EDC 2 Marks All Five Units
EDC 2 Marks All Five Units
EDC 2 Marks All Five Units
- 1)
I = ( ⁄
4. Define knee/cut-in/threshold voltage of a PN diode.
1. Bulk Resistance. ( )
2. Static Resistance/Junction Resistance (or) DC Forward Resistance (
or )
It is given by =
Where, A = Cross-sectional area of depletion region.
D = Width (or) thickness of depletion region.
Its typical value is 40 pF.
It is given by:
Where, = Mean life time of carrier
I = Forward current
As voltage regulators.
As peak clippers or voltage limiters.
For wave shaping.
For meter protection against damage from accidental application of
excessive voltage.
As a fixed reference voltage in a network for biasing and comparison
purposes and for calibrating voltmeters.
Zener voltage (Vz): The voltage at which a zener diode breaks in the reverse
bias condition is called zener voltage. In fact, it is the voltage at which a
zener diode is to operate. The value of zener voltage depends upon doping-
more the doping, lesser the breakdown voltage.
Power Rating (PZM): The maximum power which a zener diode can
dissipate (or handle) without damage is called its power rating.
When a free electron from the higher energy level gets recombined with
the hole , it gives out the light output. Here, in case of LEDs, the supply of
higher level electrons is provided by the battery connection.
Wrist watches.
Telephones and cellular phones.
Digital panel meters.
PCO monitors.
For space applications.
In digital clocks.
Automobiles, etc.
1. More power is required. 1. Less power is required.
2. Fastest displays. 2. Slowest displays.
3. More life. 3. Less life.
4. LED is light source. 4. LCD is not light source. It is a
light reflector.
5. More temperature range. 5. Less temperature range.
6. Mounting is easy. 6. Mounting is difficult.
Half Wave Rectifier (HWR): The HWR uses the property of diode that
conducts current in one direction only. It uses only one diode as in
Hence, the HWR uses only positive half-cycles of the input AC supply.
However the output is not steady DC, but only a pulsating DC with ripple
frequency equal to that of the input voltage frequency.
i.e fr = fin
Full Wave Rectifier (FWR): In a FWR, both the half-cycles of the input AC
supply are utilized. Alternate half-cycles are inverted to give a
unidirectional load current.
Centre-tapped FWR.
Bridge rectifier.
Rectifier efficiency,.
32. Define ripple factor of a rectifier.
Simple circuit.
Low cost.
Rectification efficiency is low (40.6%).
Very high amount of ripple (γ = 1.21)
Low TUF (0.287)
Saturation of transformer core occurs.
(ii) An inductor, in series with the load, prevents the passage of ripples due
to high impedance at ripple frequency, while allowing the DC due to low
resistance to DC.
38. What is the need for voltage regulators? What are the drawbacks of
unregulated power supply?
An ordinary (unregulated) power supply from the following drawbacks:
Poor regulation
The DC output voltage varies with the AC supply voltage which
fluctuates at different times of the day and is different at different
The DC output voltage varies with temperature, in case
semiconductors are used.
For certain applications the output of the filter even with small
amount of ripples is not acceptable.
Shunt regulator
Series regulators
Switch-mode regulators or switched mode power supply(SMPS)
40. Define (i) Voltage regulation (ii) Minimum load resistance.
The variation of output voltage with respect to the amount of load current
drawn from the power supply is called voltage regulation.
The change in DC output voltage from no load to full load with respect to
full load voltage of a power supply is called its voltage regulatin.
% voltage regulation =
1. For normal operation, how is emitter-base junction biased?
8. Why must the base be narrow for the transistor (BJT) action ?
Beta (β) is the ratio of IC to IB .IB becomes less if the base
width is narrow. Higher value of β can be obtained with lower
value of base current.
Transport factor, β = ⁄
13. Why silicon type transistors are more often used than
Germanium type ?
Because silicon has smaller cut-off current ICBO , small
variations in ICBO due to variations in temperature and high
operating temperature as compared to those in case of
2.Why FET’s are so called? (or) Why FETs are voltage controlled
The output characteristics of a FET can be controlled by the
applied electric field (voltage) and hence the name FET and are
voltage controlled devices.
6. ow does the FET behave (i) for small values of |VDS| and (ii)
for large values of |VDS| ?
FET behaves as an ordinary resistor for small values of
|VDS|, i.e., in ohmic region.
FET behaves as a constant current source for large
values of |VDS| till breakdown occurs.
ID = IDSS ( )
gm = √
| |
1. What is a differential amplifier?
i.e., Vd = V1 –
It is given by Ad =
It is given by Ac = A1 + A2
6. Define CMRR.
CMRR = |Ad|Ac|
7. What are the ideal values of Ad and Ac with reference to the differential
Ideally, Ac should be zero and Ad should be large, ideally infinite.
8. Express CMRR in d B.
11. Define (i) feedback (ii) positive feedback and (iii) negative feedback.
1. Define pulse and pulse circuits.
The word “pulse” is applied to waveforms that exist for a very short
period. The word “ pulse circuits” refer to the active and passive circuits
intended to handle, generate, shape and sotre pulse signals.
The process of generating new wave shapes from older wave forms
using some netword is called wave shaping. The circuits which perform
wave shaping are called wave shaping circuits.
ii. XC 10 R
10. hat are the conditions for a series RC circuit to act as an integrator?
i. RC T
ii. R 10 XC
11. List the applications of low-pass RC circuits.
The circuit with which the waveform can be shifted, such that, a
particular part of it (say positive or negative peak) is maintained at a
specified level, is called a “clamping circuit or simply, clamper”.
22. What is the difference between the output from a clipper and a
The positive clippers removes the positive half cycles, while the
negative clipper removes the negative half cycles, of the input waveform.
26. How does a clamper affect the peak-to-peak and RMS values of a
No change.
27. List the applications of clippers.
The feedback from one stage to the other is so arranged that when
one transistor is drive to cut-off, the other is driven to saturation. Thus at
any particular instant of time, one transistor is ON and the other is OFF.
There are three basic types of multivibrators depending on the type
of coupling network used. They are:
Amplitude comparator
Squaring circuit
Flip flop
39. Which portion of the UJT characteristic is used to make UJT to generate
sawtooth waves?
Negative resistance region.
40. Give the formula for pulse repetition frequency of UJT based sawtooth
( )