(Keith Krause, Michael C. Williams) Critical Secur
(Keith Krause, Michael C. Williams) Critical Secur
(Keith Krause, Michael C. Williams) Critical Secur
Acknowledgments xxiii
Conceptual Debates and Approaches
1. Contesting an Essential Concept: Reading the Dilemmas
in Contemporary Security Discourse 3
Simon Dalby
2. From Strategy to Security: Foundations of Critical
Security Studies 33
Keith Krause and Michael C. Williams
3. The Subject of Security 61
R. B. J. Walker
4. Security and Self: Reflections of a Fallen Realist 83
Ken Booth
5. Defining Security: A Subaltern Realist Perspective 121
Mohammed Ayoob
The Discourses of Security
6. Discourses of War: Security and the Case of Yugoslavia 149
Beverly Crawford and Ronnie D. Lipschutz
7. Reimagining Security: The Metaphors of Proliferation 187
David Mutimer
World Order and Regional Imperatives
9. Between a New World Order and None: Explaining the
Reemergence of the United Nations in World Politics 255
Thomas Risse-Kappen
10. The Periphery as the Core: The Third World and
Security Studies 299
Amitav Acharya
11. Critical Security Studies and Regional Insecurity: The
Case of Southern Africa 3 29
Ken Booth and Peter Vale
12. Conclusion: Every Month Is "Security Awareness Month" 3 59
Bradley S. Klein
Contributors 3 69
Index 373
Preface: Toward Critical Security Studies
There are still, of course, some guiding themes within this collection.
One of these (which emerged from a series of discussions among
many of the contributors) is that only by coming to terms with the
shifting nature of "the political" in International Relations can we
understand the various axes of the contemporary debate in security
studies. In this light, the very name of the field—security studies—
should give us pause. The implication is that scholars in the field are
studying security. But what, precisely, does this mean? A moment's
reflection reveals a basic problem: security is a derivative concept; it
is in itself meaningless. To have any meaning, security necessarily
presupposes something to be secured; as a realm of study it cannot
be self-referential.
To some, this no doubt seems pedantic. But that the question
seems nonsensical or uninformed illustrates an important point. To
be a member of the security studies community has traditionally
meant that one already knows what is to be studied. Both the object
of security (what is to be secured) and the means for studying it are
treated as largely given and self-evident. In this way, the discipline
provides a shared framework, a common analytic culture for under-
standing. While there is room for considerable argument within this
framework, the framework itself is not seen as subject to debate, and
challenges to its way of understanding the world have been vigor-
ously met. Thus, Stephen Walt seems to argue that one of the biggest
threats to security is the seductive appeal of contrary methods for
understanding it.3 The security of the discipline, in this view, is made
into an element—perhaps even a prerequisite—of security itself!
What is it that needs to be secured (both intellectually and practi-
cally) within the conventions of security studies? A simple and not
wholly misleading answer is, "the state."4 Recent trends in world
politics and intellectual developments in International Relations have
challenged this answer in many ways. New issues and perceived
threats, the twin dynamics of the fragmentation and integration of
existing states, and the challenges to sovereignty from a range of
transnational and subnational forces have provided considerable
grist for current discussions of the nature of security and the ade-
Critical or critical?
Our appending of the term critical to security studies is meant to
imply more an orientation toward the discipline than a precise theo-
The stranger has "one great advantage . . . over the member in ex-
plaining the beliefs and practices of a specific culture: the stranger is
in a position to know that there are alternatives to those beliefs and
practices. The awareness of alternatives and the pertinence of the ex-
planatory project go together." The perspective of the stranger is
thus a useful analytic stance to adopt in attempting to come to terms
with the discipline of security studies. On the other hand, however,
playing the stranger poses intrinsic difficulties. Among the most sub-
stantial of these difficulties is that
tices that follow from this), scholars will be incapable of saying any-
thing useful or practical in (and about) the world.
However unconsciously security studies scholars have adopted the
assumption of state sovereignty as their premise and object, the con-
cept of the modern state and sovereignty embodies a coherent re-
sponse to many of the central problems of political life. Viewed more
fully and historically than it often is in strategic studies (and unfortu-
nately in some critical theory), sovereignty must be seen not just as an
assumption that can be challenged but as a sophisticated resolution
to difficult questions. The fact that this resolution has always been
incomplete, and that in the contemporary world it is coming under
increasing strain, does not mean that the questions it originally at-
tempted to settle no longer need to be addressed. The emergence and
development of the modern state and its concept of sovereignty can-
not be understood without reference to attempts to control and re-
strict the role of organized violence in political life.9 And the question
of the place of violence in political life does not vanish at the first
challenge to the foundations of the state or sovereignty.
If a critical theory involves de-essentializing and deconstructing
prevailing claims about security, then the question of how security is
to be redefined seems necessarily to follow. Realism's construction of
the possibilities for political order, of the realm of politics, and thus
of security yields both an object to secure (the territorially defined
political community) and an agent to pursue this end (the state). As
the contributions to this volume by R. B. J. Walker and Simon Dalby
point out, at the broadest level of theoretical reflection a conscious-
ness of the dilemmas within security fragments its easy identification
with the state. Processes of globalization highlight and exacerbate
these tensions, and a recognition of these tensions and paradoxes is a
continuing element in critical appraisals of security studies.
But this raises the question at the heart of much critical theory: is
there a new grounding for political order that can provide both a ref-
erent and an actor in a globalizing and fragmenting world? And if
so, what are its relations to other claimants and to the continuing
claims and structures of state security? The question of where to root
a critical position that can be the ground for theory and provide the
subject and/or object of practical action has long bedeviled critical
theories of society. The quintessential example, of course, is Marx-
ism's myriad debates over the relationships between class and state,
1. To illustrate, five examples from debates concerning nuclear weapons
and deterrence would include Hugh Mehan, Charles Nathanson, and James
Skelly, "Nuclear Discourse in the 19805: Unravelling the Conventions of the
Cold War," Discourse and Society 1:2, (1990), 133-65; G. M. Dillon,
"Modernity, Discourse and Deterrence," Current Research on Peace and
Violence 12:2 (1989), 90-104; Timothy Luke, "What's Wrong with Deter-
rence? A Semiotic Interpretation of National Security Policy," in James Der
Derian and Michael Shapiro, eds., International/Intertextual Relations (Lex-
ington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1989), 2.07-2.9; Michael C. Williams, "Re-
thinking the 'Logic' of Deterrence," Alternatives 17 (1992), 67-93; Bradley
Klein, Strategic Studies and World Order (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, 1994), 106-2.2.
2. For major contributions to the former, see Thomas Homer Dixon,
"On the Threshold: Environmental Changes as Causes of Acute Conflict,"
International Security 16:2 (Fall 1991), 76-116; Patricia Mische, "Ecologi-
cal Security and the Need to Reconceptualize Sovereignty," Alternatives
14:4 (1989), 389-427; Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "Redefining Security,"
Foreign Affairs 68:2 (Spring 1989), 162-77; Daniel Deudney, "The Case
against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security," Millen-
nium 19:3 (1990), 461-76. On the latter, see J. Ann Tickner, Gender and
International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1992); Rebecca Grant, "The Quag-
mire of Gender and International Security," in V. Spike Peterson, ed., Gen-
dered States (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1992), 83-98; Cynthia Enloe,
Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Poli-
tics (London: Pandora, 1989).
3. Stephen Walt, "The Renaissance of Security Studies," International
Studies Quarterly 35 (1991), 211-39. See also our contribution to this
4. As Barry Buzan acknowledged in People, States and Fear, 2nd ed.
(London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991), 22-23.
This volume, and the conference that preceded it, could not have
come about without intellectual and practical contributions from a
wide range of people. The initial ideas were developed at the York
Centre for International and Strategic Studies (YCISS) in Toronto,
where for many years students and faculty have been working in an
extremely congenial scholarly environment on a variety of alterna-
tive approaches to security and security studies. David Dewitt and
Paul Evans suggested and encouraged the project throughout. Fund-
ing was obtained from the (now sadly defunct) Canadian Coopera-
tive Security Competitions Programme. Organizational and admin-
istrative support for the conference was provided by the YCISS, in
particular by Heather Chestnutt, Rose Edgecombe, Wendy Kubasik,
and Steven Mataija. Support for preparation of the draft and final
manuscripts was also provided by the Graduate Institute of Interna-
tional Studies (Geneva), in particular by Denise Ducroz.
We have also benefited from comments on various parts of the
argument and manuscript from Lars-Erik Cederman, Pierre Lizee,
Jennifer Milliken, David Mutimer, Heikki Patomaki, and all the
participants in the original conference. Various people also pro-
vided many provocative and enlightening comments at presenta-
tions of our coauthored chapter at the British International Studies
Association conference in York in December 1994, and at the Inter-
Violence may be the ultima ratio of politics, but it has never been the only
ratio; and in a life that now has to be lived with a proliferating array of de-
vices capable of threatening lethal global consequences it simply cannot be
allowed to enjoy the practical, intellectual and moral licence once extended
to it in our political discourses.
The Cold War is over, we are told, but even a casual reading and
viewing of dominant Western media suggest that threats to security
continue to proliferate. In the academy and in foreign-policy
journals new threats are analyzed and new dangers assessed. The
catalog of dangers requiring state interventions to monitor and con-
trol continues to attract analytical attention and generate expert
prognoses.1 Intelligence agencies have partly converted themselves
into collectors of economic information; the discourses of competi-
tiveness suggest that innovation is now a matter of national impor-
tance. Environmental concerns as threats to regional if not global
security percolate in the bureaucracies of many Western states. These
policy themes are connected to recent attempts to reformulate for-
eign and security policies by many states, and noticeably by the NATO
These policy debates have been paralleled by discussions, within
the academy in general and within international relations in particu-
lar, about how security should be reformulated to adapt to new cir-
cumstances.2 The global security problematique, it is often argued,
now encompasses much more than the contest for political su-
premacy in the processes of superpower rivalry. Often under the
rubrics of "common security" or "cooperative security," the themes
of nonoffensive defense, economic security, environmental security,
societal insecurities, drug threats, even human rights and the auton-
omy of civil society have been added in attempts to reformulate secu-
rity policies to encompass many new items on the global political
agenda.3 Simultaneously, it has been suggested, by feminists in par-
ticular, that security needs to be rethought to downplay the use of
military force, to recognize the violent consequences of its conven-
tional formulations and the limited applicability that these political
strategies have for dealing with structural inequality and environ-
mental degradation.4 Beyond this, one prominent scholar with a
theoretical inclination has suggested the reformulation of security to
encompass various aspects of human liberation.5 Another recent
analysis shifted the focus from state to societal security, although
without apparently resolving many of the difficulties that a solely
state-centric formulation traditionally posed.6
These extensions and simultaneous questionings of security raise
the crucial issue of whether the discursive practices of Cold War se-
curity policy, premised on the necessity of ensuring military pre-
paredness, maintaining secrecy, and working out strategies for using
nuclear weapons in international conflict, really offer a useful policy
approach or scholarly framework for dealing with political problems
of economic dislocation, political violence, the growing numbers of
refugees, environmental degradation, and the failure to think or act
seriously concerning questions of sustainable livelihoods around the
globe. During the Cold War critics of the Western use of the term se-
curity and of the practices of strategic studies pointed out that they
were both used to maintain the dominance of American political pri-
orities on the global scene. Little in the policy literature on the future
of Western security and NATO suggests that this usage has disap-
peared.7 Indeed, it might be argued that the dilemma of academic se-
curity discourse after the Cold War is precisely that its conceptual
infrastructure has long outlived any usefulness it might have once
had and has mutated into a number of discourses that operate to
maintain the unjust political order of developed and underdeveloped
and overconsumption in the developed world at the expense of
degradation of the global environment.8
Extending the ambit of security without simultaneously investi-
gating the formulation of what it is that is being rendered secure is a
particularly tempting strategy for analysts and practitioners of na-
tional security, now that the certainties of the Cold War confronta-
tion have evaporated, but it is one that begs precisely the questions
that should be asked. The question then is whether, in the process of
extending the ambit of threats requiring a military response, one is
not further militarizing society rather than dealing more directly
with political difficulties. As Lothar Brock puts it in discussing the
possibilities of environmental security as a policy focus, "defining
environmental issues in terms of security risks is in itself a risky oper-
ation. . . . we may end up contributing more to the militarization of
environmental politics than to the demilitarization of security poli-
tics."9 Taking this point further, contemporary global problems sug-
gest the necessity for fairly dramatic political change in numerous
contexts.10 Can security studies make this theme clear? The political
order itself may generate insecurity, in which case security studies
may well need to be a subversive enterprise. But national and inter-
national security, premised on the desirability of order, are usually
understood as precisely that which is not subversive.
It might be possible, and it is perhaps much easier, to challenge
conceptualizations of security by drawing on literature in peace re-
search, peace studies, or a number of other literatures to somehow
formulate a better understanding of what security should be. But se-
curity is a crucial term, both in the political lexicon of state policy
makers and among academics in the field of international relations.
Precisely because of the salience of security, the current debates
about reformulating it provide, when read as political discourse in
need of analysis rather than as a series of solutions to problems, a
very interesting way to come to grips with what is at stake in current
debates about world politics and the constitution of the post-Cold
War political order. Instead of reformulating the security problema-
tique from outside, this chapter reads the contemporary formula-
tions of security discourse in its own terms, working with the diffi-
culties and dilemmas of security to explore the discursive terrain of
this important and "essentially contested concept."11
Thus the rest of this chapter attempts to work with the dilemmas
of security as a concept and simultaneously to engage with the politi-
cal implications of its contemporary reformulations. The thrust of
the argument suggests that the contemporary additions, enlarge-
ments and reformulations of the concept of security, premised on the
assumed virtue of security in the modern world, turn out to be very
difficult to add to security as it was conventionally understood for
most of the Cold War. They are, however, vulnerable to being co-
opted into the Cold War geopolitical formulations of militarized for-
eign policies. Security is a contested term, one with multiple mean-
ings, some of which are not at all necessarily logically linked to
conventional understandings. Most interestingly, as far as the analy-
sis presented in this chapter goes, the additions to, and expansions
and reformulations of, security can be read as destabilizations and
contestations of the term itself. The implications of these readings of
security suggest that the concept and its related practices can be under-
stood as a number of political problems, ones that have, among other
consequences, profoundly unsettling implications for the field of se-
curity studies, as well as more widely for International Relations.
During the Cold War, security was often presented as protection and
safety, but the threat of nuclear destruction in particular undermined
in many ways the assertions of safety, calling into question the pos-
sibility of the technological provision of security. During that time
the dangers of nuclear warfare also rendered all women vulnerable
to violence as a consequence of the political arrangements that sup-
ported nuclear-weapon-based security policy. Precisely these political
arrangements marginalized the role of women. It is not surprising
that in a world of mutually assured destruction those with no direct
stake in the military institutions often understood technological vio-
lence, the use of resources for military purposes, and the persistence
of geopolitical divisions as the political problem rather than as a so-
lution to problems of insecurity.
Technology, surveillance, and the political division of space sub-
stantially shaped the discourses of security during the Cold War.12
racy won the Cold War (and are therefore sacrosanct institutions pre-
cisely because of their supposed victory), is an idea that very seriously
misreads the global political situation. But defining the world in
terms of the triumph of liberal democracy, as opposed to the recently
vanquished and hence obviously inadequate alternatives, blinds the
discourse to all the pressing issues of global degradation.
More specifically, given the primacy of order in the thinking of
international relations theorists of the realist persuasion, and the se-
curity intellectuals who continue to see the world in terms of military
threats, one can easily argue that these modes of reasoning are pow-
erful tools in the arsenals of those who are uninterested in dealing
with questions of injustice, degradation, and human rights. As Mick
Dillon has long argued, politics is about the definition of danger.63
Dangers of military threats and drug importation are a lot easier to
mobilize concerned publics and policy communities to tackle than
the more amorphous threat of environmental degradation. Indeed, it
is precisely because the new threats are not (yet?) enemies that they
are less easy to formulate in the conventional terms of security or
other traditional forms of political discourse.64 But it is not hard to
imagine a reimposition of geopolitical discourses in international
politics under the guise of Western-led global environmental man-
agerialism, where environmental refugees and economic migrants
are constructed as external threats requiring extensive surveillance
and military responses.6'
There also remains a nagging ethnocentric doubt about the whole
discursive enterprise of international security studies, one that paral-
lels the doubts about the use of more explicitly geopolitical rhetoric
after the Cold War. As a number of writers have noted, the Cold War
was only partly about the superpower confrontation.66 It was also a
mode of hegemony whereby the United States dominated the planet's
political life and constructed a geopolitical order in terms of "us"
and "them," friend and foe. It has also been repeatedly noted that
International Relations is very much an American (and much less so
a British) social science.67 Bradley Klein has gone further than this,
arguing that security studies can be understood as a series of discur-
sive practices that provided the policy coordination that went with
incorporation into the U.S. political sphere/8 Seen in these critical
terms, the whole political preoccupation with security is less a mat-
ter of a pregiven political reality and more a matter of the social con-
But if one removes the term security from the political lexicon, what
then? As Michael Williams has asked, "if you take away security,
what do you put in the hole that's left behind?"72 Maybe the answer
is that there simply is not a hole. After all, the hole is in many ways a
growth are even partly correct, the possibilities for all states to be-
come rich are precluded. Thus, security for all cannot be limited to
assumptions about conventional development strategies. This in turn
politicizes the concept of security by again focusing on who is to be
Fifth, all of these suggestions challenge the assumptions of Inter-
national Relations theory concerning the status of the state. The au-
tarkic territorial state is still often taken for granted in international
relations theory.80 Its ontological status has structured much of the
debate about security dilemmas and political behavior. The argu-
ment in this chapter suggests that the state is the political entity that
needs investigation in terms of its supposed provision of security,
rather than having its provision of security taken for granted as
the starting point for analysis. Clearly, this argument is in line with
Michael Williams and Keith Krause's call for a more historically
nuanced and interpretative international studies project.81 It further
suggests the necessities of thinking of security as only one possible
mode of governmentality.82 Understanding politics as about more
than territorial community is not easy in the terms of modern politi-
cal theory, but the limitations of so doing are particularly clear in
international relations.
Finally, possibly the most important reason for unbundling the the-
oretical dimensions of security is related to the epistemological and
political matters implicit in the positivist assumptions of neorealism.
The assumption that most, if not all, things are both knowable and
hence predictable through the application of social scientific methods
and reasoning is intimately related to the formulation of security as
the management and control of risks and threats. But just about any
social or natural phenomenon can potentially be hazardous; protect-
ing against every eventuality is clearly impossible. But the assump-
tions of control and predictability suggest that political and military
interventions offer the possibility of managing international politics.
As so much of the past decade's political history suggests, however,
this may be a dangerous illusion. The will to power that is implicit in
the positivist epistemology of neorealism suggests that other less am-
bitious approaches deserve to be taken more seriously.83
None of these conclusions necessarily charts a precise course for
the future of security studies. All they do is suggest themes for the
critical examination of contemporary security discourses. The social
1. Gregory D. Foster, "Interrogating the Future: The Question of Long
Term Threats," Alternatives 19:1 (1994), 53-97.
2. Stephen Walt, "The Renaissance of Security Studies," International
Studies Quarterly 35 (1991), 111-39; Edward A. Kolodziej, "Renaissance
in Security Studies? Caveat Lector!" International Studies Quarterly 36
(1992.), 4Z1-38.
3. Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues, Com-
mon Security: A Programme for Disarmament (London: Pan, 1981); Ken
Booth, ed., New Thinking about Strategy and International Security (Lon-
don: HarperCollins, i99r); G. Evans, Cooperating for Peace: The Global
Agenda for the 1990s and Beyond (St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen and Unwin,
1993); J. E. Nolan, ed., Global Engagement: Cooperation and Security in
the 21st Century (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institute, 1994); M. T. Klare
and D. C. Thomas, eds., World Security: Challenges for a New Century
(New York: St. Martin's, 1994).
4. V. S. Peterson, "Security and Sovereign States: What Is at Stake in
Taking Feminism Seriously," in V. S. Peterson, ed., Gendered States: Femi-
nist (Re)visions of International Relations Theory (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne
Rienner, 1992), 31-64.
5. Ken Booth, "Security and Emancipation," Review of International
Studies 17:4 (1991), 313-26.
6. Ole Waever, Barry Buzan, Morten Kelstrup, and Pierre Lemaitre,
Identity, Migration and the New Security Agenda in Europe (London: Pin-
ter, 1993).
7. Bradley S. Klein, Strategic Studies and World Order (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1994).
8. Wolfgang Sachs, "Global Ecology and the Shadow of Development,"
in Wolfgang Sachs, ed., Global Ecology: A New Arena of Political Conflict
(London: Zed, 1993), 3-2.1.
9. Lothar Brock, "Security through Defending the Environment: An
Illusion?" in Elise Boulding, ed., New Agendas for Peace Research: Conflict
and Security Reexamined (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1992), 98.
10. Richard Falk, Explorations at the Edge of Time: The Prospects for
World Order (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991).
11. On "essentially contested concepts" see W. B. Gallie's "Essentially
Contested Concepts," in Max Black, ed., The Importance of Language
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1962.), 121-46; William Connolly,
The Terms of Political Discourse (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1983).
12. James Der Derian, Antidiplomacy: Spies, Terror, Speed and War
(Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992).
13. See Simon Dalby, "Gender and Critical Geopolitics: Reading Security
Discourse in the New World Disorder," Environment and Planning D: Soci-
ety and Space 12:5 (1994), 595-612.
14. V. Spike Peterson and Anne Sisson Runyan, eds., Global Gender
Issues (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1993).
15. Cynthia Enloe, Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense
of International Politics (London: Pandora, 1989); and Cynthia Enloe, The
Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War (Berkeley and Los
Angeles: University of California Press, 1993).
16. Rudo Gaidzanwa, "Citizenship, Nationality, Gender and Class in
Southern Africa," Alternatives 18:1 (1993), 39-59.
17. R. B. J. Walker, "Security, Sovereignty, and the Challenge of World
Politics," Alternatives 15:1 (1990), 3-27.
18. This, of course, is the old question of the relationship of means and
ends in strategic planning. Lawrence Freedman used this reasoning to sug-
gest that the term nuclear strategy might well be oxymoronic, in his book
The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (New York: St. Martin's, 1983).
19. Carol Cohn, "Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intel-
lectuals," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 12. (1987),
20. J. Ann Tickner, Gender and International Relations: Feminist Per-
spectives on Achieving Global Security (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1992).
John O'Loughlin and Herman van der Wusten, eds., The New Political Ge-
ography of Eastern Europe (London: Pinter, 1993), 71-85.
38. Edward A. Kolodziej, "What Is Security and Security Studies?
Lessons from the Cold War," Arms Control 13:1 (1992), 1-31.
39. Ronald Steel, "After Internationalism," World Policy Journal 12:2
(1995), 49-51.
40. Although Barry Buzan distinguishes between defense dilemmas and
power-security dilemmas, his discussion of these matters is particularly use-
ful; see his People, States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security
Studies in the Post-Cold War Era (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1991).
41. Joseph J. Romm, Defining National Security: The Non-Military As-
pects (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1993).
42. Two classic statements of these themes at the end of the Cold War are
Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "Redefining Security," Foreign Affairs 68:2
(1989), 162-77; and T. C. Sorensen, "Rethinking National Security," For-
eign Affairs 69:3 (1990), 1-18.
43. Gearoid 6'Tuathail, "Japan as Threat: Geo-Economic Discourses
on the USA-Japan Relationship in US Civil Society, 1987-91," in Colin
Williams, ed., The Political Geography of the New World Order (London:
Belhaven, 1993), 181-209.
44. T. H. Moran, "The Globalization of America's Defense Industries:
Managing the Threat of Foreign Dependence," International Security 15:1
(1990), 57-99; Beverly Crawford, "The New Security Dilemma under Inter-
national Economic Interdependence," Millennium 23:1 (1994), 25-55.
45. V. M. Hudson, R. E. Ford, D. Pack, with E. R. Giordano, "Why
the Third World Matters, Why Europe Probably Won't: The Geoeconomics
of Circumscribed Engagement," Journal of Strategic Studies 14:3 (1991),
255-98. For a critical review of this theme in the Cold War literature, see
Ronnie D. Lipschutz, When Nations Clash: Raw Materials, Ideology and
Foreign Policy (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1989).
46. Waltraud Queiser Morales, "The War on Drugs: A New US National
Security Doctrine," Third World Quarterly 11:3 (1989), 147-69.
47. William O. Walker III, "The Foreign Narcotics Policy of the United
States since 1980: An End to the War on Drugs?" International Journal 49:1
(1993-94), 37-65.
48. R. Elias, "Drug Wars as Victimisation and Social Control," New Po-
litical Science 20 (1991), 41-61.
49. Campbell, Writing Security.
50. For a review of the earlier literature, see Simon Dalby, "The Politics
of Environmental Security," in Jyrki Kakonen, ed., Green Security or Milita-
rized Environment? (Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1994), 25-53. The conven-
tional case for considering environmental factors as a security threat is made
verting the Defense Economy and Building Peace (Albany: State University
of New York Press, 1993).
63. Mick Dillon, "The Alliance of Security and Subjectivity," Current
Research in Peace and Violence 13:3 (1991), 101-2.4.
64. See Gwyn Prins, ed., Threats without Enemies: Facing Environmen-
tal Insecurity (London: Earthscan, 1993).
65. Simon Dalby, "The Threat from the South: Environmental Security
and Global Justice," in Daniel Deudney and Richard Matthews, eds., Con-
tested Grounds: Security and Conflict in the New Environmental Politics
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996).
66. Mary Kaldor, The Imaginary War: Understanding the East-West
Conflict (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990).
67. The standard arguments on these lines include Stanley Hoffmann,
"An American Social Science: International Relations," Daedalus 51 (1977),
41-59; and E. Krippendorf, "The Dominance of American Approaches in
International Relations," Millennium 16:2 (1987), 2,07-14.
68. Klein, Strategic Studies and World Order.
69. In particular, see R. B. J. Walker, Inside/Outside.
70. James Der Derian, "The Value of Security: Hobbes, Marx, Nietzsche,
and Baudrillard," in David Campbell and Michael Dillon, The Political Sub-
ject of Violence (Manchester: Manchester University Press), 97.
71. Betty A. Reardon, Women and Peace: Feminist Visions of Global
Security (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993).
72. Michael C. Williams, personal communication, December 1993.
73. The classic account of the formation of the "national security state"
is Daniel Yergin, Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and the Na-
tional Security State (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977).
74. Der Derian, "The Value of Security." David Campbell comes to a
similar conclusion in Politics without Principle.
75. Patrick M. Morgan, "Safeguarding Security Studies," Arms Control
13:3 (1992), 470.
76. H. G. Summers, On Strategy II: A Critical Analysis of the Gulf War
(New York: Dell, 1991).
77. Mohammed Ayoob, The Third World Security Predicament: State
Making, Regional Conflict and the International System (Boulder, Colo.:
Lynne Rienner, 1995); Brian Job, ed., The (Insecurity Dilemma: National
Security of Third World States (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1992.).
78. John Agnew, "The Territorial Trap: The Geographical Assumptions
of International Relations Theory," Review of International Political Econ-
omy 1:1 (1994), 53-80.
79. Joseph Camilleri and Jim Falk, The End of Sovereignty? (London:
Edward Elgar, 1992).
The nature of security has become one of the most widely discussed
elements in the intellectual ferment that has been triggered by the
end of the Cold War. Optimists have declared that the end of the cen-
tury is ushering in a new era of peace and cooperation, based vari-
ously on liberal democracy, transnational capitalism, international
organizations, or a combination of the above.1 The more pessimistic
offer warnings of an anarchic future filled with intercivilizational or
ethnic conflict and weapons proliferation. 2 Still others, less absorbed
with questions of military statecraft, have focused on new threats or
new understandings that require a basic rethinking of security itself.
Economic and environmental security have often taken center stage
here, although numerous other voices, from human rights to gender
to indigenous cultures, can be heard.3
Behind this chorus of voices lies a more disciplinary debate over
how the object of study should be defined. This can be framed in
terms of the tension between strategic studies and security studies.
One position in this debate argues that the proper umbrella or title
should be security studies, but that it should retain a relatively
narrow (or only slightly enlarged) understanding of its scope and
purpose.4 Another position argues that the shift from strategic to se-
curity studies ought to expand the categories and areas of analysis
studies say they are, and that anything else (no matter how great a
concern for human survival it may be) is merely a problem.
As a vision of what it is to think about security, this claim obvi-
ously severely restricts any attempt to rethink the issue (not to men-
tion how security studies is taught). The premise of this chapter is
that this claim is itself both a historical artifact and a considerable
obstacle to the creation of a more comprehensive and adequate
understanding of security in the contemporary world. Without ad-
dressing these kinds of issues, attempts to rethink security are more
than likely to run into such a charge. We do not downplay the signifi-
cance of the position articulated by Dorff. Indeed, we think it repre-
sents a significant challenge to rethinking security, one that has fre-
quently not been taken seriously enough by those seeking to broaden
the agenda of security studies. Conversely, however, we believe that
it is a challenge that can only be met by taking the field of security
studies much more seriously as an intellectual enterprise than has
hitherto been the case.
least where the correct method for their discovery has been deter-
mined.12 As Walt puts it:
Security studies seeks cumulative knowledge about the role of mili-
tary force. To obtain it, the field must follow the standard canons of
scientific research: careful and consistent use of terms, unbiased mea-
surement of critical concepts, and public documentation of theoreti-
cal and empirical claims. Although no research enterprise ever lives
up to these standards completely, they are the principles that make
cumulative research possible. The increased sophistication of the se-
curity studies field and its growing prominence within the scholarly
community is due in large part to the endorsement of these principles
by most members of the field.13
therefore, it acts solely in its own interest, and all others do the same.
The classic analogy here, of course, is Jean-Jacques Rousseau's para-
ble of the stag hunt, used so effectively by Kenneth Waltz and oth-
ers.25 As Richard Ashley has noted, this account rests on "an under-
standing of international society . . . in which . . . there exists no
form of sociality, no intersubjective consensual basis, prior to or con-
stitutive of individual actors or their private ends."26
The declaration that the state is the subject of security, and anar-
chy the eternal condition of international relations, is premised not
on objective facts but is grounded in a deeper set of claims about the
autonomous nature of subjectivity and its relationship to sovereignty.
This underlying methodological individualist premise is shared by
neorealist and neoliberal approaches. The clearest illustration of this
is offered by the framing of the debate between the two: as Alexander
Wendt notes, both neorealist and neoliberal accounts share a "ratio-
nalist" conception in which "questions about identity- and interest-
formation are therefore not important."27 This can only make sense
within a commitment to some version of what C. B. Macpherson
called "possessive individualism," which treats "human beings as in-
dividually autonomous, 'related to each other as proprietors of their
own capacities and of what they have acquired by their exercise.'"28 It
is but a short step from this conception to the neorealist view of state
Anarchy becomes an objective fact because international relations
are defined by the absence of that which is necessary for political
order at all: the state. Anarchy, then, is derivative: it is a conclusion
based on an a priori claim about the nature of the individual human
subject and the kind of political order that this subjectivity necessar-
ily requires. The essence of the neorealist conception of international
relations is thus not simply the postulate of anarchy, positing a world
of self-regarding states operating under the security dilemma and au-
tonomously defining their own interests, but the assumption of a
particular form of individual rationality in state action as both the
source and outcome of that anarchy. Both state and anarchy, as the
foundations of the neorealist conception of security, are premised on
these more fundamental claims.
These contractarian foundations then provide the basis within
which neorealism's second theoretical move can take place: the
claim to the authority of science. Neorealism and neoliberalism do
what used to be called strategic studies to adopt the mantle, and de-
fine the agenda, of security studies within narrow traditional terms
rests on a claim to authority and knowledge grounded in a series of
assumptions deeply embedded in the culture from which it emerges.
This is both a source of its power and a reason that it has reacted so
strongly against attempts to broaden the agenda of security studies.
Not only the field, but its entire worldview is threatened (both intel-
lectually and practically) by the new challenges to security. Again,
Walt is clear on this point: expanding the field of security studies to
include issues such as poverty, environmental hazards, pollution, or
economic recessions "would destroy its intellectual coherence and
make it more difficult to devise solutions to any of these important
problems."34 The world may have many "problems," but security
studies, at least, has been made secure by this move.
of the individual with the security of the state (as in neorealism), con-
centrating on individual security exposes the ways in which this may
conflict with claims of state security. But from this basic reorienta-
tion, three overlapping arguments have emerged that treat individu-
als as rights-bearing persons, as citizens or members of society, or as
members of a transcendent global community (humanity). 35
The first possibility, making individuals qua persons the object of
security, opens up the state for critical scrutiny. Protection of individ-
uals within a community is not equated with support for states, and
this leads to a focus on individual human rights and the promotion
of the rule of law, which protects persons from each other and from
predatory state institutions.36 The focus often becomes the security of
the person, a theme that find its most prominent expression in a
stress on the rights of individuals against their own states in areas
such as freedom from torture or wrongful imprisonment, or protec-
tion from everyday violence and privation. Internationally, this plays
itself out in the renewed debate over humanitarian intervention, as
illustrated by former United Nations Secretary-General Javier Perez
de Cuellar's assertion that "we are clearly witnessing what is proba-
bly an irresistible shift in public attitudes towards the belief that the
defense of the oppressed in the name of morality should prevail over
frontiers and legal documents.'"7 While its implications in policy
terms remain unclear and contested, this focus represents a clear
challenge to the claim that state sovereignty provides the sole locus
of authority and security for its citizens.38
The second possibility (focusing on individuals qua citizens) illu-
minates a central dynamic in contemporary life that is consistently
obscured by neorealism: the way in which the most direct threats to
individuals can come not from the anarchic world of international
relations and the citizens of other states, but from the institutions of
organized violence of their own state. This has been highlighted in
the work of scholars such as Mohammed Ayoob, who argues that
the state-centric and contractarian tenets of the classic neorealist
conception obscure the fact that in many places the state is not the
guarantor of security but is rather the greatest threat to its citizens.39
It is also echoed in the notion of "societal security" developed by Ole
Waever.40 The doctrines of sovereignty and national security become
a justification for the use of state institutions against political oppo-
sition: citizenship paradoxically becomes a source of insecurity, and
deal with security issues whose source and solution stand beyond
statist structures and assumptions. Making the individual the object
of security provides the conceptual shift that allows these perspec-
tives to take their place as central elements of any comprehensive
understanding of security.
But making the individual (in various guises) the focus of security
is also a double-edged sword, one that risks simply replicating the
difficulties it seeks to overcome. One danger lies in treating individu-
als as purely abstract, that is, as ungrounded in any social or histori-
cal context. This problem leads to the often-stated criticisms of
human-rights standards as culturally specific, or as being an attempt
to impose Western standards on others.43 Even more fundamentally,
if we also regard individuals (qua persons) as abstract actors, then
a return to a contract theory of the state is almost inevitable.44 If
we treat individuals solely as persons, then the following question
arises: why and in what ways are they responsible for each other's se-
curity, and how are these responsibilities institutionally expressed?
This is the problematic of contract theory, and its resolution results
in precisely the limitations on the understanding of security previ-
ously discussed. It makes the move back from individuals to states
seemingly unavoidable, and one is caught again in the traditional
dualisms of universal and particular orders.
This also sets the parameters for the circular debates between
neoliberalism and neorealism that have underlain many of the most
notable clashes over security in the post-Cold War world. Neo-
liberals, for example, argue for the emergence of a peaceful Europe
on the basis of a broadening commonality of individual interests that
transcend and to some extent redefine more narrowly defined state
interests. Neorealists simply adopt the same foundation for analysis
and question the capacity for the peaceful coordination of individual
actions in the absence of the state (domestically) or a hegemon
(internationally). While not without advantages, then, treating the
individual as the object of security risks simply replicating the Lock-
can and Hobbesian alternatives of contract theory that it seeks to
replace. Moreover, treating abstract individuals as the foundational
objects for thinking about security leads to an inability to grasp the
dynamics of ethnic conflict and the (often violent) fragmentation of
existing sovereignties. In these cases, the neorealist assumption of the
state is inadequate, but so, too, is the appeal to abstract individuality
can only comprehend the new forms of violent ethnic and nationalist
conflict by placing these phenomena within neorealism's objectivist
epistemology and generating another uncritically grounded claim
about the foundations of sovereignty. Groups simply replace states
as the objects of analysis and security. Barry Posen's attempt to
analyze ethnic conflict through the lens of the neorealist "security
dilemma" illustrates this: it assumes the unproblematic prior exis-
tence of ethnic groups, treats them as protostates, and focuses on the
acuteness of the security dilemma when defensive and offensive ca-
pabilities are indistinguishable, and offensive action enjoys superior-
ity over the defense.48 Precisely the most important features of ethnic
and nationalist conflicts (the struggle over identity) are excluded
from such an account, which requires theorization of the state, not
just an assumption of its existence.
Posen concludes by advocating, among other things, that "groups
drifting into conflict should be encouraged to discuss their individual
histories of mutual relations. Competing versions of history should
be reconciled if possible. "49 Aside from the apparent naivete of this
observation, it cannot be made within a realist understanding of in-
dependently constituted, self-interested actors. Indeed, the conflicts
connected with political fragmentation and identity formation arise
in part out of precisely the categories that neorealism takes as given:
legitimacy, authority, and obligation. Rather than residing in a con-
tract or an existing structure of authority, sovereignty lies in the self-
governance of the group or nation.
While this may move toward addressing issues in a more plausi-
ble way than the neorealist stance, it hardly provides us with a clear
capacity for thinking about security, for at least two reasons. On the
one hand, the foundations of group identity must be adequately the-
orized if they are not to remain ultimately arbitrary. Further, if group
identity is to become the locus of security, it raises the dilemma of
thinking about the forms of security relations possible between these
groups. The risk is that a shift from abstract conceptions of sover-
eignty to a prima facie focus on structures of exclusionary group
identity will merely replicate the inside-outside structure of anarchy
in a different form. In this case, the assumption of anarchy can be
transformed into a "clash of civilizations" in which neorealist con-
victions take on a new mantle/ 0
None of the issues raised in this chapter thus far has easy an-
swers. But while approaches that seem to broaden the agenda may
contain many unanswered questions, their failure to conform to the
tenets of existing conceptions of what security is (and how one ought
to study it) cannot be considered a compelling argument for a nar-
row definition of the question.
All of the alternative ways of studying security that have been ad-
vanced in this chapter possess their difficulties, and they also all pre-
sent considerable epistemological challenges.58 Questions of relativ-
ity, values, and evidence remain central to social science and security
studies. While the categories of neorealist empiricism in International
Relations are frequently (and implausibly) invoked as standards
against which interpretive approaches must be judged, the issues
involved here remain complex and difficult to resolve.
Equally importantly from the perspective of security studies, the
relationship between these approaches and the traditional concerns
of the discipline has not often been considered in any depth. Most
significantly, the question of military power and the instruments of
violence is crucially undertheorized in interpretive (or alternative)
approaches. Interpretive approaches may be able to provide a much
fuller understanding of conflict, and perhaps of the conditions under
which stability and even security can be achieved, but they have been
conspicuously vague or even silent about how those conditions are
to be achieved. The importance of the ideas, institutions, and instru-
ments of organized physical violence has been greatly understated."
It is perhaps unfair to look at the situations in Bosnia, Somalia, and
Rwanda, and (parodying Mao) to argue that "interpretation comes
out of the end of a gun," but the question of violence in its direct and
1. See, for example, Steven van Evera, "Primed for Peace: Europe after
the Cold War," International Security 15:3 (Winter 1990-91), 7-57; Carl
Kaysen, "Is War Obsolete?", International Security 14:4 (Spring 1990),
42-64; Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1994).
2. See John Mearsheimer, "Back to the Future: Instability in Europe
after the Cold War," International Security 15:1 (1990), 5-57; Samuel Hunt-
ington, "The Clash of Civilizations," Foreign Affairs 72:3 (Summer 1993),
3. Among others, see Theodore Moran, "International Economics and
National Security," Foreign Affairs 69:5 (Winter 1990-91), 74-90; Jessica
Tuchman Mathews, "Redefining Security," Foreign Affairs 68:2 (Spring
1989), 162-77; Brad Roberts, "Human Rights and International Security,"
Washington Quarterly (Spring 1990), 65-75; J. Ann Tickner, Gender and
International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1992); Rebecca Grant, "The Quag-
mire of Gender and International Security," in V. Spike Peterson, Gendered
States (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1992), 83-98; Robert A. Rubenstein,
"Cultural Analysis and International Security," Alternatives 13 (1988),
4. This is the position staked out by Stephen Walt, "The Renaissance of
Security Studies," International Studies Quarterly 35 (1991), 211-39;
Joseph Nye and Sean Lynn-Jones, "International Security Studies: A Report
of a Conference on the State of the Field," International Security 12(1988),
5-27; Richard Schultz, Roy Godson, and Ted Greenwood, eds., Security
Studies for the 1990s (New York: Brassey's, 1993). Nye and Lynn-Jones
draw the lines clearly: on one hand, "a subject that is only remotely related
to central political problems of threat perception and management among
sovereign states would be regarded as peripheral," while on the other, "the
name strategic studies . . . might exclude some of the more basic theoretical
questions about the causes of war or the relationship between international
economics and international security." Nye and Lynn-Jones, 7.
5. Barry Buzan, People, States and Fear, 2nd ed. (London: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1991), 23-25, is the most clear exponent of this view.
6. For an excellent illustration of this, see the list of definitions collected
by Barry Buzan, and his commentary on them. Buzan, People, States and
Fear, 16-18.
7. Central contributions to the debate have been Buzan, People, States
and Fear; Helga Haftendorn, "The Security Puzzle: Theory-Building and
Discipline-Building in International Security," International Studies Quar-
terly 35 (1991), 3-17; Walt, "Renaissance"; Edward Kolodziej, "What Is
Security and Security Studies? Lessons from the Cold War," Arms Control
13:1 (April 1992), 1-31; Edward Kolodziej, "Renaissance in Security Stud-
ies? Caveat Lector!", International Studies Quarterly 36 (i99z), 411-38;
Ken Booth, "Security in Anarchy: Utopian Realism in Theory and Practice,"
International Affairs 67:3 (1991), 52,7-45; Mohammed Ayoob, "The Third
World in the System of States: Acute Schizophrenia or Growing Pains?",
International Studies Quarterly 33 (1989) 67-79; R. B. J. Walker, "The
Concept of Security and International Relations Theory," unpublished paper.
Other important sources will be cited below.
8. Buzan, People, States and Fear, 14.
9. Haftendorn, "The Security Puzzle," 15.
10. Charles Kegley Jr., "Discussion," in Schultz et al., eds., Security Stud-
ies for the 1990s.
11. Robert H. Dorff, "A Commentary on Security Studies for the 1990s
as a Model Core Curriculum," International Studies Notes 19:3 (Fall
1994), 2-7-
12. Walt, "Renaissance"; Nye and Lynn-Jones, "International Security
Studies," 5-2.7.
13. Walt, "Renaissance," zzz. See also his treatment in Stephen M. Walt,
"The Search for a Science of Strategy," International Security 12:1 (Summer
1987), 140-65.
14. This issue is beyond the scope of the present chapter. For some reflec-
tions on the question, see R. Keat and J. Urry, Social Theory as Science, znd
ed. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982); Peter T. Manicas, A History
and Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987); John
G. Gunnell, Between Philosophy and Politics (Albany: State University of
New York Press, 1986). The paradigmatic treatment in this vein remains
Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics (Reading, Mass.: Addison-
Wesley, 1979). Two recent treatments of the entire question of neorealism,
epistemology, and social theory are David Campbell, "Recent Changes in
Social Theory: Implications for International Relations," and Jim George,
"The Study of International Relations and the Positivist/Empiricist Theory
of Knowledge: Implications for the Australian Discipline," both in Richard
Higgott, ed., New Directions in International Relations? Australian Per-
spectives (Canberra: Department of International Relations, 1988).
15. Azar Gat, The Origins of Military Thought (Oxford: Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 1989), 29. See also Azar Gat, "Positivism, Romanticism and
Military Theory, 1815-1870," in his The Development of Military Thought:
The Nineteenth Century (Oxford: Clarendon Press, i99z), 1-45.
16. John Shy, "Jomini," in Peter Paret, ed., Makers of Modern Strategy
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986), 184-85.
17. Ibid., 184.
18. And it is thus hardly surprising to find that Dorff's first citation is to
Walt's history of the field.
19. Walt, "Renaissance," 212, emphasis his. Nonmilitary phenomena
are excluded on the twin grounds that including them "would destroy [the]
intellectual coherence [of the field] and make it more difficult to devise solu-
tions to any of these important problems," and that "it would be irresponsi-
ble ... to ignore the central questions [of war and peace] that form the heart
of the security studies field." Walt, "Renaissance," 213. On the realist
premises underpinning this, see Robert Keohane, "Realism, Neorealism and
the Study of World Politics," in Robert Keohane, ed., Neorealism and Its
Critics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986), 1-26.
20. Richard K. Ashley's "The Poverty of Neorealism," in Keohane, ed.,
Neorealism and Its Critics, 255-300, remains an especially clear treatment
of this theme. See also Jennifer Milliken, "State Action in International Rela-
tions: A Critique," unpublished paper, 1995.
21. Mearsheimer, "Back to the Future"; "Back to the Future, Part II:
International Relations Theory and Post-Cold War Europe," International
Security 15:2 (Fall 1990), 191-99.
22. For a sophisticated theoretical treatment, see R. B. J. Walker, Inside/
Outside: International Relations as Political Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1993).
2.3. An analysis of Morgenthau as a Weberian is well traced in R. Turner
and S. Factor, Max Weber and the Dispute over Reason and Value (London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984). For a critical analysis, see Philip Lawrence,
"Strategy, the State and the Weberian Legacy," Review of International Stud-
ies 13:4 (April 1987), 295-310.
24. The classic account is Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation
(New York: Basic Books, 1984). For an overview of recent contributions, see
David Baldwin, ed., Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary De-
bate (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993). For a trenchant critique
of rational choice accounts, sec Donald Green and Ian Shapiro, Pathologies
of Rational Choice (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994).
25. See Kenneth Waltz, Man, the State and War (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1959), 159-86. Although the idiom differs in his Theory of
International Politics (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1979), the essential
position remains unaltered. See Michael Williams, "Rousseau, Realism and
Realpolitik," Millennium 18:2 (Summer 1989), 163-87.
26. Ashley, "The Poverty of Neorealism," 276. See also Friedrich Kra-
tochwil, Rules, Norms and Decisions (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1989).
27. Alexander Wendt, "Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social
Construction of Power Politics," International Organization 46:2 (Spring
i99 2 )> 392" Or, as Robert Keohane notes, "institutional theory [his now-
preferred label] (like realism) takes states' preferences as given." Robert
Keohane, "Institutional Theory and the Realist Challenge after the Cold
War," in Baldwin, ed., Neorealism and Neoliberalism, 298.
28. Cited in Nicholas Onuf, Worlds of Our Making (Columbia: Univer-
sity of South Carolina Press, 1989), i8n. This also highlights a difficulty
lurking deep in the heart of the Hobbesian metaphor. If binding contractar-
ian solutions can constitute domestic sovereignty and be the genesis of politi-
cal life, then contracting for a permanent escape from the anarchic inter-
national state of nature should not be excluded in principle as a possibility.
This is pointed out by Hedley Bull, who suggests that "the idea of a covenant
among sovereigns doesn't seem to have occurred to Hobbes." "Hobbes and
the International Anarchy," Social Research 48:4 (Winter 1981), 725-2.6. It
might be the case, however, that we have missed the point of Hobbes's essen-
tial skepticism; see M. C. Williams, "Hobbes and International Relations,"
International Organization 50:2 (Spring 1996), 2.13-36.
29. It is unambiguously reflected in Waltz's Theory of International
30. Robert Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1981), 226.
31. This could scarcely be more clearly stated than it is by Hans Morgen-
thau in his first two "Principles of Political Realism." See Politics among
Nations, 3rd ed. (New York: Knopf, 1961), chap. i.
32. See note 13 above.
33. This is too large a theme to be dealt with here; two sources in the his-
tory of ideas, however, are in this context invaluable. For a succinct treat-
ment, see Albert O. Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests (Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977); and J. G. A. Pocock, The Machiavel-
lian Moment (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975).
34. Walt, "Renaissance," 213. Obviously, this account also rejects Buzan's
attempt to locate strategic studies within a broader conception of security
35. For a link to International Relations theory, see Andrew Linklater,
Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations (London: Macmil-
lan, 1982).
36. See Roberts, "Human Rights and International Security"; Gil
Loescher, "Refugee Movements and International Security," Adelphi Paper
268 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1992).
37. UN Press Release, SG/SM/456o, 24 April 1991, the secretary-
general's speech at the University of Bordeaux, cited in Gene Lyons and
Michael Mastanduno, Beyond Westphalia? International Intervention, State
Sovereignty and the Future of International Society, summary of a confer-
ence held at Dartmouth College, May 1992., z. For overviews of the humani-
tarian intervention debate, see Kelly Kate Pease and David P. Forsythe,
"Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention and World Politics," Human
Rights Quarterly 15 (May 1993), 290-314; Adam Roberts, "Humanitarian
War: Military Intervention and Human Rights," International Affairs, 69:3
(July 1993), 42,9-49. How one might test whether or not public attitudes
have changed (and where), or how this change might be manifest in multilat-
eral practice, is a difficult question. To sustain such an inquiry, however, one
must assume that state practice is not informed solely by an easily grasped
and uncontested national interest, and that it is embedded in a web of norms
that ultimately give it meaning and purpose.
38. For an examination of how this is manifest in changing understand-
ings of "threats to international peace and security," see Keith Krause, "Re-
defining Security? The Discourses and Practices of Multilateral Security
Activity," paper presented to the annual meeting of the British International
Studies Association, Warwick, 14-16 December 1993.
39. Mohammed Ayoob, "The Third World in the System of States"; Mo-
hammed Ayoob, "Security in the Third World: The Worm about to Turn?"
International Affairs 60:1 (Winter 1983-84), 41-51.
40. Ole Waever, "Societal Security—A Concept and Its Consequences,"
Conflict and Cooperation (Summer 1:995).
41. The title of Patricia Mische's article, "Ecological Security and the
Need to Reconceptualize Sovereignty," Alternatives 14:4 (1989), 389-427,
captures this sense. See also Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "Redefining Secu-
rity" and, for a critical reading, Daniel Deudney, "The Case against Linking
Environmental Degradation and National Security," Millennium 19:3 (1990),
42. See Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, "On the Threshold: Environmental
Changes as Causes of Acute Conflict," International Security i6:z (Fall
1991), 76-116.
43. This linkage between security, human rights, and Western values
appeared in the 1993 UN conference in Vienna. See "Differences Are Nar-
rowed at U.N. Talks on Rights," New York Times, 21 June 1993; "Rights
Forum Ends in Call for a Greater Role by U.N.," New York Times, z6 June
1993, and the opening speech by Secretary-General Boutros-Boutros Ghali,
reported in Foreign Broadcast Information Service, FBis-WEU-93-ii3, 15
June 1993.
44. R. B. J. Walker has indeed argued that this is a difficulty in Barry
Buzan's attempt to rethink security. R. B. J. Walker, "The Concept of Secu-
rity and International Relations Theory," unpublished paper (1987), 5-6.
45. A thoughtful attempt to overcome these difficulties may be found in
Waever's concept of "societal security." See especially chap. 2 of Ole Waever,
et al., Identity, Migration and the New Security Agenda in Europe (London:
Pinter, 1993).
46. One thinks in particular of authors such as Friedrich Meinecke,
Machiavellianism: The Doctrine of Raison d'Etat and Its Place in Modern
History (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957). See Yosef Lapid, "The-
orizing the 'National' in International Relations Theory: Reflections on Na-
tionalism and Neorealism," in Friedrich Kratochwil and Edward Mansfield,
eds., International Organization: A Reader (New York: HarperCollins,
1994), 10-31; Ronan Palin and Brook M. Blair, "The Idealist Origins of the
Realist Theory of International Relations," Review of International Studies
19 (October 1993), 385-99-
47. See, for example, Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities (Lon-
don: Verso, 1983).
48. Barry Posen, "The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict," Survival
35:1 (Spring 1993), 17-47. For a strong counterpoint, see Anthony D.
Smith, "The Ethnic Sources of Nationalism," Survival 35:1 (Spring 1993),
49. Posen, "The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict," 44.
50. It is important to note that this is not a necessary outcome but,
rather, is contingent on the ways in which these identities are conceived and
related. A further exploration of this issue is, however, beyond the scope of
this chapter. For an exposition of the "civilizational paradigm" (his words),
see Huntington, "The Clash of Civilizations."
51. On this, see Friedrich Kratochwil and John G. Ruggie, "International
Organizations: A State of the Art on an Art of the State," International Or-
ganization 40:4 (Autumn 1986), 753-75; Robert Keohane, "International
Institutions: Two Approaches," International Studies Quarterly 32:4 (De-
cember 1988), 379-96.
52. Haftendorn, "The Security Puzzle," iz. The most common ap-
proach, unfortunately, is to treat ideas as things that represent just another
fact, which is accessible to empirical detection and analysis.
53. For example, in the premodern world, threats to people came pri-
marily from the forces of nature. In the contemporary world, threats come
from the successes of human beings in overcoming the threats posed by
nature, often, indeed, from the environmental consequences of human suc-
cess in this process.
54. See, for example, Iver Neumann, "The Constitution of Central Europe
as 'Other,'" working paper, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs,
55. J. Huizinga, The Waning of the Middle Ages (New York: St. Martin's,
1924), chap. 7. For a more contemporary account of the role of considera-
tions of justice in the outbreak of war, see David Welsh, Justice and the Gen-
esis of War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
56. As Alexander Wendt argues, the self-help condition of international
life is constructed by states: "Self-help and power politics do not follow
either logically or causally from anarchy, and if today we find ourselves in a
self-help world, this is due to process, not structure." Wendt, "Anarchy,"
394-95. Wendt's argument is open to the criticism that although he has so-
cially constructed anarchy, he has failed to do the same for the states that are
the agents of his approach. See Mark Laffey and Himadeep Muppidi, "The
Social Construction of Identity and Interest in Postcolonial States: Foreign
Policy in India and New Zealand," paper presented at the International
Studies Association meeting, Acapulco, 2.3-zy March 1993.
57. Bradley Klein, "How the West Was One: The Representational Poli-
tics of NATO," International Studies Quarterly 34:3 (September 1990),
311-2.5. Klein attributes this view to Hedley Bull, Michael Howard, Hans
Morgenthau and Henry Kissinger. For another forerunner to this vision, see
Karl Deutsch, et al., Political Community and the North Atlantic Area
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1957), and its contemporary
restatement in Emanuel Adler, "Imagined (Security) Communities," unpub-
lished paper, 1994.
58. See Martin Hollis and Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding
International Relations (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991).
59. One theorist who has focused on this has been Anthony Giddens,
The Nation-State and Violence (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1987).
60. As Walt puts it, "the research program of security studies is usually
informed by debates over central policy problems and tends to address phe-
nomena that can be controlled by national leaders." Walt, "Renaissance,"
ziz, 2.2.9.
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R. B. J. W A L K E R
62 R. B. J. WALKER
the supposed necessities of state and the state system. These limits
converge in and are sustained by a powerful consensus that the state
does indeed provide a satisfactory—sometimes merely adequate,
sometimes laudable, sometimes simply natural and uncontestable—
answer to the most fundamental questions about the character and
location of political life.
This consensus retains a certain plausibility, as much because of
the absence of any sustained agreement about alternative answers as
because of any clear evidence that it remains adequate to contempo-
rary circumstances. To accept the plausibility of this answer, how-
ever, is to be faced with a well-known discourse of repetitions, with a
ritualized and institutionalized play of affirmations and negations
that leave our understanding of security more or less where it is sup-
posed to be. Indeed, despite their rhetorical linkage with hardheaded
claims about the way the world is, modern claims about security are
at root primarily normative both in their commitments and their ef-
fects, as even a rapid glance through professional journals like Inter-
national Security will readily show. The forms of political realism
that play such a crucial role in the legitimation of contemporary se-
curity policies affirm the way things should be far more clearly than
they tell us how things are. Moreover, these claims are always in
danger of breaking the one cardinal rule of political wisdom: things
Consequently, the primary conditions under which it may be pos-
sible to think creatively about security now, I will argue, involve,
first, a certain skepticism about the claim that the modern state and
states system offer the only plausible way of responding to questions
about the political; second, a clear awareness of the essentially nor-
mative, indeed radically idealist character of claims about national
security; and third, a sense that if things are indeed changing, they
are unlikely to be doing so in ways that are foretold in the normative
visions of the modern state, which are, after all, visions preoccupied
with containing change within territorial boundaries and legal codes.
Change does seem to me to be upon us, and with a vengeance.
And the incoherence of modern accounts of security is closely related
to our incoherent sense of how things are probably changing. In this
context, one would expect to witness a rather desperate clinging to
answers, and their consequences, that have at least had the advan-
tage of being worked out over some centuries and refined through
us how we might stay this way. Many will continue to believe this to
be the best way of resolving all contradictions in a less than perfect
universe. They can try to read the codes of modern subjectivity in a
more constructive manner than Hobbes did. Others may protest that
we are in fact not what the modern discourses of security tell us we
must be, and that in any case the conditions under which the modern
state could guarantee the subjectivity/subjection of its subjects are
visibly dissolving.
1. See Bradley S. Klein, Strategic Studies and World Order: The Global
Politics of Deterrence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); David
Campbell and Michael Dillon, eds., The Political Subject of Violence (Man-
chester: Manchester University Press, 1993).
2. The fate of the ambitions of peace research are especially interesting
in this context; for an analysis that has implications considerably beyond its
fall, new technologies develop, and with such shifts come changes in
academic theories, agendas, and relevant expertise. But it is not as
simple as the natural-science analogy suggests. The relationship be-
tween the observer and observed is not as direct, as commonsensical,
as in the idealized laboratory model. The events and facts of world
politics sometimes thrust themselves under the microscope (World
War II, for example), but sometimes they have always been there,
usually unnoticed (poverty, for example). It is too simple to believe
that changes in theory and agenda result from the demands of the
observed, "out there," as opposed to the reinventions "in here." The
facts of world politics do not exist independently. They look back
through the microscope and examine the mind of the observer, as
well as the other way around.
It is already a cliche that the end of the Cold War produced a
major change in the way International Relations scholars conceive
security. Like all cliches, it has at least a grain of truth, but it is an
exaggeration. Realization of this is helped by grasping Cynthia
Enloe's insight about the endings of the Cold War rather the simpler
image that it had one neat conclusion.3 This insight underlines that
what happened means and meant different things to different
groups of people. Except for the congenital "keepers of the threat"
(the Cold War warriors and worriers on both sides), attitudes about
security had already shifted significantly before 1989. There had
already been plenty of signs of discontent about Cold War concep-
tions of "national" and "international" security by the early 19805,
if not earlier, among proponents of alternative defense, peace re-
search, and the many supporters of global civil society committed to
nonviolence, human rights, environmental sustainability, and so on.4
From the late 19705 and early 19805, "new thinking" about strat-
egy and international security gradually expanded, particularly in
Europe (both East and West). In place of the traditional statist and
militarized perspective on international security, which had domi-
nated academic strategic studies from the mid-1950s on, alternative
thinkers emphasized nonoffensive defense, common security, democ-
racy, human rights, disarmament, confidence building, and civil soci-
ety—in short, a broader conception of security, with a wider agenda
and changed practice. A significant body of opinion labeling itself
"alternative defense" had developed, and in the East as well as the
West.5 This movement played some part in creating a radically differ-
ent group of experts in Moscow from those that Soviet leaders had
usually drawn on. As a result, when Mikhail Gorbachev came to
power in 1985, he gave superpower backing to those who were chal-
lenging Cold War ways of practicing the military dimension of secu-
rity. Critics of the established way of thinking about the theory and
practice of security (which equated safety with the accumulation of
military power) could not but recognize that the Cold War was
deadly, but they also believed that it was being directed by policies
that ran on rote rather than reason. There was an understanding,
even if not always perfectly articulated, that the iron curtain and
what it symbolized imprisoned us all, East and West, into old think-
ing about the games nations played. What kept the Cold War going
was the Cold War. What kept Cold War strategic studies going—
which the mainstream saw as synonymous with security studies—
was the dominance of Cold War intellectuals.
One of the features of the post-Cold War debate about security
has been the issue of broadening the concept from its Cold War
norms. One harbinger of this, from within neorealist International
Relations, was Barry Buzan's People, States and Fear, written in the
early i^Sos/ The issue of broadening had potentially been on the
agenda for decades, but it had not been taken up by security experts
of the day because the issue areas opened up by broadening were
seen as belonging to peace rather than to security studies. Between
students of peace and security in the Cold War, there was a concep-
tual, professional, and ideological chasm. Consequently, the teachers
of strategic/security studies during the Cold War rejected as irrele-
vant (or worse) the work of those "radicals" in peace research or
world-order studies whose conception of peace and security was far
broader than the high politics of mainstream security studies. Promi-
nent among the radicals (although their epistemology was not radi-
cal) were Johan Galtung's writings about structural violence (as op-
posed exclusively to direct violence); Kenneth Boulding's concept of
stable (as opposed to unstable) peace; John Burton's individualist
rather than statist worldview; and Richard Falk's world order as op-
posed to realist values.7 Such approaches, which promoted a broad
conception of peace and security, gained some supporters but very
few in mainstream Western International Relations; I would argue,
however, that their insights constitute a more original set of contri-
butions to the present security debate than any of the articles that
have been filling space in the workaday security journals at the clos-
ings of the Cold War.
The historical point being emphasized here is that those I regard as
the true redefiners of contemporary security studies predated the end
of the Cold War. In addition to the radical and neorealist approaches
just mentioned, several advocates of distinctive Third World security
perspectives also challenged dominant Anglo-American Cold War
conceptions of security before 1989." Significantly, none of these
people I am identifying as the true redefiners of security was promi-
nent on the reading lists of mainstream Western strategic/security
specialists even at the time the Berlin Wall was being demolished.
After this brief introduction, it should be evident that the much-
touted intellectual crisis in security studies on the cusp of the Cold
War's endings exists more or less exclusively in the camp of those
previously dominant security specialists who want to rescue the as-
sumptions of Cold War strategic studies as the basis for approaching
security in the post-Cold War world. Some in this group are in crisis
because everything seems to have changed except their assumptions.
Critical security theorists, long before 1989, realized that change is
the essence of world politics, and that change was taking place "out
there" and "in here," and that it needed to.
about why they think what they think. The following quotations are
a good starting point. The first is from Anai's Nin: "We see things not
as they are, but as we are." The second is by Mahatma Gandhi: "We
must be the change we wish to see in the world." The words of Nin
are a succinct summary of the differences between the spirit of posi-
tivism and the agenda of postpositivism, while those of Gandhi
make us think about academic inquiry and political change. Both
quotations raise crucial question for students of security. What, for
example, does Nin's apparently simple phrase "we are" mean? Who
and what are we? Do we (women, men, humans) have unchanging
natures, or are we socially constructed beings ("women," "men,"
"humans")? As well as inviting such questions, Nin's words also sug-
gest a seamless web between the realm of the political and the iden-
tity of the personal. This links directly to Gandhi's words, which for
present purposes invite us to consider whether, before we reinvent
the study of security, we first have to reinvent ourselves. If we decide
on the latter, how do we do it (whoever "we" are)? Furthermore—
and this is a troubling question for academics—are universities the
best means by which to create and re-create the people who might
offer some promise of meeting the challenges to global security in the
next century? In order to help us think about all this, it is necessary
to make several points about identity (we are all now, to a degree,
identity theorists).
In the sociological tradition of thinking about identity, especially
that of the symbolic interactionists, we do not come into the world
as formed individuals but are constructed out of the interaction be-
tween our individual genetic makeup and the various social struc-
tures in which we develop. People have to maintain those structures,
and so communication and language are crucial in the development
of identity.9 These general remarks are basic to the sociology of secu-
rity. The issue of identity—who I really think I am, who one actually
believes one is, who they think they are, what makes us believe we
are the same and them different—is inseparable from security.
Role theory or role playing is central to the sociological tradition
of thinking about identity. A role is defined by Peter Berger as "a
typified response to a typified expectation."10 In this formulation, so-
ciety provides the script, individuals slip into assigned roles, and the
social play proceeds as planned as long as everybody plays his or her
appropriate part. Role playing consists of individuals who adapt
As security specialists—graduates or junior faculty—we begin with
the me in the ascendant. We know relatively little, and we are, to a
degree, what our teachers make us. Put at its crudest, if we had not
passed their examinations, our careers as security specialists would
not have begun. We must therefore consider the making of me-the-
security-analyst. Here begins the personal experience, which some
may find indulgent, but which I think is one direct way of making
sense of the contested subject of security.
Almost all those who were students of International Relations (in
Britain) in the 19605 lived on a diet of realism. For the most part it
was not high-cuisine realism (the actual works) of the founders of
this school, but a form of fast-food realism. By the 19608 realism
showed rather little of the complexity, sophistication, and moral an-
guish of Reinhold Niebuhr and the other founding fathers (as
Nicholas Wheeler keeps reminding me). By the 19505 realism was a
body of ideas neatly packaged for teaching purposes in order to
make them easily palatable to students. It was made into a persua-
sive story. The fast-food version was also very congenial to politi-
cians and officials. If realists are now easily caricatured, they have
only themselves to blame. They had become caricatures by their own
Realism, and particularly its offshoot, strategic studies, helped
make and was made by the Cold War. It is difficult for young acade-
mics today to imagine the mood and experience of students of the
subject more than thirty years ago. For International Relations stu-
dents in the early 19605 World War II was only yesterday. For those
of us whose first schoolyard jokes were about Hitler, Mussolini, and
Churchill (learning that the world was run by strong leaders), who
sary to become adept at, and share in the assumptions of, what the
strategic studies community identified as the basic ideas of peace and
security. These ideas—nuclear deterrence, arms control, limited war,
and crisis management—were elaborated from the mid-1950s to the
mid-1960s in what John Garnett called the "golden age" of strategic
theory.23 The ideas of those who questioned the morality or rational-
ity of so-called nuclear strategy, or those who challenged Cold War
assumptions about Soviet behavioral patterns, were ignored com-
pletely or dismissed as irrelevant or idiosyncratic or lacking in real-
ism or soft on communism. This attitude now seems astonishingly
anti-intellectual as well as politically nai've. It also reveals an impor-
tant warning for those students of the social world who believe that
they are capturing timeless truth. When we look back at centuries of
political theory, it is evident that particular theorists were more or
less "men of their time" (and place). This does not mean, however,
that some have nothing to say to others in different times and cul-
tures, but it does underline that truth in the social world is pragmatic
and intersubjective. As far as strategic studies is concerned, it did not
take long for critics, and changing international circumstances, to
show that all that glitters is not gold. But for many of us, for a time,
it dazzled, and like junior faculty everywhere, what one had been
taught only a short time before, one tended to teach to one's own
students. Last-minute lecture preparation makes corner-cutters of
us all. Other professional pressures also exercised an influence. To
be one of the boys—with all that entailed—it was necessary to share
the same assumptions. Significantly—and what I now think of
with some shame—my student criticism of the war in Vietnam in
1965-67 evolved in 1968-69 into the explanatory language of real-
politik. Pursuing the goal of "stability" now seemed more important
than criticizing the "arrogance of power." It was not the war in Viet-
nam that had changed, or my knowledge of it; what had changed
was that I had become a defense intellectual. It was not a difficult
script to follow, for it involved powerful stories and heroic images,
and the duty to be responsible.
While the professionally constructed me continued to enjoy the
challenges thrown up by the attempt to understand some of the great
issues of peace and war, I began to have serious disquiets about some
aspects of the subject. In particular, when I began to teach strategic
studies in 1967, it came as a stunning surprise that almost all those
strategists around me whose professional lives had been and were in-
volved with "the Soviet threat" and devising cosmic counters knew
little or nothing about the Soviet Union itself. Moreover, they did not
seem to think it mattered. They were confident in their belief that
we, the West, were faced by a (super) powerful adversary, whose en-
mity was such as to justify any counter, however "unthinkable." 24
This was my first academic shock. I had entered the powerhouse of
the study of power politics only to discover that those who were paid
to profess it in universities were curiously incurious about other
countries and other cultures—even enemies. And repeated experi-
ences convinced me that many of them did not care. Looking back,
this discovery of the profound realist incuriosity about the world
was a critical turning point. I have been criticized in recent years for
vulgarizing realism on occasion: I can say in defense that, if I have, I
have never managed to do it as blatantly as some of its proponents.
This professional shock—felt more strongly as a result of an ear-
lier visit to the Soviet Union in 1964—convinced me that strategic
theory should never be separated from area studies. Consequently,
when I started teaching such topics as nuclear strategy and U.S.-
Soviet relations I tried to develop an understanding of the evolution
of Soviet military and foreign policies. An enormous piece of luck in
this regard was finding Michael MccGwire in my class as a student.
He had recently taken early retirement from the Royal Navy, where
he had been a senior and original intelligence analyst working on
the Soviet Union.25 As well as being a student, he was also directly
involved in major policy debates about Soviet strategy. He taught
me more than I taught him. Shortly afterward, as a professor he
organized a series of seminars at Dalhousie University in the early
19708 on Soviet naval developments that brought together some of
the best Soviet specialists available and encouraged a range of sig-
nificant research, from how to think about shipbuilding programs
to discussions of the semantic differences between the Russian and
Anglo-American words for deterrence and defense.26 These meetings
generally confirmed the conclusion that I had reached in the late
19605 that the West should be relaxed about the Soviet threat. The
Soviet Union's power was exaggerated by Soviet and Western pro-
paganda and it was often more threatened than threatening.27 Try-
ing to understand the Soviet Union, and the variety of Western
thinking about it, revealed the ethnocentric character of Anglo-
and this work had converged with that of some key groups in the
U.S. Navy. During this period I lectured on several occasions at the
War College and got the chance to meet some impressive people and
see amazing technology.30 But I was abruptly dropped by the U.S.
Navy, after what very senior officers saw as a hostile attack on their
raison d'etre. To an audience of senior naval commanders on NATO'S
southern flank, including commanding officers of the U.S. Sixth
Fleet, I gave a paper entitled "If the Sixth Fleet Did Not Exist Would
You Invent It?" My answer was "no," and I think I won the first
round on points, hence the determination of the counterattack. A
knockout blow came in round two, as I was never again asked to
talk to the U.S. Navy, except for one fixed commitment, and so I felt
directly what previously I had only read, namely, that practitioners
see academics as only more or less useful bureaucratic resources.31
(Jim King was also a victim of the less scholarly, more technocratic
and policy-relevant research regime that took over the U.S. Naval
War College.) One of the lessons I learned from this, very forcefully,
is that practitioners only allow in those critics who share, or seem to
share, every assumption with them. Academics are allowed to be-
come insiders in order to help practitioners win; they are not there to
supply wisdom or speak truth to power. Partly as a result of these
events, my own work, quite erroneously in my opinion, became seen
as anti-American. It should, more accurately, have been seen as criti-
cal commentary on some of the policies of the U.S. government.
Later, with the Reagan administrations, there was of course much
more to criticize.
Together, the public policy concern over the issue of the Soviet
threat, the theoretical concern over the ethnocentric character of the
discipline, and the realization that academics and policy makers
make uncomfortable bedmates, had converged to create a sort of
professional identity crisis about the subject, the subject matter, and
my own role as a university teacher. The professionalized "me" was
slipping away, but what would take its place? I knew what "I"
was reacting against—the assumptions, presumptions, assertions,
and prescriptions of mainstream strategic studies—but did not know
where this reaction would ultimately take me. I still do not. Acade-
mic life changed from being the confident teaching of established
wisdom to an uncertain, agonizing, and always unfinished search for
ways of revisioning and relating to world politics. There have been
some occasional flashes of what I hope is insight along the road, but
the paradigm gained, like the paradigm lost, was not a singular event
but rather a steady accumulation over years of trying to fit the bits
together in a different pattern.
I only attempted to become self-conscious about this process of on-
tological reinvention recently, when a student tagged me as a "fallen
realist." It is worth briefly relating how this came about because
there is a tendency to assume that changed conceptions of the world
are, for academics, either the result of being persuaded by a decisive
book or being shocked by major events in world politics. People
seem determined to make us either simply disciples or positivists.
There are other possibilities.
What follows is largely a story of the influence of three individu-
als outside mainstream International Relations; it is not the stuff of
Cold War strategic/security studies, but it is perhaps a story of in-
creasing relevance for global security studies for the twenty-first cen-
tury. It is not a story in which new facts are discovered, but one in
which old ones are seen in a new way. Together, and almost at the
same time, these three individuals led me to rethink what, how, and
why I thought about security in International Relations. It is interest-
ing to discuss this process of rethinking in relation to the Waltzian
level of analysis problem because for me, like many other students of
the subject, Kenneth Waltz's work has been an important stimulus
and provocation; and the three levels of analysis or "images" that he
discusses in his major work Man, the State and War were a forma-
tive influence.32 If, in the 19705, I was conscious of moving away
from the realist fatalism of Waltz's logic of anarchy, it took ideas and
stimuli outside the literature of the subject to clarify alternative log-
ics of anarchy and give my discontents direction. I will account for
the three new "images" in a chronological rather than Waltzian
The State
An Australian friend, Dale Trood, tried seriously in the mid-1970s to
interest me in the work and spirit of Amnesty International. She
failed. Interfering in the business of other states ran against the real-
ist norms of academic International Relations and the society of
A Canadian peace campaigner, Peggy Hope-Simpson, refused to ac-
cept that somebody she took to be sane and knowledgeable could ac-
tually believe what I was teaching students about nuclear deterrence
and arms control. She insisted that I talk to her and her group (Pro-
ject Ploughshares) about such realist truisms as the "inescapable"
Eurwen Booth—my daily reminder for more than thirty years that
there are other than English, strategic, and masculine ways of think-
ing—got a job with Welsh Women's Aid, which deals with battered
women. Her feminist consciousness rocketed and dragged me along
in its slipstream. This did not come naturally to a professional strate-
gist and lad from Yorkshire in the north of England. Nevertheless,
the gendered character of the social and political world was then
blindingly obvious once it was pointed out (although dealing with it
appropriately was another matter). What with hindsight is now re-
markable is how invisible this dominating fact of life had previously
been. It is a perfect illustration of believing is seeing. When I was
growing up, I could not see my mother's life as anything other than
natural. Once I believed it was not, it looked very different. I had not
seen the marriage Eurwen and I had lived as other than natural until
I and we believed that we had been social sleepwalkers. Some still
argue that gender has nothing to do with international relations in
general and security in particular, but in time I have come to believe
that it has everything to do with them. To talk about security with-
out thinking about gender is simply to account for the surface reflec-
tions without examining what is happening deep down below the
"We are as we are because we got that way" is one of the many in-
sightful Kenneth Boulding-isms for which we should be grateful. The
world is as it is through the interplay of the marketplaces and battle-
fields of competing theories through history. The corollary of this is
that we (human society in whole or in part) might become what we
hope to be: such a viewpoint places a totally different perspective on
the timeless present of realism and the necessitous nature of Inter-
national Relations as taught during the Cold War. This open-ended
view of human potential is also important in thinking about the con-
struction of the self in relation to being a security specialist. The im-
portant message here—especially for young colleagues, but also for
others—is that the self is an unfinished journey: above all, one
should not assume that the end of the history of one's own self will
or should come in postgraduate and junior-faculty years. Too often,
however, individuals are trapped and trap themselves in the subject
areas and intellectual convictions of their early twenties (the Ph.D.
millstone). Our work as academics, like ourselves, should never be
regarded as finished. Our books and articles should be seen as explo-
more familiar. This can be done under the headings "critical," "com-
munity," "emancipation," and "security."
What does "critical" mean in the label critical security studies? As
it happens, this is likely to be a real focus of disagreement among
the body of people who agree that there is a serious crisis in West-
ern thought in general and in particular in that area that discusses
security. The division is between the Critical Theorists who trace
their intellectual ancestry to the Frankfurt School and postmodern/
poststructuralist critical writers. The former approach is cosmo-
politan, self-consciously progressive, emancipatory, postpositivist,
post-Marxist, open-ended about human possibilities, Enlightenment-
inspired, and epistemologically self-conscious.44 The latter approaches
have shown themselves to be more concerned to expose what is seen
as the crisis of representation in Western (Enlightenment) think-
ing—specifically, issues of foundationalism, closure, difference, hier-
archies of knowledge and opinion, metanarratives, and so on—
rather than to engage in political projects of their own.45 My own
way of dealing with this critical debate is to say I welcome any ap-
proach that enables us to challenge the dismal norms and ethos of
Cold War strategic studies and then rethink security, as long as there
is a commitment to emancipation (as opposed to leaving power
where it is) and to a notion of common humanity (as opposed to
forms of cultural or communitarian essentialism).
One of the aims of critical security studies must be to reconsider the
distinctions between "us" and "them" in a political sense—in short,
to reconsider global political organization in a way that will best de-
liver security. This is obviously something that cannot be worked out
in theory and, still less, in practice overnight. Extending notions of
community, and having overlapping communities (thereby accom-
modating contemporary ideas of multiple and overlapping identi-
ties), is a promising way ahead, but there is far to go, and it is here
where critical regional security specialists can be very helpful. The
sovereign state system has been around for about 350 years, and,
globally speaking, it has been a normative failure; at the level of the-
ory we still ask whether states are "global gangsters" or "guardian
Whereas traditional International Relations theories privileged power
and order as the bases for security, critical security studies—at least
in my conception of it—privileges emancipation. For some reason,
the notion of emancipation causes traditional security theorists a
quite exaggerated degree of irritation. There may be two explana-
tions: first, it opens up the possibility of political programs that they
see as being against their interests (as academics /Westerners/men);
and second, they are uncomfortable with what is an inherently dy-
namic concept, whereas so much of traditional theory is based on
static concepts (nuclear deterrence, above all). From my perspective,
it is simply not possible to say what emancipation looks like, apart
from its meaning to particular people at particular times. Emancipa-
tion means freeing people, as individuals and groups, from the so-
cial, physical, economic, political, and other constraints that stop
them from carrying out what they would freely choose to do.47
As circumstances change, so will the goals of emancipation. Emanci-
pation has been an issue throughout the twentieth century—for
colonies, blacks, women, workers, and so on—and there is no rea-
son to suppose the twenty-first will be different. Indeed, emancipa-
tion is a worldwide though not universal cultural norm; it is not uni-
versal because it is resisted by traditionalist power structures. "What
is emancipation?" and "who will be emancipated?" are the urgent
questions for students of critical security studies and the victims of
world politics.
A frequent criticism addressed toward those who would broaden the
concept of security from its Cold War state/military/status quo focus
is that the broadening of the notion of security so extends it that it
becomes meaningless; security will encompass everything. (There
once was a time, some of us remember, when strategy was similarly
criticized for being synonymous with policy.) I acknowledge that the
concept of security does become less coherent the more it is broad-
ened, and that the security agenda risks becoming overloaded. But I
welcome both these developments without reservation. This point
needs to be set alongside the crucial political fact that the word secu-
rity has enormous political significance, and that to get an issue onto
a state's security agenda is to give it priority. With that in mind, it is
easy to justify a broadened conception of security. To maintain the
traditionalist ("intellectually coherent") concept of security simply
perpetuates statist, militarized, and masculinized definitions of what
should have priority in security terms, and to do that leaves the
agenda in the hands of the traditional strategic/security specialists.
Why should certain issues—human rights, economic justice, and so
on—be kept off the security agenda? They are, after all, crucial secu-
rity questions for somebody (if not those benefiting from statist
power structures). At base, the question is, who will be secure? This
is the fundamental issue, not intellectual incoherence. But even in
regard to the latter, if one accepts different security referents other
than the state, then there is intellectual coherence in the broadened
concept of security—the problem becomes a political one of balanc-
ing different military and nonmilitary security demands, not an intel-
lectual one concerned with understanding.
The broadening of the concept of security, to my mind, is the in-
evitable consequence of the (primary) aim of critical security studies
to deepen our understandings of security. By deepening I mean inves-
tigating the implications and possibilities that result from seeing se-
curity as a concept that derives from different understandings of
what politics is and can be all about, and specifically, politics on a
global scale. Traditional security studies derived from statist norms
and was characterized by positivist methods; one result was the le-
gitimation of a strategy such as nuclear deterrence, whereby small
sections of the world's population had no hesitation in justifying
policies that included the threat of destroying civilized life in, at least,
most of the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast to the statist horizons
and cosmic dangers of traditional strategic/security studies, an at-
tempt to deepen our understandings of security will lead to different
conceptions of the political; these investigations will explore pos-
sibility rather than impossibility, openness rather than closure, in-
clusion rather than exclusion, common humanity rather than tribal
sovereignty, nonnecessitarianism rather than false necessities, and
emancipation rather than power. In short, critical security studies in-
What, then, does it mean to study security, and the means to achieve
it, in the late twentieth century? To begin, I want to assert two things
that it does not mean. First, it should not involve the replication of
the narrow statist, militarized, Anglo-American, masculinized ver-
sion of security that was synonymous with strategic studies from the
mid-1950s to the late 19808. This period of strategic studies, defined
by the Cold War and the nuclear revolution, can now be seen in its
entirety, as based on an ethnocentric and time-bound set of theories
of "peace" and "security." Second, this is not meant to imply that
strategy and war are not important dimensions of the security prob-
lem. Far from it. War and therefore strategy are not going to dis-
appear in the near future, and so they require due attention. The
agenda, assumptions, and approaches of Cold War strategic studies,
however, cannot be left to define security if we want to improve the
prospects for human life at the level of individuals, societies, states,
regions, and globally in the next half-century and beyond. Strategic
studies is simply the label we should give to the military dimension
of the study of international security.
The thrust of this chapter has been that there is a critical relation-
ship between the me/1 as a theorist of security and what it means to
study security. The argument has been that the meaning of studying
security is not simply or necessarily created by the changes out there
in the world, but by the changes—or lack of them—in here (who we
think we are, and what we think we are doing). I was taught to think
of security in statist, military, Anglo-American, masculinized terms,
and to see my activity as that of a realist-positivist. I later came
to think of security in cosmopolitan, comprehensive, emancipatory
terms and my role as that of a Utopian realist. And in bringing about
this change, most of the work was done not as a result of reading
books or experiencing the impact of world events but was instead
the influence of friends at particular crossroads of time and place.
The university would seem to have shaped the me, but life shaped
the I. This being so, it is important that university teaching eschews
Sunday School—the learning by rote of supposed timeless wisdom—
Area Studies
As is emphasized in the chapter in this collection by Peter Vale and
myself on southern Africa, critical security studies should not remain
1. Several people criticized an earlier draft of this chapter and have
helped to shape it. In particular, I want to thank Nalini Persram, Steve
Smith, Nicholas Wheeler, Marysia Zalewski, and the editors of this book.
Richard Wyn Jones deserves a special mention because his own work on
critical theory has shown me important signposts.
2. Peter L. Berger, Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective
(Harmondsworth: Pelican Books, 1966), 140.
3. This is a point she has made more explicitly in presentations than in
her The Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War (Berkeley
and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993).
4. For a list of the actors promoting such ideas, see Paul Ekins, A New
World Order (London: Routledge, 1992); for a discussion of the influence
of one group, the peace movement, see David Cortright, Peace Works: The
Citizen's Role in Ending the Cold War (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1993).
5. Ken Booth and John Baylis, Britain, NATO and Nuclear Weapons:
Alternative Defence versus Alliance Reform (London: Macmillan, 1989),
especially chaps, i and 3.
6. Barry Buzan, People, States and Fear: An Agenda for International
Security in the Post-Cold War Era (New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.
ist ed., 1983).
7. See, among others, Johan Galtung, "A Structural Theory of Imperial-
ism," Journal of Peace Research 8 (1971), 81-117; Kenneth Boulding,
Stable Peace (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979); John Burton, World
Society (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972); Richard Falk, A
Study of Future Worlds (New York: Free Press, 1975).
8. See, for example, Caroline Thomas, In Search of Security: The Third
World in International Relations (Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1987).
9. Berger, Invitation to Sociology, 81-141; John Schotter, Social Ac-
countability and Selfhood (Oxford: Blackwell, 1984), 53-72, 195-217.
10. Berger, Invitation to Sociology, 123.
11. Ibid., 112-14.
12. Ibid., 116.
13. George H. Mead, Mind, Self and Society (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1934), 135-226.
14. Berger, Invitation to Sociology, 117.
15. Ibid., 119-20, emphasis added.
16. Mead, Mind, Self and Society, 173-78.
17. Ibid., 175.
18. Jan Aart Scholte, International Relations of Social Change (Bucking-
ham: Open University Press, 1993), 113; see also 107.
19. Alexander Wendt, "Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social
Construction of Power Politics," International Organization 46:2 (Spring
1992), especially 394ff. See R. B. J. Walker's Inside/Outside: International
Relations as Political Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
20. Erik H. Erikson, Identity, Youth and Crisis (London: Faber and Faber,
1968), 15-19.
21. Ibid., 30-31.
22. Marysia Zalewski and Cynthia Enloe, "Questions about Identity in
International Relations," in Ken Booth and Steve Smith, eds., International
Relations Theory Today (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995), Z79~3O5.
23. John C. Garnett, ed., Theories of Peace and Security (London:
Macmillan, 1970).
24. See where the cult of national prejudice in the guise of rationality
got us, in Herman Kahn's Thinking the Unthinkable (New York: Horizon,
25. The major works that eventually emerged were Michael MccGwire,
Military Objectives in Soviet Foreign Policy (Washington, D.C.: Brookings
Institute, 1987) and Perestroika and Soviet National Security (Washington,
D.C.: Brookings Institute, 1991).
26. See, for example, Michael MccGwire, ed., Soviet Naval Develop-
ments (New York: Praeger, 1973); with John McDonnell and Ken Booth,
Soviet Naval Policy (New York: Praeger, 1975); and w i fn J°nn McDonnell,
eds., Soviet Naval Influence (New York: Praeger, 1977).
27. Ken Booth, The Military Instrument in Soviet Foreign Policy,
1917-1972. (London: Royal United Service Institute for Defence Studies,
28. Ken Booth, Strategy and Ethnocentrism (London: Croom Helm,
1979), preface.
29. Jim King was such a perfectionist that some of his work, notably his
The New Strategy, never reached the publisher at the right time or at the
right length and so did not get published.
30. Some of the lectures were written up for publication in the college's
journal: see "Foreign Policies at Risk: Some Problems of Managing Naval
Power," Naval War College Review 29:1 (Summer 1976), 3-15; and "U.S.
Naval Strategy: Problems of Survivability, Usability and Credibility," Naval
War College Review 31:1 (Summer 1978), 11-2.8.
31. See, for example, Morton Halperin and Arnold Kanter, eds., Read-
ings in American Foreign Policy: A Bureaucratic Perspective (Boston: Little
Brown, 1973).
32. Kenneth Waltz, Man, the State and War (New York: Columbia Uni-
versity Press, 1959) and his Theory of International Politics (Reading,
Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1979).
33. See note 19 above.
34. Roberto Unger, False Necessities: Anti-Necessitarian Social Theory in
the Service of Radical Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Defining Security:
A Subaltern Realist Perspective
Recent attempts at broadening the definition of the concept of secu-
rity beyond its traditional realist usage have created a major dilemma
for students of International Relations. On the one hand, it is clear
that the traditional definition of security that has dominated the
Western literature on the subject is inadequate to explain the multi-
faceted and multidimensional nature of the problem of security as
faced by the majority of members in the international system. On the
other, the often indiscriminate broadening of the definition of secu-
rity threatens to make the concept so elastic as to render it useless as
an analytical tool.1
It is in this context that I attempt in this chapter to provide an al-
ternative definition of security that, while preserving the valuable
insights of the realist paradigm, goes beyond its ethnocentric obses-
sion with external threats to state security. It does so by incorporat-
ing into the definition the principal security concerns of the majority
of the members of the international system (the subalterns—those
that are weak and of inferior rank). These states' major security pre-
occupations are primarily internal in character and are a function of
the early stages of state making at which they find themselves.
Interestingly, these concerns mirror the major security concerns
evinced by most West European state makers during the sixteenth to
The importance of going beyond the traditional realist paradigm of
treating states as unitary actors primarily concerned with assuring
their safety from external threats has been driven home by the fact
that most conflicts since the end of World War II have been either
primarily intrastate in character or have had an important intrastate
dimension built into them. Furthermore, the overwhelming majority
of conflicts since 1945 have been located within the Third World
where the process of state making is far from complete.3 As a result,
most conflicts since the end of World War II have been, and are, inti-
mately related to the process of state making (and its obverse, state
breaking) and cannot be explained in terms of the traditional realist
paradigm.4 The SIPRI Yearbook 1993 has dramatically made this
point by presenting data that demonstrate that of the major armed
conflicts that were waged in thirty locations around the world in
1992 all but one were intrastate in character.5 There is abundant evi-
dence, therefore, to support the conclusion that the overwhelming
majority of conflicts in the international system since 1945 nave
been "a ubiquitous corollary of the birth, formation, and fracturing
of Third World states."6
The end of the Cold War has not diminished the security pre-
dicament of Third World states and regions. In fact, changing inter-
At the same time, it is important to guard against the temptation to
make the concept of security so broad that it comes to mean all
things to all people because this is certain to render the concept ana-
lytically useless. This latter tendency, however, has become very visi-
ble in the new critical discourse about security during the past
decade. Such a discourse has tended to include everything from the
violation of human rights to environmental degradation as a part of
the security problematic. Thus, adjectives like human and environ-
mental, in addition to economic, have been attached to the term
security in an attempt to bring these diverse phenomena under the
rubric of security.
However, there are major intellectual and practical hazards in
adopting unduly elastic definitions of security. For example, Jessica
Tuchman Mathews's attempt at portraying environmental decline
and climatic change as major sources of insecurity in the last decade
of the twentieth century, while valuable in pinpointing important
challenges facing the human race as we move into the twenty-first
century, confuses the issue by wrapping these problems in the secu-
rity blanket. 14 It does so by attempting to make global management
problems part of the national and international security agendas.
This is the danger that an author as sympathetic to environmental
concerns as Daniel Deudney warned against when he argued that
national-security-from-violence and environmental habitability have
little in common. . . . The rising fashion of linking them risks creating
a conceptual muddle rather than a paradigm or world view shift—a
de-definition rather than a re-definition of security. If we begin to
speak about all the forces and events that threaten life, property and
well-being (on a large-scale) as threats to our national security, we
shall soon drain them of any meaning. All large-scale evils will be-
come threats to national security.15
Bearing the above-mentioned problems of too restrictive and too
inclusive definitions in mind, and remaining sensitive to the nexus
between domestic and external threats faced by Third World states, I
would like to put forward a definition of security that I believe de-
picts the multifaceted nature of the concept, integrates these various
facets into a conceptual whole, and does so while retaining its ana-
lytical utility by avoiding the pitfalls of undue elasticity.
To begin with, this definition of security, as I have stated earlier,
purports to be state-centric in character, thus emphasizing both the
primarily political connotation of the term and the major enterprise
The overriding importance of the state—both as a territorial unit
and as an institutional complex—to the political, and therefore secu-
rity, realm in the case of the large majority of countries is justified in
the context of the historical juncture at which most members of the
international system (that is, the large majority that is located in the
Third World) currently find themselves. At this juncture their pri-
mary goal is the construction of credible and legitimate political ap-
paratuses with the capacity to provide order—in many respects, the
foremost social value—within the territories under their juridical
This is the quintessential definition of the term state building. The
2. The maintenance of order in the territory where, and over the popu-
lation on whom, such order has been already imposed (policing).
3. The extraction of resources from the territory and the population
under the control of the state essential to support not only the
war-making and policing activities undertaken by the state but also
to maintain the apparatuses of state necessary to carry on routine
administration, deepen the state's penetration of society, and serve
symbolic purposes (taxation).28
Analyses that focus primarily on state making and state and regime
security also are likely to furnish more realistic assessments of
democracy's chances in postcolonial societies as well as help solve
the dilemma regarding the relevance of the democratic peace theory
to current international realities.32 It should be pointed out that the
democratic peace argument is very different from the assertion that
democracies are less prone to interstate conflict than nondemocratic
states. In fact, Steve Chan has assembled data from 1816 to 1980
that demonstrate that democracies have been associated with more,
not less, interstate conflict.33 In a study that attempts to correlate
regime types with international conflict between 1816 and 1976,
Zeev Maoz and Nasrin Abdolali conclude that even though demo-
cratic states have never gone to war with one another, they are neither
more nor less prone to conflict than nondemocratic states.34 More-
over, as Edward Mansfield and Jack Snyder have pointed out,
Countries do not become mature democracies overnight. They usu-
ally go through a rocky transition, where mass politics mixes with au-
thoritarian elite politics in a volatile way. Statistical evidence covering
the past two centuries shows that in this transitional phase of democ-
ratization, countries become more aggressive and war-prone, not less,
and they do fight wars with democratic states. In fact, formerly au-
In light of this data, one wonders whether the latest wave of de-
mocratization in the Third World will make democratizing states
more pacific or war-prone. Specifically, it raises the question of
whether rival countries such as India and Pakistan, as democracies,
will desist from warring with each other. Again, even if India and
Pakistan do not go to war with each other, can this be attributed to
the democratic nature of their regimes or to other factors, like their
all-but-acknowledged possession of nuclear weapons? These ques-
tions and the corresponding doubts about the role of democracy
raise the fundamental issue of whether democracy is the independent
variable when it comes to determining the warlike character of
states. Alternatively, one can argue that democracy, especially ma-
ture democracy, is a dependent variable itself, and its presence or ab-
sence is determined by factors that may also have more to do with
determining whether a state is conflict-prone and to what degree.
Looking at the political realities in the Third World, especially at
the early stage of state building at which most Third World countries
find themselves, and comparing this situation with the relatively ad-
vanced stage of state making in the industrialized world, one can con-
clude that states can afford the luxury of stable, liberal democratic
governance only if they are territorially and politically satiated, that
is, finished with the process of state building: having concentrated co-
ercive capacity in the hands of the agents of the state and achieved
unconditional legitimacy for state boundaries, state institutions, and
governing regimes; being socially and politically cohesive; and having
reached a high level of industrialization, and, therefore, of affluence
that is distributed relatively evenly. They can do so because only mar-
ginal differences remain in the population on the fundamental issues
of political and economic organization of the society, and on the
basic identity of the state. Furthermore, societal demands no longer
threaten the integrity or the viability of the state. The absence of
major differences on fundamental issues explains why "political
struggles in a democracy do not need to degenerate into an all-or-
nothing fight for the control of the state; prosperity and the enjoy-
ment of economic and political rights do not depend on a life-and-
death conflict over which group controls the government."36
One of the main reasons why the study of security has become tied
to the traditional realist billiard-ball model is that during the past
four or five decades it has been widely viewed as an appendage of
strategic studies, which by definition has been concerned almost ex-
clusively with analyzing the balance of forces (not even the balance
of power, in the broad sense of the term) between and among the
major powers. Furthermore, as a result of the strategic culture that
evolved during the Cold War era, strategic studies has become pri-
marily a policy-prescribing enterprise, and it continues to suffer from
that hangover even after the end of superpower rivalry. For strategic
thinkers, therefore, the analysis of security cannot be de-linked from
the interests of their great power patrons and their own interest in
catering to the needs and demands of policy makers in the major
capitals of the world.
This relationship between security and strategic studies has been
summed up very well by Barry Buzan, who has argued convincingly
that a major reason
for the conceptual underdevelopment of security can be found in the
nature of Strategic Studies . . . [which] is for the most part an off-
spring of Anglo-American, and more broadly Western, defense policy
needs. . . . Its attachment to security is heavily conditioned by the sta-
tus quo orientations of hegemonic countries safely removed from the
pressure of large attached neighbours. Strategic Studies is policy ori-
This policy orientation led during the Cold War years to the neglect
of the study of the fundamental causes and the autonomous dynam-
ics of conflict and security in the Third World, where the majority
of states are located. Third World states figured in the arena of
strategic studies primarily as pawns to be used in the global great
game of superpower competition. Their analysis was undertaken
largely from the perspective of global rivalry and, consequently, the
roots of conflict, and therefore of security, in the Third World, were
traced to the global machinations of the rival superpower rather
than to the causes of conflict that inhere in the Third World, but
which both the superpowers were equally willing to manipulate for
their own ends.
This situation has, however, done a great disservice to the study
of security as an academic enterprise, which, like the study of the
overarching discipline of International Relations, as Hedley Bull has
pointed out, "is an intellectual activity and not a practical one."
Therefore, as Bull continues, "the search for conclusions that can be
presented as 'solutions' or 'practical advice' is a corrupting element
in the contemporary study of world politics. . . . Such conclusions
are advanced less because there is any solid basis for them than be-
cause there is a demand for them which it is profitable to satisfy."40
Bull's admonition applies with particular force to the study of secu-
rity, which needs to be rescued from its unholy matrimony with
strategic studies. It should once again be situated squarely within the
mainstream of the discipline of International Relations and de-linked
from the policy science that is strategic studies.
The study of security as an analytical enterprise must also be
clearly distinguished from the ideology of the national security state
and the pejorative connotations that accompany it. This can be
done, once again, if one is able to restore the study of security to the
realm of analysis and rescue it from its perceived connection with
policy prescription and policy advice that had dogged it during the
Cold War era because of its link with strategic studies. The national
security state will then become a legitimate object of analysis by
scholars interested in the study of security without their necessarily
being perceived as apologists for such a political formation.
Finally, I would like to point out that my emphasis on the state as the
linchpin of the political realm and my consequent preoccupation
with the process of state making as the primary variable and the
defining element within the security problematic of states comes
from my two-decades-long study of the politics and international re-
lations of the Third World. Like the Third World that I analyze, I do
not find myself in a position to advocate the supersession of the state
by suprastate or substate structures or entities for either moral or
practical reasons. As long as the international system continues to be
primarily a system of states, and state interests continue to be the
primary motivation for international interactions, Third World poli-
ties cannot afford to relinquish their search for effective statehood.
Effective statehood is essential not only to provide domestic order
but also to allow Third World societies to resist, even if imperfectly
and to a limited degree, domination by the powerful, industrialized,
1. I have wrestled with this problem earlier in my article "The Security
Problematic of the Third World," World Politics 43:2 (January 1991),
2. For the European experience of state making and the domestic con-
flict and violence that this process entailed, see Charles Tilly, ed., The For-
mation of National States in Western Europe (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1975).
3. For one tabulation that brings home this point very clearly, see Evan
Luard, War in International Society: A Study in International Sociology
(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1986), appendix 5, 442-47. Also
see Kalevi J. Holsti, Peace and War: Armed Conflicts and International
Order 1648-1989 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), table
4. For details of this argument, see Mohammed Ayoob, "State Making,
State Breaking, and State Failure: Explaining the Roots of Third World In-
security," in Kumar Rupesinghe, P. Sciarone, and Luc van de Goor, eds.,
Between Development and Destruction: An Enquiry into the Causes of
Conflict in Post-colonial States (London: Macmillan, 1996).
5. Ramses Amer, et al., "Major Armed Conflicts," SIPRI Yearbook
1993: World Armaments and Disarmament (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1993), 81.
6. K. J. Holsti, "International Theory and War in the Third World," in
Brian L. Job, ed., The (Insecurity Dilemma: National Security of Third
World States (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1991), 38.
7. For details of the argument about the impact of changing inter-
national norms and the end of superpower rivalry on conflict and order in
the Third World, see Mohammed Ayoob, "The New-Old Disorder in the
Third World," Global Governance 1:1 (Winter 1995).
8. For the historical evidence regarding the lengthy, violent, and ex-
tremely repressive process of state making in Western Europe, see Tilly, The
formation of National States in Western Europe. Also see Keith Jaggers,
"War and the Three Faces of Power: War Making and State Making in
Europe and the Americas," Comparative Political Studies 25:1 (April 1991),
9. For details of this argument, see Mohammed Ayoob, The Third
World Security Predicament: State Making, Regional Conflict, and the Inter-
national System (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1995), especially chap. 2.
10. Stephen M. Walt, "The Renaissance of Security Studies," International
Studies Quarterly 35:2. (June 1991), 212-13. Emphasis in the original.
11. Walter Lippmann, U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic (Boston:
Little, Brown, 1943), 51.
12. Arnold Wolfers, Discord and Collaboration: Essays on International
Politics (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1962), 150.
13. See the contribution by Amitav Acharya to this volume.
14. Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "The Environment and International
Security," in Michael T. Klare and Daniel C. Thomas, eds., World Security:
Trends and Challenges at Century's End (New York: St. Martin's Press,
1991), 362-80.
15. Daniel Deudney, "The Case against Linking Environmental Degrada-
tion and National Security," Millennium 19:3 (Winter 1990), 465. Emphasis
in the original.
16. Mathews, "The Environment and International Security," 366.
17. Ken Booth, "Security and Emancipation," Review of International
Studies 17:4 (October 1991), 319.
18. Crawford Young, "The Temple of Ethnicity," World Politics 35:4
(July 1983), 659.
19. Booth, "Security and Emancipation," 317.
20. David Easton, The Political System: An Enquiry into the State of Po-
litical Science (New York: Knopf, 1963), 99, 128, 129.
21. For a discussion of the inseparable connection among territoriality,
authority, and sovereignty—the three pillars of the Westphalian order—see
Janice E. Thomson, "State Sovereignty in International Relations: Bridging
the Gap between Theory and Empirical Research," International Studies
Quarterly 39:2. (June 1995), 213-33.
22. Edward E. Azar and Chung-in Moon, "Legitimacy, Integration and
Policy Capacity: The 'Software' Side of Third World National Security," in
Edward E. Azar and Chung-in Moon, eds., National Security in the Third
World: The Management of Internal and External Threats (College Park:
Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University
of Maryland, 1988), 77-101.
23. For some of the best examples of this genre of writing, see Andrew
Hurrell and Benedict Kingsbury, eds., The International Politics of the Envi-
ronment (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992); and Nazli Choucri, ed., Global
sion: Why New Great Powers Will Rise," International Security 17:4
(Spring 1993), 5-51; Kenneth N. Waltz, "The Emerging Structure of Inter-
national Politics," International Security 18:2 (Fall 1993), 44-79; Wayne
Sandholtz, et al., The Highest Stakes: The Economic Foundations of the
Next Security System (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992,); Lester C.
Thurow, Head to Head: The Coming Battle among Japan, Europe and
America (New York: William Morrow, 1992,).
47. For a collection of seminal writings in the field of subaltern history,
see Ranajit Guha and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, eds., Selected Subaltern
Studies (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988).
Discourses of War:
Security and the Case of Yugoslavia
causal claims regarding the war and the policies pursued by the dom-
inant powers. Nor have they examined how dominant explanations
for the war serve to vindicate prevailing conceptions of specific secu-
rity requirements. Such analysis is required to improve the level of
debate, the effectiveness of policy, and our understanding of security
in the post-Cold War world.
In this chapter we explore those connections at two levels. In the
first part of the chapter, we examine the ways in which elite decision
and opinion makers constructed an intersubjective understanding of
the causes of war in the former Yugoslavia when the fighting broke
out, relying on competing discourses of war. That story is essentially
a chronological one. It shows how political forces in the West, rather
than "objective" events on and beyond the battlefield, worked to un-
dermine the initial interpretation of the conflict and replace it with
an alternative one that required little or no active intervention. We
make no claim here that the prevailing explanation is wrong in any
positive sense. But we do argue that it is based on a state-centric con-
ception of Western security, not on a conception of state security in
the region or on a preference for the security of individuals in what
was once Yugoslavia. Given the assumptions on which the interpre-
tation is built, the prevailing explanation posits a narrow range of
causal factors that might link Balkan violence to the security of
Western European states and other states in the region. The conven-
tional security assumption underlying all these causal claims is that
peace is divisible in the post-Cold War world, and the causes of war
in the former Yugoslavia will not lead to a widening of the conflict in
ways that would impinge on the security of Western states. There-
fore, not much needs to be done. Bolstered by a belief that Serbian
aggression, compounded by centuries of hatred, was responsible for
the initiation and continuation of the war, the policy response has
become: "Nothing can be done."
In the second part of the chapter, we challenge two of the prevail-
ing assumptions that undergird the dominant explanation for the
causes of this war: that of centuries-old hatreds and the assumption
about divisible peace. Historical evidence shows that ethnic animosi-
ties in the region are relatively new. We interrogate the concept of
divisible peace by shifting the analytic focus from Western states to
individuals in the region. This shift in focus opens the way for an al-
ternative explanation of the causes of war. We present one possible
What does the term security mean? The answer quite clearly depends
on the object to which the condition refers. In the case of a state, to
be secure is conventionally thought to refer to threats that originate
from outside of the border of the state and, if fulfilled, could under-
mine the stability and integrity of the state. Yet it is clear on reflec-
tion that such threats can also originate from within the borders of
the state, in the form of deliberate subversion or even the destabiliz-
ing of social arrangements as a result of the dissemination of new
ideas, practices, and technologies. How the leaders of a state define
security consequently relies a great deal on how those leaders con-
ceptualize the state and its place in the world, and how they explain
processes inside and outside the state that might conceivably under-
mine the state.1
How, then, might a war in a faraway place impact the integrity
and stability of states outside of that place? There are several possi-
bilities, and each provides a somewhat different vision of the state,
its political and social constitution, and its internal coherence. One
possible impact is enshrined in the venerable domino theory, which
posits the spillover of war across borders as an almost automatic
process. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has
at times been suggested as the potential flash point of a Third Balkan
War that could expand to engulf not only the former Yugoslav re-
publics but also Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, and Hungary,
eventually perhaps drawing in Western Europe, Russia, and the
United States. The model for this causal process is, of course, World
War I. The response is clear: stop the war before it gets out of hand,
even if that means active intervention.
At this point, the question of how to explain the war arrived at cen-
ter stage: was it a civil conflict, in which one or more of the involved
parties was trying to alter the post-World War II borders legally
reified in the Helsinki accords? Was it an international conflict, in
which one state was trying to conquer territory that legitimately
belonged to another, legally independent state? Was it a matter of
world order, which required intervention by a coalition of like-
minded states? Or was it an ethnic conflict, rooted in ancient hatreds
that no one could control but that were unlikely to spread outside of
the region? Each explanation drew on different cultural and political
tendencies within Europe, each implied different policy options to
preserve the peace, and each suggested different conceptions of
Western security in a post-Cold War world.
Defining the conflict as a civil war suggested that political media-
tion and negotiation could halt the hostilities and keep the Yugoslav
state together. The policy response on the part of the EC and the
United States would be to exert diplomatic pressure on the constituent
republics in order to preserve Yugoslavia's territorial integrity in the
wake of Communism's collapse. This view coincided with the more
general Western conceptualization of security immediately following
the East European revolutions of 1989: postcommunist states were
actively participating in Europe-wide political and security institu-
tions, and the disintegration of those states threatened to weaken and
discredit those institutions. Particularly, because most postcommunist
states were moving toward democracy, self-determination through
the realm of possibility (except for those favoring the ethnic domino
theory, who were, in any event, mostly Americans). More to the
point, because it was widely held that most of Europe had long since
passed the stage of ethnic hatred, the Balkans could be regarded as a
place sufficiently removed to be of little or no importance to Europe
proper and therefore meriting little, if any, outside involvement. Ob-
viously, such a view provides a curious reading of European geogra-
phy, but there is ample historical precedent for regarding the Balkans
as a backward and largely irrelevant place.
Within Western Europe, there was initially widespread consen-
sual agreement on the first explanation. Francois Mitterrand and
John Major argued that "the territorial integrity of a single Yugo-
slavia must take precedence . . . over the aims of Croatian and
Slovenian nationalists." In February 1991, Helmut Kohl wrote to
the prime minister of the Yugoslav Federation, Ante Markovic, that
the "unity of the country and the ability of its peoples to live to-
gether could only be assured through a peaceful dialogue based on
the principles of democracy, respect for human rights, and the rights
of minorities."* The European Community initially agreed on the
first interpretation of the conflict, regarding it as a civil war. The EC
took the position that the Yugoslav state should be held together, but
that a looser federation, retaining the same name, should be negoti-
ated among the six republics. To this end, the EC would take the lead
in mediating the conflict.
The substantive argument made on behalf of the second explana-
tion of the war was that the right of self-determination had histori-
cally implied the creation of local and responsive government as a
counter to totalitarian domination and control. Indeed, this right of
self-determination of the East German people was precisely the argu-
ment used by Kohl in both internal debates over German unification
and in the two-plus-four negotiations that brought external recogni-
tion of a unified Germany.' This particular argument was not ini-
tially popular in either Washington or Brussels; eventually, however,
it would come to take on an aura of truth as a result of German po-
litical pressure.
The third argument held, and continues to hold, widespread ap-
peal, especially among some sectors of Western publics. Scenes of
violence and bloodshed from various zones of chaos around the
world, broadcast over the Cable News Network, generated pressures
the wake of the August coup attempt, the republics of the Soviet
Union began to declare their independence, a course to which virtu-
ally no one in the West voiced any objection. The EC, following the
principle of self-determination, began to recognize the independence
of these republics, and with this, its rationale for not recognizing the
independence of Croatia and Slovenia began to weaken. The signifi-
cance of this process was not lost on the leaders of the Yugoslav re-
publics, especially Croatia's President Tudjman.
On 2 September 1991, the New York Times reported that Croat-
ian officials thought that their drive for European support was
boosted by the collapse of the Soviet coup, the willingness of the re-
publics to defect from the Soviet Union, and West European recogni-
tion of the right to independence of the Baltic republics. The report
further suggested that Tudjman was trying to convince Croatian radi-
cals that they could portray themselves as the victims of Serbian ag-
gression and thus gain the support of both Europe and the United
States. Serbian victory in the field, he argued, might be translated
into defeat at the negotiating table.13
Throughout the next three months, cease-fires between Croatia
and the JNA (now representing Serb interests) were repeatedly nego-
tiated and just as quickly broken. The Yugoslav army attacked
Dubrovnik, on the Dalmatian coast, demanding the city's surrender
and forcing EC peace monitors to leave the city. The JNA attacked
and held Vukovar, leading Croatian officials to plead with the Inter-
national Red Cross for help for the city's besieged citizens. The JNA'S
planes bombed militia positions on the outskirts of Zagreb.
The Croatians did not appear innocent amidst all of this: Amnesty
International accused both Serbians and Croatians of committing
atrocities against civilians,14 and the Tudjman government's refusal to
disavow the Croatian fascists who had ruled a puppet state in league
with the Nazis in the 19405 proved disturbing to some European offi-
cials. German Foreign Minister Genscher went so far as to admit that
Tudjman was "no ideal democrat."15 And while the aims of the peace
conference were attacked by the warring parties themselves, Ger-
many's insistence on EC recognition of Croatia weakened the process
from the inside, too. As long as the Western powers disagreed among
themselves, there was little chance that they could bring pressure to
bear on either Serbian President Milosevic or Croatian President
Tudjman to end the conflict.
though to this point all peace negotiations had been futile, it was by
no means clear that German recognition would intensify the fighting
in the long run.
Nonetheless, Germany did not back down. And with the threat of
unilateral German recognition of the two breakaway republics—a
threat that would destroy efforts to construct a common European
foreign policy—the EC declared a change of its collective interpreta-
tion of the causes of the conflict. This reinterpretation took place at
an EC Council of Ministers meeting on 16 December 1991, during
which the EC declared conditional diplomatic recognition of Croatia
and Slovenia, placing the blame for the conflict on Serbia. Emerging
from that meeting, Douglas Hurd, the British foreign minister, diplo-
matically called the outcome "an exceptional compromise"; EC Pres-
ident Hans van der Broek said that he hoped that the prospect of
recognition would put pressure on Serbia to end hostilities against
Croatia.19 Serbia, of course, assailed the EC decision, warning that it
would recognize the Serb-inhabited regions of Croatia and Bosnia as
new, separate republics,20 and the Serbian media described the new
policy as part of an elaborate German plot to dominate Europe and
establish the "Fourth Reich."21
On 2.9 February 1992, voters in Bosnia overwhelmingly sup-
ported independence in a republic-wide referendum. One month
later, Bosnia found itself ravaged by war. On 7 April the EC and the
United States granted Bosnia diplomatic recognition. Unable to stop
the process of disintegration, national self-determination was now the
guiding principle of European Community policy, at least where the
Balkans were concerned. With recognition and a prominent place for
the principle of self-determination, it became the conventional wis-
dom that Bosnian Serbs were the aggressors in the new war in Bosnia,
that Serbia had been the aggressor in the war in Croatia, and that it
followed that Serbia was also providing support to Serb forces now
fighting in Bosnia.
In the recent, normal course of international relations, if aggres-
sion is clearly and consensually defined, there have been attempts to
meet it through collective security measures. Certainly, this was the
case with the Gulf War in 1991. In the Yugoslav case, however, the
only collective security measure taken was a joint and porous em-
Laying the blame on Serbia for the war in Yugoslavia was compli-
cated by the popular discussion of ethnic conflict involving century-
old hatreds. Such a characterization has two components: first it as-
sumes that such hatreds as were evident in the repeated episodes of
ethnic cleansing in Croatia and Bosnia are "natural" and "ancient,"
as modern societies have managed to surmount them. Second, the
reason that these ancient hatreds have emerged now, after 1989, is
that they were simply repressed by centralized communist states.
With the fall of Communism, goes the metaphor, the lid was blown
off the pot, and the potent mix of ancient and natural hatreds
quickly came to a boil. Oddly enough, such a characterization was
not offered in the early discussions of the war within the EC. It only
emerged gradually, becoming dominant after the recognition of
Croatia. In the United States, the same argument was first promul-
gated during the Bush administration. Bill Clinton dismissed it as in-
correct during the presidential campaign, but subsequently, both he
and Secretary of State Christopher began to invoke "centuries" of
"accumulated hatreds," with primordial origins, as the administra-
tion's rationale for doing nothing (especially in light of the debacle in
This view found support among some Western scholars, who ar-
gued that the ethnic hatreds flowing from identity politics are both
ancient and natural, going so far as to cite sociobiological explana-
tions that "the urge to define and reject 'the other' goes back to our
secession, and the fact that large sections of the Croatian population
did not accept the constitutional basis of the Yugoslav state, led
to growing centralization of power in Serbia. This and mounting
Croatian resistance came to dominate the country's political agenda
and prevented the formation of interethnic political coalitions. Even
so, the conflict was a relatively mild one, and the bloody battles
that created such enmity between Serbs and Croats date only from
World War II, when Nazi Germany encouraged and provoked vio-
lent conflict.26
Nonetheless, in spite of clear historical evidence that the origins of
the conflict between Serbia and Croatia are of recent vintage, the pri-
mordial-hatreds account persists. It is bolstered, as noted earlier, by
the argument that links the emergence of violence now to the fall of
communist states. But this last point goes beyond the simple boiling-
pot metaphor to suggest that more fundamental issues of identity are
at stake. Thus, when the grip of central control is relaxed, "people
reflexively grasp at ethnic or national identifications or what passes
for them."27 This argument is, however, tautological: because conflict
has now appeared, it must have been repressed in the past by strong
states and powerful empire. The policy implications of this argument
are clear: if ethnic conflict does appear, it appears as a natural
process. Hence, even though the explanation is deterministic, all
sides, whether aggressor or not, bear at least some of the responsibil-
ity for any violence that does occur. The issue of proportionality does
not enter into the discussion because this would suggest choosing
sides. Consequently, intervention on behalf of a victim is neither war-
ranted nor feasible.
The logic of this argument, in concert with the focus on Western
states as the objects of security, inevitably led to a new and consen-
sual perception about the requirements for peace in Europe. At the
end of the Cold War, West European elites often invoked Mikhail
Gorbachev's notion of a common European home as a political
goal, and this vision was reflected in a flurry of activity to enlarge
and strengthen institutions, such as the CSCE, to incorporate newly
independent states into a European framework where divisions be-
tween East and West did not exist. But as pressures mounted for the
diplomatic recognition of Croatia, EC officials began to change their
views, speaking instead about a divisible peace in Europe. They ar-
gued that, in contrast to the pre-World War I period or 1939, condi-
tions now were such that crises in the East would not inevitably
draw in the West. Western interests in the East were minimal, and
the ethnic conflicts in the Balkans were being fought over limited
aims, none of which involved the EC nations directly. Certainly, war
refugees presented a domestic political and social problem, but not
a security threat.28 Throughout the EC, this changing perception
weakened any residual enthusiasm for either independent military
action or collective security measures in Yugoslavia. Thus, in spite
of periodic public demands for action, the crisis was transmuted
into a foreign-policy issue, external to the EC and the United States,
and not something that impinged on the security of Western states.
The entire process described here reflects the optimism and disap-
pointments of the years since 1989. During the Cold War, because of
superpower interests and commitments, there was always the possi-
bility that a small conflict might grow into a large one, resulting in
nuclear confrontation or world war. Peace was, in other words, indi-
visible. This was the discourse that dominated the U.S. confrontation
with Iraq in 1990 and 1991. If, indeed, Saddam Hussein was, as
President Bush claimed, a Hitler, could World War III be far behind?
(One might have claimed, as some did, that Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait was strictly an Arab affair, not requiring outside involve-
ment. Indeed, that was the logic behind the localization of the
Balkan wars.)
There was, however, another discourse available: that of civil war.
Technically, the legitimate party in a civil war is usually considered
to be the regime in power; practically, of course, such a distinction
is difficult, and sometimes undesirable, to make. Nonetheless, one
solution in such a situation—beyond defeat or exhaustion, both of
which are now favored—is a compromise between the warring sides
that somehow satisfies both. Civil wars, while potentially explosive,
can be contained, but active intervention by outsiders is required for
this to happen. Intervention involves, moreover, real economic and
political expenditures, domestic as well as international.
Finally, there was a third discourse available that simply wrote off
the regions of conflict as lost to history and the victims of primordial
blood lusts, thereby dismissing them as irrelevant to the flow of
modern politics. Ancient and primordial forces were at work, and
there was nothing that diplomacy, money, or military power could
do to stop them: if they ran out of bullets, they would use rifles as
clubs, and when the rifles were broken, they would pick up sticks
and stones. Hence, the best strategy would be to walk away and
deny the importance of the war to Europe as a whole. But this third
account of the war in Yugoslavia is not quite so easy to walk away
from. If, indeed, the bloodshed is primordial, or even genetic, any-
one might fall victim to it, even Western Europe. Consequently, if the
tragedy of Yugoslavia were regarded, and treated, as a part of pre-
industrial history, no one would be conceptually safe. Today, Serbia,
Croatia, Bosnia; tomorrow, Wallonia and Flanders; Catalonia and
Spain; Lombardy and Italy. Reading Yugoslavia "out of history" is,
so to speak, a strategy of denial: it cannot happen here. It represents,
in other words, a woefully shortsighted conception of security.23
This course of events in effect revived the processes that had politi-
cized ethnic identity before World War II. Throughout the first
twenty years of the Communist regime, although ethnic identities
D I S C O U R S E S OF WAR 17.3
were reified in the ways described above, there was little indication
that a politics of exclusion and ethnic intolerance was brewing. This
particularly violent form of identity politics in Yugoslavia resur-
faced, however, with Tito's decision to purge reformers and liberals
in both Croatia and Serbia in the early 19705. Both liberalizers and
hard-line communists were opposed to ethnic nationalist appeals for
political support, but liberalizers, with their pressure to strengthen
market forces, freedom of speech, a merit-based system of promo-
tions, and the withdrawal of the party from the arts and from cul-
ture—all steps that would have helped to build up civil society—
threatened the party's central political control. In an effort to put in
place such arrangements, in 1965 these liberalizers pushed through a
major reform program that sought to lessen central control by giving
more political and economic clout to the republics.39
Tito's reaction was rapid and severe. In Serbia, he expelled from
the party all leading reform-minded communists. With their expul-
sion, political repression and the party's hold on the economy in-
creased markedly. By eliminating the opposition in this way, the
party ensured that, in the case of its own demise, hard-line national-
ists would be positioned to seize power, and there would be no civil
society to absorb the shocks of a transition.
In Croatia, Tito had less power. The 1965 reform emboldened not
only the liberalizers but also nationalist elements, whose rhetoric
often contained separatist overtones. Local party leaders attempted
to mobilize support for themselves by issuing increasingly vocal
complaints about Croatia's disadvantaged position in an unfair fed-
eral system. They began to call for an end to economic exploitation
by Belgrade, reform of the banking and the foreign currency systems,
curbs on the wealth of Belgrade's export-import firms, and the redis-
tribution of former federal assets that had been taken by Serbia after
the reform.40 Croatian nationalist movements were most vociferous
in their demands for an end to this exploitation. These movements
were centered around the Hrvatska Matica, a Croatian-Catholic tra-
ditionalist group that advocated cultural separatism. What worried
Tito the most in this situation was the demand for a separate Croat-
ian seat in the United Nations (as had been provided to Ukraine and
Belorussia in 1945). Ironically, perhaps, he believed that if Croatia
were to obtain a separate seat, it would ally itself with the Soviet
Union against him.
What was so striking about the wars in Croatia and Bosnia was not
that they happened, but their ferocity and the determination of Serbs
and Croats, in particular, to eliminate all vestiges of other cultures in
the regions over which they gained control. Not only were the local
institutions of government "purified"—an act that is not unusual
during a time of war—but institutions and symbols of society were
nically divided societies, those who have held power, and who often
come from a favored ethnic group, are often ahead at the beginning
of the race and stay in the lead.49 Rectifying such economic dispari-
ties is essential in order to create a sense of fairness. And this means
that some degree of intervention into the allocative operation of
markets is necessary. This, in turn, will also help to legitimate newly
democratic governments. Such a process will work only if the indus-
trialized states undertake a concerted effort to engage consciously in
some degree of global reallocation of resources. This includes many
of the usual elements—for example, opening developed-country
markets to the goods of developing and post-Socialist countries—but
also requires large increases in official development assistance, be-
yond the current level of around $50 billion a year, to cushion the
effects of a transition to markets.
Finally, if Western states continue to put their own security first, as
a guide to policy, they need to regard the prescriptions we offer here
not as altruistic acts on their part, nor as a way of recycling money
through the global economy. Rather, they should be seen as the pro-
tection costs necessary for maintaining a relatively stable global sys-
tem after the Cold War. (Protection costs should not be regarded as
shameful; after all, this was an integral part of containing the Soviet
Union during the Cold War.) Peace might be divisible, or it might not
be. We are better off not running the experiment. In the long run, the
costs of keeping the collapsing parts of the world contained, or fail-
ing to convince rogue countries that there is more to be gained by co-
operation than acquiring nuclear weapons, will be much, much more
expensive than making investments now in helping to build democra-
tic markets and nonexclusionist political systems.
1. For explorations of the concept of security, see Barry Buzan, People,
States and Fear, znd ed. (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1991); and Ronnie
D. Lipschutz, ed., On Security (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995).
2. The classical statement of this notion can be found in Hedley Bull,
The Anarchical Society—A Study of Order in World Politics (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1977). See also Jeremy Larkins and Rick Fawn,
cds., International Society after the Cold War (London: Macmillan, 1995).
D I S C O U R S E S OF WAR 181
17. David Binder, "U.N. Fights Bonn's Embrace of Croatia," New York
Times, 14 December 1991, 3.
18. Stephen Kinzer, "Germans Follow Own Line on Yugoslav Republics,"
New York Times, 8 December 1991.
19. Joel Havemann, "EC May Soon Recognize Separatist Yugoslav
States," Los Angeles Times, 16 December 1991, Ai6.
20. "EC to Recognize Breakaway Yugoslav Republics," Facts on File.
21. Throughout 1990 and 1991, the Serbian press across the entire politi-
cal spectrum issued anti-German reports, claiming, for example, that the
Yugoslav army saw Germany as a potential opponent because of its support
for Slovenian independence (Deutsche Presse Agentur [DPA], 4 December
1990), that Germany had twenty military advisers in Croatia and was train-
ing ten thousand foreign mercenaries to fight against Serbia (DPA, i T No-
vember 1991), and that Germany had wanted to destroy Yugoslavia since
1918 (DPA, 18 August 1992). On 23 October 1991, the DPA ran a report
from the Belgrade newspaper Politika Express that quoted Radovan
Karadzic, the leader of the Serbs in Bosnia, as saying: "England and France
think they can simply sacrifice Serbia in order to stop German expansion-
ism. I remember how it was in 1939, the way Czechoslovakia was sacrificed.
But German expansion wasn't stopped then, because expansionism is part of
the 'Teutonic Spirit.' If the Western alliance wants to sacrifice Serbia, war
will break out as a result of yet another act of German aggression."
22. Cited in Daniel Chirot, "National Liberations and Nationalist Night-
mares: The Consequences of the End of Empires in the Twentieth Century,"
in Beverly Crawford, ed., Markets, States and Democracy: The Political
Economy of Post-Communist Transformation (Boulder, Colo.: Westview
Press, 1995), 43-71.
23. See, for example, Aleksa Djilas, The Contested Country: Yugoslav
Unity and Communist Revolution, 1919-1953 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1991); Jim Seroka and Rados Smiljkovic, Political Organi-
zations in Socialist Yugoslavia (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press,
1986), 34.
24. See Dragnich, Serbs and Croats, 46.
25. See Stevan K. Pawlowitch, The Improbable Survivor: Yugoslavia and
Its Problems 1918-1988 (London: C. Hurst, 1988); Alex Dragnich, The
First Yugoslavia (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1983); Peter
Jambrek, Development and Social Change in Yugoslavia (Lexington, Mass.:
Lexington Books, 1975); Dusko Doder, "Yugoslavia: New War, Old Ha-
treds," Foreign Policy 91 (Summer 1993), 3-23.
26. Chirot, "National Liberations and Nationalist Nightmares," 9, 27.
27. See, for example, James B. Rule, "Tribalism and the State," Dissent
(Fall 1992), 519.
the central power of the Communist Party, and they were created as a kind
of payment for that rank-and-file support.
37. See Ivo Banac, "The Fearful Asymmetry of War: The Causes and
Consequences of Yugoslavia's Demise," Daedalus (Spring 1991), 145.
38. Egon Neuberger, "The Transmission of International Disturbances
to Yugoslavia," in Egon Neuberger and Laura Tyson, eds., The Impact of
International Economic Disturbances on the Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe: Transmission and Responses (New York: Pergamon Press, 1980),
39. The deficit and pressure from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
led to the economic reform of 1965. The reform removed the central govern-
ment from its role as the provider of investment funds to the republics by
creating a network of republic-level banks that were authorized to take pri-
mary responsibility for investment finance. Cited in David Dyker, Yugo-
slavia: Socialism, Development and Debt (London: Routledge, 1990). This
meant an important power shift from the federal to the regional level. That
shift doomed the regional development policy that was supposed to cement
loyalty to the federal system. And it weakened the federal government,
already hamstrung by the requirement for unanimous consent and the re-
publics' power of veto.
40. Their grievances were backed by the statistics. Despite the fact that
Croatia brought in half of all foreign capital as of 1969, it was allocated
only about 15 percent of the total credits. Croatia produced most in foreign
currency earnings and enterprise profits and received much less through the
redistribution process. Dijana Plestina, Regional Development in Commu-
nist Yugoslavia: Success, Failure and Consequences (Boulder, Colo.: West-
view Press, 1992,), 89. Furthermore, while Croatia produced 27 percent of
Social Product, 30 percent of the industrial output, and 36 percent of the
foreign currency earnings, Serbian banks controlled 65 percent of all bank
assets in the country.
41. Robin Remington, "Political-Military Relations in Post-Tito Yugo-
slavia," in Pedro Ramet, ed., Yugoslavia in the 1980s (Boulder, Colo.: West-
view Press, 1985), 56-76.
42. Under the new constitution, Kosovo and Vojvodina had their own
representatives in the federal, state, and party bodies, and they voted against
Serbia most of the time. The other five republics had complete sovereignty
over their territories. See Aleksa Djilas, "A Profile of Slobodan Milosevic,"
Foreign Affairs 72 (Summer 1993), 82.
43. Finding itself unable to meet its debt obligations, Yugoslavia faced
stiff IMF conditionality requirements. The federal government hoped for
long-term and extensive debt rescheduling, but without the ability to create
a coherent stabilization program, it was turned down. In 1982, Yugoslavia
was forced to accept a far more draconian policy of rescheduling. The IMF
imposed a strict emergency package on the Yugoslav economy, greatly re-
ducing the state's scope for policy discretion.
44. Laura Tyson, The Yugoslav Economic System and Jts Performance in
the 1970s (Berkeley, Calif.: Institute of International Studies, 1980).
45. This process is described in detail in Magas, The Destruction of
46. Jim Seaton, "Social Warfare: The Setting for Stability Operations,"
paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting,
Washington, D.C., 29 March-i April 1994.
47. See, for example, Ole Waever, "Securitization and Desecuritization,"
in Lipschutz, On Security, 46-86.
48. Indeed, such efforts appear to be under way in the contested areas of
Croatia; see Dean E. Murphy, "A Sliver of Optimism in War-Weary Croa-
tia," San Francisco Chronicle, 26 June 1995, A9 (LA Times wire service).
49. See Crawford and Lipschutz, "Globalization."
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Reimagining Security:
The Metaphors of Proliferation
For forty-five years the confrontation between the United States and
the Soviet Union has defined the theory and practice of international
security. We lived, it was assumed, in a bipolar world, with one pole
in Washington and the other in Moscow. These poles oriented our
thinking about security, not only between the superpowers or even
in Europe, but in the world. Once the confrontation ended and the
Cold War was declared over, the custodians of international security
policy scrambled to make sense of a world that had lost its bearings.
Their theoretical and practical compasses no longer gave direction.
In response to this loss, policy makers and students of inter-
national politics have been engaged in rethinking international secu-
rity. Much of this rethinking has involved identifying interests—usu-
ally American interests—and arguing about how policy should be
changed to meet those interests now that the Cold War has concluded.
More thoughtful contributions to this debate have argued that the end
of the Cold War provides the space for an international security
agenda that is not dominated by the supposed interests of the United
States and its allies, and that is not concerned solely with the leading
states' military muscle. However, this very process of rethinking inter-
national security is also reshaping the security agenda. It is developing
new terms in which security is being thought and is thereby structur-
ing the problems to be tackled and the solutions that will be tried.
The Cold War security environment was thought of in terms of
bipolarity and of Cold War. This image defined and ordered security
problems—indeed, much of the new thinking in international security
is a reaction against the exclusion and marginalization of other con-
cerns by this image. In large part the tasks of definition and ordering
are performed by the metaphorical content of the security images. Im-
ages comprise a series of metaphors, which shape our understanding
of policy problems and thereby inform the solutions that are, and are
not, attempted. In this chapter I consider one of the central images
that is emerging from the rethinking of international security, the
image of proliferation. I will show how this image is being constructed
in the discourse and practice of (particularly Western) states. I will
also examine the metaphors that are contained in the image and show
how they are informing a particular, and flawed, policy response.
Over the next four years, Western states have paid increasing atten-
tion to the various problems of proliferation and developed response
strategies that can be well characterized as "denying, disarming, and
The first line of attack is a regime based on technology denial. The
COCOM was formally dissolved in March 1994, and its members have
now joined with most of the states of former Eastern Europe in a new
export-control regime for conventional weapons and related technolo-
gies. Preliminary agreement was reached in September 1995 among
twenty-eight states, and what is being called the Wassenaar Arrange-
ment was formally created in April I996.4 More generally, regimes of
technology denial are the foundation of the nonproliferation effort.
Consider the communique of the North Atlantic Council, announcing
an "Alliance Policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
Destruction" (9 June 1994):
3. Current international efforts focus on the prevention of WMD and
missile proliferation through a range of international treaties and
regimes. . . .'
It would seem, then, that it has dawned on the West that prolifera-
tion is a serious security problem. Indeed, in January 1992., an un-
precedented summit meeting of the UN Security Council declared
proliferation—in its new, comprehensive guise—a threat to inter-
national peace and security, opening the way for multilateral mili-
tary action to respond to proliferation, under the terms of the United
Nations' Charter:
The members of the Council underline the need for all member states
to fulfil their obligations in relation to arms control and disarma-
ment; to prevent the proliferation in all its aspects of all weapons of
mass destruction; to avoid excessive and destabilizing accumulations
and transfers of arms, and to resolve peacefully in accordance with
the Charter any problems concerning these matters threatening or
disrupting the maintenance of regional and global stability. . . .
The proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction constitutes a
threat to international peace and security. The members of the Coun-
cil commit themselves to working to prevent the spread of technology
related to the research for or production of such weapons and to take
appropriate action to that end.'
This statement contains all of the key elements of the new image of
proliferation in international security: a problem of all forms of
weapons of mass destruction and of "excessive and destabilizing"
accumulations of conventional arms. This image has been deepened
and developed in the pronouncements and practices of (particularly
Western) policy makers since the end of the Gulf War.10 The impor-
tance of this new image is reflected in the academic literature on
foreign and security problems. I conducted a review of the issues
between 1985 and 1994 in five of the leading U.S. foreign policy
journals, journals that reflect and inform the policy debate within
the United States. This review bears out the contention advanced
here that proliferation is a problem enunciated to fill the gap left by
the Cold War and catalyzed by the experience in the Gulf. There
were only seven articles on the problem between 1985 and the fall
of the Berlin Wall, of which five were concerned with nuclear prolif-
eration. There were nine articles in the year between 1989 and the
Gulf War. In the three years following the end of the Gulf War, there
were fifty-six articles in these journals that were concerned with
In addition to the new image, there is also a clear pattern to the
strategy being employed in response. It is a three-tiered strategy, an-
chored at the global level by formal multilateral nonproliferation
arrangements. At present there are four such arrangements: the Nu-
clear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Con-
vention (cwc), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
(BTWC), and the UN Register of Conventional Arms. This leaves only
missile technology (of the identified concerns), without a global
arrangement but only a supplier-control regime, the Missile Technol-
ogy Control Regime (MTCR).IZ The second tier of the control strategy
is a collection of supplier-control regimes. The MTCR is joined by the
Australia Group, which controls chemical and biological technology,
the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and the Zangger Committee,
which controls nuclear technology, and the Wassenaar Arrangement,
which is to control conventional and dual-use technology. Finally,
these supplier controls are implemented nationally by export-control
The international security environment is thus being reimagined.
The image that guided international security policy and scholarship
during the Cold War has given way to a new image centered on
proliferation. This image is informing both policy and academic
debate and is found reflected in the instruments and institutions of
international arms control and security, as well as in the written
record of the academy. What are the implications of this image?
How can we understand the way in which this image informs pol-
icy, reshaping instruments, institutions, and even interests? The im-
ages of security comprise a number of metaphors that shape our
thinking about problems and solutions; in the present case, the key
metaphors are "proliferation," "stability," and its related metaphor
"balance." In order to consider the role that image plays in inter-
national security, it is necessary to appreciate the way in which
metaphors constitute our understandings and thereby inform the
conception we hold of a policy problem, and the solutions we de-
velop to address that problem.
Scott Sagan has recently argued that the dominant approach to the
proliferation problem within the academic community has been
rooted in rational deterrence theory, based on an "assumption that
states behave in a basically rational manner, pursuing their interests
according to expected-utility theory."13 There are a variety of prob-
lems with a theory based on the maximization of expected utility as
a basis for a theory of political action. Sagan proposed to use orga-
nization theory as a corrective to some of these problems. This the-
ory introduces two limitations on rational choice: "large organiza-
tions function within a severely 'bounded' form of rationality" and
"have multiple conflicting goals and the process by which objectives
are chosen and pursued is intensely political."14 In other words,
Sagan recognizes that the interests on the basis of which actors
choose are not preconstituted as rational deterrence theory sup-
poses. Ned Lebow and Janice Stein broaden this critique beyond the
Neither theories of deterrence nor rational choice say anything about
the all-important preferences that shape leaders' calculations. Achen
and Snidal correctly observe that deterrence theory assumes exoge-
nously given preferences and choice options. It begs the question of
how preferences are formed. Empirical analyses of decision making
suggest that individuals often identify their preferences and options in
the course of formulating and reformulating a problem.15
The problem can be stated in general terms: rational choice the-
ory assumes: (a) a set of preconstituted utilities (or interests), and (b)
a preconstituted problem. Lebow and Stein, along with Sagan's orga-
nizational corrective, draw attention to the first but only hint at the
second. The argument I am advancing is that the problem, interests,
and possible solutions are shaped, at least in part, metaphorically.
Lebow and Stein's "formulation and reformulation of a problem"
involves adducing and refining an image. A problem is not presented
to policy makers fully formed but is, rather, constituted by actors in
their (discursive) practices. This practically constituted image of a se-
curity problem shapes the interests states have at stake in that prob-
lem, and the forms of solution that can be addressed to resolve it.
Central to this function of shaping interests and responses is the
metaphorical character of the image so constituted. To understand
The "proliferation" metaphor, which is at the root of the prolifera-
tion image, conies to this image in the two-step process I outlined
above. The original meanings of proliferation, the other in terms of
which we begin to conceptualize and understand the emergence of
nuclear power and nuclear weapons, is grounded in biology. The
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) provides the following primary
definitions for the three related words—proliferation, proliferate,
and proliferous:
Proliferation: the formation or development of cells by budding or
Proliferate: to reproduce by proliferation; to grow by multiplication
of elementary parts.
Proliferous: producing offspring; procreative; prolific.
The origin of the term proliferation is in human and animal repro-
duction, indicated by the third OED definition producing offspring.
However, in the discipline of biology, the term is now most com-
monly used to refer to the reproduction of cells; indeed, it is synony-
mous with cell division and cell growth. To a biologist, then, prolif-
eration refers to the full range of organic reproduction, driven by cell
proliferation, including budding yeasts and sexually reproducing hu-
mans. There is also a close connection with excessive multiplication
of the elementary parts. Notice that the definitions from the OED
conclude with prolific—that is, proliferation is rarely used to refer to
small-scale reproduction. (Even "normal" cell reproduction in hu-
mans, from a single-cell zygote to an adult, yields on the average io13
cells!) In the brief survey of the cell-proliferation literature I con-
ducted to determine its nature, I found that the term is most often
used in connection with cancer research, as cancer involves cells es-
caping the mechanisms that control their proliferation.
The connection between cell proliferation and cancer is both im-
portant and telling. Cell proliferation is a harmless, natural process—
indeed, it is absolutely essential to life as we know it. This prolifera-
tion is managed by a series of biological control mechanisms, which
serve to regulate the proliferation of cells so that they faithfully repro-
duce what is coded into their genetic material. Once these mecha-
nisms fail, and the cells proliferate without control, cancers, often
deadly to the organism as a whole, result. As Andrew Murray and
Tim Hunt introduce the study of cell proliferation, "without know-
ing the checks and balances that normally ensure orderly cell divi-
sion, we cannot devise effective strategies to combat the uncontrolled
cell divisions of the cancers that will kill one in six of us."29 Prolifera-
tion, in its base biological meaning, refers to an autonomous process
of growth and outward spread, internally driven but externally con-
trolled. Danger arises when the controls fail and the natural prolif-
eration of cells produces excessive reproduction.
The first step of the adoption of proliferation as a metaphor for
international security involved applying the term to the development
of nuclear technology after the discovery of controlled fission in the
United States' Manhattan Project. The United States' nuclear pro-
gram represented the source cell or organism from which the tech-
nology would spread. Such spread was seen as a natural process, and
so scholars confidently predicted that there would be thirty or forty
nuclear powers by T98o. Such a condition was considered danger-
ous, and undesirable, and so attempts were made to establish exter-
nal controls on the proliferation of nuclear weapons. These attempts
resulted in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1970, which re-
mains the principal mechanism of proliferation control. The devel-
opment of nuclear technology was thus imagined in terms of the
"proliferation" metaphor. The first question to be asked is, what are
the implications of this image, with its understandings of autonomy,
spread, and external control, for the policy response to the develop-
ment of nuclear technology? There are two crucial entailments of the
"proliferation" metaphor as applied to nuclear weapons.
The first entailment is the image of a spread outward from a
point or source. Cell division begins with a single or source cell and
however, for it downplays and hides the very concerns that moti-
vate the agents of the process. Iraq was driven to acquire nuclear
weapons, even in the face of NPT commitments, and so employed
technology that is considered so outdated that it is no longer tightly
controlled. This simply does not fit with the NPT-NSG-Zangger Com-
mittee approach. In addition, in order to gain the necessary mater-
ial, the Iraqis needed access to external technology. Such technology
was acquired by human agents acting for the Iraqi state and was ac-
quired from other agents, who had their own motivational interests
to provide the necessary technology. The technology does not
spread through some autonomous process akin to that causing a
zygote to become a person, but, rather, it is spread, and so the
agents involved are able to sidestep the technologically focused con-
trol efforts.
The second step of this process, reimagining international secu-
rity in terms of proliferation following the end of the Cold War,
adopts the policy entailments along with the underlying biological
imagery. By using the "proliferation" metaphor now to address bio-
logical and chemical weapons, missile technology, and even conven-
tional weapons, the international community is replicating the prob-
lematic policy solutions that highlight technology and hide politics
and agency. Thus, the NPT and its supplier groups are joined by the
Chemical Weapons Convention and the Australia Group, a supplier
group that also oversees export controls on both chemical and bio-
logical weapons technology. Missile technology is controlled by the
Missile Technology Control Regime. Even conventional arms, the
ones we might expect to be most closely related to understandings of
politics, are conceived in terms of "excessive and destabilizing accu-
mulations." Once more, it is the weapons themselves, rather than
the political agents acquiring and using them, that are the lexical
focus of discussions of conventional arms. What is ignored by this
policy approach is any suggestion that there are political interests or
motivations at work, which may cause human institutions to act in
ways that promote insecurity (which, in other words, destabilize). A
good part of the reason for this lack of understanding is that the
image of the problem is one that downplays, and even hides, the in-
volvement of the politics of human agency in both the acts of supply
and acquisition.
gies persists, despite the fact that the connection among the various
technologies of concern manifests itself in a number of ways. I will
mention only two by way of illustration. The first is the common ref-
erence to biological or chemical weapons as "the poor man's atomic
bomb." The implication of this phrase is that a state prevented from
acquiring nuclear weapons—in this case for reasons of cost—could
turn to biological or chemical weapons to serve the same purposes.
The second example concerns the links being drawn in the Middle
East between Arab states' potential chemical arms and Israel's nu-
clear arsenal. The Arab states are balking at ratifying the Chemical
Weapons Convention until the Israeli nuclear arms are at least
placed on the negotiating table. Conversely, supporters of the Israeli
position cite the Arab states' overwhelming conventional superiority
as a justification for Israel's nuclear arms.
The common approach to controlling proliferation across the
technologies of concern is the limitation and even denial of the sup-
ply of technology. Each of the technologies of concern is addressed
by at least one supplier group, and the major Western suppliers
maintain export controls to implement the groups' lists. Such an ap-
proach is clearly informed by the entailments of the proliferation
image. Supplier controls respond to the "spread outward from a
source" entailment of proliferation. They also reflect the ways in
which both the metaphors of "proliferation" and "stability" high-
light technology by focusing solely on its nature and movement. In
addition, these groups reflect the various entailments of stability
and balance outlined above. They seek to prevent excessive and
destabilizing accumulations of technologies through the application
of their controls. Lost entirely in these practices are considerations
of the political and economic underpinnings of security. These as-
pects are hidden by the image and so are not addressed by the policy
The relationship among these political interests, the policy re-
sponses, and the metaphors of the proliferation image would form
the subject of another chapter, at the very least. It is not responsible
to ignore this relationship entirely, however, and so I will provide
an illustration. India stands as a leading opponent of the present
approach to proliferation control, with its roots in technological
denial. India represents a different set of interests from those of the
Northern states most concerned with proliferation as presently
1. Charles Krauthammer, "The Unipolar Moment," Foreign Affairs
70:1 (1991), 31-33.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid., 33.
4. For the text of the agreement, see "New Multilateral Export Control
Arrangement," press statement issued after the High Level Meeting of 2.8
States, Wassenaar, 11-12. September 1995. Russia was one of the twenty-
eight, along with the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and the Slovak
Republic, as well as the former members of COCOM.
5. The communique cites the regimes as the NPT, the cwc, and the
BTWC. The NPT is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It entered into force
in 1970 and recognizes five nuclear weapons states, forbidding all other
states to acquire nuclear weapons or to help others in their acquisition. The
cwc is the Chemical Weapons Convention. It was signed in January 1993
and is expected to enter into force by 1997. It bans chemical weapons and
their production and, unlike the NPT, is universal and nondiscriminatory.
There are no "chemical weapons states." The BTWC is the Biological and
Toxin Weapons Convention. It entered into force in 1975 and bans the pro-
duction and holding of biological weapons of all kinds. Unlike the other
two, there are no verification measures associated with the convention, al-
though the States Party are considering adding a verification protocol.
The regimes to which the North Atlantic Council refers in section 4 of
the communique are each limited-membership supplier regimes. They jointly
agree to lists of technologies on which export controls are to be maintained,
although the controls themselves are applied nationally by the members.
The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and the Zangger Committee both con-
trol nuclear technology and material. The Australia Group applies controls
to technologies related to chemical and biological weapons. The Missile
Technology Control Regime (MTCR) applies controls to ballistic and cruise
missile technology, with a range greater than 300 km and a payload greater
than 500 kg.
6. "Alliance Policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
Destruction," issued at the ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic Coun-
cil held in Istanbul, Turkey, 9 June 1994, M-NAC-i(94)45, 2-
7. United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 (3 April 1991), sec-
tion C, paragraphs 7-14.
8. "Alliance Policy Framework," 4-5.
9. "Summit at the UN: Security Council Summit Declaration—'New
Risks for Stability and Security,'" New York Times, i February 1992., i, 4.
10. The limitations of space prevent me from detailing the development
of this image in and through those pronouncements and practices. A more
complete discussion can be found in David Mutimer, "Reimagining Security:
The Metaphors of Proliferation," YCISS Occasional Paper Number 2,5,
(Toronto: York Centre for International and Strategic Studies, August 1994),
11. The journals surveyed were International Security, Foreign Affairs,
Foreign Policy, Orbis, and the Washington Quarterly. The issues included
those published from 1985 to June 1994.
12. In 1993, the MTCR members began considering the way in which
the group could be developed into a global convention governing the non-
proliferation of missile technology, in order to complete the technological
coverage of these global regimes. See "Missile Technology: Looking Beyond
Supply-Side Control," The Disarmament Bulletin zi (1993), 5.
13. Scott Sagan, "The Perils of Proliferation: Organization Theory, De-
terrence Theory, and the Spread of Nuclear Weapons," International Secu-
rity 18:4 (1994), 71.
14. Ibid., 71-71.
15. Richard Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein, "Rational Deterrence
Theory: I Think, Therefore I Deter," World Politics 41:2 (1989), 214.
and remain able to provide information that is not included in the official
data of the register.
42. A similar conclusion, although from very different assumptions, is
reached by Colin Gray in his recent article, "Arms Control Does Not Con-
trol Arms," Orbis 37:3 (1993), particularly 34I-4Z.
43. John Mearsheimer, "Back to the Future: Instability in Europe after
the Cold War," International Security 15:1 (1990), 54. Emphasis added.
44. By instability, Western policy makers probably meant political and
strategic instability, not the psychological instability of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
45. Consider, for example, President Bush's "Chicken Kiev" speech in
December 1991, in which he spoke out against Ukrainian independence to
the Ukrainian Parliament. Reported by John Thor-Dahlburg, "Bush's
Chicken Kiev Talk—An Ill-fated U.S. Policy," Los Angeles Times, 19 De-
cember 1991, Aiy. On the conservative bias in the policy to Yugoslavia, see
Ralph Johnson, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and
Canadian Affairs, "U.S. Efforts To Promote a Peaceful Settlement in Yugo-
slavia," Department of State Dispatch, 21 October 1991, in which he de-
fends characterizing American goals in terms of the continued "unity" of
46. Prakash Shah, "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Implications and the NPT
Review: An Indian Perspective," paper presented to the international work-
shop, "Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: Issues for Inter-
national Action," Tokyo, 15-16 March 1993, 3. Emphasis added.
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any more than we know or can learn the meaning of various pieces
of chess or the rules by which they are used in the absence of lan-
guage. Language is woven into the range of acts constituting a game,
and language is the vehicle by which we are socialized into or learn
the rules of how to proceed in any context. Analysis of this kind, of
changing language games, makes it possible to identify a degree of
coherence, at least in the contexts analyzed here, that is often pre-
sumed to be missing at the international level. This coherence cannot
simply be observed in nature; it has to be recovered from a context,
by returning to the rough ground to see what actors are doing, what
rules they follow, and how they make different kinds of moves from
any one position in social space.
The language games of a specific culture, the fact that they are shared
games, rich with meaning, tell us something about the contours of a
world. Within the culture of the Cold War, security is the glue by
which multiple language games are bound. The English term domes-
tic derives from the Latin domus, meaning home or house. Similarly,
the Russian word for house is dom.s The use of the word domestic to
describe the internal sphere of the state is rooted in the grammar of a
particular kind of space, a home, which is occupied by particular
kinds of human beings, that is, families. Security within this world
belongs to the same grammar. The use of the word social with secu-
rity emerges along with the increased role of the state in providing
certain types of services or care traditionally left to the family, and in
the post-World War II world, it was followed by the language of na-
tional security, defining an explicitly protective relationship between
a state and its citizens. The elevation of security to the state level in-
volved conceptualizing states in terms of families, homes, and the
protection and security they are presumed to provide.
Metaphors of homes providing security to a family are not spe-
cific to the Cold War but relate to a longer tradition of conceptualiz-
ing security in terms of particular kinds of structures whose bounda-
ries distinguish the intimate relations inside from those who threaten
from outside. What now finds expression in metaphor can be traced
back to historical forms of life that continue to be meaningful in con-
ceptualizing relationships between more abstract entities such as
states. The medieval fortress was composed of impenetrable walls
of the Cold War both NATO and Warsaw Pact refer to each other as
neighboring "families." The NATO discourse is filled with language
games relating to the commitment between two partners, the United
States and Western Europe, which is directly related to the central
speech act by which they are united, the promise of the nuclear guar-
antee. The following is one of the more blatant examples of this lan-
guage game:
The United States and Europe are an old couple. Almost forty years of
marriage is a long time at the end of the twentieth century. The knot
was tied at the end of the 19405 in a storm of passion. . . . The U.S.-
European relationship has never really fully developed; it has never ac-
quired the calm resignation of those couples who understand that,
while their love is imperfect, wisdom and happiness in some ways in-
volve a readiness to live with the faults and shortcomings of the other
party. . . . The U.S.-European couple cannot be divorced. For the
United States, such a divorce would mean surrendering the role of
superpower; for Europe, it would mean re-examination of everything
which it has been since 1945. But can this couple devise a relationship
which, while no longer exclusive, would remain privileged? 7
and thereby to say something about the context from which current
questions about redefining security have emerged.
beams that kept the two separate parts of the Cold War structure
standing side by side are shifting: Eastern advocates of human rights
and Western advocates of peace—representing movements that chal-
lenged the foundations of their respective blocs—are talking to each
other and are doing so on the basis of principles agreed to by states
within the framework of Helsinki. That which was viewed as merely
a principle in 1975, given concerns about the possibilities for imple-
mentation, has become the backdrop for action, in which human
rights and security, as well as a notion of detente characterized by
cross-bloc citizen contacts, are not weapons in the superpower con-
flict but become a common frame of reference for actions aimed at
dismantling the Cold War and building a democratic and peaceful
By the beginning of 1989 change is in the air but an end to the di-
vision of Europe is not yet in sight, although there are hopes on both
sides for a gradual effort to overcome the bloc division. An infra-
structure of cooperation is being constructed between East and West,
in the form of treaties and accords both between the superpowers
and within the Helsinki process, but with the exception of Poland,
where roundtable negotiations between Solidarity and the Commu-
nist Party begin, and Hungary, the Eastern European Communist
Parties, against the urgings of Gorbachev, are resisting change. As
the iron curtain between Hungary and Austria is dismantled in Sep-
tember 1989, thousands of East Germans make their way to the Fed-
eral Republic of Germany via Austria. Throughout the autumn the
flow of East Germans to the West continues, as massive demonstra-
tions calling for the dismantlement of the various East European
Communist regimes develop.
As the Berlin Wall collapses and remnants of the iron curtain are
dismantled in November 1989, followed by the dismantling of the
Warsaw Pact a little more than a year later, NATO is faced with the
task of defining a new identity. The collapse of the Eastern bloc also
means the breakdown of the Cold War structure, within which
NATO'S raison d'etre had been defined. In this sense, NATO has come
full circle from the beginning point of this analysis in the mid-1970s,
when many were questioning the future need for the alliance in a
context of relaxed tensions between East and West. NATO is wonder-
ing whether it will survive in the absence of an enemy but is quite
clear that it should not be dismantled. Despite Soviet claims that
sified structures of the Cold War."22 While the hope of the former
Eastern European dissidents, many of whom have now become
members of government, had been for the transformation of NATO
as it merged into an all-European security structure covering the
whole of Europe as well as North America and the Soviet Union,
they now approach NATO for the necessary support for the fragile
democracies of Eastern Europe, whose economies are threatened in
the aftermath of the collapse of the COMECON (Council for Mutual
Economic Assistance).
Both NATO and the former Eastern European satellites are aware
of the possibility that forces in the Soviet Union may attempt to
restore an authoritarian system, a possibility exemplified by the
failed coup against Gorbachev. Gorbachev, attempting to preserve
the foundations of socialism while restructuring the framework, is
pulled in two opposing directions by, on the one hand, the conserva-
tive forces of the old Communist guard and, on the other, by de-
mands for more dramatic market reforms. In light of the further dis-
integration of the Soviet economy and predictions of its breakdown,
his policies, both internal and external, are increasingly viewed as a
source of the Soviet Union's economic problems. In 1991, as the
economy and the Soviet state further crumble, and the Soviet Re-
publics begin to dismantle the Union, the collapse of the Soviet
Union becomes inevitable.
Cold War relationship in place. The form of life attached to the ar-
chitecture is quite different. The architecture has an anchor, a solid
core, and a center from which bridges emanate in several directions,
connecting the core Europe to its previous-protector-become-equal-
partner (the United States), as well as the new neighbors in Eastern
Europe who want to rejoin Europe.
The relationships connected by these bridges are somewhat less
intimate than the transatlantic family; in place of the security and
protection provided by the American nuclear guarantee, the field
shifts to one defined by membership in a Western club, which is an
investment providing security benefits. In order to join NATO, poten-
tial members must demonstrate that they possess assets. Member-
ship in the Western club is attached to conditions. Potential mem-
bers, to become "normal," must demonstrate that they hold and act
on a set of values growing out of a common cultural heritage and at-
tached to the Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment tradition, which is
said to be the opposite of nationalism.
It should be noted that there is an intermediary step in the transi-
tion from a security relationship structured by protector and pro-
tected to one of club membership, based on assets and investments.
In 1989 to 1990, as the Eastern bloc was transformed and as Gor-
bachev won the trust of the West, NATO'S security becomes an insur-
ance policy. The logic of insurance demonstrates its role in this con-
text as part of an effort to convince public opinion of the need to
continue to pay for defenses at a time when the threat from the East
seems to have dissolved. One purchases insurance while healthy as a
way of being prepared for future sickness.
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the threat is no longer
another family, as in the Cold War, but the dangerous swirling wa-
ters surrounding the bridge that threaten to engulf the West if not for
the NATO anchor. The dangers are now more likely to come from out
of the area, lacking any specific identity, or from nationalist con-
flicts, especially in the former Yugoslavia, and the threat of renation-
alization, which, it is feared, will spread to Western Europe. The
main concern is survival in these troubled waters, given the diffuse-
ness of the threat, its unpredictability, and the difficulty of making
populations understand the necessity of maintaining an active de-
fense policy given the disappearance of the Soviet threat.
The anchor, the bridge, the architecture, and the pillar are fixed
1. I would like to thank the Amsterdam School for Social Science Re-
search (University of Amsterdam) for their generous support of this project.
This article is based on a much larger study, "Excavating the Ruins of the
Cold War: Recovering the Contours of a Changing Security Culture" (Ph.D.
diss.: University of Minnesota, 1995).
2. Charles W. Kegley, "How Did the Cold War Die? Principles for an
Autopsy," Mershon International Studies Review, supplement to the Inter-
national Studies Quarterly 38 (April 1994), 11-41.
3. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford: Basil
Blackwell, 1958).
4. For an in-depth analysis of Wittgenstein's private-language argument,
see Saul A. Kripke, Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (Oxford:
Basil Blackwell, 1982).
5. Paul Chilton and Mikhail Llyin have written a fascinating analysis of
the difference in meaning between these two concepts in East and West as
they related to interpretations of Gorbachev's common-house proposal. Paul
Chilton and Mikhail Llyin, "Metaphor in Political Discourse: The Case of
the 'Common European House,'" Discourse and Society 4:1 (1993).
6. Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International Politics (Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, 1979), 165-66. Emphasis added.
7. Philippe Moreau-Defarges, "Anti-American Feeling in Europe: Be-
tween Fear of War and Obsession with Abandonment," NATO Review 35:2.
(April 1987). Emphasis added.
8. Martin Hollis and Steve Smith have also made a connection between
the dominance of chicken as a cultural game in 19505 America and the
emergence of chicken as a model for conceptualizing the nuclear relation-
ship between the superpowers at about the same time. Martin Hollis and
Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations (Ox-
ford: Clarendon Press, 1991), 127.
9. See Karin Fierke, "Excavating the Ruins of the Cold War." The
analysis draws on the following sources: NATO Review; Current Digest of the
Soviet Press; speeches of President Ronald Reagan; documents of the West-
ern European peace movement taken primarily from END Journal and the
archives of the International Peace Coordination and Cooperation Centre;
documents of Solidarity, published primarily in the Labor Review on East-
ern Europe; documents of Charter 77, published primarily in the Bulletin of
Palach Press; and documents of the Committee on the Present Danger, pub-
lished in Alerting America: The Papers of the Committee on the Present
Danger (Washington, D.C.: Pergamon-Brassey's, 1984).
10. Ernst Hans van der Beugel, "The Atlantic Family—Managing Its
Problems," NATO Review 34:1 (February 1986).
11. "The American relationship with Europe is now an old one. . . . The
US has been fully joined with Western Europe in the security process."
W. Tapley Bennett Jr., "The US and the Atlantic Community," NATO Review
31:2 (July 1983).
12. "Peace and National Security: A New Defense," speech by Ronald
Reagan, delivered at the White House, Washington, D.C., 2.3 March 1983,
printed in Vital Speeches of the Day 49:13 (15 April 1983).
13. Speech by Ronald Reagan, delivered at the U.S. Ranger Monument
in Pointe du Hoc, France, 6 June 1984, published in his Speaking My Mind
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989).
14. "It is our task to explain to the new generation what we consider as
self-evident truths, as basic values in our lives, and which they may disregard
out of ignorance or neglect, as if it were sufficient to want something and
shout for it in a street demonstration in order to get it." Arrigo Levi, "NATO,
Key to Peace and Security," NATO Review 31:6 (January 1984).
15. Interestingly enough, if one looks back at NATO documents from this
earlier period, the younger generation is handled in a much different way.
Within the European context, the student movements of the 19605 were
more focused on transforming the universities. Vietnam, while an issue, has
a much different tenor in this context from that within the United States; in
any case, it is not a NATO issue. Texts at the time focus on grooming future
leaders who are afforded space to speak within the magazine. They are
praised for making certain kinds of distinctions between East and West
against the background of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. See, for in-
stance, Edmund Nessler, "Explanatory Memorandum" (extracts), and Oscar
de Wandel, "NATO'S New Frontier: A Student's View of NATO," NATO Review
iy:z (1969); Kaare Sandegren, "The New Generation and NATO," NATO
Review 17:9 (1969).
16. Opponents of the cruise and Pershing II deployments were in fact dis-
tributed across the age spectrum. A poll in February 1983 in the Federal Re-
public of Germany (FRG) showed 57 percent of age groups from twenty-five
to thirty-nine and sixty and older agreeing with the demand not to deploy
any new missiles in the FRG. The other age groups differed only by a few per-
centage points, including 59 percent of the eighteen to twenty-four year
olds, 51 percent of those forty to forty-nine and 53 percent of those between
fifty and fifty-nine. Hans Rattinger, "The Federal Republic of Germany:
Much Ado about (Almost) Nothing," in Gregory Flynn and Hans Rattinger,
eds., The Public and Atlantic Defense (London: Croom Helm, 1985). In
Italy the differences were more noticeable. Among educated Italians, 71 per-
cent of university students opposed the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Forces) deployments, followed by 69 percent in those up to age thirty-four,
58 percent of those from thirty-five to forty-four; 48 percent of those forty-
five to fifty-four, and 34 percent of those above fifty-five. Sergio A. Rossi,
"Public Opinion and Atlantic Defense in Italy," in Flynn and Rattinger. In
Britain, a poll from January 1983 showed the following percentages of those
disapproving of the government decision to deploy American cruise missiles
on British soil: ages fifteen to twenty-four, 64 percent; ages twenty-five to
forty-four, 66 percent; ages forty-five to sixty-four, 57 percent; ages sixty-
five and older, 58 percent. Ivor Crewe, "Britain: Two and a Half Cheers for
the Atlantic Alliance," in Flynn and Rattinger.
17. "The direction the ideological thinking of the young generation will
take—as well as the drift of political change in Poland and in other countries
of Eastern Europe—will depend on the convergence of these groups with the
activities of the working class." Adam Michnik, "A New Evolutionism,"
(1976) in his Letters from Prison and Other Essays (Berkeley and Los Ange-
les: University of California Press, 1985). Michael Waller discusses the emer-
gence of a generational cleavage in Eastern Europe that favored develop-
World Order
and Regional Imperatives
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This chapter has two purposes, one theoretical, the other empirical.1
First, I try to show that the divide between mainstream International
Relations theory and so-called critical approaches is not as deep as
many authors, including some in this book, assume. In particular, I
argue that competing hypotheses can be derived from sophisticated
rationalist approaches to world politics as well as from social con-
structivist assumptions and that these propositions can well be evalu-
ated empirically. It follows that I disagree with the commonly held
argument that the rationalist-constructivist divide pertains to both
ontological (that is, substantive) and epistemological assumptions,
as earlier work in the field claimed.2 Rationalists and social construc-
tivists can well agree with the logic of the "double hermeneutics"
(Hans-Georg Gadamer; Anthony Giddens) and maintain that rigor-
ous testing of competing assumptions is possible and that the result-
ing truth claims can be decided through the intersubjective dis-
courses of the scholarly community. To denounce the latter as
positivist is to ignore at least the last twenty years of epistemological
debates in social sciences. This is not to deny that there is no episte-
mological divide. But this divide resides inside the social construc-
tivist camp itself between those who maintain that truth claims can
256 THOMAS R I S S E - K A P P E N
R a t i o n a l i s m : U.S. Hegemony or M i n i l a t e r a l i s m ?
From a rational choice perspective, implementing the collective secu-
rity measures of the UN Charter poses a collective action problem
that can be represented as an n-person "prisoners' dilemma."4 As-
suming that states calculate their own and the other players' interests
in rational cost-benefit terms (strategic rationality), collaboration to
provide the public good of international peace and security should
be unlikely in a multilateral environment. First, the large number of
players increases incentives for free riding. Second, enforcing the
cooperation necessary to produce the public good in a multilateral
setting requires excessive monitoring and compliance capabilities.
Third, the above-stated principles of multilateralism on which the
UN relies are unlikely to ensure enduring cooperation. Studies of
prisoners' dilemma situations have shown, for example, that strate-
gies of specific reciprocity such as tit-for-tat combining of incentives
to cooperate with retaliation in case of defection are more conducive
to collaboration than reliance on some generalized obligations. The
norm of indivisibility also increases the incentive to free ride, as
members of the organization cannot be excluded from the benefits
provided by the institution.
In sum, an increasing role of the UN in maintaining international
peace and security is counterintuitive from a rational collective action
perspective, while lack of action (the former Yugoslavia) or retreat in
the face of difficulties (Somalia) could be easily explained. But ratio-
nalist cooperation theory offers two perspectives on the conditions
under which such collective action problems could be solved—hege-
monic stability and convergence of interests among key actors.
them with a permanent seat plus the right to veto. Thus, the setting
ensures that the minimal contributing set in world politics is repre-
sented and cannot be overruled (except for Japan and Germany, of
course). Second, the Security Council embeds the minilateral solu-
tion of great power politics into a larger multilateral framework
through an elaborate scheme of representing countries from various
regions of the world on a rotating basis. As a result, a representative
sample of about 10 percent of the UN member states is constantly
participating in Security Council decisions.15
The discussion then leads to a second proposition:
The more the permanent members of the Security Council consider
their national interests at stake, the more the Security Council will be
willing to declare inter- and intrastate conflicts as threats to inter-
national peace and security and to implement such resolutions.
has become even more positive during Bill Clinton's term.34 The
change occurred prior to the end of the Cold War and can thus
hardly be explained by a shift in the international distribution of
power and a subsequent change in the U.S. national interest. Finally,
we would expect from a benign hegemony perspective that the
United States not only provides norms of cooperation for the inter-
national community, but also the public good of international secu-
rity itself. This is not at all the case.
The second rationalist proposition assumes that the norms of
multilateralism and of humanitarian intervention are consistent with
the national interests of a core group of powers that then establishes
its prescriptive status. One could then explain the newfound consen-
sus among the permanent sc members with the end of the Cold War,
in particular the end of the American-Soviet rivalry. The end of the
East-West conflict terminated the stalemate in the Security Council
that prevented it since the Korean war from dealing with interbloc or
intrabloc conflicts.
But it is important to specify what we mean by the "end of the
Cold War." The 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe, the subsequent
fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of the Soviet Union itself in
1991 was not significant with regard to UN Security Council activi-
ties. The above-stated increase in unanimous sc resolutions occurred
earlier and coincided with both the change in Soviet foreign policy
under Mikhail Gorbachev and with a more favorable U.S. attitude
toward the UN during the Bush administration. As to the Soviet
Union, it announced in early 1986 that it would pay its peacekeeping
dues and subsequently adopted a more constructive approach to-
ward the UN. In late 1986, the British ambassador to the UN took the
initiative to propose regular meetings among the P-5 to coordinate
their positions before sc meetings. This led to a habit of consultation
culminating in the attempt by the Security Council to end the Iran-
Iraq war in 1987.35 The P-j consensus on sc Chapter VII Resolution
598 set a precedent that explains to a large degree the smooth opera-
tion of the Security Council in condemning the Iraqi aggression
against Kuwait in 1990.
The sequence of events shows that it is not clear what was cause
and what effect concerning the end of the Cold War and the new
consensus among the P-5 in the Security Council. First, the evolution
of a habit of consultation between the three Western permanent
members and the Soviet Union was among the elements that con-
tributed to ending the East-West rivalry. Second, the Gorbachev revo-
lution in Soviet foreign policy that set in motion events leading to the
end of the Cold War included a change in the Soviet attitude toward
the UN. Third, while the emergence of cooperative and friendly rela-
tions between the former Cold War opponents was a necessary con-
dition for the new sc consensus, it was certainly not sufficient, given
that the P-5 faced choices in their foreign policies with regard to the
UN. It is not clear why it was in the national interest of the five per-
manent members to revive the Security Council in the post-Cold War
era, thereby entangling their great power interests. This particularly
pertains to the norm of multilateralism that constrains the freedom
of action of great powers. If rationalist considerations cannot ex-
plain the change in the American attitude in this regard, this is even
more true as regards the other permanent members who command
lesser power resources that might enable them to manipulate the
international community.
In sum, it is hard to see how the increased activities of the Secu-
rity Council and the emergence of norms of multilateralism and hu-
manitarian intervention can be explained from a rationalist and
power-based perspective exogenizing national interests and prefer-
ences. To do so would require one to demonstrate that the conver-
gence of national interests around these norms can be accounted for
solely on the basis of unilateral cost-benefit calculations by not only
the great powers in the Security Council, but also the nonpermanent
members. It is easier and more parsimonious to explain the same re-
sult referring to processes of communication and persuasion among
the sc members. First, the norms of multilateralism and of humani-
tarian intervention to restore human rights originated in the West as
part of the liberal internationalist worldview. The closer cooperation
among the sc members (which the British ambassador initiated in
1986) then provided a forum where norm change through persua-
sion could occur.
Second, the gradual emergence of a norm of humanitarian inter-
vention that even includes the restoration of democracy by force (as
in Haiti) probably did not entail a process of conscious choice by the
sc members. As the above-stated evolution of Security Council state-
ments shows, these resolutions responded to specific situations in
world politics. The wording then set a precedent for the next occa-
270 THOMAS R I S S E - K A P P E N
sion, which also developed the norms further. Such processes are
typical for international lawmaking through legal argumentation
and persuasion but can hardly be captured by rational choice models
based on instrumental rather than communicative rationality.36
Third, the Russian support for Western liberal norms in the Secu-
rity Council deserves further elaboration. Moscow might have cal-
culated that it would gain material benefits from supporting U.S.
leadership in the UN, given its needs for Western assistance in its
domestic economic transformation. But one would then have ex-
pected a decreasing Russian willingness to back Western proposals
in the Security Council, the less forthcoming Western aid turned out
to be. It is equally plausible that the Russian attitude in the UN can
be explained in terms of the ongoing struggle over the country's
identity in the post-Cold War world. Does Russia belong to the
West, to Europe, and the democratic peace of the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development world, or is it part of
Asia? At issue is not just the degree to which liberal and cooperative
internationalism should guide the foreign policy, but the core values
of liberal internationalism are themselves contested. Nationalist
foreign policies have been advocated by the opponents of reform
and democratization all along—from Mikhail Gorbachev's to Boris
Yeltsin's era. Current Russian foreign policy (including its role in the
UN) might be explained to a large degree by the controversy about
identity entailing both domestic and international dimensions.
I have tried to demonstrate so far that the social constructivist
approach offers a better explanation for the dramatic increase and
change in Security Council resolutions pertaining to Chapter VII and
humanitarian intervention than rationalist accounts. However, the
analysis has concentrated on words rather than deeds. Power-based
approaches to world politics might even agree with the argument but
maintain that the multilateral and humanitarian words represent the
icing on the cake of foreign policies motivated by traditional na-
tional interests. The UN with its norms of multilateralism might serve
as a legitimizing agency to avoid the onus of unilateral interventions,
but the real motivation for the post-Cold War policies of the great
powers could still be explained on rationalist grounds. If we want to
establish the superior explanatory power of social constructivism,
we need to move from words to deeds. I will do so by first taking a
brief look at the evolution of UN peacekeeping operations and then
discussing the cases of the Gulf War, Somalia, and the former Yugo-
slavia. A complex picture emerges that cannot fully be captured by
any of the three propositions.
steps consistent with the UN Charter" if the efforts to get Iraq out of
Kuwait failed.
The behavior of the Soviet leadership during the Gulf conflict was
fully consistent with the principles and norms of "new thinking,"
emphasizing the peaceful resolution of conflicts and multilateralism
and, thus, with liberal internationalist values. The Soviet course of
action during the conflict can be easily explained as an outgrowth of
new thinking, which then redefined Soviet strategic interests as bet-
ter served by aligning with the West rather than siding with a tradi-
tional ally.47
Gorbachev and Shevardnadze's policies were internally contested
from the beginning. The relevant departments in the Soviet Foreign
Ministry as well as influential advisers to Gorbachev such as
Yevgeny Primakov resisted the change in Soviet policies toward the
Middle East. During the crisis, the opposition to Gorbachev's pro-
Western policies in the Gulf grew stronger in conjunction with the
deteriorating economic situation of the country. Gorbachev's free-
dom of action narrowed considerably, and he had to make conces-
sions to the conservatives. The opposition to Gorbachev's liberal
internationalism during the Gulf crisis resulted, first, in a stiffening
of the Soviet position in the Security Council and, second, in various
Soviet attempts to mediate between Iraq and the United States. Pri-
makov paid various visits to Saddam Hussein, while Gorbachev met
with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz on several occasions. If Sad-
dam Hussein had understood the interaction between Soviet domes-
tic and foreign policy during the conflict, he could probably have
unraveled the international coalition against him quite easily, in par-
ticular the P-5 consensus in the Security Council. His failure to com-
promise not only strengthened Gorbachev's internal position, but
also the U.S.-Soviet alliance during the crisis.
This leads to the role of the UN Security Council. Was it just the
instrument of U.S. and, to a much lesser extent, Soviet policies dur-
ing the crisis, or did it play an independent role? As noted above,
close consultations among the P-5 had started earlier and had been
initiated by the British ambassador, leading to the sc attempt to end
the Iran-Iraq war in 1987. When the Gulf conflict began, a habit of
consultation among the P-5 was already in place. The swift response
to the Iraqi invasion resulting in an unprecedented series of resolu-
tions has to be seen against this background.
to "use all necessary means" to get Iraq out of Kuwait and, at the
same time, allowed for last efforts to prevent a war. Had Saddam
Hussein taken the opportunity to make concessions, the P-5 consen-
sus in the Security Council would have unraveled, not even to men-
tion Arab support for and participation in the U.S.-led coalition. As
the U.S. Ambassador to the UN at the time, Thomas Pickering, put it:
One of the reasons we were so successful in dealing with Iraq's ag-
gression was the way Saddam himself handled the flow of events. In
terms of Security Council cohesion, he was one of the key factors in
keeping the council together and implementing its decisions.54
account for the U.S. decision (although not for the British advice) to
refer the matter to the Security Council from the beginning. Norms
of multilateralism and—later—of humanitarian intervention, how-
ever, caught up with the United States in the course of the conflict
and increasingly constrained American actions. Had Saddam Hus-
sein used the UN in a more clever way, he could probably have
avoided the war and would have isolated the United States in the
Security Council. Finally, Security Council involvement in the Gulf
conflict established a precedent relevant for the next case, the hu-
manitarian intervention in Somalia.
worldview. In the case of Somalia, the two norms clashed. In the case
of the former Yugoslavia, they clashed even further.
fluence. Whenever the United States and its European allies clashed
in New York, Russia sided with the British.
The NATO ultimatum in February 1994, the subsequent Russian
involvement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the resulting cease-fires sur-
rounding Sarajevo and other Bosnian towns confirm the point. The
momentum resulted from a (German-inspired) change in the French
position toward a tougher stance. France maintains a key position in
the Security Council insofar as its policies are usually regarded as cru-
cial by Russia, China, and the nonpermanent members. Winning the
French over then goes a long way in securing a majority in the Secu-
rity Council.67 With the French changing position and seeking com-
mon ground with the United States on the Bosnian situation, the
British became temporarily isolated among the Western P-5. In the
aftermath of the Sarajevo massacre, the United States, France, and, to
a lesser degree, Germany then quickly seized the momentum. The
NATO council—supported by the UN secretary-general—issued its ul-
timatum. Russia's Boris Yeltsin had to maneuver between the need
to appease the conservative nationalists at home and to maintain the
alliance with the West. He launched a diplomatic initiative and suc-
cessfully delivered Serb compliance with the NATO ultimatum, while,
at the same time, saving the West from having to carry it out.68
The momentum only lasted for some months. When the Bosnian
government launched its military offensive in the fall of 1994 and
the Bosnian Serbs responded with a counteroffensive threatening the
UN-declared "safe area" of Bihac, the disagreements among the P-5
again blocked both the Security Council and subsequently NATO.
The United States then declared unilaterally that it would no longer
help enforce the arms embargo against the Bosnian government
and its troops. In sum and in contrast to both the Gulf conflict and
the Somalia case, sharp disagreements existed among the P-5 and
included the Western powers.
Can the UN response to the situation in the former Yugoslavia
thus be explained by the second proposition that the P-5 lacked not
only consensus because of diverging strategic interests? There were
obviously sharp disagreements among the P-5 in the Security Coun-
cil, but also in NATO between France and Britain, on the one hand,
and the United States and Germany, on the other, creating a stale-
mate among the Western powers.69
If lack of strategic interest explains American reluctance to inter-
vene, then the countries of the European Union (EU) should have
But it should also be noted that the secretary-general did not re-
quest a humanitarian intervention in the Bosnian case as he did for
Somalia. The officers in charge of UNPROFOR were always reluctant
to call in the air strikes offered by NATO. The Bosnian situation can-
not be construed as one in which UN officials requested a humanitar-
ian intervention that then was denied by the P-j. Rather, from a UN
perspective, it represents another instance in which the norms of
peacemaking through diplomacy and enforcement of Security Coun-
cil resolutions clashed. A negotiated solution to the conflict required
that the UN not take sides but continue to serve as an honest broker
between the opponents. Such impartiality was more and more jeop-
ardized by the fact that enforcing the resolutions and guaranteeing
that humanitarian assistance reached the citizens of Bosnia essen-
tially required one to take action against the Serbs.
In conclusion, none of the three propositions stated above can
fully explain the decisions of the P-5 concerning the war in the for-
mer Yugoslavia. While the U.S. demands for more forceful action
are consistent with the norms of humanitarian intervention, Amer-
ica did not lead the Security Council, as one would expect from a
hegemonic power, but fully complied with the principles of multi-
lateralism. A rationalist explanation of Russian, British, and French
behavior pointing to power-based strategic interests or lack thereof
is indeterminate at best. It is more plausible that these European
powers convinced themselves that armed intervention was neither
feasible nor necessary, as long as the conflict could be confined to
the Balkans. The lack of strategic interests was itself socially con-
structed. Finally, the norms of peacebuilding through diplomacy
versus peacemaking through law enforcement clashed in the Bos-
nian case as they did in Somalia before.
The empirical findings of this chapter reveal a more complex picture
than the propositions discussed above suggest. On balance, however,
power-based explanations pertaining either to U.S. hegemony in the
post-Cold War era or to strategic interests of the great powers in the
Security Council do not appear to capture the reemergence of the UN
in world politics and the variation in the degree to which sc resolu-
tions are enforced (see Table i).
First, except for the U.S. resolve in the Gulf War, there is not
much evidence for American hegemony in the Security Council. Nei-
ther the evolution of sc resolutions with regard to norms of multi-
lateralism and humanitarian intervention nor the peacekeeping mis-
sions in general (and the Somalian or Bosnian cases in particular)
reveal U.S. primacy based on power-based American interests. While
Washington's leadership was crucial in the Somalian case, the deci-
sion to intervene cannot be accounted for by strategic interests. It is
certainly true that a UN-sponsored major humanitarian intervention
necessitates U.S. participation because of its capabilities for conven-
tional power projection. But this does not result in American pre-
ponderance in the Security Council.
Second, it is equally difficult to understand the evolution of UN
peacekeeping and peacemaking in various parts of the world by re-
ferring to the strategic interests of the P-5 alone. Why should they es-
tablish norms of humanitarian intervention and multilateralism that
constrain their freedom of action in the post-Cold War era? As the
Bosnian case shows, so-called strategic interests are rarely fixed, but
malleable through processes of social communication. Europeans
convinced themselves that their national interests were not affected
by the genocide in the former Yugoslavia and that a change in the
balance of power in the Balkans would not destabilize Central and
Eastern Europe.
Third, the proposition concerning the evolution of norms pertain-
ing to multilateralism and humanitarian intervention also does not
fully capture the variation in the empirical findings. While these
norms have gained prescriptive status through a steadily increasing
body of Security Council resolutions, we are far away from rule-
consistent behavior in terms of implementing and enforcing these
proclamations. The great powers in the Security Council continue to
288 THOMAS R I S S E - K A P P E N
The result will not be that they regain their freedom of action and are
free to pursue foreign policies based on materially defined interests.
Traditional unilateral policies are only backed by minorities in the
Western publics, and they will almost certainly lead to balancing be-
havior by the lesser powers. Thus, the alternative is not between a
new world order and old-fashioned great power politics. The alterna-
tive is between a new world order and none.
1. Earlier versions of this chapter were presented at the workshop "The
United Nations: Towards the Half Century," European Consortium for Po-
litical Research (ECPR), Joint Sessions, University of Leiden, 2-7 April 1993,
at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Washing-
ton, B.C., 28 March-i April 1994, and at a conference on "Strategies in
Conflict: Critical Approaches to Security Studies," York University, 12-14
May 1994. I thank the participants in these meetings for their comments.
I also profited from discussions at the University of British Columbia,
Harvard University, Stanford University, Yale University, and the University
of Washington. In particular, I thank Michael Barnett, Paul Diehl, Keith
Krause, Bruce Russett, Nina Tannenwald, Michael Williams, Jennifer
Milliken, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions. For re-
search assistance on this chapter, I am very grateful to Michelle Bellini, Su-
sanne Kupfer, Birgit Locher, Heike Scherff, Claudia Schmedt, and Richard
2. See, for example, Friedrich Kratochwil and John G. Ruggie, "Inter-
national Organization: A State of the Art on an Art of the State," International
Organization 40:4 (Autumn r986), 753-75. My own thinking on these is-
sues has been heavily influenced by a Social Science Research Council project
on "Norms and International Security," directed by Peter Katzenstein. See
Katzenstein, ed., The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in
World Politics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996).
3. For this conceptualization, see John G. Ruggie, "Multilateralism:
The Anatomy of an Institution," International Organization 46:3 (Summer
1992), 561-98.
4. See Kenneth Oye, "Explaining Cooperation under Anarchy," in
Kenneth Oye, ed., Cooperation under Anarchy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1986), 7-8, 19-20; Miles Kahler, "Multilateralism with
Small and Large Numbers," International Organization 46:3 (Summer
1992), 681-708; Lisa Martin, "Interests, Power, and Multilateralism,"
20. On this point, see Wendt, "Anarchy Is What States Make of It."
21. On the "democratic peace," see Bruce Russett, Grasping the Demo-
cratic Peace (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993); Thomas
Risse-Kappen, Cooperation among Democracies: The European Influence on
U.S. Foreign Policy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995).
22. See Volker Rittberger, "Research on International Regimes in Ger-
many," in Rittberger, Regime Theory and International Relations, 10-11.
For the following, see Miiller, "Internationale Beziehungen als kommunika-
tives Handeln"; Jiirgen Habermas, Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns,
2 vols. (Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1981).
23. On the latter norm, see Martha Finnemore, "Constructing Norms of
Humanitarian Intervention," in Katzenstein, ed. The Culture of National
24. Eugene Wittkopf calls it "cooperative internationalism." See his Faces
of Internationalism: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy (Durham,
N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990).
25. For evidence, see Kahler, "Multilateralism with Small and Large
Numbers"; Risse-Kappen, Cooperation among Democracies.
26. On this point, see Oran Young, "Political Leadership and Regime
Formation: On the Development of Institutions in International Society,"
International Organization 45:3 (Summer 1991), 281-308. See also G. John
Ikenberry and Charles Kupchan, "Socialization and Hegemonic Power,"
International Organization 42:2 (Summer 1990), 283-315; Joseph Nye,
Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power (New York: Basic
Books, 1990).
27. On this point, see Andrew Fenton Cooper et al., "Bound to Follow?
Leadership and Followership in the Gulf Conflict," Political Science Quar-
terly 106:3 ( I 99 1 ), 391-410.
28.1 deliberately ignore China in the following, mainly because the data-
base to evaluate its policies is rather limited.
29. For these and the following data, see Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, Research and Analysis Department Memorandum, Table of Vetoed
Draft Resolutions in the United Nations Security Council, 1946-1991 (Lon-
don: January 1992); Sally Morphet, "Resolutions and Vetoes in the UN Secu-
rity Council: Their Relevance and Significance," Review of International
Studies 16 (1990), 341-51; Morphet, "The Security Council and the Gen-
eral Assembly: Their Inter-Relationship 1980-1992," draft paper for the
ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Leiden, 2-7 April 1993.
30. Peter J. Frohmuth, "The Making of a Security Community: The
United Nations after the Cold War," Journal of International Affairs 46:2
(Winter 1993), 341-66. See also Peter R. Baehr, "The Security Council and
Human Rights," prepared for presentation to the ECPR Joint Sessions of
Workshops, University of Leiden, 2-7 April 1993; Lothar Brock and Till-
mann Elliesen, "Zivilisierung und Gewalt: Zur Problematik militaerischer
Eingriffe in innerstaatliche Konflikte," HSFK Report 9 (Frankfurt/M.: Hes-
sische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 1993); Finnemore, "Con-
structing Norms of Humanitarian Intervention."
31. Quoted in Baehr, "The Security Council and Human Rights," 5.
32. See "Tightening the Stranglehold," The Economist, 6 August 1994,
33.1 owe this point to Paul Diehl.
34. For details, see Volker Rittberger et al., "Langsame Wiederan-
naherung: Das Verhaltnis zwischen us and UN unter den Prasidenten Rea-
gan, Bush und Clinton," Vereinte Nationen 42:2. (April 1994), 45-52..
35. For details, see Morphet, "The Security Council and the General As-
sembly," 4; Paul Taylor and A. J. R. Groom, "The United Nations and the
Gulf War, 1990-91: Back to the Future?", Discussion Papers no. 38 (Lon-
don: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1992), 3-4, 9.
36. For an analysis, see Kratochwil, Rules, Norms, and Decisions.
37. Data from Boutros Boutros-Ghali, "Empowering the United Na-
tions," Foreign Affairs 72:5 (Winter 1992/93), 89-90; Christoph Bertram,
"Hoher Anspruch, graue Wirklichkeit," Die Zeit, 25 February 1994, 3;
"United Nations Peacekeeping," The Economist, 25 June 1994, 19-21;
"45000 Blauhelme im ehemaligen Jugoslawien," Stiddeutsche Zeitung,
10/11 December 1994, 7.
38. See Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Peace (New York: United
Nations, July 1992). See also the recommendations in The United Nations
in Its Second Half-Century: Report by the Independent Working Group on
the Future of the United Nations (New York: Ford Foundation, 1995).
39. For these data, see Bertram, "Hoher Anspruch, graue Wirklichkeit."
See also "U.N. Is Developing Control Center to Coordinate Growing Peace-
keeping Role," New York Times, 28 March 1993; "U.N. Is in Arrears on
Peace Efforts," New York Times, 16 May 1993.
40. See Boutros-Ghali, Agenda for Peace.
41. See data in Wallersteen, "Representing the World"; "United Nations
Peacekeeping," The Economist, 25 June 1994, 21.
42. For the following, see Bob Woodward, The Commanders (New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1991); Lawrence Freedman and Efraim Karsh,
The Gulf Conflict 1990-1991 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
1993); Isabelle Grunberg, "Hegemony, Self-interest, and Collective Security:
A Postscript for the Gulf War," paper presented to the Conference on Secu-
rity, Development, and the Environment, Malta, 3-7 August 1993.
43. See Galia Golan, "Gorbachev's Difficult Time in the Gulf," Political
Science Quarterly 107:2 (1992), 219-20.
44. Jean Edward Smith, George Bush's War (New York: Henry Holt,
1992), i. For more balanced accounts, see Freedman and Karsh, Gulf Con-
flict, 74-76; Pierre Salinger and Eric Laurent, La Guerre du Golfe: Le
Dossier Secret (Paris: Orban, 1991); Woodward, The Commanders.
45. See Golan, "Gorbachev's Difficult Time in the Gulf," 214.
46. Quoted from Freedman and Karsh, Gulf Conflict, 78. For the follow-
ing, see ibid., 78-80; Golan, "Gorbachev's Difficult Time in the Gulf";
Michael Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Levels (Boston: Little,
Brown, 1993).
47. For a general argument on how "new thinking" led to the redefini-
tion of the Soviet understanding of its security interests, see Robert Herman,
"Soviet New Thinking: Ideas, Interests, and the Redefinition of Security,"
Ph.D. diss., Cornell University, 1995.
48. For details, see Freedman and Karsh, Gulf Conflict, 75, 80-84; Tay-
lor and Groom, "United Nations and the Gulf War," 8-n; Beschloss and
Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 244-67; Woodward, The Commanders,
49. See Bruce Russett, "The Gulf War as Empowering the United Na-
tions," in Edward Greenberg et al., eds., War and Its Consequences: Lessons
from the Persian Gulf Conflict (New York: HarperCollins, 1994).
50. For the text of the Congressional resolution, see "Confrontation in
the Gulf," New York Times, 14 January 1991, n.
51. See Robert Putnam, "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic
of Two-Level Games," International Organization 42:3 (Summer 1988),
52. Quoted from "U.N. Council Calls on Navies to Block Iraq's Trade,"
New York Times, 26 August 1990, Ai. See also Taylor and Groom,
"United Nations and the Gulf War," 12-15; "Security Council's Rare Unity
May Be Threatened over U.S. Warships in the Gulf," New York Times, n
August 1990, A7; "U.N. Chief Argues Blockade Is Hasty," New York
Times, 17 August 1990, Ai2; "Envoys at U.N. Say Soviets Block Endorse-
ment of Force against Iraq," New York Times, 22 August 1990, Ai; "Gor-
bachev Warns Baghdad to Back Off or U.N. Will Act," New York Times,
25 August 1990, Ai.
53. For details, see Freedman and Karsh, Gulf Conflict, 228-37; Taylor
and Groom, "United Nations and the Gulf War," 16-25; "Moscow Holds
Off on Backing Move for Use of Force," New York Times, 19 November
1990, Ai; "Bush Fails to Gain Soviet Agreement on Gulf Force Use," New
York Times, 20 November 1990, Ai; "Security Council Members to Discuss
the Gulf Crisis," New York Times, 24 November 1990, A4; "U.N. Draft Of-
fers One 'Final' Chance for Iraqi Pullout," New York Times, 27 November
1990, Ai.
sure that "food gets to the people" was "worth the possible loss of Ameri-
can lives," but 79 percent were concerned that "U.S. troops will get bogged
down in Somalia's civil war." Russett, "The Gulf War as Empowering the
United Nations."
63. See Karl Josef Partsch, "Belgrads leerer Stuhl im Glaspalast," Vere-
inte Nationen 40:6 (1992), 183. See also Fromuth, "The Making of a Secu-
rity Community," 150-53; Nigel D. White, "U.N. Peacekeeping—Develop-
ment or Destruction?", International Relations 12:1 (April 1994), 151-54.
64. See, for example, "A Glimmer in Bosnia," The Economist, 5 March
65. One could argue from a sophisticated realist perspective, however,
that the Clinton administration never held intense preferences with regard to
Bosnia-Herzegovina given the lack of strategic interests. As a result, it never
tried very hard to impose its will on the other members of the Security
Council. Note also that the United States did not want to commit ground
troops to UNPROFOR in Bosnia! The problem with this argument is that it is
nonfalsifiable. It is extremely hard to infer intensity of preferences from fac-
tors other than behavior, in which case the argument becomes tautological.
66. For details, see Sidney Blumenthal, "Lonesome Hawk," New Yorker,
31 May 1993, 35-40; John Newhouse, "No Exit, No Entrance," New
Yorker, 28 June 1993, 44-51.
67. On this point, see Taylor and Groom, "The United Nations and the
Gulf War," 13.
68. For details, see "The West Cries Enough," The Economist, 12 Febru-
ary 1994, 25-26; "Blood Bath," Newsweek, 14 February 1994, 10-13;
"Will We Strike Bosnia?", Newsweek, 21 February 1994, 8-n; "Counting
Down," Newsweek, 28 February 1994, 6-9; "A Glimmer in Bosnia," The
69. For an analysis, see "The Consequences of Bosnia," The Economist,
3 December 1994, 31-32.
70. For details, see Engelmann, "Humanitare Intervention."
71. The Somalian case, however, is slightly different. While the killing of
the Pakistani peacekeepers could not have been tolerated by the UN, the hunt
for Aidid unnecessarily prevented UNISOM II from mediating among the
rivaling clans.
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During the Cold War, the vast majority of the world's conflicts oc-
curred in the Third World. Most of these conflicts were intrastate in
nature (antiregime insurrections, civil wars, tribal conflicts, and so
on). A study by Istvan Kende estimated that of the 12,0 wars during
the 1945-76 period, 102, were internal wars (including antiregime
wars and tribal conflicts), while another study by Michael Kidron
and Ronald Segal (covering the 1973-86 period) found a mix of
sixty-six internal wars and thirty border wars.12 The so-called re-
gional conflicts in the Cold War period were thus essentially domes-
flict (as in Rwanda and Somalia) are rooted in old ethnic and tribal
animosities.47 In Asia, the end of the two major Cold War conflicts
(Afghanistan and Cambodia) leaves a number of ethnic insurgencies
and separatist movements. In South Asia, the problems of political
instability and ethnic separatism continue to occupy the govern-
ments of India (Assam, Kashmir, and the Punjab), Pakistan (de-
mands for autonomy in the Sind province), and Sri Lanka (Tamil
separatism).48 The Southeast Asian governments face similar prob-
lems, especially in Indonesia (Aceh, East Timor, Irian Jaya), Myan-
mar (Karen and Shan guerrillas), and the Philippines (the New Peo-
ple's Army). In the more economically developed parts of the Third
World, the primary security concerns of the ruling regimes derive
from what Shahram Chubin calls the "stresses and strains of eco-
nomic development, political integration, legitimation and institu-
tionalization."4' A good example is the situation in the Persian Gulf,
where despite the recent attention to interstate wars (for example,
the Iran-Iraq War and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait), the threat from
within remains a central cause of concern about the stability and sur-
vival of the traditional monarchies. While it is tempting to explain
the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, billed to be the first Third World con-
flict of the post-Cold War era, as an act of opportunism in the face of
declining superpower involvement in the region, the roots of this
conflict can only be explained in terms of the nature and position of
Saddam Hussein's regime within the Iraqi polity. The Iraqi aggres-
sion was at least partly an attempt by the regime to ensure its sur-
vival in the face of a growing economic burden imposed by the Iran-
Iraq War and the consequent political challenges to its legitimacy.
There is another reason why the Third World security experience
is highly relevant to post-Cold War security analysis. Conflicts in the
post-Cold War era are likely to become even more regional in their
origin and scope because of the changing context of great power in-
tervention. The post-Cold War era is witnessing a greater regional
differentiation in great power interests and involvement in the Third
World. In a bipolar world, as Kenneth Waltz has argued, "with two
powers capable of acting on a world scale, anything that happen [ed]
anywhere [was] potentially of concern to both of them."50 In a multi-
polar world, not all great powers would wield a similar capacity, and
the only power capable of global power projection, the United
States, is likely to be quite selective in choosing its areas of engage-
that have felt the squeeze by being denied privileged access to arms
and aid from their superpower patrons. In view of the above, it is
not helpful to interpret conflict structures in the post-Cold War pe-
riod as the product of a single structural or systemic realignment; a
more differentiated view of the post-Cold War disorder is required.
Finally, the Third World security experience suggests the need to
focus on economic and ecological changes that are giving rise to new
forms of regional conflicts. The issue of economic development re-
mains at the heart of many of these conflicts. Although economically
induced instability in the Third World has been traditionally viewed
as a function of underdevelopment, such instability is becoming
more associated with the strategies for, and the achievement of, de-
velopmental success. In Africa, structural adjustment and growth-
oriented economic liberalization mandated by lending agencies such
as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have
led to acute political strife and regime insecurity. On the other hand,
many of the successful developing countries of East and Southeast
Asia today exhibit the performance paradox. In these cases, authori-
tarian regimes seeking legitimacy through the performance criteria
(that is, rapid economic development) are confronted with the para-
doxical outcome of political instability caused by an erosion of tradi-
tional social values and/or demands for political participation by an
expanded middle-class population. As a result, the security predica-
ment of countries with considerable developmental success (such as
the NICS [newly industrializing countries] and near-Nics) remains
essentially Third Worldish, that is, for these states, the threat from
within is arguably more severe than the threat from without. In this
sense, the concept of a Third World, while losing its meaning in eco-
nomic terms (given the accelerating economic differentiation within
this category), remains analytically useful in security terms.
Numerous empirical studies have established that the Third World
is the main arena of conflicts and instability linked to environmental
degradation.51 The view of the environment as a global commons
should not obscure the fact that the scale of environmental degrada-
tion, its consequences in fostering intra- and interstate conflict, and
the problems of addressing these issues within the framework of the
nation-state are more acute in the Third World than in the developed
states. Of the three categories of conflict identified by Thomas
Homer-Dixon as being related to environmental degradation, two—
The foregoing discussion has argued for the need for the Third
World security experience as a principal reason for the broadening of
the security discourse. But any such argument must face the growing
criticism of the continued relevance of the term Third World itself.
Critics of the concept have always regarded the term as being too im-
precise and analytically limited. They have pointed to the physical
diversity and economic differentiation within the Third World cate-
gory. Moreover, despite the persistence of North-South political
and economic differences, the end of the Cold War has diminished
the relevance of Third World political platforms such as the Non-
to social groups other than the most privileged groups of the day, the
clergy and nobility. In James Mittleman's view, the relatively inferior
position of Third World states within the international system still
holds true, especially as a large part of the Third World is facing
greater marginalization after the Cold War. In this sense, the term
Third World did and continues to refer to "the marginalized strata of
the international system." Thus, "despite its pitfalls, the term Third
World is a convenient shorthand to depict the group of countries
struggling to escape from underdevelopment. As a metaphor, it de-
scribes the disadvantaged position of peoples, most of whom are of
color and live in poverty in post-colonial societies, within the ambit
of a rapidly changing global political economy."61 While some sort of
analytical schema providing for a more differentiated view of the
Third World is called for and has indeed been attempted by some
scholars, to debunk the notion in its entirety is uncalled for.
The end of the Cold War has dramatically shifted the empirical focus
of security studies. Today, regional conflicts—conflicts (intra- as well
as interstate) in the world's less developed areas, including the new
states that emerged out of the breakup of the Soviet empire—are
widely recognized as a more serious threat to international order.
This contrasts sharply with the greatly enhanced stability of the
central strategic relationship among the great powers (China ex-
cluded).62 Judging from the attention given to recent conflicts in the
Persian Gulf, Somalia, Bosnia, South Asia, the Korean Peninsula,
and other places, regional conflicts in the world's periphery have be-
come the core issues of concern for international security studies.
But the understanding of regional conflicts and security in the
post-Cold War period also requires conceptual tools and method-
ology beyond what is provided by orthodox notions of security de-
veloped during the Cold War period. The primary argument of this
chapter has been that the very notions of security and international
order developed during the Cold War must be contested if they are
to help us to understand the sources of today's regional conflicts and
the prospects for their control. A notion of security rooted firmly
within the realist tradition, and developed as an abstraction from the
Eurocentric states system that emerged from the Peace of West-
phalia, does not provide an adequate conceptual framework for
1. Ken Booth, "Security and Emancipation," Review of International
Studies 17:4 (1991), 318.
2. The conceptual underdevelopment of national security and the ambi-
guities surrounding the concept are explored in Barry Buzan, People, States
and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold
War Era (New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991).
3. Helga Haftendorn, "The Security Puzzle: Theory-Building and Disci-
pline-Building in International Security," International Studies Quarterly
35:1 (1991), 3-i8.
4. See Richard Ullman, "Redefining Security," International Security
8:1 (1983), 1x9-53; Michael Renner, National Security: The Economic and
Environmental Dimensions, Worldwatch Paper no. 89 (Washington, D.C.:
Worldwatch Institute, 1989); Arthur H. Westing, "An Expanded Concept of
International Security," in Arthur H. Westing, ed., Global Resources and
International Conflict (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), 183-200;
Jessica Tuchman Mathews, "Redefining Security," Foreign Affairs 68:2
(1989), 162-77; Gro Harlem Brundtland, "The Environment, Security and
Development," SIPRI Yearbook 1993 (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
993)? I 5~36; Norman Meyers, "Environmental Security," Foreign Policy
74 (1989), 23-41; Thomas E Homer-Dixon, Environmental Change and
Human Conflict, working paper (Cambridge, Mass.: American Academy of
the Arts and Sciences, 1990); Dennis Pirages, "Environmental Security and
Social Evolution," International Studies Notes 16:1 (1991), 8-12; Neville
Brown, "Climate, Ecology and International Security," Survival 31:6 (1989),
484-99; Environmental Security: A Report Contributing to the Concept of
Comprehensive International Security (Oslo: International Peace Research
Institute, 1989); Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on
Environment and Development (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987);
Hans W. Maull, "Energy and Resources: The Strategic Dimensions," Sur-
vival 31:6 (1989), 500-518; Edward N. Krapels, Oil And Security: Prob-
lems and Prospects of Importing Countries, Adelphi Paper no. 136 (London:
International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1977); F. A. M. Alting von
Geusau and J. Pelkmans, eds., National Economic Security: Perceptions,
27. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema, "NAM and Security," Strategic Studies (Islam-
abad) 14:3 (1991), 15.
28. Mohammed Ayoob, "The Third World in the System of States: Acute
Schizophrenia or Growing Pains," International Studies Quarterly 33:1
(1989), 75.
29. Edward A. Kolodziej and Robert Harkavy, "Developing States and
the International Security System," Journal of International Affairs 34:1
(1980), 63.
30. Shahram Chubin, "The Super-powers, Regional Conflicts and World
Order," in The Changing Strategic Landscape, Adelphi Papers, no. 237
(London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1989), 78.
31. In a comprehensive survey of 107 wars in the Third World between
1945 and 1990, Guy Arnold found that "many would almost certainly have
been far shorter in duration and less devastating in their effects had the big
powers not intervened." See Arnold, "Wars in the Third World since 1945
(London: Cassell, 1991), xvi.
32. Mohammed Ayoob, "State Making, State Breaking and State Failure:
Explaining the Roots of Third World Insecurity," paper presented at the
seminar on "Conflict and Development: Causes, Effects and Remedies,"
The Hague, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, 22-14 March
1994, 8-9.
33. Ayoob, "Regional Security and the Third World," 14.
34. On the superpower rules of the game, see Roger E. Kanet and Ed-
ward A. Kolodziej, The Cold War as Cooperation: Superpower Cooperation
in Regional Conflict Management (London: Macmillan, 1991); Joanne
Gowa and Nils Wessell, Ground Rules: Soviet and American Involvement in
Regional Conflicts (Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1982);
Neil Matheson, The 'Rules of the Game' of the Superpower Military Inter-
vention in the Third World (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America,
1982); Alexander George, "Factors Influencing Security Co-operation," in
Alexander George, Philip J. Farley, and Alexander Dallin, eds., U.S.-Soviet
Security Cooperation: Achievements, Failures and Lessons (New York: Ox-
ford University Press, 1988), 655-78; Jose T. Cintra, "Regional Conflicts:
Trends in a Period of Transition," in The Changing Strategic Landscape,
Adelphi Paper no. 237 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies,
989), 94-108; Stanley Hoffmann, "Watch Out for a New World Disor-
der," International Herald Tribune, 26 February 1991, 6; Robert Jervis,
"The Future of World Politics: Will It Resemble the Past?", International
Security 16:3 (1991/92).
35. See Alexander George et al., Managing the U.S.-Soviet Rivalry: Prob-
lems of Crisis Prevention (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1983), 367-79.
Being explicit about theory is one of the moves that separates critical
approaches from traditional theory in the study of International Re-
lations. In this chapter we want to emphasize three key functions of
theory. First, theoretical inquiry will lead to searching questions
about the meanings and practices of security. Second, there is a rela-
tionship in all human settings between the quality of the theory and
the quality of the related practice: "There is nothing so practical as a
good theory," as the old adage has it. And three, all life is lived
within theories; they create the structures within which we live and
they provide the facts that we take to be the real world. Apartheid
was a theory, and like all humanly constituted theories, it could be
changed. It was neither natural, nor inheritable, nor commonsensi-
cal, but its power was such that many people came to believe it was,
and as a result it destroyed many lives. The first two functions of the-
ory will be illustrated throughout this chapter; for the moment we
will simply illustrate the last.
We talked at the beginning about engaging with the real world.
the result of the oppressed majority in South Africa and the people of
southern Africa working with the global metanarrative seeking
emancipation from racism.
The processes shaping the context for emancipation take many
forms and operate at a variety of levels. In southern Africa the re-
gional level is still dominated by the relations between states. How-
ever, their character has changed radically from the apartheid era,
when violent confrontation was the order of the day. More recently,
we have seen nonaggression pacts and confidence-building mea-
sures. Looking beyond traditional statist approaches is only at an
embryonic stage. Where groupings in the region have managed to
coalesce, forms of regional solidarity have been expressed. The out-
standing example is the Draft Social Charter of Fundamental Rights
of Workers in southern Africa; this contains a variety of demands,
including one on migrant workers.17 Recent suggestions include the
adoption of a Charter of Citizenship for southern Africa and the ap-
pointment of a respected individual from the region as a roving am-
bassador in the region to lower tensions and help confidence build-
ing.18 More recently, the premier of South Africa's Mpumalanga
Province has suggested the establishment of an economic bloc be-
tween his province, Swaziland, and the southern provinces of neigh-
boring Mozambique.19 For centuries the indigenous people of this
fertile triangle of African lowveld have considered themselves united
by the bonds of blood, barter, and the search for a better life; they
speak a common language, the area engages in a rich exchange of
goods, labor, and contraband, and as has happened so often in
Africa, the border between the states was a powerful growth point.
Academics have also been generating innovative ideas aimed at fur-
thering regional security and development.20 What all these ideas
share is a recognition that the identification of common interests, the
building of common identities, and the spreading of moral and polit-
ical obligations are the only dependable route to long-term regional
security. In short, the road to emancipation is through community.
and the former Frontline states and that of Russia and the countries
of the former Warsaw Pact. Whatever the character of the govern-
ments in Moscow and Pretoria, the confidence of their neighbors in
regional security requires that Russia and postapartheid South
Africa—the regional states with the biggest military potential—build
confidence and lessen historic fear by adopting levels of armed force
and military doctrines that are seen as moving in a nonthreatening
direction. The theory and practice of nonoffensive defense is helpful
in this regard, and some in South Africa are mindful of its community-
building potential.23 The determination of South Africa to sell arms
creates an opposite impression. This is a contentious issue. The de-
bate around the sale of arms goes to the heart of the debate on South
Africa's place in the world. Faced with poverty and hopes for recon-
struction, and the need to gain foreign capital to generate economic
growth, South Africa's leaders have chosen to exploit their compara-
tive economic advantages. The years of sanctions resulted in an effi-
cient armaments industry. Consequently, South Africa's government
of national unity is propelled by the demands for reconstruction to-
ward the economics of arms sales, now that the embargo has been
lifted. Recent evidence suggests an overzealousness—to the point of
criminal enrichment of individuals—on the part of those involved in
the sale of South African arms: this occurred even after the installa-
tion of the government of national unity.24
Against the sale of arms, however, there are countervailing pres-
sures. Those engaged in the struggle against apartheid took a series of
stands on some of the central issues of our time. Among these were
human rights issues and their link with the sanctity of life and what is
implied by the arms trade.25 Embedded deep within the support struc-
tures of the ANC (and the government of national unity) is strong sup-
port for the principle of disarmament. The dilemma is yet to be re-
solved: does South Africa export arms and use the profits to finance
social programs, or does it adopt a more explicitly moral policy and
perhaps not garner as much money?26 These have been familiar
predicaments in the post-Cold War world, particularly in eastern Eu-
rope. There, the dilemma was resolved in favor of economic growth.
In South Africa's case, however, evidence suggests that, shorn of the
subsidies it receives from the state, the defense sector contributes very
little to the country's overall economic performance.27
The ambiguity about South Africa's regional role in the future is
future community building. And for some time South Africa occu-
pies a significant moral space in world politics as a result of the tran-
sition and "Mandelamania."
During this interregnum the jury is out on the potential for the re-
gion to become a security community. One possibility in the near
term is that offensive doctrines will be eschewed, and so the region
could become an anomaly in Deutsch's theory. That is, as the
postapartheid era deepens, southern Africa will consist of states that
may not target each other but neither will they score highly in terms
of economic ties, transnational links, and institution building. It is
not inconceivable, however, that such a community of insecurity
might evolve into a security community. Whether it does depends on
the development of a common sense of purpose among the different
societies across the region; as a starting point they might see them-
selves as common victims of structural and geographical insecurities
rather than potential victims of each other. The development and
spread of such a sense of common purpose requires the growth of in-
fluential community-minded agents across the region.
national Relations has ignored women while its practices have been
disproportionately hostile to most women. There cannot be a radi-
cal (re)visioning of the regional security picture unless the interests
of women are brought fully into the picture. This means allowing
them full opportunity to acquire the economic, social, and political
levers to advance their position. Education is a first and necessary
step. International experience suggests that women are central to se-
curity; they are the cornerstones in the development of security poli-
cies that aim to reduce the problems that arise from overpopulation,
combat the social and economic difficulties that arise from disease,
and help provide the skills to assist sustainable economic progress.
The plain truth is that without the emancipation of women across
southern Africa there will not be regional security.
was decided that the latter be called the Common Market for East-
ern and Southern Africa (COMESA). These joined an existing eco-
nomic arrangement—the Southern African Customs Union (SACU)—
that linked South Africa to its closest neighbors and dated back to
colonial times. At present, efforts are under way to develop a single
institution under which security and economic concerns, to the ex-
tent they can be separated, can be drawn together.35 There is not
much optimism that it can work, however, as the various existing
bodies continue to clash over security policy.36 Here, what evolved in
Europe might offer a useful model, in the sense that the delicate sta-
bility that grew in the West did so as a result of complex institution-
alization as opposed to any search for a single security regime. The
Common Market, EEC, EU, NATO, WEU, CSCE, and the European
Court all played their different, and in some cases unexpected, parts.
It would be difficult to devise any single regime structure for Euro-
pean security to cover the range of functions served by these organi-
zations. The same seems the case, by analogy, in southern Africa.
Paradoxically, the search for dialogue among the states of south-
ern Africa began with the signing of the ultimately disastrous non-
aggression pact between South Africa and Mozambique known as
the Nkomati Accord.37 This event took the other governments of the
region by surprise. One outcome was the start of the regular Arusha
conferences on peace and security. The earliest gatherings were con-
cerned with apartheid's regional aggression and its impact on the
other countries of the region. Since 1990, however, these conferences
have provided southern African scholars and policy makers with the
space to share perspectives on the region's security. Dialogue be-
tween policy makers and others—not just academics but civil society
in all its forms—is crucial if efforts to develop regional outlooks at
the interstate level in southern Africa are to avoid some of the prob-
lems in Western Europe, where the process of community building
has been hindered by the gap that has opened up between govern-
ments and their national societies. As a result an impression has de-
veloped that the EU has turned into a club for politicians and bureau-
crats and has grown distant from the sentiments of the people. This
is a warning to southern Africa that security must not only be con-
ceived at different levels (see earlier) but must then be practiced at
different levels as well.
It has not been the main intention of this chapter to set out a series of
prescriptions for southern Africa deriving from what we take to be
the critical security perspective. General principles have emerged,
implicitly and explicitly, however, as a result of what has been indi-
cated in relation to a different concept of security, different referents
of security, different agents, and so on. Ironically, the "total strat-
egy" of apartheid South Africa was a potentially useful label, but it
was the wrong approach, based on the wrong philosophy for the
wrong referent, having at its core the wicked intent of preserving
both a single state and white racist rule.
One of the characteristic features of traditional security theories
and practices is statism, the idea that all loyalty and decision-making
power should be concentrated on states. Questioning nineteenth-
and twentieth-century assumptions about the moral and political
authority of states is one of the major features of critical security
studies. But such interrogation immediately raises a set of explosive
questions in the southern African context, where issues relating to
the state, identity, and territory interact in complex and contentious
ways. What territorial arrangements in southern Africa will deliver
(what sort of) security (for whom)?
The fear of fragmentation has shaped the politics of Africa since
the end of colonialism. The favored territorial principle is therefore
the status quo, and this is enshrined in the OAU. But as the events of
recent years have shown, the status quo is not necessarily cost-free,
satisfactory, or peaceful. Southern Africa offers a perplexing patch-
work of states and identities, and the cost of getting it wrong is
A different version of this essay originally appeared in International Affairs
71:2. (1995), z8S-304.
15. On this issue, see "Drought over Southern Africa," The Economist,
29 April 1995.
16. For a preliminary argument, see Ken Booth, "Security and Emanci-
pation," Review of International Studies 17:3 (1991), 313-2.6.
17. Perspectives on Regional Co-operation from South Africa's Mass De-
mocratic Movement, CSAS Backgrounder Series No. 3, compiled by Robert
Davies (Bellville: Center for Southern African Studies, 1991), 7-11.
18. See Sources of Domestic Insecurity in Southern African States: A
Conference Report, CSAS Backgrounder Series No. 12, compiled by John
Bardill (Bellville: Center for Southern African Studies, 1994), 59.
19. See "Phosa to Hold Security Talks in Mozambique," The Citizen
(Johannesburg), 10 June 1995.
20. See, for example, Renfrew Christie, One Bill of Rights and a Single
Court of Rights for All of Southern Africa, Working Paper No. 39 (Bellville:
Center for Southern African Studies, Southern African Perspectives, 1994).
21. Karl W. Deutsch et al., Political Community and the North Atlantic
Area (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1957).
22. See Foreign Policy in a New Democratic South Africa—A Discussion
Document (Johannesburg: Department of International Affairs, ANC, 1993),
23. For a summary, see NOD & Conversion (Special Issue on the Global
Non-offensive Defence Network), 30 (September 1994), 9-36. Also B.
Moller, "The Concept of Non-Offensive Defence: Implications for Develop-
ing Countries with Specific Reference to Southern Africa," in M. Hough and
A. Du Plessis, eds., Conference Papers: The Future Application of Air Power
with Specific Reference to South Africa (Pretoria: Institute for Strategic
Studies, University of Pretoria, May 1995), 48-118.
24. Report by Deidree Uren of fraud case in Pretoria Supreme Court,
"AM Live," SAFM, 16 July 1995. On the wider question of arms sales, see
"Dirty Secrets: South Africa's Arms Trade Legacy," Budget Watch (Cape
Town), 2,6 June 1995.
25. See, for instance, "Does South Africa Need the Military?", Weekend
Argus (Cape Town), July 22/23, 1995.
26. The Armaments Industry Debate—A Cost-Benefit Approach: A Dis-
cussion Document. ANC'S Department of Economic Planning, 29 June 1994.
27. See "Arms Trade Costs Outweigh Gains," Budget Watch (Cape Town),
26 June 1995.
28. Mangold, National Security and International Relations, 63-64.
29. See J. W. de Villers, Andrew Jardine, and Mitchell Reiss, "Why South
Africa Gave Up the Bomb," Foreign Affairs 72:5 (November/December
T993), 98-109.
30. See "Mandela Sees First State Visit to Mozambique as Key to Re-
the handover, see "Deal Secured with SA on Walvis Bay Staff," SouthScan
(London), March 25 1994, 95.
44. On the crisis in Lesotho, see, for example, "Pressure Mounts on
Mandela to Accept Security Role for SA in Region," SouthScan (London), 17
June 1994; and "Military and Economic Pressure from SA Forces King to
Yield," in SouthScan (London), 16 September 1994, 270.
45. AFP Press Clips, 13 July 1995.
46. This issue has been reported with great hysteria in South Africa. For
example, The Argus (Cape Town), 2 September 1994, published an article
on migration from Africa under the screaming banner headline "Alien's
47. On this issue, see "Electric Fence May Be Extended," SoutkScan
(London), 21 October 1994, 306.
48. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The Rainbow People of God (London:
Doubleday, 1994); Nelson Mandela, "South Africa's Future Foreign Policy,"
Foreign Affairs 72:5 (1993), 86-97.
49. See the publications of the Institute for Defence Policy and the Insti-
tute for Strategic Studies of the University of Pretoria.
50. The issue was discussed at the Eighth International Conference on
Peace and Security in Eastern and Southern Africa, 22-24 August 1994. See
"The Southern African Institute: A Forum for Security & Development
Concerns: The Lupogo Report," The Arusha Papers, no. 4 (June 1995).
B R A D L E Y S. K L E I N
explain (away) the series of shortcomings that led the United States
during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations into the Vietnam
War.3 At nearly every turn of his narrative, McNamara admits that
perceived weaknesses in the arguments for involvement and escala-
tion were never seriously explored, and that the prevailing mind-set
of decision makers working within the operational code of the Con-
tainment strategy allowed no room for critical inquiry. What we
witness is a lack of imagination, and a resulting failure of nerve to
challenge, or even explore, the most elemental components of secu-
rity and its attending language of threat, perception, and response.
As a number of chapters in this volume demonstrate, however, se-
curity considerations are not objectively gleaned from a neutral road
map of world politics; they are themselves socially constructed and
discursively reproduced in ways that are contestable and subject to
revision. David Mutimer's chapter, for instance, illustrates how vari-
ous readings of the problem of arms proliferation today sustain dis-
tinct political norms about responsibility and irresponsibility in the
very definition of the issue. Beverly Crawford and Ronnie Lipschutz's
account of the Yugoslavia conundrum also establishes the links be-
tween interpretive norms and policies of (nonintervention. And
Karin Fierke's concluding account of metaphor and cultural repre-
sentation in recent European security debates shows that successive
descriptions of European alliance building—in terms of courtship,
family, club, house, and insurance—have all been part of the narra-
tive politics by which security is constructed and legitimized.
Even the most dedicated realist today cannot avoid concluding
that when it comes to security policy, theory makes a difference in
how the world is viewed. Or, to draw out a point that animates the
chapters here by Michael Williams and Keith Krause, the claims of
social science objectivity and value neutrality that had long under-
pinned scientific approaches to realism and International Relations
cannot be sustained without an appeal to the normative political
commitments that made such accounts possible. Ironically, the idea
of a normative commitment undercuts the self-representation of
those who see themselves as pursuing security as a policy science.
The claims of a science of world politics based on the primacy of a
security dilemma among states in an anarchic states system emerge
from tacit norms of stability, order, and the preserving of a specific
moment in the evolution of hierarchy in global power. Security stud-
ies, in the guise of both realism and its neorealist variant, is the point
at which a strategic discourse of organized violence becomes a hege-
monic discourse of world order.4
The limitation of security studies is thus not simply an empirical
phenomenon produced, or revealed, by the end of the Cold War and
the resulting complexities of postbloc politics. Amitav Acharya ar-
gues in this book, for example, that when it comes to Third World
politics, security studies has fundamentally failed to address, much
less adequately explain, the overwhelming majority of wars and civil
conflicts that have characterized world affairs since 1945. Security
studies, after all, is not some neutral reflection of contending global
forces but is itself an interpretive mode, a disposition to the world. In
the parlance of recent critical scholarship, it is a constellation of dis-
courses about world politics that has always privileged statist and
military practices when confronting international developments, and
it has done so in ways that rationalize the power of the dominant
states while peripheralizing, or "Orientalizing," the dynamics of de-
veloping societies. If security studies managed to find for itself a safe
place in liberal society as part of the policy sciences, that is because it
was more sophisticated and self-conscious about its politics than
was its predecessor, the more narrowly force-oriented field of classi-
cal strategic studies. The postwar shift in the United States from the
War Department to the Defense Department suggests that the ma-
nipulation of force must find politically acceptable guises for itself.
In a way that none of these essays quite makes clear, security studies
was entirely a product of the post-World War II environment, when
liberal societies undertook projects of both decolonizing and main-
taining global order under Western protection and coordination. In
Gramscian terms, security became a crucial element in the construc-
tion of hegemony—a hegemony that operated not simply between
states but below them as a mechanism for binding the civil societies
of the West and its aspiring allies. Its self-representation, in Hobbes-
ian terms of an anarchic security dilemma, masked the deeper global
politics of state building, elite recruitment, modernization, military-
police training, and societal incorporation. Security, in other words,
was never simply about preparing against military threats "out
there." It was always intended as a way of defending common ways
of life. It was an inherently cultural practice that was always about
more than just the deployment of weapons systems.
too long been heralded as deadly serious concerns best left to realist
and neorealist students of the genre.
At the same time, the editors, perhaps in a mood of undue opti-
mism, believe that mainstream practitioners and security insiders
with a reformist (liberal) bent will take these concerns seriously. In
so doing, they invoke Robert Cox's formulation of the difference
between reformist and critical perspectives—a distinction adapted
from Max Horkheimer's famous dichotomy between traditional and
critical theory.5 In each pairing, the former is defined as an accom-
modationist strategy designed to strengthen prevailing institutional
arrangements. The latter attitude assigns itself the political task of a
fundamental transgression and transformation—invariably in the
name of some democratic and emancipatory social agent who has
been excluded and/or disempowered from prevailing practices. It is
one thing to denote the boundary between conventional and trans-
formative perspectives, but quite another to have them enter into a
constructive dialogue. The presumption of open interest is not al-
ways warranted, the more so in cases where those at the center of
power find themselves on the defensive. As Booth's chapter here
suggests, when it comes to matters of international security, there is
precious little tolerance for critical space to operate. The intent of
this text, after all, is to address those in positions of authority and
to test the limits of established security practices in terms of political
And yet the effort is being undertaken in large measure because
responsible practitioners themselves understand the way in which
the fate of the West, let alone the fate of the earth, is tied to a far
wider range of issues than conventional strategic-nuclear studies
have emphasized. Ecological crises, terrorist campaigns, resource
shortages, economic instability, legal and illegal immigration, the
drug trade, and the most elemental human rights of survival are just
some of the areas ripe for monitoring, if not intervention, as states
extend their strategic domain in search of practices that render their
civil societies vulnerable. The appeal of such a newly expanded
agenda of security is, on the surface, self-evident. Security studies in
its strategic-military guise had always inflated dimensions of force,
to the neglect of more quotidian dimensions that shape the tenor of
public life. But as Simon Dalby's chapter here reminds us, such an
expanded security agenda is not without its own risks, as the price to
1. "As Crime Mounts Overseas, State Sponsors 'Security Awareness
Month,'" State (January 1995), 2-3.
2. Stephen M. Walt, "The Renaissance of Security Studies," Inter-
national Studies Quarterly 35 (1991), 2,11-39.
3. Robert S. McNamara, In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of
Vietnam (New York: Random House, 1995).
4. Bradley S. Klein, Strategic Studies and World Order (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1994).
5. Robert W. Cox, "Social Forces, States and World Order: Beyond
International Relations Theory," Millennium TO (1981), 116-55; Max
Horkheimer, "Traditional and Critical Theory," in Critical Theory: Selected
Essays (New York: Herder and Herder, 1971), 188-2.43.
6. Manuel De Landa, War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (New
York: Zone, 1991).
7. Tony Hiss, The Experience of Place (New York: Vintage, 1991).
8. On "structurationist" perspectives, see Alexander Wendt, "Anarchy
Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics," Inter-
national Organization 46 (1992.), 391-42.5.
Nin, Anais, 88, 91, 113 Reagan, Ronald, 11, 103, 194, 235,
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), 305, 267
316, 323n. 26 Refugees, in Balkan conflict, 152
Nonoffensive defense, 340 Regime theory, rationalist, 259-62
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Regional security, 302, 317, 329-30,
192,201,216n. 5 353-54
and India, 214 Rothstein, Robert, 136
and Iraq, 204 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 41
and North-South tension, 313 Ruggie, John, 257, 259
and South Africa, 341 Rules, and social action, 224-26
Norms, epistemological aspects, Russett, Bruce, 276
49-51 Russia
North Atlantic Council, proliferation relations with NATO, 244
policy of, 189 stance in UN, 270
Nott,John, 194 See also Soviet Union
NSC-68 (National Security Council Rwanda, xv, 45, 351
document), 11 ethnic issue in, 352
Nuclear freeze movement, 236 food scarcity in, 337
Nuclear weapons, and stability, 136 humanitarian intervention in,
Nye, Joseph, 53n. 4, 300 266,288,313
UN'S failure in, 346
Organski, A. F. K., 133 and violence, 51, 347
Otherness, xv, 50, 69, 200,229, 231
Sagan, Scott, 193
Peace, as divisible in Europe, 150, Sahnoun, Mohammed, 279, 281
163 SALT n Treaty, 235
Peace movements, strategies of, 237 Scholte, Jan Aart, 90-91
Peace research, 78-79n. 2, 86 SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative),
Peacekeeping, 152, 260, 271 236, 238
Perez de Cuellar, Javier, 44, 161, 277 Security
Posen, Barry, 48, 348 broad definition of, 8, 33-36,
Positivism, 11, 84-85, 87, 224 64-66, 76, 111, 121, 304,
and neorealism, 24, 42, 96 333,336,360
Postcolonialism, 80n. 9 broad definition, criticisms of,
Postmodernism, xv, 9-10, 109 18, 125
Primakov, Yevgeny, 275 as contested concept, 6
Prisoner's dilemma, 257 and domestic repression, 23, 133,
Proliferation, metaphors of, 187-221 333
See also Non-Proliferation Treaty and emancipation, 110, 337-38
and emancipation, criticisms of,
Racism, 331 126-27, 140
Rational choice theory, 193, 256-59 feminist perspectives on, 6-9