Dairy Industry Wastewater Sources, Characteristics & Its Effects On Environment

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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology

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Research Article
Dairy Industry Wastewater Sources, Characteristics & its Effects on
Bharati S. SheteȦ* and N. P. ShinkarḂ
Department of civil engineering, Dr. Sau. Kamaltai Gawai Institute of Engineering & Technology, Darapur, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,
Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Department of Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Accepted 06 November 2013, Available online 01 December 2013, Vol.3, No.5 (December 2013)


In this paper, it is shortly discussed that what are the units involved in the dairy industry, what processes are involved in
it; the work done in these processes; from what processes we can obtain the wastewater and what are the sources of
wastewater in these units and the effect of this wastewater on the environment. These industries discharge wastewater
which is characterized by high chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, nutrients, and organic and
inorganic contents. Such wastewaters, if discharged without proper treatment, severely pollute receiving water bodies
and disrupts complete ecosystem. Moreover, the Indian government has imposed very strict rules and regulations for the
effluent discharge to protect the environment. Thus, appropriate treatment methods are required so as to meet the effluent
discharge standards.

Keywords: Dairy, Wastewater, processes, sources, effluent, characteristics, effect

1.0 Milk quality oriented activity of manufacturing, packing of

dairy based products on the basis of treated milk.
The milk is one of the most important commodity entering
trades and it is required in everyday life as an article of 1.1.1 Product and process involved in dairy: Many dairies
food. Since the milk is highly perishable, basic public restrict themselves bottling pasteurized milk and making
health and economic consideration is required that ghee from scoured milk. The dairy industry is
consumer should be provided with the product which is of characterized by the multitude of products and therefore
good quality, pure, free from pathogenic bacteria. To production lines. Plants can have as few as one or two
maintain quality standard, quality control operation have production lines or all of them (pasteurized milk, cheese,
to be performed at all the stages of production of milk butter, etc.). In few dairies where supply of milk is larger,
which includes maintenances of sanitary conditions at butter, condensed milk, powdered milk, ice cream, panner,
milking place, storage, transportation and handling the shrikhand, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese etc. are also
milk at reception docks, processing and packing etc. till produced. However the production of skimmed and toned
the milk is delivered to consumer. The rural areas were milk and cheese making has the increasing demand in
identified for milk production; the urban centers were India.
collected for the location of milk processing plants and
product manufacturing factories. As the rapid 1.2 Milk Processes
industrialization taking place all over the country, the
number of dairies and allied industries are sharply rising. A chain of operations involving receiving and storing of
So it’s necessary to know the processes involved in these raw materials, processing of raw materials into finished
industries; these processes are as given below products, packaging and storing of finished products, and a
group of other ancillary operations (e.g., heat transfer and
1.1 Dairy Technology (Milk Process Technique) cleaning) are examples of some of the great variety of
operations performed in the dairy industries. The initial
Milk treatment is the preparation of raw milk including operations such as homogenization, standardization,
heat treatment as a precondition for milk processing. The clarification, separation, and pasteurization are common to
treatment of milk is done in the preparation room. It is a most plants and products. Clarification (removal of
first process in any dairy plant. The milk processing is the suspended matter) and separation (removal of cream for
milk standardization to desired butterfat content),
*Corresponding author: Bharati S. Shete

Bharati S. Shete et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.5 (December 2013)

generally, are accomplished by specially designed large black sludge’s and strong butyric acid odors and
centrifuges. Drying, condensing, etc. are also used in dairy characterize milk waste pollution.
industries for the production of various products. The The characteristics of a dairy effluent contain
details of operations involved are as given below, (Dr. A. Temperature, Color, PH (6.5-8.0), DO, BOD, COD,
S. Kolhe et al 2008-09) Dissolved solids, suspended solids, chlorides, sulphate, oil
& grease. It depends largely on the quantity of milk
1.2.1 Milk Receiving Station: The milk cans are unloaded processed and type of product manufactured. The waste
at the receiving station and emptied into a receiving tank, water of dairy contains large quantities of milk
after testing for fitness and freshness. constituents such as casein, inorganic salts, besides
1.2.2 Pasteurization: Pasteurization is accomplished by detergents and sanitizers used for washing. It has high
heating either to 620C for 30 min. of at 710C for 15 sodium content from the use of caustic soda for cleaning.
seconds, followed by chilling to 40C. The milk is then Typical Characteristics of dairy industry wastewaters
bottled for distribution. reported by various authors are given in table 1.
1.2.3 Cheese Making: Cheese is made from milk in which
fat to protein ratio is adjusted when the proper degree of
settling of curd has been reached, it is cut into pieces and
after further adjustment to temperature, is then allowed to
1.2.4 Butter, Butter Milk and Skim Milk: Milk is first
passed through centrifugal machines to separate cream and
skim milk. Cream is then churned until butter separates
from the liquid and butter milk is left over. Ghee is
prepared from the butter, sour milk is separated to remove
fat and skim milk thus obtained is fed into large vats and
treated with the acid to precipitate casein which is washed
and dehydrated.
1.2.5 Products of milk-raw milk storage: Storage is an
activity in which milk is kept between receptions and
processing. Storage helps in balancing the different
capacities and timings between reception and processing.
The total volume of storage silos can be very different and
can vary from 20 to 100% of the dairy reception volume,
usually storage vessels are installed individually on the
outside of the buildings, are made of stainless steel or fibre
glass and may have avolume of 20,000 to 2,00,000 L. In
the dairy industry, some amount of wastewater gets
produced during starting, equilibrating, stopping, and
rinsing of the processing units (flushing water, first rinse
water, etc.). However, a majority of wastewater gets
produced during cleaning operations, especially between
products changes when different types of products are
produced in a specific production unit and clean-up
operations (Fig. 1). Figure 1 explains in detail the units
involved in milk processing industries and shows the
flowchart of effluent sources from various units. (Jai
prakash Kushwaha et.al., 2011) Fig.1: Effluent sources from various units of milk
processing. DS-Detergents and Sanitizing Agents, WW-
2.0 Characteristics of the Effluent Wash Water, ST-Steam, CW-Cooling Water.

Dairy effluent contains soluble organics, suspended solids, 3.0 Effects of Effluents: Environmental Effects
trace organics. All these components contribute largely
towards their high biological oxygen demand (BODS) and The dairy industry is one of the most polluting of
chemical oxygen demand (COD). Dairy wastes are white industries, not only in terms of the volume of effluent
in colour and usually slightly alkaline in nature and generated, but also in terms of its characteristics as well. It
become acidic quite rapidly due to the fermentation of generates about 0.2–10 liters of effluent per liter of
milk sugar to lactic acid. The suspended matter content of processed milk with an average generation of about 2.5
milk waste is considerable mainly due to fine curd found liters of wastewater per liter of the milk processed. Dairy
in cheese waste. The pollution effect of dairy waste is processing effluents are generated in an intermittent way
attributed to the immediate and high oxygen demand. and the flow rates of these effluents change significantly.
Decomposition of casein leading to the formation of heavy The volume, concentration, and composition of the

Bharati S. Shete et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.5 (December 2013)

Table 1: Characteristics of dairy industry wastewaters (composition in mg/l, except pH)

Waste Type COD BOD PH TSS TS References

Milk & Dairy Products
10251.2 4840.6 8.34 5802.6 Oneţ Cristian,2010
Dairy effluent 1900-2700 1200-1800 7.2-8.8 500-740 900-1350 U. B. Deshannavar, et al 2012
Arab Dairy Factory 3383 ± 1345 1941± 864 7.9 ± 1.2 831 ± 392 A. Tawfik et. al,2007
72,000- 8,000-
Dairy waste water 2,500- 3,000 1,300-1,600 7.2-7.5 Javed Iqbal Qazi et. al,
80,000 10,000
Dairy effluent (CPCB Kusum Lata, et. al, Biogas
1120-3360 320-1750 5.6-8 28-1900
1993) forum,1999
Whey 71526 20000 4.1 22050 56782 Deshpande D.P. et. al, 2012
Bhandara Co-operative 1045 to 1100 to
1400 to 2500 800 to 1000 7.1-8.2 Monali Gotmare* et al.,2011
dairy industry wastewater 1800 1600
Cheese Whey pressed 80,000-90,000 6 8000-11000 Rana Kabbout, et al.,2011
Aavin dairy industry
2500-3300 6.4 -7.1 630-730 1300-1400 Sathyamoorthy G.L, et al.,2012
Dairy industry wastewater 2100 1040 7-8 1200 2500 A. Arumugam

effluents arising in dairy industry are dependent on the organics. They decrease do, promote release of gases,
type of product being processed, the production program, cause taste and odor, impart color or turbidity, promote
operating methods, design of the processing plant, the eutrophication.
degree of water management being applied, and The main environmental problems related to milk
subsequently the amount of water being conserved. These production affect the pollution of water, air and
dairy industries generate different types of waste biodiversity. They often cause a growth of algae and
including: wastewater from the production line (cleaning bacteria that consume oxygen in the water and eventually
of equipment and pipes) cooling water, domestic suffocate the rivers leading to the gradual disappearance of
wastewater, the acid whey and sweet. Due to this the fish. Hence the need to treat dairy effluents by various
quality and quantity of the product content in the dairy processes.
wastewater at a given time changes with the application of
another technological cycle in the processing line. The 3.1 Effects of effluents on water
sweet whey form the most polluting effluent by its
biochemical composition rich in organic matter (lactose, 3.1.1 The Organic Components: The organic components
protein, phosphorus, nitrates, nitrogen) and is from 60 to of the wastewater from dairy processing operations can be
80 times more polluting than domestic sewage. classified as proteins, lactose and fat. These will affect the
The waste water of dairy contains large quantities of milk environment in different ways depending on their
constituents such as casein, inorganic salts, besides biodegradability and their solubility.
detergents and sanitizers used for washing. All these
components contribute largely towards their high
biological oxygen demand (BODS) and chemical oxygen River Oxygen Levels and BOD5
demand (COD). Which is much higher than the specified The concentration of oxygen in a river depends on both
limits of Indian standard institute (ISI), now Bureau of the rate at which oxygen is consumed by microorganisms
Indian standard (BIS), for the discharge of industrial and the rate of reaeration from the atmosphere. It is usual
effluents; As these wastes are generally released to the to perform a series of river surveys to obtain a best fit of
nearby stream or land without any prior treatment are the oxygen depletion / reaeration equations to the actual
reported to cause serious pollution problems. river conditions. Oxygen is very important in rivers,
Dairy effluents decompose rapidly and deplete the primarily because it supports fish and other aquatic
dissolved oxygen level of the receiving streams organisms. The usual lower limit for oxygen
immediately resulting in anaerobic conditions and release concentrations in rivers is usually about 6 g/m3. This level
of strong foul odors due to nuisance conditions. The is based on the ability of sensitive fish species (usually
receiving water becomes breeding place for flies and trout and salmon) to survive.
mosquitoes carrying malaria and other dangerous diseases Fully aerated rivers at temperatures of 15 to 25 oC
like dengue fever, yellow fever, chicken guniya. It is also contain oxygen concentrations of at least 8 g/m3. It is
reported that higher concentration of dairy wastes are toxic therefore essential that discharges to rivers maintain an
to certain varieties of fish and algae. The casein oxygen concentration of at least 6 g/m3. In order for this
precipitation from waste which decomposes further into a to be the case the discharge to the river must not increase
highly odorous black sludge at certain dilutions the dairy the river BOD5 by more than about 3 g m-3 (depending on
waste is found to be toxic to fish also. Dairy effluent the reaeration characteristics of the river).
contains soluble organics, suspended solids, trace Measures of the amount of oxygen that are consumed by

Bharati S. Shete et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.5 (December 2013)

bacteria are the Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and months in age because they lack the necessary enzyme to
the chemical oxygen demand (COD). BOD5 is measured reconvert the methaemoglobin back to haemoglobin. To
as the amount of oxygen that is consumed by bacteria in protect humans the usual limit placed on drinking water
decomposing the waste over a 5 day period at 20 oC. The supplies is 10 g m-3 of nitrate-nitrogen.
COD is measured by digesting the waste with boiling Livestock can also suffer from methaemoglobinaemia.
sulphuric acid and potassium dichromate in the presence Since ruminants have a more neutral stomach pH and
of a catalyst, and the result is expressed as oxygen rumen bacteria that reduce nitrates to nitrite, deaths from
equivalents. In both cases the organic material is methaemoglobinaemia can occur. This usually results
converted to carbon dioxide and water, but with the BOD5 from the consumption of nitrate rich feed, although a limit
test some of the organic matter is converted to new of 30 g/m3 nitrate-nitrogen on drinking water for stock has
bacterial cells. been suggested.
The organic components in dairy processing Inorganic forms of nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite and
wastewater are highly biodegradable. In waterways, ammonium ions) and inorganic phosphates act as plant
bacteria will consume the organic components of the nutrients in waterways. To protect receiving waters from
waste. The process of biodegradation in waterways undesirable growths it has been suggested that total
consumes oxygen according to the following equation: inorganic nitrogen concentrations in receiving waters are
Organic Material + O2 → CO2 + H2O + Bacteria limited to less than about 30-100 mg m-3 or that dissolved
(J. W. Barnett et.al.) reactive phosphorus (inorganic phosphorus)
concentrations are less than about 15-30 mg m-3.
3.1.2 Sewage Fungus: Low molecular weight organic
compounds promote the growth of certain filamentous 3.2 Effects of effluents on land
slimes in waterways. These bacterial colonies are
collectively known as sewage fungus. The most common Wastewater application to soils is a common method of
bacterial species in this category is Sphaerotilus natans. waste treatment in the dairy industry.
One of the major constituents of dairy factory wastewaters 3.2.1 Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) : The major
is lactose, a low molecular weight sugar that is known to mechanisms for nutrient removal in soil based treatment
promote sewage fungus growth. Sewage fungus growth systems are:
has been related to lactose concentrations in rivers by the - plant uptake and incorporation in animal products
equation: - adsorption and immobilization in the soil
- losses to the atmosphere
Growth/g/m2 = 0.333 + 2.479 m(lactose)/g/m3 - losses to groundwater (leaching)
and this equation can be used to predict the extent of Plant uptake of nitrogen amounts to up to 500 kg ha-1 year
sewage fungus growth in a receiving waterway. -1. For phosphorus, the amount is about 30 kg of
phosphorus. If animals subsequently consume the pasture,
3.1.3 Colour and Turbidity: Wastewaters that are highly up to 90% of the nitrogen and phosphorus is recycled to
coloured are likely to alter the colour of receiving water. the pasture.
Dairy factory wastes probably contain little soluble color, Losses of nitrogen to the atmosphere occur through
although after various forms of treatment true colour may volatilization of ammonia from urine and dung patches,
result. Colloidal and particulate components in the waste and through the process of denitrification. Denitrification
reflect light back to an observer. This is known as is the process where microorganisms reduce nitrate to
apparent colour. The concept of turbidity is closely either nitrous oxide or dinitrogen gas. This occurs under
related to this phenomenon. Milk wastes contain anoxic conditions (i.e. a lack of oxygen) and when a
significant quantities of material that will result in suitable organic carbon supply is available for energy.
turbidity of discharges. Denitrification rates can be quite high at wastewater
3.1.4 The Inorganic Components (Mainly Nitrogen and irrigation sites. Losses of nitrogen (principally in the
Phosphorus): One of the industry's main aims is to recover nitrate form) to groundwater can occur at some irrigation
the protein (organic nitrogen component) of the waste and sites depending on the amounts of nitrogen removed by
convert it to saleable products. Nitrogen is, therefore, a other means. The factor usually limiting the disposal of
very important component of the dairy factory nitrogen containing wastes to soils is nitrate contamination
wastewaters. Some protein will be lost to the waste of groundwaters that are subsequently used as water
streams. Bacteria convert the nitrogen in proteins to the supplies for humans or stock. It is usual to apply normal
inorganic forms including ammonia, and the ammonium, drinking water guidelines under these circumstances.
nitrite and nitrate ions. Each of these inorganic forms of Phosphorus does not usually cause a problem by leaching
nitrogen has different environmental effects. to groundwater because of the high retention and
Nitrate ions are toxic in high concentrations to both immobilization of phosphates in soils.
humans and livestock. In young infants, nitrate can be 3.2.2 Sodium and Other Minerals: Sodium, potassium,
converted to the nitrite form, absorbed into the calcium and magnesium are all immobilized by soils and
bloodstream and convert haemoglobin to methaemoglobin. occupy cation exchange sites on soil colloids and clays
Methaemoglobin cannot transport oxygen. The condition
of methaemoglobinaemia affects infants less than six 3.3 Effects on the atmosphere

Bharati S. Shete et al International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.5 (December 2013)

3.3.1 Gaseous Emissions :Manufacturing operations can The wastewater treatment which does not give any
result in a number of emissions to the atmosphere. monetary benefit to dairy industry owners they release it
Boiler stacks result in emissions of carbon dioxide, directly to nearby water streams or on land (i.e. in nature)
sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere. by giving only some of the primary treatment; due to lack
Methane may be emitted from anaerobic waste treatment of awareness in this regard and lack of funds.
systems and nitrous oxide (N2O) is emitted from the soil at In my research work, I wish to minimize the cost of the
wastewater irrigation sites. Carbon dioxide, methane and treatment plant using coir as a media in a fixed film fixed
nitrous oxide are very important greenhouse gases, and it bed reactor developing anaerobic digestion process which
is likely that the consequences of these emissions will releases methane gas. To characterize the wastewater at
need to be considered in the future. various stages, I shall use the standard methods given by
3.3.2 Dust/Odours: Particulate materials can be emitted APHA.
from boiler stacks, powder driers etc. Losses of
particulate material may also occur from other factory 5.0 Conclusion
processes. If particulate emissions are high then
surrounding buildings are coated with dust and powder If we devise such a method which reduces the cost of
which, as well as being undesirable, can also be corrosive. treatment and provide some of the byproduct, in line. The
Smoke and steam plumes from factories may also be owners themselves think of applying the same in the
regarded as a form of visual pollution. The emission of industry, ultimately minimize the losses to be developed to
objectionable odours must be considered at industrial the ecosystem which is helpful in protecting the
processing sites. Many waste treatment plants can environment. Thereby I propose of using coir as a media
produce undesirable odours. the cheapest and readily available material in a fixed film
fixed bed reactor.
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