Problem Analysis
Problem Analysis
Problem Analysis
can arise from a number of deep rooted issues and consequently can be resolved with multiple approaches
as we will see here.
Problem Analysis
Individuals Involved
In the given scenario, the conflict revolves around two individuals, Abdul and Shirley, who were both
project team members, and now since the old manager has left, are now joint leaders of the software
company’s new product division.
Shirley’s perspective
Abdul is a new employee who she was against hiring from day one. She wants it to be made it clear that
they are indeed joint leaders and in that respect she wanted it to be clarified that she was not working
underneath Abdul. Lately however, she has complained to me that Abdul is acting as if he is in charge
and treating her like a subordinate.
Abdul’s perspective
Abdul, in his defense, claims that she has other projects to run too and does not pay much attention to
their project till he starts taking initiative. He further adds that he has no intention of showcasing that he is
the only one who is leading and that Shirley is just caught up on feelings of power.
Conflict Analysis
Types of conflict
Abdul feels that Shirley is not fully dedicated and involved in the new project division as he is.
He believes that Shirley has too much on her plate since she is an older employee with more
responsibilities and thus trying to consciously, or subconsciously, define team roles and lead the
Shirley believes she is being sidelined by Abdul as he is making decisions without her consent.
Her POV is further strengthened when Abdul sends memos and sets up meetings without
notifying her
Conflict Solutions
The first step to conflict resolution is realization - they need to understand that every individual’s view of
reality is highly subjective based on their experiences. Thus, both Shirley and Abdul would have to
consciously put in efforts to address their conflict.
Competing approach Instruct them to solve their issues fast as the company
does not have time for their bickering
This approach reflects a high Threaten them with a report to management about their
degree of assertiveness and a low behavior that may affect their appraisals
degree of cooperation
Accommodating approach
Avoiding approach Ignore the conflict and let things remain the same as
they were
This approach reflects a low degree Tell them the issue will be looked upon soon and
of cooperation as well as instruct them to carry on with their tasks
Express Specify Finally, this
Describe Explain that he Abdul should would result in
First, explain to has no intentions state what he is mutual
Abdul that taking of making looking for in cooperation
initiatives without Shirley feel like Shirley e.g. between them
consulting Shirley a subordinate commitment to and result in
is creating but believes that the team, greater team
resentment in her. the team will accepting that he performance
Secondly, explain
to Shirley that underperform if is competent to when both
he doesn't take perform the role leaders work
the lead. etc. together
The 1-2-3-GOApproach
1-2-3-GO approach
Effective listening
How this conflict be avoided in the first place?