position recognition parameters) in a virtual space. Adjustment of
complicated parameters is simplified by using the 3D CAD data, even without the camera head. This greatly reduces the vision sensor parameter adjustment time.
•AI automatically adjusts parameters on PC
•No need for expertise knowledge

Mitsubishi’s unique AI technology

uses large amounts of learning
data generated in a virtual space
3D information Bulk parts supply 3D sensor simulation AI automatically
15 to efficiently and automatically
on parts state is repeated with repeats parts measure- adjusts sensor
adjust the optimum parameters.
physical simulation ment and recognition parameters
Multi-function electric gripper
See P.71 for detailed specifications

High-functioning operation control not possible

using air cylinders
The gripping force and speed can be specified to suit the
target, whether it’s a heavy object or involves delicate work.
Even when handling multiple workpieces of varying sizes,
the operating positions can be specified so that the opti-
mum stroke is configured. Product inspections can be in- 2
formed by positional feedback from the gripper, such as
whether gripping was successful or whether workpiece

● Multi-function electric gripper (TAIYO)
measurements indicate that it is acceptable.

Open/close stroke control to prevent interference Simple control

Gripper open Assembly
Workpiece gripping
and transportation
The operation stroke and grip force can easily be config-
Gripper Gripper Gripper
ured for the workpiece shape using the robot programming.

<Benefits of the electric gripper>

Multi-point positional control
(suited to many product models, adjustable open/close stroke)

Prevents distortion in plastic molded items, etc.

Workpiece gripping Transportation Assembly
Gripper Gripper Gripper

Prevents distortion
<Benefits of the electric gripper> Easy operation
Speed control (retains workpiece shape, lessens impact force)
Gripping force control (prevents workpiece distortion) The gripper can be freely controlled from the dedicated
gripper screen in the teaching box.

Interference prevention function Cooperative control

Automatically prevents collisions between robots Cooperative control using multiple arms
Unanticipated interference can be prevented during jogging Cooperative control between multiple robots is enabled
or automatic operation because collisions between robots through CPU connection between the robots. Normal opera-
are detected in advance and robot movement is stopped. tion is through individual robot operation, making operation

Check interference by 3D definition

of multiple arms Assembly work that maintains
the relative positions for mutual gripping

Reduced workload during startup Coordinated transportation

The number of recovery processes following collisions due to Long or flexible objects can be transported using multiple 16
missed interlocks or teaching errors can be reduced. small robots instead of larger robots.
intelligence] Greater advances in intelligent technology

• Transport, alignment, and installation work, etc. can be per- •Programs can be created easily in robot language (MELFA
formed while a robot is tracking workpieces on the conveyor BASIC).
without stopping the conveyor. • Standard interface function.
• Different variations can be selected, including vision tracking (Separate encoder and vision sensor required.)
in combination with a vision sensor, tracking in combination
with an opto-electronic sensor, etc. • No need for a positioning device
• Reduce cycle time
2 • Reduce system costs

Vision sensor



Can be used with multiple conveyors (up to 8)

at the same time.

Additional axis function

• The layout can be set up to include the robot traveling axis •The robot controller has compatibility with the MELSERVO
and turntable as well as user machines separate from the (MR-J4-B, MR-J3-BS) servos.
robot such as loaders and positioning devices. •Standard interface function
• Up to 8 additional axes can be controlled excluding the (Separate servo amplifier and servo motor required.)
• Additional axes and user machines can be operated from
the robot teaching pendant without any additional motion •No need for a dedicated control device
control hardware. The same JOG operation as for the robot
can be used. Robot language can be used for control opera-

Robot Up to 8 additional axes

(Up to 3 groups)

Additional axis
axis User machine User machine
Up to 2 axes Up to 3 axes Up to 3 axes Simultaneous
Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3

Improved accuracy
Active gain control Operating mode setting function
• Optimal motor control tuning set automatically based on • Trajectory priority mode/speed priority operation can be
robot operating position, posture, and load conditions. set in programs to match customer system requirements.
• Improves tracking accuracy for the target trajectory. • Optimal motor control tuning set automatically based on
robot operating position, posture, and load conditions.
• Improves tracking accuracy for the target trajectory.
•Active gain control is a control method that allows the position gain to be
• This is effective when traveling straight and sealing work
changed in real time.
•This is effective when traveling straight and sealing work requiring high
requiring high accuracy. 2

• Improve trajectory accuracy
• Improve vibration-damping performance

Monitor the robot posture

High accuracy
and load conditions.
Automatic tuning
High-accuracy trajectory mode
MvTune 3
Target trajectory High-speed positioning
With active gain control
MvTune 2
Without active gain control

Standard settings MvTune 1

High speed

Other functions
Function for passing through the singular point Orthogonal compliance control
• The robot can be made to pass through the singular point. • This function reduces the rigidity of the robot arm and
This allows for greater flexibility in the layout of robots and tracks external forces. The robot itself is equipped with a
surrounding areas. compliance function, which makes special grippers and
• Teaching operations can be performed more easily as sensors unnecessary.
there is no longer any need to cancel operations due to the • This allows the amount of force generated through interfer-
presence of the singular point. ence during chucking and workpiece insertion to be
reduced and external movement copying forces to be
What a singular point is: controlled.
There is an unlimited number of angles at which the J4 and J6 axes can be • The compliance direction can be set arbitrarily using the
set such that the angle of the J5 axis is 0° when linear interpolation opera-
tions are performed using position data from a joint coordinate system. robot coordinate system, the tool coordinate system, etc.
This point is the singular point and is the point at which the robot cannot be • This is useful in protecting against workpiece interference
operated at an assigned position and posture under normal conditions. and cutting down on stoppage.
The position at which this occurs is referred to as a singular point.

• Reduce tooling costs

Posture at start point
• Shorten line stop times
• Shorten startup times Insertion direction or
normal control direction
Copy plane

Tool coordinate system

Posture at target position
Robot gripper

Movement direction
P2 +Z +X

J4 axis rotation
In moving from P1 → P2, if the
robot is passing the singular point
(J5 axis = 0°) or a location in the 18
vicinity at a constant posture, the P2 Positioning device
J4 axis on the robot will rotate at
high speed and be unable to pass
through it.
intelligence] Greater advances in intelligent technology

Robot mechanism temperature compensation function

• Monitors the robot arm temperature and automatically compensates for deviations caused
by thermal expansion in the arm.
• Positional errors due to thermal expansion in the arm when seasonal or time-period-related
temperature changes arise are reduced to 1/5th* of previous levels.
(Under Mitsubishi Electric measurement conditions)
*It may change depends on models and enviroment around the robot.

Thermal expansion
Range error relative to start position estimated and corrected


1 2 3 [hr]

Not compensated Compensated

Coordinated control for additional axes

•Allows synchronized operation where a robot is installed on
an additional axis (linear axis) and its speed relative to the
workpiece is specified.
•Supports machining of large workpieces using linear, circu-
lar or spline interpolation that exceeds the robot’s range of

•Allows synchronized operation where tracking of the robot

and workpieces on an additional axis (linear axis) is speci- Linear interpolation
fied. following workpiece
•Linear or circular interpolation while the workpiece is being Linear interpolation using
workpiece coordinates
transported allows operations such as precision sealing (operation that traces the
workand surface inspections. outside of the workpiece)

Workpiece movement
19 by user mechanism Workpiece
(move between coordinates
workpiece coordinates)
Calibration assistance function
Automatic calibration
Commands for calibrating the robot and 2D vision are included.
This automates the teaching work required for existing calibration
and allows calibration to be conducted using robot programs.
A function is also provided that uses screen deviation to compen-
sate for vision sensor mounting error, ensuring more accurate
calibration. Vision

Current method Automatic
(manual) calibration Marker
Working time (minutes) 20 1
Calibration accuracy (mm) ±0.2 ±0.05
(Mitsubishi Electric measurements)

Workpiece coordinate calibration

Features 2D vision sensors mounted on the robot gripper and commands that calibrate work coordinates defined on the work
palette, automating the teaching work required for existing calibration and allowing calibration to be conducted using robot
programs. This simplifies tasks such the calibration of work palettes and robots installed on dollies or automated guided vehicles

Vision coordinates

Locations of marks specified

before gripper in the workpiece
Workpiece coordinates coordinate system.
Workpiece coordinates
Calibration worksheet Robot coordinate system

Inter-robot relational calibration

Coordinated work can be simplified by running robot programs to calibrate workpiece coordinates that are shared among multiple
robots fitted with 2D vision sensors on their grippers.

Workpiece coordinates

intelligence] Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance function NEW

Maintenance simulation
The maintenance component replacement timing and component overhaul maintenance timing are estimated.
This estimated information can be used to review the maintenance cycle beforehand, and to verify operation to long-life of the

2 robot.

Consumption degree calculation function


The wear degree of drive components (grease, timing belt, reduction gears, ball screw/ball spline, bearings) is estimated from
the robot operation status.
Efficient maintenance is supported by notifying the maintenance timing (with dedicated signal outputs, warning outputs), and by
deciding the maintenance priority, etc.

Support for building maintenance system

Various maintenance data can be used in the robot program, and can be output to an IT system or GOT.
Smart Plus helps build a maintenance system suitable for your system.

RT ToolBox3 (Preventive Maintenance screen)

Details screen for calculating wear degree

Displays state
of component

messages related
to maintenance

The wear degree of maintenance components

The robot status can be quickly checked on the Preventive Maintenance screen. and overhaul components is color-coded, so
components needing replacement can be
quickly identified.
Maintenance Simulation Details screen

The maintenance timing can be predicted with

pre-operation simulation.

■ Wear degree calculation function
Streamlined maintenance matching the usage condi- Wear degree calculation function
tions is supported by “visualizing” the component’s
wear degree.


See the wear degree of key components

Kinetic models and drive data are used to calculate the physical 2
quantities (force, speed, etc.,) applied on the target components

(grease, timing belt, reduction gears, ball screw/ball spline,
The wear degree of each component is calculated by comparing
these quantities with the component’s life expression.

Receive notice on the appropriate maintenance

“Warnings” and “general-purpose signal outputs” can be issued
at the maintenance timing.

■ Maintenance simulation
Learn the robot maintenance timing before starting Maintenance simulation

Maintenance timing is estimated based on the

The maintenance timing is calculated estimating that the desig-
nated motion (range designated in robot program) is repeated.

Review of robot-friendly motion is supported

The robot life can be estimated with offline simulations.
Operations can be verified while changing the operation pro-
gram, while taking the cycle and life into consideration.

■ Coordination with host devices

Collectively manage the robot’s maintenance data Host device coordination
with a host system

Supporting a diverse maintenance system configu-

ration MelfaRXM.ocx
The maintenance information is held as status variables. This
maintenance data can be used in the robot program, and can be
retrieved from a host device using communication middleware.

CC-Link IE Basic
[FA-IT integration]
Enhanced cooperation with FA products

The seamless integration of machines enables flexible manufacturing tailored to the type of production.
This improves productivity and maintainability and can reduce the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).

Production management
2 iQ Platform
Database Web application

•Collaboration with MELSEC Q series/MELSEC iQ-R server server

series realize more advanced work
•Shorter I/O processing times due to faster communica-
tion between CPUs
•PLC management allows large volumes of information
to be sent to and from robots in real time • Historical information
•Allows direct read/write operations to memory shared • Threshold information
between robot CPUs
• Worker information

CC-Link IE Field/SLMP Ethernet

Allows seamless data communication from production

management down to the level of devices

• Easier integration of internal device

information and higher-level produc-
GOT integration tion management systems
• Robot information sent directly to the
MES database server via GOT or an
•Provides easy recipe management through checking of MES interface unit
robot operations and information, data collection and
setup switching Production
•Integrates production site operations with the GOT for
improved operation and maintainability

• Production information
• Equipment information
• Quality information
Information before and after errors occur (state changes,
I/O, external system variables, etc.) and program run
states can be saved as log data, simplifying error identifi-

Easier robot information

Data specific to robot mechanisms is recorded and saved
inside the mechanisms, simplifying maintenance.

iQ Platform
Integration with the MELSEC iQ-R series PLCs enables more advanced tasks.

■ Better responsiveness due to faster communications Batch management of multiple robots

MELSEC Q Series MELSEC iQ-R Series Robots on the PLC network can be accessed from a com-
puter connected to the main CPU. Allows shorter startup
times for robots on the production line and improved
maintenance. 2

Robots 1, 2 and 3 can be monitored from one location
Data exchange cycle among CPUs Data exchange cycle among CPUs
888µs 222µs
iQ Platform PLC
Shorter I/O processing times due to faster CPU data communication

■ Large volumes of data PC
RT ToolBox3
Ethernet, or serial communication
• Expanded shared memory area can be used to access other stations

CC-Link IE/CC-Link
PLC management allows large volumes of information to be sent to
and from robots in real time. iQ Platform iQ Platform iQ Platform

■ Direct communication between CPU units

• Improved synchronization
• Less wasted time

Allows direct read/write operations to memory shared between robot CPUs. R-type robot 1 R-type robot 2 R-type robot 3
Less wasted time because large amounts of data can be shared.

CC-Link IE Field/SLMP
• Compatible with CC-Link IE Field and SLMP.
•Allows seamless data communication system- SLMP
wide, from the production management level SLMP
down to the device level. TCP/UDP

• Allows simple connection using just LAN - Seamless Message Protocol plus -

cables. Ethernet
Seamless Ethernet
• Enables general-purpose Ethernet devices information sharing
compatible with SLMP (vision sensors, etc.) PC
to be used with robot programs. GOT PLC
• Allows robot information (device information) SLMP
to be collected from higher level devices.

Ethernet adapter
Ethernet PLC (master)

V/S PC GOT reader
Robot Ethernet products of SLMP

Various network options

The various network options allow connection to a variety of devices.

Standard equipment: Ethernet Option: CC-Link

USB Profibus 24
SSCNET 3 DeviceNet
Link IE Field Basic Network base card (CC-Link IE Filed EtherNet/IP, PROFINET)
(Ver.A1d or later)
[FA-IT integration]
Enhanced cooperation with FA products

GOT integration
The GOT integration function makes it easy to use features such as recipe functions through setup switching, data collection and
checking of robot operations and information. Production site HMIs can be integrated with GOT to help improve operation and

GOT backup/restore functions Shared memory expansion

Data such as robot programs and parameters can be saved Enhanced efficiency of monitoring and maintenance op-
2 (backed up) onto the GOT SD card or USB memory stick
using the GOT backup and restore function.
erations onsite using a single GOT (display device) as the
Human Machine Interface (HMI).
By backing up the GOT beforehand, operation can be re-
Example of GOT display

stored with the GOT with no need for a personal computer

(GT21 and higher). This greatly improves serviceability. The
situation is saved even when an unexpected error occurs.
This helps prevent data from being lost due to the empty
battery or robot malfunction.

Operation panel screen Jog/gripper operation screen Current value and

load factor monitor screen
Enables the robot to be controlled from the GOT even
without a teaching box.
USB SD card Current robot position data, error information, etc. can
memory stick be displayed easily on the GOT.
Internal robot information
Restore Backup • Error, variable, and program information
• Robot status (Current speed, current position, etc.)
• Maintenance information (Remaining battery capacity, grease life, etc.)
• Servo data (Load factor, current values, etc.)

Sample image files can be downloaded from the Mitsubishi Electric FA website.
• Useful sample image files that can immediately be used in actual systems.
• Sample sequence programs (function blocks) are provided for using the
sample image files.
Note) The sample image files are for the GT27 (640 × 480 or better).
Device monitoring function To use the files, GT Designer3 Version 1.178L or later is required.
Allows the status of FA equipment such as PLCs, motion
controllers, robot controllers and CNCs to be checked with-
out a computer. Useful for tasks such as starting up devices.
Recipe function
Registration monitor Batch monitor This enables you to store data for each product in GOT and
then write only the required data to a PLC, which simplifies
the process of changing the setup for very varied manufac-
turing lines.

T/C monitor Buffer memory monitor

Beef curry
Chicken curry

Logging & graphs list Seafood curry D2000 D2001 D2002

Start Record 1 Beef curry 300 0 0

Uses GOT to collect and display data from equipment such Record 2 Chicken curry 0 300 0

as PLCs and robots. Data can be checked in readily under- Record 3 Seafood curry 0 0 150

standable graphs and lists, allowing early identification and

analysis of the causes when faults occur.
Graph display
GOT connection (transparent function)
Programs and parameters can be edited from the USB inter-
face on the front of the GOT using a transparent function for
Temperature improved operability. (For GT21 or better)
No. produced
RT ToolBox3 can be used
Settings, etc. by connecting it to the USB
interface on the front of
List display the GOT.

25 The personal computer

and the GOT are
connected with a USB
cable or RS232 cable
Data logging by GOT ! Engineering environment
Support for the “e-F@ctory” FA integrated solution
Robot information can be sent to the MES database server using PLCs and MES interface units. The simple system construction
allows you to obtain the robot production information (using the device allocation function).

Simple connection and integration of various types of FA devices (PLCs, GOT, servos, etc.).
The GOT MES interface function can be used to integrate various types of information from FA devices, including robots, thereby
improving productivity and maintainability.

Office MES database


SQL statements
• Production instruction requests
Workplace • Production results, etc.


CR800 Mitsubishi Temperature

controller PLC regulator

Maintenance (log function)

Robot information before and after an error occurs, and the program execution status can be automatically sent to the FTP server
or saved on an SD card as log data. The operation log can also be retrieved, so causes of errors can be analyzed efficiently. (RT
ToolBox3 is required.)

SD card
FTP server Robot controller
*It works only on FR series D type (CR800-D)

Easier robot information management

Memory is included in the robot body and used to store
robot-specific information. This makes it easy to switch robot
Information can also be collected without visiting the work-
place, simplifying the formulation of maintenance plans. Serial No.
Origin information
Servo ON/OFF time (count)

Robot controller

RT ToolBox3 26
Improved safety through collaborative
[Safe, collaborative
work applications]
work applications
Safety functions ensure that automation is simpler, safer and more user-friendly.

Collaborative human-machine operation support that includes safety options allows working areas
to be used jointly by people and robots.
This ensures that factories provide both productivity and flexibility.
*Customers must conduct risk assessments.

2 Safety monitoring function

Safety features are provided that make risk assessment


Safe I/O Inspection

Supports safe system connection through duplicated safe
I/O (8 inputs and 4 outputs)

Position monitoring function

•Monitors robot positions
•Monitors movement into designated areas
(8 locations)


Speed monitoring function

•Monitors robot speeds Sample system
•Also capable of monitoring each of the speed compo-
nents in the X, Y and Z directions for the monitoring

Safety logic editing Robot Robot
Safety option controller
Allows the working parameters (logic) of the safety moni- Robot
toring function to be defined. Safety option controller

Collision detection function

Detects robot arm collisions as a standard function during Laser Laser
teaching or operation. Minimizes damage to equipment scanner 1 scanner 2
such as robot arms, workpieces and grippers.

Light curtain 1 Light curtain 2

Safety option / Features
Operators can enter an operation area without stopping robots.
• High safety compliant with international standards
• Robot’s automatic operation continues even with a safety fence opened.
The safety input function enables safety doors to open without causing an emergency stop of the robot.
• Operators and robots share an operation area. = They can cooperate.
While an operator is in a cooperative operation area, a robot does not approach the area. (Operation range limit function)
•Robots in cooperative operation keeps the safety speed.
A robot in cooperative operation continues its operation at the safety speed to secure operator’s safety.

•Robots can automatically shift to single operation from cooperative operation.
Closing the safety door switches cooperative operation to single operation, and enables the robot to approach to the shared
*Risk assessment and safety level proof need to be performed for the system. Please contact us if you require any further information.

Examples of safety options

The operator operation area and robot An operator and a robot access the
shared operation area alternately,
operation area are separated each other
allowing for cooperative operation
with a monitoring plane for safety. with a robot and an operator.

Set a shared operation Monitoring plane setting

Monitoring plane setting
area of a robot and
an operator.

<Explanation> <Explanation>
•The robot operates at high speed •While the operator is on the mat,
while the safety fence is close. the robot cannot enter the shared
•While the safety fence is open, operation area.
the robot continues its operation •While the operator is not on the
at low speed inside the monitoring mat, the robot operates inside the
plane. The operator can perform shared operation area.
Area sensors secure the safety
inspection inside the safety fence
and outside the monitoring plane. without safety fence.

Stop area

<Explanation> Limit area

•When the operator enters the limit
area, the robot operation speed is
•Further, the operator approaches
to the stop area, the robot stops its

[Safe, collaborative
Improved safety through collaborative
work applications
work applications]

Safety monitoring function

Safety features compliant with the requirements of international standards are provided that make risk assessment easier.

Safety feature Details Comment

IEC 61800-5-2, category 4, Supported

STO function Electrically shuts off power to the motors in the robot body
PLe, SIL3 as standard
Monitors the TCP speed so that it does not exceed
2 SLS function
the monitoring speed.

Monitors a specified monitoring position so that it does not

SLP function EN61800-5-2-compliant
go beyond the position monitoring surface.

Supported in
Monitors the robot to ensure that it does not move from
SOS function EN61800-5-2-compliant combination with
its stopped position
each safety option
SS1 function Function stopped by STO IEC 60204-1 stop category 1

SS2 function Function stopped by the SOS IEC 60204-1 stop category 2

Safe I/O Position monitoring function

Expands duplicated safe I/O to 8 inputs and 4 outputs. • Monitors robot positions.
Allows the construction of various different safety systems. • Monitors movement into designated areas in up to
8 locations.

Emergency controller


RT ToolBox3

Teaching box

Areas designated
Lamp Area Laser
sensor scanner
for position monitoring
(up to 8 can be specified)

Speed monitoring function

• Monitors robot speeds • Also allows monitoring of each of the X-, Y- and Z-direction
• Monitors designated monitoring points on the the robot components for each monitoring point.
arm and gripper to ensure that they do not exceed the By setting a low monitoring speed in the system for directions in
monitoring speed. which the robot does not move, safe distances can be made
smaller to create compact cells safely.

Monitoring points: Monitoring points: Without speed monitoring With speed monitoring
4 locations on the robot arm 4 locations on the gripper


Robot movement direction/speed Low monitoring speed set for
forward-backward robot movement
Small safe distance (more compact)
Safety logic editing
The logic for each safe I/O can be edited. Safety logic editing makes it easier to construct and operate safe systems. Because
it allows you to freely define the operating parameters (logic) for the safety monitoring functions in the robot controller, you can
configure the safety monitoring conditions without having to use a safety CPU.

By configuring the parameters in the editing screen, you can use various different types of monitoring. For example, in area
monitoring, specified functions operate in response to the robot position, while in interlock monitoring, specified safety functions
operate according to the the positions of other robots.

On/Off setting
for each safety function

Position Logic expression for safe
Safe I/O
monitoring I/O and position monitoring

Usage scenarios
The robot arm enters
the machining area
The robot arm enters
“Slow movement”
the transportation area

“Emergency stop”

Light curtain

Safety logic editing screen

Collision detection function (Standard feature)

Collision detection function

• This function detects if the arm collides with an obstacle
while teaching or operating, and helps reduce damage to
the robot arm and tools.
• The collision detection function can be used to protect the
workpiece from becoming damaged due to interference
between the workpiece and affected objects.
• The detection level can be changed according to the pro-
tection targets.
•Operation following collision detection can be programmed
to suit the circumstances.
E.g.) Stop immediately and post an error; retract and then
post an error, etc.

•Reduce tooling costs Error

•Shorten line stop times Collision
•Reduce maintenance costs 30
RT ToolBox3
Program Creation and Total Engineering
Support Software

RT ToolBox3
This is computer software to assist with a range of tasks from system startup RT ToolBox3 Simplified version.
through to debugging and operation. This includes creating and editing pro- mini Offers programming, debugging,
grams, checking the operating environment prior to robot installation, estimating and monitoring functions.
cycle times, debugging when robots are started up, monitoring robots states RT ToolBox3 Includes simulation functions.
once they are running and monitoring faults. May also be used for preliminary
Its features include a ribbon bar, output window and docking pane, making infor- examinations.
mation easier to see and the software easier to use. Operations in the 3D monitor RT ToolBox3 Runs on 3DCAD (SolidWorks).

2 screen have also been updated to make using the screen more intuitive. PRO Allows even more realistic examinations.
CAD data can also be used for path
generation and operation programs.

Program editing and debugging

Auto-complete and fold functions make programming easier to use.
Window type Ribbon Programming view



Docking pane Output window Status bar

Simulation function
Simulation that includes features such as robot dynamics and servo responses as well as robot controller emulation allows
realistic simulations that include motor loading, tracking and positioning times.
Functions grouped in the ribbon

Direct editing of
information for
Layout information selected objects
shown in tree format


Selected objects movable

with the mouse
3D viewer Monitoring functions
The 3D viewer can be used to check the robot attitude and As well as monitoring program run states, variables, input/
operation and to visually check information such as limit output signals and other events, these functions can show
values for user-defined areas, etc. graphs of robot operation waveforms (speeds and current
values) and I/O states in real time. This makes it easy to
see the correlation between program execution steps and
waveform data, making debugging markedly more efficient.

Monitoring screens

Real time external control
Robot movement can be controlled from the computer using
synchronous units.

Melfa RXM.ocx communications middleware

Allows RT ToolBox functions to be run from computer


As well as providing a more complete set of commands, this uses structured programming to give high levels of reusability and

Structured programming Library function

Allows structured programs, enabling programming with high Keeping a library of program processing allows knowledge
levels of reusability and readability. (Also supports existing to be accumulated and provides improved reusability. The
programming methods.) libraries can also be hidden to prevent knowledge from
being disclosed.

Function call
Library read

The library function

strengthens security
and improves reusability

RV-2FR 2kg RV-2FR
RV-2FRL type

Compact body and slender arms cover large work areas.

An ideal robot for compact cell construction.
Perfect for transporting, assembling and inspecting small
3 ■Among the fastest moving robots in its class
[Max. composite speed: 5.0 m/s] (RV-2FR)
Robot Specifications

■Standard cycle time

[0.6 second range] (RV-2FR)
■Pivotal operating range: ±240°
■Environmental specifications [standard: IP30]
■Standards compliance
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard.
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. 300mm

0.6 sec


Type Unit RV-2FR (B) RV-2FRL (B)

Environmental specifications Standard

Protection degree IP30
Installation Floor type, ceiling type, (wall-mounted type *2)
Structure Vertical multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 6
AC servo motor
Drive system *1 (J2, J3 and J5: with brake)

Position detection method Absolute encoder

Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 3 (Rated 2) *5
Arm length mm 230+270 310+335
Maximum reach radius mm 504 649
J1 480 (±240)
J2 240 (-120 to +120) 237 (-117 to +120)
J3 deg 160 (-0 to +160)
Operating range
J4 400 (±200)
J5 240 (-120 to +120)
J6 720 (±360)
J1 300 225
J2 150 105
J3 300 165
Maximum speed deg/sec
J4 450 412
J5 450
J6 720
Maximum composite speed *3 mm/sec 4955 4200
Cycle time *4 sec 0.6 0.7
Position repeatability mm ±0.02
Ambient temperature °C 0 to 40
Mass kg 19 21
J4 4.17
Tolerable moment J5 Nm 4.17
J6 2.45
J4 0.18
Tolerable amount
J5 kgm2 0.18
of inertia
J6 0.04
Gripper: 4 input points/4 output points
Tool wiring
Signal cable for the multi-function gripper
Tool pneumatic pipes ø4 × 4
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *6 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram


Motion space -240

at point P ° Wrist’s downward limit
Point P
R5 504.6 504.6
05 Control point (R point)
Operating range
70 270 for each axis:
Wrist's upward limit
160 J2:±120°
(80) (80)
J3:0° to 160°



A J5:±120°

Solenoid valve (option)
Installation space ° J6:±360°





Point P

Motion space

at point P



Robot Specifications
75 Solenoid valve (option) Minimum: 300
° Installation space Wrist’s downward

+2 singularity boundary
Top view B Side view

RV-2FRL Point P Wrist’s downward limit Operating range

for each axis:
Motion space 649 649
at point P -240 70 335 J2:+120° to -117°
Control point (R point) J3:0° to 160°
R6 J4:±200°
49 160 Wrist's upward limit J5:±120°
(80) (80) J6:±360°


Solenoid valve (option) °




Installation space








Motion space
Point P
140 at point P

Minimum: 300
Solenoid valve (option)
Installation space Wrist’s downward
° singularity boundary B
80 +2 Side view


Top view
(Installation reference

Shared parts (135) ø5H7, depth 8
67.5 67.5
4-ø9 installation hole 45°
(Installation reference (40)
4-M5 screw, depth 8

pth 6
7, de



8, de

1.5 pth 6
.D .ø3
View B View A
Rear Surface Diagram (Installation Dimension Detail) Mechanical Interface Detail

*Operating range limit

When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of -75°<J1<70° and the J2-axis angle is J2<-110°, operating rage of the J3-axis is limited to 80°<J3.


Robot structure Controller type Robot structure Controller type

RV: Vertical, multiple-joint type D: CR800-D RV: Vertical, multiple-joint type D: CR800-D
R: CR800-R
Maximum load capacity R: CR800-R Maximum load capacity
Q: CR800-Q Q: CR800-Q
2: 2kg 2: 2kg
Series Brake specification Series Brake specification
FR: FR series Blank: No brake for J1, FR: FR series Blank: No brake for J1,
J4 and J6 axis J4 and J6 axis
B: All axis with brake B: All axis with brake
Arm length
Blank: Standard arm
*1: The standard model does not have a brake on the J1, J4, or J6 axis. There are models available with brakes included for all axes.
L: Long arm
*2: The wall-mounted specification is a custom specification where the operating range of the J1-axis is limited. 34
*3: This is the value at the surface of the mechanical interface when all axes are composited.
*4: The cycle time is based on back-and-forth movement over a vertical distance of 25 mm and horizontal distance of 300 mm when the load is 1 kg.
*5: The maximum load capacity indicates the maximum payload when the mechanical interface is facing downward (±10° to the perpendicular).
*6: Select a controller according to the application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q compatible type.
RV-4FR 4kg RV-4FR
RV-4FRL type

Cutting-edge servo control and optimized arm construction

provide extremely fast and precise heavy-duty operation.
Flap-style arms provide a range of movement ideally suited to
compact areas. The use of space is highly efficient. Perfect for
3 transporting, assembling and inspecting small components.

■Among the fastest moving robots in its class

Robot Specifications

[Max. composite speed: 9.0 m/s]

■Standard cycle time
[0.36 s]
■Pivotal operating range: ±240°
■Environmental specifications
[standard: IP40; oil mist: IP67; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard. 300mm
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. 25mm
0.36 sec


Type Unit RV-4FR (M) (C) RV-4FRL (M) (C)

Environmental specifications Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom

Protection degree IP40 (standard)/ IP67 (oil mist) *1/ ISO class3 *7
Installation Floor type, ceiling type, (wall-mounted type *2)
Structure Vertical multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 6 *9

Drive system AC servo motor

Position detection method Absolute encoder

Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 4 (Rated 4) *8
Arm length mm 235+275 310+335
Maximum reach radius mm 515 649
J1 480 (±240)
J2 240 (-120 to +120)
J3 161 (-0 to +161) 164 (-0 to +164)
Operating range deg
J4 400 (±200)
J5 240 (-120 to +120)
J6 720 (±360)
J1 450 420
J2 450 336
J3 300 250
Maximum speed deg/sec
J4 540 540
J5 623 623
J6 720 720
Maximum composite speed *3 mm/sec 9027 9048
Cycle time *4 sec 0.36 0.36
Position repeatability mm ±0.02
Ambient temperature °C 0 to 40
Mass kg 39 41
J4 6.66
Tolerable moment J5 Nm 6.66
J6 3.96
J4 0.2
Tolerable amount
J5 kgm2 0.2
of inertia
J6 0.1
Gripper: 8 input points/8 output points
Tool wiring Signal cable for the multi-function gripper and sensors
LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> *5
Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø4 × 8, ø4 × 4 (from base portion to forearm)
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *6 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram
Operating range
for each axis:
RV-4FR Motion space
at point P
For internal gripper wiring J1: ±240°
and piping specifications (-SH**) J2: ±120°
-24 Limits on operating range J3: 0° to 161°


Wrist's downward limit for the rear (*1) J4: ±200°


514.5 514.5 J5: ±120°


Control point (R point)

° (*

J6: ±360°

(241) J6 when -SH

Control point (R point) 85 275 specifications

166 (*2)
115 126 for -SH** specifications are used: ±200°
170 ø5H7, depth 8

45° 4-M5 screw,

A depth 8 (*4)


Point P




Point P ø20H
Motion space 7, de

R514.5 1.5 ø4 pth 6
at point P ø3 0h
.D. 8(

P.C *4)





100 Note) The depth for the ø40 part is 3.5 mm

40 (Oil mist/Cleanroom), 6 mm (Standard),
+2 Minimum: 300 or 6.5 mm (-SH** models).

Maintenance Wrist's downward B
+14 space (*3) singularity boundary 183 250 Space for the cable View A
0° (

Robot Specifications
Top view connection (*2) Mechanical Interface Detail
Side view


*1: Limits on the operating range for the back and side parts: When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of -60°<J1<+140°, the operating range of the J2-axis is limited to -113°<J2<+120°.

*2: Make sure to leave enough space open for cable connections between devices.
*3: Make sure to leave enough space open for removing and attaching covers during maintenance work.
102 4-ø9
*4: Specify a thread engagement length of 7.5 to 8 mm. (160) installation
(Installation reference hole
80 80
For internal gripper wiring Limits on Rz25
RV-4FRL Motion space and piping specifications (-SH**) operating range
at point P for the rear (*1)




Wrist's downward limit 648.7 648.7




(241) Control point (R point) 85 335
115 126 Control point

(R point)for -SH**
166 (*2)

specifications (200)



A View B

Rear Surface Diagram


Operating range


Motion space for each axis: (Installation Dimension Detail)

Point P +1

at point P J1: ±240°



J2: ±120°



J3: 0° to 164°

° (*1

Point P
J4: ±200°

J5: ±120°


J6: ±360°


Approximately J6 when -SH

100 specifications
Minimum: 300
are used: ±200°
+240° Wrist's downward
Top view Space for the cable
Maintenance singularity boundary B 183 250
space (*3) connection (*2)
Side view
*1: Limits on the operating range for the back and side parts: When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of -35°<J1<+35°, the operating range of the J2-axis is limited to -114°<J2<+120°.
*2: Make sure to leave enough space open for cable connections between devices.
*3: Make sure to leave enough space open for removing and attaching covers during maintenance work.
*4: Specify a thread engagement length of 7.5 to 8 mm.

Mounting cable specifications (*1)

Devices that Model (machine no.) Interior cable
can be mounted -SH01 -SH02 -SH03 -SH04 -SH05
Air ø4 (×4) (×2) (×2) Force sensor
Gripper input 8 points
Vision sensor
Force sensor (may be
used for
Electric gripper either device) Multiple grippers

*1) The J6 axis range of motion is ±200deg. Protection level is IP40.

Vision sensor Adapter cable

Robot structure Special device No.

RV: Vertical, multiple-joint type SHxx: Internal wiring specifications

Maximum load capacity Controller type

4: 4kg D: CR800-D
R: CR800-R
Series Q: CR800-Q
FR: FR series Environment specification
Arm length Blank: Standard specifications
Blank: Standard arm M: Oil mist specifications
L: Long arm C: Cleanroom specifications

*1: Please contact Mitsubishi Electric dealer since the environmental resistance may not be secured depending on the characteristics of oil you use. Air will need to be purged from the lines.
For details, refer to the specifications sheet.
*2: The wall-mounted specification is a custom specification where the operating range of the J1-axis is limited.
*3: This is the value at the surface of the mechanical interface when all axes are composited.
*4: Value for a 25mm up/down and 300mm horizontal reciprocal movement with 1kg load. The cycle time is the value for RV-4FR-R and RV-4FRL-R.
*5: This can also be used as a spare wire (0.13sq 4-pair wire.) The wire is prepared up to inside the forearm. 36
*6: Select one of the following controllers according to the application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*7: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.
*8: The maximum load capacity indicates the maximum payload when the mechanical interface is facing downward (±10° to the perpendicular).
*9: Please contact our sales offices if you request a five axes long arm model.
RV-7FR 7kg RV-7FR
RV-7FRL type

Cutting-edge servo control and optimized arm construction

provide extremely fast and precise heavy-duty operation.
Increased range of movement along each axis and slender
arms to cover large work areas. An ideal robot for compact
3 cell construction. The product line includes a model with a
maximum reach radius of 1503 mm for a larger operating
Robot Specifications

■Among the fastest moving robots in its class

[Max. composite speed: 11.0 m/s (RV-7FR)]
■Standard cycle time [0.32 s (RV-7FR)]
■Pivotal operating range: ±240° (RV-7FR/7FRL)
■Environmental specifications 300mm
[standard: IP40; oil mist: IP67; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard. 25mm
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines. 0.32 sec
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. (RV-7FR)


Type Unit RV-7FR (M) (C) RV-7FRL (M) (C) RV-7FRLL (M) (C)

Environmental specifications Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom

Protection degree IP40 (standard)/ IP67 (oil mist) *1/ ISO class3 *7
Installation Floor type, ceiling type, (wall-mounted type *2)
Structure Vertical multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 6
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 7 (Rated 7) *8
Arm length mm 340+370 435+470 565+805
Maximum reach radius mm 713 908 1503
J1 480 (±240) 380 (±190)
J2 240 (-115 to +125) 240 (-110 to +130) 240 (-90 to +150)
Operating range J3 156 (-0 to +156) 162 (-0 to +162) 167.5 (-10 to +157.5)
J4 400 (±200)
J5 240 (-120 to +120)
J6 720 (±360)
J1 360 288 234
J2 401 321 164
J3 450 360 219
Maximum speed deg/sec
J4 337 375
J5 450
J6 720
Maximum composite speed *3 mm/sec 11064 10977 15300
Cycle time *4 sec 0.32 0.35 0.63
Position repeatability mm ±0.02 ±0.06
Ambient temperature °C 0 to 40
Mass kg 65 67 130
J4 16.2
Tolerable moment J5 Nm 16.2
J6 6.86
J4 0.45
Tolerable amount 2
J5 kgm 0.45
of inertia
J6 0.10
Tool wiring Gripper: 8 input points, Signal cable for the multi-function gripper, LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> *5
Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø4 × 8, ø4 × 4 (from base portion to forearm)
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *6 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q

*1: Please contact Mitsubishi Electric dealer since the environmental resistance may not be secured depending on the characteristics of oil you use.
*2: The wall-mounted specification is a custom specification where the operating range of the J1-axis is limited.
37 *3: This is the value at the surface of the mechanical interface when all axes are composited.
*4: Value for a 25mm up/down and 300mm horizontal reciprocal movement with 1kg.The cycle time is the value for RV-7FR-R, RV-7FRL-R, RV-7FRLL-R.
*5: Can also be used as a spare line (0.13 sq. mm, 4-pair cable) for conventional models.
*6: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*7: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.
*8: The maximum load capacity indicates the maximum payload when the mechanical interface is facing downward (±10° to the perpendicular).
Operating range
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram For internal gripper for each axis:
wiring and piping J1: ±240°
specifications (-SH**) J2: -115° to 125°
Wrist's downward limit 713.4 713.4
J3: 0° to 156°
J4: ±200°
3. J5: ±120°
Motion space 4 Control point (R point) 125 J6: ±360°
at point P 85 370
(278) Control point (R point) J6 when -SH specifications
for -SH** specifications are used: ±200° ø5H7, depth 8
135 143

166 (*1)

200 45° 4-M5 screw,

depth 8 (*3)





.5 7, de


31 ø4 pth 6

Point P D.ø

.4 at point P 8(

7 .
19 P.C *4)
R .4
Point P Note) The depth for the ø40 part is 3.5 mm


(Oil mist/Cleanroom), 6 mm (Standard),

or 6.5 mm (-SH** models).
View A
Minimum: 324 Mechanical Interface Detail

+2 207.6 250
space (*2) Wrist's downward

Top view B
singularity boundary
Notes Side view

*1: Make sure to leave enough space open for cable connections between devices. Space for the cable

*2: Make sure to leave enough space open for removing and attaching covers during maintenance work. connection (*1)
*3: Specify a thread engagement length of 7.5 to 8 mm.


Robot Specifications
Operating range (205) 4-ø9
-240° for each axis: (Installation
RV-7FRL -215
° (*1)
J1: ±240°
J2: -110° to 130°
102.5 102.5 hole
Motion space J3: 0° to 162° Rz25
) J4: ±200°
at point P ° (*1


102.5 102.5
For internal gripper J5: ±120°
wiring and piping J6: ±360°

J6 when -SH specifications

specifications (-SH**)
are used: ±200°

Wrist's downward limit 907.7 907.7

Control point (R point)



(278) Control point 85 470 102 245.7

166 (*2)

135 143 (R point) for -SH** View B

200 specifications Rear Surface Diagram

(Installation Dimension Detail)


Dedicated for RV-7FRLL
+13 ° (*1




at point P Point P


Point P


R192.8 250


Approxi- 7 4-ø14

07. 2-ø8H7 reamer 155 installation


mately hole
100 (Installation 100
) 50
+215° (*1 Minimum: 324

B reference
Maintenance Rz25
207.6 250 surface)
+145° (*1) space (*3)
P entry
4 0°

prohibited area Wrist's downward

Top view Side view Space for the cable
singularity boundary

connection (*2)
Operating range limitation

for the front/side faces

RV-7FRLL -190°
For internal gripper wiring and 300
piping specifications (-SH**)
View C

125 Rear Surface Diagram


Wrist's downward limit (Installation Dimension Detail)


85 805

Motion space
at point P Control point (R point)
Control point
(R point) for -SH**
347 specifications
Point P 300

185 (*1)


15 *1)



Motion space


Point P


160 at point P








242.5 Minimum: 430

Space for the cable

973.7 399 1242.6 connection (*1)
Top view 529 130 Operating range
Operating range limitation for each axis:
for the front/side faces (*5) J1: ±190°
*1. Make sure to leave enough space open for cable connections between devices. C Side view J2: -90° to 150°
*2. Make sure to leave enough space open for removing and attaching covers during maintenance work. J3: -10° to 157.5°
*3. Specify a thread engagement length of 7.5 to 8 mm. J4: ±200°
*4. Limits on the operating range for the front part: When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of +145°<J1<+215° or -145°<J1<-215°, the operating range of the J2-axis is limited to -110°<J2<+120°.
J5: ±120°
J6: ±360°
*5. Limits on the operating range for the front part: When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of J1>+120° or J1<-120°, the operating range of the J2-axis is limited to -90°<J2<+130°. J6 when -SH
*6. Refer to the standard specification manual for detailed specification of -SH. specifications
are used: ±200°

Mounting cable specifications (*1)

Devices that Model (machine no.) Interior cable
can be mounted -SH01 -SH02 -SH03 -SH04 -SH05 Force sensor
Robot structure Special device No.
Air ø4 (×4) (×2) (×2) RV: Vertical, SHxx: Internal wiring
Gripper input 8 points multiple-joint type specifications
Vision sensor Maximum load capacity Controller type Multiple grippers
7: 7kg D: CR800-D
Force sensor R: CR800-R
(may be used Series
Electric gripper for either device)
Q: CR800-Q Vision sensor Adapter cable
FR: FR series
Environment specification
*1) The J6 axis range of motion is ±200deg. Protection level is IP40. Arm length Blank: Standard specifications
Blank: Standard arm M: Oil mist specifications
L or LL: Long arm C: Cleanroom specifications
RV-13FR 13kg RV-13FR
RV-13FRL type

Cutting-edge servo control and optimized arm construction

provide extremely fast and precise heavy-duty operation.
Optimized arm length and 6 joints for a broader range of
movement support a wide range of layouts. Designed to
3 withstand environmental conditions, it can be used in a
wide range of applications without having to worry about
the installation environment. Suitable for various types of
Robot Specifications

work, such as transporting mechanical parts, assembling

electrical components and even packaging products such as
pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs.
■Among the fastest moving robots in its class
[Max. composite speed: 10.5 m/s (RV-13FR)]
■Standard cycle time [0.53 s (RV-13FR)]
■Pivotal operating range: ±190° 300mm
■Environmental specifications
[standard: IP40; oil mist: IP67; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance 0.53 sec
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard.
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details.


Type Unit RV-13FR (M) (C) RV-13FRL (M) (C)

Environmental specifications Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom
Protection degree IP40 (standard)/ IP67 (oil mist) *1/ ISO class3 *7
Installation Floor type, ceiling type, (wall-mounted type *2)
Structure Vertical, multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 6
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 13 (Rated 12) *8
Arm length mm 410+550 565+690
Maximum reach radius mm 1094 1388
J1 380 (±190)
J2 240 (-90 to +150)
J3 167.5 (-10 to +157.5)
Operating range deg
J4 400 (±200)
J5 240 (-120 to +120)
J6 720 (±360)
J1 290 234
J2 234 164
J3 312 219
Maximum speed deg/sec
J4 375 375
J5 375 375
J6 720 720
Maximum composite speed *3 mm/sec 10450 9700
Cycle time *4 sec 0.53 0.68
Position repeatability mm ±0.05
Ambient temperature °C 0 to 40
Mass kg 120 130
J4 19.3
Tolerable moment J5 Nm 19.3
J6 11
J4 0.47
Tolerable amount
J5 kgm2 0.47
of inertia
J6 0.14
Gripper: 8 input points/8 output points
Tool wiring Signal cable for the multi-function gripper
39 LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> *5

Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø6 × 8, ø4 × 4 (from base portion to forearm)

Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *6 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
Operating range for each axis:
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram J1: ±190°
J2: -90° to 150°
RV-13FR For internal gripper wiring and
piping specifications (-SH**)
J3: -10° to 157.5°
J4: ±200° Shared parts ø6H7, depth 8
J5: ±120°

-190° J6: ±360° 4-M6 screw,


Wrist's downward limit 150

J6 when -SH specifications 45° depth 10 (*4)

Motion Control point (R point) 97 550 are used: ±200°

ø20H7, depth 10
at point P Control point (R point)
347 ø25H7, depth 6
for -SH** specifications P.C.D.ø40 (-SH** models)

ø50H8, depth 6.5

Point P A ø50H8, depth 8
(-SH** models)
90 View A

185 (*3)

R4 ° 157

10 Point P


Mechanical Interface Detail (*5)

° (*
.3 160



Motion space

at point P .3


63 250 4-ø14

2-ø8H7 reamer 155 installation
(Installation 100 hole



reference 50


Space for the cable

Operating range limitation 242.5 Minimum: 430 connection (*3)


for the front/side faces (*1)
683.6 280.3 833.8


Robot Specifications
+190° 130
Top view
Side view 300
RV-13FRL -190° For internal gripper wiring and View B
piping specifications (-SH**)

Rear Surface Diagram


(Installation Dimension Detail)


Wrist's downward limit 150


97 690
Motion Control point (R point)
at point P Control point (R point)
347 for -SH** specifications

Point P

A 12
R2 °

185 (*3)

77 Point P





Motion space 0°


160 .5°
at point P Operating range
for each axis:
J1: ±190°
R125 J2: -90° to 150°
27.6 J3: -10° to 157.5°

R3 J4: ±200°
.6 J5: ±120°

R4 J6: ±360°
300 J6 when -SH


242.5 Minimum: 430 are used: ±200°

930.5 327.6 1128.1 Space for the cable

Top view connection (*3)
Operating range limitation 130
+190° for the front/side faces (*2)
Side view

*1: Operating range for the front and side parts: When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of J1>+120° or J1<-130°, the operating range of the J2-axis is limited to -90°<J2<+130°.
*2: Make sure to leave enough space open for cable connections between devices.
*3: Specify a thread engagement length of 10 to 9mm.
*4: Refer to the standard specification manual for detailed specification of -SH.

Mounting cable specifications (*1)

Interior cable
Devices that Model (machine no.)
can be mounted -SH01 -SH02 -SH03 -SH04 -SH05 Force sensor
Air ø4 (×4) (×2) (×2)
Gripper input 8 points
Vision sensor
Force sensor Multiple grippers
(may be used
Electric gripper for either device)
*1) The J6 axis range of motion is ±200deg. Protection level is IP40.

Vision sensor Adapter cable

Robot structure Special device No.

RV: Vertical, multiple-joint type SHxx: Internal wiring specifications
Maximum load capacity
Controller type
13: 13kg
D: CR800-D
R: CR800-R
Q: CR800-Q
F: FR series
Environment specification
Arm length Blank: Standard specifications
Blank: Standard arm M: Oil mist specifications
L: Long arm C: Cleanroom specifications

*1: Please contact Mitsubishi Electric dealer since the environmental resistance may not be secured depending on the characteristics of oil you use.
*2: The wall-mounted specification is a custom specification where the operating range of the J1-axis is limited.
*3: This is the value at the surface of the mechanical interface when all axes are composited.
*4: Value for a 25mm up/down and 300mm horizontal reciprocal movement with 5kg load. The cycle time is the value for RV-13FR-R and RV-13FRL-R. 40
*5: Can also be used as a spare line (0.13 sq. mm, 4-pair cable) for conventional models. Provided up to the inside of the forearm.
*6: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*7: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.
*8: The maximum load capacity indicates the maximum payload when the mechanical interface is facing downward (±10° to the perpendicular).
20kg RV-20FR

Highly portable RV-F series (maximum load capacity: 20 kg).

Cutting-edge servo control and optimized arm construction pro-
vide extremely portable and precise heavy-duty operation. Opti-
mized arm length and 6 joints for a broader range of movement
3 support a wide range of layouts. Designed to withstand environ-
mental conditions, it can be used in a wide range of applications
without having to worry about the installation environment.
Robot Specifications

Plenty of scope for using multiple grippers or multi-function

grippers and capable of handling work such as transporting
high-load mechanical parts, assembling electrical components
and packaging pharmaceutical products.

■Standard cycle time [0.7 s]

■Pivotal operating range: ±190°
■Environmental specifications 300mm
[standard: IP40; oil mist: IP67; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance 25mm
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard. 0.70 sec
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details.


Type Unit RV-20FR (M) (C)

Environmental specifications Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom
Protection degree IP40 (standard)/ IP67 (oil mist) *1/ ISO class3 *7
Installation Floor type, ceiling type, (wall-mounted type *2)
Structure Vertical multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 6
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 20 (Rated 15) *8
Arm length mm 410+550
Maximum reach radius mm 1094
J1 380 (±190)
J2 240 (-90 to +150)
J3 167.5 (-10 to +157.5)
Operating range deg
J4 400 (±200)
J5 240 (-120 to +120)
J6 720 (±360)
J1 110
J2 110
J3 110
Maximum speed deg/sec
J4 124
J5 125
J6 360
Maximum composite speed *3 mm/sec 4200
Cycle time *4 sec 0.70
Position repeatability mm ±0.05
Ambient temperature °C 0 to 40
Mass kg 120
J4 49.0
Tolerable moment J5 Nm 49.0
J6 11
J4 1.40
Tolerable amount
J5 kgm2 1.40
of inertia
J6 0.14

Gripper: 8 input points/8 output points

Tool wiring Signal cable for the multi-function gripper
LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> *5
Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø6 × 8, ø4 × 4 (from base portion to forearm)
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *6 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram
Operating range for each axis:
RV-13FR J1: ±190°
-190° For internal gripper wiring and J2: -90° to 150°

piping specifications (-SH**) J3: -10° to 157.5°


J4: ±200°

J5: ±120°
Wrist's downward limit 150 J6: ±360°
Motion space J6 when -SH specifications
at point P 97 550
Control point (R point) are used: ±200°

Control point (R point)

347 for -SH** specifications
Point P 300


10 A

185 (*2)


Point P .5°



° (*


Motion space

at point P .3



Robot Specifications


Space for the cable
Operating range limitation 242.5 Minimum: 430 connection (*3)
for the front/side faces (*1)
683.6 280.3 833.8
Top view
(Installation Side view
Rz25 250 4-ø14
2-ø8H7 reamer 155 installation
(Installation 100 hole
Shared parts ø6H7, depth 8 reference 50
4-M6 screw,
45° depth 10 (*4)


ø20H7, depth 10

ø25H7, depth 6

P.C.D.ø40 (-SH** models)

ø50H8, depth 6.5
ø50H8, depth 8
(-SH** models) 300
View A
View B
Mechanical Interface Detail (*5)
Rear Surface Diagram
(Installation Dimension Detail)

*1: Operating range for the front and side parts: When the J1-axis angle is inside the range of J1>+120° or J1<-130°, the operating range of the J2-axis is limited to -90°<J2<+130°.
*2: Make sure to leave enough space open for cable connections between devices.
*3: Specify a thread engagement length of 10 to 9mm.
*4: Refer to the standard specification manual for detailed specification of -SH.

Mounting cable specifications (*1)

Interior cable
Devices that Model (machine no.)
can be mounted -SH01 -SH02 -SH03 -SH04 -SH05 Force sensor
Air ø4 (×4) (×2) (×2)
Gripper input 8 points
Vision sensor
Force sensor Multiple grippers
(may be used
Electric gripper for either device)
*1) The J6 axis range of motion is ±200deg. Protection level is IP40.
Vision sensor Adapter cable

Special device No.

SHxx: Internal wiring specifications
Robot structure
RV: Vertical, multiple-joint type Controller type
D: CR800-D
Maximum load capacity
R: CR800-R
20: 20kg
Q: CR800-Q
Series Environment specification
F: FR series Blank: Standard specifications
M: Oil mist specifications
C: Cleanroom specifications

*1: Please contact Mitsubishi Electric dealer since the environmental resistance may not be secured depending on the characteristics of oil you use.
*2: The wall-mounted specification is a custom specification where the operating range of the J1-axis is limited.
*3: This is the value at the surface of the mechanical interface when all axes are composited.
*4: Value for a 25mm up/down and 300mm horizontal reciprocal movement with 5kg load. The cycle time is the value for RV-20FR-R.
*5: Can also be used as a spare line (0.13 sq. mm, 4-pair cable) for conventional models. Provided up to the inside of the forearm. 42
*6: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*7: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning.
A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.
*8: The maximum load capacity indicates the maximum payload when the mechanical interface is facing downward (±10° to the perpendicular).

Ideal for compact cell construction, such as assembling or

transporting small workpieces.

■Among the fastest moving robots in its class

3 [XY composite: 8,300 mm/s]
[J4 (θ axis): 3,000 deg/s]
■Standard cycle time
Robot Specifications

[0.41 s (RH-3FRH35)]
■Pivotal operating range: ±170°
■Environmental specifications
[standard: IP20; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard.
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. 300mm

0.41 sec


Type Unit RH-3FRH3515/12C RH-3FRH4515/12C RH-3FRH5515/12C

Environmental specifications Standard/ Cleanroom

Protection degree *1 IP20/ ISO class3 *6
Installation Floor type
Structure Horizontal multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 4
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 3 (Rated 1)
NO1 arm 125 225 325
Arm length mm
NO2 arm 225
Maximum reach radius mm 350 450 550
J1 340 (±170)
J2 290 (±145)
Operating range
J3 (Z) mm 150 (Clean specification: 120) *1
J4 (θ ) deg 720 (±360)
J1 420
J2 720
Maximum speed
J3 (Z) mm/sec 1100
J4 (θ ) deg/sec 3000
Maximum composite speed *2 mm/sec 6800 7500 8300
Cycle time *3 sec 0.41 0.46 0.51
Y-X composite ±0.010 ±0.010 ±0.012
Position mm
J3 (Z) ±0.01
J4 (θ ) deg ±0.004
Ambient temperature ˚C 0 to 40
Mass kg 29 29 32
Tolerable amount Rating 0.005
of inertia Maximum 0.06
Gripper: 8 input points/8 output points (20 pins total)
Tool wiring Signal cable for the multi-function gripper (2-pin + 2-pin power line)
LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> (8-pin) *4
Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø4 × 8
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *5 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram

Rz25 (Installation reference)

50 225 A 165
G E Cross-section X-X


(Installation Dimension Detail)


2-ø6 hole

(ø8 prepared hole for positioning pins)
90 120

4-ø9installation hole 150
(Installation reference) 60
5° Rz25


Robot Specifications
Clean specification only



Y section details
(Gripper mounting)
10 10

(*3) ø90






188 82

ø16h7 [clean specifications]



15 gh


X X th

(*1) 160 200 (*2) Cross-section Z-Z

*1: Space required for the battery replacement

*2: Space required for the interconnection cable
*3: Screw holes (M4, 6 mm long) for affixing user wiring and piping. (6 locations on both sides and 2 locations on
the front of the No. 2 arm.)

Variable dimensions
Robot series A B C D E F G H J
RH-3FRH3515 125 R350 R142 210 R253 220 R174 342 150
RH-3FRH3512C 125 R350 R142 224 R253 268 R196 342 120
RH-3FRH4515 225 R450 R135 210 R253 220 R174 337 150
RH-3FRH4512C 225 R450 R135 224 R253 268 R197 337 120
RH-3FRH5515 325 R550 R191 160 R244 172 R197 337 150
RH-3FRH5512C 325 R550 R191 160 R253 259 R222 337 120

Robot structure Controller type

RH: Horizontal, multiple-joint type D: CR800-D
R: CR800-R
Maximum load capacity Q: CR800-Q
3: 3kg
Environment specification
Series Blank: Standard specifications
FRH: FR series C: Cleanroom specifications
Arm length Vertical stroke
35: 350mm 12: 120mm
45: 450mm 15: 150mm
55: 550mm

*1: The range for vertical movement listed in the environmental resistance specifications (C: Clean specifications) for the RH-3FRH is narrower than for the standard model.
Keep this in mind when working with the RH-3FRH. The environment-resistant specifications are factory-set custom specifications.
*2: The value assumes composition of J1, J2, and J4.
*3: Value for a maximum load capacity of 2 kg. The cycle time may increase if specific requirements apply such as high work positioning accuracy, or depending on the operating position. 44
(The cycle time is based on back-and-forth movement over a vertical distance of 25 mm and horizontal distance of 300 mm.)
*4: Can also be used as a spare line (0.2 sq. mm, 4-pair cable) for conventional models.
*5: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*6: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.

A horizontal, multiple-joint type robot with highly rigid arms

and cutting-edge servo controls to provide extremely fast and
precise heavy-duty operation. Ideal for a wide range of fields,
from transportation of small components that demands high-
3 speed operation through to assembly work where excellent
precision is required.
Robot Specifications

■Among the fastest moving robots in its class

[XY composite: 8,300 mm/s]
[J4 (θ axis): 2,400 deg/s]
■Standard cycle time
[0.29 s (RH-6FRH55)]
■Pivotal operating range: ±170°
■Environmental specifications
[standard: IP20; oil mist: IP65; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard. 25mm
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines. 0.29 sec
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. (RH-6FRH55)



Environmental specifications Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom
Protection degree *1 IP20/IP65 *6, ISO class3 *7
Installation Floor type
Structure Horizontal multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 4
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 6 (Rated 3)
NO1 arm 125 225 325
Arm length mm
NO2 arm 225
Maximum reach radius mm 350 450 550
J1 340 (±170)
J2 290 (±145)
Operating range
J3 (Z) mm xx=20:200, xx=34:340
J4 (θ ) deg 720 (±360)
J1 400
J2 670
Maximum speed
J3 (Z) mm/sec 2400
J4 (θ ) deg/sec 2500
Maximum composite speed *2 mm/sec 6900 7600 8300
Cycle time *3 sec 0.29
Y-X composite ±0.010 ±0.010 ±0.012
Position mm
J3 (Z) ±0.01
J4 (θ ) deg ±0.004
Ambient temperature ˚C 0 to 40
Mass kg 36 36 37
Tolerable amount Rating 0.01
of inertia Maximum 0.12
Gripper: 8 input points/8 output points (20 pins total)
Tool wiring Signal cable for the multi-function gripper (2-pin + 2-pin power line)
LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> (8-pin) *4
Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø4 × 8
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *5 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram

Rz25 (Installation reference)

Cross-section X-X
(Installation Dimension Detail)

60 225 A 165

2-ø6 hole

(ø8 prepared hole for positioning pins)
100 90 120
G 4-ø9installation hole 150

(Installation reference) 60






Only clean spec

Robot Specifications
(*3) Y section details

(Gripper mounting) ø39.5 ø90

10 10 60.5










ø25h7 [mist specifications]


Y 164 82 [Standard specifications]
10 20 ø90

h hole

24 thr



Cross-section Z-Z [clean specifications]

(*1)160 200(*2)

*1: Space required for the battery replacement

*2: Space required for the interconnection cable
*3: Screw holes (M4, 6 mm long) for affixing user wiring and piping. (6 locations on both sides and 2 locations on the front of the No. 2 arm.)

Variable dimensions
Robot series A B C D E F G H J K L M
RH-6FRH3520 125 R350 R142 210 R253 220 R174 342 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH3520M/C 125 R350 R142 224 R253 268 R196 342 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH3534 125 R350 R142 210 R253 220 R174 342 340 –7 938 526
RH-6FRH3534M/C 125 R350 R142 224 R253 268 R196 342 340 –43 938 526
RH-6FRH4520 225 R450 R135 210 R253 220 R174 337 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH4520M/C 225 R450 R135 224 R253 268 R197 337 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH4534 225 R450 R135 210 R253 220 R174 337 340 –7 938 526
RH-6FRH4534M/C 225 R450 R135 224 R253 268 R197 337 340 –43 938 526
RH-6FRH5520 325 R550 R191 160 R244 172 R197 337 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH5520C 325 R550 R191 160 R253 259 R222 337 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH5520M 325 R550 R191 160 R244 259 R222 337 200 133 798 386
RH-6FRH5534 325 R550 R191 160 R244 172 R197 337 340 –7 938 526
RH-6FRH5534C 325 R550 R191 160 R253 259 R222 337 340 –43 938 526
RH-6FRH5534M 325 R550 R191 160 R244 259 R222 337 340 –43 938 526

Robot structure
RH: Horizontal, multiple-joint type

Maximum load capacity Controller type

6: 6kg D: CR800-D
R: CR800-R
Series Q: CR800-Q
FRH: FR series
Environment specification
Arm length Blank: Standard specifications
35: 350mm M: Oil mist specifications
45: 450mm C: Cleanroom specifications
55: 550mm
Vertical stroke
20: 200mm
34: 340mm

*1: The environmental resistance specifications (M: Oil mist specifications, C: Cleanroom specifications) for the RH-6FRH is factory-set custom specifications.
*2: The value assumes composition of J1, J2, and J4.
*3: Value for a maximum load capacity of 2 kg. The cycle time may increase if specific requirements apply such as high work positioning accuracy, or depending on the operating position.
(The cycle time is based on back-and-forth movement over a vertical distance of 25 mm and horizontal distance of 300 mm.) 46
*4: Can also be used as a spare line (0.2 sq. mm, 4-pair cable) for conventional models.
*5: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*6: Please contact Mitsubishi Electric dealer since the environmental resistance may not be secured depending on the characteristics of oil you use. Direct jet to the bellows is excluded.
*7: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.
RH-12FRH55 Horizontal
RH-12FRH70 12 /20kg RH-12FRH55
RH-12FRH85 RH-12FRH70
RH-20FRH85 type RH-12FRH85
RH-20FRH100 RH-20FRH85
A horizontal, multiple-joint type robot with highly rigid arms
and cutting-edge servo controls to provide extremely fast and
precise heavy-duty operation. Enhancements to the wrist
axis also mean that the robot has ample scope for handling
3 multi-function grippers and offset grippers. Ideal for assembly
and palletizing work.
Robot Specifications

■Among the fastest moving robots in its class

[XY composite:13,283 mm/s (RH-20FRH)]
[J4 (θ axis): 2,400 deg/s (RH-12FRH)]
■Standard cycle time
[0.30 s (RH-12FRH85)]
■Pivotal operating range: ±170°
■Environmental specifications
[standard, Oil mist: IP65; cleanroom: ISO class 3]
■Standards compliance 300mm
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard.
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. 25mm
0.30 sec


Type Unit RH-12FRH55XX/M/C RH-12FRH70XX/M/C RH-12FRH85XX/M/C RH-20FRH85XX/M/C RH-20FRH100XX/M/C

Environmental specifications Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom Standard/ Oil mist/ Cleanroom
Protection degree *1 IP20/ IP65 *6/ ISO class 3 *7 IP20/ IP65 *6/ ISO class 3 *7
Installation Floor type Floor type
Structure Horizontal multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 4
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 12 (Rated 3) Maximum 20 (Rated 5)
NO1 arm 225 375 525 525 525
Arm length mm
NO2 arm 325 325 475
Maximum reach radius mm 550 700 850 850 1000
J1 340 (±170) 340 (±170)
J2 290 (±145) 306 (±153) 306 (±153)
Operating range
J3 (Z) mm xx=35:350, xx=45:450 xx=35:350, xx=45:450
J4 (θ ) deg 720 (±360) 720 (±360)
J1 420 280 280
J2 450 450
Maximum speed
J3 (Z) mm/sec 2800 2400
J4 (θ ) deg/sec 2400 1700
Maximum composite speed *2 mm/sec 11435 12535 11350 11372 13283
Cycle time *3 sec 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.36
Y-X composite ±0.012 ±0.015 ±0.015 ±0.015 ±0.02
Position mm
J3 (Z) ±0.01 ±0.01
J4 (θ ) deg ±0.005 ±0.005
Ambient temperature ˚C 0 to 40
Mass kg 65 67 69 75 77
Tolerable amount Rating 0.025 0.065
of inertia Maximum 0.3 1.05
Gripper: 8 input points/8 output points (20 pins total)
Tool wiring Signal cable for the multi-function gripper (2-pin + 2-pin power line)
LAN × 1 <100 BASE-TX> (8-pin) *4
Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 × 2 Secondary: ø6 × 8
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *5 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram

170° RH-12FRH RH-20FRH






ø25h7 ø30h7
Standard Standard

ø110 ø110





A2 A1




ø25h7 ø30h7

Robot Specifications
Mist, Clearn Mist, Clearn
24 29 oug
1 thr
h ole


hr 4N9 ( -0.030)


80 Clean Cross-section Z-Z (RH-12FH) Cross-section Z-Z (RH-20FH)

specifications only

2-ø6 prepared holes for positioning

Installation reference
4-ø16 installation holes


75 122
G st

Installation reference
200 200


Variable dimensions
Robot series A1 A2 B C D E F G H
RH-12FRH55xx 225 325 R550 R191 145° 240 1080/1180 350/450 R295
RH-12FRH55xxM/C 225 325 R550 R191 145° 320 1080/1180 350/450 R382
RH-12FRH70xx 375 325 R700 R216 145° 240 1080/1180 350/450 R295
RH-12FRH70xxM/C 375 325 R700 R216 145° 320 1080/1180 350/450 R382
RH-12FRH/20FHR85xx 525 325 R850 R278 153° – 1080/1180 350/450 –
RH-12FRH/20FHR85xx4M/C 525 325 R850 R278 153° 240 1080/1180 350/450 R367
RH-20FRH100xx 525 475 R1000 R238 153° 240 1080/1180 350/450 R295
RH-20FRH100xxM/C 525 475 R1000 R238 153° – 1080/1180 350/450 –

Robot structure
RH: Horizontal, multiple-joint type
Maximum load capacity Controller type
12: 12kg D: CR800-D
20: 20kg R: CR800-R
Q: CR800-Q
FRH: FR series Environment specification
Arm length Blank: Standard specifications
55: 550mm M: Oil mist specifications
70: 700mm C: Cleanroom specifications
85: 850mm
100: 1000mm Vertical stroke
35: 350mm
45: 450mm

*1: The environmental resistance specifications (M: Oil mist specifications, C: Cleanroom specifications) is factory-set custom specifications.
*2: The value assumes composition of J1, J2, and J4.
*3: Value for a maximum load capacity of 2 kg. The cycle time may increase if specific requirements apply such as high work positioning accuracy, or depending on the operating position.
(The cycle time is based on back-and-forth movement over a vertical distance of 25 mm and horizontal distance of 300 mm.) 48
*4: Can also be used as a spare line (0.2 sq. mm, 4-pair cable) for conventional models.
*5: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible type.
*6: Please contact Mitsubishi Electric dealer since the environmental resistance may not be secured depending on the characteristics of oil you use. Direct jet to the bellows is excluded.
*7: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of 0.3 m/s in the cleanroom and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for suctioning is provided at the back of the base.
horizontal RH-3FRHR35
RH-3FRHR35 3kg

A horizontal, multiple-joint type robot with a space-saving

suspended installation mode.
Suitable for a wide range of applications, from precision
assembly of electrical, electronic and other small compo-
3 nents through to inspections, high-speed transportation and
Robot Specifications

■Among the fastest moving robots in its class

[XY composite:6,267 mm/s]
[J4 (θ axis): 3,146 deg/s]
■Standard cycle time
[0.32 s (RH-3FRHR35)]
■Pivotal operating range: ±225°
■Environmental specifications
[standard: IP20; cleanroom: ISO class 5; Waterproof: IP65]
■Standards compliance 300mm
Compliant with European Machinery Directives (CE) as standard.
Compliance with other standards is available in specialized machines.
Contact Mitsubishi Electric for details. 25mm
0.32 sec


Type Unit RH-3FRHR3515 RH-3FRHR3512C RH-3FRHR3512W

Environmental specifications Standard Cleanroom Waterproof

Protection degree *1 IP20 ISOclass5 *5 IP65 *6
Installation Ceiling type
Structure Horizontal multiple-joint type
Degrees of freedom 4
Drive system AC servo motor
Position detection method Absolute encoder
Maximum load capacity kg Maximum 3 (Rated 1)
NO1 arm 175
Arm length mm
NO2 arm 175
Maximum reach radius mm 350
J1 450 (±225)
J2 450 (±225)
Operating range
J3 (Z) mm 150 120
J4 (θ ) deg 1440 (±72)
J1 672
J2 708
Maximum speed
J3 (Z) mm/sec 1500
J4 (θ ) deg/sec 3146
Maximum composite speed *2 mm/sec 6267
Cycle time *3 sec 0.32
Y-X composite ±0.01
Position mm
J3 (Z) ±0.01
J4 (θ ) deg ±0.01
Ambient temperature ˚C 0 to 40
Mass kg 24 28
Tolerable amount Rating 0.005
of inertia Maximum 0.05
Tool wiring Gripper: 8 input points (up to 4 points for shaft) / 8 output points, 8 spare lines
49 Tool pneumatic pipes Primary: ø6 x 2 Secondary: ø4 x 8
Machine cable 5m (connector on both ends)
Connected controller *4 CR800-D, CR800-R, CR800-Q
External Dimensions/Operating Range Diagram

360 No.1 arm rotation radius



230 (*2)

(Installation 4-ø9 installation hole
Rz25 °
225 225°




310 2-M12 suspension hole °
4-M8 jack-up hole
Robot origin (180) 175 175 53


Operating diagram

Robot Specifications
*1 *1 ø90

124 ø37.5


View A
15 thr Y Y Y Y

10 10


10 10


ø16h7 ø16h7
B Cross-section Y-Y ø52
112 X ø70 Detail of X part

(Standard specification) View B

Detail of Y part
(Clean, waterproof specification)
Variable dimensions
Robot series A B

RH-3FRHR3515 583 150

RH-3FRHR3512C 613 120 *1:Instaration platform is prepared by customer

*2: Space required for the battery replacement, etc.
RH-3FRHR3512W 613 120 *3: Space required for the machine cable between devices

Waterproof specification Cleanroom specification

•IP65-rated and can be washed with water •ISO Class 5 cleanliness
•Uses food-grade grease (NSF H1)*1 • Suitable for clean environments, such as transporting electrical/
•Prevents any peeling of the coating (coating-free) electronic components and pharmaceutical products.
*1: Hygiene-related guidelines from the US NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) •Wiring and tubing can be installed internally in the tip.
Prevents contamination produced by problems such as cable
Features twisting or abrasion

Reduced equipment space Easy installation and startup (3) When a compact system starts up that is
Fitted on top of contained within the robot’s maximum range
By suspending the machine from the ceiling, wasted (1) Constructed so that Base the joists
space is eliminated and less space is needed for the it can be suspended of movement, the cylindrical movement range
entire installation. from fittings installed limitation function can be used to ensure that
on top of the ceiling Ceiling joist robot movement does not extend beyond the
No.1 arm joists, making instal- specified cylindrical range, allowing startup
lation simple. adjustment to be made without having to worry
about interference. In the normal
No.2 arm
movement range
No interference the arm strikes
the pillar

J2 J2 J3

J4 J4
Accessible on Inaccessible (2) Internal gripper tubing
all sides area channels are provided Wiring channels
provided in shaft No.2 arm
in the tip axis, making cavity
tube installation easy Pillar No.1 arm Pillar
and eliminating the pro- surface
blem of tangled tubes.
(Handles up to 4 inside
the shaft.)
restricted to
RH-3FHR work area Range of movement for a horizontal, cylindrical limit
(Plan view: Cylinder shape) multiple-joint type robot
(Plan view)

*1: The environmental resistance specifications (C: Cleanroom specifications, W:

Waterproof specifications) for the RH-3FRHR is factory-set custom specifications.
*2: The value assumes composition of J1, J2, and J4.
*3: Value for a maximum load capacity of 1 kg. The cycle time may increase if specific
requirements apply such as high work positioning accuracy, or depending on the Robot structure Controller type
operating position. RH: Horizontal, multiple-joint type D: CR800-D
(The cycle time is based on back-and-forth movement over a vertical distance of Maximum load capacity 3: 3kg R: CR800-R
25 mm and horizontal distance of 300 mm.) Q: CR800-Q
*4: Select either controller according to your application. CR800-D: Standalone type, Series FRH: FR series 50
Protection specification
CR800-R: MELSEC iQ-R compatible type, CR800-Q: MELSEC Q Series compatible Installation specification
type. Blank: Usual environment
R: Ceiling
*5: Preservation of cleanliness levels depends on conditions of a downstream flow of specifications
0.3 m/s in the clean room and internal robot suctioning. A ø8-mm coupler for Arm length 35: 350mm C: Cleanroom specifications
suctioning is provided at the back of the base. Vertical stroke 12: 120mm 15: 150mm W: Waterproof specifications
*6: Direct jet to the bellows is excluded.
Controller CR800-Q
CR800-R/Q/D CR800-D

MELSEC iQ-R/Q compatible robot controller Standalone type robot controller

Uses a multi-CPU configuration that dramatically im- Can be constructed as the control nucleus for robot
proves its interaction with FA equipment and also offers controllers.
highly precise control and fast yet simple information

Controller Specifications

CR800-R CR800-Q CR800-D


Type Unit CR800-R CR800-Q CR800-D

Robot CPU R16RTCPU Q172DSRCPU Built-in

Path control method PTP control and CP control
Number of axes controlled Maximum 6 axes + additional 8 axes available
Robot language MELFA-BASIC V, VI
Position teaching method Teaching method, MDI method
Number of teaching points points 39000 26000 39000
Number of steps step 78000 52000 78000
Number of programs unit 512
0 input/0 output 0 input/0 output
General-purpose I/O points
(8192 input points/8192 output points with the multiple CPU common device) (Up to 256/256 when options are used)
Dedicated I/O points Assigned to multiple CPU common device Assigned to general-purpose I/O
Gripper open/close points 8 input / 8 output *6

External Emergency stop input points 1 (redundant)

input/ Door switch input points 1 (redundant)
output Enabling device input *7 points 1 (redundant)
Emergency stop output points 1 (redundant)
Mode output points 1 (redundant)
Robot error output points 1 (redundant)
Synchronization of additional axes points 1 (redundant)
Encoder input channels 2 Q173DPX (optional) 2
RS-422 ports 1 (dedicated T/B)
1 (dedicated T/B)
Ethernet ports
1 (for customer) 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T Correspondence with CC-Link IE Field Basic (Ver.A1d or later)
USB *5 ports 1 (USB port of programmable controller CPU unit) 1 (Ver. 2.0 device functions only, mini B terminal)
Interface Additional-axis interface channels 1 (SSCNET #/H)
Extension slot *1 slots 1(Avaiable only for function expansion option card) 2
R/C communication interface channels — 2 (daisy chain)
Remote I/O channels 1 (Ver.2)
Memory extension slot slots — 1
Ambient temperature ˚C 0 to 40 (controller) / 0 to 55 (robot CPU) 0 to 40
Relative humidity %RH 45 to 85
RV-2FR/4FR/7FR, RH-3FRH/3FRHR/6FRH/12FRH/20FRH: Single-phase AC 200V to 230V
Input voltage range *2 V
RV-13FR/20FR/7FRLL, RH-IFRHR: Three-phase AC 200V to 230V or Single-phase AC 230V

RV-2FR, RH-3FRH: 0.5

RH-3FRHR, RV-4FR, RH-6FRH: 1.0
Power capacity *3 KVA RH-12FRH/20FRH: 1.5
RV-7FR (except RV-7FRLL): 2.0
RV-7FRLL, RV-13FR, RV-20FR: 3.0

External dimensions (including legs) mm 430(W) × 425(D) × 99.5(H)

Weight kg Approx. 12.5
Structure [protective specification] Self-contained floor type/open structure (Vertical and horizontal position can be placed) [IP20]
Grounding *4 Ω 100 or less (class D grounding)

*1: For installing option interface.

*2: The rate of power-supply voltage fluctuation is within 10%.
*3: The power capacity indicates the rating for normal operation. Take note that the power capacity does not include the currentbeing input when the power is turned on.
The power capacity is only a rough guide and whether or not operation can be guaranteed depends on the input power-supply voltage.
51 *4: Grounding works are the customer’s responsibility.
*5: Recommended USB cable (USB A-to-USB mini B): MR-J3USBCBL3M (Mitsubishi Electric), GT09-C30USB-5P (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd)
*6: RV-2FR series has 4 inputs and 4 outputs.
*7: Mode selection switch provided by the customer.
CR800-R/CR800-Q CR800-D
External Dimensions External Dimensions



340 4



Controller Specifications




(30) 370 30 (30) 370 30
430 430


Multiple CPU environment

<CR800-R> <CR800-Q>
Unit Type Unit Type

R35B 5-slot High-speed standard

Base R38B 8-slot base between multiple
R312B 12-slot CPU
R61P Q35DB 5-slot

Power R62P Q38DB 8-slot

R63P Q312DB 12-slot

R64P Q61P
R00CPU Power Q62P
Q172DSRCPU supply
PLC R04CPU Universal Model


Note) For details of the PLC units, refer to the Q13UD(E/V)HCPU

PLC manual or the Mitsubishi Electric FA
website, etc. Q20UD(E)HCPU

41.1 6
120.3 27.4

Robot arm options (RV)

Machine cable (standard)

Fixed 5m

Machine cable (replacement)

Fixed 2, 10, 15 or 20 m
Flexible 10, 15 or 20 m

5 Solenoid valve set (sink/source type)

With dedicated hand output cable
Robot Option Specifications

1 to 4 valves

J1 axis movement range modification

J2 axis movement range modification (RV-2FR series)
Hand output cable J3 axis movement range modification (RV-2FR series)
Used when solenoid valves are provided by To be installed by the customer.
the customer

Hand input cable

For gripper sensor signal input
Cable outlets in the machine
•Forearm external wiring set
•Base external wiring set


Hand curl tube Option mount

Tube for pnumatic grippers (1 to 4 tubes)

Internal wiring /
tubing specifications

The factory default specification

is for wiring/tubing to be routed
internally to the wrist with an
outlet from the mechanical


RV-FR Mechanical Options


No. Name Type 13FR Specifications


1E-VD0 (sink) 1 to 2 valves with solenoid valve cable.

1E-VD0E (source)  indicates the number of valves (1 or 2); output: 4ø

1F-VD0-02 (sink) 1 to 4 valves with solenoid valve cable.

Solenoid valve set
1F-VD0E-02 (source)  indicates the number of valves (1, 2, 3, 4); output: 4ø

1F-VD0-03 (sink) 1 to 4 valves with solenoid valve cable.

1F-VD0E-03 (source)  indicates the number of valves (1, 2, 3, 4); output: 6ø

Straight cable for 2-valve systems, robot connector on one end,

unterminated on the other. Total length: 350 mm
Hand output cable
Straight cable for 4-valve systems, robot connector on one end,
unterminated on the other. Total length: 500 mm

1S-HC30C-11 4-point type, with a robot connector on one side and unterminated on the other.
Hand input cable 4-point type, with a robot connector on one side and unterminated on the other.
Total length: 1000 mm

For 1- to 4-ø4-valve systems; total length: 630 mm (including 180 mm curled section)
 indicates No. of tubes (2, 4, 6 or 8), 2 or 4 only in the RV-2FR and RV-2FRL
Hand curl tube
For 1- to 4-ø6-valve systems; total length: 1150 mm (including 250 mm curled section)

1N-ST060C  indicates No. of tubes (2, 4, 6 or 8)

Forearm external For the forearm. External wiring box used for connecting the gripper input cable,
wiring set 1 Ethernet cable and the electric gripper and force sensor cable.

Robot Option Specifications

Forearm external For the forearm. External wiring box used for connecting the force sensor,
wiring set 2 electric gripper and Ethernet cable.

Base external For the base. External wiring box used for connecting the electric gripper communications
wiring set 1 output, electric gripper and force sensor cable and Ethernet cable. Includes gripper input.

Base external For the base. External wiring box used for connecting the electric gripper communications
wiring set 2 output, electric gripper, force sensor and Ethernet cable. No gripper input.

Machine cable Replacement type, 2, 10, 15 or 20 m

(replacement) (fixed)  indicates cable length (02, 10, 15 or 20 m)

Machine cable Replacement type, 10, 15 or 20 m

(replacement) (flexible)  indicates cable length (10, 15 or 20 m)

1S-DH-11J1 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer

J1 axis movement range 1F-DH-05J1 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer (Also compatible with RV-7FRLL)
modification 1F-DH-04 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer
1F-DH-03 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer
J2 axis movement range
1S-DH-11J2 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer
J3 axis movement range
1S-DH-11J3 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer

RV-4FR/ 7FR/13FR /20FR series tooling machine configurations

The required options differ depending on the gripper (tool) configuration. The table below lists the “Forearm external wiring sets” and “Base external wiring sets”
required for the different gripper configurations. Select wiring sets accordingly.

Required equipment
Gripper configuration Wiring mode Forearm external Base external Comment
wiring set wiring set (*3)

Internal -SH01 – (*1) – Air tubes: Up to 2 sets (4ø × 4), 8 input signals
• Pnumatic gripper + gripper input signals
Externa Standard – (*2) – Air tubes: Up to 4 sets (4ø × 8)
• Pnumatic gripper + gripper input signals Internal -SH05 – (*1) (1F-HA01S-01) Air tubes: Up to 1 set (4ø × 2), 8 input signals
•Vision sensor Externa Standard 1F-HB01S-01 (*2) 1F-HA01S-01 Air tubes: Up to 4 sets (4ø × 8)
• Pnumatic gripper + gripper input signals Internal -SH04 – (*1) (1F-HA01S-01) Air tubes: Up to 1 set (4ø × 2), 8 input signals
•Force sensor Externa Standard 1F-HB01S-01 (*2) 1F-HA01S-01 Air tubes: Up to 4 sets (4ø × 8)
• Pnumatic gripper + gripper input signals Internal
-SH02 – (*1) (1F-HA01S-01) External air tubes: Up to 4 sets (4ø × 8)
•Vision sensor (External air tubes)
•Force sensor Externa Standard 1F-HB01S-01 1F-HA01S-01 Air tubes: Up to 4 sets (4ø × 8)
• Electric gripper + gripper input signals Internal -SH02 – (1F-HA01S-01)
•Vision sensor Externa Standard 1F-HB01S-01 1F-HA01S-01
•Electric gripper
Internal -SH03 – (1F-HA02S-01)
•Vision sensor
•Force sensor Externa Standard 1F-HB02S-01 1F-HA02S-01
*1: For pnumatic grippers with internal wiring, solenoid valves should be provided.
*2: For pnumatic grippers with external wiring, solenoid valves, tubing and input cables, etc. should be provided as necessary.
*3: For machines with internal wiring and tubing, a base external wiring set is included with the machine and does not need to be provided separately.


Robot arm options (RH)

Machine cable (standard)

Fixed 5m

Machine cable (replacement)

Fixed 2, 10, 15 or 20 m
Flexible 10, 15 or 20 m

5 Solenoid valve set (sink/source type)

With dedicated hand output cable
1 to 4 valves
Robot Option Specifications

J1 axis movement range modification

J2 axis movement range modification
To be installed by the customer.
Hand output cable
Used when solenoid valves are provided
by the customer

Internal wiring and tubing set for grippers

An air tube and cable set used to run air tubes
and gripper input signal cables from inside
the second arm to the shaft tip

Hand input cable

For gripper sensor signal input

Hand curl tube

Tube for pnumatic grippers (1 to 4 tubes)

External wiring and tubing box

A useful option for taking air tubes and signal
wires out from the back end of the second arm or
running gripper wiring and/or tubing outside the robot
Hand tube (for RH-3FRHR series) Wiring/
Tube for pnumatic grippers (2 tubes) tubing outlet


RH-FR Main Options


No. Name Type 12FRH 3FRHR Specifications


1F-VD0-01 (Sink) 1 to 4 valves with solenoid valve cable.

1F-VD0E-01 (Source)  indicates the number of valves (1, 2, 3, 4); output: 4ø

1S-VD0-01 (Sink) 1 to 4 valves with solenoid valve cable.

1S-VD0E-01 (Source) output: 6 mm dia. (standard)
Solenoid valve set
1S-VD04-05 (Sink) 4 valves with solenoid valve cable.
1S-VD04E-05 (Source)  indicates the number of valves (1, 2, 3, 4); output: 6ø

1S-VD04W-05 (Sink) 4 valves with solenoid valve cable. Output: ø4

1S-VD04WE-05 (Source) (cleanroom specification / waterproof specification)

For 4-valve systems, robot connector on one end, unterminated on the other, with drip-proof grommet
Total length 1,050 mm, straight CBL
Hand output cable
Straight cable for 4-valve systems, robot connector on one end, unterminated on the other.
Total length: 450 mm

8-point type, with a robot connector on one side and unterminated on the other, equipped
with a splash-proof grommet. Total length: 1800 mm (including 350 mm curled section)

8-point type, with a robot connector on one side and unterminated on the other, equipped
Hand input cable 1F-HC35C-02
with a splash-proof grommet. Total length: 1650 mm (including 350 mm curled section)

4-point type, with a robot connector on one side and unterminated on the other, equipped
with a splash-proof grommet. Total length: 1210 mm

Robot Option Specifications

1E-ST0408C-300 For 4-ø4-valve systems; total length: 1000 mm (including 300 mm curled section)
Hand curl tube
1N-ST0608C-01 For 1- to 4-ø6-valve systems; total length: 630 mm (including 250 mm curled section)
Hand tube 1S-ST0304S 3 mm dia. for 2 tubes (customer-usable length: 400 mm)
Internal wiring and tubing set for the tip axis (8 gripper inputs + two 6 mm dia. tubes)
For 350 mm Z-axis stroke

Internal wiring and tubing set for the tip axis (8 gripper inputs + two 6 mm dia. tubes)
1F-HS604S-02 For 450 mm Z-axis stroke
Internal wiring and Internal wiring and tubing set for the tip axis (8 gripper inputs + four 4 mm dia. tubes)
tubing set for grippers 1F-HS408S-01
For 200 mm Z-axis stroke

Internal wiring and tubing set for the tip axis (8 gripper inputs + four 4 mm dia. tubes)
For 340 mm Z-axis stroke
Wiring and piping set foe internal mounting in the tip axis (compatible with 4 input points
1F-HS304S-01 for gripper systems+ø3-2 solenoid valve systems)

External user wiring 1F-UT-BOX-01 External outlet box for user wiring (gripper input/output, gripper tubes)
and tubing box 1F-UT-BOX External outlet box for user wiring (gripper input/output, gripper tubes)
Machine cable Replacement type, 2, 10, 15 or 20 m
(replacement) (fixed) 1F-UCBL-41
 indicates cable length (02, 10, 15 or 20 m)

Machine cable Replacement type, 10, 15 or 20 m

(replacement) (flexible) 1F-LUCBL-41  indicates cable length (10, 15 or 20 m)

1F-DH-02 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer

J1 axis movement range
1F-DH-01 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer
1S-DH-05J1 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer
J2 axis movement range 1S-DH-11J2 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer
modification 1S-DH-05J2 Stopper for changing the range, installed by customer


R Type Controller
System Configuration


GOT Vision system

Slot in

Robot CPU

MELSEC iQ-R series
System Configuration

expansion card
(MELFA SmartPlus)

Machine cable
Robot Servo
Robot controller

<Standard devices>

Teaching box conversion cable Encoder


Teaching box GOT


Pulse encoder Safety options




USB Additional
communication axis function

<Software options>

RT ToolBox3
Version 1.00A


Integrated FA Software

RT ToolBox3 mini
RT ToolBox3
RT ToolBox3 Pro

Controller protection box

<Feature options>

Force sensor set MELFA-3D Vision

OPTIONS (R Type Controller)

Option Configurations (Controllers)

No. Name Model Specifications

Simple teaching box (7, 15 m) R32TB (-**) 7 m: Standard; 15 m: Special (model name includes “-15”)
High-performance teaching box (7, 15 m) R56TB (-**) 7 m: Standard; 15 m: Special (model name includes “-15”)
Teaching box conversion cable (33– >32) 2F-33CON03M Conversion cable for connecting the CR800 controller to the R33TB/R57TB. Cable length: 3 m
Unit used for connecting multiple controllers to one rotary encoder when using
Encoder distribution unit 2F-YZ581
the tracking function (for 4 robots)
Controller protection box CR800-MB Houses a controller and provides protection against dust and water. (IP54)
Computer support software mini version 3F-15C-WINJ Simplified version (CD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3 mini)
Computer support software 3F-14C-WINJ With simulation function (CD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3)
Computer support software Pro version 3F-16C-WINJ Professional version (DVD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3 Pro)

Option Configurations (Functions)

No. Name Model Specifications

4F-FS002H-W200 Set of devices required for force control functionality, including force sensors,
Force sensor set
4F-FS002H-W1000 interface unit and support software
Set of devices required for 3D vision sensor functionality, including 3D camera head
and control unit (applicable machines: RV-FR series)
MELFA-3D Vision
Additional camera head 4F-3DVS2-OPT1 For field-of-view expansion option
Field-of-view expansion option 2F-3DVS2-OPT2 Expands the field of view by approx. 20° to 28°
Safety option 4F-SF002-01 Devices required by the safety functions

Option Configurations (Software Expansion Functions)


Controller Option Specifications

No. Name Model Specifications

2F-DQ510 Enables all A-type functions

MELFA Smart Plus Card Pack
2F-DQ520 Enables all A and B-type functions
2F-DQ511 Selects and enables one function from A-type functions
MELFA Smart Plus Card
2F-DQ521 Selects and enables one function from A and B-type functions

cation Name Type Function outline

Calibration assistance function Assists with positional calibration with peripheral devices using 2D vision sensors
Provides a way to improve positioning accuracy by using automatically correcting
Automatic calibration function
the vision sensor coordinates
Intelligent function

A Provides a way to improve positioning accuracy by using vision sensor to

Workpiece coordinate calibration function
automatically correct the robot and workpiece coordinates
Uses vision sensors to adjust the relative locations of multiple robots. Provides a
Robot-to-robot relative calibration function
way to improve positioning accuracy during coordinated operation
Robot mechanism temperature compensation function A Compensates thermal expansion of robot arm, and improves position accuracy
Coordinated control for additional axis A Function for highly accurate coordination (interpolation) with additional axis (straight coaxial)
Preventive maintenance function A Function for managing robot status by tracking operation status
AI function

Automates 3D vision sensor parameter adjustment work, and improves measurement

MELFA 3D Vision expansion function B
and recognition performance using AI technology


Q Type Controller
System Configuration


GOT Vision system

Slot in Q173DPX

Robot CPU

cable MELSEC Q series NC
System Configuration

Machine cable
Robot Pulse encoder Servo
Robot controller
<Standard devices> expansion card
(MELFA SmartPlus)
Teaching box conversion cable

Teaching box GOT


Safety options



USB Additional
communication axis function

<Software options>

RT ToolBox3
Version 1.00A


Integrated FA Software

RT ToolBox3 mini
RT ToolBox3
RT ToolBox3 Pro

Controller protection box

<Feature options>

Force sensor set MELFA-3D Vision

OPTIONS (Q Type Controller)

Option Configurations (Controllers)

No. Name Model Specifications

Simple teaching box (7, 15 m) R32TB (-**) 7 m: Standard; 15 m: Special (model name includes “-15”)
High-performance teaching box (7, 15 m) R56TB (-**) 7 m: Standard; 15 m: Special (model name includes “-15”)
Teaching box conversion cable (33– >32) 2F-33CON03M Conversion cable for connecting the CR800 controller to the R33TB/R57TB. Cable length: 3 m
Controller protection box CR800-MB Houses a controller and provides protection against dust and water. (IP54)
Computer support software mini version 3F-15C-WINJ Simplified version (CD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3 mini)
Computer support software 3F-14C-WINJ With simulation function (CD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3)
Computer support software Pro version 3F-16C-WINJ Professional version (DVD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3 Pro)

Option Configurations (Functions)

No. Name Model Specifications

4F-FS002H-W200 Set of devices required for force control functionality, including force sensors,
Force sensor set
4F-FS002H-W1000 interface unit and support software
Set of devices required for 3D vision sensor functionality, including 3D camera head
and control unit (applicable machines: RV-FR series)
MELFA-3D Vision
Additional camera head 4F-3DVS2-OPT1 For field-of-view expansion option
Field-of-view expansion option 2F-3DVS2-OPT2 Expands the field of view by approx. 20° to 28°
Safety option 4F-SF002-01 Devices required by the safety functions

Option Configurations (Software Expansion Functions)

No. Name Model Specifications


Controller Option Specifications

2F-DQ510 Enables all A-type functions
MELFA Smart Plus Card Pack
2F-DQ520 Enables all A and B-type functions
2F-DQ511 Selects and enables one function from A-type functions
MELFA Smart Plus Card
2F-DQ521 Selects and enables one function from A and B-type functions

cation Name Type Function outline

Calibration assistance function Assists with positional calibration with peripheral devices using 2D vision sensors
Provides a way to improve positioning accuracy by using automatically correcting
Automatic calibration function
the vision sensor coordinates
Intelligent function

A Provides a way to improve positioning accuracy by using vision sensor to

Workpiece coordinate calibration function
automatically correct the robot and workpiece coordinates
Uses vision sensors to adjust the relative locations of multiple robots. Provides a
Robot-to-robot relative calibration function
way to improve positioning accuracy during coordinated operation
Robot mechanism temperature compensation function A Compensates thermal expansion of robot arm, and improves position accuracy
Coordinated control for additional axis A Function for highly accurate coordination (interpolation) with additional axis (straight coaxial)
Preventive maintenance function A Function for managing robot status by tracking operation status
AI function

Automates 3D vision sensor parameter adjustment work, and improves measurement

MELFA 3D Vision expansion function B
and recognition performance using AI technology


D Type Controller
System Configuration

Pulse encoder

GOT Vision system


interface NC

Parallel input/ External input/
Robot controller output unit output cable
System Configuration

Machine cable Servo

Additional axis
interface External
Robot Parallel input/output
input/output cable
SD interface
CC-Link-IE Field-compatible
<Standard devices> memory card network base card
Teaching box conversion cable expansion
Teaching box CC-Link
(option) interface

Safety options GOT

R32TB R56TB Network

base card

<Internal Controller Options>

R33TB R57TB communication



<Software options>

RT ToolBox3
Version 1.00A


Integrated FA Software

RT ToolBox3 mini
RT ToolBox3
RT ToolBox3 Pro

Controller protection box

<Feature options>

Force sensor set MELFA-3D Vision

OPTIONS (D Type Controller)

Option Configurations (Controllers)

No. Name Model Specifications

Simple teaching box (7, 15 m) R32TB (-**) 7 m: Standard; 15 m: Special (model name includes “-15”)
High-performance teaching box (7, 15 m) R56TB (-**) 7 m: Standard; 15 m: Special (model name includes “-15”)
Teaching box conversion cable (33– >32) 2F-33CON03M Conversion cable for connecting the CR800 controller to the R33TB/R57TB. Cable length: 3 m
(sink type) 2A-RZ361
Parallel input/output unit 32 outputs/32 inputs
(source type) 2A-RZ371
External input/output cable (5, 15 m) 2A-CBL** CBL05: 5 m; CBL15: 15 m, one end unterminated. For 2A-RZ361/371
Parallel input/output interface (sink type) 2D-TZ368
32 outputs/32 inputs
(built-in) (source type) 2D-TZ378
External input/output cable (5, 15 m) 2D-CBL** CBL05: 5 m; CBL15: 15 m, one end unterminated For 2D-TZ368/378
Unit used for connecting multiple controllers to one rotary encoder when using
Encoder distribution unit 2F-YZ581
the tracking function (for 4 robots)
Controller protection box CR800-MB Houses a controller and provides protection against dust and water. (IP54)
Computer support software mini version 3F-15C-WINJ Simplified version (CD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3 mini)
Computer support software 3F-14C-WINJ With simulation function (CD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3)
Computer support software Pro version 3F-16D-WINJ Professional version (DVD-ROM), (RT ToolBox3 Pro)
SD memory card 2F-2GBSD 2 GB, logging
CC-Link interface 2D-TZ576 CC-Link intelligent device station Ver. 2.0, for 1−4 stations
Network base card Communications interface for installation in an HMS Anybus-CompactCom module.
(EtherNet/IP interface) HMS EtherNet/IP module (AB6314) to be provided by the customer.
Network base card Communications interface for installation in an HMS Anybus-CompactCom module.
(PROFINET interface) HMS PROFINETIO module (AB6489-B) to be provided by the customer.
Network base card Communications interface for installation in an HMS Anybus-CompactCom module.
(CC-Link-IE Field interface) HMS CC-Link IE Field module (AB6709) to be provided by the customer.

Option Configurations (Functions)

Controller Option Specifications

No. Name Model Specifications

4F-FS002H-W200 Set of devices required for force control functionality, including force sensors,
Force sensor set
4F-FS002H-W1000 interface unit and support software
Set of devices required for 3D vision sensor functionality, including 3D camera head
and control unit (applicable machines: RV-FR series)
MELFA-3D Vision
Additional camera head 4F-3DVS2-OPT1 For field-of-view expansion option
Field-of-view expansion option 2F-3DVS2-OPT2 Expands the field of view by approx. 20° to 28°
Safety option 4F-SF002-01 Devices required by the safety functions

Option Configurations (Software Expansion Functions)

No. Name Model Specifications

2F-DQ510 Enables all A-type functions

MELFA Smart Plus Card Pack
2F-DQ520 Enables all A and B-type functions
2F-DQ511 Selects and enables one function from A-type functions
MELFA Smart Plus Card
2F-DQ521 Selects and enables one function from A and B-type functions

cation Name Type Function outline

Calibration assistance function Assists with positional calibration with peripheral devices using 2D vision sensors
Provides a way to improve positioning accuracy by using automatically correcting
Automatic calibration function
the vision sensor coordinates
Intelligent function

A Provides a way to improve positioning accuracy by using vision sensor to

Workpiece coordinate calibration function
automatically correct the robot and workpiece coordinates
Uses vision sensors to adjust the relative locations of multiple robots. Provides a
Robot-to-robot relative calibration function
way to improve positioning accuracy during coordinated operation
Robot mechanism temperature compensation function A Compensates thermal expansion of robot arm, and improves position accuracy
Coordinated control for additional axis A Function for highly accurate coordination (interpolation) with additional axis (straight coaxial)
Preventive maintenance function A Function for managing robot status by tracking operation status
AI function

Automates 3D vision sensor parameter adjustment work, and improves measurement

MELFA 3D Vision expansion function B
and recognition performance using AI technology


Solenoid valve set Internal wiring and tubing set for grippers

RH-3FHR and 6FHR Body option

RH-12FHR and 20FHR

When grippers or various other tools are mounted on the end of the
arm, this solenoid valve option is used to control those tools. Fitted An air tube and cable set used to run input signal cables from inside
with features such as manifolds, couplings and connectors to the second arm to the shaft tip. An air tube and gripper input signal
facilitate mounting on the robot body. cable set.
The solenoid valve attachment shapes differ depending on the Includes grease (for applying to the upper part of the shaft), silicon
robot. Note the attachment shape before using. rubber and cable ties.

Hand output cable External user wiring and tubing box

This is a useful option for taking

air tubes and signal wires out
7 from the back end of the
second arm or running gripper
Wiring/tubing outlet

wiring and/or tubing outside the


Cable size × No. of cores AWG#24 (0.2 mm2) × 12 cores robot. Features a coupling for
Total length: 300 mm (RV), 1050 mm (RH)
exiting air tubes and a hole with
cable clamps to secure exiting
Useful for using solenoid valves other than the optional solenoid signal wires. Optional gripper
valve set. output cables and gripper input
One end can be connected to the gripper signal output connector cables can be secured.
in the robot. The other end is unterminated (bare cable).

Hand input cable J1 axis movement range modification

RV (*1) RH
RV RH (Standard +240°) (Standard +170°) J1
+210°, +150°, +90° +150°, +130°
Cable size × No. of cores AWG#24 (0.2 mm2) × 12 cores
(Standard -240°) (Standard -170°)
1000 mm (RV), 1650/1800 mm -J1
Total length: -210°, -150°, -90° -150°, -130°
(RH: Includes a 350 mm curled section)
*1: For RV-2FR or RV-2FRL.
Refer to the specifications for information on other models.
Used when the air gripper is designed by the customer. Used to
convey gripper open/close confirmation signals and grip confirma-
The J1 axis range of movement is limited by mechanical stoppers
tion signals to the controller.
on the robot body and by the controller parameters. Use this feature
One end can be connected to the gripper signal input connector on
when the range of movement needs to be limited due to problems
the top of the robot body. The other end is connected to a sensor in
such as interference with nearby devices.
the gripper designed by the customer.

Hand curl tube Machine cable (replacement)

Material Urethane
4 mm dia. (external), 2.5 mm dia. (internal); length: Fixed cable 2m, 10m, 15m or 20m
Size (mm)
180 mm curled section, 250 + 200 mm straight section Flexible cable 10, 15 or 20 m; min. bend radius: 100 R or more

63 Curl tube for air gripper. Used for replacement of the standard machine cable (5 m) included
to extend the distance between robot controller and the robot main
unit and connect it. There are 2 types of cables: fixed and flexible.
Both type consists of motor signal cable and motor power cable.

Simple teaching box High-performance teaching box

See P.66 for details.
R32TB dimensions
252 (W) × 240 (H) × 114 (D) mm

External Weight Approx. 1.3 kg (body only, excluding cables)

195 (W) × 292 (H) × 106 (D) mm
dimensions Interface USB port (1)
Weight Approx. 0.9 kg (body only, excluding cables) 6.5-Inch TFT (640 × 480)
Display LCD type: 24 characters × 8 rows, backlit Color touch-screen, backlit
Display Display
Japanese, English Japanese, English
languages languages

Used for creating, editing and managing programs, to teach oper- High-performance teaching box with improved monitor function in
ating positions and for jogging. Fitted with a 3-position enabling addition to the R32TB function.
switch to ensure safe use.
When multiple robots are used, the connections can be switched to
a single teaching box. The connections can be switched when the
power is shut off.

Parallel input /output unit Parallel input /output interface

<Input> <Input>
Model DC input Model DC input
No. of outputs
Isolation method
Photocoupler isolation
No. of outputs
Isolation method
Photocoupler isolation
Rated input voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC Rated input voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC

Rated input current Approx. 3 mA Approx. 7 mA Rated input current Approx. 3 mA Approx. 9 mA

<Output> <Output>
Model Transistor output Model Transistor output
No. of outputs 32 No. of outputs 32
Isolation method Photocoupler isolation Isolation method Photocoupler isolation
Rated load voltage 12/24 V DC Rated load voltage 12/24 V DC
Maximum load current 0.1 A/output Maximum load current 0.1 A/output

Used when external input/outputs are added. Installing this option on the controller allows external input/output to
Connector cables for external devices are not included. External be used.
input/output cables (for parallel input/output units) are available as Connector cables for external devices are not included. External
options. input/output cables (for parallel input/output interfaces) are avail-
Both sink and source types are available. able as options. The input/output specifications are the same as for
PLC interfaces.
Both sink and source types are available.

External input/output cables (for parallel input/output units) External input/output cables (for parallel input/output interfaces)

Cable size × No. of cores AWG#28 × 25P (50 cores) Cable size × No. of cores AWG#28 × 20P (40 cores)
Total length: 5 or 15 m Total length: 5 or 15 m

This is a dedicated cable for connecting external peripheral This is a dedicated cable for connecting external peripheral
devices to parallel input/output unit connectors. devices to parallel input/output interface connectors.
One end is matched to the parallel input/output unit and the other One end is matched to the parallel input/output interface and the
end is unterminated. Input/output signals from peripheral devices other end is unterminated. Input/output signals from peripheral
should connected via the unterminated end of the cable. One cable devices should connected via the unterminated end of the cable.
supports 16 inputs and 16 outputs. If a parallel input/output unit is One cable supports 16 inputs and 16 outputs. If a parallel
installed, 32 inputs and 32 outputs are connected per unit, so two input/output interface is installed, 32 inputs and 32 outputs are
cables must be added. connected per unit, so two cables must be added.


CC Link Interface CC-LinkIE Field-compatible network base card

Communication Installation module AB6709

Bit/word data transfer
1Gbps (1000BASE-T)
Station type Intelligent device station specifications
Local station No. of inputs Max. 2,048
Support station
(no master station function)
No. of outputs Max. 2,048
CC-Link-compatible Ver.2, allows extended cyclic
version configuration
CC-Link IE Field communication can be
No. of isolated Isolation of 1, 2, 3 or 4 stations achieved by having the customer install an
stations can be configured
HMS Anybus-CompactCom module (order
code: AB6709) in the network base card
The CC-Link interface option augments CC-Link functionality by (2F-DQ535).
allowing cyclic transmission of word data as well as bit data to the
robot controller.

EtherNet/IP-compatible network base card PROFINET-compatible network base card

Installation module AB6314 Installation module AB6489-B

Transmission Transmission
specifications specifications
No. of inputs Max. 2,048 No. of inputs Max. 2040

7 No. of outputs Max. 2,048 No. of outputs Max. 2040

EtherNet/IP communication can be achieved PROFINET IO communication can be achieved


by having the customer install an HMS by having the customer install an HMS
Anybus-CompactCom module (order code: Anybus-CompactCom module (order code:
AB6314) in the network base card AB6489-B) in the network base card
(2D-TZ535). (2D-TZ535-PN).

Safety option Controller protection box

Houses a controller and provides protection against dust and water.


Cable cover

Allows people to approach and enter the work area without stop-
ping the robot.
Input signal 8 systems (duplicated) installation place
Safety Output signal 4 systems (duplicated)
unit External dimensions 115 × 168 × 100mm
Applicable robot controller CR800-R/Q/D
Cable cover
screws (4)


Model R56TB

TFT color LED display provides colorful displays for greater ease of
The new R56TB teaching box delivers enhanced robot operations.
Outfitted with monitoring functions on par with PC support software, it has become even easier to use to edit programs, set
parameters, and display I/O status.
The touch panel GUI allows easy programming and monitoring, and switches arranged around the panel ensure efficient robot
The teaching box is also equipped with a USB memory interface for backing up controller data without the use of a PC.

An upgraded teaching box model to R32TB. In addition to “training” the robot, its LCD display and monitoring
R56TB is… functions can be effectively used for debugging tasks.

Item Specification
External dimensions 252mm (W) × 240mm (H) × 114mm (D)
Body color Dark gray
Weight 1.3kg (main unit only, excluding cable)
Connection method Connection with controller using a dedicated connector
Interface 1 USB port
Display 6.5″ TFT color LCD display; 4 status indicator LEDs 7
Touch panel, emergency stop button, enabling switch (3 positions),
Operation panel
TB button, wheel, 30 operation keys

Display languages Japanese, English


Improved display performance USB connection interface

• Adopts a VGA (640×480) By connecting USB memory, controller data may be
full-color toucAh panel for backed up without the need to have a PC on site.
user-friendly screen layouts. Program information, parameter information, system
•Visual menu screens ensure information, and other such data may be backed up, as
easy operations. with a PC.

Enhanced user-friendliness
The teaching box can be
held with one gripper by
gripping the grip handle, and
Menu display
the enable switch operated
with a finger on the same
Functions on par with PC software gripper. The other gripper
can be used to operate the
•Program editing screens use
touch panel and buttons. The
a large layout (6.5”) to dis-
right and left grippers may
play programs in an easy-to-
be interchanged.
understand fashion.
•Programs can be written and User-defined screen functions
parameter names entered
easily using the keyboard Monitor screens may be indi-
screen. vidually created to suit each
• Text can also be entered user’s debugging task. De-
using a stylus pen. bugging time is shortened by
Program screens
being able to easily display
the screen to monitor.
•Program debugging time can
be shortened via screen op-
erations, such as the I/O Operations panel
monitor screen, which was
not available with R32TB. The robot operations screen
provides the same functions
as the robot controller panel,
and may be used to activate
such automated operations
as servo on/off, startup, shut-
down, reset, and program
Monitoring screens selection.

Model 4F-FS002H-W200/1000

Assembly/processing tasks are performed in the same manner

as a human being, while sensing the force that is applied to the gripper.
Tasks requiring subtle adjustment and detection of force can be performed.
Improved production stability Simple operations
Parts can be inserted/attached without damage, while adjusting for The robot can be quickly “taught” accurate positions based on
displacement absorptions caused by parts variations and subtle position and force data from the teaching box. Work conditions can
external forces. Work stability is improved by position latching and be verified and adjusted by viewing the position and force data
retry processing at times of work failure. Furthermore, quality can from the teaching box and the graph waveform on RT ToolBox3.
be managed using log data, and the causes of work errors can be
Realization of complex assembly and processing tasks
Parts can be inserted/attached without damage, while adjusting for
subtle external forces. Action direction and pushing force can be
changed by detecting the contact force, and interrupt processing
can be performed using trigger conditions that combine position
information and force information.
Easy control
Programs can be easily created using dedicated robot language.

7 Based on representative examples of application programs, work

programs can be easily created in response to each customer’s
required task.

Product features
Item Features
Force control Function for controlling robots while applying a specified force
control Stiffness control Function for controlling the stiffness of robot appendages
Gain changes Function for changing control characteristics while the robot is running
Execution of interrupts Interrupts can be executed (MO triggers) under trigger conditions combining position and force information.
Controller Force
detection Data latch Function for acquiring force sensor and robot positions while contact made
Data reference Function for display force sensor data and maintaining maximum values
Synchronous data Function for acquiring force sensor information synchronized to position infromation as log data and displaying it in graph form
log Start/stop trigger Allows logging start/stop commands to be specified in robot programs
FTP transmission Function for transferring acquired log files to the FTP server
Force sense control Enables/disables force sensor control and sets control conditions while jogging.
Force sense monitor Displays sensor data and the force sense control setting status.
Teaching box
Teaching position search Function for searching for the contact position.
Parameter setting screen Parameter setting screen dedicated for the force sense function. (For R565B/R57TB)

System Configuration Force Sensor Specifications

Item Unit Specification Value

<Product Configuration > Rated load – 4F-FS002H-W200 4F-FS002H-W1000

Force sensor interface unit (2F-DQ561)
Fx, Fy, Fz N 200 1000
RS-422 Max. static load
Mx, My, Mz Nm 4 30
Power supply Fx, Fy, Fz N 0.3
Adapter cable cable Breaking load
24-V DC Mx, My, Mz Nm 0.03
power supply
SSCNET #/H Consumption current mA 200
Force sensor Weight (sensor unit) g 360 580
External dimensions mm ø80×32.5 ø90×40
Protective structure – IP30
Sensor Force Sense Interface Unit Specifications
adapter RT ToolBox3 Item Unit Specification Value
RS-422 ch 1 (For sensor connection)
Teaching pendant Interface 1 (For robot controller and
(R56TB/R32TB) SSCNET #/H ch
additional axis ampconnection)

RV-FR Power Input voltage Vdc 24±5%

supply Power consumption W 25
External dimensions mm 225(W)×111(D)×48(H)
Product Configuration
Weight kg Approx. 0.8
Name Qty. Name Qty. Construction – IP20 (Panel installation, opentype)
Force sensor Qty. 1 24V DC power supply Qty. 1
Force sensor interface unit Qty. 1 24V DC power supply cable 1m
Sensor mounting adapter (for 4F-FS002H-W1000)
Name of product Model
Sensor adapter (*1) Qty. 1 Serial cable between the unit and sensor 5m
Adapter cable Qty. 1 SSCNET III cable 10m Sensor mounting adapter (for RV-2/4/7FR) 1F-FSFLGSET-01

*1 Not included in 4F-FS002H-W1000. An adapter needs to be selected from the chart at right and purchased
Sensor mounting adapter (for RV-13/20FR) 1F-FSFLGSET-02
separately in accordance with your robot model. * 4F-FS002H-W200 comes with a sensor mounting adapter (for RV-2/4/7FR).

Model 4F-3DVS2-PKG3

This compact 3D vision sensor for small robots delivers high-speed, high-accuracy
measurements. It is an optimum replacement for a parts feeder, and performs
high-speed picking owing to its unique model-less recognition processing.
Compact and lightweight
The compact and lightweight body (camera head: 146×87×137 mm,
approx. 0.9kg) is ideal for fixed installations and eye-in-gripper

High-speed, high-accuracy measurement

High-accuracy measurement is realized by a high-speed recogni-
tion of 0.2 seconds at the quickest (model-less recognition) and a
minimum measuring error of approx. 0.3mm.

As a replacement for a parts feeder

One of two types of recognition methods may be selected.
Products prepared by customers
•Model-less recognition: The position of a workpiece is recognized
without registering its model Name Description Quantity
•Model matching recognition: Workpiece pose is recognized using OS: Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise (64bit) (*1)
a 3D-CAD model Personal computer CPU: Intel Core i-7 (4 cores or more)
RAM: 4[GB] or more / HDD: 100[GB] or more 1 unit
Compared to a parts feeder, the 3D vision sensor is less expensive (3DV control IPC)
(*8[GB] or more is required when using MELFA Smart Plus.)

and has a smaller footprint (when handling multiple parts). Retry Gigabit Ethernet port×1
operations can reduce frequent stoppages. Personal computer
RT ToolBox3 installed (can be used with 1) 1 unit
(for setting)
Connection compatibility befitting a robot manufacturer 1000BASE-T or later 1 unit

Switching hub
Direct connection is possible via LAN, which is equipped on the LAN cable Category 5e or later 2 to 3 cables
controller as a standard feature, and sensor settings and operation 24 VDC power supply For camera head 1
checks can be made easily using a PC. The PC, however, is not Precautions
needed while the sensor is operating. The sensor can calibrate the
1. The following workpieces cannot be measured.
coordinates of the robot and vision sensor as a standard feature, • Transparent objects and mirror face objects
and realize easy control by using dedicated commands that have 2. The following workpieces may be difficult to be measured or recognized.
been added to MELFA-BASIC. • High-gloss objects, black objects, or deep color objects
3. Workpiece size (Reference values)
Model-less: Short side = 1/25 of the viewing field size to Long side = 1/3 of the viewing
Product specifications field size
Model matching: Short side = 1/10 of the viewing field size to Long side = 1/3 of the
Item Specifications
viewing field size
Measurement method (*1) Triangulation method (Pattern light projection type) *The workpiece size depends on the conditions of the workpiece distance, sensor
Measurement time Approx. 1.3 to 1.8 seconds parameters, and the shape and surface of the workpiece. The reference values are based
on Mitsubishi test conditions. For details, refer to instruction manuals.
Recognition method Model-less: Workpiece registration-free method 4. Whether the measurement can be performed or not and the measurement accuracy
(6 degrees of freedom: XYZABC) depend on individual conditions. For details, please contact Mitsubishi.
Model matching: 3D-CAD utilizing method 5. For model-less picking, a 2D vision sensor may be required in addition to a 3D vision
(6 degrees of freedom: XYZABC) sensor.
Processing time (*2) Model-less: Approx. 1.2 to 2 seconds 6. The applicable model is the vertical, multiple-joint type RV-F Series.
⇒ Approx. 0.2 to 1.0 seconds * During measurement
Model matching: Approx. 1 to 2.2 seconds General-purpose
⇒ Approx. 0.9 to 1.5 seconds * During measurement Product configuration (MELFA-3D Vision 2.0) PC (IPC)
Measurement efficient points (*3)
Measurement viewing angle (*3)
Approx. 300000 to 600000 points
Approx. 15 to 20 degrees (standard field-of-view)/
product )
Approx. 20 to 28 degrees (extended option field-of-view) MELFA-3D Vision S/W LAN cable
Workpiece distance (*4)
Measuring error (*3)
300 to 1000 mm
0.3 mm or more
product )
Camera head Switching hub
External dimensions (*5) Camera head section (Minimum size, W indicates 3-step variable)
146 (W) × 87 (H) × 137 (D) mm Dedicated signal cable (10 m) (
product )
Weight Approx. 0.9 kg (Camera head part)
General specifications Ambient temperature: 5 to 40°C (Camera head section: 0 to 40°C) Power cable (10 m)
Ambient humidity: 45 to 85%RH, with no condensation 24VDC power supply
( )
Usage atmosphere: With no corrosive gas Customer-prepared
Power supply 24 V product
*1) Shielding measures may be required depending on the usage environment, such as LAN cable
when surrounding environmental light affects the sensor.
*2) The standard time from the recognition start to output. The process may take longer than
the standard time depending on the conditions of surrounding environment, workpieces,
product )
and processing parameters. Mounting base set
*3) The number of effective points varies depending on the conditions including the sensor
installation distance and lens used.
*4) The range of the distance between the lens installation flange face and a position to be
measured. All areas cannot be used at the same time. For details, refer to instruction manuals. Calibration block set
*5) The size of the camera head section depends on the mounting base in use.

RT ToolBox3
No. Name Quantity
Robot Robot
1 Camera head (dedicated communication cable and power cable enclosed) 1 controller 68
(FR Series)
2 Mounting base set (Small: Mounted at shipment, medium, large) 1
3 Calibration jig 1 PC for setting MELFA Smart Plus Card
4 1
(MELFA-3D Vision software, instruction manual, setup guide, etc.) *Required only when using AI function

3 Model 3F-14C-WINJ/3F-15C-WINJ

Software for program creation and total engineering support.

This is PC software that supports all processes from system startup to debugging and operations, including programming and
editing, verification of the scope of operations prior to introducing a robot, estimation of tact time, robot debugging prior to
startup, and monitoring of robot conditions and malfunctions during operations.

Windows® compatible Full support, from programming to startup and maintenance

•Easy operations on Windows® •Programs can be edited using MELFA-BASIC IV, V and VI and
•Compatible with Windows®XP, Windows®Vista, Windows®7, 8, 8.1, (varies depending on the model).
10 (32-bit version 1.8 or later, 64-bit version 2.0 or later) •Robot movements, operational status, input signals, and servo
conditions can be monitored.
Simulation functions
Enhanced maintenance functions
•Compatible with all models that connect to the CRn-500 Series,
CRn-700 Series, CRn-750 Series, and CRn-800 Series controllers. •Equipped with a maintenance forecast function that notifies users
•Robot movements and tact times can be calculated using a PC of the robot’s greasing time and battery life, and an assistance
(not available with the mini version). function for position recovery in the event of trouble, the software
•Robot movements, operational status, input signals, and servo is effective for preventive maintenance and for shortening recov-
conditions can be monitored. ery time.
•Data is managed by project, to allow collective backup of the
entire system.

Program editing and debugging functions Simulation functions

7 Programs are created using MELFA-BASIC IV, V and VI.*1
A multi-window format has been adopted for greater work efficiency and
Programs that have been created can be executed in the PC, movements
can be verified, and the tact times of specified parts of a program can
enhanced editing.Operations such as program step executions and be measured. Such simulation functions are also effective for preliminary

breakpoint settings can be conveniently verified. system examinations. Servo simulations can also be performed, for prelimi-
nary examination of loads. Signals can be coordinated with GX works2 and
GX works3 for easy creation of line simulators. A maximum of 8 robots can
be operated, and coordinated movements among robots can be verified.

3D viewer
The 3D viewer allows easy verification of robot poses and movements,
verification of the limit values of user-defined parameters, and virtual
placements of peripheral devices by basic objects.
It can also be used to check for interferences between the robot and
peripheral devices. Distance measuring functions are also available on the

Monitoring functions
Program execution status, variables, I/O signals, etc. can be monitored.

*1: MELFA BASIC is a language that has been developed based on the usability and user-friendliness
of the widely-used conventional BASIC language, with the addition of commands needed for robot
control. MELFA BASIC IV/V not only offers these additional commands, but also incorporates struc-
turing and parallel processing functions that were difficult to realize with BASIC, for even greater
ease of use and detailed control. Maintenance functions
<Example of a Pick & Place program> Maintenance functions include maintenance forecasts, position recovery
Classification Main functions
Mov Psafe ‘Move to evasion point support, parameter management, etc.
Mov Pget,-50 ‘Move above workpiece Joint, linear, and circular
extraction position interpolation, optimal
Mvs Pget ‘Workpiece extraction position Movements acceleration/deceleration control,
Dly 0.2 ‘Wait 0.2 seconds compliance control, collision
Hclose 1 ‘Close hand detection, singular point passage
Dly 0.2 ‘Wait 0.2 seconds
Bit/byte/word signals, interrupt
Mvs Pget,-50 ‘Move above workpiece Input/output
extraction position
Wait M_In (12)=1 ‘Wait for signal Arithmetic calculation, pose
Mov Pput,-80 ‘Move above workpiece (position), character strings,
placement position logic operations
Mvs Pput ‘Workpiece placement position
Dly 0.2 ‘Wait 0.2 seconds Additional Multi-tasking, tracking, vision
Hopen 1 ‘Open hand functions sensor functions
69 .....

*Windows® is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

3 Pro Model 3F-16D-WINJ

A 3D robot simulator that provides powerful support for system designs

and preliminary layout examinations.
RT ToolBox3 Pro allows robot simulations to be run on SolidWorks® 3D CAD software.
Programs can be created to match today’s era of high-mix, low-volume production, such as for layout considerations prior to
introducing robots, desktop program debugging, and generation of complex motion paths.
By linking an add-in tool to SolidWorks® 3D CAD software, robot simulation functions can be added on to SolidWorks® platform.
*1) SolidWorks® is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation (USA).
*2) An add-in tool is a software program that adds certain functions to application software packages.


Automatic robot program creation function Screen configuration

By loading 3D CAD data (*3) of the relevant workpiece to SolidWorks®
SolidWorks® and setting processing conditions and areas, teaching
position data and robot movement programs that are necessary to
operate the robot can be generated automatically. Programs can
be automatically created even for workpieces with complex shapes
that require multiple teaching position data.
*3) Formats that can be loaded into SolidWorks®

ParasolidR VRML

Pro/ENGINEERR Machanical Desktop
Unigraphics Viewpoint
PAR (Solid Edge TM) RealityWave
IPT (Autodesk Inventor) HOOPS
DWG HCG (Highly compressed graphics)
Note) See the SolidWorks website and other published information for the latest
Calibration tool

List of functions

Data loading from peripheral devices and making rearrangements Displaying robot trajectories
Data of parts created with SolidWorks® can be loaded into the simulator. The loaded The trajectories of robot operations can be displayed by locus lines in space.
parts can be arranged relative to the CAD origin or other parts. They can also be
rearranged by numerical input. Interference checks
Interferences between the robot and peripheral devices can be checked. Items that
Installation of grippers are to be subject to an interference check may be specified simply by clicking on it
Grippers designed and created with SolidWorks® can be installed on selected on screen. If an interference is detected, information about the interference (name of
robots. An Auto Tool Changer (ATC) can also be specified for each gripper. the part, the program line that was executed and the position of the robot when the
interference occurred, etc.) may be stored in a log file.

Handling workpieces Saving videos

Workpieces can be handled without fail by simulating gripper signal control using a Simulated operations can be saved to a video file (AVI format).
robot program.
Measurement of cycle times
CAD links
The cycle time of robot operations can be measured in a manner resembling a
Work data for performing sealing operations and other such tasks that require many stopwatch. The cycle time of specified locations of a program can also be
teaching steps can be easily created by selecting the processing area on the 3D measured.
CAD data. Since work data is created from 3D CAD data, even complex 3D curves
can be generated, and the number of teaching steps can be significantly reduced. Robot program debugging functions
The following functions are provided for debugging robot programs.
Offline teaching • Stepped operation: Specified programs are executed one step at a time.
• Breakpoint: Breakpoints can be inserted in a specified program.
Robot poses can be “taught” on screen, in advance.
• Direct execution: Arbitrary robot commands are executed.

Creation of robot programs (templates) Jog function

Workflows can be created by combining offline teaching and CAD links, and A robot displayed in SolidWorks® can be jogged, just as a teaching box can jog a
converted to robot programs (MELFA BASIC IV, V format). robot.

Specifying robot programs Traveling axis

Robot programs may be used as they are without modifications, and can be A travelling axis can be installed in the robot, for examination of the operations of a
specified for each task slot. system equipped with a traveling axis.

Simulation of robot operations Calibration

Robot programs, including I/O signals, can be simulated. That is, the operations of The point sequence data of CAD coordinates created using CAD links is corrected 70
the actual system can be reproduced as they are. The I/O signals of a robot into robot coordinate data, and the operations program and point sequence data
controller may be simulated according to two methods: (1) by defining movements are sent to the robot. In consideration of the frequent need for calibration onsite, the
associated with I/O signals in a simple manner, or (2) by linking robot programs with calibration tool is an application separate from SolidWorks®, designed to run
GX Simulator2/3. efficiently on a laptop PC that does not have SolidWorks® software.
Please contact your local
representative or sales office.

Multifunctional Electric Gripper Option

The multifunctional electric gripper option supports customer’s various
applications with various functions, great lineup, and highly accurate gripping

Highly advanced control impossible with air cylinders

Grip force/speed setting according Operation stroke setting according Easily applied to inspection,
to the target workpiece to the shape of the target workpiece in addition to workpiece handling

Grip patterns can be set according to the Even when target workpieces are different in Applications to inspection are possible with
grip target, such as soft workpieces and size, the optimal stroke can be specified feedbacks of the torque or position of the
heavy workpieces, with the torque specifica- with the operation position specification. gripper, including whether a workpiece is
tion and grip speed setting. gripped or not or whether a workpiece is
acceptable or not with workpiece dimen-
sion measurement.

New applications will be available.

Name Quantity Remarks
2) Robot cable
1) Electric gripper 1 Select the model by the grip force and stroke.
2) Electric gripper control unit

Electric gripper control unit 1 Connected to the electric gripper.
2) gripper cable 1 Connects the electric gripper and control unit.
2) Gripper cable
Robot cable 1 The cable type differs depending on the robot model.

(Note 1)
Specifications of the electric gripper control unit
Item Specifications Remarks
(Note 2) External dimensions 60 (W) × 60 (D) × 40 (H)
Weight Approx. 200 g

1) Electric gripper Input power 24 V DC ±10%, Powered by the robot controller

source 1 A (max.) (Customers need to prepare no power supplies.)

No. of teaching points 32 points Position data for multiple-point position control

<Option range> * Only one model of the electric gripper control unit is available for the electric grippers.
(Note 1) To install the electric gripper to a mechanical interface, fabricate an attachment separately.
For RV-2F
(Refer to the next page for other models.) (Note 2) The cable of the electric gripper is not designed to be resistant to bending.
Take cautions to prevent any stress from applying to the cable while the robot is operating.

<Electric gripper>
Item Specifications Exterior image
Max. grip force 5.0 to 150N
Grip force adjustment range 100 to 30% of the max. grip force
2-claw type
(4 models) Stroke 3.2 to 38mm
Max. speed 100mm/s(Screw type : 50mm/s)
Min. speed 20mm/s
Max. grip weight 0.05 to 1.5kg
Repetitive stop accuracy ±0.01 to 0.02mm
Weight 90 to 890g
Max. grip force 2.0N
Grip force adjustment range 100 to 30% of the max. grip force
Stroke 13mm
2-claw type Max. speed 100mm/s
(1 models)
Min. speed 20mm/s
Max. grip weight 0.02kg
Repetitive stop accuracy ±0.03mm
Weight 190g

Type Model Stroke(mm) Grip force(N)

4F-MEHGR-01 3.2 1.5 to 5
2-claw type

71 Single-cam type 4F-MEHGR-02 7.6 1.8 to 6

4F-MEHGR-03 14.3 6.6 to 22
Screw type 4F-MEHGR-04 38 45 to 150
3-claw type 4F-MEHGR-05 13 0.6 to 2
Please contact your local
representative or sales office.

Configuration requirement of the multi-function electric gripper

RV-2F series
No. Name: model Quantity Purchased at Remarks
1 Electric gripper 1 Mitsubishi Electric
Electric gripper used by customers
2 Control unit for the electric gripper: 4F-MEHCU-01 1 Mitsubishi Electric
3 Electric gripper installation flange 1 Fabricated by customers Electric gripper used by customers
4 Robot 1 Mitsubishi Electric Standard specifications
5 Banding band/fixing plate As required Fabricated by customers For fixing a cable

RV-4F/7F/20F series, external wiring specifications

No. Name: model Quantity Purchased at Remarks
1 Electric gripper 1
2 Control unit for the electric gripper: 4F-MEHCU-02 1 Mitsubishi Electric Electric gripper used by customers
3 Adapter cable: 4F-MEHCBL-01 1
4 Electric gripper installation flange 1 For fixing the tip of the electric gripper
Fabricated by customers
5 Electric gripper control unit installation stand 1 For wiring from a forearm
Robot, Standard specifications
6 standard (external wiring) specifications 1
External wiring sets (option) need to be connected to each of the forearm part and base part.
1F-HA01S-01: When the gripper input signal and Ethernet signal are used together
7 External wiring unit for the base 1
1F-HA02S-01: When the force sensor signal and Ethernet signal are used together
Mitsubishi Electric 1F-HA01S-01: When the gripper input signal and Ethernet signal are used together
8 External wiring unit for the forearm 1
1F-HA02S-01: When the force sensor signal and Ethernet signal are used together
Wrist wiring custom specifications

9 Wrist wiring internal-wiring specifications: SH-02: When the gripper input signal and vision sensor signal are used together
9 1
RV-F-SH02/SH-03 SH-03: When the force sensor signal and vision sensor signal are used together

RH-3/6/12/20F series

No. Name: modelmodel
Name: Quantity Purchased at at
Purchased Remarks
1 Electric gripper 1
2 Control unit for the electric gripper: 4F-MEHCU-02 1
Relay cable 1
&C specifications 4F-MEHCBL-02
Z=120 (Length: 1300 + 150 mm)
Mitsubishi Electric Electric gripper used by customers
3 RH-6FH(M)(C)35/45/5534 (Length: 1600 + 150mm) 1

RH-12FH(M)(C)55/70/8535 4F-MEHCBL-04
RH-20FH(M)(C)8535 (Length: 1800 + 150mm) 1

RH-12FH(M)(C)55/70/8545 4F-MEHCBL-05
RH-20FH(M)(C)10035/45 (Length: 2100 + 150mm) 1

7 Banding band, nylon clamp, etc. 1 Fabricated by customers For fixing a cable
8 Electric gripper installation flange 1 Fabricated by customers For fixing the shaft tip of the electric gripper

RV-4F/7F/13F/20F series, piping internal wiring specifications

Specifications Possible gripper configuration External wiring set External wiring set Remarks
for the forearm for the base

•Electric gripper + gripper input signal

-SH02 – 1F-HA01S-01
-SH02 •Vision sensor
An external wiring set for the base is enclosed with the internal wiring
•Electric gripper type robot.
-SH03 •Vision sensor – 1F-HA02S-01
•Force sensor

Electric gripper Adapter cable

Gripper cable
Electric gripper
control unit
Electric gripper
control unit External wiring
set for the forearm Control unit
attachment plate
In-machine cable outlet Electric gripper
Second arm control unit

Electric gripper
Base part Electric gripper

<RV-2F attachment diagram> <RV-4F/7F/3F/20F attachment diagram> <RH-F gripper attachment diagram>

(Manufactured by AnyWire: Exclusively for Mitsubishi Electric robots)

The AnyWire ASLINK wiring system can be incorporated in MELFA robots, to resolve gripper wiring problems.
By connecting the AnyWire dedicated cable unit to the standard wiring of a conventional robot,
all 256 I/O points of the robot gripper can be used without drawing external wiring to the robot arm.

By introducing AnyWire ASLINK…

Before introduction After introduction Four-core cable
Multicore cable
External wiring Large distribution
General-purpose cable with few wires
multicore cable Wire bundle can be used

cable Standard wiring
is used High-
Discon- performance
nection! gripper
Reduced movements
wiring risk of
7 discon-

• Larger number of points with fewer wires



•Limited number of wires in multi-core cable

• Elimination of relay box

•Increased size due to relay box

• Conversion with easy additions and detachments
•Increased weight
• Easy assembly using connector branches
•Frequent stoppages due to disconnection
• Reduced risk of disconnection with the use of internal cables

MELFA × AnyWire ASLINK wiring/device calibration

No. Device Model Quantity Supplier Remarks

Forearm external wiring set 1F-HB02S-01 1 Mitsubishi Electric
Base external wiring set 1F-HA02S-01 1 Mitsubishi Electric
AnyWire ASLINK unit To be selected as required n AnyWire
Forearm conversion adapter cable BL2-RVAS 1 AnyWire 200mm fixed cable
Base conversion adapter cable BL2-RVBS 1 AnyWire 200mm fixed cable
AnyWire ASLINK master unit QJ51AW12AL 1 Mitsubishi Electric For Mitsubishi Electric PLCs

Gripper output signal connector
(GR1, GR2)
Forearm external
wiring set (example)

Forearm external Forearm

Mechanical interface conversion
wiring set
AnyWire ASLINK adapter cable
<Gripper> master unit
Forearm external
wiring set
Forearm conversion
adapter cable
AnyWire ASLINK unit

Of the external wiring set, the cable for (Max. 5m,

1. gripper input signals (OP1, OP3) or allowable
2. force sensors/electric grippers (OP2, current
OP4) may be used as conversion <To be
total 1A) prepared by
adapter cable and , to be selected
as required by the customer. customer>
When using a vision sensor LAN with
ASLINK, consult with an AnyWire
service center in advance.

■Compatible models Base conversion

RV-4F/7F/13F/20F Series Base adapter cable
73 (excluding -SH specifications) Base external Base conversion
(Note) For other models, inquire wiring set adapter cable
with the service center. Base external
wiring set (example)



Low voltage: MCCB, MCB, ACB

Medium voltage: VCB, VCC

Power monitoring, energy management

Mitsubishi Electric offers a wide range of automation equipment from PLCs and HMIs to
CNC and EDM machines.

Compact and Modular Controllers

A NAME TO TRUST This is why you can rely on

Mitsubishi Electric automation Inverters, Servos and Motors
Since its beginnings in 1870, some
45 companies use the Mitsubishi solution - because we know first
name, covering a spectrum of hand about the need for reliable,
finance, commerce and industry. efficient, easy-to-use automation and
control in our own factories.
Visualisation: HMIs
The Mitsubishi brand name is
recognized around the world as a As one of the world’s leading
symbol of premium quality. companies with a global turnover of
over 4 trillion Yen (over $40 billion),
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is employing over 100,000 people,
Mitsubishi Electric has the resource Numerical Control (NC)
active in space development,
transportation, semi-conductors, and the commitment to deliver the
energy systems, communications ultimate in service and support as
and information processing, audio well as the best products.
visual equipment and home
Robots: SCARA, Articulated arm
electronics, building and energy
management and automation
systems, and has 237 factories and
laboratories worldwide in over 121
Processing machines: EDM, Lasers, IDS

Transformers, Air conditioning, Photovoltaic systems 76

* Not all products are available in all countries.

Global Partner. Local Friend.
American Offices
USA Brazil
Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. Mitsubishi Electric do Brasil Comercio e Servicos Ltda.
500 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, USA. Rua Jussara, 1750- Bloco B- Sala 01, Jardim Santa Cecilia,
Tel: +1-847-478-2100 CEP 06465-070, Barueri - SP, Brasil
Tel: +55-11-4689-3000

Asia-Pacific Offices
China Taiwan Korea
Mitsubishi Electric Automation (China) Ltd. Mitsubishi Electric Taiwan Co.,Ltd. Mitsubishi Electric Automation Korea Co., Ltd.
No.1386 Hongqiao Road, Mitsubishi Electric Automation 10F,No.88,Sec.6,Chung-Shan N.Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan 7F-9F, Gangseo Hangang Xi-tower A, 401, Yangcheon-ro,
Center 3F Shanghai, China Tel: +886-02-2833-5430 Gangseo-Gu,Seoul 157-801, Korea
Tel: +86-21-2322-3030 Tel: +82-2-3660-9550

Singapore Thailand India

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte. Ltd. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC FACTORY AUTOMATION Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt. Ltd.
307 Alexandra Road #05-01/02, Mitsubishi Electric Building, (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Emerald House, EL -3, J Block, M.I.D.C., Bhosari,
Singapore 896/19 and 20,12 th Floor, SV. City Building, Office Tower 1, Pune - 411026, Maharashtra State, India
Tel: +65-6470-2480 Rama 3 Road, Kwaeng Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok, Tel: +91-2710-2000
10120, Thailand
Tel: +66-2682-6522

European Offices
Germany UK Italy
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
German Branch UK Branch Italian Branch
Mitsubishi-Electric-Platz 1, 40882 Ratingen, Germany Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 8XB, U.K. VIALE COLLEONI 7-20041 Agrate Brianza (Milano), Italy
Tel: +49-2102-486-0 Tel: +44-1707-27-6100 Tel: +39-039-60531

Spain France Czech Republic

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
Spanish Branch French Branch Czech Branch
Carretera de Rubi 76-80-AC.4720, 25, Boulevard des Bouvets, F-92741 Nanterre Cedex, France Avenir Business Park, Radicka 714/113a,158 00 praha 5,
E-08190 Sant Cugat del Valles (Barcelona), Spain Tel: +33-1-5568-5568 Czech Republic
Tel: +34-935-65-3131 Tel: +420-251-551-470

Poland Ireland Russia

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
Polish Branch Irish Branch Russian Branch
ul. Krakowska 50 32-083 Balice, Poland Westgate Business Park, Ballymount. IRL-Dublin 24 Moscow Office 52, bld. 3, Kosmodamianskaya nab.,
Tel: +48-12-630-47-00 Tel: +353-14198800 RU-115054, Moscow, Russia
Tel: +7-495-721-2070



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