Divya Jyoti Industries Limited

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Divya Jyoti Industries Limited

Annexure: 10

Particulars Audited Audited Accepted Estimate Projection

As on 31.03.2009 31.03.2010 31.03.2011 31.03.2012
Capital 1030.00 1110.00 1530.00 1530.00
Reserves & Surplus 576.66 637.26 855.04 1150.79
Intangible Assets 0 0 0 0
Tangible Net worth 1606.66 1747.26 2385.04 2680.79
Net Working Capital 496.49 681.80 1062.77 1187.94
Current Ratio 1.24 1.36 1.25 1.26
Gross Block 1760.28 1790.52 3516.49 3516.49
Net Block 1162.17 1108.50 2734.87 2576.09
Net Sales 27914.70 15845.04 24602.35 33247.50
PBDIT 227.82 402.38 586.69 895.35
Gross Profit – PBDT 95.33 170.08 365.19 519.46
Net Profit / Loss – PBT 12.49 84.01 265.59 360.68
Net Profit / Loss – PAT 2.61 59.32 216.41 294.28
Depreciation 82.84 86.07 99.61 158.78
Cash Accruals 217.94 377.69 537.51 828.95
PBDIT/ Gross Sales 0.82% 2.55% 2.39% 2.69%
Gross Profit Margin 0.34% 1.07% 1.48% 1.56%
Net Profit Margin 0.01% 0.37% 0.88% 0.89%
TDER (TOL/TNW) 1.38 1.23 2.24 1.99
Interest Coverage Ratio 1.72 1.73 2.65 2.38
Current Assets to 9.54% 16.83% 21.97% 17.56%
Turnover Ratio
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.
A. Technical Annexures

1 Installed Capacity of Solvent Extraction Pl 650 TPD

Capa. P.D. Capa. P.M. Capa. P.A.

Product % in output

Crude Soya Oil 18.00% 117 2681 32175

De Oiled Cake (DOC) 82.00% 533 12215 146575
650 14896 178750

2 Installed Capacity of Refinery 100 TPD

Capa. P.D. Capa. P.M. Capa. P.A.

Product % in output

Refined SoyOil 94.50% 95 2166 25988

Lecethin 3.50% 4 80 963
Acid Oil 1.20% 1 28 330
Fatty Acid 0.00% 0 0 0
Normal Loss 0.80% 1 18 220
100.00% 100 2292 27500

Capa. P.D. Capa. P.M. Capa. P.A.

Product % in output

Other Refined Oil 98.20% 98 2250 27005

Normal Loss 1.80% 2 41 495
100.00% 100 2292 27500

2 The Plant Will Be Run

Days (Per Annum) : 275 Days
Days (Per Month) : 23 Days
Shifts (Per Day) : 3 Shift

3 Capacity Utilisation

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Crude Soya Oil 60% 74% 79% 84% 89% 93%
De Oiled Cake (DOC) 60% 74% 79% 84% 89% 93%
Refined Oil 32% 76% 81% 96% 101% 105%
Total Crushing of Soybean seed in MT 107250.00 132275 141212.5 150150 159087.5 166237.5

4 Refinery output Summery

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Crude Soyoil production in MT 19,305.00 23,809.50 25,418.25 27,027.00 28,635.75 29,922.75
Crude Soyoil transferred to refinery for
further processing (in %) 46.00% 80.00% 80.00% 90.00% 90.00% 90.00%
Crude Soyoil trans. To refiner in MT 8,880.30 19,048 20,335 24,324 25,772 26,930

Production of Refined SoyOil (In MT) 8,391.88 18,000 19,216 22,986 24,355 25,449
Production of Lecithin (In MT) 310.81 667 712 851 902 943
Production of Acid Oil (In MT) 106.56 229 244 292 309 323
Production of Other Refined Oil 0.00 2,000 2,100 2,205 2,205 2,205
Total Output 8,809.26 20,895 22,272 26,335 27,771 28,920
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.
5 Production Computaion

Crude Soya Oil 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

CAPACITY UTILISED 60% 74% 79% 84% 89% 93%

Opening Stock( In MT) 311 375 463 494 526 557

Production during the year( In MT) 19305 23809.5 25418.25 27027 28635.75 29922.75

Closing Stock( In MT) 375 463 494 526 557 582

Sale During the year(In MT) 10360 4674 5052 2671 2832 2967
Selling price per MT 45000 47250 49613 52093 54698 57433
Sales Value (In Lacs) 4662.04 2208.61 2506.61 1391.63 1549.20 1704.17

Transfer to Refinery (In MT) 8880.30 19048 20335 24324 25772 26930
Transfer Price (Per MT) 26362.99 27498.39 28821.26 30214.18 31680.02 33229.98
Transfer to Refinery (In Lacs) 2341.11 5237.78 5860.69 7349.39 8164.63 8948.99

Cost of Production Per MT (Rs.) 26362.99 27498.39 28821.26 30214.18 31680.02 33229.98
Opening Stock in value (In Lacs) 125.86 98.96 127.31 142.45 158.78 176.40
Production cost in value (In Lacs) 5089.37 6547.23 7325.86 8165.99 9071.81 9943.32
Closing Stock in Value (In Lacs) 98.96 127.31 142.45 158.78 176.40 193.34

6 De Oiled Cake (DOC) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

CAPACITY UTILISED 60% 74% 79% 84% 89% 93%

Opening Stock( In MT) 814 1710 2109 2252 2394 2537

Production during the year( In MT) 87945.00 108465.50 115794.25 123123.00 130451.75 136314.75
Closing Stock( In MT) 1710.04 2109.05 2251.55 2394.06 2536.56 2650.56

Sale During the year(In MT) 87049 108066 115652 122980 130309 136201
Selling price per MT 18000.00 18900.00 19845.00 20837.25 21879.11 22973.07
Sales Value (In Lacs) 15668.76 20424.57 22951.09 25625.75 28510.51 31289.49

Cost of Production Per MT 20855.00 21896.75 22990.59 24139.12 25345.07 26611.33

Opening Stock in value (In Lacs) 142.40 356.63 461.81 517.65 577.90 642.89
Production cost in value (In Lacs) 18340.93 23750.42 26621.78 29720.80 33063.09 36275.16
Closing Stock in Value (In Lacs) 356.63 461.81 517.65 577.90 642.89 705.35

7 Refined SoyOil 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

CAPACITY UTILISED 32% 65% 70% 84% 89% 93%

Opening Stock( In MT) 0 46.62 100.00 106.76 127.70 135.30

Production during the year( In MT) 8391.88 17999.98 19216.20 22986.46 24354.71 25449.30
Closing Stock( In MT) 46.62 100.00 106.76 127.70 135.30 141.38

Sale During the year(In MT) 8345 17947 19209 22966 24347 25443
Selling price per MT 49000.00 51450.00 54022.50 56723.63 58992.57 61352.27
Sales Value (In Lacs) 4089.18 9233.53 10377.42 13026.87 14362.98 15609.99

Cost of Production Per MT 29440.26 30758.34 32333.75 33665.08 35140.82 36708.70

Opening Stock in value (In Lacs) 0\ 13.73 30.76 34.52 42.99 47.55
Production cost in value (In Lacs) 2470.59 5536.50 6213.32 7738.41 8558.44 9342.11
Closing Stock in Value (In Lacs) 13.73 30.76 34.52 42.99 47.55 51.90
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

8 Lecithin (Dried Gum) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

CAPACITY UTILISED 32% 2.42% 2.59% 3.10% 3.28% 3.43%

Opening Stock( In MT) 0 1.73 3.70 3.95 4.73 5.01

Production during the year( In MT) 310.81 666.67 711.71 851.35 902.03 942.57
Closing Stock( In MT) 1.73 3.70 3.95 4.73 5.01 5.24

Sale During the year(In MT) 309 665 711 851 902 942
Selling price per MT 41000.00 43050.00 45202.50 47462.63 49835.76 52327.54
Sales Value (In Lacs) 126.72 286.15 321.60 403.71 449.39 493.10

Cost of Production Per MT 27024.34 28332.81 29897.02 31216.56 32679.89 34234.65

Opening Stock in value (In Lacs) 0.00 0.47 1.05 1.18 1.48 1.64
Production cost in value (In Lacs) 83.99 188.89 212.78 265.76 294.78 322.68
Closing Stock in Value (In Lacs) 0.47 1.05 1.18 1.48 1.64 1.79

9 Acid Oil 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

CAPACITY UTILISED 32% 0.83% 0.89% 1.06% 1.12% 1.18%

Opening Stock( In MT) 0 0.59 1.27 1.36 1.62 1.72

Production during the year( In MT) 106.56 228.57 244.02 291.89 309.27 323.17
Closing Stock( In MT) 0.59 1.27 1.36 1.62 1.72 1.80

Sale During the year(In MT) 106 228 244 292 309 323
Selling price per MT 25000.00 26250.00 27562.50 28940.63 30387.66 31907.04
Sales Value (In Lacs) 26.49 59.82 67.23 84.40 93.95 103.09

Cost of Production Per MT 26995.34 28303.81 29868.02 31187.56 32650.89 34205.65

Opening Stock in value (In Lacs) 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.40 0.51 0.56
Production cost in value (In Lacs) 28.77 64.69 72.88 91.03 100.98 110.54
Closing Stock in Value (In Lacs) 0.00 0.36 0.40 0.51 0.56 0.61

Other Refined Oil 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

CAPACITY UTILISED 0% 7.27% 7.64% 8.02% 8.02% 8.02%

Opening Stock( In MT) 0 0.00 11.11 13.93 7.73 8.61

Production during the year( In MT) 0.00 2000.00 2506.61 1391.63 1549.20 1704.17
Closing Stock( In MT) 0.00 11.11 13.93 7.73 8.61 9.47

Sale During the year(In MT) 0 1989 2504 1398 1548 1703
Selling price per MT 49000.00 51450.00 54022.50 56723.63 59559.81 62537.80
Sales Value (In Lacs) 0.00 1023.28 1352.61 792.89 922.18 1065.21

Cost of Production Per MT 0.00 47946.31 50213.07 53652.22 55932.94 58385.50

Opening Stock in value (In Lacs) 0.00 0.00 5.33 6.99 4.15 4.81
Production cost in value (In Lacs) 0.00 958.93 1258.64 746.64 866.51 994.99
Closing Stock in Value (In Lacs) 0.00 5.33 6.99 4.15 4.81 5.53

10 Selling Price of Final Product

Product Selling Price Sales

Sales Unit
(at 100%
Per MT 100% capacity

A) Crude soya Oil 45000.00 32175 14478.75

B) De Oiled cake 18000.00 146575 26383.50

C) Refined soy Oil 49000.00 25988 12733.88

D) Lecithin (Dried Gum) 41000.00 963 394.63

E) Acid Oil 25000.00 330 82.50

F)Other Refined Oil 49000.00

TOTAL 178750 54073.25

Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

Cost of Production
(Rs. In Lacs)
For Crude Soya Oil % of Cost 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Raw Materials
Soyabean Seeds Per MT cost 20835 21877 22971 24119 25325 26591

Cost of Raw Material 100.00% 4022.20 5208.74 5838.72 6518.67 7252.02 7956.86
Total 4022.20 5208.74 5838.72 6518.67 7252.02 7956.86

Packing Material
Primary Packing 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Secondary Packing 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Manufactruing Expenses 100.00%

UTILITIES 889.59 1152.01 1291.34 1441.73 1603.92 1759.81
Wages of Factory Staff 43.88 46.07 48.37 50.79 53.33 56.00
FACTORY OVERHEAD FOR SOLVENT 133.72 140.40 147.42 154.79 162.53 170.66
Total 100.00% 1067.18 1338.48 1487.14 1647.31 1819.79 1986.47

Total Cost of Production 5089.37 6547.23 7325.86 8165.99 9071.81 9943.32

(Rs. In Lacs)
12 For De Oiled Cake % of Cost 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Raw Materials
Soyabean Seeds 100.00% Per MT cost 20835 21877 22971 24119 25325 26591

Cost of Raw Material 18323.34 23728.73 26598.62 29696.18 33037.00 36247.90

Total 18323.34 23728.73 26598.62 29696.18 33037.00 36247.90

Packing Material
Primary Packing 100.00% 20.00 17.59 21.69 23.16 24.62 26.09 27.26
Secondary Packing 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00% 17.59 21.69 23.16 24.62 26.09 27.26

Manufacturing Cost 0.00%

UTILITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wages of Factory Staff 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FACTORY OVERHEAD FOR SOLVENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Cost of Production 18340.93 23750.42 26621.78 29720.80 33063.09 36275.16

13 For Refined Oil % of Cost 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Raw Materials
Crude Soy Oil 94.50% Per MT cost 26363 27498 28821 30214 31680 33230

Cost of Raw Material 2212.35 4949.71 5538.35 6945.17 7715.58 8456.80

Total 2212.35 4949.71 5538.35 6945.17 7715.58 8456.80

Packing Material
Primary Packing 100.00% 1500.00 125.88 270.00 288.24 344.80 365.32 381.74
Secondary Packing 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00% 125.88 270.00 288.24 344.80 365.32 381.74

Manufacturing Cost
UTILITIES 100.00% 62.16 133.33 142.34 170.27 180.41 188.51
Total 100.00% 62.16 133.33 142.34 170.27 180.41 188.51
Other Manufacturing Cost 94.50%
Common Utility 31.26 67.05 71.58 85.62 90.72 94.80
Workmen cost 7.71 29.28 30.79 32.71 34.51 36.36
Factory Overhead for Refinery 12.50 45.23 95.12 101.04 106.60 112.31

Total 94.50% 51.47 141.55 197.50 219.38 231.82 243.47

Add- Cost of Normal Loss (During

0.80% 18.73 41.90 46.89 58.80 65.32 71.59

Total Cost of Production 2470.59 5536.50 6213.32 7738.41 8558.44 9342.11

Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

14 For Lecethin (Dried Gum) % of Cost 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Raw Materials
Crude Soy Oil 3.50% Per MT cost 26363 27498 28821 30214 31680 33230

Cost of Raw Material 81.94 183.32 205.12 257.23 285.76 313.21

Total 81.94 183.32 205.12 257.23 285.76 313.21

Packing Material
Primary Packing 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Secondary Packing 0.00% 0.00
Total 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Manufacturing Cost
UTILITIES 100.00% 0.15 0.32 0.34 0.41 0.43 0.45
Total 100.00% 0.15 0.32 0.34 0.41 0.43 0.45
Other Manufacturing Cost 3.50%
Common Utility 1.16 2.48 2.65 3.17 3.36 3.51
Workmen cost 0.29 1.08 1.14 1.21 1.28 1.35
Factory Overhead for Refinery 0.46 1.68 3.52 3.74 3.95 4.16

Total 3.50% 1.91 5.24 7.31 8.13 8.59 9.02

Total Cost of Production 83.99 188.89 212.78 265.76 294.78 322.68

15 For Acid Oil % of Cost 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Raw Materials
Crude Soy Oil 1.20% Per MT cost 26363 27498 28821 30214 31680 33230

Cost of Raw Material 28.09 62.85 70.33 88.19 97.98 107.39

Total 28.09 62.85 70.33 88.19 97.98 107.39

Packing Material
Primary Packing 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Secondary Packing 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Manufacturing Cost
UTILITIES 100.00% 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06
Total 100.00% 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06
Other Manufacturing Cost 1.20%
Common Utility 0.40 0.85 0.91 1.09 1.15 1.20
Workmen cost 0.10 0.37 0.39 0.42 0.44 0.46
Factory Overhead for Refinery 0.16 0.57 1.21 1.28 1.35 1.43

Total 1.20% 0.65 1.80 2.51 2.79 2.94 3.09

Total Cost of Production 28.77 64.69 72.88 91.03 100.98 110.54

For Other Refined Oil % of Cost 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Raw Materials
Crude Oil 98.20% Per MT cost 43500 45458 47730 50117 52623 55254

Cost of Raw Material 0.00 892.79 1174.88 684.89 800.56 924.67

Total 0.00 892.79 1174.88 684.89 800.56 924.67

Packing Material
Primary Packing 100.00% 1000.00 0.00 20.00 25.07 13.92 15.49 17.04
Secondary Packing 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 100.00% 0.00 20.00 25.07 13.92 15.49 17.04

Manufacturing Cost
UTILITIES 100.00% 0.00 13.75 17.23 9.57 10.65 11.71
Total 100.00% 0.00 13.75 17.23 9.57 10.65 11.71
Other Manufacturing Cost 100.00%
Common Utility 0.00 7.45 9.34 5.18 5.77 6.35
Workmen cost 0.00 3.25 3.36 3.14 3.12 3.15
Factory Overhead for Refinery 0.00 5.03 10.40 9.69 9.65 9.73

Total 100.00% 0.00 15.73 23.10 18.01 18.55 19.23

Add- Cost of Normal Loss

1.80% 0.00 16.66 18.37 20.26 21.27 22.33
(During Process)
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

Total Cost of Production 0.00 958.93 1258.64 746.64 866.51 994.99

Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

16 Consumption of Soyabean Seed (Rs. In Lacs)

Particulars 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Consumption of Soyabean Seed 22345.54 28937.47 32437.34 36214.85 40289.03 44204.76
Less-Opening Stock of Soyabean Seed 543.50 2358.70 3054.51 3153.63 3520.89 4252.73
Add-Closing Stock of soyabean Seeds 2358.70 3054.51 3153.63 3520.89 4252.73 4666.06
=Purchase of Soyabean Seeds 24160.73 29633.29 32536.46 36582.11 41020.87 44618.08

Other Crude oil Purchase (Rs. In Lacs)

Particulars 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Consumption of other Crude oil 0.00 909.45 1193.25 705.14 821.83 947.00
Les- Opening Stock of other Crude Oil 0.00 0.00 25.26 33.15 19.59 22.83
Add-Closing Stock of other Crude Oil 0.00 25.26 33.15 19.59 22.83 26.31
=Purchase of other Crude oil 0.00 934.71 1201.13 691.58 825.07 950.48


Particulars 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Crude Soya Oil 4662.04 2208.61 2506.61 1391.63 1549.20 1704.17
De Oiled Cake (DOC) 15668.76 20424.57 22951.09 25625.75 28510.51 31289.49
Refined Soy Oil 4089.18 9233.53 10377.42 13026.87 14362.98 15609.99
Lecithin (Dried Gum) 126.72 286.15 321.60 403.71 449.39 493.10
Acid Oil 26.49 59.82 67.23 84.40 93.95 103.09
Other Refined Oil 0.00 1023.28 1352.61 792.89 922.18 1065.21
TOTAL 24573.20 33235.96 37576.56 41325.25 45888.21 50265.06
Working of Assumption
Utility for Solvent Extraction plant

Consumption of Coal
Requirement of Coal per MT Production 80 KG
Rate of coal per KG 4.25 Rs.
Cost of Coal per MT production 340 Rs.

Consumption of Haxene
Requirement of Haxene per MT production 5 Ltr.
Rate of Haxene Per Ltr. 47 Rs.
Cost of Haxene per MT of Production 235 Rs.

Annual PMT
UTILITIES increase In Rs. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Production in MT 107250.00 132275 141212.5 150150 159087.5 166237.5

Haxene 5.00% 235 252.04 326.39 365.86 408.47 454.42 498.59

Power 5.00% 229.00 257.88 333.96 374.35 417.94 464.96 510.15

Coal 5.00% 340 364.65 472.22 529.34 590.98 657.46 721.36

Water 5.00% 14 15.02 19.44 21.80 24.33 27.07 29.70

Total 889.59 1152.01 1291.34 1441.73 1603.92 1759.81

Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

Utility for Refinery

For- Refined Oil Unit in Requirement Cost per unit Cost/ MT

Steam Requirement Kg 500 0.8 400
Electriciy Requirement KWH 50 6 300

For- Lecithin Unit in Requirement Cost per unit Cost/ MT

Steam Requirement Kg 30 0.8 24
Electriciy Requirement KWH 4 6 24

For- Acid Oil Unit in Requirement Cost per unit Cost/ MT

Steam Requirement Kg 20 0.8 16.00
Electriciy Requirement KWH 0.5 6 3.00

Cost of Common Utility and Chemicals

Description Unit in Requirement Cost per unit Cost/ MT
Water M3 0.7 50 35
Lye 100% (Caustic Soda) Kg. 3 25 75
Phosphoric Acid Kg. 1.5 60 90
Bleaching Earth Kg. 6 30 180
Citric Acid Kg. 0.1 75 7.5
Other (H2SO4 & ETP Chem.) 20


Wages of Factory Staff

Particulars Nos. Monthly Pay



Total 85 337500.00

Annual Payment 4050000.00

Add: Other Benefit 337500.00

Annual Payment to Factory staff (In Lacs) 43.88


Particulars Nos. Monthly Pay

Administrative staff

MANAGER 1 25000.00
ACCOUNT STAFF 6 24000.00
SALES STAFF 4 14000.00
EDP STAFF 3 18000.00
OTHER STAFF 10 30000.00

Sub Total (a) 36 200000.00

Annual Payment 2400000.00

Add: Other Benefit 200000.00

Annual Payment to Factory staff (In Lacs) 26.00

Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.


Particulars Nos. Monthly Pay

DIRECTORS 2 90000.00

Total 2 90000.00

Annual Payment 1080000.00

Add: Other Benefit 90000.00

Annual Payment to Factory staff (In Lacs) 11.70

workmen required for refinery

Particulars Nos. Monthly Pay

OPERATORS 4 48000.00
SHIFT CHEMIST 4 48000.00
FITTER 3 36000.00
ELECTRICIAN 3 36000.00

Total 20 249000.00

Annual Payment 2988000.00

Add: Other Benefit 249000.00

Annual Payment to Refinery staff (in Lacs) 32.37


Particulars Increment 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Wages of Factory Staff 5.00% 43.88 46.07 48.37 50.79 53.33 56.00
ADMINISTRATIVE & OTHER STAFF 5.00% 26.00 27.30 28.67 30.10 31.60 33.18
MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL 5.00% 11.70 12.29 12.90 13.54 14.22 14.93
Workmen for Refinery 5.00% 8.09 33.99 35.69 37.47 39.35 41.31
Total 89.67 119.64 125.62 131.91 138.50 145.43
Note- Refinery unit will be run for the 6 months during Finacial Year 2010-11, hence we have considered workment cost @50%


Particulars Increment Last year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 5.00% 71.68 75.26 79.03 82.98 87.13 91.48 96.06
RENT,TAXES OF FACTORY ASSETS 5.00% 42.99 45.14 47.40 49.77 52.25 54.87 57.61
INSURANCE : FACTORY ASSETS/STOC 5.00% 10.41 10.93 11.48 12.05 12.65 13.29 13.95
MISC. FACTORY EXPENSES 5.00% 2.27 2.38 2.50 2.63 2.76 2.90 3.04
TOTAL 133.72 140.40 147.42 154.79 162.53 170.66


Particulars Increment Estimated 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 5.00% 30.00 7.88 31.50 66.15 69.46 72.93 76.58
INSURANCE : FACTORY ASSETS/STOC 5.00% 10.00 2.63 10.50 22.05 23.15 24.31 25.53
MISC. FACTORY EXPENSES 5.00% 10.00 2.63 10.50 22.05 23.15 24.31 25.53
TOTAL 50.00 13.13 52.50 110.25 115.76 121.55 127.63
Note- Refinery unit will be run for the 3 months during Finacial Year 2010-11, hence we have considered Factory overhead cost @25%
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.


Particulars Increment Last year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Administrative Salary 5.00% 26.00 27.30 28.67 30.10 31.60 33.18

Directors remuneration 5.00% 11.70 12.29 12.90 13.54 14.22 14.93
Travelling Exp 5.00% 5.11 5.37 5.63 5.92 6.21 6.52 6.85
Conveyance & Vehicle Exp 5.00% 6.6 6.93 7.28 7.64 8.02 8.42 8.84
Communication Exp. 5.00% 7.66 8.04 8.45 8.87 9.31 9.78 10.27
Printing & Stationery, Rent, Rep.to Eqip.,etc. 5.00% 18.43 19.35 20.32 21.34 22.40 23.52 24.70
Office Exp. 5.00% 3.63 3.81 4.00 4.20 4.41 4.63 4.86
Other Expenses 5.00% 47.6 49.98 52.48 55.10 57.86 60.75 63.79

TOTAL 131.18 137.74 144.63 151.86 159.45 167.42


Particulars Increment Last year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Freight Outward 5.00% 319.71 335.70 352.48 370.10 388.61 408.04 428.44
Brokerage Expenses 5.00% 12.53 13.16 13.81 14.51 15.23 15.99 16.79
Testing & Analysis fees 5.00% 8.48 8.90 9.35 9.82 10.31 10.82 11.36
Clearing and Forwarding Expenses 5.00% 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.49 0.51 0.54 0.56
Advertisement and Distribution Exp. - - 106.03 121.19 143.08 158.29 172.71
TOTAL 341.14 358.20 482.13 516.10 557.74 593.68 629.87


Particulars Increment Last year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Bank Charges 5.00% 10.95 11.50 12.07 12.68 13.31 13.98 14.67
Leagal Charges 5.00% 18.09 18.99 19.94 20.94 21.99 23.09 24.24
Listing fees 5.00% 2.81 2.95 3.10 3.25 3.42 3.59 3.77
Miscellaneous Exp. 5.00% 2.93 3.08 3.23 3.39 3.56 3.74 3.93

TOTAL 34.78 36.52 38.34 40.26 42.28 44.39 46.61


Particulars 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

BANK FINANCE PROPOSED 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00

AVERAGE UTILISATION OF FUNDS 60.00% 80.00% 80.00% 80.00% 80.00% 80.00%

INTEREST (Averaged on CC & EPC) @ 10.00% 163.20 217.60 217.60 217.60 217.60 217.60
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

Working Capital Requirement Assessment

Rs. In Lacs

Holding Period
Particular Margin 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
in Days

Raw Material (soybean seed) 25.00% 38 2358.70 3054.51 3153.63 3520.89 4252.73 4666.06
Other Crude oil 25.00% 10 0.00 25.26 33.15 19.59 22.83 26.31
Packing materials 25.00% 30 11.96 25.97 28.04 31.94 33.91 35.50
Haxene, coal & other stock 25.00% 30 74.13 96.00 107.61 120.14 133.66 146.65
Finished Goods- Crude OIL 25.00% 7 98.96 127.31 142.45 158.78 176.40 193.34
Finished Goods- DOC 25.00% 7 356.63 461.81 517.65 577.90 642.89 705.35
Finished Goods- Refined Oil 25.00% 2 13.73 30.76 34.52 42.99 47.55 51.90
Finished Goods- Lecithin 25.00% 2 0.47 1.05 1.18 1.48 1.64 1.79
Finished Goods- Acid Oil 25.00% 2 0.00 0.36 0.40 0.51 0.56 0.61
Finished Goods- Other Refined Oil 25.00% 2 0.00 5.33 6.99 4.15 4.81 5.53
Receivables 25.00% 19 1296.92 1754.12 1983.21 2181.05 2421.88 2652.88
Other Current Assets 10 67.11 82.31 90.38 101.62 113.95 123.94
Loans and Advances 951.94 142.79 242.74 279.16 418.73 1172.46

Sub Total 159 5230.54 5807.59 6341.95 7040.20 8271.54 9782.32

Creditors for Raw Material 18 1208.04 1399.35 1626.82 1829.11 2051.04 2230.90
Creditor for Crude Oil 5 0.00 12.98 16.68 9.61 11.46 13.20
Creditors for Expenses 3 25.17 33.51 37.50 41.07 45.27 49.32

Sub Total 26 1233.21 1445.84 1681.01 1879.78 2107.77 2293.43

Working Capital GAP 133 3997.33 4361.75 4660.94 5160.42 6163.77 7488.89
Margin Required 25.00% 744.57 1034.16 1081.95 1194.91 1407.77 1548.12
Maximum Permisible Banking Finance 3252.76 3327.59 3578.99 3965.51 4755.99 5940.77
Bank Finance Proposed 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00 2720.00


1 Rates of Depreciation
As per Income Tax Act, 1965
Assets Rates (%)
Factory Land & Building 0%
Site Development & Factory Building 10%
Machineries 25%
Computers 60%
Vehicles 20%
Misc. Fixed Assets 10%
Technical Know how 25%

Note :- If the assets will put to use less then 180 days then depreciation will be
50% of above mentioned rates.

Assets Rates (%)

Factory Land & Building 0%
Site Development & Factory Building 3.34%
Machineries 10.34%
Computers 7.07%
Vehicles 7.07%
Misc. Fixed Assets 6.33%
Divya Jyoti Industries Ltd.

Repayment Schedule- Term Loan of Rs. 1150.00 Lacs
I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
III 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

I 216.32 0.00 216.32 3.36
II 633.20 0.00 633.20 14.45
III 1150.00 0.00 1150.00 37.38
IV 1150.00 0.00 1150.00 37.38

I 1150.00 0.00 1150.00 37.38
II 1150.00 71.88 1078.13 37.38
III 1078.13 71.88 1006.25 35.04
IV 1006.25 71.88 934.38 32.70

I 934.38 71.88 862.50 30.37
II 862.50 71.88 790.63 28.03
III 790.63 71.88 718.75 25.70
IV 718.75 71.88 646.88 23.36

I 646.88 71.88 575.00 21.02
II 575.00 71.88 503.13 18.69
III 503.13 71.88 431.25 16.35
IV 431.25 71.88 359.38 14.02

I 359.38 71.88 287.50 11.68
II 287.50 71.88 215.63 9.34
III 215.63 71.88 143.75 7.01
IV 143.75 71.88 71.88 4.67
I 71.88 71.88 0.00 2.34
II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
III 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 1150.00 447.65

Last Installment of Proposed Term Loan includes Rs. 50 Lacs subsidy amount also.
Ratio Key Analysis


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
No Ratio Significance (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) Estimated Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
1 Current Ratio Ability to repay short term commitmnets Times

prompltly. Ideal ratio is 2:1.High ratio 1.59 1.24 1.36 1.25 1.26 1.31 1.39 1.55 1.72

indicates existence of idle current assets

2 Quick Ratio or Ability to meet immediate liabilities.Ideal Times

Acid test Ratio ratio is 1.33:1 2.36 1.51 3.82 1.55 1.06 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.29

3 Absolute Cash Availibility of cash to meet short term Times

1.59 1.24 1.36 1.25 1.26 1.31 1.39 1.55 1.72
Ratio commitments

4 Interval Ability to meet regular cash expenses Days

18.29 17.72 38.10 37.11 22.39 23.53 23.69 21.55 24.23


LONG TERM SOLVENCY Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
No Ratio Significance (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) Estimated Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected

1 Equity to Total Indicates long term solvency; mode of Times

financing; extend of own funds used in 0.86 0.90 0.89 0.70 0.79 0.89 0.98 1.00 1.00
Funds Ratios operations

2 Debt Equity Indicates relationship between debt & Times

0.16 0.11 0.08 0.60 0.41 0.25 0.12 0.09 0.07
Ratio Equity, Ideal ratio is 2:1

3 Capital Gearing Shows Proportion of fixed charge Percentage

(dividend or interest) bearing capital to
16.35% 10.55% 7.88% 59.78% 41.07% 24.62% 12.48% 8.83% 7.46%
equity funds, the extend of advantage or
Ratio leverage enjoyed by equity share holders

4 Fixed Asset to shows proprtion of Fixed Assets finanaced Percentage

by by long term funds. Indicats the
Long Term financing approach followd by the 65.41% 65.43% 59.01% 80.18% 76.17% 68.50% 58.60% 46.35% 36.20%
firm.conservative,matching or aggressive;
Fund Ratio idea ratio is less than 1
5 Proprietary Shows extend of owners fund utilised in Percentage
56.40% 42.01% 43.91% 29.32% 31.87% 35.76% 40.44% 45.07% 48.65%
Ratios financing assets
Particulars March 31' 09 March 31' 10 March 31' 11 March 31' 12
Yr .Before Last year's Current Year Following
Last-Audited Audited Estimated Year-Projec.

Net Sales 27,895.38 15,770.16 24,573.20 33,235.96

Total Current Assets 2,544.54 2,600.00 5,385.16 5,817.58
TCL excluding Bank Borrowings & TL Installments 861.91 395.30 1,349.48 1,584.85
WCG 1,682.62 2,204.69 4,035.68 4,232.73
Net Working Capital (CA-CL) 496.49 681.80 1,062.77 1,187.94
CA@20% 508.91 520.00 1,077.03 1,163.52
MPBF under Method 2 1,173.72 1,684.69 2,958.65 3,069.21
Actual / Projected Borrowings 1,148.85 1,485.60 2,720.00 2,720.00
Excess Borrowings, if any 0 0 0 0
Actual/Projected Borrowings in BS (from Dena Bank) 380.30 497.02 952.00 952.00
Permissible Finance (35% of MPBF restricted) 402.10 519.96 952.00 952.00
March 31' 13 March 31' 14 March 31' 15 March 31' 16
Following Following Following Following
Year-Projec. Year-Projec. Year-Projec. Year-Projec.

37,576.56 41,325.25 45,888.21 50,265.06

6,378.67 7,072.03 7,927.21 9,052.57
1,842.17 2,074.00 2,329.85 2,539.15
4,536.50 4,998.03 5,597.36 6,513.42
1,491.71 1,973.63 2,805.49 3,793.42
1,275.73 1,414.41 1,585.44 1,810.51
3,260.76 3,583.62 4,011.92 4,702.90
2,720.00 2,720.00 2,720.00 2,720.00
0 0 0 0
952.00 952.00 952.00 952.00
952.00 952.00 952.00 952.00
Assesment of Working Capital Requirements
Form - II : Opearting Statement (Rs.in lacs)
As per Profit & Loss Account actuals/estimates for the year ended/ending

March 31' 09 March 31' 10 March 31' 11 March 31' 12

Particulars Yr .Before Last year's Current Year Following
Last-Audited Audited Estimated Year-Projec.
(1) 1 2 3
1. Gross sales - (i) Domestic sales 27,895.38 15,770.16 10,471.31 14,853.85
(ii) Export sales - 14,101.89 18,382.11
Add other revenue income 19.32 74.88 44.93 47.17
Total 27,914.70 15,845.04 24,618.13 33,283.14
Less excise duty - - 15.78 35.63
3. Net sales(item 1 - item 2) 27,914.70 15,845.04 24,602.35 33,247.50
4. % age rise (+) or fall (-) in net sales as
compared to
previous year (annualised) 0.00% -43.24% 55.27% 35.14%
5. Cost of sales
i) Raw materials(including stores &
spares and 25,744.55 14,414.74 22,345.54 29,846.92
other items used in the process of
(a) Imported - - -
(b) Indigenous 25,744.55 14,414.74 22,345.54 29,846.92
ii) Other spares - - -
(a) Imported - - -
(b) Indigenous - - -
iii)Power and fuel 623.76 299.52 257.88 333.96
iv) Direct labour(Factory wages &
salary) 15.63 17.67 51.97 80.06
v) Other mfg. expenses 452.10 282.92 1,035.89 1,589.83
Vi) job Work charges - -
vi) Depreciation 82.84 86.07 99.61 158.78
vii) SUB-TOTAL (i to vi) 26,918.88 15,100.92 23,790.88 32,009.55
viii) Add:Opening stocks-in-process - - - -
Sub-total 26,918.88 15,100.92 23,790.88 32,009.55
ix) Deduct:Closing stocks-in-process - - - -
x) Cost of Production 26,918.88 15,100.92 23,790.88 32,009.55
xi) Add : Opening stock of Fini.goods 60.68 184.40 268.26 469.78
Sub-total 26,979.56 15,285.32 24,059.14 32,479.33

xii) Deduct closing stock of fini.goods 184.40 268.26 469.78 626.62

xiii) SUB-TOTAL (Total cost of sales) 26,795.16 15,017.06 23,589.36 31,852.71

Gross Profit 1,119.55 827.98 1,012.99 1,394.79
6. Selling, general & adm. expenses 974.57 538.29 525.90 658.22
7. SUB-TOTAL (5+6) 27,769.73 15,555.35 24,115.26 32,510.93

8. Operating profit before interest(3-7) 144.98 289.69 487.09 736.57

9. Interest 132.49 205.68 221.50 375.89
10.Operating profit after interest(8-9) 12.49 84.01 265.59 360.68

11. (i) Add other non-operating income

Sub-total (income) - - - -
(ii) Deduct other non-operating exp.
(a) Prior Period Items 2.74 2.85 - -
- -
- -
- -
Sub-total(expenses) 2.74 2.85 - -
(iii) Net of other non-operating
income/expenses (2.74) (2.85) - -

12. Profit before tax/loss {10+11(iii)} 9.74 81.16 265.59 360.68

13. Provision for taxes 5.23 20.57 47.81 64.92

Provision for deffered tax - 1.28 1.38 1.48
FBT 1.90 - - -
14. Net profit/loss (12-13) 2.61 59.32 216.41 294.28
15. (a) Dividend & Dividend Tax - - - -
(b) Rate 0% 0% 0% 0%
16. Retained profit (14-15) 2.61 59.32 216.41 294.28
17. Retained profit/Net profit (% age) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Particulars As per Balance sheet as at
LIABILITIES March 31' 09 March 31' 10 March 31' 11 March 31' 12
Yr .Before Last year's Current Year Following
Last-Audited Audited Estimated Year-Projec.
1.Short-term borrowings from
banks(incld.bills purchased
discounted & excess borrwoing placed on
repayment basis)
(i) From applicant bank 380.30 497.02 952.00 952.00
(ii) From other banks 768.55 988.58 1,768.00 1,768.00
(iii) (of which BP & BD) - - - -
(i) From applicant bank - - - -
(ii) From other banks - - - -
Sub total (A) 1,148.85 1,485.60 2,720.00 2,720.00
2. Sundry creditors- Capital Goods and
Spares - -
3. Sundry creditor 716.79 173.15 1,208.04 1,412.33
4. Advance payments from
customers/dep. from dealers 6.10 14.65 73.25 80.57
5. Provision for taxation 20.17 25.57 43.03 58.43
6. Dividend payable - - - -
7. Other statutory liabilities (due within
one year) - - - -
8. Deposits/Instalments of term
loans/DPGs/Debentures, etc. 37.29 37.29 252.91 324.79
(due within one year)
9. Other current liabilities & provisions
(due in 1yr.) 118.85 181.93 25.17 33.51
(Specify major items)
b. Other Current Liab(repayment of
unsecured loans) - - - -

Other Current Liabilities [Sub-total (B)] 899.20 432.59 1,602.40 1,909.63

10. Total Current Liabilities(total of 1
to 9 excl 1(iii) 2,048.05 1,918.19 4,322.40 4,629.63

11.Debentures (not maturing within 1 yr.) - - - -

12.Prefrence shares(redeemable after1yr.) - - - -

13.Term loans(excld instalments payable
within 1 yr.) 169.44 131.37 1,025.85 701.06
14.Deferred Payment Credit excluding
instt.due within 1 yr.) - - - -

15.Term deposits (repayable after 1 yr.) - - - -

16.Other term liabilities(unsecured loans) - - 400.00 400.00

17. TOTAL TERM LIABILITIES 169.44 131.37 1,425.85 1,101.06

18. Total Outside Liabilities(item 10

+17) 2,217.49 2,049.56 5,748.24 5,730.70
19.Share Capital 1,030.00 1,110.00 1,530.00 1,530.00
20.General reserve 370.64 373.25 432.57 648.98
21. Reserve for deffered tax liability 161.89 163.17 164.55 166.03

22.Other reserves(excluding provisions) 41.51 41.51 41.51 41.51

23.Surplus(+) or deficit(-) in P&L account 2.61 59.32 216.41 294.28

23(a).Others - Share Premium - - - -
23(b). Deferred tax - - - -
24. NET WORTH 1,606.66 1,747.26 2,385.04 2,680.79
25. TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,824.14 3,796.81 8,133.28 8,411.49
FORM - III (Continued)
Particulars As per Balance sheet as at
ASSETS March 31' 09 March 31' 10 March 31' 11 March 31' 12
Yr .Before Last year's Current Year Following
Last-Audited Audited Estimated Year-Projec.
CURRENT ASSETS (1) (2) (3) (4)
26.Cash and bank balances 54.30 29.83 167.60 27.53
27.Investments(other than long term
investments) - - - -
(i) Government & other Trustee
securities - - - -

(ii)Fixed deposits with bank & Others - - - -

28.(i) Receivables other than defered &
export 1,007.26 1,343.91 1,283.95 1,736.58
( including bills purchased and
dicounted by banks) - - - -
(ii)Export receivables(incld bills
purchased & dis.by bank) - - - -
29.Instalments of deferred
receivables(due within 1 yr.) - - - -
30.Inventory: 1,186.24 945.74 2,914.56 3,828.36
(i) Raw materials(including stores &
other items 845.79 543.50 2,358.70 3,079.77

used in the process of manufacture)

a)Imported - - - -
b)Indigenous 845.79 543.50 2,358.70 3,079.77
(ii) Works-in-process - - - -
(iii)Finished goods 184.40 268.26 469.78 626.62
(iv) Other consumable spares 156.05 133.98 86.09 121.98
a)Imported - - - -
b)Indigenous 156.05 133.98 86.09 121.98
31.Advances to suppliers of raw materials
& stores/spares 7.75 8.53 67.11 82.31
32.Advance payment of taxes - - - -
33.Other current assets - - - -
- Loans & Advances 288.98 271.98 951.94 142.79
- Others - - - -
26 to 33) 2,544.54 2,600.00 5,385.16 5,817.58
35.Gross Block(land &
building,machinery,work-in-process) 1,760.28 1,790.52 3,516.49 3,516.49
36.Depreciation to date 598.11 682.02 781.62 940.40
37. NET BLOCK (35-36) 1,162.17 1,108.50 2,734.87 2,576.09
debts/adv./deposits which are not 117.44 88.31 13.25 17.82
Current Assets
(i) a)Investments in subsidiary
companies/affiliates - - - -
b)Others 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
(ii)Advances to suppliers of capital goods
& contractors - 33.18 - -
(iii)Defferred receivables - - - -
(iv)Others-Debtors >6 months 117.16 54.85 12.97 17.54
- - - -
- - - -
39.Non-consumables stores & spares
40.Other non-current assets incl.dues
from directors - - - -

41. TOTAL OTHER NON-CURR.ASSETS 117.44 88.31 13.25 17.82

42.Intangible assets(patents, goodwill,
prelim. exp.
bad/doubtful expenses not provided
for, etc.) - - - -
43. TOTAL ASSETS (34+37+41+42) 3,824.14 3,796.81 8,133.28 8,411.49
44. TANGIBLE NET WORTH (24-42) 1,606.66 1,747.26 2,385.04 2,680.79
(37+41+42) 496.49 681.80 1,062.77 1,187.94
46. Current Ratio 1.24 1.36 1.25 1.26
47. Total Outside Liabilities/ Tangible
Net Worth 1.38 1.17 2.41 2.14
48. Total Term Liabilities/Tangible Net
Worth 0.11 0.08 0.60 0.41

INVENTORY March 31' 09 March 31' 10 March 31' 11 March 31' 12

Yr .Before Last year's Current Year Following
Last-Audited Audited Estimated Year-Projec.

Days Value Days Value Days Value Days Value

Raw Materials 12 845.79 14 543.50 38 2,358.70 37 3,079.77
Finished Goods 2 184.40 6 268.26 7 469.78 7 626.62
Receivables 15 1,124.42 32 1,398.76 19 1,296.92 19 1,754.12
Stores & Spares 388 156.05 166 133.98 64 86.09 60 121.98
Creditors 10 716.79 4 173.15 19 1,208.04 17 1,412.33
2011 2012 2013 2014
Seed Crushing 107250.00 132275.00 141212.50 150150.00
DOC 87,945.00 108,465.50 115,794.25 123,123.00
Oil 19,305.00 23,809.50 25,418.25 27,027.00
Total 107,250.00 132,275.00 141,212.50 150,150.00
DOC 87,048.68 108,066.49 115,651.75 122,980.50
Crude Oil 10,360.09 4,674.31 5,052.37 2,671.42
Refined Soya Oil 8,345.26 17,946.60 19,209.44 22,965.52
Lecithin 309.08 664.69 711.46 850.57
Acid Oil 105.97 227.89 243.93 291.63
Total 106,169.09 131,579.99 140,868.95 149,759.63
2015 2016
159087.50 166237.50

130,451.75 136,314.75
28,635.75 29,922.75
159,087.50 166,237.50

130,309.25 136,200.75
2,832.29 2,967.25
24,347.10 25,443.22
901.74 942.34
309.17 323.09
158,699.56 165,876.64
Ratio Key Analysis

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

No Ratio (Audited) Estimated Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected

1 Current Ratio
1.36 1.25 1.26 1.31 1.39 1.55 1.72

2 Debt Equity Ratio

0.08 0.53 0.35 0.20 0.09 0.06 0.05

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