MathematicalSc II (Y) FINAL PDF
MathematicalSc II (Y) FINAL PDF
MathematicalSc II (Y) FINAL PDF
Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 200
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1. A fluid element has a velocity v y 2 xi 2 yx2 j . 5. If a function f : ( a, a) \ {0} (0, ) satisfies
1 1
The motion at ( x, y ) , 1 is lim f ( x) 2 , then
2 x 0 f ( x )
(A) is not consistent
(B) is consistent and MSE 0 as n .
6. Let S ci be an infinite orthonormal set in an
(C) is consistent but MSE 0 as n . incomplete inner product space V. If S is complete, then
(D) is consistent but MSE as n .
(A) lim || x x, ci ci || 0 x V
i 1
3. Force of mortality at age x, x is
(B) || x || | x, ci | x V
2 2
1 d lx i 1
(A) .
l x dx
(C) for any x, y V , x, ci y, ci
d lx
(B) i x y
d lx (D) x, y V , x, y x, ci ci , y
dx i 1
1 dl
(D) . x
lx dx
9. If X ,Y is the correlation between X and Y, the 13. The number of positive integers between
correlation between U and V, when U = a + cX and 1 and 1000 which are divisible neither by 2 nor by 5 is
V = b – dY (a, b, c, d > 0) is (A) 100
(A) X ,Y (B) 300
ab (C) 200
(B) cd X ,Y
(D) 400
cd 14. A second degree polynomial regression of y on x
(C) c d X ,Y
was fitted based on A pairs of (xi, yi) values. The following
actual and fitted values are obtained
(D) X ,Y
i 1 2 3 4
10. Consider a one-way ANOVA set up with 5
treatments. However, after scrutiny, it was found that all yi 3 7 9 11
observations were multiplied wrongly by 10 and obtained
SS (Treatment) = 7·50 and SS(Error) = 3·25. If Fc and Yi 5 6 7 *
Fw are the F values based on the correct and wrong set
of observations, respectively, then
However, Ŷ4 was missing. Then
(A) Fw = 10Fc
(A) nothing can be said about the value of Y4
(B) Fw = Fc based on these
(C) Fw < Fc (B) Y4 = 10
(D) Fw = 102Fc (C) Y4 = 11
(D) Y4 = 12
11. The zeros of the function f z sin are 15. The equation of Cauchy stress quadratic at
1 z
given by, 1 0 0
P( x1 , x2 , x3 ) for a state stress (ij ) 0 2 0 is
1 0 0 3
(A) zn , n 1, 2, ...
(A) 5 x12 2 x2 2 3 x3 2 = constant
(B) zn 1 , n 1, 2, ...
n (B) x12 2 x2 2 2 x32 = constant
(C) zn 1 , n 1, 2, ... (C) 2 x12 2 x2 2 3 x3 2 = constant
16. Consider literacy rate estimation in a certain 19. Consider the boundary value problem
locality. The investigator wants the estimation error to be u xx u yy 0, x (0, ), y (0, ) ,
(C) 97
(B) a n cosh nx sin ny
n 1
(D) 59
(C) a n sinh nx cos ny
n 1
17. The relation between standarized death rate and (D) a n cosh nx cos ny
n 1
crude death rate of a region A is (STDR)A = Ĉ (CDR)A.
Here the expression of the adjustment factor Ĉ with the
usual notation is
mx Px Px
s s A
Px mx Px
s s A
y y
(B) 1 2
5 2 15 12
2 y1 3 y2
5 27. The equation of the circular hellix is
y1 4 y2 (A) x a cos t , y b sin t , z ct
(B) x a cos t , y a sin t , z bt
(C) x a cos t , y a sin t , z ct
(D) x a cos t , y b sin t , z c
where a, b, c are constants.
29. Suppose y1 , y2 , y3 are iid observations from 33. The complete graph of n vertices contains two
edge disjoint spanning tree if and only if
N ( 1 2 , 1) distribution. Then
(A) n < 3
(A) ML estimator of 1 is Y1 . (B) n 4
(C) n < 4
(B) ML estimator of 2 is Y .
(D) n 3
(C) The family of distribution is not identifiable.
30. Let G be a commutative group of order 202. Then (A) (r – ) is always a perfect square.
the number of element(s) of order 2 in G is
(B) N N (r ) I v 1 1
(A) 1
(C) |N| is any positive real number.
(B) 2
(C) 4 (D) NN (r ) I v 1 1
(D) 101
(D) 2 , ( x ) cos 2 x
(D) X 4 ( x1, x2 ) : x1 5, x2 3
z z { a , b , c , d } , if n is odd
(A) x y An
x y .
{b , d , e , f } , if n is even
z z Then which of the following is correct?
(B) y x
x y
(A) limAn lim An
2 2 z y2 2 z
(C) x (B) lim An {b, c, d , e, f }
x 2 y 2
(C) lim An {b , d }
2 2 z x2 2 z
(D) y (D) nlim An doesn’t exist.
x 2 y 2
15–II Y–10
51. In the group of all invertible 4 × 4 matrices with
entries in the field of three elements, any Sylow
55. Let X n n 0 be a branching process with
3-subgroup has cardinality X 0 1 and P s be the probability generating function
(A) 3
of X1 . Let Yn X1 X 2 ... X n be the total number of
(B) 81
individuals up to the nth generation and H n s be the
(C) 243
probability generating function of Yn . Then H n1 s is
(D) 729
(A) sH n s
(B) sP H n s
52. Let and be two positive real numbers. If the
number of optimal solutions of the LPP
P Hn s
max z x y (C)
subject to
Hn s
3x 4 y 7 (D)
x y 20
x 0, y 0 56. Let F(x) be a distribution function (d.f.) given by
is infinite, then which of the following is possible?
0 , x 0
(A) = 3, = 4
F x 1 1
2 2 1 e , x 0.
(B) = 4, = 3
(C) = 3, = 3
3 Then which of the following is correct?
(D) = , = 2
2 (A) F is a discrete d.f.
(B) F is a continuous d.f.
53. Suppose X is distributed with PDF (C) F is a mixture of d.f.s
given by L { y (t )} is given by
(D) H p12 p22 K1q12
1 (C)
4 p 2 42
(D) 4
60. If the P value of a test is 0·02, then p2 42
66. Let f : [0, 1] (0, 1) be a continuous function 69. Let X i , i 1(1) n be iid Poisson ( ) variables. If
68. Suppose X1 , ..., X n are iid observations from 71. If μ̂ and ̂ are the maximum likelihood estimators
Bernoulli ( ) distribution. If it is known apriori that of μ and based on a random sample of size N from
1 2 , then expected Fisher information, N p μ, , then
3 3 I ( )
72. The eigenvalues of the integral equation 75. Let {xn } be a sequence of real numbers. Then
lim xn exists if and only if
y ( x ) sin ( x t ) y (t ) dt are n
(A) lim x2 n and lim x2n 1 exist.
(A) 1 , 1 n n
2 2
(B) lim x2 n and lim x2 n 2 exist.
(B) 1 , 1 n n
(C) , (C) lim x2 n , lim x2 n 1 and lim x3n exist.
n n n
(D) 2 , 2
(D) lim x3n and lim x2n exist.
n n
73. The solution of the initial value problem
76. The value of z ( z i) , where C : z 3i 1 , is
2 u 4 2 u , t 0, x satisfying the
t 2 x 2 (A) i
u ( x, 0) 0 (B) i
conditions u ( x, 0) x, is
(C) 2i
(A) x
(B) 2x (D) 0
(C) x
77. Zero opportunity cost in the optimal transportation
(D) 2t table for a non-basic variable indicates
(A) unbounded solution.
(B) no feasible solution.
(C) degenerate solution.
74. For what value of K, the function (D) the existence of alternative optimal solution.
sin ( xy 2)
1 , ( x, y ) (1, 2)
tan (3xy 6)
f ( x, y ) 78. Suppose 6 observations 5·1, 5·6, 7·8, 8·1, 9·2 and
K ( x, y ) (1, 2)
10·3 are available from a continuous population indexed
is continuous at (1, 2)? by F ( x ) . A level 0·05 sign test for H 0 : 0 against
H1 : 0 rejects the null hypothesis if number of positive
(A) observations is either at least 5 or at most 1. Then a
1 confidence interval of with confidence coefficient at
3 least 95% (but less than 100%) is
1 (A) [5·6, 9·2)
4 (B) [5·6, 10·3)
3 (C) [5·1, 9·2)
4 (D) [5·1, 10·3)
15–II Y–14
Z 82. Let X1, X2, X3, X4 be independent and identically
79. Let Fp denote the field pZ , where p is a prime
distributed random variables with probability density
and Z is the set of integers. Let Fp [ x ] be the associated function
polynomial ring. Then which of the following ring(s)
1 , 0 x 1
is/are field? f x
0 , otherwise.
(i) F5 [ x ] / [ x 2 x 1] If X (4) and X (1) are order statistics, then
(ii) F2 [ x ] / [ x3 x 1]
E X 4 X 1
(iii) F3 [ x] / [ x3 x 1]
(A) Both (i) and (ii) (A) 5
3 0 0 H 0 : X ~ p0 ( x ) against H1 : X ~ p1 ( x ) , where
(B) 0 3 1
0 0 3 x p0 ( x ) p1 ( x )
4 1 0 –1 0·02 0·03
(C) 0 4 1 0 0·03 0·07
0 0 4
1 0·45 0·03
3 1 0 2 0·03 0·07
(D) 0 3 0
0 0 3
3 0·02 0·50
4 0·02 0·10
5 0·03 0·05
| x|
81. The Fourier transform of f ( x ) e is 6 0·02 0·05
2 1 7 0·03 0·03
(A) K2 4 8 0·30 0·02
1 9 0·05 0·05
(B) 2 K2 4 Then the number of non-randomized size 0·05
tests for the above problem is
(C) 2 K 2 1 (A)
2 1 (B) 12
(D) K 2 1 (C) 17
(where K is the transform variable) (D) 10
Y–15 15–II
x y f ( x) f ( y)
where 11·2 1
11 12 22 21
f x, y , f (0) 1
2 2
and f (0) 2 , then f (2) is equal to
(C) A11 ~ Wq n, 22
(A) 2
(D) None of the above statement is correct.
(B) 0
(C) 5
(D) 3
85. If the Hamiltonian of a dynamical system is given
by H p1 q1 p2 q2 aq12 bq2 2 where a and b are 89. For a non-homogenous Poisson process
constants, then
p2 bq2
is N t , t 0 , the correlation coefficient between N(s)
and N(t) for s < t is
(A) a function of q1 only. s
(A) t
(B) a function of q1 and q2 .
(C) a constant. t
(C) st
(D) a function of p1 , q1 , p2 , q2 .
(D) st
(A) u ( x, y ) sin y x 2
(B) u ( x, y ) sin x y
1 2 97. For a positive integer n, let Pn denote the space of
all polynomials p ( x ) with coefficients in such that
(C) u ( x, y ) sin xy
1 deg p( x ) n and let Bn denote the standard basis of
Pn given by Bn {1, x, x 2 , ..., xn } . If T : P3 P4 is the
(D) u ( x, y ) sin xy
linear transformation defined by
T p ( x ) x 2 p( x ) p(t ) dt and A ( aij )
94. Let f be a real-valued continuous function on . 0
is the 5 × 4 matrix of T with respect to the
Let A {x | 2 f ( x) 5} , B = Q and C be the
standard bases B3 and B4 , then
Cantor ternary set. Then
3 7
(A) A, B, C all are Borel sets. (A) a32 and a33
2 3
(B) only A is a Borel set, but B, C are not Borel 3
sets. (B) a32 2 and a33 0
xy-plane. (D) 6